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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1925)
At y i i i f ,, t v. SEVENTT-FIFXEI YEAR SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 25, 1925 PRICE FIVB CEinS WILLi OREGON OBTAIN 1 E INANCIAL CAMPAIGN FOR SCOUTS PLANNED TRANS-PACIFIC FLIGHT WILL COMMERCIAL AIR LINES ; DEATH FOR COfiVlCTS? WILL BE MADE MONDAY ASKED FOR GOVERNMENT CLEI BEbTE MURDER ARE FOUFjD L TO LEI! OF FATE 3ICRRAY STOICAL- WHILE WIL EXTRA EFFORT WILL BE NEW ENGINE IS INSTALLED IN 11 BUREAU OF AH .NAVIGATION LOS ADMITS FIRING MADE TO OBTAIN 3IONEY ONE OF HUGE SHIPS URGED BY SENATOR w r c a' to BUDGET TH B S .y- Kelley Declares That He-"Didn't Kill Anyone;" All Evidence Is ; Needed Bandits Board Moving Train, Shoot Messenger v and Rifle Strong Box - Murray, Willos and Kelley fled I from fhn atat nrlann Innvlnr h LUUI Id UNULItHMiritU hind them a trail of death- Will the state of Oregon , hang them Accurate Check on Valuable Mall Not Yet Made; Physicians Say Clerk Is Expected to Die . - Young Woman Thought Vic tim; Crime Reconstructed -by Criminaloiogist One-Day Drive Is Slated For Next Monday; Community Senti- ment Friendly HATCHET BELIEVED USED SANTA ANA, Cal., Aug. 24. An undetermined amount of mall and express loot was taken by rob bers who boarded the Santa Fe train No. 75 between San Diego and Santa Ana tonight and probably fatally shot and beat Elmer Camp bell, express messenger in charge of the combination mail and ex- press car carried by the train. The robbery was not discovered until the train arrived here at 8:45 p. m., with Campbell unconscious on the floor of the looted car. The .express strongbox had been pried open and Its contents car ried away. Mall poaches had been ' ripped open, some were missing. Letters and packages lay strewn about. ., " - There were bullet marks on the ; pigeon holes of the mail compart- ' ments and the glass in the door vt the car had been shattered. Bruises on Campbell's bead led officers to believe that he ' had been shot first and then when be attempted resistence despite the 'bullet wound he had received, was licked and beaten into unconsc iousness. " : ; " j. '' At the Santa Ana valley hos pitals surgeons said he probably would die. Sherifrs men Investigating the Tobbery believe that three or lour men participated In it;' that they boarded the train' when It stopped at Ocean Side and left It with, their loot when It stopped down at San Juan Capistrano,.' about 30 miles from here. ' The robbers apparently climbed to the roof of the mail and ex press car and took aim at Camp bell through a ventilator. When he fell to the floor with- a .bullet vound in his head . they climbed down, according, to the sheriff's theory, broke in the door and leis urely: looted the mall and express shipments. This part of the job ,was Interrupted lone- enough; it appeared to' make an attempt to "finish- - Campbell 'when 1 he showed signs of life and probably juried to reach for his gun. 4 J I It Is believed the robbers bead 'M ed south; toward Mexico, scarcely : n tl 11 ft st ssl mffA- . mo a a ing the trafn at San Juan Capi strano. In support of this theory came.' a report from a truck driv er, who told the sheriffs office he had seen a "heavy car ' earrrla for their crimes? v This . is the question that has been substituted lor the -ormer. j query "will they be taken alive?" Kelley and ,Willosr as soon as captured, fervently declared that they had never killed anyone had never -killed anyone had never fired a shot. They have re iterated this statement many times and it was their opening remark when they faced the warden on their' return to the prison they had escaped from ten days before. Murray, . however, has made no such remarks.. He is more stoical and according; to all indications now, has resolved to "take his medicine." : To his captors and to the man who informed on him, Murray : boasted that It was her who had murdered John Sweeney, tower guard at the prison. Per haps he is sorry now for having said that. At any rate he has not reseated the statement since he has been returned to the peniten tiary. But Mnrray Is a "talker" and a boaster, j He thrives on pub licity, and , if one can tickle his vanity he will; tell everything. Murray, declares he Sweeney with a revolver. Kelley and Willos deny firing a shot. Mur ray says Willos wounded Lute Savage- wounded him so that If the; bullet had hit an inch higher it would have caused instant death. Savage was shot with a revolver. Guard Holman was first wounded by a rifle shot and was killed