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About The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948 | View Entire Issue (May 23, 1891)
CO III I Itfffe VOIr. I. . THE DALLES, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 23, 1891. NO. 147. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Published Daily, Sunday Excepted. THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO. Comer Second and Washington Dalle, Oregon. The Term of Subscription. Per Year 6 00 Per mon th , by carrier 50 Single copy 5 TIME TABLES. Railroad. K AST BOUND. Nt. 2, Arrives 12:43 A. M i ' a, l'' 15 p. v Depart 12:65 a. " 12: S5 P. 12: 15 P. M WKCT BOUND. No. 1, Arrives 4:40 a. m. Departs 4:50 A. M. " 5:30 P. x. '7, o:io p. m. Two local frelehts that carry pasxeiiKers leave one for the west at 7 :45 a. M., and one for the east at 8 A. U. .STAGES. For Prineville, via. Unke Oven, leave daily (except Sunday) at rt a. h. - For Antelope, Mitchell, Canyon City, leave Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 6 A. M . For Dufur, Kingsley, Wamlc, Wapinitia, Warm Sprlnirs and Tyirh Valley, leave daily (except Sunday) at 6 A. M. ror uoiaenaaie, wasn., leave every nay m tne week except Sunday at 8 a. m. Offices for all lines at the Umatilla House. . ' Post-Office. OFFICE HOURS eneral Dclivrey Window. ..... .8 a. m. to 7 p. m. Money Order , " 8 a. m. to 4 p. m. Bmnday U. D. 1 " 9 a. m. to 10 a. m. ,.'' CLOSING OP MAILS ! B trains going Cast. .... .9 p. m. and ll :45 a. m. " " West 9 p. m. and 4:45 p.m. "Stage for Goldendale. : 7:80a.m. " " "Prineville 6:30 a. m. " "l)ufur and Warm Springs. ... 5:30a, m. " fLeavinfr.for Lyle fc Hartland. .6:30 a. m. " " " 1 Antelope 5:30 a.m. Except Sunday. . O r, ' ' ' o; . ' tTri-weekly. Tuesday Thursday and Saturday. " Monday Wednesday and Friday. THE CHVKCHES. F IRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev O.' t. TAY- lob, Pastor. Services every Sabbath at 11 M. and 7:30 P. M. Sabbath School at 12 u Prayer meeting every o'clock. Thursday evening at 7 CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Rer. Wv C. - Curtis, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 11 a, M. and 7 P. u. Sunday School after morning service. Strangers cordially invited. Beats free. ME. CHURCH Rev. H. Brown, Pastor. Services every Sunday morning and even ing. Sunday School at 12'-4 o'clock M. A cordial invitation is extended by both pastor and people S1 T. PAUL'S CHURCH Union Street, opposite Fifth. Rev. Kli D. Sutclitte Rector, services every Sundav at 11 a. u. and 7;30 p. X. Sunday Sebool 12:30 r. M. Evening Prayer on Friday, at PETER'S CHURCH Rev. Father Bronb- okist Pastor. Low Mass every Sunday at tL i u. High Mass at 10:30 a.m. Vespers at TP. 'l' ' ' SOCIETIES. ' ! AmSEMBLV NO. 2870, K. OF L. Meets in K. J. of P. hall Tuesdays at 7:30 P. M. WASCO LODGE, NO. 15, A. F. & A. M. Meets first and third Monday of each month at 7 p. if . DALLES ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER NO. 6. Meets Masonic Hall the third Wednesday of each moniM at 7 P. M. - MODERN WOODMEN OK THE WORLD. . Mt. Hood Cainp No. 59, Meets Tuesday even ing of each week in I. O. O. F. Hall, at 7:30 P. M. : COLUMBIA LODGE., NO. 5, I. O. O. F. Meets every Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in Odd Fellows ball, Second street, between Federal and Washington. Sojourning brothers are welcome. H. A. Bills, Sec'y , R. G. Cloister, N. G. FRIENDSHIP LODGE, NO. 9., K. of P. Meets every Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in Bchanno's building, corner of Court and Second utreets. Sojourning members are cordially ln Srited. ; - 1 Gko. Ts Thompson, .. ;. u. m. vaubb, oec y. vj. v.. WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERENCE UNION will meet every Friday afternoon at 8 o'clock at the reading room. All are invited. mEMPLE LODGE NO. S. A. O. U. W. Meets L at K. of P. Hall, Corner Second and Court Streets, Thursday avenlngs at 7 :3U. - . John Filloon, W. 8. Mtsrs, Financier. ' M. W PROFESSIONAL