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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1925)
QG&. L-lGtf- WtiaiL Qcnpomo L-C d9Y OREGON1 rslrlf . RaIn; no cban in! tern J perature; fresh southerly winds becoming? gale V;oneoaatV- Sattt'day Max, 54; mU, 42; Rising; rainfall, .19; atmospher clbudf-; wind. Boutheast. , . . ; - - Part One; Farjfe I'to & f . SEVENTY-FIFTH YEAR SALEM, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING. APRIL 19. 1925 PRICE FIVE CENT3 -i :l 1 f j-. J. i J - . - ) RIQfJEER POLK AXGRDWER5 Olf! PROJECT iiu e rsrninprs nr - - vvfww w a iiivii mouth Subscribe Over $5,000 to Proposed Linen Mill Subscription Drive CAMPAIGN REORGANIZES, AND METHODS CHANGED Committees Furnisrted With Lists and Prospects Are to Be Selected First of Polk county residents become interested In flax culti- td vtion and backing their opinion wjth their acreages and also first td purchase one of the flax pulling machines, 1 it Is only natural that with their experience as a back ground upon which to base pros pects ot the future of the linen industry the Riddle Brothers, of . Monmouth are the first of the K flax growers to come forth with T substantial subscription of stock t tne proposed IG40.000 linen '. j , That the farmers and growers mi o unumius lnitregiea . in . nax ffom other standpoints than mere growing of the crop is evident in the subscription made by the Rid dles, who when first approached told members of the committee to put them, down for 50 shares of preferred and 25 shares of com mon stock, amounting to 95250. Outsiders are coming to . the Chamber or Commerce unsolicited and bring money for shares in the new industry. - These vary from $200 for one share to several hun dreds of dollars for several" shares A number of these subscriptions were received at' the Chamber of Commerce Saturday .- -V j .Intensrvtswork is the program for , this week and while the re sults of the last week have prov in to be satisfactory other and etter methods of calling upon hose' interested will be -adopted. Lists have been- prepared and jill be given to the members of he committees. The first of these ists contains . about 00 names "-TChamber of Commerce, VJ The first meeting under the iiew method will be held at the Uaamber or Commerce rooms Monday noon and the committees i Will meet every following noon through the week. After the Chamber of Commerce list has been exhausted, other lists will be provided, for the committee and each of the four-members team 3 will be permitted to select jtheir own prospects.1 'While the proposed mill will oft approximately $640,000, Salem's quota is but $300,000, the remainder of the stock to be sub scribed In Portland and other cities of the' Willamette, valley which have evinced an unusual amount of Interest in a project !of this nature. With the reorgan ization of the campaign completed and a different line of stack map ped out, from the amount of in terest jhere it is expected that the huota will be subscribed by Sat urday night. IREVOLT BREAKS J mmm m mm m t M ii M I il BOH v ?i lilt I III! I l.l uu I 1 1 y uiu Many Killed When Mutuin ous Troops Storm City; President in Hiding : LISBON, April IS. (By The Associated Press): A revolution ary outbreak with the object ot overthrowing the government be gan this x morning; and hand-to- hand- fighting, ensued at various points in Lisbon. Grenades were thrown and many persons afe be lieved to' have been killed or wounded. , ". . ) The president of the republic, Teixeira Gomes, and -the members of the cabinet sought refuge In one. of the city barracks. f The movemeni was ica oj amjor j FMomeno Camara and the military I of all arma participated In the re- f volt. Eventually loyaT troops ral- lied to the aid of the president nd srovernmcnt and surrounded t iho Paco Da Rotondo where Uie ' mutineers had gathered. . t this place there was consld 5 crablc flehting but eventually the i loyal troops got the" upper hpd. Trusted School Employe .'