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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1924)
THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 14, 1924 AUDITED BUNCH DELILAH, Delilah, from your balcony look out upon the dawn;' There is no time for tragedy when all the world is young. ; ' : - - . v ' r , - ' Oh, Delilah, Delilah the mighty man has gone; But, oh, he loved you long, Delilah, and now it is dawn. Delilah, still and sadly sweet, new glory conies this way; Bind golden sandals on your feet and go out to greet the day. si MARGARET PITTNER. ! v From "The Lariat." MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM Mc Gilchrist. Sr., were the honor guests Saturday evening on the occasion of their 40th wedding an niversary at a most enjoyable sur prise party for which Miss Ethel (McGilchrist . was the hostess. Seventy-five guests were present for the evening, the, feature of which was the mock wedding cer emony, and the various responses given. Mr. and Mrs. McGilchrist were also honored at dinner preceding the party, with Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam McGilchrist, Jr.. the hosts. Additional covers were placed for Mr. and Mrs. Millar McGilchrist of Portland. . . j The Christmas program of the Lincoln school will be presented at the Leslie Methodist church on Friday evening. Each room will be .represented by at least -yie number. Several numbers will be given by a favorite vocalist. A popular quartet will sing, and a reader who is especially interest ing has promised to, contribute to the program. This is the first program to be given outside of school hours, and is being greatly anticipated by pupils, parents and teachers alike. t ' Thn members of the O.A.C. club ere making Interesting plans for their Christmas party which will be held Thursday at the Colonial Dame Tea Shoppe. Mrs. Beatrice Crawford Newcomb will ; be the hostess. A feature of the evening will be the Christmas stocking which will be filled with gifts not to cost a penny more than ten centsceacb brought in. by the membera.' ' Among the program numbers of the evening will be a piano solo by Miss Mary Cupper, a ; reading by Miss Lucille Cummings, a song by Marjorie McCallister, a vocal LOOK! OXE HUNDRED PER 1 CENT PROFIT! Buy one or more Fur Rabbits, Price $,0.00. No ;'Poniie Scheme." Legitimate industry. Can't fail. We breed, raise, Bell and send profit annually, guaranteeing 100 per cent. Con tract sent on receipt of money. Money back if not satisfied. Limited opportunity. Send money today; tomorrow may be too late. Buy from this adver tisement. TULSA FCR FARM Tuba, Okla. j i as a symbol of love and good - jf I J j U cheer from the first .Christmas to r JM 1 1 II i the Christmas of today. It was an I 1 1 earlyj custom to give honeyed things that i I j WW yearj mSft ke ul sweetness, lamps that il 1 1 it might be filled with light; copper, silver and gold that wealth might flow. Our gifts this Christ- V mas bear these same messages of love yYvv and cheer, for Christmas and gift- Vvv giving are the same in all ages . PHONE 106 IT IS DAWN duet by Doris McCallister and Jim Luper, solos by both Mrs. Merlo Rosecrans and Mrs. Jean Pearcy, and the review of a three-act play by Mies Vivian Hargrove. The committiee assisting Mrs. Newcomb are: Mrs. Richard Sla ter. Miss Sylvia Woods, Miss Helen Lee, Mr. Slater and Mrs. Spit z bart. ! 1 The Bach program on Wednes day evening , at the Chamber of Commerce by the musical section of the Arts League will be under the direction of Mrs. Martin Fere shetian of j the First Unitarian church, as follows: , Song, "Ave Maria,". .Bach-Gounod Piano. "Soiree" Bach Mrs. Monroe Gilbert. Sketch, "Life of Bach" ...... Mrs. G. Ebsen. Christmas song from Bach. Prof. John R. Sites will ren der two cello solos. Mrs. Gilbert will present a plea for suitable quarters for the Arts league where an art exhibit fo the city of Salem can be built up. The city at present has no place for an art gallery or a collection of art objects. , Mr. and ! Mrs. Curtis B. Cross hare moved from 266 N. Capitol street to their new home, 222 Lincoln