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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (July 13, 1924)
-V. THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM. OREGON SUNDAY MORNING, JULYflS, 1924 Teddy Bears Lounge Lizards Radio Bugs Fox Trots "; 01 Sharks ; Political Goats Wall Street Bulls Society Lions Human Flies Poor Fish, j Owl Cars Jail Birds 1 . ; did Crabs -f I heard New York at SUPPER VASE OF HAND-CARVED OREGON WOOD ATTRACTS ATTENTION TIME As plain as plain can be. I've hadi Detroit, I've had Beloit And Nashville, Tennessee. An hour ago I heard Palm Beach And listened in on Texas, So now i guess I'll get washed up And go downstairs to BREAK FAST. JAMES E. FESLER. r Faint Heart ; ik' P. S. P. h I V v V t' I I : - ; r'J,r -i, - 5. I ' - - : - v- ' ; It required several months o? carve the vase, pictured above with the designer,' and maker. The ' vase is made of 40 different pieces of Oregon wood, is 20 inches high and about two feet across, with ah 11 -inch pot. The proportions are exceptional, according to C. F. Breithaupt, local florist, in whose window the vase Is on display. The vase has been painted green and black. It is valued by Mr. Kroeplin at 75. The maker plan3 on opening an art and wood carving shop here soon. , : THE PARADE OF TIIK ? ? ? ? ? T SOLDIERS - lly liois Rhodes Hats off!, Along the streets were , flirts A puff of powder, a ruffle of j skirts, A bare knee gleams in the sun. 'Hats off! The flappers are passing on. Black and brown and yellow they gleam, Little bobbed heads like heads ' In a dream, 1 ) Earrings as long as they "grow, t Little rouged cneek,s with , ay pinkisn glow. Short; skirts, long skirts, every V kind, - ' ;' i" , Shoes that trip like a summer . ... wind. . .. I 'Hose of gray, of riesh. of fawn, ; . Hats on! The flappers are gone are gone. IIard.Boild! Bill the Burglar was hard boiled, there was no doubt of that, lie had. been shot at by'humlreds of policemen and had been pierced by at least a doten bullets, but evidently ho was too tough to hurt. At last, however, he was captured and condemned to die in the electric chair. The fateful day came, and Bill was led to the execution room and stranned In the chair. It took' six flZjT Mr iT No Car Like It I ii u . -r AT And at the end of a long sustained high speed, your motor will be cooler, will need less water than any similar sized poppet-valve engine; will need no repair,' no tinkering with imseafed valves. This engine's power curve keeps climbing op while the power of a poppet-valve car is dropping off; j Furthermore, the Willys Knight is entirely free from those engine repairs which make up 50 of the upkeep cost of practically all poppet-valve cars. It has no cams no springs to get out of order. A season alter season. Take a ride today. "WELLY) Ml ine spare time of Fred Kroeplin to men to do it, and they had their hands full, at that. ' Five, ten! minutes, passed, and hard-boiled j Bill's air of bravado began to fade.) He grew a shade paler, and seemed a trifle nerv ous, j j ( : ;-:;;:.;;( "All right, come on," he growl ed, "turn on the juice and have It over with!" j "T-turn it on, man!! stuttered the prison electrician, in an awed voice. "It's been oa for five minutes!" ' ' I ; j SINBAD. Tripping the Light - Fantastic Helen: "What sort of a dan- cer is Jack". . j , ' May: "Not bad, he' really very light on your feet." . MRS. RALPH DELL. . Not every actor who cries '. for bread receives a role. . .-. ' 3Iotioii!t and Kmbt ions' The boat began to roll and pitch. The judge clung to the rail; He didn't like the bounding waves. His solemn! face grew; pale; but happily a clever thought Came to his legal brain, He over-ruled the motion And felt all right again. , LILLIAN RADKE.A Quit Right Jimmy: "Hey, Dad!" Dad: 'Well?" : Jjinmy:! "What kinda i boxes do they use when they box a kid's cars?" ! -I Dad: "Cuff boxes." ; Our National Menagerie Oolf Lynx Hot Dogs Blind Pigs 42 faorsepower ! 