by a charge from a shot gun. Mnrray says Oregon, Jones fired the shotgun that Jellied Hol man. He does not know who fired the rifle that wounded him. Kel ley and Willos declare they never had a weapon when they charged over the prison walls. But there were"-two rifles, a shotgun and three . revolvers carried with- the three convicts In their dashing es cape. Murray admits possession of one-revolver. - ; " : , r r Murray defends his action In killing the guards ?7y the state ment , 'We .were three against seven." We bad to fight It out. We get killed, or they do." , It is not a capital crime in the state, of Oregon to escape from the penitentiary. " It is not, as it Is ia some states of the Union, a capital offense to assault a guard at a;' state prison. i In- order to hang the three con Tlcts it must I be proven by the state that each is a killer or that they-entered into a conspiracy to kill.' y Evidence against the three men is now being gathered by District Attorney Carson and will' bo pre- Fart of Human Ear and Sralp Are Foand Wrapped in News-' ' paper; Owner of Small Hatchet Quizzed RICHMOND, Cal.. Aug. 24. (By the Associated Press.) Con vinced that severed portions of a human body found late yesterday and today in the marshes near this city are those of a young, woman murder vlct!i. police and sheriff's officers of three bay counties worked together today in an ef fort to discover other portions of the dismembered body and to es tablish the identity of the sup posed victim. First evidence of what police now believe unquestionably was a brutal I murder , was discovered late yesterday by C. H. Thomas and his young son, who came upon a woman's severed, ear . while gathering tule stalks In the marsh The police posse today found near the spot a section of human scalp with " blond nair wrapped in an Oakland newspaper dated July 3 killedfA short searchers distance away other found a section of hu man face, evidently part of one cheek. Not far away were picked up two pieces of a woman's black walrus hide traveling bag, one of which bore the letter B":in gold leaf. . '.. In an effort to reconstruct the supposed crime, Dr. E. O. ,Hein rich. Berkeley criminologist, ex amined the three exhibits and de clared they were portions of the body of a woman 21 to 25 years old. about five feet four inches In height, weighing about 125 or 130 pounds, of Scandinavian descent with blonde hair, blue eyes and a stocky build. A hatchet with what appeared to be blood stains . on the blade . . (Continued on par 2) ' AVIATOR IS NOT FOUND BAIL SAID FORFEITED IN FED ERAL SMUGGLING CASE three men pass-San Onotre about I sented before the grand jury in 8 o'clock, headed toward, San PecIal session on. Wednesday at Diego. , San Onofre is On the coast r 10 o'clock. j V' ; ten miles' south of San Juan Capi-1 ' -When-questioned Monday after- etrano. 1 , y - U r V ' r'i noon Willos admitted having fired It Is also possible, officers be-1 three shoU aad Kelley gave diree- Ileve that the robbers simply Hons, to'the best of ability, to the dropped off train No. 75 In timeoincer s that they might find to catch train No. 7, bound for I0- otgan he is said to have car San Diego when it slowed daw I tied. The shotgun, he said, was at San Juan Capistrano and that! hidden, beneath a, log near Silver- they may not have left this train ton' Lfforts are also being made until hey were in or close to the to ?id the tifles the trio say they SEATTLE, Aug. 24. Despite bonds of $8,500 guaranteeing that L. IL Swisier, an aviator of this city who was an air captain the world war and his wife would appear in federal court to answer charges of j smuggling and selling narcotics and liquor federal offic ers were looking for them tonight. A mansion which the Swislers occupied bears a sign that it is for sale. Some information indicated that, the pair were In Chicago on a vacation; and other data sug gested that they had gone to the orient. - j At a meeting held last evening at the Chamber of Commerce of those interested in Boy Scout work. it was unanimously voted that efforts -be concentrated Mon day, August 31, for raising funds for Boy Scout work for the year. About a month ago plans were made for securing Boy Scout funds and many of the leading men of the city volunteered to help. But due to the fact that many were oat of the city, the work was not completed, j Hence the necessity of securing- - funds next Monday. Those who had agreed to work and who had selected special dis tricts, will be' called upon to give next Monday to complete the work. A large portion