street, on Lincoln hill. '.!. Mrs. Frank Snedecor, who was accompanied by Mrs. Estes Snede cor, of Portland, is hame from a two months' motor trip in South ern California. Mr. and Mrs. Breyman Boise met the tourists in San Francisco last week, the par ty returning together. i Preparations for the "Made in Oregon" fair on Wednesday even ing at the! First Congregational church are taking more and more definite form. The various Ore gon products received will be of fered for sale. A banquet oC Oregon products will be served in the evening, with the committee in charge including: Mrs. W. D. Clark, chairman; Mrs. J. J. Rob erts, Mrs. Robert Fleming, Mrs. Alice W. Dodd and Miss Edith. Hazard. j One of Friday evening's charm ing affairs was the bridge party at which Mrs. Hugh Kyle enter tained at the S. S. East home, in viting guests for three tables. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Chambers won the ' high score, the consolation-prize j going to Miss Dorothea Steusloff. ' Yellow chrysanthemums were used in" the rooms where a lunch . 1 1 I i 'MILLER "T : 1 I II I'l I eon was served following i the playing. The hostess was assisted during the evening by Mrs. Claude Steusloff. Si The guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Claude Steusloff, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Chambers, ' Miss Dorothea Steusloff, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Griffith. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Jones Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Ohling and the hostess; Mrs. Hugh Kyle. i The Writer's club will meet on Tuesday evening at the home of Perry Reigleman, 940 Mill street. ,.. A reception and homecoming for Tuesday evening is being plan ned by Chadwick chapter of the Eastern Star to follow the special meeting of the afternoon. A sec ond meeting- will also be held for the confering of degrees. A homecoming is planned, with a delightful program ! and social hour. Mrs. F. E. Shafer is chairman of the committee in charge. The reception will es pecially honor the 1924 members. For the afternoon meeting the of ficers of the Chapter are making the arrangements. Air visiting members of the order are especial ly invited to be present. : - Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Webb were hosts at a 24-cover supper party Monday evening at the Spa fol lowing the Monday night Christ mas formal. A beautiful basket of bronze chrysanthemums cen tered the table. The Salem Music Teachers" as sociation will meet tomorrow even ing at the home of Professor and Mrs. T. S. Roberts for a particular ly Interesting December meeting. Stephen Whitford. pianist, of Portland, will give the entire pro gram of the evening. The busi ness meeting will be at 8 o'clock the program following. Mrs. Effie Hollister of Pasa dena. Calif., who has been a house guest for several days at the home of Mrs. M. C. Petteys left yester day for Portland before returning to her home. 1 - -f Mrs. Alice H. Dodd, instructor in art history at Willamette uni versity, made an Interesting jour ney to Sholls. Washington count ty, to talk to the enterprising Woman's club of the community. Mrs. Dodd, who spoke ! to j the group on Art, found a very res ponsive audience. ... -) ; ; ' H ' The members of the Women's Civic league at their meeting Wed nesday night at the Chamber of Commerce elected Miss Ethel Fletcher! as their new secretary. The League decided to . fill a Christmas . stocking for a poor child, under the auspices of the Associated charities. Mrs. Clar ence Hamilton and Mrs. Bernard Shucking will take charge. The members of the American Legion auxiliary will be guests of the Legion tomorrow evening at a dance at McCormack hall. ' The auxiliary will meet for a business meeting preceding the dance. : - ' 1 ! , The Corona club of the Salem high school met at the home of Theodore A. Shanks, North Liber ty street, on Friday evening. The occasion was the regular monthly meeting of the club, and after a brief business session a fine pro gram of games and music was en joyed. The program consisted of the following numbers. Solo, Drifting Along, Lois i Plummer. , f : Social Calendar j Today Christmas concert. First Meth odist church. 