50 ftggtfrrs without loss of csss repair wlthcat VICK BROS. High Street at Trade Those (durations First Motorist: 'Having tiro trouble?" ; " ; Second Motorist (wiping the perspiration from his face):"Naw, just; took it off to restthe-rim!"; JOAN KOOPMAN. j "Yes," remarked the theatrical manager of the show that was fjopping. as he sorrowfully view ed tho hundreds of vacant chairs. 'lies, tnis, is inueea a arama pi the! great, open spaces." t r . ' 'Class He was a teacher . i Instructing the girls, Paulines and Elsies Ethels and Pearls. i Though there were fifty. He fell for one lass; j Mabel entranced him c 1 For she was the "class." 1 r EDGAR DANIEL KRAMER. i Barber Shop Chords - ' , Gayboy (to barber who has just Cut his chin-: "You see, my man. What comes of drinking liquor?" Barber: "Yes sir. It makes the chin tender. J. R. HENDERSON. How Careless of Father My Daddy's made me promise That boys I'd never kiss . T1 I was at least eighteen j I really don't mind this. n - - ki Cause when he gave his orders ; He just forgot, you see. To make me promise also I'd not let boys kiss me. ; I -PATRICIA E. BUCHANAN. Nautical Dictionary for Landsman Beatings-Bargaining ; with the captain. 1 , , I Clews Peculiar odor of inter est to government officers. Dead Reckoning -The ; skip per's bill for ten cases. Draught One gallon. Fathom Six gallons. Funnel Used in filling bottles, Hold Does not always .mean "to have." j ; 1 Logbook -Book containing names of customers. ! S. O. S. -Wireless call meaning "Short of Sherry-"j - " ' ' hr i 1 Outline of! History Lady Jane Grey was calm, and was looking her best in spite of tho fact that she jwas doomed to die within a few minutes. i Not a cry did she utter as her head was placed upon the black, nor did she flinch when the execu tioner lifted his axe. Nor did she shed a tear as she! heard the crisp whistle of the rescending axe. : j Thud! Her head dropped from the block, and the lifeless body. of Lady Jane Grey flopped ungrace fully in another' direction, for Lady Jane Grey jwas a lazy hen which had ceased; to lay. I COR1NE GRIFFITH. Radiol ites rallea end taore on power without carben cleaning! car you can keep 1 IGH T .i V" Jy ; Tramp( to lady at back door): Lady, I lost me leg, an' I thought mebbo you " Ladyi "Well, I haven't got it here." . , Ai ROBERT BRECKER. ' HftdfT arn rrqaeiW to rontriliat. All humor, epigrams (or humnroaa mot- : torn), jokes, nerdates, poetrj, bur Ieqii, aatirea and bright Bajringa of ; children, roust be original and uopub- ; liabed. iAceepted material will be paid ; (or at regular rates. : All manuacripta must be written on one side of tho paper only, should bear name of this newspaper and should bo addressed to tho K o n 8 h o p Editor, TU . Oregon : Htatesmao.' " CHAUTAUQUA TALK I j lly tho Secretary . i : , Everything points to the best Chautauqua Salem ever had both in point of attendance and qual ity of program; j 1 Chautauqua is tho one bright spot o the entire year for hund reds oE Salem people.' It is thor oughly uplifting aind beneficial. Its message is one of good cheer and encouragement. That is why a few iare willing to assume the financial responsibility of bring ing it back, from year to ycaK ! Thef e s much more than merely guaranteeing the financial end. There fare a few days strenuous labor as the time draws near in selling ' tickets- Many business people; help with this and are proud to have part in bringing tho Chautauqua back. Thus the real work of perpetu ating 'the Chautauqua as one of the splendid annual attractions of our city far-reaehing as any equal (effort of the entire year- is enjoyed by many beside the guarantors. - - . There Is toom for a number of men aind women who will help in secur'rhg advance pledges for tick ets, far next year, and who will assist! in selling tickets and deliv ering jthe same to pledged buyers about this time next year. If you want ! to be such a Chautauqua booster make the fact known. Call up 1013. We can use you and you'll: enjoy it. j ,..... . Get your season tickets how. They are for sale