of the business district has not been covered. It is felt that when those who had agreed to help get out on " the work, there will be n difficulty In securing sufficient funds. If our workers will get , out next Monday and cover their dis tricts," said C. F. Giese, president of Cascade council,. Boy Scouts of America, "we will complete the job in one day. There is a most friendly feeling towards Boy Scout work, and all -we need is for our workers to get out and call on people. There are a number of people who have not yet been solicited who are Just waiting for some one All Precautions to be Taken to Ii sure Safety on Hop to Hawaii SAN FRANCISCO. An g. 24 (By The Associated Press) The proposed flight of three navy air planes from San Francisco to Hawaii was postponed this after noon from Friday, August 28. to Monday, August 31. Difficulty In Installing In the PB-1, the big Boeing plane which flew here from Seattle last week, a new en glne to replace that which devel oped a broken oil feed, was the cause of the postponement. ! Use of Dirigible Loa Aoceles for Traas-Ocettle Trip Is Sought Relation of National Defease and Budget Reductto Being j Studied; One Course j Said Open j ABOARD TJSS LANGLEY. Aug. 24 (By The Associated Press) The naval aerologlcal service un der Lieutenant F. B. Stump ex pects to forecast the flying wea ther three days ahead for the trans-Pacific flight. Aeronautical stations have been established - on poard the Aroostook and Corry With a central station on tho pangley, all of which are to be stationed along the line of flight. These stations eooperatlnr with ihe United States weather bureau win receive reports from a wide area enabling them to make daily feather charts of the entire flight area. , Twice daily UDDer air read tngs of 4,000 meters will be taken with pilot balloons sent up from the three ships. ; The filers will be Informed in advance of the velocity and diree tlon of the wind and the 'atmos pheric conditions. Large airplanes on board the Langley are' being to call on them." Mr. Giese said.rL"61111 pontoon8 to Btni T We have a wonderful Scout or ganization now and the services of Harold Ware, one of the best Scout executives in the west. We now have Scout masters waiting for troops.' , "The time Is here for a number of new troops as we have minv boys willing to take up Scout work." PACIFIC WAR IS NEXT NEXT FTELD OF BATTLE PRE DICTED BY ARMY OFFICIAL. HONOLULU. Aug. 24. (By Associated Press). Major Gen eral E. M. Lewis, headquarters department of Hawaii, told the annual convention of the Hawai ian department of the American Lgion touay mat the next war would be in the Pacific, the Hawaiian defenses would be the national defenses and those en gaged here would "not only be engaged in protecting their homes and families but also the United States from attack. The next war will be a maritime war In the Pacific and Hawaii will be the great outpost until it is reduced. There, is no possibility cf attack ing the mainland of the United States. He added the. hope ' thai the "next war" would never come. should one of the participants be forced to land near the Lander GUN RECORD IS MADE TKAI-SHOOTER SCORES TOO OUT OF 80O CLAY BIRDS DAYTON, Ohio. Aug. 24. (By Associated Press.) M. Crothers or unestnut mils, "Pa., went straight '200 targets to .win the permanent home introductory event of the trapshooting at Van- dalla today. Crothers. accomplish Kent fives him a record ot 796 out of 800 birds shot in the last two weeks. Fred Harlow of Newark. Ohio, grand American champion in 1908 and E. F. Woodward of Houston Texas, tied for second place In the introductory today with scores of 198. STRIKE CAUSES HALT rieaucuon in personnel i is Expected in View of Pro- posed Cut in Fund j SWAMPSCOTT. Mass.. Aug, 24. (R Associated Press.) Estab- 10,000 MAY BE DROPPED llshment of a bureau, of air navi gation in the department of com merce to foster commercial avia tion was proposed to President Coolldge today by Senator Bing ham, republican of Connecticut. . Senator Bingham has just com pleted an Inspection ftp. of air stations on the Pacific coast and tn Alaska and he declares that it fa time for the government to aid in the development ot aviation. He frowned upon a request for use of the airship Los Angeles In trans continental commercial aviation Because of its limited speed, he said, the Los Angeles could not compete successfully with express trains, whereas it would be suc cessful In transportation over water.