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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1924)
- ' ; ' SUNDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 17, 1024 " I .1 . i .1 Hi ..I, ,i , ii i IM I- I I Ill II I I I III 1 1 ' 1 " "' , t . . . THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON v ture. : other business id this vicinity ar a bakery, bottling works and steam laundry. When Market Is payed this sum mer it' will be one of two cross streets leading from the Pacific highway to the canneries on Front street. ' :J-,:: ... . ... YMCA Owls are Defeated By Dear School Platers ,; - - The V. M. C. A. Owls were de feated by the Mute Midgets yes terday afternoon by a score of 26 to 13. The game was played at the deaf fcchool. The Y. Owls were ' outweighed ' and outpointed, but put up a scrappy game.' ; ' . v' '-: 'i -if H;;y llBWmjlB;BBi isL tl ill Multiple List Adds . Much More Property j . More than three-quarters of a : million dollars worth of property . Is being carried 'by,, the multiple INVESTMENT r,"-! ' . " , " ; -' The paper", manufacturing business Oregon's safe and sound Industry. Ask your friends who forest In this class of securities. ' Get some common in the Portland Pulp & Paper Co. G03 Title A Trust Mdff. Portland, Ore, GET A 20 acres good level land with new house and barn, has creek, good well, small orchard and 1,500 cords of nice timfer eleven miles : out oh good roao most o: way to Salem; .Price $300011000 cash remainder on easy terms. - "Will ' finance you for cutting money af ter . first payment . is made. , The stumpage is worth more than the total 'price asked. Good ' job Cor whole family, x if you delay' you ioW - : . - v. ' 1 : CITY PROPERTY j Half acre tracts .. Just outside the city limits on the north. All set to fruit for $750 $50 cash! :. . -i . . t JOHN H. SCOn, 208 Oregon Building Correct Draperies, Beautiful Wall Paper Properly Treated Wood Work These things go hand in hand, to make the interior of a home, that ' which is most desirable. I specialize on ENAMELS, VARNISHES, DRIFT WOOD STAIN and FLAT INTERIOR PAINTS. et Yoor Requirements Here Where They Can Be Seen . ' i to Advantage MAX O.BUREN ; '. Furniture Floor Coverings Wall raper . 179 N. Commercial SL listing bureau of the Marion-Polk County Realty association, ac cording to figures compiled Satur day by Miss Martha Leavenworth, executive secretary. The exact amount Is (793.810. At present the bureau has a to tal of 215 listings, giving an av erage price pf $3738 for city and farm properties. These vary be tween a minimum of $700 to ranch property worth $33,600. All of the listings are contained In "The List," bi-monthly publica tion Issued by the bureau for all members. Each of the listings, with detailed description, price and terms is given. Three Houses in Nob Hill Annex Sold During Week Sale of three houses In South Salem (n the district known as the Nob' Hill annex addition have been reported this week by Becke & Hendricks, loeal realtors. The residence properties were built by this firm in co-operation with HOME and $10 per month with six per cent Interest. This will make you a nice home. See us before it is too late. Salem la growing and values are going up. HOUSE BARGAINS Trooms, pavement, near busi ness center, bath, fireplace, barn for $300G, $s0e,eovn ana $40 per month. Another nice seven room house t'o sleeping porches, furnace, full cement basement, large nice bath, everything strictly modern, near state house, for $5600, $2500 cash, and $35 per month, will rent for $50 per month. This, is cheap. llKlMUj Oum Slalesman which will VWrK9iSffi8r 'fe'SfcfTf Pliia He released tbb week. "l 'SH3I! X f JL-U-! ' S1Ss I I Irk Owler a copy sent to jour f gggjf , f Friends. "tfVV s&P?f 1 ' Wenger Brothers. Tha houses are at Church and Cottage streets. Houses similar to thes are finding a ready sale, not only through this firm, but by other realtors. Two of the three sold were three-room cottages, with everything modern. The largest was also a modern home,' but con siderably larger. This one sold for $4190. It Is easy to be thin if the sight of victuals affects you as the sight of scales does. Salem MUCH T 1Y IT Construction Work Making Rapid Headway With Improved Weather Thres different projects are un der way at the state prison, one of which is practically completed. The new brick warehouse is al most done and will be ready for the flax manufacturing machinery in the ner future. Work on this building was begun shortly after the fire which destroyed practi cally all of the prison activities last fail. Reconstruction, rebuilding and strengthening of the portions of buildings left after the fire is making rapid progress. All the walls have received special brac ing and new brick used in addi tion to the old. These buildings are nearly ready for , the roof. The floors, of concrete, were uol damaged by the "fire. Work on a new garage was be gun this week. The building will serve to shelter all prison trucks that have heretofore been kept out . in the weather the entire year. Brick for this building as well as the others is manufactured by prison labor and at a compara tive low cost. According to the plans of Warden A. M. Dalrymple, the old garage will be remodeled into an apartment house for MM Tbols That Feel Right Pick up a Winchester hammer, saw or hatchet and you will recognize that propsr balance or feel that makes it a pleasure to use such tools, it's the same balance that is built into your Win chester gun. i For the man who wants well