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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1925)
!niE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM. OREGON SUNDAY MORNING, AFRIL 19, 1025 PORTLAND BEAVERS WIN SECOND GAME SINCE ISERIES OPENECOgEJO-. UX DEFEATED 10 CLOSE G1E Bill Hunnefield, Batting Ace, Rallies to Support of Port land Nine SALT LAKIE CITY, April 18. - Portland broke its losing streak today when it defeated the Bees 10 to 8. It was the first victory for the Beavers since the opening day. Bill Hunnefield who made five singles In six times up. Fri day, again made five hits in six times up., Manager Vitt used three recruit pitchers today, only ( . s Lift Off-No Pain! Hahr. a San Francisco I boy, who finished, showed anything. - Score- I !. i K. H. E. Portland ...... . ...10 15 0 Salt Like .... 8 14 4 Rachac, ' Meeker and Crosgy; Stewart,! Perry, Bahr and Peters. Vernon 8; Angels 3 , LOS I ANGELES. April 18. Vernon! took a 3 to 2 game edge over Los Angeles here j today by winning the fifth i game of the series, j Three Angel pitchers were hit hard. and given poor support. Score i i j It- H. E. Loa Angeles .. . i . . . . 4 3 9 5 Vernon! .. 8 13 2 Payne, Milstead; Ramsey and Sandeberg; Ludolph nd Murphy. s Seals 2; Oakland O OAKLAND, April ?8.- Bob Geary, .starting the first game of the seapon, kept the Oakland : hits well scattered today and SanFran cisco" made sure of the series by winning 2 to 1. 1 The Seals have now taken four; out of the five games played. : i , , Score 1 j R. II. E. San Francisco . I . . . 2 6 i 0 Oakland . j ..... 0 7 2 Geary and Agnew; Delaney and Baker, i ; i: j . ' i formation against 1 her. but I do SO. ! i ' ' 1 i ' '' "j ; 1 ,: If anyone on this campus real ly does entertain a sincere belief that he has been requested by this administration to spy. upon other students and 1 report offenders, I want him. as well as the public, to understannd clearly that such is not the case, I jam not d Incus ing whether or not I have a right to employ such 1 methods I am merely making this statement to clarify the situation. i "It would seem that some of our students have! the idea that they can go into pool halls and other places not of highest repute and not be seen by anybody but other Willamette students. The fact is that many others know about it, and j for the good of the their own ac definite infor- university and of cord, have given mationJ "No one has been expelled from school because of going into pool halls, but our general attitude is that we do not care to have such types among our I students, and would rather that they go some where else." 1 1 i Ml BASEBALL ; TEflDMOIM :-' m - " ' -" i . " i i I : in- mi. -.'., Game With Vitiamette Bcar-3 ' cats Is Hinging Upon Weather Con htions Doesn'thiirrne bit! Drop a little "Freezone" on an aching corn, Instantly that corn stops hurting, then shortly you lift it right off with fingers. . Your 'druggist sella a tiny bottle of "Fre'exone " f or a few cents, suf ficient to remove every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between, the toes, and the' foot calluses, without sore ness or' irritation. Adv., Senator 8; Seattle 4 ! i. SACftAMENTO, April 18. The Senators " made it i five in a row over Seattle here today by winning S to 4 Thompson pitched great ball after the, third inning ana did not; allow a single hit. He had one bad inning, 'the third. Plu co mer blew up in the seventh when the Senators shoved over five runs and wis replaced; by Dumovlch. 1 Score j . It. II. ,E. icaiira .... ....... 1. o , Sacramento ,8 81 Plummer, Dumovlch land Bald win; Daly, Thompson and Koeh- ier.-.u . . , :. 1 : 4 Willamette Valley I ; Transfer Co. Fart Through Freight to All Valley Point laUy . Bp?iHl-EffIclency-SerTlce Saleni-Portland-Woodburn Corvalli . Eugene. - Jefferson Dallas - Albany - Mnmatb. 