all over the city. Note .the window card announce mentaj.: You give active assistance to the local boosters by- getting them lat the earliest possible date. . j ! Gel fyour reserved seats Mon day mornine next ! at Patton's Bookstore and Hart man's Jewel ry store 9 o'clock. ; .", d 0 1 6 1 I OS Kd All Quality You cannot find as thoroughly a Well constructed tire, nor as durable a tire,. as these great oversize C-T-C hand-built lo3s inflation cords, which we are handling. Only the best rubbers and long staple combed cotton are used; compounding is improved un der secret process;. the most expert hand-craftsmanship Is employed; . production is restricted and ? the most rigid inspection required. I Tin b a C-T-C hsiwt-oailt Pal- lii tir ler cstrcss law inf (attorn, wkkh (ita aay standard wheel and rlas. C-T-C Tabes add ssileag to alawat aay Salem Automobile Co. t Valley Motor Co. Ir Jorgcnson : Vick Bros. ; (Columbia Tire? Corporation Factory Branch. 477 Court Marion Automobile Co. , si. r - i VISIfTf And use this road LEAVING Salem you follow, the Pacific Highway to Jefferson which is 18 miles from Sa lem, then oh to Albany 10 miles farther. This portion of the trip is all on paving and the streets of the towns are plainly marked with highway signs so you cannot miss the .road. The bridge at Albany Is closed, so you turn to the left at the toot of the bridge and take the east side route to Corvallis, 37 raile3 from Salem. This Is an excellent gravel road. . .j' -- ' Follow the Newport highway Blgnu out of Corvallis and you' will find a gravel road taking you 'into Philomath, 45.5 miles from Salem. I LUNCHES . . CoQfectlonery, Fountain Drinks, Milk and Cream ; Bakery with home-cooked prod ucts, pies, cakes, and' other good things, i . POMjYANXA CAFE i Philomath, Oregon. -;.' After leaving Philomath, the road is slightly rough for the first few miles but one Is comfortable at a speed of about 25 miles. About 12 miles from Philomath proceed more carefully, as there is a rock crusher and a bridge under construction, both requiring Bhort detours of a few feet on a rather narrow I road. After these -detours the road Is excellent and fainy straight into Eddyvllle, which 75.1 in lies from Salem. This portion of the' road follows in ' succession the Marys, L4ttle Elk, and Yaquina rivers: Anyone wishing to tarry and fish for a short time shoud stop and ask Mr. Mauch, proprietor Of the service station and store in Eddy ville to direct them as there Is ex cellent fishing. ; ! ! EDWARD MAUCH Service Station. Garage, i ! General Merchandise 4 ; ; ! C. 1 C. & Gogdyear Tires I ; Eddyville, Oregon 1; The halfway station between Corvallis and Newport From Eddyville to Toledo; which is 93.2 miles from Salem, the highway is freshly graveled; and a wo&derfully scenic 'trip.; The Ifact that there are numerous curves and rather heavy traffic requires that -you exercise cau. tlon. , . . :t::- I On reaching the outskirts of Newport, if you wish to I go to Agate Beach turn to the right at the; first service station that you reach an,d follow the plank: road for ; three miles. If you wish to go to Nye Beach follow the high way Into, town until .you reach the stage terminal, t 100? miles from. Salem, then turn to the right and follow the planking, or if you wish to go to the downtown sec lion turn to the left at the termi nal and follow the planking. JUNGLE OF YUCATAN BEGINS TO DISCLOSE SECRETS OF MAYAS WASHINGTON, July 12 Ex cavation of Chichcn Itza. the once brilliant capital ot the lost ' Maya race, a civilization of American aborigines that, reared an amaz ing culture on this continent be fore the dawn of the Christian era and then disappeared, bequeathing ta posterity a vast riddle of ruined temples' and stately pyramids, has been begun under the direction of the Carnegie institute of Wash ington. ; ... . S .; . I' : ' . An expedition sent into Yuca tan, the site of the Maya's great est cultural achievement, early this spring, lias sent back to the institution here its first