- He suggested that this air ship be used between Honolulu and the Pacific roast as an experi ment In commercial work, lathe plan he will propose to the next congress Senator Bingham would have the department of commerce establish lighthouses on land 'or the guidance of airplanes and he would set np a government Inspec tion service for all commercial air planes. ; Senator Bingham reported that the president looked with favor upon the suggestion and was anx ious that the government aid In (he development ot commercial aviation by every means possible except through direct subsidy. . Senator Bingham was an officer la the aviation corps during the world war, serving for some time in France. He has shown consid erable Interest in aviation work. WASHINGTON. Aug. 24. (By Associated Press.) Indications are that the army's budget tor 1927 will be Ilmitea to a figure which will require new reductions in its enlisted and commissioned personnel. Although no authori tative estimate - has been made, there is a general fear among war department officials that from 7,000 to 19,000 enlisted men will have to be dropped, in addition possibly to one or two thousand officers. ! Prospects of a budget reduction and its effect upon the national defense system . have been made the subject ot various studies .by the general staff. Their net re sult appears to have brought; a conviction that if appropriations of the army are reduced, only one course is open for the war depart ment to order a corresponding cut in officers and men. . i Belief that the enlisted strength will be curtailed by seven to ten thousand is based in addition to current signs upon the effort made by Budget Director Lord last year to reduce the existing pay allow ance for enlisted men from a 118, 750 man basis to about 111.000. Only the stiff resistance of Secre tary Weeks to that proposal saved the threatened cut then and it has been Indicated ever since that a new fight on the same front was Impending this year. j That General Lord will ask the war department to reduce its bud get 87.000.000 for 1927 as against 1928 is generally believed likely, Kelfey and Willos Broken in Spirit; Hope to Escape Death by Rope - THOMPSON CALLED AWAY. Myers and White CoaUane Xrboa Inveatlcatloa; New Tower Is Ordered aad Inside Steps Removed . Broken In spirit, no looter, to strike terror Into the hearts - of a whole countryside by their lib erty.. Ellsworth Kelley aad James Willos joined their companion, la . crime. Tom Murray, behind prison barn of .the Oregon state peniten tiary shortly after 10;10 Sunday morning- Behind screened steel doors made doubly - secure with, two new padlocks, and - watched night and day by a special guard, the trio of convict-murderers now await the pronouncement ot their fate. In sharp contrast to the cool deliberation and abandon of Mur ray, KeMey and Willos were re ceived Sunday and were dressed in amid protestations of Innocence of the murder. Both felt aad' showed the acknowledgement ot the shadow of the hangman's noose which falls upon them. 'I never fired any of the shots. I had nothing at all to do witu the shooting." was Kelleys first declaration after he had entered the prison walls. ' Kelley . Is so nervous that officials expect him to collapse at any time. Their reception at the prison differed greatly from that of Mur ray the previous day. Murray and as a member ot the military was -shot" by a. half dosen photeg affalrs committee the senate lslraphers when he started on the prepared to push aviation legisla tion along the lines he suggested at the next session of congress. roe Connecticut senator .be lieves that the government should foster this Industry la the same steps to the prison office aad group of SO or- more- persons crowded around for a 'glimpse of him and to hear whatever hs might hare to say. Kelley and WIUos were met by the warden, a handful, ot his subordinates and measure as it aids In navigation. He would have air routes manned I nnt m mm,. .7.1 V. . ..v- .1 I . . " 1 ' . vv - vi mo. epu-1 uut ana government aid srrpplledl lad more than a few words tc misuc aeparxmentai oxnciais think where cities established air norta. reduction will not be morel President CooIIdre ha ihnvn I i iv.i. .m. than 85.000,000. Not only has close Interest In a deveVorm.t f 1 1. v n viv tJ. . 