CARDS. D R, O. D. D O A N E PHYSICIAN AND BUR GEON. Office: rooms 5 and 6 Chanman Block. Residence over McFarland & French's store. Office hours 9 to 12 A. M., 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 P. M. AS. BENNETT, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. flee in Bchanno's building, up stairs. Of- The Dalles, Oregon. DR8 G. C. ESHELMAN Homoiopathic Phy sician and Suroeon. Onice Hours : 9 to 12 A. M' : 1 to 4, and 7 to H p' M. Calls answered promptly dy or night Office: upstairs in Chap man lilOCK TV SIDDALL Dentist. Gas given for the J, painless extraction of teeth. Also teeth set on flowed aluminum plate. Rooms: Sign of i be Golden Tooth, Second Street. A R. THOMPSON Attorney-at-law. Office in Opera House Block, Washington Street, Tbe Dalles, Oregon - . . J . P. MAYS. B. 8. HUNTINGTON. H. ft. WIL80N. . IlfAYS, HUNTINGTON & WILSON ATTOR S -ftl neyh-at-law. Offices, French's block over nrst National Bank, The Dalles, Oregon. I.B.DUFUR. GEO. WATKJN8. FRANK MENEPEK.. nUFUR, W ATKINS & MENEFEE Attor- Vogt Block. econd Street, The Dalles, Oregon. W.H WI LSON Attorney-at-law Rooms 1)2 and .H. New Vnst Block. Second Street. The Dalles, Oregon. ;: '.! .... n:j W; & t. jncDOY, BARBERS ;i : : v -i.Vf:- - I ,i- ...... 4 r.i. i .. Hot 'atici CQli ( . : , , ( i V;: !. 1 id .SECOND ..STREET. FLOURING MILL- TO LEASE. TtHT OLO -DALLES MI CI. 'AS1 "WATErJ, A ConrmnT's Hour Mill will be lemaed to r- pondble parties. : For informatiorj apply to the r , , . The pallea, Oregon, i Keep Your EYE on this Space ! "We are in' the Swim," and "Will Start the Ball a Rolling" By Offering' this Coming' Week FOR CASH ONLY 100 Pire Dress Gingfc. 12 Yards for $1 .OO. 100 Pieces, yarn wide, Brown; SHeeting, 16 Yards The Above are Bargains, Come and be Convinced QtTfi DfmLtES, Wash. Situated at the Head of Navigation. Destined Best JVLanufactuMng Centet In the Inland Best Selling: Property of the Season in the Northwest. Por farther information call at the office of Interstate Investment Co., Or 72 Washington St., PORTIjAITD, Or. O. D. TAYLOR, THE DALLES, Or. ' " ; Columbia Ice Co. 104 SECOND STREET. IOB I IOE ! ICS X Having over 1000 tons of ice on band, we are now prepared to receive orders, wholesale or retail,, to be delivered through the summer. Parties, contract ing with us will be carried through - the entire season without advance in pbice, and may depend that we have nothing but- , T - - - r ,,, PURE, HEALTHFUL ICE, Cut from mountain water ; no slough or slush pond 8. - Leave orders at the Columbia Candy Factory, -104 Second street. W. S. CRAM, Manager. D. P. Thompson Pretsiclent. J. S. Hchenck, H. H. Bkall, Vice-President. Cashier. First national Bank. THE DALLES, OREGON A General Banking Business transacted . Deposits received, subject to Sight ... , ,. Draft or Check. . ; Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on day of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange, sold on New York, San Francisco and Port- - , - . : land. ? ' ' ! I ' ' ' !' , . . DIREOTORa' "' i't-jiA i. P. Thompson. Jno. Si Scbknck. T. W. Spabks. ' Geo. A. Likbb. H. M. Beaxl. - -' ' St . Nil CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A GENERALBANKING BUSINESS . ' 17. .i-.1 5- I.i'., :': . Letters of Credit issued available in the ' - Eastern States. " Sight Exchange"""' "and Telegraphic Transfers old on New .York, Chicago, St. LoniSjSan'-FnmtsisccV Portland' Oregon, Seattle Wash., and various points in Or egon smdrWashingtoo. .o j v Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. '' - ' for $l.QO. to be f The Dalles Gigar : Faetopy, - - -. FIRST STIEarElEJT- PACTORY NO. 105. (T( A TC of the Best Brands VyAJTjr.XVO manufactured, and orders from all parts of the country filled on the shortest notice. , . ,.- The reputation of THE DALLES CI GAR has become firmly established, and the den and for the home manufactured article is increasing every day, ' . A. ULRICH & SON. 1891. ICE ! 