report .of actual progress on the task of dig ging the ancient metropolis; from its jungle covered grave in a gen uineeffort to solve the mystery of the origin of the people who built it. . fv Dr. Sylvanus G. Morley, associ ate of the Carnegie Institution in Middle American archaeology, is head of -the expedition', which reached ; Chicheu Itza May 18. btiice Uiat time the eicavators have devoted their unrestricted at tention to uncovering a feroup of pyramids and temples in the very heart of the buried city, known as "The Court of the Thousand Col umns." . J i Part of this has already been reclaimed, thn excavators j coming npon beautifully carved columns, whose numbers led to the name ascribed to the court above. In the course of their excavations the archaeologists, ur. Morley wrote, found a great; mosaic which had once graced the entrance to one of the temples in this court. Examination proved it to have THE NEWPORT BEACHES log. It will tell you the Salem (IHKimV CITY. COTTAGES Clean Cottages at Reasonable f .Prices Wood, Light and Water Furnished 1 I Write for Reservations - Geo. Ci. Smith, Box 423 ALLEN'S f A Real Place to Eat. Sea Foods A Specialty Dining room over the bay ! ' ! -- -i i Near boat;: landing , ' ! ; " Bert E. Allen, Prop. CASINO GARAGE STORAGE Gas and Oil Lincoln County's Largest , 1 : ' Garage NEWPORT CAFE (Formerly Tho Coffee Cup) ll "Where Highway ami City ll : . - ' Meet" Blast and personal service featured. Meals, Fountain, jf r Lunches. Burt Humbarger, Prop. , j Agate Beach Inn I Most scenic beach on the Pacific coast ;Three floors or Solid comfort i Dining room In connection Hi ... . .;' :. . ' i An Ideal bathing I and agate beach sheltered from the strong ji ' winds '. ' - l For rates and reservations II address Katherine George Agate Beach, Oregon Nicolia Hotel On Nye Beach ' ; Newport, Ore. Bipger and Belter ; no Rooms $1 l'p unning Water Steam lieated 200 Feet From Ocean 1 RESTAURAlfT Meals Served A. J. HOWELl! Mgr. Phone 8805 Oregon Caves Resort GRANTS PASS. OUEUOX " Now Open t the Caves Kitchen and Dining . Room in Charge of Members of the Home Economics Depart ment, Oregon Agri cultural College contained a large central figure o Ku - Kulcan, the patron deity o Chichen Itza, surrounded by jlguars and flowers. The mosaic ly in a thousand pieces when te archaeologists found it, scat tered over a stone platform that ad once been the floor of the tlmple. Dr. Morley compared it to a great 'picture puzzle which rfie members of his staTf must cirefully piece together and study. j "Chichen Itza originally cov tked an immenseextent," Dr. slorly wrote. "TmB civic and re liious center .containing th etem ples, - palaces. ' pyramids. ; market lilaccs. ball courts,;terraces, tomfcs i;9id plazas alone covered an area two miles Jong by a mile wie. But beyond. this in eve.ry direction tor miles and miles formerly stretched the homes of the hum bler folks. ; ; . "Of these not a trace may now be seen. The great forest of Yu catan I has obliterated them, so Jjiat now they are as much a part of the earth as the thousands of Mayas who reared them so long ago." ' i - J. O. Kilmartin of the United States' geological survey, who was exact condition of the; to Newport A. L. THOMAS j Souvenir Store J Agat Catting and Mounting Dregoh Pictures, Agate Jewelry j NEWPORT, OREGON iSTOCKER'S MARKET I Ed Stocker, Prop. Nya Beach and Trent Street Cboica, fresh: and cored j meats of all kinds. Poultry, etc i ' Front Street Pbomi 7505 f Nye Beach Phone 25514 . j' j . STORAGE -.