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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1922)
Music, Dramatics and Ktitdred Arts I ill : id - 4 Farrar Heads List of Artists ; Coming Here Br J. L WaHls A RTISTS who names are a well A known abroad as In New York and Chicago have been engaged by Steers 4t Comas of, this city to come to Port land the coming season, which is now drawing; near. ; Gerald ine Farrar, the world famous tar. will open the season on a date which will be announced later. A bril liant galaxy of world famous artists Will follow in their appointed order : The Klonzaley Quartet will give a pro gram of chamber music of the fluent, exquisite Bort that has made them be loved in every city in the world ; the new tenor. Edward Johnson, who has 'Just signed a three year contract with the Metropolitan to ping the lead ing tenor solos, will give a recital. This singer is greatly esteemed in Italy, where they call him Edoardo di Oiovanni. In New York one critic rails him "this new and astonishing tenor !" Another critic refers to him "as "The big thrill of the week." In Boston ' the critics launched into un Minted praise, ending with "Here, in deed, is a tenor of the first rank." He Sang the title role of "Lohengrin" with the Chicago Opera company here last season. t Two notable artists cross not only a wide continent to come to Portland, in joint recital, but a broad sea as welL For Alfred Cortot, the French pianist, is to come. - He is considered the most brilliant exponent of the modem French school of pianoforte playing; Jacques Thibaud, who is to the Violin what Cortot is to the piano, is included in this Illustrious list. Thi baud is one of the foremopt violinists of the world. Rachmaninoff, the Russian pianist .composer. The est will hear him for the first time this season and this Is his ' first Western tour. His tragic. sombre personality, in contrast with the vitality of his stupendous piano playing, makes his. recital, an event long to be remembered, it is said, and yet his interpretation of Chopin, Liszt. Beethoven, Bac, is said to be pure music; of no personal tinge whatever. Rachmaninoff has written much for the piano, but he has written still WofcI in the larger forms for or chestra. His piano playing is char acterised not only by the relationship of the performer to the instrument, but ky the vastly deeper and closer as pect of te reaily great composer. The public knows him best by his C Minor Prelude. Steers & Coman have been impressing- the world's greatest artists to the West,; covering a period that passes two decades. To be exact, this la -their 22 d season. Music teachers who desire their ta- plls to receive credit in the high "schools of the city for music study outside of school are notified that they must file their state certificates in ther office of D. A. Grout, city su perintendent of schools, 405 courthouse. Mr. Grout's office will immediately send the list of .the teachers whose Certificates are thus filed to the vari ous high school principals of the city, and only those teachers who have filed their credentials will be recog nised for the granting of credits. Th new course of study for 1922-23 is now In the hands of the state printer and Will be ready in a few days. Arrange ments are being made to have a sup ply of the course of study and the forms to be filled by the teacher at the beginning of the semester in the city : superintendent's office, where teachers will be able to obtain them upon application. t Ernest Knock, conductor of the San Carlo Opera company, who made such . ?" favorable impression here last sea son, has been chosen for next season, tt which opens at the Century theatre. t; fiew Tors, ana is expected will event '. tially extend to Portland, as usual. Mr. : Knoch spent the summer In Ger many. ; ... , Nevada Vanderveer. contralto, and ' Reed Miller, tenor, will be presented -under the auspices of Sunnyside lodge. 