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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1927)
The Oregon State School for the Blind Win Fted GrosslFlboa5Ke:lt'Qliota for Matioh ami Polk hort TVbout $300' tb-ale; But: timPMjVP " ' ' . ' .A..., L t-. Si T'i - .'ini k a . ' ii i ' . -?! ' f 1 1 , arid: troiK "71 "III 1 v.1! A prominent sociologist says that, men ought to grow whiskers to reassert their au thority: It is'vouT personal opinion that tlie growing bt whiskers by a married man wduU only give his wife another nold on him." ! WEATHER FORECAST: Fair,, warper . in the interior; fresh north and northwest winds; decreasing humidity. Maximum 'temperature yesterday, 57; minimum. 4.5; n river, ,.:. I c-loitdy; wind. river, 3.3; rainiau. .-, northwest. iilCE FIVE CENTS ISALEM, J)REGON, WEDNESDAY fMORIN(J, MAX, 4, 1927 V SEYENTY-SEVENTII YEAR DRIVI SNYDER'S DEATH LAID TO WOMAN "Prfvatokv'' giiav -avsof co-defendant OFFICERS FREED MUSIC AT BLIND fSCHOOL TO DRAW NATION'S TARIFF POLICY OPPOSED CFTSHOPTlNG i FOR. REFUGEES' LOSS PROMISED ; GROSS RELIEF FOt'R KXOVRRATKD FOR PART IX DEATH OF AVIATOR SALEM ORATORIO 'SOCTETY DELIGHTS AUDIENCE ARGENTINE REPRESENTATIVE TELLS GRIEVANCE ( - a I" 'III Editor's Wife lhitcd on Slaying, Corset Salesman Claims on Stand FID Tbrro Companions of Tlangliertj' Hell on Ronler Sniuggling Charges " Solos, Quartets and Instrumental Selections Find Favor at ' ' Clubs ; Name "Lat in-American" Irks Citi zens of Southern Republic, Is Claim "i m . " . - - ' 1 . ...... . TfLHEJPRS CHOP TOTRY Illl BID 111! COMPENSATION 0 RED VICE RESORTS TOPPLE UNDER One Hundred Officers Swoop Down Upon Portland's U nderworld BAKER, JENKINS AT HEAD Marias" Four Unman IVeiglit Into Police Stations Attack Kept Secret Until Moment To Strfko PORTLAND. May 3. AP) p,rikinK with a suddenness that stunned the underworld and cov to! practically overy section ot lhp downtown diatricts. one hund red policemen, deputy sheriffs. Im miKration officers and deputy con Mable tonight 8wept into what thPV termed ttm most extenstve j-eneral raid on vice in Portland a K,Lte tonight the central station, Into which patrol wagons were dumping their loads of human be was filled to overflowing with .. .. w.o t mn and women n money iiuiuc " - nuainst whom all maimer cbarges. were filed. r-nmc As SurnriJM! of Meeting at the public audi hortlv after 7 o'clock without previous "knowledge of the the officers I of the call who were to form the raiding squads fftimd Mayor ueorge m. Raker, ' u Mflf V Tanking, cntei Ol police, a - , tn t ir infill 1121 111. vuiv..i immisr-i. ;Vi7 tht direct tlm work of the nignt. 4 v anon nr. uicbctuv -w i Comnlete data on large numoer. I ficers in their work naa oeen .u- iled andreafor e. for f!Y , eVn ssued froni individuals had been issued "om the municipal court ana wnere 1 TT - I I deeded, these were used Inaking -5,o. Manv. however, were ramht in the extensive net regard less of warrants and were booked at police headquarters. KooRitns Houses Hit The raid was the direct result . ui-l. I of a recent conference 01 mgn public officials, called by Stanley 1 .,..,..i.nrv of Mult- nomah county, and their decision in hh the citv of vice and crime. Sheriff Hurlbnrt and Constable Gloss joined with the other law-enforcement officers In supporting the drive against the underworld. To facilitate the gathering of dence. Bonham recruited a staff evi of .stenographers, assembling them (Continued on Pj 3.) FULLEN'S WIDOW GIVEN ACQUITTAL 'JI IV DRLI BERATES 6 HOVRH IX ALBAXY TRIAL I . ons Woman Admit A Shoot ing lint Kay llnsband Tlircat ' ' neik Her v ALBANY. Ore.. May .I. CAP) -Mr. Anna "M. Fullen. on triall Anna "M. Ful lure foiMhe murder of her has- band. E.. It. Fullen, a acquitted, tonight. The jury was out; ap proximately Jx'houra. While admitting that she bad fired the shot that later proved final to her husband, Mrs. Fullen declared she did ao only after he had hrefttened her life. - Anna Fallen trial opened yes-L" ----- was In. th hands of the iury after a. olorful day in Which the