( i Drop Vt m Card and Wa Will Save ) f Yon a Stall i i Accessories, Oils, Greases Repairing- on. All Makes of Cars HUNTER BROS. GARAGE NYE BEACH ! Skating Rink iHardwnoH flnor 123x53 You! will find this an ideal nlace to epend yOur evenings hlf wiy i i . i oeiween Day uuu otenu. j ij The Log Cabin i Lnncbes and Confectionery j Special-Sunday Dinner gerved. This house- is conducted by former Salem people and solic- I its your patronage. j Eickson and Johnson, Prop. Park Hotel ! - - , i ! Mrs! PuRhJof Conrallls. in Chars of diniiiK room. Bates $2.50 i per day (meals and bed). On block from post- off ic. ! ' . - j : f ? MRS. G. C. ALLEN NEWPOBT, OEEGOH As You Like It Home Cooking and Baking. i f : i : Confectionery in connection Everything new and clean - ' - ' v.' - I i In the heart of the Nye Beach business section . i Mrs. Stella Flemming Prop. Coryallis-Newpoirt Stage Line i - : i - , 1- j- : We run two stages daily, bbth to! and from .Corvallis. A three-hour ride from Cor vallis to Newport through sOme of the best scenery in the west, in stages , driven drivers. com by ortable careful Newport - Agate Beach Development Company i . s . . - loaned to the Carnegie f institution ftr the purpose of making a map '6(1 Chichen Itza, has Juit returned tq "Washington, f Mr. ) Kilmartin bs completed the first modern map of a portion of this ancient city, drawn "to a scale j which will lajter enable the archaeologists' to irjsert in its proper place every tejmple ind even every column In tile temples, it desired. j I JJ The. program of thB Carnegie Ihstitutfon : contemplates jexcava tlons covering a period) of jat least Ji) yeari. No work will be possi- b e in Chichen, Itza summerl and autumn tl e torrential rains during the because of which fall diirinc ithoe seasons. But it Is cfcpccteii that in 10 yaraf the ex Iditiort will have progressed far dough o know whether the many iiysteries surrounding thp history df the- Maya civilization are to be solved there. . j f I I RK WIIITFJ (it)l'IIKR:CAi;HT A pure white gopher.) probably n albino, was displayed: In Dallas n Thursday by J. W.. Robinson, jwho lives on Falrview avenue Just west of the city. The animal was notine the oeculiar color he sue-1 tjeeded in taking it away from her. ' highway; from SEE LESTER MARTIN If you are interested in buying a cottage or a lot to build on, price right, terms easy. Abby Hotel Bldg. Phone 7451 Insurance and Loans Ashcraf t Lumber Co. . Building material of all kinds . The REDFERN COTTAGES r Neat, clean and attractive Your comfort and satisfaction J is our aim For reservations address FEED D. COFFEEN. Newport, Oregon ; The' Old Playgrounds j r Overlooking Ocean Cottages and Apartments by the j Week or Month i Garage- In Connection i We Appreciate Reservations J. II. If. ANDERSON, Prop. ! Newport, Ore. I , Newport's i New Natatorium. is open for the season. I In connection with the nata torium we have the best dance hall in this part of Oregon, with a splendid orchestra. Our lunch room serves the best at all times.: . -j Only four hours' drive from Salem over excellent paved and graveled roads, j Directly adjacent to the best part of the bathing beach, P. T. Coleman, Mgr. HOT SEA BATHS Gochnour and Read, Prop3. Opposite Hotel Glim ore at NyeBeach" Dr. M. Adell Gochnour, chiro practor physician with massage and electrical treatments. Hours from 10 a. m. to 9 p. m. Newly furnished housekeeping rooms in connection The gopher was of medium pocket gopher size and had all the regular physical characteris tics of the species, except the fur. The fur was a beautiful white, and seemed of finer texture than-th usual gopher. i.Tile. cat had. suc ceeded in eating 'it way a portion t.uc tiraiA ouu.- i-iirr ira a m not be found. Dallas Observer. Some idea of the extent "and growth of automobile camping in the United States was revealed here today when the 1924-1923 Official Camping i and Campsite Manual came off the press and was put into distribution by th national headquarters of the American Automobile Association. According to the AAA an nouncement certain writers re playing up automobile accidents in an effect toward sensationalism, using the term i "murder" with reference to misuse of automo biles, and "slaughter to describe fatalities on the Rtreets and high ways. It is" pointed out by the automobile organization that this tends to complicate the problem, rather than solve It, by leading the public to believe that the matter is Eomehing beyond its control. 5. . i; j: