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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1919)
' x i ' . I ..!'. ; - ' ' ' - -.j. ' i - ' - ' . : .-. - - . . Tbe EUtMbti Telr th -1 eased wire report of the A- . aoelated Press, tta greatest 1 aad mott reliable prtM a edition la tha world. - . " MXTl-NINTH 1I.AK KAI.K.M. OllktiO.V. Tt'KSIlAV MOItMVIi. 7 l-.MUHt .1. tfiiu '" ......... . .. TT-.Tr3 NEGLECT IN ARMY! CAMP IS Workers Hired as Experts Al leged to Shoot Craps While Sick Soldiers Wait Blue with Cold at Camp Sheridan "EXPERTS" SPENT DAY IN GAMBLING IS TALE Wilfl Negligence and Waste Are Said to Have Been Order of Day 1 CAMP SHERMAN, O., Nov. 3.-4 Charges that willful negligence oi the part of steam' fitters employed in the construction of the base hos pital-at Camp Sherman resulted in exposure for weeks to the ero wea ther prevalent In October and all o November. 1917, of sick soldiers confined there, were' among the dis-- closures made before the congres sional snb-commlttes by T Joseph Poole, Chillicothe I contractor, .late today. The evidence will be fol lowed up to fix the responsibility for the suffering of the men, according to Chairman John C. McKenzie and ,ChIef. Examiner Roecoe C. McCullocli of the committee. I , , I ' - Suffering Is Related When sick soldiers were pinched and actually blue to their finger tips with the bitter i cold, steam fitters supposedly fixing itbe wards with Rteam heat were gambling and warm ing' themselves over their gasoline torches, Poole told the committee. He asserted that th:? weather was rjo cold the nurses wore furs,when thejy tended the sick and doctors wore . their tsheeprkin lined coats and the patients had no heat whatever. Poole.Vwho was employed by the A. Bentley and Sons company of To ledo, as a carpenter foreman at the base hospital, characterized tile at titude of th steam fitters as "dis loyal" and as the 1 "worst" h had ever seen. -- --- ......... . - . ' .Gambling - - -.' Games of chance were worked among the men he declared, and two or Hirer days every week somebody would come around and navel the men buy chances on automobiles, wrb? watches and many other thing he said. Whon Poole testified that more men were "idle thah were wortciiig members of the committee lasked him how he accounted to the employ ment of the men who were not per forming actual labor. "I have an Idea that every one of thos men meant sixty-six cents to Befatley waa his reply. He insisted that agent and foremen of the Bentlejy company ''did know of idleness. When he pleaded with "stra -r bosses to let him discharge some df the men in his gang, he said they told them to put tbsm to "doing some thing, let them clean up around the barracks." He asserted that it wis generally known among the men that the foreman did not have the author ity" tO: discharge workmen. Mudboles In tha cantonement roads were filled by dumping wagon loads of coal and trnckloads of lum ber in them, according to witnesses. They also asserted that good lumber in enormous quantities was burned In th canal bed. ; George A. SheJ4 man, earpenter, said be saw a pib? of lumber covered ; fully an acre of ground burned and that to his know ledge 20 carloads of lumber were wasted. -!: ' A try square, fonr foot rule and a lead pencil were all the tools furn ish John Walker "with which to do rough carpenter work, the witness testified. He told of 60 men work Ing three days to build a bathhouse 1 V . . --1 I ...... it n ie:;u A keg of nails, worth perhaps 4 was hauled around for a full day at a cost to the government of $8.25 for labor by Chrl Ault, a teamster, Ann testified. Canada to Hold, up Public fork Until Loan h Made VANCOUVER. Bl C Nov. 3. Sir Henry Dravtm. federal minister of finance, Informed a delegation of the Jwsl hoard of tradfj this afternoon hat nothing would be done any where In Canada in the matter of expenditures on ' public works until the success of the victory loan was assured. Cay W. Talbot to Undergo Operation in Chicago Today PORTLAND,' Nov. 3. Word wac received here today! that Guv WT. Tal Wt,. president of the Psrtland Gas nd Coke company.: who is III in Chi fv80 : undergo an operation "er tomorrow. His condition for ometime past has been considered critical. CHARGED I . 