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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1921)
1 THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 21, 1921 x Si T FLARES AND FLICKERS v The Inner Voice-, j which is conridred ft be one ofj the great eat motion pictures elver made, will play a social fcrigasmmt at the Oregon theater startles tftday. It is claimed that tlil3 produc tion which cost sevfer&l hundred thousand dollars to pro4uce"pos Besses a iK' tire human sory with an of sympathetic ap peal. It is the consistent blend ng of 1 the various V characterised foond in this drama that has matbj it the phenominal f.uccsh that it la--;, ! i - Frank Rogers a ventriloqu t known throughout the land as the man with many voicei is a nmit capable and finished j artist who extracted an endlffcs amount ot comedy from a pair oif dummtes. On the vaudeville bill it the HUgb today. ing that If the operation Ii ne cesetul. Dago w?ll be ai-owed to go free without serving his prhOn -Ilt'iIW. Is My Crown on Straight? She was every inch a queen and ytt on the day of her betrothal to the king of You-Prcnounce-lt ette couldn't hely be:ng just a I ttie tit aiuious about hr looks. Hat you may wire that her looku were all that the heart and the eyes could deairo when, yoi know that the kvely heroine of "Such a Little Queea". In vivac ious, dainty littls Conatiuco Bin-Bey. i p in h la latest Paramount com edy, "Crazy to Marry." which romes to the Oregon theater next f'unday Roscoe (FattyJ Ar buckle plays the role o Dr. llobart Hupp, a surgeon whoae. pei theory is I that crlmanls ard thieves can be cured by an operat'oin anj- thus i on verted jlnto honest upright men. Hull' Montana am Dago Ucd li h's sub.fct. the conditions be- Seanue Hayakawa will be Reen in "The Brand of I-opez," a Kon-erUon-Cole Superior picture at the Grand theater for two days t tar tint next Thursday. Wearing the latest Parisian fashionable gowns, KlsJe FerVpi- non will Drove a bit; i.Umf.1 on to society women of Salem when hei latest Paramount picture. "Sacred and Profane Love", l. displayed at the Oregon theatt r .next Friday and Saturday. The govrns re:cn, 1) came from Par'.s, wher-? they were purchased by the star er. route home from her six month." trip around the world. The lat- est designs fey Ca;lot; Lumiere models by Madeline et Mada laint and a score of n.eri re?lsct the very latest -iita..e of tns fiShioa ateliers. Sesaue Hayakawa, the noted Oriental rtar, ia easr to sec- how his following w 11 like 'The Brand 01 Lopz,' ii3 newest Kobertson Colc Superior picture, wnreh wilt be seen at the Grand theater next Thursday ami Friday. The part of a Spanish Lull -fighter which he flayea in this intensely nie;c dramatic production 1 w.deiy dilfertnt from most ol his roiea. day, abounds in the clever charac terizations which have, made toe star the most popular out-ot-dooj actor on the screen. A popaia" cast will be seen in h:s iaypori in the production. CELEBRATIONS MARK RESTORATION OF RHEIMS CATHEDRAL. Russell Simpson. Cu!Js Landis, Pauline Starhe and Mary Ad-:: bad the cast in the newie-s;. Uo'tf-, wyn picture, "Snovblind, shown here at the Liberty today. It was t produced by R.-giaaid Barker i Mom the stirring novel by Katn j erine Newlin Burt when ran m the Red Book. Starting Today , . r&lli. -it kll II II L jiT. .W " r n mm W alt. m- lir Goldwy KeSiiiald Barkers PRODUCTION ! I vAdapted from J R novel by Have you read Snowblind" in the Red Book Maga zine? It's Kathar ine Newlin Burt's newest novel and one of Goldwyns greatest pictures. At th-J Grand theater oti next Saturday and Sunday Manager lfiar w,ili present the William Tox htar, Shirley Manor, 'n a ro mance entitled "Lovtt'me." The story, accord ng to report, is one in which the role of the-heroine rit? Miss Ma.'ia like the per ect glove. Raymond MeKee, a favorite on the screen, is her leading maa. Out or good "Th-? Devil" tlnds means of evil. Mr. George Arliss, who ia twn at the Grand taeatr today and tomorrow in "The Uev- il." gives an nterpretat on o vrv oolite vtrv uolislu'd. v subtle tempter who cloaks h'S la':ny in deeds of klndncsa ana works h's greatest evil a the guise of friendship. The toys of 'The Dsvll," to re played with and broken, were Lu cy Cotton, as an he ress, Rolanu Bottomiey, as her fiance and later her husband. D. W. Griflith,s. best pro net on "Dream Strett" has been noofcea for a bhowius at the Liberty soou. "The Island of 'RefcereratUr., which