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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1922)
J ' . .1.1 1. . ' ..' .. ; . . . , . r ft a: - k c THE OIlEGON St ATiESMAN: 8aLeM; OREGON SUNDAYMORNTNG; DECEMBER 2T, 1922 raUK BLOCK is i;i ra HAfjos B;;;Lc-St&vesv and W. W. ; Moore; Will Remodel Prom- ' JnonT C)ffl"m I firArr'rV i t w, DrBl SteeTei. prealdeijt of the Salem; ank of Commerce, and Moorp, one 9f.H0 bank: di rectors, .nate MqCot nack block aiCourt and iJbertyv .The; basement and , street, floor of the , building 1, now - occupied by1 the Miller Mercantile company, ,Tbe second floor Is la offices., and ' the' third floor Is lodge quarters; If H planned, to leare ' ihe lower f loot aa'ly Is,' but to .4Wte the entfrrf ttpstalrs to, hlgn 'class1' of ; flees:' . 'The Miller company j-'Vill continue to' hold Its present quar ters.' ": - ., ; To building Is one of the land- mark of Salem., At one time It contained ReedY Opera house. It ha stood. for. more, than SO years, with1 a. considerable rarlety of tenants.. When Mr. ' IfcCornack, ' the1 builder, died a fef year ago; the :ptoperty went fnto the hands ot hls ta.te,.a. Jarge number of , helra being Interested. The sale price at this time 19 said to be approximately i 8 5,000. it will cost something like ( $50,000 to t?18. ftlteriilloni contemplat ed, but. the new owners hare tfiat much: faith, in the present and the future of "Salem and are rti , ahead with their plans to make - ,vy 1 oesiraoie properties In the -whole business -district." -rv The -reported sale of th hniU- ing now occupied by the Stiff sec- t , ono; hand .department to the Owr i Drug company. Is denied by JohhT H. McNary, owner of the building. : Valuable Aeronautics"-, t4 ' X : . Book Held in England i) LONDON, Dec. 2 .-rThe Counl v " of tao Royal Aeronautical , society , announced - recently: that through, the, generosity of the trustees of the - Carnegie .United Kingdom, trust It has .been . able to arrange,, for, the purchase of . Jar;- number i ofv taluable his torical f books v ,pa aeronautics which would otherwise, hare been sold to the American company. , ,The hooks are of , Interest "as they were written before the pos. slbJJlty . of aircraft were -fully realised, and there-are remark- ably few copieaT known" to be in existence. r - f ,:.'' . .These works, together withthe Jibrary already posseesed br the society, makes its collection of early and.," modern i aeronautical literature; c probably 'unsurpassed - In.; this , or - any other - eountry,' 1. The- hooka In the society's' li brary 'are; araliable to any stu ; dent ; In the British , Isles. , 4 ' ' t-l il&Al COSTLY ! ' t BLOEMTONTEIN, O R A N O' E RIVER ' COLONY. : Dee. 1 1 2 e.-a Two hungry natiTea recently stole a ram, killed It. and had a feast.' The : animal, turned out to be . i prise , winner, owned by! the' gqf ernment, and .valued at ' 26qd.' Today , thenatlTes .' are ' In" prlsbn and confront" 18 months at'.haid ubor.; :r .zxifi 1 ' A A , 1 1 r - t if IEJHKD Awards Made in Letter Writ-. - ing Contest Put on by The Statesman .The , following persons have been, adjudged the winners of the Statesman Christmas letter con test and awarded places as , fol- lowa:.. . .:4 : irst prize- Mrs. George H. LeaTeU, 1445 South Fourteenth street. Salem. , , , . :,: Se cond ..prize Viola Hoover, 404, .South Seventeenth strest, Salem. Third prize Dorotha Sneed. Route 6, Box 122, Salem. .-.Winners of $2 checks It. E. Fuspn, Box 235. Salem; 31inta Tarls, 341 . North Commercial street, Salem; Mrs. Allan Brown. 1335 Madison street, Salem; Lou Vina Harper Macleay, . Ore.; Mrs. A. V. Davidson, 1534 South Com mercial street, Salem. Specialty 3ftoW to Have New Location at Once I'M SILVERTON. Ore.. Dec. 23. (Special to. The Statesman) The Women's Specialty shop closed this, morning; and will be closed until (t;opens. in the new location. The shop will be located . In the store rqora west of the Coolidge & McClalne bank in the new bank building. i? L. F. Evenson will also mbye Into a small store room lpvthe ner bank building directly between the specialty . shop and thebank. For, ,the ,past few ye1ajrMr.. ETensont.has had ; his Jewelry business in the Gem building on North Water street. GREAT RECORD Operations of Six Members for One' Year Produce Remarkable Results it A' i - The Salem Pig club. In exl ePce .t or one short jear and composed ;&f oaly ,sii members at, this time,, has made a- ree'drd Which, , In 1 proportion ; to iU size. am peen, unequuea oy any other One county, In. the state, accord ing to W; H. Bailie, rural school dlreetnr.' ; i , . i .vpigures Vbrnitted. by Mr. Balj-; ue , snow ; that ,the . club has won tf . pwzes , aunng , tne past year., raised ' ii sirs . and. made a net profit of ..