1 UMPIRE IS VINDICATED FILM ACTOR LOSES SUIT JUDGMENT IS FOR $500 .5 J j LCS ANGELES. Nov. 3. A Judgment Tor $.100 damages waa Riven James A. Murray, eastern baseball umpire, in the suptrior court here today in his suit against Thomas Kennedy, mc. picture actor, for assault during the post season, series between St. Paul and Vernon baseball teams. Although Mr. Murray and Mr. Kennedy. J had a e; reed to a cash settlement the umpire Insisted that his suit should be filed in regular order and a Judrni nt -en that he might "go back east vindicated of any charges of row dyism, which only a court judg ment could do." - PORTLAND CHIEF OF POLICE HANDS IN RESIGNATION Johnson to Quit to Enter Pri vate Business is Reason . Given to Mayor DOW V. WALKER MENTION Baker Declares Record Ex cellent No Reply From Possible Successor PORTLAND, Or., Nov. 3. Nels F. Johnson, chief of police f Portland, since thr? beginning of the adminis tration of Mayor . George Baker, an nounced his resignation today,; giv ing as a reason his desire to enter private business. Mayor Baker at once accepted the resignation, and announced that he had tendered the position to Dow V. Walker, manager of the Multno mah club who is now in Minneapo lis attending the national meeting of the American Legion, with which he Ip identified. No reply has, been re ceived Tram Walker tonight. ' Johnson's administration as chief has come in for some public criti cism extending over a year past, and at various times reports were spread that' his resignation was imminent. IMayor Baker declared tonight that he considered Johnson to have made a most excellent record as chief. McKenie Out of Banks at Eugene Due to Heavy Rain ... . , : ;" . : EUGENE, Or., Nov. 3. Heavy rains during the past two days have caused the Willamette rivers and McKenzie rivers to rise, rapidly. This afternoon the McKenzie was almost out of its banks and the water in the Wilamette is at a ; height of 10 feet above the low water mark to night and still rising.' Snow that had fallen In the Cascade mountains and foothills is melting rapidly un der the influence of a warm Chinook wind. Automobile Salesman Dies From Injuries From Smash . OREGON CITY, Or., Nov. 3 L. C. Smith, a Portland salesman, was so badly hurt when an automobile he was driving was struck by a trolley car near here today that he died soon after being taken to a hospital. Man rice A. Fox, another salesman who accompanied him, was also badly hurt, but it wa3 said he might re cover. The accident occurred at' a grade crossing. Clemenceau to Make Last Political Speech of Life PARIS Nov. 3.- Premier Clemen ceau tomorrow in Strasbourg, Alsace will deliver what probably will be the last great political speech of nis career. In it he Is expected to out iin the eovernmenfs program In the approaching parliamentary elec lions. M. Clemenceau left Paris tonight Pare Speech Program Is , Held at High Schoo For the furthering of "Better Speech WeeV which is observed all over the nations in school this week th- Fa l em hi school held tts first rental f smblv yesterday afternoon n the hleh school auditorium, it wi In fie nature of a student bodv Hnr and was under the direction of Professor Davidson, professor of m" ei fn ih hifh school. Principal X f! Vels-n nnd tbe student body pris Mem, Ralph Wilson. talVM to the students on the subject. The verses In th sones used were written es nooiallv- for Ihr meet'ne bv Lncllle Wstioek. Audra Bunch, and Ralph Hamilton. ' . ' " Another Mndent h-w'v meeting for the same purpose wtll be held vved nol nnd another T:iursdav. Th art department of the sechoo i. also making posters and cartoons on ine movement. CONTINUING DEADLOCKON PACT LOOMS Effort to Fix Date for Roll Call on Ratification Proes Futile Despite Prolonged Debates in Senate LODGE BLOCKS MOVE TO HOLD VOTE THURSDAY Parliamentarians (Puzled As to Effect of Defeat of f Resolution WASHINGTON. Nov. 3. Further indications that the peace treaty fight may lead to a continuing dead look developed today while the 'sen ate leaders were trying in vain to fix a definite date for a roll tall on ratification. Administration senators, suggest ing that the Tinal vote be taken this week indicated a purpose to oefeat ratification by combining with the treaty's irreconcilable opponents should the reservations adopted by the foreign relations committee be written Into the ratification resolu tion under senate rules was brought nto question by ths Republican lead who had predicted that even If such a resolution got consideration, it too would be voted down. - Debate Futile An hour' of debate on tha question got no where and the senate wnt back to Its consideration of the treaty amendpients. It may reach a vote tomorrow -on that by Senator LaFollette to strike out the labor provisions and then, unless some new plan is devised to hasten action. other amendments and a long list of i proposed reservations will be taken up under the tedious dule of. unlim ited debate. ! The administration proposal for p vote this week was prevented by Sen ator Hitchcock after he had blocked one by Republican Leader Lodge calling for a final vot.j on November 12.; A final vote on that date de clared Mr. Hitchcoc arter he bad blocked one by Republican Leader Lodge calling for a final vote on No vember 12. A final vote on that data