will be shown at h" HI theater on next Friday ac:l Satur day is different rrom te -vi rue (tbotoplay and w .1 Ions h r?' membered tecauye of its rvtist c beauty and thrilling Ktory A lurn'ng rh'.p, earthquake;' voicano in eruption and a subt-i ranan cave furnish some Df tlio thrills in this film masttrp"eee. SOME IK HB Salem theatergotra will hava a chance to pet about $100 worm of merchandise free at "the Grand theater Thursday night. It seems to be a secrst how it will be done. The, mountain that ha never been scaled Mt. Victoria in Can ada will be seen in all SU snow clad beauty in "Snowblind," a Reginal Barker production and Goldwyn picture, which comes to the Liberty theater for four days commencing today. The sheer walls of Mt. Victoria rise yard after yard, without ottering a foothold for even the mountain goats that abound in that region. Opening of Deer Season Brings Unusual Demand For Game Licenses "The Passion Flower", starring Norma Talniadge, will be the at traction at the Bligh theater tor an engagement of four days, com mencing next Sunday. This is an adaptat on of Jacinto' Benavente'3 play of the same name,, in whica Nance O'Neil starred oa Broad way last season. Courtenay Foots and Harrison Ford appear in the leading male roles opposite Miss Talniadge, who portrays the pa't of "Acacia". Others in the cast are Eulalie Jensen, Robert Ag new, Charles SKvenson, Alice May and Natalie Talmadge. '"The Passion Flower" is a story of Cas tillan peasant life. It was direcu ed by Herbert Brenon. novel by I Katharine Newlin Burt A breath from the great out-doors which blows away the petty, tiring cares that take the joy out of living. : i m m m m m mm b rnt -m 'VW' 1 I I II i i p- -Ti. w mm c "Salvat'on Nell" is one of the big features that has been booked for the Liberty soon. Betty CompBon, whose meteoric rise to stardom was the result ot her remarkable portrayal of the role of the girl in the George Loane Tucker production of "The Miracle Man," makes her initial stellar appearance in ''Prisoners o! Love", which will be presented nt the Liberty theater Deginning Thursday. ' With the deer hunting season on for game district No. 1, com prising all counties west or the summit of the Cascade mountains, there has been an unusual demand for hunting licenses at the county clerk's office. Of course every hunter knows that the bag limit between Au gust 20 and October 20. is twe buck deer with horns. But there are certain unlawful things aud these are as follows: To hunt without a liicense. To hunt deer with dogs. To hunt at night. To hunt on any gamie refuge. To disguise sex of any same animal. . To lie in wait for deer at or near salt licks. To sell, or offer for sale, bar ter or exchange any game animal or parts thereof. To shoot from public highway or railway right ot way. To wantonly waste fame. To hunt on lands without the permission of the owner. . iff 4 trtvJ'f ; . ij; ..v.--;.. j.j.. fi?l) t iiib jm ri -i . lam U tit i .iVL HO,' : Ut-- i tii-"- , v : - TODAY MARCUS LOWE'S Hippodrome Vaudeville: REED aad LUCY j Sketches and Musical; Trimminira FRANK ROGERS i ! Ventriloquistic Wonder i N German shells so wrecked the beautiful edifies at Rheims. despite the sand bags piled About It for j$ protection, that much time and money were spent to restore the building section and stattes that had been cracked and In some cases almost totally destroyed. The photograph shows the religkus ceremony of thanksgiving held on the steps of the Cathedral. 4 , L ; . , ACTIVITIES OF SHERIDAN PEOPLE 1 J . 1 Usual High Class ; W. C. Tuttle never wrote a bet ter stOry. Paul Hurst says be has rarely directed a greater picture. Louis Chaudelet says it is hl3 "Rem'ngton" of the west. That's why "Black Sheep", Neal Hart's latest picture, is one, of the best we have offered in many weeks It will be at the Bllgh theater Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs day. "Song Sketches w;th Musical Trimmings," describes in brief the specialty that Introduces Reed & Lucey, the popular musical comedy favorites. pianoiogue, pretty ballads and topical num bers are included in their very de sirable offerings. On the vaude ville program at the Bligh today. "Screenland News." the made-in-Oregon news reel has been bonked for the Liberty .....ater starting next Sunday. Biggest Beanery in West In Operation in Salem "The biggest beanery in the west" is now in operation in Sa. lem the King's Products dehy dration plant which is working