yoath- fnl defendant told her story a drab tale of an unhappy ehlldhood.i v. ,-! was 14 years old. , snaxen Dyi with her husband; told hpw she had fought to support herself and the baby and of the couple's final arrangement to. part. It was! wblle the husband was .rteltliwl 4he shooting occurred at a farm 4i5use.Bear Lyons, Ore. Fullen i ri f ri m b t r mv wncaiv tiu n in v iMa died later in a Salem hospital, t - Tougnt hack at the cross examiner. ana at one point sne cnea oni in y an impassioned voice: , , : un, wny can t someone unaer - Xana.. ;.. ' , She declared she stood In fear of her husband because of bia fref quent mreats to harm ner, anq that ahe shot him in self defense. The state contended that she shot t-aiien after deliberation ana pre - NEW YORK. Afay 3 (AP) Henry Gray, the little East Or ange N. J., 'corset salesman charged with murdering Albert Snyder, magazine art editor, took' the stand in his own defense to day in the Snyder-Gray murder trial. - Erect, voice well pitched, his diction unusually good, the "lov able little cuss" as Mrs. Ruth Brown Snyder, his paramour and co-defendant called him in her letters, soon was launched into a story of events leading up to the murder of Albert Snyder. It,, was a story that followed the outline given in the opening made for him by his chief counsel. Samuel L. Miller. He fixed upon Mrs. Snyder, the conception of a plot to kill her husband for his insurance, which. in case of death by accident would net her, as beneficiary, almost $100,000. He began a picture of Mrs. Snyder that revealed her a woman predatory in her love, pursuing him by letters and by telephone calls and as his com panion at numerous night club parties and at hotels. He pic tured her a subtle mentor in t,he intrigues that preceded the kill ing, and told of her' introducing insurance and murder into their conversations. Gray took the witness s'tand late in the day, after Mrs. Snyd- er's (lefense had rested. He fol- iowea juorraine, Airs, snyaer s nine year old daughter, as a wit ness. Little Lorraine was asked whether it was light w hen her mother waked her on the morning after the murder. She said it was hlrtt and. in mn t ant.0r . '.M " "'"r r,.. began giving in d f their meeting.. Mrs. Snyder a k - - r'.."." " W f 1 , n n M .1 1 -I. - ... . I " " J " " u f ' " J?" ' ball in her hand uouu. due iiuug aer head during some parts. The affair between Mrs. Snyder and Gray began, he recounted, as a simple flirtation in a restaurant. In February. 19 2S, after many mffltlnfa. letters lllanhnna .nil. i . 7 ta'' . luuan.cuuua mgni dubs, she spoke outright of kill- ln Albert Snyder, Gray said. He was recovering in a hotel room. from "excessive drinking" of the night before. 1 "Would you think me terrible if I became confidential with you he quoted Mrs. Snvder as asking him that morning. He wouldn t of course. thinV her terrible. What was the trou ble? She recounted the many quarrels she had with her hus band. He advised her to "trv to Iron them out." Then she told him. in words he could not vouch. sne was going to. get .rid of her husband." , He rejected , the idea. lint it was brought up again. They went from night club to night club from hotel to hotel, with Gray al ways drinking "plenty'; and Mrs. Snyder drinking ."some, not much." RlITPUFtf ACCIfiMCn nrri i ulll Execution Date Set for June II; appeal May Ro Made John Butchek of Portland who is unaer death aentan.o t- h v. u! murder of Mc . at t- p " v a " ..f. :0p? ste penitentiary rc""on s been vpNiprnav t s. T.V -MUC Alter being 7 " "B,c,re was as- "fi? ."J!. ce hew he T. ' in nuj the night before Tn' Proner re- io make anr sfatfmAt "wn,.. I - " J" w""ia PPel to Governor : r reprieve so that I ,af,aI8It ;b carried to the olaie8 supreme court for rcwm,BMn. i FEAR MORE EXPL n?inMfi i-UOIuma JSetlon of Kverrttsvilfe Shaft L i FAIRMONT. W ? Va.. Mtr 3 tAP.) Fearing a second exploa- iion jn tne f EverettsvUle mine. Ixhtra 9A mtti'tn Vnnwn tn hit I h knied. nd 70 others en tomned. three dars ago. rescue ieaders tonight decided - to