. Confesses Her Shortage of $2200 i Sarah R I Phamherlainj Rtonn? rapher at the Salem Indian school at ' Chcmawa, an employe with nine years' Bervlce, has' been' sus pended i!rom her duties i pending an audit ot her accounts after she is said to. j have confessed to a shortaWor $2200 of school funds, It became known Saturday. The statement i has : been forwarded lo the Indian office at Washington, The shortage' was discovered by another j employe and i following this Mrs. Chamberlain admitted her defalcations and later signed the statement She mentions, no specific period, but llarwood Hall, superintendent, : said that to I the best of his belief they did not be gin until last! fall. ! I f i j :'. i. lii --il 'i I i Upon discovering the shortage, Superintendent Hali notified the proper authorities i and H. W. Camp, an accountant in! the feder al Indian service, was sent toj Sa lem to look; over the accounts; He is now engaged in the audit, Rec ords of the last yearj are being searchec to learn If the misappro GREATESTNEED Coolidge Declares Sound Business Methods Essential WASHINGTON, April 18. Ad vocating sound methods in busi ness and the( home as well as' in tjieconduct of government. Presi dent Coolidge in a radio address delivered 'today in connection with the opening in Chicago of, the women's worjd fair, asserted there is little; Inspiration to the public to be businesb-liko in their ' domes tic affairs If governmental activi ties are) managed in aj .lax! and careless!' manner. ;-f V- "If the people; in the daily man agement of their modest domestic affairs.? sai4 the president "note that the great interest of their government land, their semi-public institutions are dealt' with in a spirit of laxity and a mood of care lessness, they find, little inspira tion to apply , better methods In the management of their1 own con cerns. The jgreat business operas tions which J are constantly under the public eye ought to be handled so as to make them an example in sound procedure.!; ','$: V!4; "The importance of sound busi ness methods was never so jgreat as It istody. It is particularly true that government business should be placed on ; a basis , ot rigid economy." 1.;, I; i t The president delivered. the ad dress from bis study. I It was car ried by wire to a Chicago broad casting station after Mrs. Coolidge had pressed! a button opening the doors or : the fair. She used a transmissioii set, fashioned of gold mined in the Klondike and utilized for the first time by President Taft in opening the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific exposition in 190. I FEIV HEAR FirJE CADET CONCERT Associated Charities Benefit ! Attracts But 100 to Ar- r mory Last Night j Despite the wonderful program otfered b'y (the OAClCadef Band, the benefit ScQncert of the Asoci at ed Charities jfell flat last night. The musicians played to almost an empty house,, with about 100 per- sons scatetred ; here ; iand there throughout the auditorium of the Armory. i The Cadet' band, under the di rection of H. L. Beard j conductor. n on1 its twentieth annual concert tour of thej Pacific northwest. Mu sical . criticji give the 1925 Cadet band many glowing j tributes and consider itj one of the best ever turned out at the ;Ag;!e school. I The concert was planned here for -the specific purpose of raising funds fer the Associated Charities, winch are) in desperate need of money to carry oa relief work in this tity. j : ; - orvEGdX TO BE INVITED 1 HONOLULU. Apfil 18. The University! of Hawaii, has decld ed to invite the University of Ore- con football team for thi vwr'. Christmas games bere, Indian Moneys priations go back beyond last fall. , Moneys involved are not federal funds but belong to the students, being sent' by parents or relatives. By . virtue of . her position Mrs. Chamberlain had access to all mail and it was her custom to have checks endorsed by the pu pils and' then place-, the money on deposit.: -.; : "' Nothing definite has been de cided if prosecution will be made. Superintendent Hall said yester day that the woman' has expressed the desire to make full restitu tion. Unless the moneys are re placed by Mrs. Chamberlain or some other interested person, the amount misappropriated must be made good by Superintendent Hall under the provisions Ot his bond to' the government. -; Mrs. Chamberlain is' herself a graduate "of- the school." later studying at the Salem high school and Capital Business college, be ing graduated from both" institu tions. She is considered an expert stenographer., ' POISOK IS HOT FOOi E BODY Only Small Trace Mercury is Discovered in Body of Dr. Olson t CHICAGO, April 18. (By As sociated Press.) Except' for a small amount of mercury which Dr. W. D. McNally, coroner's chem 1st, said he believed due to med ication no poisons were found in the examination of the vital or gans 1 of Dr. Oscar Olson, ; whose body was exhumed in connection With; iiheif lnvWrtgationsinto-' the death, of William N. McClintock, millionaire i orphan, the doctor's report; to Coroner Oscar Wolff to night said. V - j In the body of Mrs. McCUnlock McNally, made several dayg ago, enough mercury was found to have caused death. Two weeks ago it was announced that some mercury was found in both bodies ! but the amount had not