$814.50 , or ap prpxunsjteiy, $135.60 for each , .Of these amounts .,11, ot the hlJr ' ilL-J til 1 -. t" ' fa vj ,y one , oor. Homer Bray of ; Salem I, , tn d- ' dltion he fa reshnnlh1 tar tsxs of4 the irlzei and $583.50 oVthe total , ne profits. , He j entered the Pacific' ' International,' Spo- uo vt c3iciu , xvojb.1, ana uro- ot8Hi6.g;ana;$i:44 respect-, etaRetms means of conveying our tiue wish tot A MERR t . i 1 . 'A i " CHRIST rr iyely. The prizes Included one first, six, seconds, two thirds, one fourth and. one fifth In the Pa cific International; two firsts four seconds, two rourths and two fifths in the Spokane Wes tern Royal fair; and three firsts, tlx seconds, three thirds two fourths and one fifth In the Ore gon Stat fair. A statistical record of the club's activities for the past year show that .22 pigs were raised, costing $280. Prizes won were $462, while sales amounted to $355.50. Invoice was placed at $270 and net profit $814.50. Homer Bay disposed to all of his stock for $300.50. '..'Mr. Bailie, who has sponsored the club from its infancy, states that although the present mem bership Is extremely limited there are openings in the organization for two or three more enter prising boys who can show abil ity to produce results. The, pres ent members of the club are: Lyle Rains, Lester Rains, Leslie Davis, Glen Mathis, Carl Ram seyer and Homer Bray. farmer gives money Away, think crazy Santa Claus from Idaho Hands Chit $1,000 BiHsj Turned Over to a Hospifal CHICAGO, Dec. 23. An excess! of Christmas good-will - tonight landed on G-us- Mallackas, aged 43, who says he is an Idaho far mer, in the psychopathic hospital En route to Chicago on sT Chi cago & Northwestern' tralii Mal lackas, carrying $ 1820 In cash and two suitcases! ' secured with a huge padlock, began distribut ing his .money among the passen-: gers and crew. t The . conductor, after receiving , a $650 present, collected the , funds . again, and turned the farmer oter to the po lice. At the station Mallackas handed the - captain's secretary $1,000 and. told him to go but and buy a turkey for Christmas. , t4 'V - j. Grateful to the public for its patronage, we wish you, one and all A Mgrry Christmas - and- V; Happy New YSar GALE Y MM ton mm Furkiifiire 10 Ml BILLS 60 QVER Merchants Unable to Fix Time of Transactions Notes New and Crisp LINCOLN. Neb.. Dec.. 23. State Sheriff Gus Hyers has re ceived information, he announced this evening, . to the effect that two five-dollar bills, correspond ing In serial numbers with those stolen by the. mint bandits at j Denver, were expended Friday, one at Hastings, Neb., the other at Aurora, Neb. In each instance, according to the sheriff's information, the cur rency went over the counter of merchandise establishmets in pay ment for purchases. Discovery of the bills was not made until Friday, and suspicion was not aroused when the purchases were made. . The merchants In the two towns could not, according to the report, fix the time of the trans action, nor did the clerks han dling the money pay any atten tion to it at the time it was. re peived. .According to the report reaching the state sheriff, the bills were new and crisp. When told tonight that police authorities at Hastings and Aur ora denied knowledge of the pass ing of bills corresponding witli those stolen at Denver, Sheriff Hyers said he was not surprised at the denial, nor would he at tempt to explain it. "My information came from a man of unquestioned reliability, and I believe it," the sheriff said. "I cannot now say the source of my information." Prince Aage Decides p Returnjo French Army COPENHAGEN, Dec. 26 Prince Aage, son of Prince "Wal demar of Denmark, who fenouno ed his throne to. marry an Italian countess, has accepted a commis sion as major in the French col onial forces. Prince Aage, some years ago. & ITE was an offieer of the French for eisn force?, bnt left to Join his own regiment ot the Danish Roy al Guard. He will be sent to Morocco and will be accompanied by his wife and little son. 5 IN PISTOL DUEL Shooting Follows Altercation Between Rival Bus Line Operators , BEDFORD, Ky., Dec. 23. Five men were wounded, one seriously, in a pistol battle here tonight. Three of the wounded men were bystanders. t Those wounded were M. E. Sanders. 