declared Mr. Hitchcock, would mean that the only opportunity for a show-, down on ratification must come on resolution drawn up by the troa- tles enemies and contrining reseiva tlons unacceptible to the to thet ad ministration senators. Lodge Blocks Administration Mr. Lodge, in turn, blocked the ad ministration program, which Bhould have provided for a vote Thv.rsday on the committee resolution with lu reservations and would have left Fri day and Saturday for consideration of any compromise resolution agreed on by the Democrats and the "mild reservation" Republicans. To open the way for such a move after x rat ification vots had been taken would mean upsetting the senate rules en tirely. Mr. Lodge declared, addin that if the treaty's friends voted mittee reservations th; would place the treaty "in grave danger." Although Senator Hitchcock did not definitely announce it his in tention to help vote down the com mittee resolution, he argued thr.t such a course, followed by presen tation of a compromise measure would be logical and fair. Support ing this stand. Senator Pittman. Ne vada, another Democratic member of the committee, said he never would vote for the treaty If the com mittee reservations went In. Parliamentarian Puzzled Senate parliamentarians said there was no precedent to throw light on the question of whether dereat or the committee resolution would be a final rejection of the treaty or would leave the way open for offer ing other ratification proposals. Sen ators Lodge and Hitchcock conferred with Vice President Marshall later and It was said a parliamentary bat tle undoubtedly would develop when the ratification stage is reached. . Excessive Truck Loading To Be Stopped in County At a session of the county court, tomorrow the matter of the preserva tion of county roads will be given consideration by the commissioners. Friday, November 7. is Good Roads day and a special session will be held in the county court room at the court house, tbe purpose of which will be to adopt regulations limiting the loading of trucks which travel on the county roads. There have been manv complaints that commer cial and other trucks are destrovlne the roads by excessive overloading. This problem has been encoun tered In other counties. A recent report on record shows that one Ore gon county arrested 11 violators of this traffic provision and Imposed fines. Judge Rushey said ye&lerdav that trnck drivers, owners and all others Interested were invited to at tend tbe meeting. SHEEP DIP AT $12 PER SOLD TO POULTRY FOLK BROWN GETS COMPLAINT Alleging that the State Poult ry association, which has headquar ters in the Corbett building. Port land, is selling certain products at extremely excessive costs, and that it U attempting to operate on the reputation of another association, Charles W. English, of the Better Business bureau of Portland, has written a letter of qomplaint to Attorney General Brown. The concern is said to be selling a certain spray product used as lice killer at $12 a gallon, and making many sales. This spray was sent to the state chemist at Corvallis for analysis, and Mr. English) declares It is found to be common sheep dip' valued from $1.75 to $2 a gallon. It is said there Is no law on the Oregon Stat ute books through which the com pany can be. prosecuted. PACKING PLANT WILL 0PEN; ON JANUARY FIRST Equipment of Buildings Most Modern Type With Big Floor Space STOCK YARDS COMPLETE Concern Under Jurisdiction of United States Government Inspection , The valley Packing company, a combination of the Steusloff and the Cross interests of Salem, has' fixed the date for its opening as January 1. The new building on the Pacific highway, near the north city limits of Salem, has beep completed and equipped and is the first modern ;meat packing plant in the state out-,-slde of Salem.- The cost of the plant complete will be approximately $17.".000. , ' The main building is 2'.i feet square an1 three sto:1es high, con structed of concrete Trus-con steel There is a full basement In addition Jo the throe floors. The total floor space is 25.500 square feet, with three modern smoke houses. There are six coolers with four and five- inch cork Insulation. Throughout the building is an automatic refrig erating system. The plant Is further equipped with an independent water plant, and a Kcwanee water air pre sure system has Iwt-n installed with a capacity of 100 gallons a minute All the machinery in the plant Is modern, including ttn AUbrisht Nell hog dehalring and polishing ma chine. For the comfort of employes np-to-date conveniences have boen installed. In addition to the main building, connecting with a concrete viaduct. Is a modern two-story tank, render ing ard boiler room 3Cx24 feet, of the same construction as the main buildirg. i A