been de termined. Later it was announc ed that a large amount had been found J in Mrs. McClintbck's body. 4 Except for formaldehide rue to the embalming fluid and certain elements of decomposition, the teBts for volatile poisons and for all i other poisons, were negative, the report or Dr. McNally said; with the exception ; that ;a very small amount r mercury t was fputld in the Intestines.! BATTLE FLEET TO !. REACH 'WAR' Z Radio Silence Ordered As , Ships Near 'Black' Area;t i Defence Planned1 SAN FRANCISCO. April 18. (By The Associated Press.) The mightiest assemblage ot sea pow er ever: brought together by the United States was proceeding to night In comparative silence on iUr mission to ascertain what ef fect an attack by more than 125 war1 vessels would have against the fortifications of the Island of Oahu.;. "the Gibraltar of the Pa-, cific" and the hub of the- nation's web of defense in that ocean. ' ! Under radio silence in order that the 'black" force, the "en emy" possessing the Hawaiian is lands, may not ". determine the fleet's position by; intercepting the vessel's signals, the great commu nication rooms of the ships, usu ally hives I of activity crackling with tbo flashes of radio and han dling hundreds of messages daily, are quite dumb, but far from deaf. jfiilfi!5i-f:4..'' K; T -),-- Every craft, including subma rines: and ' airplanes Is equipped with' the most modern radio appa ratus, Some of the larger vessels have transmitters capable of send ing Across, the Pacific. All of them; can intercept messages from lO.oqO miles- and more away. The fleet moved tonight, however,' like the ships of a generation ago. as if they had no wireless.' Such is radio silence, enforced so that the grand fleet may have the element ! surprise- ptf' Its side In. bfat - I Bffii FREW FAVOR Shouts of 'Down With- the j Traitor caillaux' Heard in Public Demonstration; As isembly Dissents j WAR VETERANS OPPOSE MINISTERIAL POSITION Prolonged Booing and Hissing Greet Appearance of j Pictures . il'ana,; April 18 (By The Agoci- ated Press) The securityCfo France and. soilion of the fian ciai - problems , confronting '!j th most important" points to be made oa Tuesday,' it was decided today daring the first two cabinet count cils of the new government. The document will not go' into the de tails of cabinet policies. . ; Orowirig popular parliamentary opposition to the presence, of Mj. Caillaux in the Painleve ministry marked' the political day: in France. War veterans organized a mild' manlfestitation at the tomb of the Unknown soldier but were gently dispersed by the police When shouts of, "down with the traitor Caillaux' arose. j . -t The appearance ! of Calllaux's picture of the screens of .cinema theatres caused, prolonged booing anil hissing in .two large establish ments in the boulevards. j ! Deputy Charles Betrand, presi dent of the Inter-Allied War j Vet erans' Federation, served notice on Premier Painleve today j that he would formally; protest in the chamber1 , against Caillaux being made head of the ministry of fi nance. - ; . j j i - . Socialist party leaders have con ferred withi the, new premiers and virtually. have. agreed. to sapport the 'fiew ministry; upon" the broad lines .. of its-- declaration to be made on Tuesday. The socialists, however, .are. reserving their lib erty of action upon certain Ques tions, the most important being that of a capital law. OEIK' IS IDE NISTRATIOHI Dean of University Issues 1 Statement Contradicting Campus Rumors ! 1 Emphatic denial of rumors cir culating; on the Willamette campus was issued! last night by . Dean George W-Aldeu of the university. "We have: been misrepresented numerous' times in the press this year." said Dean Alden. j I : !'It , seems .that rumors to the effect ;. . that the - administration here has been using 'stool pigeons' to idetect students infringing; upon school regulations have been given wde publicity during the past, few days. Frankly, even should the rumors be true I question in !many cases the motives behind resent ment that j is Bald to have ; been aroused.. As a matter of ! fact, however, no , 'stool pigeons' have been employed by the authority, or by Jthe request, of this admin istration. I would have been will ing at any: time to explain the ex act situation to any representa tive f the. press, but I have hot once ben approached by a reporter for the paper which has been pub lishing these stories. The stories could not have, and did not: have, any more "authority . than . possible (ConUnned on page S) BIGGEST THING IN ; "There is a tide in the affairs of men which taken at the flood leads on to fortune" iand fairs of cities I I And it is flood tide in Salem's affairs how ; She is offered the greatest opportunity in her history to become the center of the biggest industry in Oregon, for all time . ! ; -; j ;.j ' r:;-.. v"-. . i' T". 