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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 8, 1922)
CIliiGO: DAILY JOU lUAL, PGIlTIsANX), CGOI. 1 V 8 i I i t V 1 OncoB ut aie-rrway weekly report on condition of OretOB Mtt MaHwsxs, ; Porttand-Oregoa atj WUHasaeUa rWsr 1 Srridfe at One no ttitf closed for covstraedea. iTrarfx frrxn Portln4 for Oregon CHr sad tmhsta snath than Id take east thi routes t Mllwaakie or 82d street, both of which ere naeed threcghoet. Traffic far Otwego and 4 West tins slmwki take west (id root which , 1 pared to Bolton ud (raveled from there ik WM ttta. ' M . p Oreeoa CHjr-Cnby-8lB--Rd -except 2 abort tttp-.t Padding rieer where bridge coe tttreetlMk h under way. i i rWleos-Jefffrvyn-Albeny Pseed. tii lhanv . nnmllii - J nnctinn City - Eugene J Tnrd. ,. Albany to Cbrralha. Pseemeet to J ? iwM with eaceptiea of two short streteBejl 1 iUl of Corral ja concrete P'n wm ' ik aade way. Dctoura are pro Tided (Jobs sde of pareroent. ' i Etlnt-Dnti Ptwd. I Drsin-Yoneaila-JViibur Paring work under 3 way smith of Toocsll. Ieuur proridod. JttliiKt of distance to Wilbur U r"d- t Wubsr-rVineheti'-Reeeont Pseed from 'iWUbor to S. P. (rule crossing one mile eooth ? of Wincnssrrr. Iwvrmr from tliis point to SobMnixc. FoJlowi signs end drive tlewly. Be--f tweet detoor limit reed if closed day sad -eht on -count of concrete paring opexa- Hem. I I Roebunr-Myrtie Crwk Pared. i f Myrtle Creek-CenjonTille Paring work n- tier way; roe -4 (rrttn bnt traffic will be held p tor short period while hat-itulf fa bein( . 1 eussoed. 1 J i CanyonrHle-Oa1eTl Poor Traf fctW cautioned to ; ifxJt out for constrocdon i efews. Itetour .o'er 4 mil at oat) end. opened at 'tO-miwat interrels to prrmit Jtrsffie t pass. Public f cautioned as!nt " night tmnelin over this lection. I i GalerrUle-Grare Creek Pared. i Uiwi Creek-8xten' (Smith Hill) Con- straetirm ander wejr from (irere ereek to eouth foot of nounUln. Traffic dctoortd over old f4 ni(ht and ty, eioept northbound trf- fie, which fa rxraged ovrr main hizhway from t1e mmmit of fseitmi mountain north. Good 4irt .road. Bteep (rade arTg1n( 10 per cent, f ( Sefcton's-Urantr PaM Paed. 4" Unnt paM-Medford-A&klacd-Califomia EUte I Line Pat a.! WEST SIDE HIGHWAY Portland-'nrber WB,t I)ajtoo-Ifyofte- St. jnpB-lfclinnTille-n"hitriii - Amity - Kolmea ' 'l4n Paved with xception of a 4-mS aec ltoo aouth of St. Jrncph and a -mile tection - bear Holme gap., both of which are (raveled. J J Holmea Oap-Kickreall Graveled and in fair ' Vendition. i'l Riekreall-Moniniouth Paved. -51 Monmxnith-SoMlh to Benton County Line 4 rart earth road '. and part (raveled. Detour t ii. 8aver and Independence after rilna. il Benton (Vninty, Imp-C'orralU Paved. T Corvallis-Monroe - Junction City - Eugene tKred. l COLUMBIA RIVER HIGHWAY Sf PortiajKi-Astoria Paved, except one mile through Ua'nier which i rocked. , I Portland-Caacade Locka-Uood BiTer-Uoaler- jThc Dalles Paved. ' The DallevArlington-rmatilla-Pendleton : Macadamized enure dotance. i PMdl TRAIL i -Excellent OLD OREGON t Pendleton-Dradman a ! Adam. -ft Oeadman'a Pau-Kamela Bough if"' ! mountain 1 J Weiser-O f NOTK I (wren I Kamela-Ii Grande New atandard grade: routfh in iijices. I'nder contract for mac adamizing. CaiStions driving necessary. One ahort detour at lllirtl. Follow detour sign. - I Va Grande-Hat Lake rarement and mac- dam. ti ;Hot- Ike-tTnion-Hainea-Baker Good mac- dam. Detour at Telocaset overhead. Fol- low detowr aisns. i4 Baker-Xeljcn Fair county road, under eon- tfctrucUon. Watch for caution and detour t ajgna. ! Nelaon-HonUogton New atandard