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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1925)
THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 25, 1925 1 Hi i.l i V y if t. (I DRESS WELL AND SUCCEED D R E S S vv E L L ' N U s u c c E E D "jIC ' Vv vW'f i SPRINGHATS Be careful that you do not spoil your ajK pearance by wearing a wrong, hat, If you will come here for your Spring Hat well see that you get just the hat you ought to .wear. ' i . ,-i Prices $3.00 to 57.00 Si?- , GOOD CAPS .Our cap. stock shows all the new and right cap3 designed to meet every requirement. Prices, 52.00, 52.50 and 53.00 , Prices, 52.00, 52.50 and 53.00.;;; f VV T ? JOHNSON & CCX -v J laic ot I D R E S S IV E L L A N D S u c c E E D DRESS WELL AND SUCCEED i V CITY NEVS IN BRIEF AT THE THEATERS TODAY Oregon - Afternoon: ; Pol' Negri Evening:. "Excuse f ' - . . Mc" ' : v Liberty "The Beauty Prize" : by Nina "Wilcox Putman. ; MIm Wyman To Resign Miss Wyman, present secretary of the Salem Young . Women's Christian association is to leave her position on March 1, accord ing to plans made "Public some - time ago. Miss Wyman has ac- WOODRY Buys Furniture Phone 511 " ' Terminal Taxi ' SERVICE Cars for hire without differ PHONE 202O j . Day and Night Service'' 1 Popular Priced !; v v Men's and Young Men's Tailored Suits $25 to $45 OrtanpitFiy-SorgarT Electron ia Dinoi and Traatmaot f (lr. Abram's method). Offb-a Phaaa 85 or 4697 60S TJ. S. Bank BU ceptedthe directorship of the Girl Reserve wor;. in the" Imperial Val ley ,-Cal: rand'as jTesiyned her workrjhere 4ri; order, ; to take uJT the new duties.' T ' kS 7 - 5 -f1 Cut Flowers- Floral pieces. Adamsy. Florist. 453 Court.. I . .... f25 Students Elect- 'iV- The students of the YMCA of Willamette university will hoid the annual election of officers nert Thursday, is the announcement made by Meri Bonny , " Y presi dent. Tuesday morning. Valve Burst - A valve burst in the Alpha Psi Delta fraternity water 'system' In the upper portion of the house. Slight : damage was done before the break was discovered although it is eipectfd that ,some .of the plastering, in two. rooms "must be relsdmined i? ..'?: WaUolah Sale Starts ,. The annual sale of Wallulahs, annual . year -book of Willamette university has now, started. But 4 5 0, books 4iave been ordered, 25 Skating, Skating, Skating At Dreamland ' - - Tursday,: Ptidartnr4aT i ,w i-j- -7;3 to 10-pV m. - -- Bear Our Kow Calliope- Dancing! Dandnl Salem's New Auditorium Ladles Free ,.;,.v - .Wednesday and Saturday Bexansoa'a Melody Phieade of which go to the Alumni, 25" will be.' used by the university for ad veTttslnr, porpoaes. and the :'re mainfiig 400 wilf be sold to stu dents; and! friends of the university.- rjCh Wallulah is put out: by each junior class at Willamette. Card of Thanks v?.,.. ; Thanks, to our many, friends and neighbors for their many beautiful , floral . offerings and their .many expressions of friend ship during the recent illness and death of our father. Mr. William H. Hunt. The ChUdren. f25 Kfwanls Enter Contest ' J1 j. ' The Salem Kiwanis club went on record Tuesday as favoring the national attendance contest, which is being sponsored among the Ki wanis clubs of the United States. Salem Kiwanis have had a good record durfng the past for their attendance and they are ' expect ing to come close to first place. Dr. Henry E. Morris was appointed official teller for the club during the coming weeks. . . Christian Jorgenson has bought the Enos Presnell farm at Marian. George Thomason, local i realtor, handled the deal. i ?25 Suffers Illness -: Mlaa Harriet Mitchell, a student at the Pacific Expert school is con fined at her home by an attack of blood poisoning in. her wrist. It ' Is -expected, howevery-that: she will return to her studies within a week.