made, correctly designed tools we can recomrnend none more high ly than those bearing the trademark "Winchester" We are featuring tools this week and you will be surprised at the variety and completeness of our stock everything for the carpenter. Salem Hardware Co. 120 N. Commercial St. , Phone 172 i guards . and their families. In either instance the rental price will be nominal. The space occu pied by 'the trucks at present will also be beautified. Excavation in Progress On New Business Block Excavation work on the base ment of the Hughes estate prop erty at High and Ferry is pro gressing rapidly and another two weeks should see the forms ready for pouring concrete. Dirt from this basement is be ing hauled to the state blind school, by the state highway de partment, where it is beins used to till in the low places around the recently completed $35,000 beys' dormitory. FOR SALE SNAP Positively the best 20-acre farm buy. Rich, dark loam fertile soil. Good house, Barn. VTwo new large poultry houses. Equipped to han dle 1000 hens. About one acre of full bearing .assorted fruit tree. About 2 acres H)l prunes beginning to bear. Close to school, church, and store. Owner lives in California. Can give imme diate possession. Price $5500. Terms. Childs & Bechtel 540 State St. STORBCENTRE IS O'Brien Leases Property in the Market and Broad way Vicinity Development of a store center in the vicinity of Market and Broad way is anticipated with the an nouncement yesterday that a Mr. O'Brien had leased property in this vicinity from Becke & Hendricks and expects .to start a meat mar ket. A grocery store and barber shop will be included in the near future. . ' According to Becke & Hendricks We sell to you today a strictly modern new bungalow completely furnished with new walnut furni ture on one of our best streets. You can not appreciate this in full until you have inspected the house and have seen the furniture. $8300. Without furniture $7000. A beautiful home, hard wood floors, sun room, attractively .fin ished east front, garage, paved street, sunken garden, new and modern, $8000. New bungalow has large living room, fire place, furnace, wood in basement, $5000. New bungalow has everything a family of four needs or may want. Corner lot $5700. Bungalow, G rooms, , all one floor. Hard wood floors. Abso lutely the best built home in Sa lem $12,000. New bungalow not altogether modern, 3 rooms $2500, wood in cluded. Close in on Summer street, a beautiful home. See me about price. Attractive house on Fairmount Heights, including all drapes $7000. Small bungalow, paved street, garage, well located,- easy pay ments, $2600. On Capitol street, large home attractively located $15,000. 4 room new bungalow, every thing modern, corner, east front, $4500. New bungalow, hard wood floors built for you, come and tell us how to finish It $5000. Attractive corner with small house, east .front $1500. Large home,, attractive grounds, this is Salem's' biggest bargain for a retired man with large family or for any business man with or with out family $7500. Most beautiful home, -come and see whether you think so. Hard wood floors all the silk drapes. You will be ever so pleased tq own this $8700. We have apartment houses for sale. Lots and farms for sale and trade. GERTRUDE J. Mr PAGE Home Rents Leap 93 P. C In Four Years 1. mmmm -w ' 4A BeMft t "landlords Accused Of Evading tWJ Bate m ' : -1 l am who of a great NT I MM 1 , Mr. O'Brien will erect a temporary building and be ready for business next Saturday. He is planning oh a permanent building In the fu- GET A HOME7; ' f 10 acres, V cleared, for $750. 15 to 60 acres, some cleared, for $50 per acre. . 55 acres for $4,000; some cleared. Fair farm build-, ings, several hundred cord of fuel timber, 8 miles from Salem, 2 miles from two paved roads to Salem; nice creek water, school on place. Terms of payment very easy ; will take wood on place at $4 per cord, or $7. in Salem; will take any kind of live stock, farm machinery or city property at a fair price. This is good land for dairy and poultry raising-. Get your family into the, country while getting is good. Come in and let me tell you about some of these places. JOHN H. SCOTT, 208 Oregon Building. . Perhaps you have the plans and the lot but not all the money for that new home - . THAT'S OUR BUSINESS , ' - .- We represent Prudential Insurance Com pany, Vermont Loan Savings and Loan Association, Trust Funds and many individual investors. Will be pleased to explain our loan3 to you without any obligation on your part and in strict confidence. All interest and princi pal payable at this office. Hawkins & Roberts; Inc. 205 Oregon Bldg. SALEM, OREGON I inllillm Pivr nmnrrr If; I M. mini nilfWiml It lllll ninm. ... lit it H iifll.l Hrrl HI M miHH SH Wh Ik I nMHI m Dmnnri; I Headlines that cry: amazed at the small percentage own their own homes!" the State wrote the other day. He had Just issued a liousihg report which proved that a great masH of eople were pay ing extortionate rents for apartments that were no shockingly nefclmted att to be an actual menace to health. . AND YET. ANYONE WHO PAYS RENT CAN OWN HIS OWN HOME TO-DAY Ask hundreds of former rent payers how. we helped them acquire comfortable, well-built homes in Salem and its suburbs. AND WE CAN HELP YOU, TOO. Why Not Come in and Talk the Matter Over? It isn't propaganda, however, unless ii favors something you op? nose. . : - & Trust Co., Pacific of people Governor AJfl - l tim W f I'll! r i r I t I. - f Rich L. Reimann 3C7-308 Oregon Building. THE urtuaicsm j: