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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1925)
i ssoini:S I i . i i i t i ' t When you see the beautiful new color our Spring Suiting?,! them. - - - - -1 " a. Lookers and Buyers Are Showering Compliments combinations in we're sure ! you'll be pleased with Suits U sWith Many Our garments are tiilored with so much talent and skill that they adapt themselves to the figure with a grace and ease that indicates! the clothes belobg to the wearer $18 to $45 GU.JOHMSON 400 State St. I .- ; l: &C0 - I I- I t ! - - - I . CITY NEWS IN BRIEF " i AT THE TjETJEATERS TODAY . Oregon - Theodore Roberts r in "40 Winks." ' U LibertyMrs. Wallace jReid , c in "Broken Laws.". , Bligh Murdock, and "Roar- ing Rails." .; Pie Social Planned I The Hazel Green Parent-Tes ,ch er association will give a ; pie so cial and entertainment at the Hazel Green school Friday j nl ght at 8 o'clock, featuring E. MeCi-os-key with bis - musical handsaw; E. Cooke Patton, the magicjan, and Joe - Foley in a black face sketch. F. N. Woodry will auction the pies. Dance Tonight Cole McElroy's orchestra, tal Gardens. Has Unique Honor- Jack Spong, senior at the jSalem high school, claims the distinction to be the only 'male membei .to i haye attended the Willamette unl Tersity co-ed carnival this year. It Is claimed that he was dressed .&a a- girl. and was -brought into the affair to of fer-"legerdemain before the participants in the tar- nival. He claims to have been Cfys-B22 WOODRY Buys Furniture - Phone 511 DR. B. II. WHTfE :" ' OatMpatar-Snxgezy '. - i XlMtronlo Xnagastla and Irtmen (Dr. Atina'i aitaod) OftlM Thoam 159 r 4fl? 508 XT. S. Bank Bid. frightened for fear his Identity would be j discovered. ' Harold Fearing," a senior at Willamette, was admitted after the carnival was completed in order to take a flashlight photograph of the gath ering.) " . OAC Symphony Orchestra- Sat; eve, April 25, Waller ball. I ' I . . ' a25 Birth Reported Almira Endora Anderson "is the name given to the baby daughter born to Mr. land Mrs. Knute An derson on April 9. Robert Eu gene Deim is the name given to the baby son j born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank T". Deim on April 17, ac cording to certificates filed with the city health officer. Business Course? Summer School? Inquire at 428 Oregon Bldg. Finish in three months. - Book keeping, typewriting, shorthand. I ' a22 Visits High Schools . Benjamin !J. Kimber, Marlon county ; YMCA secretary, spoke at the high schools in Woodburn, Gervais, ,.' Hubbard and Sllvecton yesterday and led. the "singing at Woodburn and Silverton. He plans to speak at the high schools of Turner I Aumsville, . Stayton and - i ir . Dancing ! Dancing ! j CHSTBTAX. OABDOTS .'-" : j j, . Xdia Ttm Thomas Bros. Jan Band OzcaMtra, 1 ; ran jof llf and JPe SATtrSS AT XIOHT ; j. ' 1 - r4T r Skating, Skating, Skating i AT DREAMLAND Thursday,; Friday. Saturday LADD& BUSH, Bankers . . i. . i . u s : - - re i Established 1808 - , .? 'it. General Banking Business Office Honrs; from 19 a. m. to3 p. m. : I -I When Ready To Move Call on us, for we have padded Vans and Fleece-lined covers for your furniture and piano, First class piano and furniture movers. We also handle LJ ' - Brooder ! I-' - ' Stoves, Furnace Coals and i Diamond Briquettes Larmer Transfer & Storage Co J , ! 1 f J i- Jefferson In "the J interest o the Older Boys' conference to bejheld in Salem the last of this week. Secretary ' Kimber "plans to jvisit Polk and Linn counties before the conference is held here. OAC Symphony Orchesti Sat. 'eve, '"April '25, Waller hall. a25 Odd Silk Taffetta Cushions Extra special $4.95. H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. : ; M i a22 Suffers Slight Injnrv Marie Patton, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. -Hal D. Patton, Is suffering .from a .fractured knee cap which was received recently. At the present time she is con fined to her,' home after undergo ing an operation for tonsilitis. Cut Flowers, Floral Pieces Adams, Florist, 453 Court. a22 McCuIlough Recovers C B. McCullough, state bridge engineer 1 who recently underwent a major ' operation, ! is able to be up and around at his home! It is expected that