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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1921)
; T1IE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM. OREGON ' ' FRIDAY MOKNIXC. MARCH 4. 1921 5 CljTY NEWS IN BRIEF lull Arranged Foi W. J.iCrossIln. whose home Is in tbe southern part of the state, was In tbe city yesterday arrang ing bail ' '0,) for hIs on f. C. CrosslFn. who is charged wjth contributing to the delin nuency of a minor child. " - Aato Hum to Portland ! Cray vadIIIae-8. R asses leave Marion hotel X. 1, 4:43 daily. "Tare. $lj3. Adr.- - - 1 ; . Wanted Girl at The Spa. Adr. 7 1 Car Jladlj Damaged ' jThe automobile of J. R. Han Bel, mt Fifth street, was con ilderably damaged In a collision I at the intersection of Market and ! Capitol streets yesterday. In re : porting the accident to the po lice station Mr. Hansel said an automobile bearing license No. ! 60037, traveling south on Capitol .street, ran Into his car. breaking . tbe door, running board and fen- der i'-. ine court bouse on the 3th day of March at 10 o'clock a. m. Wanted Girl at The Spa. Adv. Severn I Fined C. S. Severens, 1233 Jefferson street, who was arrested Wednes day on a charge of being drunk and disorderly, entered a plea of not guilty yesterday morning In the city court, and In the after noon wasj given a bearing. He pleaded his own case and although his remarks were copious as well as entertaining.-h- did not suc ceed In convincing Judge Earl Race that the charge was false and was fined $10. whether you can lay claim to one or not. it I just as well, in fact ery advisable for you to take our winter overcoat atone with ou and not leave it In vour au tomobile while it Is parked. At east that is undoubtedly the opin ion of F. II. Suers and Louis Bart ruff. Mr. Spt-ara lives at 34 S North Thirteenth street and while his car was parked in front of his residence Wednesday some one made an appropriation of his overcoat which had been left in the auto. Resides his overcoat, a small flashlight and a Dair of fleece lined' cloves were taken esterday from an automobile be longing to Mr. Bartruff ot route while It was narked in front of the Evangelical church. Salem Symphony Orchesti 50 musicians In concert; 8:15 Tuesday evening. March 8; arm ory. Admission $1. (adv.) i ' Two House And one-fourth of a block at the corner of 12 th and State ftreets. will be sold at auction at A Classified Ad Will bring you a buyer. Card of Thank To those who so kindly aided the family of the lat I). F. Camp bell during his ' Illness, and later extended their sympathy and as sistance after his death, we wish to express our most sincere ap preciation and thanks. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Walton, Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Martin. . Mt. and Mrs. W. F. Campbell, - Wr. and Mrs. C. If. Ralston. 31111 Wood Five loads 16-inch rood fir wood. $2. for a few days only. Prompt delivery. CIIAS. K. S PAULDING LOGGING CO. (adv.) Legal Blanks ' " Get them at The Statesman of flee. Catalog on application. (Ad) William Faversham ' ; j In . "The Sin That Was His" ovrnnirpv i In 'You'll Be Surprised" f "Isobel" Sunday ( Jewelry Stolen A wrist watch and two rings were- reported stolen Tuesday night from the home ot Mrs. Beu lah Brundridge. . North Commer cial and Belmont streets. An in vestigation Is being made by the police department. 9.1 Trgy-NT? 1 9 TREES L Tcr Bprlag Plmitln Order Tram THE BJLLEM NURSERY CO. 424 Orca BaHdlaff B1LIU OK ISO V i i Fleas 1761 i ' h Sales i Tr- Venice VALLEY MOTOR CO, i . , !! ' ' . Ask your grocer for f DIXIE DOUGHNUTS 'II 23c dozen ; . . ; ' f ' ' 1 i L SALEM B AKIN O COMPANY 139 Court St. Phone 954 Viavl Representative Mrs. Foor, S31 Hotel Marion. (adv.) Spring Soils Order that new spring suit early, before the rush starts. There are more different fabrics to select from now than there will be at any time this year. Mosher the Tailor Adv. Notice - I will not be responsible for an bills contracted by Mrs. J no R Boysell. Signed Jno R. Boysell (adv.) s A Dandy Recordist-. I -Rainy Day Blues." by Joseph C. Smith orchestra. II. L. Stiff Furniture Co. Adv. Cradle Roll Party Cradle. Roll members and their mothers hav br-en Invited to at tend a party today at 2 o'clock in the First Methodist church parlors. Awning See II. I Stiff Furniture Co. for awnings. Adv. Price at the Ixwet Point The prices v.ill get no lower this year ai the Indications