'i-,-'-vA'-:.:t Or at least to take advantage of an opportunity that will lead very far in that direction. , With the first two linen mills in Oregon, Salem is very likely to jret the first four or five I And that will give her a her share of the rest that Will come m time ; i Hundreds of them I- i Backed by still more hundreds of the smaller plant threshing, retting and scutching the flax. i . There are a lot of hustlers in Salem wise enough to see to it that thi3 opportunity is not missed . . And in time all the rest of 1 gn J graise and ihank thfemi DIES SITES SEITE RULES j sm Attack on Assembly Preced- ents Announced by Vice President at Celebration of Revolution 150 ANNIVERSARY OF FAMOUS BATTLE HE LD Denunciation of Senatorial Vote is Thundered Amid x Applause BOSTON. April 18. Vice Pres ident Charles O.-Dawes, in Boston, for the celebration of the 150th anniversary of the" battle ot Con cord and Lexington, in a speech at c luncheon ot 1000 Boston bus iness men today renewed his! at tack on , "j enate rule" which ! he launched in his Inaugural address March 4. Denouncing the present rules of the senate ; he said; he would continue the battle fori re form throughout his four years of office. He was greeted with cheers when he called on those present including Senator William M. Butler, to show their desire for a change by rising. . - Tonight in the Old North church in ' the belfry of which lanterns wera .hung on the eve of the first battle of the revolution as a warn ing that the British troops were on the march, the vice president in- I augurated the formal program of the Concord-Lexington celebration by an address in which he termed the constitution a guiding light for the nation. . Called on for a speech at the luncheon at which Owen D. Young and Jeremiah H. Smith, commis sioner general of the league of na tions, to Hungary, also were guests MrJDawea entered-at 'once..1 upon his denunciation of the senatorial vote, thumping the' table vigorous ly as he thundered his disapproval. "I ani, going- around' this' coun try before I get through this' four years, then I'm going out of of fice," he said, in conclusion amid laughter and applause;, "I am sat isfied that this reform! can be ac complished." f The vice president had said pre viously that he would reserve the d!scuB6ion of the senate rules for hig New York speech on Tuesday. It was the presence at the lunch eon of Senator Butler, be i said, that led him to change his mind. Alluding to himself as "thelbest smokerout in the - country, he continued: c ..- - j "It was the way I said, not what I said, that gave rise to irri tation in Washington. My grief over that irritation is somewhat tempered by a remark of George Bernard Shaw that no offensive truth is properly presented, unless it causes irritation. "And now I am going to say a few things. And I am going to say them because Senator William M. Butler is here to listen. As t see it, unless in my humble. way I can act as. a conduit to transmit to the senate and its members the individual reactions of the con stituency I , do not see . what I am doing in office. - So I ara going to appeal to you as part of ; Sen ator Butler's constituency to ex press your" opinion on this subject of senate rule. Here is a princi ple at stake that our forefathers fought for. CLUB MAXAGER DtEB i NEW YORK, April 18--Charle? H. Ebbets, president of the Brook lyn National league baseball c'ub', died of heart disease in his room3 in the Waldorf Astoria hotel at C o'clock this' morning.' ; He' was CG years of age. : ' SALEM'S HISTORY there is such-a, tide in the af long lead in the chance to get the people here will appreciate HUNDRED AND' FIFTIEf H ANNIVERSARY! rpODAY is the; hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the Jr . battle of Concord" and Lexinsrtdn. The histy "of the events leading up to the grim struggle" for American indep endence is the progressive development bf a willingness to sacrifice and to fight if need be for liberty of corisciehcV and social, economic and political freedom. With firm de-1 termination to establish for themselvei a commonwealth free from civic and religious oppression; of others. Bands of Enriishrrien left their native land over three centuries ago: They had protested in" vain against political and reli-j gious domination. However, through these protests and j Uisappuiutuiviiis vney. wcib tiiiiuevi iii