he will be at his office within a few days. V Ball Is Furnished . J , George C. Lyttel, arrested on a charge of ; , non-support, was i re leased from the county Jail yes terday after, having furnished bail of 250. j : ; v , .. , . For Rent Right Houses- Two flats, 22.50 to $4 5 & Hendricks,; U. S. Bk. bldg. Player Music Rolls f 59c. Large selection.; Stiff Furniture Co. - H Becke a21tf a22 Patient Escape j " ? ! . Thomas Kinson, a parole pa tient of the state hospital, eloped from that institution last night and has not yet been caught. Kin son was committed from Multno mah county In 1924. He Is about 35 years of age, 5 feet 8 inches tall, and weighs about 168 pounds. He has brown. hair and eyes: and was dregsed:. In a dark suit, with an overcoat and. light hat. . j - It's battar to Invest th great er part of your money In the new linen MlU. Buy one ef onr nsedi care this year and when the! Linen Mill rets to flag wo lean all ride in new cars, j Hurra for the Linen Mill! ! Is in advance attainments ceived in the of the educational he would have re public school. "i; Large Garage Bldg. for Lease 9,000 sju jfeet, cement floors; quick possession. . Becke & Hen dricks . U. jS. Bk. Bldg. Portable Phonograph $1 down! and $1 a week. Stiff Furniture Co. a21tf j H. L. a22 ! 1 Committee fleets Lou Lunsford, -John W. Orr and H. R. White met with a district committee at, Corvallls to draw up plans for the program at the In ternational: Lions district conven tion to bej held at Longvlew on May 28, 29 and 30. Practically every clnb In Oregon had delegates at the committee meeting. Business Course? Summer School? Inquire at 428 Oregon Bldg. Finish I in three months. . Book keeping typewriting, shorthand. .u, . : a.22 High Grade Auction Sale Don't miss the modern.,- f urni ture auction on .Thursday at 702 N. 14th St. 1:30 p: m, Woodry says its a good aale. . See adv; a22 Hoodoo Holds Jail The county jail has 13 residents at. , present, the number being re duced. Carrol Wright, Joe Polley, James Williams, Lawrence Mont gomery and Thomas Traeen were released from the jail after being held on liquor charges. ; : A ILecture Will be Give On the Principles of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, at the Odd fellow's temple, Thursday evening, April 23, at 8 o'clock. The public is Invited. Admission free, j a23 free. a22 Truancy Case Settled . i A doctor's certificate showing the physical disability of the son of Tom Watts, Salem heights rancher, settled the truancy case of that district yesterday when it was presented to County Superin tendent Mary Fulkerson. She has granted written permission' for the child to be taught at home The boy. nine years of age, has been receiving Instruction at home un der a plan advanced by an eastern institution.. The mother, an ex perienced teacher, declares the lad REDUCED4 ' SUMIER RATES . TO CALIFORNIA BY PICKWICK STAGES San Francisco, one way, $15.50 . . Round Trip, $30.00 Los Angelea, one way. $27.33 Round Trip, $30.00 i Special Rates to Parties ot ,. Eight or More ) , For 'Information and Reserva .: tiona phone 696, or call at . CEXTILirj STAGE TEPJ-HXAL Balexfi Oregon , J ' Plans Are pejady The finished plans for the new YMCA building are ready, accord ing to j the announcement made last night. Kenneth Legge, local architect, who has been employed on the plans; arrived with them in time to this morning. step taken pected actual started month. on meet with contractors in the direction of a new YMCA building, and it is ex- tne This, marks another construction will be building within a Six Cylinder Coupe, 1020 IodeJ A-l j condition. Cheap casn sale. Barrett Bros. Garage 1999 N. Capitol. I a23 Have Substitute LeaCer , i ' Due to the. illness of C T. Mc Croskey, teacher of the salesman ship class! of the YMCA, Ci'P. Bishop filledj jthe vacancy last night. At I the jlast meeting Allan Kafoury presided. Mr. Bishop gave a delightful talk to the class on many elf pis experiences aa,. a salesman, j and! , presented "many highlights Of k successful business" life. Frankie deau, 10 Bill Hunt Boxing, Salem Armory Lewis - vs." Billy Gar-three-minute rounds, vsJ Speed Murphy,' six 3-minute irounds. Two snappy preliminaries Friday, April 24. Ladies jtreej with gentlemen on the lower floor. i ' : ' I Pv".. Building Permit Issued H. H Harms is to build a dwell ine at 1156 Madison street, which Is to cost $3200, according to the permit issued iby the city recorder. Shrine Dance-r-Elite Hall Aprii 22nd. Informal. Wear your fez. Shrlners come. . azz ! 