complete system of stofkyards and hog pens' have ben bjlil in con junction with the plant, ith tfc-i .floors all of concrete and drained to sewers. The plant w.ll be under the Juris diction of Unitt-d States government inspection. The Valley Packing company's capital stock Is $200,000. The Incorporators are F. W. Steus loff. president: W. M. Steusloff. vice president; Curtis B. Cross; secretary and treasurer, and A. N. Bush. THE' RED CROSS As a part of its ohlijration to discharged soldiers the lo cal Home Service Section is expected not only to act as a clearing house for all com munications with the Bureau of War 'Rule Insurance, Inii to -establish cordial relation ship with all other agencies J in tl.e coiiirminit v In a state- ment. Ward Ilonsiill, head of I 1 the Ilureau of Information at National Headquarters says: "It is important that Our Home Service Sections should not he content with the recent mlr of the War the reeen I Risk Insi I ignating n su r a ne Bureau des- the Red t ross as the official organist ion through whom complaints and requests should le pre sented to the Bureau. The obligation rests upon each Home Service Section to of- i fer Red Cross Service to ev- cry other organization' in the J community which deals with J I soldiers, anl. to make every effort to establish such eor J dial relationships that not t fnly ifriction may !be pre J vented but a mutual hasis of co-operation mar be estal- lished." WASHINGTON SAYS END OF STRIKE NEAR Feeling Strong That Miners Will Be Prevailed Upon to Return to Work Before Sunday-Developments Lacking FIRST DAY OF REAL TEST WITHOUT EVENT Entire Situation Lacks in Dis order Protection Assur ance Renewed WASHINGTON. Nov. 3. Official Washington was firm in the belief toniKht that the end of the coal strike was near. There waa nothing definite or tangible in the way of actual devel opments to Justify this hopeful view. Dut everywhere the reeling prevailed that Influences were being brought to bear to have the strikers, num bering more than 400.000 retain to work. Confidential reports to the depart ment of justice from Its agents in the coal fields were said to show many deflections from the ranks or the strikers. Some reports said that large numbers ot idle miners bad de clared they wanted lo return to work but were, afraid. Protection U AftaamL. Officials reiterated that adequate protection would be given. Scatter ed reports from the fields, includ Ing 2s states, showed the first breaks In the ranks ot organized labor In Wes Virginia and Colorado. Advic es to Washington headquarters or the operators said that all non-union mines were working to fall capacity ana tqrntng out considerably more coal than on Saturday. Some of the operators' reports said that union men had gone to work in non-union mines and that there was growing sentiment that tbe men theniVerw s should have bad the right to vote on the strike. ' This Information, to m large ex tent, was in lien with that received by the government, especially as to deflections. Officials said the strik ers realized public sentiment was against them and some labor leaders also were taking this view. fritlM llefore Sunday, Outlook. Attorney General Palmer handling the main end ot the government's cae. went to Pennsylvania tonight, reeling.' It is said, that the crisis might be over before Sunday, tbe day on which the temporary Injunct ion restraining the officers of the miners' organization rrom activity was made returnable. Asked what the government would do that day, an official said: We will not cross that bridge un til we get there." Tbe tact that no disorder was re ported anywhere by department of Justice agents' was taken aa a good sign that conditions were hopeful and that the miners realized It was ft time ror sobor thought and actlon.jeelvlng the principal fa lamp sum or FIltST WAV OF KKAI, TRST l'ASSF-S WITHOUT IXCIIJKXT CHICAGO. Nor. J. Today .' the rirst real test day In the nation-wide strike of bituminous coal miners, passed without a break of any con sequence In the general cessation of production, despite tbe Inactivity of the leaders of tbe United Mine Work ers of America because ot the gov ernment's, restraining order. During the day there was a fur ther movement of troops Into affect ed areas, although only one minor disturbance was reported. Although there was a report that a break among union miners had oc curred in the northern West Virgin- la fields, where. It. was said IS mines! were in operation, miners and oper ators alike asserted that the produc tion of sort coal was paralyzed. K also was reported that some union miners resumed work In one Colo rado mine when operators and union officials agreed upon a settlement whereby operator would make such wage increase as were later made effective in