1M. A. F. and A. M.. at The Audi ; toriuxn in November, it is announced. Both artists have international repu tations. This will be their first visit west, of the Rocky mountains. Mme. Vanderveer possesses a rich contralto voice of unusual range and beauty. . The -Portland district of the Ore It cn Music Teachers' association will j j . meet for luncheon at the Y. W. C A.. Broadway and Taylor, Friday, Sep ! tember 15. at 12:15. J. Henderson of ' j Portland Community Service will ti lt Plain the plans for the coming festl ij val of music, heretofore known as j - Music week. Other important matters ' ; will -be taken up- j ( :- " - ! "Child's FirstBook of Melodies" is the .title of a bok prepared by Willta i Eades Honska, teacher of piano of I ",, Portland, and published by the Theo , xJore Presser company of Philadelphia, Mrs. Honska has made a special study of the." problems that confront the , teacher; of children and the results of ! this work are embodied in the book. It j ; begins at the beginning in acquaint- i Ing the child with the kevboard and . A. H. MERRILL " Violin Surgeon 48; years' fxprifr.f. Records of OTer 10.000 instruments remind. TONS 4UARANTECD ' Violin for Sale. Exchange or Reat 4SS WASHINGTON BLOQ. S. R. KELLEY VIOLIN AND'BOWMAKER Violin. Cum. 8trtns. VtoBR Wbtf. Bow Wood and SHw Fro for Sal. Violin Rapalrtna. 412 BERLINBER BLO Comer Id and Alder Phono Mala 1ST3. Residence Tabor O401 Tuning nd Repalrtnp Pianaa and Plerar Piano. Prtcao Xpert worfc. Shermaii.ay & Ga Sj Slxtii If Nfr TJm IIExlit Hi II rl GROUP of famous artists announced by Steers & Coman as the forthcoming season's of fering. They are,, top, left to right: Alfred Cortot. French pianist; Serger Rach maninoff, Russian pianist-composer. Middle, left to right, Geraldine Farrar, soprano; Jacques Thibaud, violinist. Bottom, Eld ward Johnson, tenor. An added attraction will be the Flonzaley string quartet ' , I'"" tl-'f T.s Atxr "" the music and In such a way as to make study entertaining; vnd interest In; without which it is difficult, as many parents have experienced, to connect the youngster with the piano, especially in the near presence of play mates. The book contains an abun dance of annotations for guidance of the teachers and- each little study Is accompanied by a harmonic back ground to be played by the teacher, o o The Ladies' Colombia Concert or chestra will give a concert at the First Methodist church tonight at 7 :45 o'clock. The program follows : "Pro cessional March,'" from "The Magic Flute" (Wagner) ; "Feulbles D Au tomme" (Waldteufel) ; "Songs of Olden Days," orchestra (Balfe) ; vo cal solos. "The Birthday Song" (Costa). "For You Alone" (Cadman), Mae O'Neill Feldman ; "In the Shadows" (Corbln), "A Legend of a Rose" (Bohm), orchestra: cornet duet. "In the Twilight" (Clement), Beatrice Moore and Esther Rickards ; vocal solo "I Will Extol Thee" (Costa). Mae O'Neill Feldman ; overture, "Ray mond" (Thomas) ; "America Forever" (To bain), orchestra. Members of the orchestra are: Frances Knight, con ductor; violins, Marie Paige, Joy Gie sie. Vivian Vaughn, Hasel Olsson. Frances Case, Beulah Blackwell : viola, Helen Pierce ; cello. Hasel Babbidge. Jessie McRae ; bass. Etta Greather ; flute. Doris "Wildman ; oboe, Rea Smith : clarinet, Mabel Dugan, Cath rine