seal a I ,-tion of . the workinsra where i I u TWia; that other parts 1 ... m,na h, a LLLyu. V". i, ill M Taking of Testimony in De utremont Case to Start.,. I 'Early Today ' " ! CALL CONDUCTOR FIRST Merritt, First Man to Reach Dying Trainman, Will De Opening Witness; Jnry ' MomlicW Vnder (.'uard coiTUTnoirsE. jackso n- VILLE. Ore., May S. (AP) C. C. Merritt of Ashland, Ore., conductor in charge of Southern Pacific passenger train No. 13, when it was held up in Siskiyou tunnel at noon on October' 11, 1923, will be the first witness called by the state, tn the trial of Hugh DeAutremont, 23, on trial in the historic courthouse at Jacksonville, charged with the murder of Charles O. (Coyle) Johnson, one bf the four trainmen slain in the attempted robbery. The, jury was completed and sworn in late today. Merritt, a veteran railroad em ployee, led twp parties in an ef fort to reach the engine, while the holdup was in progress, and was turned back by steam and smoke in the tunnel. He was the first to reach the. side of John son as he lay dying near the mouth of the1 tunnel from gunshot wounds inflicted after he waged (Continued on Pace 5.) $196.68 IN KETTLES Salvation Army to Continue Work for Flood Vict litis The Salvation Army, locally, finished their efforts in collecting funds for Mississippi flood relief yesterday, but only as far as hav ing kettles on the ptreet corners Is concerned. Otherwise they1' will go on receiving contributions as long as the' need lasts. . The kettle proceeds for the three days they we're out amounted to $196.68. A note of thanks is hereby extended to all donors by Dr. p. F. Pound, chairman of the local corps' ad visory board; Further donations should be sent by mail and ad visory board. Further donations should be sent by mail and ad dressed to the Salvation Army. LOS ANGELES,-May 3. (AP.) A coroner's; jury today exoner ated four federal immigration of ficersof blame in the death last Saturday of A. J. Daugherty, avi ator who was shot and killed in what the jury verdict called an attempt to make arrests in an alien smuggling ring. ' Seven other aviators were ar rested and three airplanes 'seized by the officers, who said they fired on Daugherty when he attempted to escape in bis plane. Warrants charging three of the aviators, Emraett Longbrake, B. D. Chaney and Jack O'Brien, with having smuggled rhiaese into the United States, were sworn to yesterday by a federal immigration officer. Two Mexican stage drivers, Jose and HenrJ" Machado. brothers, of Ti Juana, testified at the inquest that they had twice seen Long brake and O'Brien at a ranch out side of Tia Juana. The Mexicans said two airplanes which they were told belonged to the two aviators also were seen by them at the ranch. The witnesses said they went to the ranch on two different nights with loads of Chinese, vhich they understood were to be smuggled across the border. Several Chinese, who are now in the county jail following their ar rest last week on suspicion of il legal entry, were declared by the Mexicans to have' been recognized by them yesterday as among those (Goulinued on page 6.) ELECTRICIANS BURNED Mill Forced to Stop Operutions for Time Following Flash Robert A. Erixon, route 3 and William Blackley, 389 N. 14th street, electricians employed by the Oregon Pulp & Paper com pany, were severely burned yes terday at 1:30 p. m., when an electrical switch carrying 20,000 volts blew out during its instal lation. Oil ignited by the flash coused the burns on both men. Blackley lost most of his hair besides burns of undetermined seriousness on his face, arm3 and hands Erixon was burned about the face and hands. Because oil burns are less painful at first their physician states that it will beseveral days before the full extent of injuries can be determined. Machinery was forced to stop for several hours following the accident, causing a heavy Idss in time and output. THE MODERN PHOENIX Mm.,, f y. f ' In spite of the' Inclement weath er, the Salem Oratorio . society made its initial appearance, last night and