the eastern fields. Non-union mine In Pennsylvania and West Virginia were In operation today' with almost the usual working forces. Inion leaders admitted that. because of the restraining order, they were doing nothing to Induce non union workers to walk out. In Ohio. live or six stripping companies were operating, With approximately 425.000 min ers Idle, according to union leaders claims, conceded by most ot tbe op erators, consumers were beginning to feel the ettects of the strike Thousands of cars or coal were being confiscated by tbe federal railroad administration, a lew schools were closed In remote places, and In number of communities water and electric companies were affected Original "Strangler" Lewis Is Dead After Long Illness 1 MADISON, Wis.. Nov. 3. Evan Lewis, former champion heavyweight wrestler, ami the original "Stran gler" Lewis, died at DodgevlJle. Wis., today after an illness of two year. I Lewis who" was "S years old. retired from the matt SO years ago. VANDERBILT BOYS RICH EACH IS GIVEN $721,317 ' AGES ARE 9 AND 4 YEARS NEW YORK. Nov. 2. The two youns sons by the svond mar riage or Alfred G. Vanderbllt. who lost his !ifia the sinking or the LustUnla. were made the rUber today by $721.31? rich, through the' filing in the deputy state con troller' office of a supplemental r-tort by the appraiser of th es tate. I nder the will .the two ho)s, Alfred. 9. and George, 4. divide $10,000,000 on the death or their mother. In adlition lo the-truat rand. The total etate waa valued at $21,381,400. FIRM STAND ON POLICIES TAKEN BY LEGION POST Service Men "Make It Snap- . py" at Well Attended Regular Meeting Armistice Day, Dance To Be Big Event "Come and Bring Girl Passing on 14 points of public pol icy and legislation and on each of them yoiclng Its opinions ia no un certain terms. Capital Post No. 9, American Legion at lu regular meet ing last night expressed its views for the guidance of the national conven tion which Is to be held at Minneap olis November 11. The meeting was by tar tbe 11 vest and best attended the post haa held, every seat In the Commercial clab audltorlam being taken and everybody apparently eag; er to "mitt It snappy. They suc ceeded. BJC Army Not liked. The post emphatically Is - not In favor or large standing army or universal training and when tbe question of foreign language news papers was put the men shouted with one voice "No. But If there must be foreign language publications the post favors that parallel paragraphs or the foreign language and English be used. On military policy the post favors a small standing army with a well organized and equipped national guard la Preference to all other .ys- terns. ii WTon wun equal imor equal restrictive Immigration applied to all nations, strict naturalization laws and urges that Immigrant be re quired to apply for citizenship with in a specified time following their arrival In the United States. Tbe post favors additional bonus ror ser vice men such as Is contemplated by legislation now pending; It favors constructive policy and Immediate re lief ror disabled service men; It fa vors preference to service men la acquiring public lands and of the fi nancial assistance to them la the form of long term loans on home building and farm purchases. Tbe ost favors a liberal and efficient sys tem of vocational, training for ser vice men and tbe amendment of the war risk Insurance policy so that tbe beneftelarv mar have ontlon of re In monthly payments. I The Immediate denotation of all anti-government aliens and the com- plete Investigation of army prison camps and punishment for unjust treatment, are strongly urged by tbe post.' Klamath Falls post was supported la the stand It ha taken for the opening or Klamath Lake land to settlement rather than to lease them to a corporation. iMnrer TUum Proem . rians for the Armistice Day dance November 11. were talked over and It soon simmered down to one sea tence ot Instruction to tbe member ship. That sentence l "Come and bring a girl or more than one If you can." The dance will be free to all service men and women and to their women friends. The Cherrlans and Commercial clubs and Business Men's league of fered their services to tho post In making Armistice day a succee and the post tendered Its appreciation The dance Is the only thing tbe post has on its program ot celebration and alt efrort will be spent ori the one activity. Tbe organizations have been Invited to attend the dance as spectators, but the . dancing Is re served for servlry men and women and their friend It was made clear that those at tending tbe ranco may appear in uni form or civilian clothes as they wish. The dance will be strictly Informal la every way. ' - " . Dr. W.