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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1919)
T THE OREGON STATES3IA3P: " TUESDAY, XOVE3IBEU 4, 1910. mi cMiHHHimmmtHMminnMniiii n mmnimmMmMMnii MHMiiiitiMMih RIGHT NOW Is the time to begin planning your ' : HOLIDAY PHOTOS Already- a large number of cus tomers have placed orders for, Ckrfstnias work- and these? with all others who come early ' Will in season, receive the very . best of service. : We always do our best but It's, 'quite Impossible to get all the Jwork off: right, where so many orders are booked at the 4 eleventh, hour. -It takes times -and lots of it, to make photographs, and you want YOURS made right. So come eVirly, as no sittings will be made after December 15th with promise i of Christmas de livery. . i 1 TOBTRAITUBC RVER - HrODE SALEM OREGON WHERE PRICE AND QUALITY MEET NO-VARY GROCERS 383 Court St. Phone 409 APPEAL TO O'NEILL In case of eye-strain, defect ive or imperfect vision ' ' '' t Appeal to O'Neill DR. CB. O'NEILL Optometrist-Optician Orer Laid ! & Bunta Bank Cor. State and Commercial Sts. - , I SALEM RAGS WANTED We ik-ant your old clothes and rags STEINBOCK JUNK CO. Auto Wrecking 320-6 N. Com. St. Phon 305 NEW FALL HATS Come and Seo Them on Dis- play MRS. L. G. i CURTIS . Jl'ST RECEIVED A complete line j of switches, priced within the! reach of all. Also the latest things in tack combs anG hatr ornaments. We carry the Marinello Prepara tions . I MES. SCOTT 125 North High St. r BEEiMAN ORCHARD It doos everything on a place up to 20 acres and only $325 delivered Salem. See it in the yard at 165 .N. Liberty. It docs everything on. a place demonstration just phone 324 H. D. TROVER AGENT SANITARY! BEAUTY : PARLORS Have heen takkf n over by the Misws Harper & Watson who will .'Iks pleased to meet all friends. j j - 202 Uauk of Commerce Bids. LET ME TELL YOU About the residents of Salem who have been cured of chronic and acute .ailments by NEU ROLOGY, j A treatment with out drugs or surgery. Consuit tatlon Free. j in. p. & sciiutz Neurologist Iloom No. 2, Steusloff Bldg. Phone 131 OJ. C: Ucsfdence: mo N. 17th St. m v rt m r r IKAllUK 130.00 First Prize, $2.50 Cash In the ads published below are certain misspelled words find these words. At the top of a sheet of paper write the number of misspelled words found, then write each word correctly and the firm name of advertisement in which words misspelled appear. Hail your name and street address to the DIRECTORY EDITOR, care this paper. Answer should be mailed to the office. All answers must be in the office by 6 p. m. next Monday. Winners will be decided by the neatest correct, or the most nearly correct, answer. In case of a tie prize will be divided. Winners will be announced and the awards mailed. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS . Change of copy must be in the business office not later than -Monday, 6 p. m.f each week. Prize Winners' Names Will Appear Here Each Week LADD & BUSH, BANKERS V " ". General Banking' Business Commencing June 16th banking hours will be S 10 a m. to 3 p. m. WANTED JUNK AND MACHINERY OP ' ALL KINDS We also bar second-hand goods. If you have anything to sell for a good price, call 398. The Square Deal House. 271 Chemeketa St. Phon 398 CAPITAL JUNK CO. 271 Chemeketa St., Salem, Or. JOHNS-MANVILLE ROOFING ' ' - Cheapest Per Year Longest Service The Best AU-Around Rubber Type Roofing A.LFRASER 454 Ferry St. ; ; Phone 135 I . have three good houses close in for sale cheap. Easy terms. Also a farm for rent. SEE J. H. LAUTERMAN ARG0 HOTEL FRANK F. RICHTER The House of, The Charter Oak Range Full line of Paints and Rub croid Roofing .', Trade In Your Old Furn iture HEATING AND PLUMBING 220 N. Commercial Phone 1668 Patton Plumbing Co. WANTED Erery One to Come and Get Our Bargains this Week In Hardware and Furniture CAPITAL HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO. 2S5 N. Commercial. Phone 94? "MARION BUTTER" ; Is Choice and Tasty i Ask Your Groccer for it Marion Creamery and Produce Co. Salem, Ore. Thone 21S8 G $5.00 IN PRIZES EACH Established 1868 jjf - Consistent Quality In a TIRE Is Never Accidental It calls for something more than a factory and good inten tions. ! EXPERIENCE For one thing; Purpose for another ' , Any tire will-glre In mileage. In wear, in economy. In reada bility only what is put Into it by the maker. Never more. The risible ralu of a ROYAL COnj) Tire is the result o years of continuous tire manufacturing experience. QUACKENBUSH Auto Supply and Vulcanizing United States - Fabric and Cords. Kelly-Springfield and United States Solids 219 N. Commercial