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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1917)
THE 'OREGON - DAILY" JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY, r DECEMBER 22, 1917. ; INFORMATION ; (SSSTH DAT OF coainra etxkts " Orefoe Irrigation ' Concnaa, PsrUssd. ; Xsa IT 2 to S. VTK AXHEB COKDITIOHS A Btodente dtsfhrbenee baa mored talaixl from tin .North Padfte ocean te the northers Rock lea, toe precipitation has occurred seer the North went and British Colombia, tha rainfall in Wester Wsshina-ton randnc from .94 to 1. IS inches. This sooveateat we stteaded by winda of gaia force a,lm tb WaxhinrStra eoaat; maximum rslocitirs of tooth "at North Head and 64 aaat at Tatcxwh bland cceerted dnrint tha nlcht High pressors-obtains oret tha southern and eaetera states where g me rally fair weather baa prevailed except la northern Texaa and the western portion of Xew York and Fene sylrenia where light precipitation occurred. The weather la cooler in the interior southwest. New Mexico and Texas end northeastward to Canada excepting in Oklahoma and tha tipper Mississippi Taller; in general it ia warmer in tha remaining portion of the country. , Temperatures are cmuiderablir above normal ia the Northwestern atatea. . - . i The conditions are farorable for fair weather . in tola Ticinity tonight and Sunday with lower temperature tonight. , - TODAY'S FORECAST ' Portland and Tieinity: Tonight 1 fair and eocler: Sunder fair: moderate westerly winds. Oregon: ' Tonight and Sttnday fair; colder north portion; iresh westerly winds, - Washington: Tonight and Sanday fair, ex cept probably rain near the coast, colder east portion, ireah westerly winds. T. FKA3CIS DRAKE, Meteorologist. OBSEBYATIOXft . Tsmpt'r STATIONS. Z 5 si h Boiie, Idaho Boston, Mass. Chicago. IU. . Dee Moines, Iowa . . . , Galveston. Texas . . . . Helena, Mont, Jacksonville, IT, . . . Kansas City, Mo.t . . . 'Lee Angeles. CaL. . . . Uarahfield, Or. Minneapolis, Minn. . . . New Orleans, La. . . , New Tort City Nome, Alaska . Phoenix, Aria. . . . . , Portland, Or. 8L Louis,' Mo. ...... Salt Lake, Utah San Francisco, Cal. . . Seattle, Wash. . . . . . Tataajn, uiand VaneouTer, B. C . . . . Walla Walla, Wash.. Washington. D. C. . . 'Afternoon report of preceding day. TTio Is 7M . 44 '40 0 . 44 88 0 . 86 so n . 84 0 . 64 86- .04 . 88 38 .06 , 60 44 0 . 8 80 0 . 86 82 0 . 54 52 .24 . 26 18 0 . 66- 60 0 . 44 84 0 . -16 -18 0 . T8 40 0 . i8 52 .46 . 42 84 0 . S3 88 0 .66 44 0 . 43 86 .84 . 43 86 .66 . 88 84 .82 , 42 88 .10 60 88 0 THOMAS B: KAY; WILL STUDY FLAX MAKING ,N.Y. Answer i -Left I to J. Adams Pier Hit With New ld T. WW Try to Go Soon After First of Year as Chamber Rep resentative. . - " The appointment of State Treasurer Thomas B. 'Kay. as the representati of the Chamber of Commerce In "an te- eatiajation of the Starling: . flax man ufacturing: sroceu ) it .v North Tonav- wtndi. New York. is s-ratifyina; to ail who are interested in the, future of the Oregon tlkx industry." aald Dr. K. A. Pierce, chairman of the chamber's Oax committee, yesterday. '---- Mr. Kay has assured tne cnamoer of Commerce that he wilt endeavor to make the investigation soon after the first of the year. When he wu first asked to . report on the commercial feasibility of the Starling process and the capacity of the machines which Mr. Starling- has invented," it was ex pected that a mill it SeUwoofl. lor roerly buUt for mohair manufacture, might be secured for flax manufacture. W. D. B. Dodson, secretary of the Chamber of. Commerce, says the cham ber wishes the investigation . to be made whether the Sell wood mill should still be available or not. The state treasurer has been assured that an industry important to the fu ture of Oregon may depend upon his investigation and that consequently be will be performing a greater service for the state by going to New York than by remaining at his office in Salem. J. Sidney Starling, inventor of the process under consideration, spent sev eral months in Portland and is con vinced that Oregon can produce flax as fine as that grown in Belgium and that the climatic conditions fos manu facturing are equal to Ireland's. By his process yarns are produced from flax without the customary retting process. TOWN TOPICS Christmas Art Exhibit The Christ mas exhibition is now open at the Mu seum of Art. Color prints and paintings after the great masters who painted the Christmas subjects form the larger part of the exhibit, arranged with greens, candles and draperies. The special fea tures are the Creche, modeled last year by the art students, and, in addition, a "Nativity," an "Adoration" and a "Flight Into Egypt" made by the children of the art school after the frescoes by Giotto, in the Arena