1 fi Independence - Monroe ; Springfield - 1. SHIP BY TRUCI Denial is Made By Administration (Continued from p 1) - reports gleaned! from campusgos- sip. The actual facts are these: "I have received reports, from sources outside the institution, leading me to suspect 'that certain students have been frequenting pool Halls about town, going 1 to dances', and indulging in various petty 'vices of a similar nature. Thene things4 are- nott positively forbidden byf our regulations, but they dre frowned upoi by them, and I considered it my duty ! to invest gate. I did so. j 1 "Wth the exception pf one girl, whose name il am withholding, I have not received the name of any Willamette student, frojn a student, in this; connection. I consider that I havs a perfect right to use In- DISTINCTIVE SPRING SUITS ... ; Tailored" For You In Salem f I I have an exclusive line of (woolens in all 1 - ( patterns and shades 1 j OUDKR YOL KS THIS WKEK ; D. H. MOSHER 1- Tailor to Men and Women 474 COURT STREET 'A PHONE MO roSqD IMim There's only one CAPITAL JUNK & i BARGAIN HOUSE in Salem; and we are not connected in any way with any other business house using the word "Capital" in their firm name. WE BUY AND SELL IeVERYTHING EXCEPT USED COFFINS SEE US FOR BARGAINS ' CAPITAL BARiSAIN HOUSE H. STEINBOCK, Proprietor . 2 1 5 Center, Salem, Oregon ; Phone 398 FIGHTERS READY C1I BOUT ilf weather conditions: are suit able the Willamette University baseball squad will meet the Ore gon Xormal School of Monmouth on the Willamette diamond at 4 o'clock Monday afternoon. This will be the first home igame for the Bearcats this season and their second game. Thi Willam ette men got off with a good start this year by defeating Pacific College of Newberg to j the tune of 11-1 In the initial game play ed there recently. j ! The rieareat spring sports men have i been seriously handicaped by bad weather for the jpast week as it has been impossible for any of the squads, track, baseball, or tennis to work out to any great advantage on the field, i All of the men are trying to Tieep in condition however by working as best they can under covet. National League Results St. Louis 20: Chicago 5 ; j -.CHICAGO. April 18. St. Ioufs defeated Chicago 20 to 5 today in a -game which was featured with an epidemic of home runs. Seven circuit drives were regi.stertd, in cluding two by Leater Bell ot the Cardinals. i i Score ft. II. K. St. Louis , 20 22 1 Chicago G 14 f2 Day and Gonzales; Keen, Bush Jacobs, Stueland and Hartnett. Intcr-City Match Play is Postponed in Golf Tourney One of Best Cards of, Season : Will be Staged at Ar: mory Friday Night . Two fast preliminaries have been lined . up by Matchmaker Harry Plant for the next boxing card at the armory, to be offered Friday night. Both Frankie Lewis, of Salem, and Billy Gardeau, of Portland, are in good, condition for their meeting in the 10-round main event. Lewis is taking no chances and Is working out nightly at the armory. Lewis and Cardeau met in the ring once before, the meeting re sulting in a draw Both are out for the decision-this week. In the semi-finals. Big Bill Hunt, Salem fireman, will meet "Speed" Murphy of Portland. Hunt is coming to the front in the heavyweight class and will give the fans their money's worth. Matchmaker Plant will admit a lady with . each of the downstairs general admission tickets. - W 1 DEFEATS MB Robin Reed, UHU, Takes Best Two Out of i Three ! Falls at Albany ; Xew York 7; Brooklyn 1 BROOKLYN, April 18. New York defeated Brooklyn today 17 to 1, prolonged two and a half hours by the willingness' of three pitchers who passed 16 batters and hit a seventeenth. j Score ft. II. E. New York 7 10 fo Brooklyn 1 7 2 Bentley, Barnes and Snyder; Petty, Thormahlen and Taylor, i : Fred A. Williams, chairman of the tournament ; committee, an nounces that the match play be tween Vancouver Country club and Illihw dountry club has btfn postponed until next Sunday; The excessive j rain during the past week has softened the greens so that it would be permanently in jurious to play on them at this semi-final for time V h e Krause trophies. . however, continue and Hixson will Maclaughlin and v Woods in the cup Olinger will play Kay and Farmer will ulay Locke In the trophy the M will play San ford will flight. is necessary. , rarmer is Kaved for the Cingresa Ui" The ment. thing about him Phillies 14; Boston 13 j BOSTON. April 18.-Philadel-phia came from behind several times today and eventually defeat ed Boston 14 to 13 in 10 innings. At one time the Phillies were six runs behind. The winners used six pitchers with Couch the most effective. ! ! ! i Score i i R. II. E. Philadelphia ........ ,14 20 U Boston ............ j .13 12 2 Knight, Hubbell, O'Neil, Ulrica, Couch and Menline; Barnes, Ryan, Piercy. Kamp and Gibson. 