SU Phone f F. E. SHAFER HARNESS & SADDLERY -170 S. Commercial. Phone 411 ft PURE DRUGS AND PRESCRIPTIONS BREWER DRUG CO. 403 Court St. Phone 184 MONUMENTS If your monumental work is Kolieitted, kindly ask the ho lieittor for our business card. Capital Monumental Works 2210 S. Commercial St. ' Phone 689, Salem GOOD GROCERIES WELLER BROS. FAIR PEJCES The old established firm. 155 N. Commercial Phone 48 For Work of QUALITY AM) PROMPT SERVICE CALL Capital City Steam Laundry Phone 165 YEN Second Prize, $1.50 Cash RULES OF CONTEST Not A Washing , Machine But THE BEST That is the kind it will pay yoNn to buy. Let us demon strate by. doing a washing in your own bouse. .Terms if desired If ifs electric come to us SALEM ELECTRIC CO. Masonic' Temple. Phone 1200 $100 PHONOGRAPH BRUNSWICK Will be' giteh as a premium on goods purchased from the People's Cash Store from now until Christmas Come in and let us explain the plan of this contest Save Your Coupons PEOPLE'S CASH STORE 186-194. N. "Commercial Cherry City Restaurant 1S6 South High St. . "The Place Where You Feel At Home" Meals, Home Style 43 Cents Short Orders 6:30 to 8:30 a. m . GOOD BREAD liread, Pastry and (inke at the PEERLESS BAKERY 170 N. Commercial Phone 247 CASE 6 MONITOR 6 MOORE 4 SALEM AUTO EXCHANGE Salem Agents When you need some juice or your starter is faulty see fur all your trouhMcs. ) ' .1 ' THE , ' ' BATTERY SHOP N. Commercial SU Third Prizes for Last Week First Prize, 92JM . KrrrtHxl Irtie. f 1.SO Mrs. Homo Vori, Mm. . K. Phillip. 1U. 2, ISox 42, Salem IU. 1, 1U 91, Kalem FALLS CITY-SALEM LUMBER CO. "Little strips of paper Little dabs of paint , Make a house all nice and clean Out of one that ain't." TRY OUR PAINTS Salem, Oregon, 349 S. 12th . Complete Line of Fall Hats New Models Arriving Daily THE FRENCH SHOP M. Buffe-Morrison . 115 N. High St. Masonic Temple WILLYSOVERLAND AGENCY Sales and Service i Wood-Rose Motor Co. 24 C State St Phone 311 PF0PLES FURNITURE STORE New and Second-Hand Good Bought, , Sold and Excchanged E. E. LAVALLEUR. Prop. Phone 731. 271 N. Com'l SL Salem. Oregon RANGES This Ad. Good for IS on New Capital Range s dr. o. l. scon Chiropractic-Spinologist 300-312 U. S. Bank Bldg. 387 State Street FAMOl'S PILVXUT R KITTLE The kind that melts In your mouth. . THIS IS A : SERM0NE1TE Nothins In thin world unll flea Itself excepting through serTlcc. If a person or a thing serres no uerul purponf. the earth Is merely cumbered. The highest reason for ex istence Is serrlce; the only good reason. . Rr this sign, the want a.!. of The Statesman are worth while; they furnish a common medium of exchange and Infor mation Tor great public, with msny wants and needs. They cost little; they do msch and jthey have gone on this way for orer fig years; and they will serve a much larger public In the next ICS. K C X X Prize, $1.00 Cash Tliird Prize. l Mr. C I. Kephart. 2111 No. Kammrr St.. Kales. AND HARDWARE ' . Phone 813 The name "Jenks" on your photograph means as much to you as the word "Sterling' on your silver . THE JENKS STUDIO 418 Ilulbard Building J3ALEM , OREGON V D0NT ASK US BRING IT THE NOVELTY WORKS . General Woodworking" Shop New furniture, built old fur niture repaired Manufactory for O. A. C Kitch en Driers. Simplex Washing Machines. Ladders, Etc Autotruck Woodwork J. W. Feathers E. S. Van Aermana 235 Court Street NELSON BROS. Warm Air Furnaces, Plumbing and Sheet Met-" alWork Tin and Gravel Boofinp. General Jobbinc in -Tin and Galvanized Iron Work. Met al Skylights Metal Cornices. 3.73 Chemeketa St Phone 1IKKJ A Beautiful Assortment of HAND PAINTEL) CHINA 1 Also ! ROGERS SILVERWARE SAMPSON BROS 132 N. Commercial St. WILLARD Service Station Auto Electric Shop 418 Court St Phone 203 BUY DIXIE BREAD It's Goood and Wholesome At All Groceri PAINLESS PARKER SYSTEFiI . 303 State SL Phone 926 5 RAY L FARMER HARDWARE CO. Automohile Accessories Everything in Hardware SEE US FIRST For Good Fnrnitnre Bays J. A. ROWLAND Furniture Co. 217 N. CommereiaL Phone 16 GOOD SERVICE at REASONABLE PRICES SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY Phone 25 The Famous HOOD Arrow Tread Tire The Tire With the Kxtra Hr J & D TIRES Better Made For Uetter Trpde AUTO REPAIR SHOP JI7CVntrrSt. 0LES0N AUTO EXCHANGE .PAYS MORE And SELL FOR LESS 349 N. Commercial St. RATHER KEEN EYES. The ansvers fairly rolled in. lrt week. The writer tblaka all th mleel wortls mere found not by any one person, bat by all who tried. One lady who did very ell wrote that the n 70 year old; she should haTe said ? years young; for youth Is not always a natter of years. ThN roatet draws to a close. llth week; t yet to ma.