-: - -----,; . Special Customers Wanted at Terminal Cafe. Ill LADD & BUSH, Bankers Established 1868 iV.i General BanTdnfj Business Office) nours from lO a. m. to 3 p. m. niB tedbl. end HAVE f.'ORE HEAT U.'IITS Ug Gsrry all Sizos: oy Got! from the large furnace to the smallest nut eize. Tell us for what purpose the coatts required and we'll point out the proper sixe to use. '--But although we carry all . ' sizes, we handle only one quality,; the very best coal . ' from the very besi mines." Our coal service is yours . to command. Prices ranse from $10 to $15 Also handle the best Diamond Briqaettcs CIS -' phoiscs6.'S:;": - Returns From Home ;'; Miss Leona Hook, who has been confined to her home at Mt. Angel during the past few .weeks on Ac count of illness, has returned to Salem, according . to news made public yesterday. : She has been employed at the Spa' confection ery. . , i ... ; y f?; ; At. tneT Certified Public 4: lU Motor Car Market. A 1922 light six Studebaker roadster ! with i a Rex glass enclosure. There are over iee worth of extras on' this guaranteed car.- Air for' 1 6 85.; , : i -; - I hi- - Business of the -city' are circulating petitions among their customers in order to get an idea of the-'humber of people 'favoring the present . parking; , ordinance and those who desire a change. At REDUCED SUMMER RATES TO CALIFORNIA BY PICKWICK STAGES SanT Francisco, one way. 91SJSO Round Trip, 930.00 Los Angeles, one way, $275 Round Trip, SJ5O.0O . Special Rates to Parties of Eight or More For Information and Reserva tions phone 696, or call at , ; CENTRAL STAGE TERMINAL--. Salem. Oregon rov CAH'Z fASS THIS VTl - . ' ' : 4 - ' "; J 922 Jewel t four io nwlr painted and rana ry rood t with followin? eraaaoriat . step plates; SS4 spetlirnt; Btmtr and barrap. -kamnr; windthicl4 vinfi; . atoplit; . extra . tir, tnl.a, .... and corar; tiot -r Koar-aita , . murrar A XmI Bij a $675 plaihtlfrs brief in , the .motion to squash a writ of review in the Roth x Brosrr case ; In , the circuit court - yesterday. : The Roth Bros, company have offices in Chicago, and the case here Involves a num ber of legal points. Apollo Club With " . Mabel Rlegelman tonight, Ar mory. Box , office open 18 a. m today. ' ; i; .. fg5 a recent meeting of the Chamber of Commerce it was declared that many of the farmers were in favor of the one-hour parking ordinance because it gave them all an ample opportunity to . transact business near ,a mercha'nts store without having to walk several blocks, af ter their . car had .rbeen-- parked. There ts however, a'declded move ment,' amang the business -men wanting the time limit extended and hour. - Considerable agitation has been aroused at the various luncheon clubs in an effort, to stir public opinion. Best Grada Inside Mill W iv. At : reduced prices In -quantify lots, i Prompt delivery. -Spaulding Logging Co. Phone 1830. .. 'g&'l Erixon To Visit ' . Fred Erixon was -appointed' a committee 61 one ; to represent the Kiwanis club at the third an nual charter presentation celebra tion to be held at Tillamook the evening of March - 3. Delegates from .Portland and .other Willam ette valley,, clubs are ' to be repre sented. - Other members of 1 the galem Kiwanis clubs are expected to attend the celebration. . '.' Winter Meeting '- tn , i Minnesota Society, Jason Lee club. Friday, Feb. 27. at 2i30. f25 Interesting; Facts ' . The bulletin of the Chamber of Commerce has many interesting facts; and the- latest oie jtb ' be printed state that a real volcanic crater - la situated -within' a few miles of Salem , Of course, it Is extinct, but shows what really ex isted some timer past.' It is locat ed on the Heyden farm on the Oak Grove road, a mile or so beyond the Popcorn schoolhouse. The crater Is there and also lava ashea. Suffers Attack of Grippe . Miss Katherine Onnhell. local photographer. has-. been suffering from j an .attacks of grippe- during the past few days. She expecta to be at her office today. ..;.:;,,...; .fat;'"- - :-.:.-t . Aacona Chicks Today .