nuciauj u pared for future battles of life. The struggle of these first American-colonists is history. j . . I As early as 1639 there, was union of certain of the New, England colonies for mutual protection andvto effect this union the first constitution made in America was adapted. The spirit bf union and' independence goes apace among these ancestors of the leaders of the Revolution'. j The French and Indian war was waged ; minor revolu tions embroiled both the colonies and the mother country ; dissension prevailed over . separation of church and . state, all of which evehts and conditions stimulated still further the colonists with the hope of independence, until sentiment favoring separation from authority of king and parlia4 ment took active form under the leadership of such indep endents aa Adams, Otis, Henry, Franklin, Lee and other "Sons of Liberty." Appeal after appeal addressed to the British throne opposing the government of the colonists without the consent, of the governed were of little or no avail. After the Treaty of Paris, demands of the king were river with strri' refusals. At last the war lords which had been gathering so long burst into the fury of battle at Concord and Lexington', April 19, 1775. The story of the canaie gieams in tne oiu belfry towers, the midnight ride of Paul Revere, the brav ery of the Minute Men and the "surprise" retreat of the British "redcoats'! is familar tale. f . ; . 1 The battle of Lexington and Concord is stul signifi cant on-this anhiversarj', not because of the kind of mili tary tactics employed; not from its surprising results, but, because of the great principles involved; It was a blow not at king or dominion even but at a system: The courage of those undiscipHned and poorly equipped patriot soldiers and the sacrifice of , those revolutionary leaders who risked life also in their efforts to obtain American independence gave impetus to the struggle for representative government and liberty throughout the world. And the spirit shown by those patriots on that April morning so long ago stilly ex ists4 in freeself-gbyern where. ..... . .,.!. CASE IS FOUND Young Woman, Said to be ! Insane; Charged With Murdering 8 Persons 1ST. PAUL..- Neb., April 18. Mrs. Emmanuel Sorenson. 28, wife of a section foreman, is in the county jail tonight charged with the deaths by poisoning of 8 persons, including three of her oWn hcildreri, her first husband, the latter's mother, and three oth er children. : - jpotyid to be mentally irrespon sible she will be taken to the state insane asylum as' soon as possible and there -will be no prosecution, 1 ;. (Continued on 2 Senator Makes Plea For iParty Union r Lofty Princi 1 pies Are' Proclaimed j NEW YORK; April 18. Making a plea ror a uouea aemocracy, Senator Reyal S. Copeland of New York tonight called upon his party to fight against centralization of power at Washington- in an ad dress at the Jefferson Day dinner of the national democratic party at the Hotel Commodore." ! "It my plea that a united dem ocratic party will - set - Us face against the' neglect, abuse and distortion of the American Magna Charta." h said,' speaking- of the constitution. ( "We must stand shoulder to shoulder for these lofty principles which- Jefferson taught us and which he bo nobly exemplified; We can not serve the people -if we are torn by internal dissection or weakened by half hearted de votion ' to the cause of political freedom. .-r '.. y s . "There are Invislable forces at work to lift the government above the reach of the people," he said. Senator Copeland;' contended that the ''greatest evil attaches to the persistent encroachment of the executive upon the' legislative branch government." The delicate system of checks and balances in dividing power as pf ovided In the constitution-should bet pfesetved; he said. r' He defended the senate for enforcing Its rightsr iifTefus Ing ta confirm the nomination bf Charles B. Warren as attorney RE0R6lJIZATI0fi ;!! ,111 IS GHORUSH Honors Are Carried Off in All Departments in Singing Aggregation FOREST GROVE, Ore., 1 April 18. Salem . high school .won the contest for large mixed j choruses! at the State Music tournament which closed here today. Frank lin high school, of Portland. as second. In class B contest tor mixed choruses McMlnnville was first and Hillsboro second. Salem won the contest tor class A, small mixed choruses, with Eugene Sec ond. Hlllcboro took first in class B, for small mixed choruses. The class A contest of girls' glee- clubs was won by Salem high, with Van couver, Wash., second. In the contest for the best boys' glee club, class' A, Franklin, Port land, took first place Salem sec ond. Hillsboro won a first in class B of the same event, j -Other awards Were as follows: Girls' quartet, class A, won by Eugene with! Salem second. Boys' quartet, class A, first place was adjudged to Salem, with second awarded to Franklin. l The vocal judgments were: Bass-baritone, first prize, Donald Harris: second, Paul East, both of Franklin high, Portland. Alloi Kathleen Howe, first, and Lois Tuttle of Forest Grove, second ; Josephine Albert of Salem, third. Tenors, ' Tom Badley, .Franklin Portland, first,' and Ronald Crav en, Salem, second; Everett France, intra. t . , .