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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1925)
TUESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 23. 102-5 THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON res us MOTORCYCLE RACE tical Rider Stat of Class on 4( Independence Speedway Sunday Afternoon Traveling Barber Si Shop Latest Word Railroad Announce "Southern Pacific" Bob1 With Hair Catting at. 40 Mile ' an Hour An "S. I", bob," cut while travel ing at forty znile an hour on the Shasta la the latest ncession by the Southern. Pacific to the needs of women travelers. "The modern woman is not only! traveling: alone but is demanding the same service ; and., comforts that the railroad offers the, men," said A.. A. Mickely local agent,' in discussing the new club - cars placed in daily service on the j c Cody- Evans,' Salem motorcycle ider for Harry Scott, took first place in the major events at the Independence j "' races ' Sunday, "though "(he events were threaten ed by rain in the morning, the track was in excellent condition by afternoon. ' , ; Evans took, tirst 4 Jin the 3-mlle I Shasta eve'nt for class A in 3 minutes. "The personnel ' of the Shasta 23 2-5 seconds "and in the.second DOW includes a barber for the con event of the .same class, again - - . i led all six laps and finished in nience of the men and women 3 minutes 21 seconds. The "5- passengers. .There Is a private mnemlle racei fell to the Salem smoking room Jul the club car. rider in 5 minutes and 35 sec- Bathing facilities and valet service onds. i i ; : i are also provided. Passengers . In class B, Elmer Smith, of Eu may now step: off! the train here gene, took first In the 3-mile event or at : P6rtland or Sin Francisco with 3 minutes-23-2-5 seconds, In as Immaculate:, Yn!irs &n& per- the second event for the same dis-lsonai appearance i as il tney bad SIX PLAYERS OUT ' OF TEEI m Five Foreigners and One American Lose on Long wood Grass Courts ; BASEBALL By AttoeUUd PraM ! Americaa Detroit 13; Washington 4. St. Louis 4; Boston 0.' Cleveland 5; New York 1. ; Chicago 3; Philadelphia 1.' National Pittsburgh 9; New York 2. St. Louis 14-6; Philadelphia 5-4. Brooklyn 13-6; Chicago 6-11. Boston 3; Cincinnati 2. tance he again placed first in 3 minutes 25 seconds. . "Mutt' Kel ly took first In a special 3-mlle event in class B in 3 minutes 28 1-5 seconds, i', j ; O. Dahlberg, Portland, in his fjret race, went through the fence In his first event but returned and In the. last race placed fourth. . The race was held under the (direction of C; E." B. Clement. rep Vesenting the AM A, P6rtland. with C. McKarland as the prqmoter. Timers were C.'B.' Clement, AM A Portland, Harry Scott and George Kastor '-Rldert, machines and the time made in tryouta were Al Menzner. Portland. Indian. 35 seconds; El mer Smith, i Eugene, Indiarf. 35; die Andrews.:; Portland,1 Excel sior, 34.4; Gale Smith; Eugene, Indian, 34.3; Cody Evans, Salem. llarleV-DavidKon, 32.4; "Mutt" Kelly, Portland, Indian, 36.2; O Dahlberg. Portland, Harley. Dav Ideon, 38; "Sparkey" Betcholdt, Portland, Indian, 33.3 and Ray Tauser, Portland. Excelsior, 33.3. An obstacle race was won b) Tarker on a Harley, with Swen . son, on an, Excelsior second and PUklngton, on an Excelsior, third. just left home. ' The Shasta gives the traveling public all the con veniences .and services of a first class hotel." v V . .' : . " The train Is loaded to capacity daily according to traffic officials who report that tourist travel In Oregon isnnprecedented so far this year. V?"- ": '. .-..-V -s - OILED ROADS BOOSTED MARIOX .COUNTY COURT IX VITEI TO MAKE TRIP AUTO GAMES SCHEDULED :' ". '"7 - " ,-.t EVE.VT POSTPONED PROM SAT. - URDAY TO TONIGHT ! The benefit exhibition games of auto polo, pushball and cageball 'that. were ta W .put .on at Oxford field Saturday -for the- Salem , Boy Scouts 'were" postponed ontlU this evening, Tbc4-weire -nnihr people showed , up '.in Vhe rain on Saturday, to see the games and the boys tried to iplay,-' but the man agement could see that had the game 'gone on' it would have been toor slow! ""in order that the trades people and alf'can see" the game thmanagersf have consented to boia-li'lri the evening" and will Btart vat Si30 j sharp. - J The -15ty Scouts need -money to cotittn;with a Scout master, as thty-r -just now getting a good starts The peoplft of Sa!em need the. lioyrScouts, bo It is up to the '.