1891. The Dalles Ice Co., Con. Third and Union Streets, Having a sufficient quantity of Ice to supply the city we are now prepared to receive Orders to be delivered during the coming summer. . Parties contacting with us can depend on . being supplied through the entire season and may de pend that we have nothing but :- PTJEE HEALTHFUL IOE ' Cut from mountain water ; no slough or slush ponds. ' ' y ' ' ' '" ; " We are receiving -orders daily and solicit a continuance of the same.; ' ' 1 IL J; MAIEE, Manager. Office corner Third and :Union .streets. Sealed' Proposals WILL BE RECEIVED BY THE BOARD OP Water CommisHioners, of Dalles City, Ore- on, tin til 2 P. M. of Saturday, May 23d, 1891, for uildlng a receiving basin to hold about 370,000 Rations, near Mill creeK about iour miles from uaiies AJliy, tor aoine . me irenc 21300 lineal feet of 10-inch, pipe the trenching for about ipe .oetween Daain and the distributing reservoir in Dalles City, and lor naming ana aistrlbuang about.iw tons pi 10 lnch wrought iron pipes and appertainances. Plans and specifications "may be seen- at the office of the Water Commissioners of Dalles City. The Commissioners reserve the right to reject any or all bid- , , L. -PHILLIPS, : , apr22-m2Z. t i a. Secretary. STILL A JPRISONEfi. The Esmeralda Not Allowed to Get Coal at Acapulco Though Her Officers Resort to Trickery. Vigilante Movement that Serious Results Supposed derers Arrested. Brought Mur- New York, May 23. A Washington dispatch says; "The coal bunkers of the Esmeralda are still empty.- Official advices received by the state department shows however, her officers still havede signes upon the Pacific mail eteamshp coal pile. They are growing desperate and are not above trickery to accomplish their object? . . , 'A dispatch from our vice- consul at Acapulco states that they came ashore yesterday morning and represented they just received word from Iquique that the Itata matter was settled satisfactorily to all parties concerned, and in the light of this information begged to be allowed to receive coal in order that they might return to Chili. - Thev did not get anv coal, however as the consul did not bite. Ml'KDER WILL OCT. Arrest of One of tbe Murderers of Wll. Ham Barbour. r obtland, jiay Z3. rue police , are still maintaining a reticence about the arrest of the first of the two men at Butte, Montana, for the murder of Win. Barbour of Lebanon, whose body .was found in the Willamette river on May 3d.", They, claim to have a complete chain of evidence against the men , but will not now give the names for the rea son that the third man ia not yet appre hended..' r i .. ... ' . It is also thought by tbe police that who wife the men arrested are he parties brutally murdered Greenwood and near Napa,. California, last winter. A PROFESSOB RESIGNS. He Takes exceptions to the ' Suspension .-of Other Minister. - Pittsburg, May 23. Rev. McGurkin, of the Reformed Pre8byterian-..Theologi-cai Seminary of Allegheny, announced his intention of resigning the chair';of theology and, history in that institution. His . reason.1: is ; that : seven . Reformed PVesbyterian ministers have been sus pended for voting at political elections. In his letter of resignation he says: "I have been forced to the conclusion that the individual conscience of the Ameri can citizen should be allowed to decide as to bis duties in the casting of his bal lot for the right rulers." -. " ' ' r7 .... Revolution in Cordova. .. Buenos Aykes,1 May 23. The state ment that a revolution had broken out in the province of Cordova is confirmed. There was firing in the streets of Cordo va, the capital of the province of that name, on Thursday and Friday. It . is believed that the revolt is instigated by leaders of rival factions in Buenos Ayres. Troops were engaged in quelling the aisturoance yesterday evening. , . y The Star Rubber Company In Distress. Tbenton, N. J., May 23. The Star Rubber Co., is in financial difficulty. The counsel for the company said that owing to the contraction of the credit, or ine company's liabilities