Carter ; cqrnets, Beatrice Moore'. Esther Rickards ; trombones, Mae Col burn, Myrtle Sweet : horn, Meda Arant ; drums, Irma James. Virginia Knight. ... F. Sheffield Stancliff, teacher of piano, has come to Portland this sum mer with" the idea of locating and has already become so well pleased that his decision is to .become a permanent Portlander. He is from Ohio and studied piano under the foremost teachers there, among them William A. Becker and John Beck of Cleveland, the last named being the well known orchestra conductor. It was with Beck that Stancliff studied harmony and theory. He is also a "pupil of Mrs. Katherine Bruot, known throughout the country as as accompanist for the late Evan Williams, the Welsh tenor. Mr. Stancliff has made a special study of teaching children. ... Miss Phyllis Wolfe, well known con cert soprano and vocal teacher, re turned Thursday from an extended summer trip to points Jn Colorado and Montana. While in Butte. Miss Wolfe conducted an intensive course for sing era and vocal teachers which was en thusiastically attended, and contracts were made with her for a number of concert engagements during the com inc season. . Miss Wolfe has announced her intention of offering a free vocal scholarship to the best voice singing in a competitive contest early In Oc tober. Judges and other information will be given out soon. ... Mrs. T. J. Dorgan. ons of Portland's beet known piano teachers, has returned to the city after the summer vacation and opened her studio, which Is oas of the largest established in Port land. o o Mrs. Lyman G. Rice, dramatic I prano, of Pendleton, left here Wednes day for Los Angles where she will continue her studies with F. X. Arens, the voice authority, who con ducts his summer courses In Portland. Mrs. Rice, whose husband is assistant cashier of the First National Bank of Pendleton and member of the. state bonus commission, la known as ons of Oregon's most talented singers and since locating in Pendleton has" been w 4" 1 doing much churcn and concert work. She Is a former University of Oregon student and member of Kappa Gama. She was president of the University Girl's Glee club of 1913. e Mr. and Mrs. Gio Tyler Tagllieri have returned from a two months' sojourn on the coast. Mr. Tagileri has resumed teaching at his studio. While in Los Angeles this summer Mrs. Mischa Pelz of Portland, was given a vocal spoon, that Madame Marches! gave Mme. S. Svevdrofsky when Mme. Svevdrofsky was in Europe as a Marchesi pupil. This spoon is made of ivory and is an instrument Mme. Maxchesi uses for practice work In keeping the tongue down. One of the essentials of the Marchesi method ft! RS. LYMAN VI RICE, dramatic so prano of Pendleton, was a Portland visitor on way to Los Angeles last week. V ' v V of voice production Is keeping, the tongue down so the tone can flow forward without being muffled. Many persons having beautiful voices are never heard of because when they sing an eminent violinist having tourned the use her expression, instead of "a mouth full of tone." Mme. Svevdrofsky who is the wife of the concert master of the Los Angeles symphony orchestra, ia an eminent violinet having toured the country with Mme. Semrick. At pres ent she Is specializing in violin work with 'her husband, being soloist at the Hollywood band concerts this summer under the noted Alfred Hertz. Mme. Svevdrofsky generously willed this vocal spoon the famous Marchesi gave her to Mrs. Pelz before Mrs. Pels left for Portland, in admiration of her vocal work. Mrs. Pelz intends having the spoon copied and distribute it amongst vocal teachers and pupils. While