chapel, Padua. The Christ mas talks will be given on the following days : At 3 o'clock, Sunday. Wednesday, Sunday, December 30. and New Year's day. The Museum will be closed on Monday and on Christmas day. but will be operrj on all other days, as usual : w eek days. 9 to 5 o'elock ; Sundays and New Year's day. 2 to 5 o'clock ; free the afternoons of Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Portland Freight Agent Elect At a meeting of the Portland Freight Agents' . association in Portland this week, H. Sheedy, local agent for the North Bank lines, was elected president for the com ing year. Other officers elected were: F. G. Smltth of the Southern Pacific company, vice president ; J. B. Glover of the O-W. IX. & N. company, secretary treasurer, and W. IL Leisure. R. A. Martin and W. S. Bean, executive com mittee. The organisation includes rep resentatives from the rail and water lines in the Portland territory and has for its purpose the promoting of greater efficiency. Fathers of Soldiers Xrgaalse "The atners or the Oregon Soldiers and Sailors" became a permanent organlza- . tion at a largely attended meeting held at the library Friday night. As indi cated by the name, the society will be made up or the fathers of Oregon boys enlisted In the United States' service. The lollowing temporary officers were elect ; ed : Sanf leld Macdonald, president ; Tom Word, secretary ; T. J.Jdurphy, Professor E. Williams and Samuel White, publicity committee to confer with the State Council of Defense on coordination work Empty Bottle If ear. Body The body , of the man' found dead in a pool of water near East Madison street between First and Second' streets, yesterday morning, was identified last night by Deputy Coroner Smith as that of Ed--ward WIttner, about 50 years old, who had been employed as janitor In an apartment house, at Grand avenue and Belmont streets. Death appeared to be due to aeute alcoholism. An empty bot tie that had contained bay rum was found near, the body. . Health Board Elect At an adjourned annual meeting of the Oregon state board of health Friday, officers were reelected for the coming year. The board placed the state laboratory at the dis posal of any organisation requiring bac teriological service and voted approval ot the California program as a war measure. This program consists of a - more stringent application of regulations covering communicable diseases and co operation with all societies working for tha betterment of the public health. Brills Are Postpoaedr During the - . holidays the throe companies of Oregon State Guards will not meet at the Armory for drill. The first drill night will be Monday, --January 7. " Major ' Richard Deich, . commanding the bat- ,. tallon, will hold one or more meetings of the officers and staff to arrange for the issuance of uniforms and supplies, and - for other matters, as he will order, be fore that date. Pillow Cases Wasted Pillow cases ' are wanted by the government for the soldiers. Calls for bids on 10,000 were - received this morning by the Chamber of Commerce from the depot quarter master at Fort Mason, San Francisco. and the chamber is asked to distribute ' them among Portland manufacturers. , The pillow cases must be SO Inches long, 20 inches wide, with a hem at top or 'opening, and sewed with best six cord. Each case must weigh 4y ounces. Coaslder the MWebfer.n Smokers of nno - Mavana cigars nave Known our "Webster" to be the highest grade ob- .' taifinbta. Awarded th CirnA Prlu San Francisco in 1816. We sajrry this famous cigar in a great variety of sises Boxes of 25 and io. ; Prompt de , livery anywhere in the city. Slg Sichel & Co. , Two stores; 847 Washington. - between Broadway ; and Park, and 92 Third 8trtf-Adr. Tietor Brandt Beating Easily Victor Brandt of the Carlton hotel, who was In lured while In ,. the i elevator nf fho hoteU.Thursday, 1st resting easily at the Good Samaritan hospital, and the at tending physician is now confident that the badly crushed leg win heal and that amputation as was first feared, - will not have to be resorted to. Two Mors J eta " 3f avy Two Portland young men s recently joining the navy are Eugene K. Oppenhelmer .and Fred More Trains Will Run to Ft. Stevens Effective today, the S., P. & S. railway will add evening train service between Fort Stevens and Astoria and will make improvements in the trains between these points. New train will leave Fort Stevens at 6:20 p. m-, arrive Astoria 7:00 p. m., leave Astoria 11:00 p. m., arrive Fort Stevens 11:36 p. m., leave Fort Stevens 11 :40 p. m., arrive Astoria 12:20 midnight. The new train leaving Astoria at 11 :10 p. m. will receive connection rrom tne train leaving Portland at 6 :15 p. m. and arrive Astoria 10:00 p. m- The new service