a large audience was not forced to forego, the pleasure it anticipated. The group appear ed last night on the stage of the Elsinore theater with Dr. R. W. Hans SetU managing the baton with that subtle skill for which he has long been noted. ' - The jubilant Haydn chorus "The Heavens Are Telling," from the "Creation," opened the half-hour program which took the form of an iterlude between the Adolph Menjou film and the feature. Mrs. Genevieve Howard, so prano, did outstanding solo work with the club' last night. She was accompanied at the piano by Dr. Seitz. Mrs. Howard sang the aria from "The Creation," "With Ver dure Clad, later granting "Oh. That We Two Were Maying," as an encore. The thrilling Hallelujah Chorus from "The Messiah" followed the lovely lilting melody of MacDow ell's "To a Wild Rose." The program, though brief, was iff complete keeping with the theme of the week and insured new appreciation for music on the (ContiJiied on pnje 6.) ! FORESTRY MEET ENDS Conference. Attended by State and Federal Officials A general discussion of new forestry laws enacted "at the last legislative session, instructions to district wardens and consideration of slash disposal, featured the closing sessions of the annual con ference of forestry officials, dis trict wardens, and representatives of the timber owners. 1 v Duncan McLean, district war den of Klamath county, gave aji address on "The protection of Yellow Pine," while "Blister Rust" was the subject of an ad dress by L- N". Goodding. assistant pathologist. C. I. Dogue, meteor ologist for the United States weather- bureau, gave a review of the operations of the weather de partment in connection with for est protection. The discusions were in charye of L. H. Russell, district warden of Union county, and Cecil Kyle, district warden 'of Tillamook county. The conference was attended by state and federal forestry officials from virtually all sections of the Pacific northwest. ' iWl If'. Reparations Commission Or : gani2ed to Hear Home 1 'Owners' Claims $2,000,000 AVAILABLE Xoi-thcastern' Louisiana Being in undated by Wafer Rushing Through Xew Jvee Breaks NEW ORLEANS. May 3. (AP) Prompt and just compensation for the losses and sacrifices made by the thousands expelled from St. Bernard and Plaquemines parishes to the south, so the flood threat to New Orleahs might be lessened by opening the levee there, was pledged today by. members of the Louisiana-New Orleans repara tions commission at its organiza tion meeting. . Ernest L. Jahncke, who was e'eeted chairman.. announced that the commission would meet three Umes a week and stated that the body was organized to accelerate the work of fixing reparations which would have been a slow pro cess had the state and legal ma chinery taken charge. He added that there was $2, 000,000 available from the fund loaned by the New Orleans clear ing house association for repara tions and $150,000 for the imme diate needs of the evacuated peo ple, s As the determined fight to pro tect the vast areas in central and southern Louisiana went steadily forward today, flood waters from the raging Mississippi and its trib- Contirtuad oa pag 6-) - CLERK CITED TD APPEAR Citation Hasecl on Proceedings Over Moving Courthouse The state supreme court yes terday cited Delilia Stevens, county clerk of Jackson coun ty, to appear. May 1 16 and show cause why she should not accept and file referendum petitions at tacking a law enacted at the last legislative session authorizing the removal of the Jackson county courthouse from Jacksonville -to Medford. i The proceedings were filed by W. H. Cameron who alleged) that the county clerk had refused to accept the referendum petitions on the ground that the law under attack contained the emergency clause and was operative immed iately upon its approval by the legisature and being signed j by the governor. The paintiff contended that un der the constitution of the state all local and special measures are subject to referendum attack. He alleged that the courthouse law was a local measure. SALEM BOOKLET