7:30 o'clock. Missionary Day program. Wom an's Missionary society of the First Christian church.i Church, 7.30 o'clock. Monday Monday Afternoon Bridge club. Tea at Colonial Dame Tea Shoppe. Senior Standard .Bearer. 7:15 o'clock. Mrs. Benjamin Blatch ford, 1745 State street. Business meeting of American Legion Auxiliary proceed in g the Legion dance. McCornack hall. Music Teachers' association. Professor and Mrs. T. S. Roberts, 503 S. Summer street, hosts. Program by Stephen Whitford of Portland; Tuesday YKK class of the First Method ist church. F. L. Odom, 1730 State street. Writers' club. Perry Relgel man, 914 Mill street, host. Highland Parent-Teachers' as sociation program at school by Moore's Music house. 8:15 o'clock. Special' meeting of Chadwick chapter of the Eastern Star for ther conferring of degrees. 3:30 o'clock. Masonic Temple. Eastern Star ' reception and homecoming 'following special meeting. , " Wednesday , Exhibition' of two pictures in possession of Col. Hofer. Chamber of Commerce' rooms. 7:30 o'clock. Rhonda Welch singers. Armory. "Made in Oregon" fair. First Congregational church. "The Pill Bottle." Tri-C class play.. First Presbyterian church. Thursday "Made In Oregon" products fair. First Congregational church. Friday, OAC club. Christmas party. Colonial Dame Tea Shoppe. ' War Mothers' cooked food sale and bazaar. S. P. office. North Liberty street. Lincoln school Christmas pro gram at Leslie church. Piano duet, Flaming Star, Maude Engstrom and Lois Plummer, Reading, Categorial Courtship, Marcia Fuestman. Violin solo, Netlje Tibbits. Dainty refresh ments were served, and the dec orations were suitable for the Christmas season. The following were nresent. Miss Grace Tyler, sponsor. Gladys hue, Marcia Feustman, Maude Engstrom, Netlje Tibbits, Lois Piummer, Louise Lanky, Anna Lanky, Margaret Grover, Frank G rover. Harman Garrett, Louis Almstead, Raymond Miller, Claire Miller. Gailen Siddall, and Ted bnanKs. e Highland Parent Teachers association will sponsor dHeht. ful program on Tuesday evening at 8:15 o'clock at the school nousey tne numbers to be given by the musicians of Moore's Music house. The proceeds from the program will go toward , the soup 1-1 1 B . m L . I jMicnen ana me mgniand branch Of the library. i ' ., " -v..-. : Mrs. S. S. East who has been ill at the Salem hospital for the past four weeks will be able to return to her. home tomorrow. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Neer and little daughter. Natalie, left this morninzr ' for a. trin in Taata,o vauiornia. j The Jason Lee Memorial Metho dist church will put on its pro gram of Christmas music a week early this year on account of the number of Willamette university students that are in the choir and who will be out of the city for Christmas holidays at the normal time for presenting this music. The date scheduled for this pro gram is this coming Sunday even ing at 7:30 and will take the en tire, time of the evening service. The plan this year is to as nearly as possible present the wonderful Christmas story in its wide aspects rather than centering on the inci dent of the birth of the Christ child. Prof. Clark who is choir director has gone, to considerable pains to select , the words and music that would best meet the larger meaning of the coming of Christ, and for months' now he has been working with his musi cians to make the occasion really worth while to all who attend. ' The music will be presented In two parts, and will be composed of male and female choruses, choruses of mixed voices, duets, and solo work. Part One Is group ed under the title of "The Nar rative" and is composed of the following numbers: 'fThe World in Despair;" "Jehova Promises Aid;" ."The Annunciation;" "The Son of The Angels;" ; "The She pherds;" "The Nativity." Part Two is grouoed under thp title of jthe Christmas Message, and. is composed of the following num bers: "The Song is Ringing Still;" "The Star of Bethlehem Was My Guide;" "Jesus Shines Brigher;" "Glad .Heralds of Light;" "Give