4 . , , I ' I MW w-.u VWI UWV lu" aiDori"o sirengin commercial aviation and he went Muttst and Will. ihra a been pared down but lack of funds thoroughly Into the sablect tv. m. - - - . J I ' . s mat a ,iMv veil VCfT a iwo-aour con I ere nm vitnitHt,. TLm. tr.i - it Senator Bingham. the oim have eat, and !tt wii since -their arrival, according, to CHICAGO, Aug. 24 (By As sociated " Press. ) A controversy between plasterers and brick lay ers international -unions resulted In two strikes being called here today which will tie up construc tion . work , valued at million ot dollars. . One strike was called on the ' $12,000,000 Palmer house which is nesring completion. The second; strike was called, on- the 8S.090.eOO Masonic Temple. ' WE MUST BE DREAMING! southern city. San' Diego officers and border officers were reported to be watch ing all approaches to thev inter national line. BANCROFT SERVICES SET 'BOI)Y OF LATE- AMBASSADOR ftj is iu uri iy aiaTK; . threw in a slough near Portland. These guns and various other bits or evidence, are needed by the state if the trio are to1 be found guilty beyond, a reasonable doubt. BUSI NESS FRAUDS BARED FEDERAL COMMISSION WILL WAUK WAR AGAINST: FAKERS If CHICAGO. Aug., 21 (By As eociated Press) Three companies of the Second United States in fantry, b e s I d e sj relatives and inends, will eworjl tho body of Edgar: A4 Bancroft, late ambassa dor to Japan, from the train upon its arrival here Wednesday morn ing, to the Fourth' Presbyterian church where. funeral services will be held Thursday. - "f r 'X 1 The body will lie in rtate at the church until Friday, when it will be taken j to Galesburg. III., for final 'interment. The funeral services Thursday: afternoon will be conducted by Dr.' James G. K. McClnre ef the McCormick Theo logical seminary. ' r s t Among1 the honorary pall bear ers are William, Howard Taft. Charles Evans nughds 1ceiTresI- dent Dawes, Secretary - of1 State Kellogg and Tsuno Matsudalra. .ambassador to the t7nited States from Japan. GIpL DIES IX WRECK bPOKAXB, An g. 24. -Miss Ida Wck. 19, j of Spokane, was killed wnen an automobile- driven by her sun,t'.: Miss Irma Dick or Spo kane, skidded and turned over UCr. RlUviUe, Wash-, today. - . tOKTLAND, Or.. Aug. 24 (By Associated Press. )4The fed eral trade commission has done away with much red tape and is prepared to prosecute more vig orously than, ?ver before thos in the country. ngaaed in crooked business, declared W. E. Humph rey, or Seattle, ex-representative In congress and now member of the. Irase commission, in an ad- dress at the-luncheon of the mem bers forum of the chamber of commerce. The commission. . he said. In discussing, recent, changes tn-poitcyi owt not intend "to re press, iacts wnere business con-l cerns were found to be d!shone3t, nor on the other hand did it in tend to be a publicity bureau to spread . socialistic propaganda in the countryA; V - ,. NEW CIIARTIUt ASKED -SEATTLE; Aug. 24. Steps for the submission of a new city char ter to the voters of Seattle were taken when Mayor Brown urged that the city council elect fifteen freeholders to draw up the ! new charter. ; - - " The; council judiciary commit- fee has the question under con siderations :'" j -"':''.':" i . 1 THING'S GOlNer.r,M f ' ryrjT . I 1 'K ' for supply needs has brought the reserve stocks of many kinds to a point of actual exhaustion. The army no longer is able to live pa its own wartime stores. Need for housing facilities for troops also has arisen . with the degeneration of the barracks and I officers' quarters. Reserve offic ers say they are flying a antique craft . Field artillery officers say they suffer from personnel short age and coast artillery officers as sert they have been compelled to grease many ot their guns and put them la storage for the same rea son. These housing and supply needs in the opinion ot war de partment officials will have to be cared for even at the expense of mrtner curtailments in onlcersl and men. . , INJURED MAN BLAMPn hitr warden uiu.. 1 ' I nriiu l -1 ... . .. . tUM uaciauia STOOLS VBO LBVTU- umifcii OF TAXI SAID NOT WARNED AGAINST SPEED ULiMrlA, Aug. 24.- (By the Associated Press.) The sapreme coun todsy reversed the King county, court 10 granting a new inai to Robert W. Garrow. who brought suit to recover for per- able fate tor Mnrray, conviction aad capital punishment Is not as certain for the remaining two. To secure, this penalty it win be necessary that the state prove that the three coasplrod tor the mnr ders that were committed in their break. Since none of them will otter the least comment and there STANDARD OIL OF INDIANA ANNOUNCES PRICE CUT CHICAGO. Aug. 24. (By the Associated Press.) The Standard Oil company ot Indiana tonight announced a cut of two cents a gallon on gasoline and all naphtha products and a cut' of one cent a sons! injuries received while Hd-1 could be no witnesses to the fornix Ing