ISSUED "Come to Oregon'' Prepared by Cliitmber, Realty Board "Come to Oregon," booklet pub lished periodically by the Salem Chamber of Commerce for several years. Was reissued this week by the chamber, cooperating this time with the Salem realty board. Three thousand were issued, and will be sent out to chambers of commerce an dto persons inquir ing about opportunities in the Sa lem vicinity. . As in the past, the outside cov er is labeled "Come to Oregon" but below this, on the current edi tion, is the additional advice: "and then to Salem, the City Beautiful." Statistics about Salem and vi cinity have been. brought nn to date, the population of this city The illustrated booklet, of 52 pages, was printed In the Oregon Statesman printing department. SYPHON WORK APPROVED Application of Irrigation District . Meeta With Favor V ? ' The state securities commission yesterday approved an application of the Talent irrigation district for permission to construct an 18-inch syphon Across Bekt oreekr in southern Oregon. The syphon Would be.UBed In connection with a supplemental water 'supply and would cost approximately f 14,000 WASHINGTON, May 3 (AP.) United States tariff policies were the target of Luis Duhau; presi dent of the. Argentine Rural soci ety, speaking here today as a dele gate to the third Pan-American commercial conference which met jointly tonight with the United States Chamber of Commerce to hear President Cool id ge. "After the war the United States became our creditor coun try," he said, ! "but, in order to make use of its. financial services, we are not able to send 6ur prod ucts because "of high customs duties which hinder enffance. We see ourselves obliged to continue sending agricultural and cattle products to European markets where prices are kept down by excessive supplies.' "The real cost of financial ser vices is becoming very onerous for our national economists, be cause the debts must be paid for by merchandise which has 'depre ciated in price. It is quite natural for us to prefer as a creditor that nation which allows easy entrance of Argentine products." Frederico Alfonso Pezet, for mer Peruvian ambassador here, told the conference that citizens of the southern republics dislike being' classed generally as "Latin Americans." . "We "do not like the way In- which.we are dealt with in your current literature, your text books; your newspapers and in general whenever reference is made of ("Continued on Pge 2.) FAMOUS COMPOSER DIES Fittest R. Ball, Writer of ''Mother Maciiree" and Other Hits SANTA ANA, Cal.. May 3, (AP.)- Ernest tL Ball, famous composer, died In his dressing room .in a theater here tonight from a heart attack just after he had completed his evening appear ance on a vaudeville program. Ball was to have left here to night for Denver, the next stop on the vaudeville circuit. Probably the most famous of Ball's compositions was "Mother Machree." Others that won a high tIace in popularity included "Let the Rest of the World Go By," "Till the Sands of the Desert Grow Cold," V Boy of Mifie," "Gar den of My Heart," and "When Irish Eyes Are Smiling," PACKING HOUSES BURNED Fire Sweeps Ijarge District In Watson ville, California WATSONVILLE, Cal., May 3.- rAP) The packing bouse, district here was swept by fire today with loss estimated at from $150,000 to $300,000. Explosion of sewer gas hurled two large manhole,, covers throngh a crowd, injuring several persons, including one woman. The flames destroyed ten pack ing houses, . 12 residences, and three box cars loaded with lettuce. SHIP ORDERED RELEASED Of f k laLs Prohibited, ; From Inter fering WJli Vessel , SAN , FRANCISCO, May 3.