are hat thev will raise in the near future, for this r?asou we would advise yon to get that suit now. Mosher. the tailor. Adv. Brighton I Cold Word received from Paul 1. Schmidt from Brighton, Ontario, by friends this week, stated that his city is experiencing real win ter weather. Furnac fires are kept up Uth day and night and have been since well before Christmas. Mr. Schmidt enclosed a money order for a renewal of the daily Statesman, a paper which he says the family finds of much interest, carrying as It does news of former friends. is teaching In Tintsin and spend ing hr vacation In Shanghai. She expects to sail' about July 1 for America and will resume her du ties as teacher in the schools of Portland in the fall. Come And Hear Some Little Mini" at Myrtle Knowlands. 413 Court street. Phone 332. (adv.) Order I Filed An order was filed yesterday fixing the time for hearing th? petition to sell real property ot the estate of C. C. Worick. de ceased, situated in block 7 of the LSoiM? second addition to Salem. "Some Utile Bird" Is a song with a singing and dancing melody. Myrtle Know land, 413 Court, phone 32. (adv) CARAVAN MAY REACH SALEM - ! Movement j is Launched to Bring Hundreds of Fam ilies From the East REALTY SOCIETY ACTIVE Small ;irl Burned The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Swartz was painfully turned yesterday when h?r cloth ing caught fire. As Mrs. Swartz was hastening for medical assist ance the automobile which sh was driving unfortunately collid ed at Commercial and State streets with one drivn by Clif ford W. Brown. rS7 State street. The latter car was damaged. Must Sell 1IMNI Tickets Arrnrding to ' Coach Mathews, tbe students of Willamette must dispose of 1000 tickets at 91 to mak expanses on the state high school basketball tournament here next week. The visitors will be entertained at the fraternity houses. m-fendant Win Suit Judge George (1. I'.ingham Is sued a decreo for the defendant yesterday in the case of Paul I)e Autremont vs. Salem P.akery com pany, which was given a hearing February 23. The suit had to do with tbe leading of a building on Court street. Tbe defendants will rtcover tbe costs and disburse ments incurred in the suit. Innce! fcin?! When Ijnoking For Something New in song ask for "Some Little Bird". Myrtle Knowland. 415 Court, phone 332. (adv.) a m .i ra- a i 1 1 rl Jit I llll"TMI J WUJ Mcurny s orcnesua ai i.rn.-j The funeraI of Mrs Io,da U(;m land rink, tonight. A.r. i wiU b helA at 2:20 thU afternoon Xew Soring Falri" We hate the best selections of new spring fabrics in tbe city and nothing will please us better than to show thm to you. Mosher. the tailor to men and women. Adv. Society WeeU Today The Women's Missionary so ciety of the First Presbyterian church will bold its regular meet ing at 2:30 today In the church parlors. A large attendance is desired. , Ijrc Want Crtslngi - Applications for authority 1o construct five grade crossinrs In Lane county have been filed with the public service commission by the I.ane county court. The court proposes to construct crossings oxer th- WendHng branch of the Son t hrn Pacific in the stf.tlon yard at Marcola. over a spur of the Pacific & Kastern. east of Cottaie Grove at Mosby creek over the of the Willamette Pacific east of Maywood station, one ovr the Southern Pacific two miles north of Creswcll and an other over the Southern Pacific tracks one mile north of Cres- v.ell. from the Free Methodist church. Rev. Mr. .. Coffey of New berg In charge. Burial will be In Jason Lee cemetery. Remember This Our 39-cent record sale Is stilf on. IL I. Stiff Furniture Co. Adv. I i . - Automobiles Rifled Unless you are figuring on a new overcoat next winter and are optimistic enough over weather conditions to be indifferent as to DANCING at Nomking Cafe, every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday nights. American and Chinese dishes. 