1 New Poisoning Case r i Is Discovered ' j ; :;:"r.i! (ContlnDed from pmt 1) .: ' County Attorney Dobrey of St. Paul, Howard county, said tonight. The following deaths are at tributed to Mrs. Sorenson: Joe Weld man, her first hus band, i who died September 20, 1920.: , Mrs. Wilhemina Wcldman, her mother-in-law, i who died shortly after her son's death; Minnie Weldman, 8. years old, who died September 7, 1920; Delores Soren son,, one; daughter of her second marriage, died February 19. 19,24; i Viola Cooper, one, a daugh ter of Mr. Weldman's sister, died July 2J 1918, at Danneborg; Clifford Cooper, four months, died August 20, 1922; Ruth Brock less than 1 year old, died February 20, 1923. i , Another of her children, the name of ! whom is unknown at present, ; was also said to have died Of poison administered by Mrs. Sorenson, the county attor ney said; Mrs, Sorenson, he said, would ; make no statement, eycept that "another of my children died of convulsions recently." While no prosecution will be made the woman will be held at the county jail until transferred to the asy lum, i t I i American League Results Cleveland! 5; Detroit 3 , Detroit, Mich., April 18. Cleveland beat Detroit five to three in the opening game of the series this afternoon, the veteran left hander of Smith proving bet ter than the young southpaw, Ed. Welia. ! Score R. H. E. Cleveland ........... 5 12 2 Detroit 3 10 1 ! Smith and L. Sewell; Wells. Boyle and Woodall, Bassler. -Chicago 14; St. Louis 5 fit. Louis. Mo., April 18. The St. Louis' Browns lost their fourth straight game when they were de feated by Chicago today. 1 4 to ", in the first contest of a four game series; Score R. II. E Chicago . . . . .... ... .14 14 1 St. Louis 5 10 2 r t Thurston. Jones and Crouse, Bischoff; Bush, Girard and Dix on. ! Robin Reed, wrestling instruc 'or at OAC and Olympic champion successfully defended, himself against Johnnie Maurus, of Oak land fo- the Pacific welterweight belt at Albany Friday evening by taking two beet out of three falls. Wrestling fins got one: of the best exhibitions of bone twisting that .has been offered Jn Albany for many a day. Maurus and Reed were evenly matched, each lone en tering i the ring weighing 140 pounds. The first fall went to Keed, who secured a wrist lock and arm hold on the Oakland body and made him pat the imat in r8 minutes. The second fall , went to the vUitor, who placed i Reed in a precarious crotch hold, and pinned his shoulders to the mat. ; The : last fall; was holly contest ed and, was brought to an end with the same kind ot a hold as used in the first fall. So quickly did Reed An his adversary to the mat, that there' .was confusion among the fans, as the referee began to un tangle arms and legs of the two men. Not until the official an nouncement was made' that the, matter was explained, i ; ; Reed was determined to get the match and put every thing into it. His remarkable speed placed him tar ahead of Maurus, Who being ringwke, made most of the rests tl at came his way i Due" to- the training necessary to get down to weight. Reed was weakened' and had lost some of his speed. This however, did not keep! him i from placing gruelling holds upon the opponent. Maurus wriggled out of several difficult holds, only-to fall into the wrist and arm hold that made him pound the mat with his fi ee hand. i i Cincinnati 12; Pirates 2 i CINCINNATI, April 18. The Reds assumed the leadership of the National league today by .win ning the first game of the Pitts burgh series, 12 to 2. 1 ; Score R. II. E. Pittsburgh ..2 4 1 Cincinnati 12 16 : 4 Adams, Kremer, Songer and Smith; Donohue and Hargrave. !. SIDY BASEBALL GAME: CALLED OFF Frisco Edwards' Notifies Vancouver Team; That; Grounds Are Too Wet I FLIGHT IS POKTPOXKD LAKEHURST, N. J., April 18. The departure of the naval dirig ible Los Angeles for Bermuda was postponed tonight until early Mon day morning, officials announced forecast of unfavorable weather led to the postponement of the flight set for this morning; The costume of Mrs. Dawes was a black spring suit, with! hat to match. Asked what shade of blue Mrs. Dawes told friends: "It's blue. Navy? Midnight?! No-r. just r blue." St. Louis Post-Dis-patch. I 1 . New York 0; Boston :l New York, April 18. Herb Pen nock gave the Red Sox four hits toray and the Yankees won the first game of the series, 6 to 3. Pennock's only troublesome In ning was', the seventh! when he issued four successive passes.; ' Score . ' - j vRf H.' E. Boston ; . 