were more than it can meet at the instant. Secre tary Bell, he added, had informed him that the company could pay two dollars for every one it owed. The liabilities may foot up to half a million of dollars. Caterpillars Stop Kallroad Trains. Mankato, Minn., May '23.; All ' the trains of the Milwaukee road this morn ing were delayed seven miles outside this city by millions of caterpillars which crawled upon the rails. When ground up their remains made the wheels slide as if the rails were greased. : Not Guilty as Charged. .... GsEENSBUBOLPa.', : May 22. The jury in the case of Captain Loar, and depu ties charged with, murder at the More wood riots,, returned a verdict acquitting all the defendants. ;.. Went to the Springs Too I.ate. . ' New 'York,1 May 23. Henry Sbelton Sanford, ex-United . States minister : to Belgium and late delegate to the Brnssels anti-slavery conference, died Thursday at Healing Springs, V a. , , i- ! j..7 Banted to Death.-., j i,; o., ; Minneapolis, May 23. This morning a fire in the house of Felix Lawlor burned to death his daughter aged 6 -and- art in fant son. I . His wife was seriously burned. - San Francisco Market, f . San Francisco, " May 23.-f-Wheat, buyer '91, after Aug. 1st. : 1.68.. .. ',..:!. ;Chteaa;o Wheat Market, :& j' Chicago, III;; May -22. Close, wheat casb.,"1.02 ; July, .98. , : , ,' VlgilanteK Receive Their Ieserta. Dunnings, . Neb., May 23. A white party of vigilantes who have jut cap tured a cattle thief named McAlvey, near here, and were bringing the pris oner to town last night, they met an other party of vigilants. The night was very dark and as each party miBtook the other for the thief fire was opened by both sides "and before the mistake was dis covered Judge Aikens, treasurer of the county, and McAlvey the cattle thief were kil.ed. No arrests have been made. Will Not Emiilo; tbe Leaders. Scottdale, Penn., May 23. A large number of coke. men luvee been applying for work, but in every case where a leader or an active agitator applied he was refused employment. Indications are that fully one thousand names of the leaders will be placed on the black ' list and with such a large number idle it is thought a possible Btrike might be again revived. ' - A Brlfrand Wants Cobs Annexed. New York, May 22. The Cuban brigand, . Manuel Garcia, has - issued a manifesto declaring Cuba annexed to the United States and, setting forth the grievances Cuban , people have, against Spain.. The proclamation is being widely circulated here, in Florida and the At-r lantic states and through Cuba. ' -Postponed Payments for Twenty Tays. Buenos Aybeb, May 23. The cham ber of deputies has adopted a bill posL- poning payments of twenty days. ' bank deposits for : Returning to Work. ScoTT8DALE, Penn., May 23. The coke strike is thoroughly broken and re ports indicate that -ten thousand .men will go to work on Monday. . A Statue Vnvalled. In Chicago. .. Chicago; May - 23. The statue ' of Lineas, the botanist, a counterpart of the one in Stockholm, was unvailed in Lincoln park today. , . .. Weather Forecast.. San Francisco, May 22. Forecast Oregon and. Washington, fair weather. CHCRCHMKN IN, COITNCIJ.. Annnal Meetings tbe- Presbyterian , . General Assembly.. Detroit, May 21. The hundred and third annual meeting of : the Presby terian general assembly convened here this morning. Rev. Dr. - Randcliffe of Detroit invoked the 'Divine blessing. After the singing, the Rev; Dr. Hatton, president of .Princeton; read the six teenth chapter of Isaiah, and the 'Rev. Mr. Moore, of Cincinnati, moderator of the assembly,' delivered the opening assembly sermon. His ' text was from John xvii ; "For God sent not ' his son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved." ' Dr. Moore said : "God gives eternal life to the individ ual believer here and now ; but the sal vation of the world is accomplished through the personal salvation of: hus bands, wives, parents, children, masters, servants, rulers and subjects. The' un protected, assiduously