162 N. Commercial St. i JUST RECEIVED1 Nasons Perfect Liquid Paints Reasonable prices : Capital Furniture & Hardware Co. 285 N. Commercial Phone 947 CARL & B0WERS0X GROCERIES l Court: Street Phone 409 The Vacuum Cups have ar- i rived at ' A. ii MOORE'S ! It Tays to Trade at The FARI.IERS CASH STORE C Burton Durdall 24T North Commercial 247 t ; W. W. M00RE :s Furniture Store The Home of the VIctrola Ion get more, tor your money at Moore's WOOD WOOD Call G. H. Tracy Wood Co. far all kinds ot i dry wood 'Prompt delivery Fhone 620 ELECTRIC MACHINE & ENGINEERING C0l For Thor Washing Machines and ? Electric Work and SuppUes JJ7 Court St. Phone 488 HARTMAN BROS. CO. For Pine 'Jewelry 'weler end Opticians What Have You? bu(r. tell and exchange aew aqd second-hand furnl ajtoves, ranges, tut. tools, tc We will buy you out COU W. F. WRIGHT Auctioneer 'l Com'l St.. Salemi Or. - List . your sales with ns Pecjple's Furniture ! Store ttlrttjihone 1047 phone 7S4 AUCTIONEER G. SATTERLEE 404 Ferry St. Salem, Oreson Phones 11771211 Talking Machines and Records Player Pianos and Player Rolls Great Western Garage Gill Piston Rings Spot Lights Stromberg Carburetor Skid Chains Ignition Supplies Tires and Tubes Opposite Court House Phone 44 WE NEVEU SLEEf More Than a Bargain A news item on this page of The Statesman toldof the sale of 23 acres of fruit land, a part of the Sunnydde Fruit farm, to George A. Thomason. by W. S. Pemberton. The price received was 816.500. or about $717 an acre. As the land is a highly developed prune ranch, in th; heart of the Liberty district, that Is cheap enough. There hava been sales of pruneands in that neighborhood at $1000 an acre and more. But the news item referred to mentioned the price as "an average of $260 pr acre." That would have been a bargain; more than a bargain. .ut- But in Port Lin-! Gray Cadillac-S. Itusses leave Marion hotel 8. 1, 4:45 daily. Fan. $1.75.' Adv. Cole McKltoy'a Orchestra Dreamland rink, tonlght.- -Ad. WHEN TS SALEM, OEEGOH stop at Bizon BOTZZ. A ITor" Ati? Fdhi IToirt Strw-tty !drrn ?!.) pr tr ino rootna .f HoIhI Comfort Only Il.trl in Iidtinraa litrict LANHAM TAXI CO. Elgin Six Touring Car City and Country Trips Stand O. E. Depot Phone 640 Something Xew " II. L. Stiff Furniture Co. ha- installed a new addition to the advertising end of their Victrola department in the shape of a col ored moving window slide, which u a thin? ot beauty as well as a striking ad. It is named the "Anrorealis." and shows all tha colors of the famous Aurora Bor-ealis. Storie AnnoiiiH--d Stories for the Saturday story hours at the public library this week will be "Hans and His Dog." and "How Wry-face Played a Trick on One-eye." The stor ies will be told at 9:2) and 10:30 o'clock. Have Von Heard "Some Little Bird!" Myrtle Knowland, 413 Court, phone 3a2 (adv.) Plan is Presented to Indus trial Section of Com mercial Club Plans were presented to the civic- organizations. .Should ar rangements be made with the New York concern to carry out the scheme, the benefits to th.s part ot Oregon would be manifold. New 1 jiw F.xpUinr-d C. V. Johnson, manager of tbe state insurance commission, was the principal speaker yesterday, taking by special request as his theme, tbe advantages to be de rived from the passing of house bill No. 2. In discus!sng the bill Mr. Johnson said while the b.Il woul.l be a protection to the real ty dealers, it as passed as a pro tection to the people against real ty brokers and nn a law for the realty broker. Several new members were ad- led to the association during the week ami a'meruberhip campaign is still on. C. I. Iewi has b-en secured as the speakor for the next meeting of the association. that has few parallels in history. This man fcas walked 110.5 4JI miles since January 1." 18S7, preaching as he traveled.. H speaks in 23 different dialects and is able to preach In 19 languages, and Is devoting a great deal of bis time toard tbe establishment of. a school In Africa, where he will continue his work as a missionary. STATE ACTION HELPS BUILDING PROGRAM (Continued from page 1.), The latest thing in the far East Is porcelain money. Just as If It was not easy enough to break a dollar now. 1 DANCE TONIGHT Cole McEIroy's Orchestra I of much of the detail work of the Marion County Realty association institution by th addition of an yesterday at the weekly luncheon "s,sltl1t .lo Va,fV e V Ricvherk Trial Sel ' Oliver Rlesbeck, arrested on Wednesday night for assault with a dangerous weapon upon Andy Kohler In the Streeter pool hall, was arraigned yesterday before Judge G. E. Unruh and -ntered a plea ot not guilty. He Is being held in the county Jail awaiting his trial which has been set for next Thursday. Something Real Late In a fox trot "Some Little Bird". Myrtle Knowland. 