3 j 3 . 4 New York : . .' . '.,'.. 6 . j ' 8 1 . Ferguson, Wlngfield ; and Pic- ralch; Pennock and O'Neiiil. v, Frisco Edwarda, manager of the Salem Senators,, Saturday notified the manager of the Vancouver, Wash., tea mi that the second game of the inter-state league islated for Oxford park! this afternoon would have to be postponed on account of wet grounds. I The scheduled Salem High-Amity high baseball game Saturday was cancelled because of rain, i Ballot Title of Bus Bill Change fContioiftd from p&fe 1) the stage and trucking companies. . The decision declares that the bill is a means "to levy; a license tax upon the use of motor vehi cles when used as common car riers upon the public highways for transporting persons and prop erty for hire, and appropriating such revenue to the payment of expenses heretofore or hereafter incurred for construction, main tenance, repair and reconstruction of highways. i i f FIELDS ARE INSPECTED MEDFORD. Ore., April 18. Major C. A. Baker, Lieutenants II W. Smith and K. D. Dufur. of Portland, were in Med ford today inspecting the site of the state en campment of the Oregon national guard, to be held here June 12 to 26, for the purpose of selecting an artillery range. m . j IECZEMAI PSORIASIS ITCH KIT-BOX will 1 very spot. Brhir it Hi, army Ufh, ting worm, Ttte, olorrs, old or new. poison ivy, iodine poinons, mil drmoties, prevents lilood poison. Ke morea dandruff, Ktops liair from falling out. Yon won't be bald, or tarn gray ne::r so young i if yoa us KIT-BOX. We have offered for 3 3 year 1 1 00 if could be found a cane of tCZKMA that eould not be healed with RL'-BON. Ru-Bon Skine-Tone $1.00 a bottle. : Ointment 0 rents a jar. Ask your drugjcint. All wholesale drug hpunes itell Ru-Hon. ilf your drujgist tries to ell yoa a suhsti tote send direet to as, we ship prepaid all orders for f 1.00 or more. - - BTX-BOH CHEMIC KTm , CO. Kaasaa City, Mo. Complete Mm TTv 'k. re Mose P and pno New, smart, youthful-the qualities you want most in shoes for your Spring costume-are unmistakably characteristic of these slippers made for The Price Shoe Co. "Wonderful Shoes for Wonderful Girls" are always a step ahead in the pace of fashion. Heels, vamps decorations-all are patterned after the most advanced Paris models. Materials are of finest quality, and each shoe is made as carefully as though (it were the only one of its kind solely responsible for the reputation of the store. Pumps R m . Fnce . to r yivlj aisge FROM $8 McCallum and Luxite Hose in i fmwt Ml. , " . Repair Department Our shop Li equipped with all new machinery. We use nothing but the very besfgrade of leather" that money will buy. Mr. Jacobson, in charge of this department, is an expert in his line--has spent years in factories and repair shops and will do nothing hut high grade work. : i lan Sines Tanhmps rixBaxOil Just received by express! today all the new PASTEL SHADES in McCallum Hose, couch shell, mel low, bluet, green and yellow. We are proud of our new department we are featuring only the new est things in the Hosiery line, only the best proven lines will be han dled and we will show the new colors as fast as they are produced. Do Your Feet Hurt? Corns and callouses re mored without pain or soreness. Ingrown nails removed and treated. Pains in feet, weak-foot, flat foot, foot strain and fallen arches adjusted. Do not suffer. I will gie you the best that- science can produce in scientific chiropody. Consult I Iia WILLIAMS About Your Feet . 1 1 Hours 9 to 5:20 Phone 61G w!' Air V Boot CdtEjsdSootf fbotAfpIozB 0Z6 8ta-Hc3atDUaiCssX DO YOU KNOW WHY - - - The House Isn't Big Eocnet For Father? Drar. Jat'lMs psjer ' B RstlSt Phillies 3; Sen torn O Philadelphia. April 18. Slim Harrisg bested Walter Johnson Jn a hurling duel here this afternoon and the Philadelphia Americans downed Washington three to nothing. The Senators were help less against Harriss' speed. Score R. II. E. Washington 0 S 2 Philadelphia i". ;. . . . . ; .3 11 0 Johnson and Ruel;; Harriss and 'Cochrane. - 'Sw.awwi .,'i.W ii i'Ii ripainil'ailiiiiia'iiaail,p tfiSWfe' y toutrc I I I iu. revi. CJJpjj ; katRKA-noNAL Cartoon Co., x y, 2C7 kjhwcoS rc i . k f.rt to -jCs& . m - , 1 3 . : '-' I n.ui Mit .c fee f K .Ill JTL-s. orov , n A 4( r 1 Hi