45, and Sam Boatwright, 34, said to have been principals in the exchange of bullets and Vivian McManis, Charles Tingle and Claude Hackney. Sanders, the most seriously wounded, was struck by two bullets, one pass ing through his right lung. The shooting was ssld by spec tators to have followed an alter cation between Sanders and Wil liam Hood, rival operators of automobile bus lines. Boatwright was declared to have become in volved in the. light. , We are guaranteed fully worthy m To You and Yours Mfe ;;v v,- .Merry ( ' : Christmas t v 's M. I HVI W n - - r- ' J I P Ur Big sPecial Christmas' Offering .. . ' J Wm STARTING MONbAY. ! S 2? - I TODAY ONLY GEORGE BEBAN IN "THE SIGN OF THE RCfSE- 11 ' wmm r mrnrnl. 1 ,, , a5S3r IN N FROM PEN Aged Slayer of John Becker Freed by Governor Rit ner Yesterday Morrison Campbell, 72 years old, who was serving a life term in the state penitentiary upon a conviction of murder in Douglas county, was late yesterday par doned conditionally by Governor Ritner, in time to spend Christ mas with his aged wife who is now a resident of Salem. Campbell was received at the state prison June 30, 1914, and most of the time since has been a trusty at the prison. At one him to go home unguarded to spend his golde-n wedding anni versary with his wife. Campbell killed a man named John Becker. There were no eye witnesses. After the shoot ing Campbell gave himself up to the officers. He claimed that Becker was in the habit of driv ing his livestock upon Campbell's property. It was during an al tercation over this, Campbell claimed, that he shot and killed Becker. He claimed self-defense. The shooting was near Melrose in Douglas county. After C&mpbfiU's incarceration In Have And To proud to present this splendid picture to the people of Salem. It is picture entertainment the type of picture that everybody likes and of the Christmas season and spirit : r The Theatre O REGON 12 his wife moved to Salem and his been in almost destitute circumstances- for some time. It is said they will continue to livi here. The pardon was recommended by the state parole board. The condition attached to the pardon Is that if Caanpbell should commit another serious infringment of the law he must go back to prison. His citizen ship Is restored. Yesterday in Washington The senate and house, aft er a brief session, began their Christmas recess and the i government departments took a half holiday by order of President Harding. Secretary Weeks disclosed that much progress already has been made on the plan for industrial mobilization ot the nation's resources for ser vice in a national emexgencq. President Johnson of the railway machinists' union charged that the railroad companies are "squandering money in a fight against their employes who went on strike last summer. Chairman Curtis of the senate rules committee order ed the arrest of all bootleg gers found t in the capital building regardless ot who may Intercede in their behalf. Senator Johnson of Cali fornia publicly, attacked the, Betty Compson AND Bert Lytell one of the greatest romances Beautiful 7 proposal .of Senator Borah bt. Idaho,. another member of the : Irreconcilable group , fo a new economic , disarmament, conference here. 'r, ,...,. , 6 IK Tiervttk, itmf&t mi frittiemtnurmit Gril, Ekctr McUnical, Wlnlna ,4 Ardutecmnt Iaiiwiag. .Spciloumia . AutwaotMl EogiaecriAg, MacUaa Sop,ita ' Scndcats gtt practice wiuVicaiaint, . A Vnhmily Ctxrtt la all tli'nVlmei dab. Dccrtcamatedto AiU crane ai.Hick chool men caa, . coapleta our tnguvxant eounes ia 04 aibatht actuilftuSy andcow ' intensirs methodj.' Send fdt fret Cttaloy. ralrtoekah 1 &kgaj EackMsiff -?J , MaalMbiSk ' CUUUtO. CAUT. RELIANCE AUTO PAINTlKfi co; 219 State St.' a - r '"''." ri" i- -- Cor. FiwiSt;;Pkoiie937 evet written. Fiolei 1 t,