415 Court, phone 351 (adv.) Mi Connver Writes . . Word received in the, city frqni Miss Lu!a Conover. a weil knowii Salem woman, who is now associ ated with a missionary board in Shanghai. China, states that she is enjoying a visit there from, a former school teacher of Salem. Mis? Bessie Foster. Miss Foster Anto Radiator Repairing Modern equipment, prompt ex pert service. Nelson Bros., 355 359 Cbemeketa St. Adv. Rahr Girl Announced Mr. and Mrs. R- H. Niemeyer are tbe parents of a baby girl born yesterday' at the Salem Deacon ess hospital. STie has been given the name of Patricia Ethel May. Mr. and Mrs. Niemeyer have re cently come trm England and live at, 532 North High street. of the organisation at the Marlon hotel, whereby it is asked to take initiative steps toward boosting an original movement started in ; Xew York City for the Introduc tion of from 300 to 500 families from the east into this part ot the state. ' As yet the plans which were submitted to Wililam McGilchrist as director of the industrial de partment of the Commercial club, and brought i before the realty dealers, are of a tentative nature. However, they have so far met1 with tbe unanimous endorsement of the dealers and immediate steps are being made to assist in tbe movement. Caravan Proposed. According to the plan a modern caravan composed ot from 300 to 50u families with financial back ing would make the trip from the Atlantic to the Pacific coast, starting June 1 from the city hall in New York City, when the mayor would bid them God speed and would entrust them with a written message to be delivered to tbe mayor or eacn c.ty or vtllage throughout tbe route. Tbe plan Is to use low-priced reliabi automo bilesconvenlently outfitted for the occasion. En route the caravan would be given wide publicity, press representatives and movie picture men to form a part of the cempany. The objective point of the cara van w.Il be i determined before starting and therefore will be ad vertised from coast to coast. It is to secure Salem as that ptint which will tax the efforts of tlva Marion county association, to gether with the united efforts of the Commercial club and other to investigate the feasibility of procuring an assistant, all mem bers of the board expressing the opinion that an assistant Is nec essary. ' The physician would be a physician, who would be largely in medical charge of the' inmates. There is some doufct whether the appropriation allowed the Institu tion by the legislature will cover the expenditure necessary for tbe assistant, but it is believed tbe arrangement can be made. ... : , Malay Missionary Here After Walk Around World With bat the distance from Sa lem to San Francisco yet to walk In order to complete his Journey afoot around tbe wrld. Rev. Har rabellio A. Marangeopa. a Milay missionary, arrived in this city Wednesday. Born a savage, found in a hut on the east coast of Af rica by an English nobleman, and sole survivor of a family of 14. Mr. Marangeopa was brought to England as a curiosity and edu cated.' He became a , missionary with a record of travel and perils DREAMLAND RINK Friday, March 4th Income Tax Statements Prepared 1 Or examined. General account ing practice. O. Ed Ross, phone 2098-R. Adv. 16 lbs. Prunes.... ..fl.OO Onion Sets, per lb.. ........ . lOr 1 package. Cornflakes Or 1 package Post Toasties. . . . ,11c No. 5 Lard. 5c HIGHLAND GROCERY 746 Highland Ave. Phone 496 Suits Cleaned Suits Pressed.,..., Do you take TURKISH BATHS V If not, why not? No other baths or treatments can produce the permanent re lict to the person suffering from disagreeable cold or ail ments ot the flesh or body like the Turkish Baths wllL . Open's a- m. until t p.m. OREGON BATH HOUSE Lady and Gentlemen attendants WANTED SPLIT PRUNES PEOPLE'S CASH STORE FOR BARGAINS of all kinds such as furniture, stores, ranges, machinery, of all kinds see the CAPITOL JUNK & BARGAIN HOUSE 215 Center Fhone 39 S $1.50 .50c Salem Cleaners & Dyers 1215 S. Com! St. Fhone 1868 lflfP iTTTTTTTl Better Goods For Lees REX TAX mutt DRY PASTE Reliable and Economical MaxO. Buren 17b N. Com! St Free - Lecture Bolshevism What It Is The Remedy For It - w w w l J Meeting Announced The Missionary society of ths First Congregational church will men . with Mrs. S. H. Poisal on Pouth Commercial street this af ternoon at 2:30 o'clock. The hostess will be assisted by Mrs. E. A. Miller. Mrs. S. Phillips and Mrs. E. M. Hoffnell. RUMOR Wanted Girl at The Spa. Adv. Club Meets Tonlaht The Richmond Improvement club will meet at the Richmond school house tonight at 8 o'clock. The main topic of discussion will Le the junior hiah