-Reduced prices. ' Salem Chick erie4r 264 K Cottage. Phone 400. .: ':: 'VVV -- f25 Visits Relativm Here-. ' . "Walter Dennis of Albany visited m ith Mr. and -Mrs. F. A. Williams in Salem yesterday. " His sister, Miss Alice Dennis, who has been employed at Westport. Oregon, stopped over for, a few days en route to. the Regue River country. Universal Range Demonstration At Halik & Eoff 837 Court. Beginn ing Tuesday Feb. 24. f 2 7 Fraternal Order J:Ui Oti Eagles meets every Wednes day, 8 P.m at. McCornack hall. Visiting ; Brothers welcome, i .f25 New Member Dick Miller, sales manager -of the Tmmnt Motor compatfy,1'349 North - Commercial, has beeii 'in troduced as -a- member of' the Chamber of Commerce-This mem- bership was brought .to the local organization by. George Vickr- who had - the . pleasure of introdueing Mr,. Miller as .one-of his .business competitors. . ; . - k : r. Birth Report Filed ; y George Washington.-Langton ' i the name given to the baby son born to Mr. and Mrs. Howard FV Langton on the birthday of the first . president of the United States, according to the birth re port filed with the city health officer. Down in Maine- Is the play given by the Salem Heights Community club, Hayes yille school, Friday evening. Feb ruary 27. 8 o'clock J A good play - i Don't miss it. j Admission 31c and 15c. . ,-i f25 Receives Injury - --- i Ben Williams, - a . butcher, suf fered a painful. but not serious injury when, he. ran a sharp knife through the muscles of his' right leg.' Prompt - medical attentipn prevented the-man from suffering from, infection. . - .. Apollo Crab With i . - t , . Mabel Rlegelman tonight, -Ar mory. - Box office open lda. m. today.- r,-.!M3.-ZilS26 riaintlff Win ; i J -t Judge Kelly acting' Inlieu of Judge McMahan.' who , is out? of the city, has given the defendant 10 days In which to 1 resist the T INCUBATORS ' and BROODERS CAPITAl. DARGAiri HOUSE T&a House of Million and One Darsalns 215 CENTEH Fruit and Nut Trees t at Attractive Prices . . j na s. msh et. (just off state) n:o:.T: icr4 r.iATni3 iunsnnY co. .4M.1 . - ? - - If- ! iT8niitUJ(iloEo ail" ; i - i; NOTICEnOTlCE j; v.!: Did you know, that- we are selling Coat's Improved French Prune trees. 4 to feet, at 10c; 3 to 4 feet 8c I Now is the time to buy." ... , : - JIATHIS NURSJERY CO. . Office oppoelte Orcsoa Eiectris Depot - I i46.s.n!rH ru Just c:u:jft j;; "Down in MalneV ; , . : A farce in four actsv presented by Salem Heights Community club at Labish Center schoolhouse Wed nesdajr evening Feb". ; 24 at 1 S o'clock. Admission 25c and 35c. This play was postponed from Feb. 18th to Feb. 24 on account of Ill ness of some of the. characters, - . Salesmen Are Nabbedo . " "Hip pockyet" salesmen of -intoxicating liquor were roundedup by the -Salem police In co-operation wdtb special agents yesterday and . as a result Forrest Brown, J. H Henderson and Frank We wens aVe behind the bars at the city jail. AH three were bound over to be sentenced by Justice of the Peace Brazier Small today. Brown has appeared before' the police on other cessions, and has attracted their attention for some time. The new plan, however; was success fully worked and it is expected ad ditional arrests will follow. Apollo Club With '- - Mabel Rlegelman tonight, Ar mory Box" office open 10 a. m. today. . - u , f25 nas Fine Display r Dan Russel. representative of the L". "Ci Smith typewriter here, has returned from CorvalHs where he had an excellent display in 4he commerce department of the' OAC educational exhibition vertlie wwek-end.,f':'7;!n. ' tli . : rrrr..., ,. r. Ancona Chicks Today . y t r Reduced ' prices. , Salem ChiekT eries, 264 N Cottage. Phone 400. School Paper Gets Nam v" Parrish Periscope Js . the .name given to the student body publica tion of the . J. "L. Parrish- junior high school. The - students have been holding a contest during the past ; few weeks, in- an t effort to secure a name- for' their publican tions.' V . - - ' -;. Free Eats . - While dancing at McCormack hall 'Friday night. Seven piece orchestra.. ' . . f26 Emraerson Club to Sleet " - The Emmerson club of the Uni tarian' church,- which is studying the; Psychology 'of Religion under the direction of Rev. Martin Fere shetian,: pastor; 'will meet at 6:30 