ex clusively on string beans. The bean crop this year has been rather less than normal, in the Salem country at least. The dry, even though not excessively hot summer, has cut down the yield materially, both as to any single picking, and as to thr length of the season. Some good years the beans would continue up until frost, producing a very heavj tonnage. This year, they are not living up to their normal record; but still there are enough of the crisp green pods to "make it snappy" In the big bean factory where scores of busy women string the product ready for the ovens. String beans, are one of the finest of all the .dehydrated products, and the shortage of the crop Is a national calamity. Prunes will be the next crop in the King's factory. They will use a large tonnage of this fruit, which comes through the dehy dration process enhanced in value like watch springs out of the or iginal pig-iron foundry. The pumpkin flour and the apples will follow in order after be prunes are finished. "The Freeze Out," Harry Car ey'a latest Universal photodrama. which will be the principal at traction at tbs Blisrh theater to-1 duchess incognito. The claim is made 4hat a num ber of titled women from Europe are engaged in service in this country. Therefore speak res pectfully to the help. You may be entertaining an Austrian arch- k m TODAY TOMORROW-TUESDAY . K. LINCOLN and AGNES AY RES IN 'The way of life is love if you don't believe try the other way like Mark Reid did in The Inner Voice" 4A guilty conscience is like a whirl pool, drawing into its depths that which would otherwise pass by.' ft "The Ghost of John Barleycorn" "1.1 .. A Prizma Subject "African Jungle Dancers" Wildmen of Africa Vandenbcrg Expedition Always Interesting Fox News Pictorial i j Our Music Makes Good Pictures Better Today's Schedule 245:45 ' 7:30 and 9 :15 p.m. J" IV IV, IV IV ( IV 1 1 e i . -r j .-J il 1 E SHERIDAN, Or., Aug. 20. (Special to The Statesman.) Edwarrr Fagan of Gopher Valley left for Chicago where he will enter a chiropractic school. Rev. and Mrs. J. K. Jeffrey and daughter Lucile, were in Salem today. An all-day picnic is billed to morrow for Benett's woods where the local high school alumni will hold a reunion. A large number of former high school students are expected. George Brown of the Brown Shipley Loganberry company, was a Portland visitor this week. Eight members of the M M club gathered yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Alfred Ivie. A cocial afternoon with sewing as the principal diversion was en joyed. Guests present were Mes dames R. I. Merrifield, Robert Eskridge. Philip Bewley, Stout, Fred Thomas, James Payne and Miss Myra Montgomery. Mrs. F. B. Sackett entertained her Sunday school class and a few additional guests at an informal party yesterday afternoon at her home. Games and puzzle con gests took up the afternoon. Miss EHene Yerex, visiting here at the borne of Miss Olive Mark, told many interesting experiences of her recent trip abroad. Anion; those present were Misses Helen Turn bull,,. Ruth Rhodes, Edith Rhodes, Effie Rhodes, Martha Yoe, Kathleen Hirsh, Maggie M: Tntyre, Lucile Jeffrey, Justine Beal, Olive Mark. Eilene Yerex, Alice Payne and Mrs. J. R. Jef frey. Mrs. Nellie Turnidge and Mrs. H. W. Flanery. ' Rev. and Mrs. A. Reinke and on are here this week from Chi cago as the guests of Rev. 'and Mrs, Adolph Gahl while on a tour it the coast country. They are enjoying the Oregon weather and ire much impressed with the beauty of the country. ,'13. L. Knickerbocker, former Sheridan resident, writes his par ents, Mr. aiid Mrs. C. H. Knicker bocker, that he will sail from Honolulu Aug. 30 on sthe steam-' ihP Equador. Mr. Knickerbock: "r expects to spend about two months here visiting his parents and friends about Sheridan. In Honolulu he is the niraiaeer of the insurance department of the von Ha mm YounK company. His wife '.s here now at the home of. her tarmts, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bewley. Nathan Manock, former em ploye at the E. E. Haas drug store has recently purchased a store at Aurora. Bids vill be opened today at Grande Ronde for a school gym nasium which is to be completed in time for school use. October 3. Elmer Birk of Willamiua has recently displayed some Swiss ehard which have attained a height of S feet and 9 inches. The average height of the plant is two or three feet. Miss Martha Yoo from Rose burg Is visiting her mother here She was well acquainted