school which the patrons of the district hope lo have established at the Rich mond school. PERSONAL MENTION There seems to be a persist ent rumor to the effect that I intend leaving Salem. This ru mor is false I intend to re main permanently in Salem and will continue to represent THE MUTUAL LIFE INSUR ANCE CO. OF N. Y. AS DIS TRICT MANAGER; OFFICE 371 STATE ST. If you are interested in Life Insurance it will pay you to call Main 99 and arrange a date with me. I can prove that "MUTUAL LIFE is what you want. ; , J. F. IIUTCIIASON, Sr. FERTILIZERS for every Crop and Soil require ment SWIFT & COMPANY North Portland. Ore. For Easy Terms and Prices see or write CLARENCE S. B0WNE 1044 Marlon EL Phone 153 BY . f f DON'T BE V NEjSrLECXfil 3. Shoes -Repaired By experts. Only high grade leather used and only the best work turned out. Longer life for your shoes is our interest. Formerly Ye Boot Shop Don't allow neglect to blind you for life. If yoa need glasses consult an op tomerfist whose experience cnables him to correct your '.vision w t ho d t " ei pe rl ni4 a t Ing upon it. He will pre scribe exactly the proper lenses for yoa and will roouct them In a corcfort able manner. . s "Cfocnt amines At The Electric Sign "SHOES" T. G. Hiinh made a business trip to Portland yesterday. " John M. Pipes. attorney of Portland, was here yesterday ar guing a case in tbe supreme court. A. W. Gillis and son of Monitor were Ealeiii visitors yesterday. Gertrude Waite and Joseph Goeb?I "of Salem were granted a license to marry yesterday in tbe office of the county clerk. Rcswell Starr Waltz filed an honorable discharge yesterday from the United States army in th-s office of the county clerk. Elbert liuelle will spend the week-end with Guy Prather at the Conservatory of Music. Portland. Mrs. X. A. Hoover and small daughter, Ruth, will arrive to night from Roseburg to spend the wek-efd with Mrs. Hoover's daughter, Mrs. Helen Ballard. Miss Alice Welch. Miss Beat rice Dunnette and Miss Ina Moores will drive to Eugene to day for the WlllametterU. of O. basketball s?rles. ' Our scientific skill . Is beyond criticism. The quiet dignity of our organization and our efficient, conrteons service has won for ns our enviable place in the af fairs of this community. n 3 DAVID GOLDSTEIN cf Ilostcn Auspices Knights cf Columbus ARMORY Saturday, March 5, 8 p.m. Public Are Invited 1 Seats Reserved For - World War Veterans . ' i Much Effort is Placed . On National Fish Day The United States bureau of fisheries is cooperating with th fishing interests to establish a national fish day by carrying on an educational campaign to the effect that tbe cheapest -food is that which supplies nutriment at The United States covernmcrt! "Eat More Fish campalm dur ing the "war has educated th- people to demand more tlh. On March 9. In 127 large cities of the-United States, banquets will be held In observance of national fUh day. "We have don our part by ratling vour attention to this na tional fish day. and it l now on to yon to 'all In line and help o establish March 9 a national fish day In honor of tbe fishermen who xisk their lives daily to furn ish ns with fish, which is a whole soma dish." Is nrged In a report sent oaf by the fishing'es. The Adorable Loveliness of the New Silk Frocks of the Season's Fashioning is bringing delight to hosts of feminine hearts. For years we have all felt that we were not re ceiving the full value for the money we have in vested in -clothes. But with the new high stan dards of materials and workmanship and their combination with the newest and loveliest in designs, we all feel justified in picking out the . most attractive spring outfit that we can af ford. And most important of all, in this ward robe, are the crisp taffeta frocks. Their Charm Words can not do justice to it. Only your own eyes can tell you the true tale. But just a hint in our many years of Spring buying, we have never run across so fascinating an array of frocks! ; Their Desirability That too, is unquestioned. The wide varie ty of patterns makes itxxssible for you to get a dress that suits your individual style. And the wearing qualities of all the new Spring mer chandise are exceptional. The prices range from $24.75 TO $64.50 T And we call your special attention to the group of dresses priced at $24.75. 1 ft Why not shop by the "Pay As You Go" plan. Scores of Salem women are now endorsing it! 4 I i to s 4 t I ..... , x. '1