grade: ? fender contract tnr macada mixing. Drive with 4are. 1 1 Huntington-Weiaer New (rade rough, nnder i contract for macadamising. Beat route is on Idaho-aid of Snake river. Croat at Olds Ferry. fair Munlv Mil ntaxie Excellent macadam. To avoid eonatraction onermtioaa be- Ontario and Baker, Uroch traffio may t fe roaa By way of Vale. Janueaoa. S roc an. SALEM-OALLAt HIOHWAY 5Slnj-ljl Prl -. $wwvwi nmn i w n i our nraw I ikka it MOOD OOUi.TII ft A.toria-8sKle Paved. ,; Seaaide-Caanoo Beach Junction Graveled; fair condition. , 1 Cannon Beach Junction-Hamlet Junction i iwaini wiia careiu onving. 1 f Hamlet Junction-Mohler Under eooatrne tion, subject to alight delays and temporary peioun; au saieiy paaaaun. except alter Heavy i ' r continued rains. i Mohler-Mianu Follow county read: grav J rled and In fai jeonditloii. i' . Ms-VVllsoit BiTer-MjraTOied. food eoa- - fJlin.n. i i ilaon RiwrtTulamnok PithI 1 Tillamook-Beaver Paved except three mflea tii reuui vuiey, wnicu la graveled and In I lair condition. ' 1 Beaver-IIebo Macadam -In fair condition. - If HetKvXeakowin L'ader construction, subject o snort. eiay ana temporary detours. A i safely passable exoej altar heavy or continued I gains. J OORXALLIa-REWPORT HIOHWAY a CorrslUs-Biodcett Bond rocked snd in good - A vonrii tinsi- f Blodgett-Toiedo Earth road. rouah In t plsces but passable, except after heavy rains. T Toledo-swport Macadamised and iu good I rondition. McMlNNVILLE.TILLAMoOK HIOHWAY MoMinnvllle-Rheridan Paved. , 1 1 nermu-ismmiv- iood macadam except snort streten at xamnui river, which ta rouh -" t and alow going, j tBummitt-Ooljph Coder coru true tion, but - 1 1 Dolph-Hebo ' (junction Coast highway) uooa macadam. Habo-Tillamook (See Coast highway). TUALATIN VALLEY HIGHWAY Portland-BeaeertOB - Hillaboro-Krt Grove- t Oartoa-Tamhill-Cariton-St. Joaeph-McUinnville Paved throughout except ahort gapa at V. Tualatin jiver and North Yamhill river. nr. Noea'wo monwit m claka- RSASV COVKTT . PorUaad-eUndy Taw sewB Vaflar oad. which fa paved to Graaham. (rave hud and ka good cowdition to CoWVefl; theskC n mnxi road: r rave led: farr eandrtioa. BaadyWsahBOti BiswrwHighway passable when dry, but twtuh, imps sub k after taina, DsteaTt via Marmot road, which Is mosOy plaaked and ps sea hie but roach. " (tahwon Breaw-Zxgasa' TTnswi fsced bwt saoat j aand and craeet seal aad safely peaMe Zicsaa-Goeenweat amp Excellent earth road. UernaaBt Camp open. MT. HOOO LOOf HIGHWAY 11 HOOD RIVER COUNTY Hood Hirer-Parxdale Good macadam road. Parkdaia-aft Hoed Iod( Two miles arjod macadam. Baleacw good earth toad. ML Hood Ixodes opea. THE D ALLES-OALf PORNIA HIGHWAY Note Sea Botrnan hichway for alternate route to Ceatral Orecon. The Dslles-Dofur The UaBes-uoTur nectioa under constTXKTtion. Take mala highway to summit at Ekfht Mile ereek, nme miles south of The Dalle, then detour via Boyd to Dufur. Boad is rough. , Dufur-Bbsnibo (via Manpra ana n oven ) Road ia fair condition. Snaniko-MsaraalSe route 1 na janteiopa and Gateway. Between Shanike and Antelope new macadam ta good condition. Antelope to Madras in good condition. Madras-Bend Good macadam read, except Trait eroasinc of Crooked river, which is in fair condition for dirt road. Bend-Allen Ranch Cinder and gravel sur face in fair condition. Allen Ranch- rert Klamath Dirt road In fair condition; few rough spots. Fort Klamath Lamm Mill Dirt road with light grades and tn good condition. unoi Miu-htamatu aus Macadamized and' in rood condition. I.iht oars are mak ing trips from Bend to SJamath Falls ia six honra. Klamath Falls-California State