-people to;uptport them and.-, tots exttiotiis glveji for their bene fit, and all will be able to support theTJoyJ Scout and af the same tim'esee'a real show which they -wilF enjoy. j V; tTars will be allowed on ther in aideo' bring: your car and watch the amefrom It. ' "h...f:r -; 'v, : GAMEO ARE.' POSTPONED OAMB3- ATIE- POSTPONED 1 BA XBALL AND GOLF MATCH . i 11H. 1VXCELLED RUXDAY 'J jr. ; -villain, , prevented ; the Senator AlXan'y r turn baseball game Sun day,, .afvernoon v Holding out against a clear1 sky. Manager Fr!o co IMwaVds finally admitted' bid def at and about ,11. o'clock nott fie 1 . theAlbany players that the game was off. Efforti are being made to line up another game foe ... Sunday. . , . - Team'1, play between teams cap tained by .Tom Woods and Gale Ilildebrand'at the Illihee country i club, were also called off by in clement weather. The local golf ers are slated to meet the Albany golf' team in a return match at Albany Sunday. . Conservation' of macadam high ways by the .- use of oil is bein? considered by the. Marion countj court after having ha.4 the matter presented by Market Road . Engi aeer Scott, who has made an ex pensive survey of - the system in ither counties' of Oregon. Oiling the surfaced' roads is said to aid jreatly in preserving them and in keeping them in repair. Experi mental work at least will be car ried" on by the Marion ' county court on the highways here. " , Washington county is said to be well pleased with' resultr obtained there by the oiling process and according to Scott,, large epah bills have been saved "by the pro cess. . Many localities, Scott . said, are unable to' appropriate' money tor. concrete of bituminous high ways, and are looking toward the oiled macadam road as the solu tion of their bishway anJ trans portation .difficulties. ; r Members of r the .county court have been, .extended. alt invitation hy Scott to accompany him on a tsipfta sWAhlnonpcTSliTitjrrS riew , the work.", ilone . there re cently. . . 1 BROOKLINE. Mess., Aug. 24. (By Associated Pfes.) Five for eign threats were lifted out of the competition and one American, in odav's tennis matches In the na tional doubles chmniaonships on the grade courts of the Longwoodj Cricket club today. Harvey B. Snoderass and Walter Westbrook J of California, national clay court champions, could not adopt their j game -to : graea, and against a strong unseeded team, drosped in to the discard by Btraight sets. George M. LottJ Jr and Luclen 5. Williams of Chicago defeated the seeded combination in a decis ive manner in one" of the feature matches on the grandstand court, i-3. 6-4. 6-4. Vincent Richards of Yonkers. N. Y.. and R. Norris Williams II. it Philadelphia, advanced at, the expense of a far-west team com posed of Wallace Scott and Leon . De Toureane of Washington- William T. Tilden. II. of Phll idelphia. National, champion, and 'tis youthful protege. Sandy Wien jr, were forced to four sets to eliminate the Vale-Harvard team of Arnold W. Jones and W. W. 'ngraham of Providence." R. I. The defending double? champ ons. Howard . and Robert Kinsey if San Francisco, were given stub orn resistance by S. M. Hdi of india and Alden Smith of Boston. AT THE BLIGH GHASTLY CLEWS ARE FOUND TO MURDER (I'onlioaml iron 1.) and a single tlona hair clinging to it was found in a deserted shack bordering the marsh. Mrs. Iva Graham, who moved from, the shack two weeks ago, said she visited the house last Saturday to get some articles left there when she moved to Oakland. Police said no suspicion was attached to her. She could not account for the stains, apparently blood, on the hatchet or the fact that it was found in the house under a stove when she said she left it "outside at a wood pue. " The possibility that the sup posed murder victim may be Mrs. Bessie Loren, 28, trained nurse of Oakland, who has been missing since August 1. was being investi gated. ': Mrs. Loren's description tallies closely with that given out by Dr. Heinrich In his crime con struction attempt. lva WALKER GETS DECISION AIIXR FRKEOMAX