44- ' - Card Party i By St. Monica's Altar society. Wednesday hall. Prizes, mission! 35b. night, St. Joseph's refreshments. Ad-a22 Address Planned : I. L. Patterson Is to give an ad dress on 'Community Spirit" - at Eola Friday night at 8 o'cloek. Mr. Pattersonj Is a prominent fruit grower jof Polk county and repub lican leaded.1 I ' i. t-T 4 : OAC Symphony Orchestra 3 - Sat. eve,! April 25, Waller hall. : I i a25 Teachers Hold Meeting " Teachers! of the Salem: schools heard reports, of the three repre sentatives to j the Inland Empire Educational association convention at Spokane! recently. George W. Hug, superintendent of city schools, Miss Carlotta Crowley and E. A. Miller, principal of the Grant school, made the addresses. 'New officers for the ensuing year were elected, with Miss Lela Reed, of McKinley high : school, as presi dent, - "! - A Lecture Will be Glvei On the Principles of the Knights ot the Ku Klux Klan. at the Odd fellow's temple. Thursday evening. April 23, at! 8 o'clock. The public Is invited free,: Admission free. a23 a22 Favor Free Ferry - The Marlon ; county court. favors si free ferry at; Wheatland, accord ing to reports, 'and the matter now rests with the Yamhill county court. It Id expected that an elec tric ferry Wheatland, wfll be operated at where the people are entitled to the free service. Play Popular Music in 12 Lessons Free Demonstration. Waterman Piano School, I McCornack Bldg. Ships Goods to Congo ' - Manager jJarman of the J, ' C; Penny store has shipped goods to Belgian Cong- la Africa In answer for service from Mrs. B. E; Schaff- f:1 A Bargain iu Kerchiefs Miller's Basement Store Today and Tomorrow in Bargain Square 1 1 Hundreds of Kerchiefs e - ten s Mi I Women's and Children's at Wonderfully Low Prices 5c to 39c each 'Which represents A Saving of f3toV2 just another ; Anniversary Sale .' Bargain are to be' shipped to Elizabeth ville, in the Belgian Congo. . Par cel post is beng used. ' Deputies Are? Active - Will Moore, state insurance commissioner! and fire marshal. Is greatly ! impressed with the recent tragedy at Marshfield in which five lives were lost In a conflagra tion. He has! placed four deputies in Marshfield in' an educational and investigating capacity in order to prevent. If possible, a repeti tion in other icities. : Gardner Touring Car . Driven only 1200! miles, at the Certified : Public Motor Car Mar ket for; half jthe new price. Car has been in j careful hands and will give some one the same good service that wbbld. a new 1 automobile a25 Inter-Tnsurersj Barred Inter-insurers cannot write lia bility insurance, according to an opinion handed down Tuesday by I. ;H. Van Winkle, attorney gene ral. - Lack of proper protection .from special bonds is the basis for the opinion; The r opinion was asked by the public service com mission covering insurance on automobiles, j A similar opinion was handed down about two years ago. : . j . , ", Card Party h - By St. Monica's Altar society. Wednesday . night. St. , Joseph's hall. . Prizes.! refreshments. . Ad mission, 35c. a22 WI'I Entertain Delegates C The Salem Kiwanis are to en tertain i visltirg delegates: to the Older Boys conference to be staged here during the latter part of. this week. .- Klwanlans have promised to tike one of the dele gates to luncheon Saturday noon and discuss Vocational problems with him. The plan of the offic ials of the conference was to se cure the co-operation of the busi ness men of the city to take one of, the Marion-Polk county, dele gates and briiig him Into contact with the. business life ot the city. For SaTe Ford coupe Co. ..- Xearly Xew 1924 Newton Chevrolet al8tf Lecture on the Klan Keith Alleii will deliver a free lecture on the principles of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan at Odd Fellow's j temple, 8alem, on Thursday, April 23, at 8 p. m. The public generally is Invited. Eagles Stage Social One of the (first open meetings and social evenings to be staged Spring Results in, doughs and Colds Use - Schaefer's Herbal Cough Cure ;--h;r:- -:;'lAt:-';,,;; to prevent serious sickness : i - - : , It Wni Break Up r ' ' . Your Cough ' ; 1 i . 