--(API-The federal district court here late today ordered customs and coast guard 'officials to re lease the Federalship and her $1,000,000 liquor cargo, seised last March 270 miles off the Cali fornia 1?oasU. The court order forbade off Icials 'to oppose the vessels departure. , NAMED ON STATE BOARD George Ialnilter to Succeed! C. ti. S pence Who Died" Lately George Palmlter of Hood River yesterday was appointed a mem ber of the state "board of forestry to sneered C. E. Spence who died roeentlr.: Mr. Palmlter Is master of the Oregon- state grange. The appointment was announced by Governor Patterson. ' :w ELEVATOR CAUSES DEATH Inspector Killed ; When Cottnte. weight Strike HJm on Head :- PORTLAND. May 3. ( AP. Earn Cronk, 26, inspector for an elevator company, ,'waa k fifed here today' when struck on the head by an : elevatof eonnterweight. -'He waa working In an open elevator pit In ' a downtown store '.and was struck when he leaned Into an ad Joining pit., - ' - F ' 1 tV Willamette . District Raises $1497.93 of $3600 Quota; ; Work Continues .. . OVER $5,000,000 RAISED President Coolidge Turns Atten tion to Possibility of Legls- . tltm to Prevent Fu- . ," , ture DiMiKter ' i S: When word Was received here that the quota for the Willamette district' of the American (Uk1 Cross had been raised to; $3 600. the workers plnnged into the drive with -renewed vigor and yesterday the total mounted, to $149. S3. With contributions coming in from every" town of the district today should see the half way mark passed. : Dr. Henry E. Morris, ' who Is serring as chairman of the drive for this district, reported that the Friends, church of South Salem gave $31.40 yesterday. - Other contributions follow; Gervais 're ported $58, Waconda $10, Flirt Methodist' church in addition to the original pledge $10 and the, Methodist Sunday school of Aums vllle'$5.' ' Help deeded Badly The conditions in-the flooded areas continue to be deplorable" as a great many of the victinis lost their homei, their clothing, all of their personal belongings and their crops. Homeless and penni less they need -help badly and so the call ' has been sent out ' to the more fortunate sections 6f. the country asking the citizens tb re spond wholeheartedly to the call for help made by their fellow citizens. - ' - Prevention Looked for 1 WASHINGTON, May 3. -(AP) - Having thrown .all government agencies Into the work of reliev ing flood sufferers in the Missis sippi valley. President Coolidge turned his attention today to tlm possibility of legislation "to -pre--vent future disasters such as that which has descended upon such a large area in the south and mid dle west. ' ; As. the first step he ordered r (Continued h Fas S.J COOLIDGE IRKED BY WILD RUMOR OFFICLHj WASHINGTON NEWH COMES FROM CHINA MacMurray Resignation Denied; Xo Further Notes on Nahk : ing Affair ." . ' . WASHINGTON, May 3 (AP) Intimations of official irritation over press reports f rom foreign sources purporting to state the at titude of-the Washington govern-, ment on" questions In China were given at the White House today in connection with a flat denial of nTreport'that Minister MacMurray at Peking had resigned because of 'differences" with the "state depart ment, over American policy la China.' ' :' f ' '" s " "-"'. " '' President Coolidge, it was said, knows of no foundation for the report that MacMurray has or in tend to resign. The ' president attentlonhas 'been called to a number "of ' reports of foreign origin of the same character and he looks with considerable suspi cion as to the motives which tin-, derlle thelr'circulation.' " i 'In the present chaotic' bond it io ii within the ratiks of the nationalist party in China1 the president dot not 'see that any advantage coold be derived by sending another note regarding the Nanking out rages. 7 It was said flatly at tie White House that he did not h-r-lieve that any of the other pow ers; Great Britain, Japan, Frar.. e ahd Italy, which joined with tl Lrnited States 'in sending to the Cantonese authorities Identic de mands growing out of the Nank ing Incident, have agreed upon r note to follow up those deraai..; and pressfor compliance. " The "president's Chinese pol; .-v. It-'was explained, is basc-Kl ca faBtfamental question fro;.i i American viewpoint of affor.: all 'ir6tection reasonably . td the HVes and property cT erfcan nationals la C'.;r.a. that point the powers are i V Cord, it was added. ' 1 . . S , -V L