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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1923)
ViUS ORLGOR STAT123ttANSA'U&t OXIUGOIJ ! i I S . . : Oregon Made furnaces W. W. ROSEBRAUGH " CO. Foundry and Machine Shop 17th & Oak Sts.. Salm, Or; t: : Phone 88 Wa At Out Artar Two Million! W ara onw paying oTer threa qaartera of million dollar a yaar t th dairymen of . this arctioa for milk. "Marion Butter" r Xs tfca Bast Bnttar Mara Cava and Batter Cowa U ! taa crying Bead MARION CREAMERY PRODUCE CO. Salem, Ore. Phone 2488 i - i -. - I - - - 5" f i DEHYDRATED and CANNED FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Oregon King's Food Products Company Salem Portland The Dalles c . Oregon . ' Gideon Stolz Co; Manufacturer of . Dependable Brand , ' Lime-Snlphar ' Solntlon The brand you can depend on for purity and test Prices upon application . i Factory near corner of r " Summer and ' Mill St. Salem, Oregon V iilrselteYalley Prcae v Asscchtica The oldest. Association la. the Northwest. W. T. JENKS I Secretary and Manager Trade A Hleb SU. Oregon NELSON BROS. Warm JUr Faraaeea. phuabiag fating and abaet aiatal work, tia and graral roof lag, gaaaral Job-" bhif la tla aad falvaaisad lroa wirk. " -i. . ... ' i' " I ' I '. itt CaaaMkaU 8. rftABe HOS 1 DIXIE BREAD Dixie Health Bread Ask Your Grocer RIDE THE TROLLEY ; fob;., SAFETY' COMFORT CONVENIENCE 4 AND ECONOMY j Ticket save your time. Buy them In strips 5 for SO cents. f SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES l'"TkV""Mse baa b "PP lap thavaata al taa eritleaf i ariating trada Proof poaltWa wa ar prlatara at wortJ aad aarf. 1 iroua ?maat aad Idaaa arc 'STATESulAK PUBLISHING COIJPAIIY ,1 u. i?0R YEARS M, YEARS The Way to Build Up Your Home Is to Patronize Products THE AUTOMOTIVE WnV OF SHE BE BETTER THAN A MILLION AND A HALf AlUniUALLY There Are at Least 1000 People Who Labor at Tasks That Are Directly Connected With the Industry, and 5000 People Dependent Upon the Industry The First Automo bile Came to Salem a Little Cver Twenty Years Ago, and Now Something Like a Fifth of the Population in Salem and Suburbs Depend on the Industry j Salem has become the outstand ing automotive industry center of Oregon, outside of Portland; and wonderful has been its growth; in the past few years. - i Many people here'who are yet young in both years and feeling remember well the first automo bile In Salem. It arrived only a little oyer 20 years ' ago. There were no automobiles worth men tioning in 1900, west of New York, and only a few. there, of the lumbering, taxi pattern that would look very odd today, i Only just a few years ago, all the gasoline and oil delivered in Salem were taken around by one man with his team of . two old horses. Now the four big oil com panies operating here employ 78 men, and theyi use many tank trucks and cove J a wide territory, besides serving Jtheir Salem cus tomers. "; ; ' 'v ' . ' Growth Throughout Industry The ; Slogan j editor 1 of The Statesman two j years ago made a resume of the ; automotive in dustry of Salem. He found 75 private individuals and firms In business, employing 363 people. He finds this year 94 such indi viduals and concerns, and they are employing 4 49 people. Add to these 123 in the state highway department, shops and testing laboratory. 