Line AU maeadaxuixed -and in good condition with ex ception of- 3 H miles bear Merrill. Some con urnction work coinf on. watch for barricades and red rights. OREGON-WASHINGTON HIGHWAY Pendleton-Washington State Irne Paved dxfew alow at csatiea aisns a pofst seven saiies north af Pendietoa, wheiw bodes ta beta metal ted sad efatowr x n ar ta tj. Pextdleon-Piiot Bock i rtve xmiae good aarta standard liainc Hili Good rad; road. 1G miles of Pilot Bock-Yin n New aa 1i r eontracx lor ' saa Vineoa-Butter Creek -J ty read. Jonea gflt-Kerjemsr Excellent earth mad Heppner-Gilliam County Line AO per cent uon. all ta vaerr a Gilbaat County Lino-Iieppner Janetioo -Yery roach, with mxay sharp enrves; drive oarefully. This section nnder eoastractioai and heavy going ia places on account of sand. Several detours neoeaaary bat well aicned. All traffic poasibte should asa the Bheav tSiding-ArUaa-tea road. ASHLAR O-K LAMATH FALL HIGHWAY Green Sprtegs Kowta Open Road in fair osndition Medfard-AahUMid-Klsjnath Fails stages taking this rente. Between Jenny Creek and Kaao read is eery reach and dusty en account of tocciat operation. KLAMATH FALLS-LAKE VIEW HIGHWAY Klamath Fall-Dairy Macadamised and ia good condition. , Dairy-Beatty County road ; dry and sandy. Threach cars will make better time by taking roots via Bonaaxa. Beatty-Lakeview Bough moustara road. ORATE R LAKE HIGHWAY Road to Crater and Diamond lakes Boad open to Crater lake from Medford en the Pacific highway and from Klamath Fails on' The Dsuee-CsuTornia hichway. By the Med ford roate a detour is necessary fir miles aerth of Eagle Point. Take road via Derby and McLeod bridge. The road around the rim of Crater lake la now open. Boad from Crater hike to Diatttond lake fa opea and in good condition. SHANIKCMITOHELL HIGHWAY . Passable for auto traffic but rough; some repair work wader way. LA GRADE-JOSEPH HIGHWAY (Road to Wallowa lake) 1 Grande-Island City Pared. Island City-Klein First 10 miles new stand ard grade, under contract for macadamizing ; Balance fair county road. Elgin to tup of Wallowa Hill--Xina miles excellent macadam. Top of Wallowa Hill to Miriam Five and one-half miles new standard grade, under con tract for macadaminnc: rough in spot hut mnch better tha noid road. Old road closed snd barricaded : traffic warned to ee wf aid read aa account of slides. . ' .. ; , Minam-Waaowa-Lostlna iVaradsmfterl' ? i- -IxwbBe-Eaterpris Under ooa tract - for (radiac and nisi ailaaiiilm centra ctor'e foroea workmc est river road tara off at Wade Junctioa for hill rtxote to Easerpriae. f Bate rprme i oseph Macadamised. j , Joseph-Wallowe. Lake Excellent eexmty K ntw prise-fTera Fair mountain road; is ixailea rnacadsmiierl ! AKER-OORNUOOFiA HIOHWAY j Baker Halfway Nineteen miles vaaeadaa; eight miles graded earth road; balance eery roach. Caattetu driving necessary oa "8" grade four miles west of Richie ad. j RAKER-UNITY HIGHWAY ' L Bakr-Brilgeport Open; , fair mountain toad. i Bridceport-Unity Good county road. t r ' -if (--" -j 1t n1r , M 8 School Days Are Here and there is nothing more economical and healthful than Just think of the saving in carfare, too. It will pay for itself in one season. Besides saving all those steps to the stored and look at the fun in the evenings with the rest of the fellows. Come in and see the new models. $10.00 Down, Balance Easy Motorcycle & Supply Co. Harley Davidson Service Center GRANTS ASSCRESeSNT OtTY HIGHWAY ABeG" tG"'taom;'atw)--Ve-: ..; -Oraata - Pasa-Kerby Good savnafb ' mad. Prom Kerby road k na to Orecon. caves Good condition. - Kerby-Moaameatal (Oregon