DEFEATED IX TEX-ROUXIl MATCH . "Alaska Jack." a former United States government guide, who will appear in person, showing his wild animal hunt in Alaska and Si beria, at the Bligh theater today and tomorrow. Alaska Jack has Just returned Ifrom "Hollywood with his big malamute o"og where he" has been appearing in motion pictures. He recently took one of the principal parts in "The Shoot ing;,of,Dan McGrew." CHICAGO. Aug. 24. (By the Associated press) Mickey Walk er, world's welterweight champion won a newspaper, decision over bailor Freedman of Chicago in a ten-round contest at Each Chica go, Ind., tonight. Freedman came dangerously close' to evening it ip as the result of his attack in he last three rounds. The fight was so exciting dur ing the last three rounds that one if the spectators collapsed in his eat and died, presumably of heart tisease. The boui drew a crowd r between 8,000 and 9.000 spec- ators. with gate receipts around 20.000. .. . - j ; In the first 10 seconds of the bot Walker dropped Freedman with a short right hand punch" to the chin, nearly, knocking the Chi cagoan through the ropes. Freed- I man struggled to his feet at the countof five., but he did not re cover from the effects of the blow until the seventh round when he began to trade punches with the champion. " In the eighth Freedman chased Walker into a corner pummeling him with rights and lefts, .and causing Mickey to miss. Freed man also won the ninth and tenth rounds, once turning Mickey near ly half way round with a right to the chin. Walker won the first six rounds handily, as Freedman. badly hurt from the ffrt round knockdown. fought cautiously and did not at temnt to do mnch leading. : Walker welahd 150 . pounds and Freedman 151. OAKLAND. Cal.. Auft. 24. Po lice today were investigating to determine whether the supposed woman murder victim, portions of whose dismembered body were found in a marsh near Richmond, may be Mrs. Bessie Loren, 28, a trained nurse of this city. A po lice report said Mrs. Loren had been missing since August 19. William Ferguson, brother of Mrs. Loren. told police his sister left, home on that date, telling him she had an appointment with the sheriff of Alameda county, but that official has Informed. the po lice he never Baw nor heard of Mrs. Loren. Mrs. Loren Is described as five feet four inches tall, weighs 130 pounds, has blue eyes and blonde hair and wore a tan suit. Oakland police also report as missing since last Saturday Mrs. Emma Gustafson, 55, who was last seen Saturday night when she was supposed to have gone automobile riding with an unidentified man. She is blonde, ; has blue eyes, weighs about 135 pounds and is about rive feet tall. ' Belief that his sister was a mur der victim was expressed tonight by William Ferguson of Oakland, a brother of Mrs. Loren, after he had examined the fragments of a Ipdy found in the marsh. A third piece of scalp and a part or. a belt buckle monogram containing the letter "E" were found late today near the point where the other discoveries had been made. CONVICTS WAITING TO LEARN OF FATE (Coat.aurJ f pjr l-f preparation of circumstantial evi dence with which they hope to weave the story that will result In conviction with hanging as the penalty.' The rase Is dissimilar to that of the three slayers who paid the death penalty for the killing of Sheriff Tin Taylor of Pendjeton for in that case the murderers ad mitted conspiracy. There .are two loopholes of escape even thngh the conspiracy la 1 established for the Jury may recommend life imprisonment or the-governor may intervene with a commutation of sentence. Gov ernor Pierce has already declared that he will not show leniency to Murray, Kelley and Wllloa. t . Investigation of the circum stances surrounding the break by the special commission of the gov ernor was, begun yesterday and continued through the day. The feature of the opening session was the leaving of Col. C. G. Thomp son, manager of Crater Lake Na tional park, who was recalled to southern Oregon on Important park business. The committee, consisting of only Jefferson Myers and Brigadier General White, pro ceeded despite the vacancy. The committee will f into every phase of the break. It WC3 an nounced yesterday, and