opposed, and therefore a dangerous servile class; is elevated to a position of brethren in Christ, Labor is made honorable. Be fore he came enjoyment and self-indulg ence were tne objects of human aspria tion. For this the earlv church substi tuted helpfulness. The Presbyterian church has, in the main, been in helpful touch with the needs of this world. Ag itation upneaval is not necessary ruin Like the heaving of the sea, it may pur. lfy. Compulson nor legislation will not do this, unless there is an active leaven and purified individuality diffused through, out society. The law was never so good as now, although there is . too much of it, but were it perfect as to quantity and quality, it is useless, or worse, unless rightly interpreted, ad ministered and enforced ; and for this there must be such work as only religion can effect.'' . Ol'EXEl) TO. THE PUBLIC. A Dakota Reservation at the Disposal of Settlers. v- Washington, May 21. President Harrison today - issued a proclamation, opening to public settlement about 160, 000 acres of land in the Fort Bertbold Indian' reservation in - North Dakota. This carries out the - agreement entered into December, 1886, between the com missioners on ; the part of ' the ' United States and the Aricarees, Gros Ventres and Mandan tribes of . Indians on the Fort Berthold '. reservation, pursuant to an '' act of congress -approved May 15, 1886. The proclamation sets forth that satisfactory proof has - been presented to the president that acceptance and of consent to the provisions of the amended act by the different Indians has been ob tained. It further' notifies all persons to- particularly observe that a certain portion of the -said reservation not ceded and relinquished by the agreement is reserved for the allotment and reserva tion for' the said r tribes, and all persons are warned not to go upon any lands so reserved-1: All that, portion of " the reser vation lying north of the 48tb parallel, and all that portion lying- west of the north and south line, six miles west of the most westerly pbint of ' the big bend of the- Missouri rivery-south of the 48th parallel' is declared opened to settlement and subject to disposal as provided for. in ection 25. act of March 'S1891. J --Tescber-ttWhat is -the plural- of ehild? Boy (promptly ) Twins. ,Ji SWIFT VENGEANCE. Two fiends Meet a Deserved Fate at tbe Hands of a Brother and a Lover. Lodisville, May 21. The story of a brutal ravishing, murder and swift ven geance comes from Eastern Kentucky. Near Sandy Hook, Maud Fleener, "a . beautiful young school teacher, was met while riding through the woods, by George and John Wilcox, rejected suit ors. They dragged her from her horsey breaking her legs in the struegle. They took her to a lonely cabin, drew lots as to whifh should have her and demanded that she agree to marry John, to whose lot she fell. She refused. They tried to set ine oroKen limhs, ana kept her a prisoner in the cabin, chained lo the wall. When found by her brother and intended husband pne told the slory, antLsaid she- had also been, brut ally out raged. The Wilcoxs were captured and shot to death dv the brother and lover. Stanford and Gordon. New York, May 21. The Pout's Cin cinnati special says, speaking of the union conference which has just ad journed : . . What does the whole movement mean? In the opinion of those best entitled to judge the February convention will ab sorb the predominant element in the present conference, and out of the union will grow a party, not strong enough, of course, to elect a president of its own, but able to make its mark in the general election of 1892. The names of the can didates are not yet freely discussed, but in ' the inside circles Leland Stanford seems to be recognized generally as the man to head the ticket, with a Souther ner, and presumptively one who was more or less conspicuous as a defender of the Confederacv. for second ulace. Governor Gordon, of Georgia, has as good ' a chance ' as any man at present writing of