Thursday evening for a dinner to be given' at the parsonage, 657 Chemeketa. Following the dinner the regular lecture and discussion will be held, v " A" - A Building Permit . u-.. i-t. . V A .building costing 15900 is to be. erected '' at" 14. South Nine teenth by Mrs. Susan M. Klein, ac cording to - the permit issued by City ; -Recorder -Poulsen yesterday. ' -. , f ' V nil- . -.. i ), -s : . t x ' h... ; . Runaway Boy. Held . Martin Joseph Hu, 16 years of age, a runaway from Portland." Is held, at the Salem' police' station for transportation back to Port" land. ' 5 - I STAYTOrJ HEWSr I Postmaster W. II. Hobson and wife are enjoying a visit" from their daughter, Mrs. 'Edward Peery of Portland, this week. ' - Carey C. Nott. who has been an invalid from rheumatism for many years and bed ridden for the past year, has been seriously ill for .the past week. . . , Samuel Aplet. an aged resident of this place, died at the . family home on Wednesday morning after a long illness.' He leaves an aged wife, an Invalid son. and several other children." all of whom are married. Funeral services were held Friday morning and the body taken to Fox" Valley for burial.:" The Chemawa, Indian sir is were defeated here Friday night in. the local gym, by the high school girls by a score of 13 to 9. The game was a hotly contested 6ne and was witnessed by a large crowd. .Miss Mava Brown, a senior at the , University of Oregon, came home Friday and Is spending a few days here with her family. -. .. James Mulkl, a student from OAC.: spent the- week-end here with home folks. The young man Is taking special training in for estry work. After attending 'the Reisterer funeral In - Sublimity Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Robl of Union Hill came on- to Stayton where they spent the remainder of the day. . - The First National bank of Stay ton kept cipsed . doors " Thursday during the funeral service which was held for Frank Reisterer at Sublimity. Mr. 'Reisterer was one of the stock holders in the bank', and also "a merchant of Sublimity. Miss - Francis Kirsch, who is a teacher . in the North Howell school,. was a recent visitor at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A P.'Kirsch on route 2. ; E. D. Alexander and wife were recently in Portland visiting their daughters, Mrs. Frances Paney and Mrs. O. L. Hagan. Mr. Alex ander returned to his work-as edi tor of the Stayton Mail,, while Mrs. Alexander is continuing the visit. Mr. and Mrs. E. Roy were pleas antly surprised Sunday morning when their . son, A. E. Roy. and family of Portland drove over and spent the day here. ; Mr. 'Roy is engaged in the jewelry business in Portland. . -r ; -. ; '- -' ". -. C. A. Beauchamp and - Joseph Fisher, two of Stayton's most suc cessful nimrods, left, early Satur day morning for Nestucca where steel heads are reported to be running . in; plentiful ' numbers. They 'expected to be Sway several days if the sport proved as 'allur ing as reported. -u . 4 , R.. Jd., .Cramer -purchased 6 0 0 cherry trees of. the Kentist variety from a Salem, nursery last .week, and is , planting them on his six acre tract In the west end of town. Mayor Geo. Keech and wife went; to Kingston Friday. night, 'where Mr. Keech acted in the ca pacity -of auctioneer for the " basket social which was . given ' by ' the teacher and pupils of the school. The proceeds from the sale of bas kets netted the district about $4 which is to be used in; buying a hew organ for the school. ; This Is the second of a series of entertain tnents given by the school to raise the required amount -for the new instrument. . Hughes Mann, a brother of Mrs, W. W. Elder, who has been visit ing here the past week,, left Fri day for his home in CanyonviUe, Ore; Mr. Mann was a former resi dent of Stayton,- leaving Jiere 25 years ago. for southern 'Oregon, where' he has since resided, this beinr hfs YJrst visit" here in 'that time, iris fcetdleas to' say he fail ed to': recognize any of the old familiar - haunts, and found but few of the old