- -,. BALLOT TITLE OF BUS BILL dm Circuit Judge L. H, McMahan Hands Down Decision on ! Referendum IVTeasure In the next election the bus tax bill will be placed on the ballot with the words 'to levy a license taic, according to the ; decision handed down by Judge L. II. Mc Mahan yesterday. j fin a referendum ordered by' the petition of the Oregon Motor Stage aSHociatlbn and the Auto Freight Transportation association of Ore gon and Washington, it was at tempted to change the title of the hill to' read tof Impose charges' for use of the public highways by ..jt; it n T - SIEI in HUE TO H GIRLS Ruth Ross Elected President ofOIdef Girls. Conferenee At Meeting Held Here Last Wight SUNDAY WILL CLOSE FINAL SESSION TODAY Place of Meeting to be Chos en; Other Girls Take Act iv. Parts in Meet Ruth Ross, of Salem, a senior at Willamette university win neaa the Oregon Older Girl's organiza tion for the ensuing year as a re sult of the election held last night at the First Methodist, church xfisa TfABtt wna last vpnr's delegate .k. htjk VW ' W It W to the Geneva conference and suc ceeds Miss Susie Church, also ot Salem. Dorothy Shaw of Portland will; be vice-president of the or ganlzation, and Miss Nettle Single ton, also of Portland will be secretary-treasurer. ... To' Name Delegate Election of the Geneva delgatee will be held at the meeting thla afternoon.: . Discussion, of dele- . gates was made yesterday after noon, I :: ...... -; ... ir , j. . : Over S00 girl , delegates to the thirteenth! annual Oregon .Older Girl's conference assembled for the three days session. . During , the Saturday morning session, discussion, of Sunday school problems and the afternoon session was marked by the discus sion of problems of the girl. : . The registered delegates; were guests of the Willamette YWCA at a noon luncheon yesterday. Mrs. Alta Lewis Stevens, state lecturer to women of the Oregon social hy? glene society . was one of the Im portant speakers at the' confer va , :t . ' iT.. . , Slorning Wtch Toda j The girls will attend a morning watch for . th? .Sunday jrograma. be devoted to the election of the Geneva delegates, for which gift and pledges were made yesterday. Mrs. Jean M. Johnson of Hood River is director of the conference this year. . f ; Officers for this conference are Susie Church, Salem, president;' Kathryn . Seelye, Eugene; Elea nor Eastman, Portland, secretary. while the general direction was under Mrs. -Jean M. Johnson of Hood River. j ; Conference entertainment, and housing committee was cared for, by. Miss Mary FIndley, chairman. who is director , of religious edu cation for the First Methodist church. General arrangements commit tee for. the meeting is composed of Ruth. Ross, Esther Maurer, Irene Breltbaupt, Elaine Chapin. Fern Wells Doughterty, Jeanelle Vandevort, Bernice ,Cofer and El eanor Eastman. Purpose Outlined The purpose of the Older Girl's conference is to bring representa- (Co n Untied oa ptft 3) - SATURDAY IN WASHINGTON SATURDAY IN WASHINGTON. President Coolidge delivered a radio, address to the women's world' fair at Chicago. The navy department announc ed its selections of service men for the MacMillan polar expedition. - The etate department notified foreign governments of its d lre to abolish" all vise charges ;except those on immigrant passports. The American Automobile as sociation estimates that summer tourists will spend $2,500,000,005 in the communities which they U1 visit; ;- . . ,.! ' - Major General Wood transmit tetf to the war department' the pro test of many . chambers' of com merce against the proposed sale of Pacific mall steamers to the Dol lar interests. . ' The" widely divergent views of shipping board members regard ing the Pacific Mail sale was em phasized in briefs submitted to. the local - courts , W iCommtesIoners Plummer and Thompson. .1' ' Miss Alma Ilalvdrsou, a former student at the Willamette Univer sity visited with friends -in tb city, yesterday. She' is a school teacher at Center district near. SJliertfilii. - , vv.J Hit