getting the vice-presidential nomination. ' . The Esmeralda the Treasure Ship. San Francisco,- May 21 . Captain Scott, of the British steamer West Indi an, believes that the Chilian steamer Esmeralda, now at Acapulco, is a treas ure ship. - ' "When 1 wasln Chili." he said, "a few months ago, and gave a large bond that none of the cargo of my steamer should get into the bands of the congressional or insurgent party, I was informed by a weaitny mercnant of uorelel, mat months before the war broke: out it was looked for, and besides hoarding large siiDDlies of coal in bunkers on the islands of the Chilian const, over $10,000,000 in gold and silver was collected and placed on board the ' Esmeralda, after the war broke out, for safe keeping. That vessel is without doubt the treasure ship of the fleet and sinews of war of the congress tonal party .j -j ''-- What a Prominent New Torsi Banker - Says of the Cold Shipments Abroad. ' New ."York,' May. 21. A . member of the firm of J. & W. Seligman & Co., said: The large shipments of gold have been due to England's wish to for tify herself in the event of any sudden demand by the Russian government. Russia needs money. She endeavored to issue a new loan and could not do it. She did not force the matter, be.-ause she saw with a general lack of confidence it' would be a fiasco. Russia does not want money for war purposes, but simply such uses as any other government wants: money for. I 'think, however, 'we have about reached the end of the shipments. There may possibly be more, but I da not think it will exceed $10,000,000. . Wheat Situation In France. Paris, May 21. The Eclaire, a news paper of this" city, publishes today inter views with offiicials of the minister of agriculture in referanceto tl.e projected wheat "corner." These officials said they did not believe that the people who were engineering the "corner" would succeed in obtaining the object in view, as the French farmers refused to co-operate with the manipulators of the wheat deal. The French 'farmers, the officials of the ministry of agriculture said, always sold their product on spot and would not enter into contracts with any large syn dicate, especially foreign. The French crops are in a very critical condition. The home supply, they said, would fall short by 20,000,000 hectolitres. If the present rainv weather continues tliere sult will be disastrous to the farmers. A Methodist minister once started a church in a young western town, but for the want of pecuniary support was soon obliged to abandon it. His farewell ser mon to the lukewarm brethren was char acterized by more heat than elegance. He ended thus: "At the last day the Lord will say to St. Peter, 'Where is your flock?' and St. Peter will answer, 'Here, Lord ;' and so all of the shepherds can answer. But - when he asks me 'Where are your 6heep?' how will you feel when I am compelled to reply, 'Lord, I haven't any ; mine are all hogs?' " ' Thet right is on the march. The Freewater Herald was started on May 10th, 1890. Its location was at Free water Oregon, one of the loveliest places in the state..' The locality had one ser ious drawback, it was situated like' Eng, one of tbe Siamese Twins was, when 'his brother died. . It was attached to a corpse., ' That corpse; (as it' were) was Milton, a little -moss covered 'village, made up of about ninety-nine' good live men and an equal number of mossback fossils, and the Milton Eagle, Spencer, a cranky Methodist sky pilot, and a few kindred spirits. The Herald made itself felt at last election, and its principles were in harmony with tbe alliance. - The result is the-incorporation -of the Alli ance Publishing Co.. of Pendleton, in which the writer is a stockholder. " At a meeting on Friday 'last', the iollowing officers were elected ;- W.'i A. ' Sample, president; . N. .H. Tennery secretary ; W. H. McCom as, editor; Joseph Hinker, reporter and J. H. Morrison, canvaser.. Mr.' Morrison "received 73 Subscribers in two days. Grand Sonde Chronicle.' ' '