with Mrs. R. M. Brunifield, as well as her husband, staying at the same home that Mrs. Brumfie'd occu pied after the Russell murder. She says that Roseburg has beeu fairly a,grg with exciiement since lha murder and that Lusiness has been at a standstill' a large part of the time. She will return to Roseburg about September 1. Marion Bowman, Ideal bey who was a waiter on the ill-fated Alas ka when It sank off the coast of California two" weeks ago to night, arrived here Thursday night to spend some time with his parents. ?Ir. and Mrs. George liownian. He was anions; the sur vivors taken to Eureka and from there he went to San Francisco, eomins? from the latter city to Sheridan. Mr. and Nrrs. Kenneth Miller stalled at tLe company's power house on this feeder to ralm.thej voltage at.such time3 of ' the. day as the load is the heaviest. Br thus raising the -voltage at the station-, the !oh in voltage In tne lines that occurs during1 the heavy load will be offset by th s increas ed voltage at the station, and ; therohy maintain a more uniform voltage at the customer's prera ises. The shutdown may cause same inconvenience, but the better A ot tage that the company will be able to maintain thereafter, it is . re lieved will be appreciated by its customers In that faction the c tv as the voltage has not been ouite normal in that section re cently. It therefor behoove people in that sect'.on cf the city wh eooit with electrie ranges to get their Sunday dinner cooked before t o'clock or vait until a'ter s 11 H I V" and Miss Marietta Sliumway lelt Thursday for Eugene where they before starting it expect to make arrangements for Misa Shumwav, who plans to at--tend the University of Oregon this fall. Miss Shuniway is a sis ter of Mrs. Miller and is visitinq here from Rosaline, Neb. Electricity Will Be Cut Off for Half Hour The electric power and light will be shut off in the northeast quarter of the city from 2 tc 2::i0 p m. next Sunday afternoon, Aug ust 21. This shutdown is necessary tn order that the Portland Railway, Light & Power company may in stall three booster transformers in the circu t that supplies that section of the c'ty. These boos ter transformers are bein m- TO FIGURE IN CONFERENCE. ,. Sit ! 'I could have bought farm land once in what is now the center of Chlcego. If I had done it, I'd be rich now." "We all have those vain re grets," opined, the grocer. 'If I had every potato Pfe stuck in the spout of a kerosene can I'd be wealthy beyond the dreams of avarice." Pittsburgh Chronicle Telegraph. ' ' TOO LATE to CLASSIFY WANT TO KENT fi OT B ROOM rt'R nished ,htUKi. pf,rman"nt, rKponsitil fuc-.iiy. No -iiililrpii. Box 11 -x. STATK KMPIAlYK WANTS A 5 Oa B room Imup in lh iatfll ihImh)I trirt. "I-llt," fr Stmmo, YOH SA1.K OH TRAIK SIX ACRES OF eood lottanbfrry land, one mil front city limits, cr wilt tak par part pavmftnt. I'bon 972 R uilT 6 p.m. I.ADY WANTS ltir Thnn WORK lir DAY ll 'Harry. ;' Garey I In' '' ii FREEZE t)UT" An absorbing picture of the poor, cuss who tried to reform Broken Buckle ' and was horsewhipped and kisibd for his pains. . il - , Coming i Tuesday NEAL HART. IGH BL l i 1 ".''"vv-- V L Viscount Uchldi figures prom inently la the Mikado's attitude toward the coming disarmament conference tn Washington. A Cross-Exami-natiqn Will r Prove The -Quality Of every garmrnt we make. When you j place the Order for your il FALL TAILORED SWT with us, you - may be sure that every detail ot I Us making wflt stand the clos- est scrutiny. Hundreds ot newest pat terned fabrics in as many beautiful colorings are here from which you can make a choice exactly to your llk lnk. 1 - 1 ' I - - I - : ' Any of these materials, when carefully tailored and properly shaped by expert tailors Into a fashionable suit for you will wear long er, look better and give more for which more your order for fair - Mi Itrsfi S comfort than taitt f II ifill l - others charge much I 7 ns take you SCOTCH WOOLEN MILLS 426 State Street Halem, Oregon Now Playing Mr. GEORGE ARLISS The eminent stage star makes his screen debut in his most illustrious stage success, the sensation of two continents Today and Tomorrow 'THE DEVIL" - j A potent drama of llhe cunning rogue who steals into our lives, thwarts our loves and sears our souls. The superb artistic crea tion. OTHER ATTRACTIONS WEEKLY SCENIC COMEDY- OTHER ATTRACTIONS DOUBLE SHOW Thursday and Friday . V- j SESSUE HAYAKAWA in "The Brand of Lopez" and $100 of Merchandise Given Free