in San Francisco Mrs. Pelz studied with Elfneda Wynne, and in Los Angeles with Mme. Svevdrofsky and coached with Dr. Alexis Kail, formerly professor of the University of Petrograd and founder of the Petro- grad Peoples' conservatory, i ... Ted Bacon resumed teaching last week after an absence from Portland of six weeks, during which he covered about 3500 miles in his automobile. The first trip was from Portland to Los Angeles, where he visited hia parents and took in the wonderful "Hollywood Bowl" concerts and the big theatre orchestras. Mr. Bacon is well i ac quainted in Los Angeles, having lived there for 11 years before coming to Portland, and among his many musical friends is Julius Bierlich, whom he visited. Side trips were made from Los Angeles, including San Diego, Coronado, Tia Juana. .Mexico, 'and many beaches. On the return north, the famous Mariposa "F.ig Trees," San Francisco. Oakland and Berkeley were visited. Mr. Bacon's uncle. Dr. Frank M. Bacon, is a professor in the Uni versity of California. Returning to Portland Mr. Bacon was joined by Mrs. Bacon and they made a trip north,: vis iting Olympia. Hoods Canal, Tacoma and Mount Rainier. The first meeting of the season 1922 23 of the Cadman Musical club ; will be held Tuesday evening, September 12, at the home of Mrs. Charles Camp bell, No. 660 East 14th street north. Mrs. Campbell will be assisted in en tertaining by Miss Harriet Thompson. The meetings of this club are held fort nightly. The program for the first meeting will consist of a historical sketch of 17th century German music, by Mrs. Charles Tielding ; a biography of Bach, by Mrs. Walter May, and a program of early German music by the club members. Mrs. Carl Grissen is president of the Cadman club and Mrs. Miles D. Warren, vice president. ; ... Mrs, John Gratke and her daughter, Loiis, the talented violinist, left for San Francisco Thursday. Miss Gratke has been booked for a number of ap pearances in California, among them ons of the Pacific Music club of San Francisco, the largest musical organ- I ization of its kind on the Pacific coast, in octoDer sne win go on to New Tork to continue her studies under Franz Knelsel, head of the vio lin department of the Damrosch school of music and art. This will be her fourth season at the noted New Tork institution. ... "I adore Jass when it is well done," Gabriel Groles is quoted as saying, upon his return to France from a: -visit to the United States. So do we. The trouble a is that well dons jass Is so rare. . i William Wallace Graham THE VIOLIN SOLOIST AND TEACHER Studio 600 Holly St. Phone EAst 6732 Honrs by appointment only Open date Tues., Sept. 5 Maude Springer Bowen TOICE Kesldcsee 8 radio, SSI Twelfth St. Main Tslees Heard by Appointment BACON WALTER STUDIO Open September 6 BOA SUSH LANE BUILDIRO Phone Main 6906, Res) dance Tabor S41 FRED'K W. HOCHSCHEID PIANIST 504 to 506 EILERS BLDG. BROS Q.WAY B6B7 Mandolin Guitar and All Parlor Instrument Also Teacher of Spanish Language C. REBAGLIATI 00 Fleldner Bldg., 10th and Washington Catherine Covach FREDRICH Teacher VOICE-PIANO SOB EILERS BLDG. Dinctor of St. Krancia Choir. Isabella Choristers. Phono Sell wood 0439. EDITH FOLEY Teacher of Piano 867 EAST 39TH STREET Phono Tabor B308 Agnes Love PIANO 804 TILFORO BUILDIRO RESIDENCE PHONE ATWATER 112 P. A. TEN HAAF Vocal Instructor BIZ EILERS BLDO. 8poclaltzln4 In Correct Ton Production EVA L. GRAVES PIANO 0LA8SE8 FOR CHILDREN Perflcld 8 y tt em Oodowsky Series High School Credit Oiren STUDIOS: 800 TILFORD BUIUDTNO 121 E. 12TH 8T. Phono East 0S10 Anna D. Campbell PIANO 80S EILERS BUILDING, PORTLAND 