Praise and Adoration;;" "Messen gers of Peace;" "Great and Mighty Sovereign." s, i To add to the congregations en joyment of the service the words printed in leaflet form will be placed in the hands of all. j. 4f ! I The choir of the First Methodist Episcopal Church will present its annual Christmaa concert on Sun day evening at 7:30 o'clock, De cember 14th. Prof. E W. Hobson of the Willamette School of Music has been training the choir for this concert for several weeks, and a splendid program has been pre pared. Prof. T. S. Roberts' will preside at the organ, which in the last two years has been greatly enriched in quality and volume by the addition of several new stops. The choir is made up of more than 50 voices, most of them trained, and they have earned-the reputa tion of being one of the best cnurch choirs In the northwest. The public is invited to share in mis musical festival, s : me program which is to be presented will be as follows: Organ Prelnde i r i'Noeir ......... Dudley Buck rror. T. s. Roberts v-nnsimas Bella . ; . . Forsyth tne Choir Scripture. Reading and Prayer By the Minister "There's a Song in the Air , . , . Speaks Miss Trlsta Wenger jesu Bambino" ; Pietro Yon .incidental Solo Joseph Nee The Choir Duet "Songs of Praise the An gels Sang," Shelley Miss Josephine Bross and Miss Wenger, : "Listen to the Lambs" Dett The Choir mnau Lament .. .Anton Dovorair Organ Solo, "Pastoral Symphony" irom -rne Messiah,': ..Handel i Prof. Roberts Two Christmas Carols inree Kings Have Journeyed" "God Bless Ye Merry Christmas" The Choir unentale Cair Mr. Chapman Hallelujah Chorus ..... . .Handel The Choir His Rubber Massage Quickly Reduces i Waist and Hips MadameX Girdle Gives Slimmerlines Instantly THE instant you put on this marvel ous girdle, you look injehes thinner, your body is erect and graceful and you actually get thinner almost before you know it. In a few weeks you will find 3 to 10 inches gone from waist, hips and thighs 1 j . The Madame X Reducing Girdle is made of toft, live rubber (to really grip and give a genuine massage) the very kind professional athletes have long used to reduce aafely. Takes off 1 to 3 inches the first week. Worn over under- garment instead of a corset. Has garters uicncu. Kccpi pores open, gives .wonderful support. '. j O'tirlr mimm away fat with cvvrr mm ton f'u makc.Thouaadotwomen'hodofKKnecd to reduce, wear it because it ia to comfortable. Srronc. durable won't split or tear -ely ad luitable dUf by da you become more slender. See the Mudiaoe X for rourcif. Try i on uxUjrl '.- t ' ' i . Christmas Certificates for the pur chase of Madame X Girdles The Specialty Sbop (Miss) Renska L Swart 453 Court St, A groups of friends of Mrs. Will Moore were her guests at bridge on Monday afternoon of the past week. The rooms were at tractive with 'flowers. yellow chrysanthemums decking the liv ing rooms and carnations and freezias used, in the dining room. The score ol the afternoon was won by Mrs. Daniel Mc Lei lan. Mrs. E. E. Bragg won the second prize. '",. A delightful affair among the younger set was the dancing party ot the Phoenix club and their guests Friday evening at which Miss Josephine Jaskoski and Miss Dorothy Bell were the hostesses entertaining at the JaskoskI home Holly and mistie-to were used in the rooms with balloons and con fetti adding the spirit of festivity to the scene. - ... i Those present for the evening were: Miss Hazel Paden. club adviser, Miss Florence Busch, Miss Wiima Giesy, Miss Gladys Albin. Miss Leona Geer, Miss Dorothy Swegle, Miss Gladys Murphy, Miss Fay Wassam, Miss Hazel George, Miss Jennie May Hoppes, Miss Fay Wolz, Miss Owendolen Harris, Miss Wanda Jean Heberlle, Miss Margaret Tucker. Miss Rosalie Jones. Miss Josephine Jaskoski. Miss Dorothy Bell, Alvin Kurtz, Albert Flegel, John Drager, Glen NaBh, Robert Ramsden, Charles Coffey. Jerome Hansen, Garland Simpson, Wesley Ellis Vernon Per ry, John Schei, Gerald Mero, Mar vin Headrick, Robert Ashby, Ed win Goodenough, and Harold din ger. . Five hundred and caning were the diversions of the evening when the members of the newly formed "Entrez-Nous" club