time residents here. . .. Jasper Phillips was in from his farm out on route 1 Friday. . Mr. Phillips is a progressive farmer, who believes diversified farming is the beat paying system. He Is now engaged in clearing 10 acres of new land which he expects to set to walnuts, using filberts for fillers. He says many of the farm ers in his vicinity are putting out large acreage of strawberries this season, he himself having put out four acres.2 - ' Baptist Ministers Hold .. Conference in Portland The Ministerial conference of Oregon Baptists is in session in Portland this week. The meetings are being held in the First Bap tist church, of which Rev. Thomas J. Villars Is pastor. The pastors andmissionaHes of all Oregon Baptist churches, a re gathered for a week's conference on missionary and pastoral problems. The pro gram is built around the phases of pastoral work in Uhe larger and smaller fields. . dealing with these In a specific way.' A large place is left for the deepening of . the spiritual life on the pastors them selves, much time devoted to pray er. Such questions as "The In spiration of the Scriptures," "The Theories of The Atonement," Mis sionary co-operation. Religious Education, and Church Manage ment are being discussed. The sessions began on Monday after noon with an address by Dr. Vil lars on "The Inspiration of the Scriptures." The subject of Church Administration will be discussed . by " Rev. , Ernest H. Shanks of Salm. Each subject will be opened for general, discus sion, following its presentation. Meetings are held morning, after noon and evening, nad will con tiue' until . Friday. The reports show: a substantial gain in all parts of the state. Large increase In membership, and a. healthy fi nancial situation. ' If music is, the language of lovo the saxophone player hates, every body. OREGON XKW TONIGHT '. -EXCUSE ME' . ....... Ky By Rupert Hughetf Starring I TONR-D XAGF.L v " NORMA 81IEA11KU IlilllllDIIilllll LIBERTY NEW TODAY The Beauty Prize' ; , . Ry - NINA WILCOX PCT3IAN IIIIIIIDIIIIIIII jm&h "You i "i e- 1 w .... w . Vendor V' 5 And Jifciher said arpacfcagc of ... M ' t v t r t . ' ; ; . Aleadlnft dentist . states that chrw ' ' " gum cleans the teeth ami acts as mild anti 'i,' " eptic in the h .mouth.; ,v -r. , A pttnaineirt pliy- sktan urges its dm after eaefc ' ' outal to keep the teeth free from decay. il$? niotlicr: slie rewards the JlUk rvazxsr Srltls coristliln ddicioiw , lon-' lasting and hznr eficiall HappyrncaltKy children with Mley'8 -andt best cf all - the' cost small I - Vt After Every Meal DIFFERENT FLAVOR S 1 7 i mi ,m tr. w KfV1!. fj...M.- tn-. umii. ri...i.....i" ... .'. Special Orchestra Tonight :? r New Salem Restaurant. 6:30 to 8:30. Dancing. J 125 Parks Concrete Mixer m 4. ' Because he .parked a concrete mixer In the street without a light, D. Korb deposited a $10 bail with .the police officers yesterday.. Pavement Program Heavy . : .With r added equipment to the street, commissioner's department the city of Salem wilf be unable to make the many 'street improve ments being called for at the pres ent time, according to the. an nouncements made yesterday. The purchase of three-sack mixer will facilitate work to certain extent, it Is declared. The addi tional work that could be done, however,; will not be sufficient to meet the crying needs of the city.. From all Indications the pave tnectr in the south patt of the city will be started first. The north ern district does not dry out. until liter la .the summer months, and as result the foundations far tie improvements - cannot be mads. Street comm!s0er Lowe has pn la 'tense eftta test street 'fave cuiiti that ti?et:ei n;ia l.'Cs Lg...raB.r. f ? I" j fL belter 9 rrnHERE i3 no doubt but what our ' sedan type funeral car is, far superior to the old style hearse. ' In every way it .serves better. , , ' " It is typical of Webb service that this " new and modern piece of equipment has been added to our rolling stock. :C FUIJER'. PAr.LO-3 203f-O Tif V1 - - . if r sytf- s- m 'MB, 7. s S