mountain) Bough aad roeky. j Monuments t-Ctssceat City Good sismntsia BERD-SJTER if IGHWAYk V Krw graveled read most of wsy, in good wsnodition. tcKENZIC HIGHWAY Eocene-Blue BJver Open and in good con dition, except for short detours aad across sec tion nnder construct km between Walterrille aasT" Blua river. To expedite construction opera Uah east of WalterriUe road will be closed for two-hour periods at various times of the day. alcKsasie Pass Reports from tha federal taaree pahUa toada are that tha IrUtnway aereas the lava beds fa elm I aa taderiatte inaerrals oa aeeeata of ooastnitrioa epaeataona. Sixters-BedjiiueMl . Opea aad ta lair condi tion, some aetnnrs aec emsry -aszooad . coaatrao- i WtUJImrrTK HIGHWAY -Bncewa-Caatada Semmit b Tha Pa Ilea CsTt fornia Hichway at Craseaa Opea aad ia good oondition. . LAKEVIEW-aVRNS HIGHWAY . Boad is xa fair oeoditioa; Beat roaU fa tin i'laah. BEN lb-LA REVIEW HIOHWAY Bead-rert Rock-BilreT Lake Boad ia ia fairly coed condition. The best route fa via Short-cut. Silver-Lake-Peealey (eta west side of Sum mer ! ) oood atrt roe. Pafafay-LakeTiew Good dirt an ami sad read. New i 's ! i Practically Brought to Your Door , Come up and see the latest in Clothes for Men and Young Men. See the New Fall Models and !Fabrics in Suits, Overcoats, Topcoats and Raincoats. Topcoats I $25 $30 $35 Overcoats I $25 $30 $35 New Fabrics Suits One-Button, Two-Button, Three-Button, Sport, Jazz, . Conservative , Models $25 $30 $35 Alterations Free Raincoats $15 $20 Hats n.ii it mi omi Lower m nces i " i Covey -Motor Car Company's isnt a "this week .only- sale it is a sale continuing UNTII THE CARSt ARE SOLD. Those which haven't moved, have been " :- s' Still Further Redyced f J . Two 1 Stores . ". :t -tj 28-0 N. Broadway 12lst at Washington Come to the Place Nearest Ask for the Car by House Namrer . i Ko. 19111920 18711920 17851919 1S7 1S20 20051917 16151920 18571920 1958 120 19001917 19471920 19281920 19681918 80191921 19961919 17801918 :oio 1918 Cars at 28-30 Nv Broadway at Conch Nov . Dort Touring; S390 Chevrolet Touring -535 Chevrolet Tojirinc 250 Zods;e Roadcter. . 61K Oaklaad Touring.. 225 Oakland Tourtar 490 Buick Tourinf.'... 685 19101918 Pais Tourinff....S465 18251920 Overland 4 Tour- 40O 16991920 HaxweU Tourtnf; 34s 1909 1920 Ford Touiins... 225 1956 1918 Chalmers Tourlna 325 1866 1916 CadQlao Touring. . 800 Cars, at 2lst at Washington St. Chevrolet Tour's- 8335 Marmon Touring.. 925 Ford Tourrfiar.rr:; 345 Maxwell Tourtng 325 Oakland Touring, 315 Dodge Roadster.. T25 EHgln Touring..;. 325 WUlya Overland Touring 390 Chevrolet, winter : top 315 19481920 Patterson Tour 93415 17281913 Dodge- Touring... 545 ' 19711920 Franklin . Touring 1150 20161919 Dodge Roadster.. 525 20181916 Maxwell Touring 65 20221918 Buick Touring.... 485 1S97 1920 Dodge Coupe...., 925 2029 1920 Chandler Coop.. 950 2032 1917 Saxon Touring....' 125 20391917 Chevrolet Touring 85 Covey Motor Car Company 21st at Washington BRoadway 6244 28 N. Broadway at Conch Covey Service Satisfies ' ' i; $3.50 ew Styles 200 Third St Corner Taylor. Main 7889 imiifrauriirir('riiiy "VIRGIN WOOL" means pure NEW wool, directly from the sheep's back, containing no cotton or hoddy oM reworked wooL Our.