'Add the 67 in the automobile and traffic departments working under the secretary pf state. Add the 48 employees working in connection with the 84 stages coming into and going out 'of the Salem .Terminal station. , Add the 15 county employees reporting at the Marion county re pair shops. i : n Perfectly Pasteurized.' MILK AND CREAM Phone 725 SCREEN DOORS Wire Screen, Screen Hard ware, Screen Enamel and paints will, brighten up aad preserve your old screens.,. Falls City-Salem 7 Lumber Co. S49 So. 12th St. : . Phone 813 -A. B. Kelaay, Mgr. HOTEL BLIGH lOO room of Solid Comfort A Home Axsay Frost y Devoted to Showing. Salem District People the Advantages and Opportunities of Their Own Country and Its Your Home People Selling Salem This campaign of publicity for community upbuilding has been made possible by the advertisements placed on these pages by our public spirited business men men whose untiring efforts have builded our present recognized prosperity and who are ever striving for greater and yet greater progress as the years go by. r M HAS GROWN TO IN WAGES AND EARNINGS OF THE WORKERS Add the 7S employees of the big oil companies. . Make a total of the above, and you have 780 people. I And that is not all. There are more than 1,000 peo ple in Salem, and coming in and going out of' Salem, and having their homes here, or taking most of their meals, here, who are em- ployed in one way or another in the automotive industry in its various. phases. v i . For instance, there may be add ed to the 780 mentioned above the 40 men who are connected with the Willamette Valley Transfer company, with head quarters .in Salem, and making Portland and all the valley towns on both sides of the river aa far south as Eugene. They have; 30 freight trucks, mostly mammoth freight haulers, and 10 trailers. In their offices and freight house on Front street in Salem they em ploy about 10 people. The Valley Packing company, the very successful packing con cern here, makes many' of its de liveries with trucks, employing five trucks and a Dodge commer cial car.'":: " ; " I The wholesale grocery concern, the Willamette Grocery company, uses a number of trucks in mak ing deliveries all over the valley. All of the canneries and fruit handling concerns employ auto mobiles and trucks in carrying on their work. : I " The state institutions all em ploy automobiles and trucks. : 1 There are numerous firms and persons that have not been listed above employing autos and trucks for deliveries and in various other ways; numerous taxis I , And, in short, 1000 Is, a modest estimate of the number of people employed in and about Salem in the automotive industry. You could add all the bakeries to the list, and all the gravel concerns, with many autos and trucks, and the paper mill. usJng numerous trucks in- pulp w!bod dejiveries and in other ways. The local reader can recall many others. Million and Half and More Count the wages of. al these people, and the earnings of : the proprietors figured as wages, at $5 a- day. That is conservative, for ma"ny schedules of the high class mechanics and others run much higher. Multiply this $5000 a day by the 312 working days in the year, and you have $1, 560.000 a year. That is a conservative figure for the direct income of Salem from the automotive Industry for a year, on the present basis - And the indirect benefits are many; they are felt in a thousand ways - And the industry Is growing in all its branches, and will con Salem Carpet Cleaning i and Fluff Rug Works Rag Tand fluff rags woven any sizes without seams. New mattresses made to order. Old mattresses remade. Feathers renovated. I buy all kinds of old carpets for fluff rugs. Otto F. Zwidcer, Prop. Phone 11S4 13 and Wilbur Streets GSA Town District is a continuation of the Salem Slogan and Pep and Progress Campaign INDUSTRY tinue to frowt throughput he years, with the increasing length of paved highways centering in Salem; with the growth of popu lation and business In every dir ection. -. j . SOOO People Represented These 1000 people make up, with their families, counting five for each worker or manager or proprietor, 50190 of the popula tion ,.of Salem and its immediate suburbs