- Carlton Fmlth will attend the national convention-In Minneap olis as a state delegate accord in te announcement made at the meeting. Tbe post now has nearly 00 mem bers and there are large numbers of applications being received every day. Buttons and receipts ror thoe who have paid but have not received them will go forward la a few days, according to announcement made at the meeting. Eggs Retail at 97 Cents in San Francisco Markets . SKATTLK. Nov. 3. Eggs r tailed at many stores In Seattle today at 47 cents per iloien. sal J to be tbe hlchest price In the history of the rlty. One store quoted some if its eggs at fl. ' 2 OFFICERS MUST DROP FROM FORCE Mayor Wilson Wins Conten tion Against Efforts of Po lice Committee, and Busi ness Men's Representatives CHOICE HELD ILLEGAL BY MACY'S OPINION Spirited .Tilt Takes Place With Wilson, Utter and ' Vandevort Leading By reinforcing bis arguments with a written opinion from City Attorney Macy anl citations from the city charter. Mayor Otto II. Wllua waa able to win out last eight over tho police committee ot the city council and committee from the Salem llas- Iness men's league who made battle ror retention or the two ot fleer re cently added to the Salem police force. As the situation stands the two men are bo longer oa the force and presumably wilt be dropped from the payroll today. The officers are Mortitt and Can lard. Alderman Utter tried to badrer Mayor Wilson Into declaring himself pnbliclr as to whether he ravers in creasing; the force. The mayor re fused to answer the question, merely asserting that he believed In a better grade of men for the positions now authorized and -that be would ad here strictly to the elty chaier. which, he asserted, would not admit ot additions to the force btiae the estimate In the 191 budget does not contemplate more ruu and that the funds cannot t- nd to pay them without violation ut the charter. The opinion of City Attorney Macy beld that the selection or the two additional officers by Chief Varne? and Acting Mayor Halvcrvn upon authority of the council ia the re cent absence ot Mayor Wilsoa waa Illegal. Titer Haled Down. Utter started the proceedings by" moving that the council proceed to elect two additional policemen, ex Md , L rVandevort second plaining mat the previous action bad t v. .-. v. . v . . out of order. The courtesr of the floor waa ex tended to D. J. Fry a representa tive or the bail ness men and he pleaded ror retention or the uta on the rorce. With some difficulty Utter obtain- ed the Poor after Macys opinion had been read, the mayor attempting to squelch him by repeating that -there Is no motion before tbe house. Ut ter Insist on tbe privilege ot speak ing ana itaaiiy was recognized. appreciate the opinion ot the city attorney.- said Utter, "but why didn't he tell us this tour weeks ago? lie has sat there as city attorney for four years and should to able to tell us the things whea they are need ed." The police cuestlon dropped and the council went ahead with other business, but, at an opportune Junc ture Vandevort moved that two ex tra police me a be elected. 4 Vamlevort Shows Flg,ht. "Under the opinion of the elty at torney I shall have to rule you out of order." the mayor answered. I want to bear that opinion read again." thundered Vandevort. "I am getting tired of this camouflage. I bold that we are entirely within our rights." The opinion was read again. "That applies only to our previous action," averred Vandevort. "lt applies now." retorted Wilson, "for the estlmaie In our budget Is about used up and to put the two additional men on tho payroll would be a violation of the ordinance. I rule you, out ot order." W. M. Hamilton waa extended tha floor a a representative of the busi ness men and requested that the conn clr authorize the city attorney to bring In a report at the next meeting a to how the question could come up la legal form. City Attorney Mary conferred with the mayor and the latter announced that Macy was ready to give that Information then and there. lay or IVflee Oprltlom. "It you want more men ia the de partment." added the mayor, "you can get a new charter or a new may or. Aa long as I am mayor I will follow the charter as closely as pos sible." Giving the desired Information Mr. Macy said that after January 1 It would be a simple matter to add men to the department, "simply by pro viding for them In the budret. I know ot no way In which It can be done now." At this Juncture Utter bogan to I prod the mayor. "Do you believe in a larger force?" he Inquired. "I believe In a better grade of men than we bate. nit.-- red the mayor. I have taUted wK'j many bulnes men and have not found one or them who favors Increasing the force." "We have a crowd of them rlcht here tonight." Interrupted Vande vort. "They are the first ones I have seen. declared the mayor. (Continued oa page i.)