-;i:. Virgin Wool Suits Famous for LONG WEAR These suits strongly and carefully made from such GOOD MATERIALS will frequently' wear for several seasons. THAT'S WHAT YOU WANT a- Virgin vJ Wool Suits Smooth Fitting, Good Feeling, Fine looking. All the new Fall patterns and colors. Come in and slip one one See how you like it ' Other Suits $25 to $50 s or Tailored to Measure Brownsville Woolisn Mill Store THIRD AND MORRISON Come Upstairs and Save Real Money t&jtj. . ay Us ted I lagl Our First Sale OUR STOCK OF USED CARS CANNOT BE EXCELLED Come In and Let Us Prove It No Guesswork for You---History of Every Car; onj Its Door ,THE REPUTATION OF THIS house; IS BACK OF EVERY DEAL This Means ETerythinff . to Yoa PORTTND Sales and Service - i 1921 Nash 6 ton ring ............... .$1000 1920 Nash 6 tonrinr $775 1919 Nash 6 touring .............. .$700 1911 Nash 6 touring $575 1920 Nash Sport $650 1920 Buick 6-cylinder touring. ...... $800 1919 Buick 6-cylinder touring. .... . . .$650 1918 Dodge sedan ............. ..,$600 1918 Dodge roadster ...............$425 1918 Maxwell touring . . . . . $150 1917 Maxwell touring .....$10Q 1920 Oakland 6 M.........$565 1919 Oakland 6 ...... ... .$425 1918 Briscoe touring ...,...........$200 1918 Briscoe roadster... . .......... $200 1915 Stndebaker 4" eejae eaeeja.. e .$150, 1916 Studcbaker "4" . 4350 1916 Studebaker "6n a.. ...... $450 1917 Ford coupe mm esse $300 .1921 Ford coupe e.i.e esse $525 . 1919 Ford taxi ........ ....... ..$350 J921 Ford, sedan eee. $525 Cadillac 55M phaetom ...... S90O Cadillac "55- 7-paa.enger.. .......... 900 Scripps-Booth coupe . ............. .$650 Hudson Saner California top....; ..$1000 - Hudson Super touring . ...$650 MOTOR CAR GO. 2 v 10th and Bnrnslde Sts. Broadway 0521 HAZELWOOD PASTRY SPECIAL BRUNSWICK COFFEE CAKE Special for Saturday Only 30c eachb S'- 7 Made "of choicest ingredients these fresh, buttery cakes are most inviting. They are filled with -raspberry preserves -topped j ,with a delicious film or vanilla icing and; sprinkled with sliced almonds. HAZELWOOD DAIRY STORES 126 Tenth Street ; Broadway Hazelwdod Pastry Dept. 127 Broadway Watch for Our Pastry Special Each Week Use of Union Station A3TD Changes in Train Schedules OF THE Spokane,Portland & Seattle Ry. 05 A5D AFTER STJIfDAY, SEPTKMBER It, the Portlalirl-Rainler-Astoria-8aald trains and the Portland-Fallbridge-trains heretofor uainar the North Bank 8tatlon, as well as the Portland-Spokane-Chiea.s;o trains, will arrive ajnd depart .t the Union Station, Portland, THAWS OF THE OREOOX EIKCTBIf3 BY. WILL C03TTI2rrJE TO USE THE SOUTH BASK STATIOX. . EFriCTIVK 8ATUKDAT. 8EPTEMBEB t, train No. M, heretotore.-Icavina- Portland Z:Q9 P. M. Saturdays for Astoria, Seaside, etc, will -be discontinued. ' . v t KFrECTiVu suirnAT, September it, changes jx sched- ' T;i.S OF TBAiyS -WaXI BE MADE AS FOLLOW 81 . . EXPRESS TBAIJT HO. II win Have Portland 8:15 A. M. Jn stead Of t5 tor Astoria, Ft Stevens, Seaside and other scheduled stations. SEASHORE LIMITED HO. ft, heretofore leaving Portland 1 :1S A; M-,' will be discontinued. - . THAW HO. t will leave Portland 1:10 P. M. Instead of l;05 for Astoria. Seaside and most local points., EXPRESS TRAIT' HO. ts, from Seaside, Astoria, etc, will arrive Portland UUt P, M. Instead of 12:15. s. VTBAIH HO. tt frotn Seaside, Astoria, etc.. v. Ill arrive PorUand S;10 idU lnstaad of :66. " r . - :- ' ' EXPRESS TRAIH HO. tl. from Seaside, Astoria, etcv. win arrlre PorUand :05 P. M. Instead of 8 :5. IIMITEB TBAIHS HOS tl AHD tf , from' Seaside and Astofla, heretofore arrtvtna- Portland f :50 P. M. Sunday and 10 :3 P. M. daily, wlU be discontinued. "OTHBB TBAIHS ARE TJHCHAHGEB. - ROUND TRIP FARES CLATSOP BEACH . r A FRLDAT. SATURDAY, BT73DAY KETCKS eerUHIT IIOHDAY. " f C EVERY D AT RETUB3T XTJUT OCTOBEB COHSOLrDATEi TICKET OFFICE, Third and Waahinaton Streets. HORTB BAHH STAT10H. BEFORE SEPTEMBER It. UHIOH STAT10H, OH AHD AFTER SEPTEMBER It. J fi a'eirHw.nm