in a csr operated by a Seattle I aUoa of ta'lr P1". It a taxlcab company. Garrow was ln-l exceedingly difficult task to estab-" Jured when the cab struck a fallen I ,lh the existence of this con- tree during heavy storm. I "Piracy, It has been. pointed oat- The court held that Garrow was I A special Marlon countv grand himself, guilty of contributors I Jnry will convene hem Wednwdar negligence since bis testimony I morning to draw lndlrtmeat snowed that although be realized I against the trio snd in the mean-' rson and Pa A ne neiiner cannoned nim against I are work In r da and tt i A -l l . - . . I . " -7' u""s o last nor exercised Bis fight to refuse to continue the journey, ana was therefore not entitled to recover. The Jury found for the defend ant company but the trial court granted . the plaintiff a new trial which right was denied by the sa preme court. GAS PRICE IS REDUCED thtt the driver wss proceeding too time. District Attorney Carso 1 Irspldly under the circumstances. Deputy Prosecutor Lyle J. (Caatla 4 yt t) KILLING IS INVESTIGATED WOJL1X AND MAN ABX FOUXD SHOT TO DEATH. IX CAn HASTINGS. Neb., Ag. 24. gallon on kerosene. effMtiv ta. morrow.. -ComDetltlve eondl-l KhTURN TRIP STflRTPnMr Aseocmed Press.) Iaqneit lions", were aires aa the reaann for the price slash. 1 The cut, it was explained, was made solely to meet competition and will be effective in the Stan dard Oil comnanv'a territory in Michigan. Indiana, Wisconsin, Il linois, Minnesota. Iowa. Missouri. Kansas. Oklahoma, South Dakota and. North Dakota. ) The state of South Dakota re cently renewed Us gasoline selling campaign which wig inaugurated several months ago but later aban doned. There have also been re ports of price competition In Ne braska. Southern Illinois and vari ous other middle western points, saoKt ot them within the territory covered by the Standard Oil com pany of Indiana, In pome cases the price cutting has bren the re sult of competition between the Standard and independents. In other cases between various groups of Independents, and In soma instances the result of rival ry, between individual stations. IMTEn STATER FLEET IS . LEAVING NEW ZEALAND AUCKLAND, Aug. 25. -(By the Associated Press.) The United States fleet departed todsy to Join the units which have been viaJUnzlTwday morning, by County At- oiner ports in New Zealand and I torney Waller Crowe into the a laying here darlnjr Sun day night of Mrs. Lawrence TJlrd. divorcee, and Clarence Yager, ton of her employer, whose bod!"s were touad shot to death in Yager's automobile outside list ings loaay, nts been called for sail for home via Samoa and Hon olulu. Admiral S. S. Roblson In a farewell message said the hospi tality of the New Zealanders had been more than generous and most lavish in entertainment. "It the warm friendship we feel Is clprocated we are satisfied , t ii. 1 - ... um, Ti5ii i prooi 01 tne real nn demanding which has existed for more, than a century between our two peoples." The officers and men of the shin donated $5.0M to the blind Instl- Mrs. Bird and Yager left Hast ings Sunday night and wfcra tVy aid. not return, frlendi beli-red they bad eloped. The next hearl of them was when their were found-with bullet vwnn re I through the ha rf - thatt farmer Mmir . .w . ; -w- ,v luiltcu L forts had been 'made t conceal the bodies with cuchlona. io weapon was found. Mrs. Bird was divorced about a rear ago and her former hweband tut in recognition of the , beepl-1 bclleTe4 to be in Cal-'ornla. itality of the citizen of Auckland-! RVXKER MAKES CHANGE EVERETT. Aug. 24. Ellis L. Scott, caahier of the Secarity Na tional bank here, ha reelgned to become cashier of the F-t Na tional 1-aak at Hcqula". Scttem ber 1, it wai learned today. Scott has been connected with Everett concerns here SO ears, j LAWSON IU BURIED CHICAGO. Aug. 24. Victor Fremont Lawion, publisher of the Chicago Dally News, was laid to eternal ret today. Slmsle. fune ral services were said for him In the New England Congrejsatkmal chutch In ih pre"cr ef ei.-p notables of national, ttric . and isger was a wlJower. V.r.f Uaves a dtcghlor II yezTt old. and Mrs. Bird bad a sn. tc-o. CA3IEIU IIl'XT PI AN NED SEWARD. Alaska. Aor. "I Marcus Daley. rm f VNw York I capitalist and mining m-n. !-ft j here today fry Iourt J:cT:5-!-t ! national rEfk vrhcrs h j, ;-i ' . i.cac'a of New York ti ! newpaper life, and his body wasjrarty ca a b!i? game camera h -1. burird In Graceland cemeterr I at r lh r-rtr r t" - alongside that of his w!f. who'ny r. ; . . : 2 ta t prcceie-J hJm Ja dcath by 1 1 years. tiecs.