08BURN O'BRIEN BLDO., ASTORIA Ella Connell Jesse PIANIST - 607 BUSH LANE BUILDINO Main 3178 PIANO LESSONS MRS. B. DAVIES Special Attention Given to Beginner TERMS MODERATE Apply at 1188 E. Harrison St. Near SOU) Irene H. Reynolds PIANO 216 TILFORD BLOQ., Broadway 84BS 860 EAST DAVIS STREET, East 8681 Credit to High School Pupils WILLIAM MAN8ELL WILDER PIANO AND ORGAN Organist and Choirmaster First Baptist Church Musical Director The Orpheus Mala Chorus Inc. STUDIO 880 VISTA AVENUE Phone Main 4468 PIANIST EilersBldg. Phone Atw.2058 BETTINGER PIANO STUDIO RENEE BETTINGER E. L. BETTINOER RESIDENCE STUDIO 815 LOVEJOY MAIN BS7B LENORE GREGORY VIOLIN Res. Phono East 6510 European Training and Experience STUDIO: 504 BUSH & LANE BLDG. Ca.Hbrea.tlb. Stmdlio Reopens September 6th, 1922 860 Belmont St. Phone Tabor 2477 ACCREDITED TEACHEES Helen Calbreath, B. M.. Pianist Evelene Calbreath. B. M.. So- and Teacher, European study prano and Voice Teacher, u- 1907-8-9 and 12. Pupil of Mail- ropean study 1907-8-9 : Ass t. rice Aronson. ALBERTO JO- Vocal Teacher to F. X. NAS, Edno Sallitt. JOSEF ARENS, New Tork City, 1916- FIAJfO ASSISTANTS Myrtle Noorlin Mrs. Emma Welch Landry aV .a"m PIANO Has Opened Her New Studio 192 N. TWENTY-FIRST NEAR KEARNEY Depot sad Morrison Car ACCREDITED TEACHER Dunning System for Foundation Study PHONE BROADWAY 84 Mrs. Fred L.Olson VOICE PUPIL OF PERCY RECTOR STEPHEN AND RICHARD HAGEMAN STUDIO BROADWAY 2801 207-8-9 TILFORD BUILDING SOULE INSTITUTE OF Piano, Harmony and Theory MARIE A. SOULE Recognized on two continents as one of America's foremost pedagogues. Known as a MAKER OF ARTISTS. Complete Earopean and Americas Education. Accredited expo nent : Xaver Scharwenka, Hugo Leichtentritt (Berlin) : Albert Ross Parsons (New Klavier Hall (London) ; Virgil School York). COMPETENT Thorough course from beeinnine to the fully prepare students for artistic lire or KegistratioB sow. Atwaier vozu. MRS. JEAN WARREN CARRICK PIANIST and NORMAL TEACHER for the Dunning System of Improved Music Study announces the opening of her studios. Sept. 11, for educational training in and prirate instruction. Classes in this intern will be established as follows: Children under six. Monday and Thursday mornings. Children oTer six, the same afternoon. Adult classes upon arrangement. Normal Training Class for Teachers Convenes Sept. 18 Studio Centrally Located 408 Bush aV Lane Bltfe. Residence Studio, MT. TABOR. Phono Tabor 4433 for appointments or call In downtown studio ston. aft-, Sept. 11, 1 to H. A. WEBBEE Webber Academy of Music Our ' Juvenile Orchestra has Just closed a very successful tour of California as Headline Act Pantaces Clrrnit. Our new Juvenile Orchestra just starting-. A limited number of bright children will be accepted. 12Mi FOURTH STREET. KurtBERGER vilin Pedagogue) Pupil of European Masters and Holder of Artist's Certificate) MASTER SCHOOL OF VIOLIN AND ENSEMBLE SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO BEGINNERS Studio: Wheeldon Annex, Apt. 100, Phone Main 6641 Robert Louis MISS HELGA HANSEN, First Assistant 511-512 Columbia Bldg. STUDIO Telephone Washington and West Park Sta Broadway 6987 Henry L. SOLO VIOLINIST CONCERTS. ASTER PORTLAND SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA SEASONS 181 7-1 81 8 Studio: Tllford Bids., 203 10th and Morrison BU. Telephone Broadway 888B. ETHEL T. RAND TEACHER OF PIANO, ORGAN, HARMONY INSTRUCTION RESUMED SEPTEMBER 5 Special Coursea for Teachera ind Advanced Students. Complete Equipment (or Basin ners Classes. Studio: B11 C. Flanders St. - ANNOUNCEMENT Opening- of Kail and Winter term in piano and