1 - . : -r-f :-:"' " l ; - CCHAEFER'CJ :' p DRUG STORE v'.i ."The Yellow Front" .... , . . . ; .t 133 North Commercial t ' Phone 197 ? c'. The Penslar Store ' by the Salem Eagles will be held tonight.- A special program has been arranged and refreshments will be served. The evening will be closed with' a dance. Eagles and tbeir "friends - are - invited to come and bring their wives. Red and Black Depart An Indian and a negro boy es caped from the boys' training school while they were employed in the potato field, according to reports filed at the police station. Elgin Taylor, aged 18. negro lad, five feet 11 inches in height, weight 160 pounds was committed from Wallowa county. Sam Frank, the Indian was sent up from Uma tilla county. He is five feet and five inches in height and .weighs 14 0 pounds! ' : : , . Released on Bond Chet Ridgeway was released on $100 : ball Tuesday after he had been lodged In the police station x-4?Q ... - k -i OUR BUSINESS Consists of supplying the Business Firms ; with every material I and, equipment needed t in their business. 1 ' . , See us at once ; COMMERCIAL BOOK STORE , "If It's for the. Office , . We Have It" on a possession of liquor" charge. John Painter, who faces . a va-. grancy charge in addition to the possession charge was released on $120 ball. N Monk Wagoner, who's real name is alleged to be Ralph Vern, was ; released by order of Judge Poulsen.i Vern, alias Wag oner, was involved In an alleged drunken driver scrape at Dallas some time ago, which created wide attention. ! - Police Court Xipws Leamon L. Lane of WillamTna. deposited $10 bail when he was ar rested ror, speeding yesterday. Kenneth s. Reed forfeited $10; O. V; Penjuite P. Klseman, Ray De 'Merritt. R. W. CovrV and I,. ILane forfeited $10tih. vhi !i had been deposited for- their ap pearance in court. Special Showing of ' Davenports. H. L. Stiff Furni ture Co. . a2i Plans UndciloV Plans for the high School nm mencement are still tinsettlpd. The students cannot use the Arm ory on June 12, as it is already taken. If the weather allocs tho exercises will be held in the oppn. but if not other arrangements will be made. The stadium at tho (Continued on piga 6) Aectlde High Grade Modern Furniture ale ! THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1:20 702 North Fourteenth Street -' - :. -1 "I i '.'' '." : :-: ! 1 1 ! Oak cabinet: Cheney phonograph and records, like new; ovri stuffed tapestry davenport and chair, extra good; mahogtny davenport,- table and 4 mahogany chairs the kind you like;' mahogany day bed upholstered in blue velour; mahogany dining room suite consisting of Queen Anne extension table, 4 hlu leather seated diners and very fine buffet long style; maliog-i any rockers; oak rockers; oak library table; drop head Sinser sewing machine; 2. large all leather chairs; Wilton and Axmin sterrngs; brown Reed chair upholstered In tapestry; Oliver typewriter; white chair, green velour lounge; very old clock; Universal 6-hole range; 2 good heaters; kitchen treasure; round oak stand table; beds, springs and mattresses; roll BeateJ rock er; sewing rocker; a. lot of good-books; square oak extension table and chairs; fruit jars, boiler, tbbs, dishes, axe. hoe. lawn mower, stair carpet, ash dresser, chest, drawers, commode pic tures and lots of other articles. Be on time 1:20 p. m. sharp. ;: Terms cash. '' NOTICE: j Goods on inspection on day of sale only. ' : . .! , MRS. C K. MORTON . .; . Owner, 702 X. Fourteenth St. t ; I. "Woodry'Buys Furniture for Cash'or Sells on Commission?' p. x. woqdrV; Auctioneer, I'hono " 1 1 Modern npHE SEDAN TYPE funeral car car that we place at the disposal . of those who call upon us is the modern version of the old-fashioned hearse. .. -: - It is less COnsDlCUOUS. anr! has far more divinity and beauty. In every way this piece of modern equip I ment serves better and more satis- Ifactorily. WEBBS FUNERAL PARLOUS "Superior SUncml Service" ... b a arjrcii Street . Phone 110 l mm ' v r .- rv iWlF rer for curtain goo ' Tie ood? " - "': f