day a fifth of our total population. - : Take away those 5000 people, and Solera would feel, the loss keenly. -Put them together in a city by themselves, and they would make up a lively and pro gressive city. A Creditable Showing The automotive industry of Sa V lem makes a creditable showing for itself. The working force's are competent. They, can repair or rebuild any car of any make. They can make the most delicate adjustments. They keep on hand parts and supplies covering the whole range, from the smallest roadster to the largest and finest car, and for tractors and trucks and all the rest. The service stations are every where, and the garages and repair shops large and small are well dis-. tributed about the city. v Four Oil Companies Four of the big oil companies operate in Salem as follows: Standard Oil company; storage tanks and offices Sixteenth and Oak streets. E. E. Wyatt, local manager; 29 e.mpl?yed. Five company owned service stations as follows: Che'meketa and North Com mercial. .' State and Cottage. . Miller and South Commercial. 18th and State. ! Fairgrounds Road and Highland avenue. . 'Union Oil company; storage and tanks . and office on Silver ton - road, opposite state fair grounds. B. G. Adams, local j 7",""'.:r 2t ' - : '-. I '" ! i - - D is and Towns. j agent;' 15 (employed. Two com pany owned distributing stations, as follows: High and State, streets. South Commercial and Center streets. . Associated Oil company, stor age tanks and distributing station Nineteenth? and Oak. streets. R. O. Snelljnr, manager for Salem territory, j-Office in" Hotel Mar Ion building. Distribution by trucks; 25i people employed.- One company owned distribut ing station at High and Cbemek eta streets.1 Shell Oil company, storage and tanks, 26$0 Pacific Highway, north; distribution by truck; L. G. McLaren, local agent;! 9 em ployed. j . ! I'rlvate Concerns and. Individuals The following is a Iist; of the private concerns and individuals engaged in-the various branches of the automotive industry in Sa lem, as far as the Slogan editor was able after nuch . labor ! and many checkings to; gether and even yet it is no doubt-incomplete: ' I Anderson, J. W., Top Shop, 171 S. High; auto tops. , Anderson, , Vern, 184 S. Com mercial; garage; 6 employed oh average. " . ;' j.'. Arrow Garage, 34S'Chemeketa; II. B. Kee; Oldsmobile service and general repairs;, one employed. -1 Bailey Bros., . Capitol;' ser vice station; 2 employed. ' Bair, Ji C, 349 , Ferry; , auto J4r A Front View of the Salem b.uilding of Vick Bros. radiators and bodies repaired; 4 employed. " j j Barkus & Son, ISth and Center; service station. Barton, R. :D., 171 S. Commer cial; Bosch service station; 4 em ployed. , Bliss, F. W., 311 N. Commer cial; top shop, trimming, supplies; 2 employed! 1 Bonesteele Motor Co.,. 474- S. Commercial; II. F. Bonesteele, manager. Dodge Bros., cars, re pairs for Dodge Bros., cars, a.nd a line of accessories and tires;' 14 employed. Burns, Pat, Fairgrounds road; service Station; 2 employed. r Burns, W. E., (Dan). Ferry and High Streets; G. M. C, trucks and Beeman tractors, bearings, parts, repairs and. service for all cars and tractors; 3 employed. Burrell, E. II., auto electric ian; 238 N. High, storage batter ies and service; 4 employed. Cameron, Chas., 398 N. 21st; a'uto painting; 2 employed. Cherry City Garage, Copley. W. A., 170 S. 12th;. repairs and parts, oil accessories, storage; 4 em ployed.. ". ; ' Clark, Ray,' Garage, 252 State; auto repairs; 3 employed. . Clark, :H. L., 319 N. Commer- TRIG The Surest Way to Get Industries Is to Support cial; accessories and oils; 2 em ployed. Clark, W.H., State street; ser vice station. Capitol City Transfer Co., 226 State; Loose & Emmett proprie tor), Denby