harmony. Pupils Accepted Now Nellie L. Tbrgler B.M. Concert Pianist Accompanist 651 E. Madison St. EAST ait Elvah Peterson Violin Teacher SPECIAL. ATTENTION' GIVEN TO BEGINNERS RESIDENCE STUDIO tCl E. ttTH f HOSE TABOR 78 BLANCHE CX3)HEN VOICE Res. Phoo Atwater 0552 1917-1918-1919. Pupil of Wm, and Loio Thayer. Nettie LeonaFoy TEACHER OF PIANO AND ACCOMPANIST PUPIL - OP GABRILOWITSCH W. O. E. SEEBOEOK STUDIO BROADWAY 2601 RESIDENCE EAST 1880 AND MUSICAL ARTS French and German GORDON SOTJIE Concert Pianist. Experienced Instructor. -Brilliant artist, highly talent ed. A real virtuoso and musik kuntsjunger (young master of music.)" Xaver Scharwenka, lork) ; (New Berlin, uermany. ASSISTANTS concert stage. Language Instructors .Europe, studio roi rnirieeBiA street. S. E. WEBBEB Barron Violinist Teacher BETTMAN Telephones East RUSSELL ELLIS BEALS PIANOFORTE INSTRUCTION CONCERT ENGAGEMENTS ENSEMBLE FUNDAMENTALS ALCMIN HARMONY Studio 212 Tilford Bldg. AT PORTLAND STUDIO FrL and Bat. AT -FOREST OROVE Ston. and Wed. AT HILLS BORd Taeedey and Thursday CHARLES JULIA M. SWENSON Local Rsar sun tail eea Moyal Causa tales f. Stack holin 612 Bash & Lane Building - RESIDENCE PHONE TABOR BOB - BECKER CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC PIANO, ORGAN. M ARMORY JUtD COUNTERPOINT From Elementary Grades ft Ctnasarl BO EISTH ST. N. CON. BCNim.1 MSMSMSM SXO-SB. SCHOOL OF DRAMA AND EXPRESSION MARIE B. VAN VELSOR Btasa, (Sarins. Ptetura,KkxurUen, Btady af Waoabysanr, , Kafmaoraneous Saaafe- Iss, Cerraotkia f raaslt tnaaiiH SOS BUSH LANK BLOO Baals MrsJVIary Egrgleston TKAONCR OF PIANO AND HARSfONT Free Class Lessens Included la Regular TuIUoa FREQUENT PRIVATE RKOITALB Phone Tabor T87B Studio 144 ft BANDY BLVD.. Oor. B2d LUCILE CUMMINS Teacher of Piano AND Accompanist SOS Bush Lane Bids. Kathryn Sharkey VIOUN PUPIL OF HAROLD BAYLEY 308 Tilford Bldg. NEB. 7B W. WIN0HELL, WALNUT 118 TASCHEREAU Operatic Baritone Freoeh and I tall sua XMetloB. Stars Experteaes. STUDIO 14- EILERS BLDO. Saxophone Studio Flute, Clarinet, Drums MU8IO FURNISHED FOR ALL OCOA. 8ION8 BY LA BOHEME ORCHESTRA AND ENTERTAINERS. MARIE WAND HA, Uaaacat. 618 EILERS BLDO. OLGA RUFF Teacher of Piano and Accompanist Pupil of Richard Hecemaa SOS TILFORD BUILDING STUDIO PHONE! BROADWAY ESDI RESIDENCE PHONEl AUT. 818-22 amy e. Barren ' Teacher af THE DUNNINO SYSTEM OF IMPROVED MUSIO STUDY FOR BEGINNERS Application for placee is opening" rlsaist should be made at once. EAST SIDE STUDIO. Tel. Tabor 448 Martha B. Reynolds PianoOrganHarmony RESIDENCE STUDIO I 411 Mill St. Mala STBS CLA8SESI Bush Lena Bid. MRS. M. V. DODGE Violin Teacher Resident studios in Irrington and Sun nyaide. Daily practice supervised. Or chestra and ensemblo playing- a spe cialtr. tl( E. 11th Forth. Phone East UI7. Opposits Irrinrton School DOROTHEA NASH PIANO B07 BUSH LANE BLDO. The Artiste tone, touch and technique by modern weig-ht-relaxation method. Pupil of Harold Bauer. Paria; Royal Aeademr, London; Scharwenka Conserr atory. Berlin, etc MAIN SSS4. MRS. FRANCIS M. BURDICK PIANO DUNNINO SYSTEM FOR FOUNDATION TRAININO IN MUSIO. NEW CLASSES BTARTINB SEPTEMBER 15. 2822 E. B2d B. E. Tabor S21S. EMILENNA - Composer-Pianist MABEL BTDEB WILLIAMS. ---Ttt SUITE B11 BUSH e LANE BLDSV MAIN 1S8B HIETA BARLOW LAWRENCE VOCAL STUDIO ROOM BOS BUSH LANST BLDO. Phone Mala 7S8S TUESDAYS AND SATURDAYS COMMENCING SEPT. S HIOH SCHOOL CREDITS GIVEN Miss Mildred RAYMOND PIANO uuzrirnro ststek EOB. BEOUTKERS Ml Estt Sslmos. " Tabor S41C PERL RILEY X)WRE Pianist and Teacher Pupil of .August Motho-Borgiam Omaha. Neb. Eesldeses S radio 411 Re tela wm Xts. rVslBBt &1S. i v