will take whatever time Is necessary to make a complete Investigation. No estimate was made of how long that time would be. Announcement was made yester day by Warden A. M. Dalrympl.e that construction would start in the near future on a new guard tower to be placed at the front entrance gate and which will house the arsenaL The tower will be In full view of the front of the prison. The steps leading to guard towers No. 1 and 7 from the in side prison yard are to be re moved at. the same time, he de clared, leaving the only entrance to the towers from the outside of the wall. It wan up the lnlde steps to No. 1 that the escaping trio made their break, through the tower and overahe wall.' JOK STECIIEIt WIXS was reported here tonight. J. J. Donovan, vice president of the Bloedel-Donovan Lumber mills. said all its ramps will be operat ing before September 5. LOS ANGELES. Aug. 24. ;(By Associated Prew.) Joe Stecher, claimant of the worlds heavyweight wrestling champion ship, successfully defended the claim here tonight by defeating Coho Gobar, the huge Hindu in two straight fall. 1 The Hindu was possessor of much weight and ' strength, but was unable to cope with the skill or the title claimain. Stecher took both falls with body scissors,, the first ending in 47 H minutes and the second In 11 Vi minutes.' MILLK AGAIN WORKING : BELLING HAM, Wash.. Aug. 24. General resumption of oper ations In lumber camp that have been idle because of forest fires TODAY Alaska Jack In Person A forTrrer U. S. Government Guide . showing; his Wild Animal Hunt in Alaska and Siberia Webfoot Weekly Show injr the return of Tom Murray Bligh Theatre Late 1924 FORD COUPE Duco finish, sun visor, shock ibsorbers, swipe, rear vision mirror. All equipped. $495. Burdett-Albee Motor . Company 27 State Rtrec-t, Corner Font Buy It on easy terms ' GARDNER DEALERS EIKER'S GUARANTEED USED FORDS PRICED RIGHT THE BLUE FRONT liberty and Ferry, 4 Rraeburg 5,000 acres or broc coli estimated to yield 2000 car loads this year. , Gooch New for cutting. sawmill opened to! Drive Vftth Safety and Economy McCLAREN CORD "Perfect Safety" MIMn ' - j "BILL" Smith & Watkins ' Snappy Service . .PHONE D O ! 0 4- - r ... c t ----- Auto Polo, Push Ball and Cage Ball 7D em. Tuesdiay, August 25 6:30 p. m. ' ; Benefit Salem Boy Scouts - World Now Now s All Prices Freight tvnd Tax Extra s Greatest - Value Now More Outstanding 'ThanlEver 166369 Hudson-Essex sales for die eight month period end '.-.; ing August 1st represents the" latest sixlinder oxinTut in - the world's history. This enormous production - possible the finest quality at the lowest prices Hudson-1 , Essex ever, offered. Z: '.'.-;.:, ..-T- The same managernent whichestablishedthe . Car Company, now, as for sixteen' years, controls and di . rects the design of its; product and policies of the companyj ' Hudson-Essex Wodd's'Largestf SeUingSxCyIinder Cars in? i-i FRED M. POWELL MOTOR 350 North High Street : ; . CARS Phone 2126 i I 1 7 A Wten you Lave dedded to paint your Louie, tie vital Question tKen arbes "WLat paint iLall we use?w For years tLe Govermnent, tLe Paint Marflifacturers AsMciation of die United Stxtca and tLe Institute of Paint and VarniiL Research at WaiLingtou, D. C, Lave Been conducting exLaxutive tests tLrousLoat tLe United States to deter mine tLe best paint material. As a result of tLese tests tLe BasvHueter Paint Corns panyLjuestaLlisLedconcIasivelytLe par ticular adaptability of BASS-HUETER PURE PREPARED PAINT to Wfcstern climatic conditions. Bass-Hueter Pure Prepared Paint is paint in its most modern form, tLe best raw materials scientifically proportioned and tLorougLly mixed dj modern macLinery. It is good paint. "CLeap paint does not mean tLat whicL can be purcLased at tLe lowest cost bat tLe paint wLicb will give you tLe greatest service. TLat is wLy we recommend BasS'Haeter Pure Prepared Paint. We know it rives tLe maximum of protec tion mr,A beauty of appearance. TLe for inula on tLe c is your guarantee as to quality. ' You can now paint your property and pay on tLe Bass-Hueter Monthly Pay mail Plan. Call and let us explain tils plan to you. IE A PAINTS and VARNISHES Sold by s . HAUSER BROS. 372 Slate Street Salcsi 1 v mm ' , mJa mmr mm v mtmm .