trucks, hauling and storage; 20 to 25 employed. Coffey & Hays, 147 N. High; garage; 7 employed. Columbia Tire Corp., 477 Court; tires and tubes; 2 employed.' Davis, Alvy, 2590 Fairgrounds road; ' garage arid repairs, Good rich liners, oils and accessories; 2 employed. . . Doe, H., Fairgrounds road; ser vice, station. Jack Doerfler Motor Repairs ; 410 S. Commercial; Buick and Studebaker specialists; 4 em ployed. Dono Rite Machine Shop, 490 Ferry; Claude Ellison, -John Chamberlain, general machiqe shop, crankshaft . truing, cylinder regrindingTl employed. East Salem Garage, 1895 State; 2 employed. Eppley & Co., C M., 1800 State; service station. Fairgrounds Garage, M. D. Jack son, Prop., 2641 Portland road; repairs, gasoline, etc.; 2 employ- cd- : : :. ' - .- ' Faris & Powers Battery Shop, 4 82 Court: Prestoljte batteries, auto electric work, storage batter ies"; 2 employed. Farmer, Ray . I., . Hardware Store, N. Commercial; tires and other accessories in connection with hardware business; 9 em ployed. , Federal Tire . Service, 197 S. Commercial; Day, Hoffman & Zo zel, proprietors, ' vulcanizing and re-treading, oils, tires and acces sories; 3 employed, i-. Foley's Cash Store, 603 N. Win ter; service station., Fraser Plumbing & Tinning Co. 454 'Ferry; radiators repaired, auto bodies and sheet metal; 6 employed. Frobmader, L. S., Commercial; service station; 2 employed. Gerth, W. B West Salem; ser vice station; 2 employed. Gingrich, Oscar B., Motor & Tire Co., 371 Court; Maxwell. Chalmers and liupmobile cars, Maxwell trucks, tires, oils, gaso line and accessories, also service and repairs; 6 employed. Goodrich Tire Shop, 171 S. High; V. E. Necomb, Keaton & Goodrich, tires, vulcanizing. Great Western Garage; 147 N. High Coffey & Hayes, mana gers; general auto repairing end storage; 5 employed. 1 Grease Spot. 167 S. Liberty; batteries and service, greasing; 2 employed. Grunert Top Shop, W. E., 256 More and Larger Those You Have Why euffer with fitomacb State; auto tops, top repairing; 2 employed. " ; r ; Hamman' Stage Lines, " Stage Terminal, 185; North Jligh; Jos eph Hamman, proprietor; Salem, Mill City, and Stayton; 2 em ployed. Huffman -Motor Sales Co., 237 State; J. E. Scott, manager; Huffman trucks and cars; 8 em ployed. M , Jorgenson,' Ira,' 190 S. High; trn1r tiros aiitnanl trllfk RnrinPR. Kirk wood Motor Co., 246 State; Fred : Kirkwood, manager, Essex and Hudson cars; 2 employed. Knutsen Radiator &- Fender Shop, Albert Knutsen,, 343 Ferry Kroeplin, E 1610 N. Com mercial; Garage; 2 employed. , Larson, P. J. & Sons, 198 S. Liberty; special automobile and stage designs; 3 employed. Lan ham's Garage, 345 Center street; 3 employed. , Lee Tire & Rubber Co., 184 S. Commercial; tires and tubes; 2 employed. Liberty Machine Shop, 444 Fer ry; E7 M. Kightlinger, manager; machine work for autos, trucks and tractors; 3 employed. Marioa Automobile Co., 233 239 S. Commercial; ..Studebaker and Franklin touring cars; stor age, repairs, labor, gas, oils, ac cessories and tires, service calls, used ears, washing; 25 employed. Malcolm -Tire Co., 205 N. Com mercial; 2 employed. Maurer, John, 346 Center; ma chine shop, welding, parts made. Miner Auto Repair Shop, II. J Miner; general repairing. Moore, A.H., 421 Court; bicy cles. etc.; 4 employed. Motor Inn Service Co.. 420 S Commercial; batteries and service 2 employed. Nelson Bros., 355 Chemeketa; radiator repairing; 16 to 18 em ployed. Newton Chevrolet Co., 231 N. High; dealers; ' 8 employed. Oldsmobile Agency, 326 N. Commercial; -Wm. II. Trumm; 2 employed. " Oleson Auto Exchange, 173 S. Liberty; specializes In used cars; 2 employed. Oregon Transfer Co., Ferry and S. Libety Sts., J. A. Kapphahn, manager; general trucking and hauling; 10 employed. Panek,- Mike, 1895 State; gar age; 2 employed. Parker, J. W., Stage Lines, Stage. Terminal 185 N. High; Sa lem, Silrerton, Independence, Monmouth and Albany; 2 em ployed. Parker & Co., 444 S. Commer cial; authorized v Ford agents, parts, service; 12 to 15 employed. Pettyjohn, F. W. & Co., '219 N. Commercial,- Gardner cars exclu sively;' o-7 employed.