were enter tained on Wednesday evening' as the guests of Mrs. H. W.' Hale. A group of twenty were present for the delightful gathering. " - ' Mrs. E. H. Shanks, or the First Baptist Church, entertained the Ladies' Society yesterday after noon. She was assisted by Mes dames. Harms. Willis. Vail, D. R. Peterson, J. V. Dencer. About seventy five ladies were present and an attractive program built around the Christmas theme was given. The decorations were suitable to the Christmas seison, with a tree and red and green festoons. Mrs. H. S. Gile was the leader of program which was made-up of stories and the sing ing of Christmas carols. Mrs. Shanks and Miss Ruth E. Ross sang 'The Angelic Choir," Ash ford. Accompaniment Miss Gail McClean. Dainty refreshments were sered. Mrs. B. F. Heikes df Dalles was among those present. Silverton, ore., Dec, 13. Law rence Carpenter was the inspira tion of a delightful small dinner party at the home of his parents Friday evening, the occasion being his 17th birthday. The rooms were decorated in the seasonal reds and greens, a Christmas tree forming the center piece at the table. , Following the dinner the young people spent the evenins in dancing. Those attending were Lawrence Carpenter, Dorothy Neal Brenda Bowen, Sopha Brendon, Ida Oss, Isabel. McGinnies, Arthur Clark, Merle Larson. - The Senior Standard Bearers of the First Methodist church will meet at 7:15 o'clock tomorrow evening at the home of Mrs. Ben- ii rr ? m s We are showing a Christ mas boxed full fashioned hose . v ' j ' $1.65 Pair 3 Pair1 4.50 Wc carry a complete line of hose from the kiddiest to out-sizes. UMBRELLAS Hand , carved I handles with ferrules to match. Many different designs $3.98, $5.95, $6.48 Up to $22.48 Jamin Blatchford, 1745 State street, for the Christmas meeting. Esther Lisle and Pira Franklin will be the hostesses. Miss Ruth Field will be the honor guest of the . evening. Mrs. Grace Allen will have charge of the lesson hour. . "Open House" was observed last night at the three Willamette Uni versity sororities, the affair being one of the most attractive, formal events of the college social calen dar, . A color scheme of orange and blue: predominated at the Delta Phi' house. 757 Center street. where calling hours were from 7:30 to 0 o'clock. The guests were greeted at the door by Miss Jeannie Corskie, Miss Ruth Ross, and Miss Zelda Mulkey. Miss Eloise Reed introduced to the re ceiving line which included: Miss Lucia Card, Professor, and Mrs. E.i T. Brown, Professor and Mrs. Gustav . Ebsen, Miss Mary Find ley,' Miss Hulda Hagman, j Miss Adelia White, and Mrs. John Reed. Large yellow chrysanthe mums were used in the hall. In the j rooms ivory baskets of pink roses tied with orange and blue tulle were used. Orange tapers burned in a silver candelabra. Miss Marjorie Minton and Mrs. Charles L. Sherman presided at the ; punch bowls. . The music of the' evening consisted of vocal duets by Misses Mary and Fay Spaulding. violin numbers by Miss Kathryn Kirk and Miss Jeannie Corskie, and piano solos by j Miss Mildred Tomlinson and Dinnerware Makes A Serviceable Gift Make your gift a practical and serviceable one. Start a new dinner set from one of our open stock ' patterns. Prices .to suit your pocket book. Come in anytime and examine my line of serviceable gifts. Wm. Gahlsdorf THE STORE OF 135 N. Liberty. If in doubt or lack inspiration we would call your at tention to our windows. Here you will find gifts that will be truly, appreciated. PURSES A Special Lot at - $1.00 The kiddies have been taken care of this year for they too must have purses just like mother's. 49c , 98c, $1.48, Miss Helene Story, tattle Elaine Sherman gave the favora which (ConUanaa as psc 3) RHONDDA WELSH MALE CHORUS at the Armory Wednesday 8 P. M. December 17th General admission: Adults $1.10, Students 50c Reserved seats: - 'Adults $1.63, Students $1.10 (Including Tax) I . . . i General admission tickets on sale at Will's, and Moore's music stores. - Reserved seat sale at Armory Monday, Tuesday and Wednes day afternoons. HOUSEWARES Phone 67 i ( i'i ,i -f, f ' ! i I I! $1.75 l-SZi A f 4 4