- "' We Will -(Give Our Best Efforts At all time to lulzt ta any poclble way the 6vtl. opment of the frmit as4 uvi ft j m v w m uu V1 1 ! Oregc: Paclrinq o Trooble' when Chiropractic tCl Bemove the Cause Your Health Begins Ybea Tea Phone 87 for an appointment DnVSCQTT & SCOFIELD 9. ft. O. CMropraiora Bay Laboratory 414 to 410 U. 8. Natl Ei. Bids. Hour 10 to US sum. and 2 to 6 pja. Pearce & SonJ Lot L., 238 i, Commercial; Case kerosene trac tors in connection with farm 1. plements; 2 employed.? ; Quackenbush Auto Supply sl Vulcanizing, 294 N. Commercl l; G-, C. Quackenbush, proprietor; tires, tubes and '-repairs; 4 em ployed, -j. Ramsden, Lloyd E., "387 Court; motorcycles and, motorcjle ac cessories and repairs; 2 employed. R.ed Arrow Battery Co., 640 Chemeketa; 3 employed. , Reliance Auto Painting Co., Colonel Olmsted, E. R. Dery; auto painting; 3 employed. Riverside Service Station, West Salem; batteries; 3 men for 2 stations, v s Robinson & Son, Jefferson high way and Liberty road; service sta tion; 2 employed. Salem Automobile Co., 151 N. High; F. G. Delano, manager; dis tributors for Star and Durant cars, also service and auto supplies; 11 employed. Salem Automotive Service. Ar thur H. Sandberg, H. J. Ostlind; general repairing, Armstrong tires. Salem Nash Co., 185 S. Com mercial; O. W. Day. Salem Vulcanizing Works, 471 Ferry; W. M. Hughes, propri tor; repairs; 2 employed. Scheelar Wrecking House, 64t Ferry; autompbile wrecking; i employed. - ' Schmutz, Robert, N. Capital and Garden road; service station; 2 employed. V Scott, Harry W., 147 S. Com mercial; Harley-Davidson motor cycles, repairs and parts, also bi cycles; 6 employed. Seamster, A. U, Pacific High way, North Summer; service sta tion; 2 employed. Shamrock Garage, 333 Miller; Kotch & Patheal; general repair ing. Smith & Watkins, Court and High; auto accessories, tires, vul canizing; 5 employed. tarr, C, C, 1 85 S. Commer cial; general repair shop. Sbrode, D. L., 12th street; ser vice station. ' Thompson, E. A., N. Capital and Fairgrounds road; service sta tion.;. i Valley Moqr Co.. 264 N. High; Ford sales and service. Ford autos trucks and tractors; 45 men an! women 'employed. Vick Brothers. 280 S. High," New .Vick -Building; Oakland, Willysknight,- Overland, Packard and Westcott cars, Sound tires; J3 employed. - - Walling. J. D.,on Lincoln road; service station. Walsh & Brodhagen, 186 S. High; auto repairing, cylinder re boring. Radiolita and Lectrolita service. Wechter & Smith, 345 Ferry: mechanists; 3 employed. Welcome & Palmeteer; service statlo.n WesternAuto Co., Derby Bldg., supplies; 3 employed. West Side Service Station, West Salem. - -i Wilcox, S. S.J. 18th and Center; service station. Wilson, Otto J., Center and Commercial streets; Uuick cars only, garage and repair depart ment; 10 employed. Wood. T, C. 279 N. Commer cial; auto" tops, upholstery and auto painting and accessories; 4 employed regularly, sometimes. 5. The president of the Woman's Advancement Society was agitat ed. So was the secretary. "Mrs. Nimbletung, who was to deliver the address, at today's meeting. can not- be present." said the former. "Why not!" "Her husband has . been seri ously 111 three or four days." "But a woman ot her strength of principle won't neglect her work in the great cause to attend to the. paltry needs of an individ ual and a male Individual t that?- r . ".Certainly not, bnt he writ" her spechea." Detroit New." ; '