provides for two trains dally beratten Portland and Fort Stevens in each direction, leaving Portland at 1:10 a. m. and 6 :15 p. m. and leaving Fort Stevens at 7 :35 a. m. and 5 :00 p. m. Hotel Janitor Dies At County Hospital Charles I- Knox, janitor at the Byron hotel, died at the county hoiJUtal yes terday. He was taken rrom tne . notei Thursday, unconscious, following what is believed to have been an attack or aooDlexv He is survived by three sons. one a soldier in France, one an Employe of a steel company, a third in school at Falrvlew. The body is being held by Deputy Coroner Smith until relatives can be. located. V -By Rslph Wslsoa ' "Coras In. com In." T. Paer relied. lowering his feet from the aids of the fireplace) and elevating his voice to carry through the front door. "Open tne door; don't beat It down.- A.". "Good evening, ail.' said T Dodger. cheerily, advancing into the sitting room in answer to the summons. "Mrs. D. Is out of town, so X thought X would just drop in for a minute or two." - 1 'Supper's over," said T. Paer, hunting for a match. - , - . ' "Well, t well," T. . Dodger exclaimed. "You eat early, these short days, don't you T '-". i" ': ' No, T. Paer answered, "we eat short these days. Ma's Hooverising." Take Bide is Adams' Car "I rode over with our friend E. J. this afternoon," T. Dodger said, settling him self- in Ma Peer's easy chair. "Our friend? said T. Paer. "Who is e. jr . . ..- "Adams." exclaimed T. Dodger. "Our highway commissioner. He was passing in his auto and gayjrme a lift. "I suppose you are using the editorial 'our,'" T. Paer said.. "He never hauled me around any." . "Yon are such a oeajsimlst." T. Dodrer pifrred. . "You are always complaining because you have to pay such nigh taxes. Public men don't like to hear that kind of talk, you know, particularly when one is kind enough to ask you to ride in his machine." " , "I shouldn't suppose so," T. Paer re sponded, "particularly when some of thera charge the taxpayers IS cents a mile for the pleasure of watching them whlsa by in it." "Who did that 7" T. Dodger asked. "Ask your friend Et J. and maybe he can tell you." T. Paer said. ' Qualified Exsert la Psvlag "That's Just it," T. Dodger explained. "These rough roads Just play havoo with automobiles. I remember that E. J. told the voters over and over When he was campaigning for the road bonds that the rough roads were responsible for large auto travel charges, and that the paved roadavBaeldve enough in auto upkeep aione to retire tne Donos. rUb,. huh," T. Paer grunted. "And I suppose - he's furnishing the horrible example." - - - . Tou oughtn't to get peevish," T. Dod ger admonished. "Mr. Adams is a very pleasant gentleman." "That's alright," T. Paer replied, "but where did he learn to pave highways 7" "Why." T. Dodger Informed him, "he need to be prominent in Michigan poll- tics. He was speaker of the bouse back tsere once or twice." "That qualifies him as-em expert," T. Paer agreed. "Politics. . like Hell, is paved with good Intentions before elec tions, and repaired with broken prom isee, afterwards." ". . - " Isterests Are la Fleresee - - "Speaking of promises." T. Dodger said. "E. J. tells me that the governor tells htm that he Intends to reappoint him for another terra when his present term expires next March." "He ougbt to get it rinisnea u ne gets four more years on the highway commis sion. T. Paer commented. "Get what finished T" T. Dodger asked. "The highway from Eugene . to nor ence," T. Paer responded.- "Is he particularly interested In that highway 7" T. Dodger asked. . "Not particularly in the highway," T. Paer replied. "His . interests are In Florence." - "X thought Mr. Adams was a married man," said Ma Paer in a scandalised voice, as she came in from the kitchen. "Florence, my dear Mrs. Paer. T. Dod ger explained, "is not a pretty woman. but a beautiful town down by the sea, garlanded with wreaths of rhododendron and kissed by the platonks rays Of the setting sun. It is ' Yiaitor's Evealag Spelled "Full of town lots," supplemented T. Paer, as the speaker hesitated for the next word. . "You always spoil the picture," Ma chlded her life companion. "I could just see the suit d arming on the waves and kissing the church steeples, and "And the "For Sale signs," T. Paer finished. "I think I had better be going." said T. Dodger, lifting himself reluctantly out of Ma s chair. ... t "Don't hurry away,' 'said T. Paer, "we're liable to have a pleasant evening yet." HIS FALLING . - DESPITE BIG RAIN Cooler. Weather Forecast for Tonight, Which Means No Further Rise Now. law firm. He Is a member of the Hunt club and Multnomah club. He i grandson of Mrs. X. Loeb. Mr. Oppen heimer and Mr. Krlbs left Monday night for San Diego to go Into training. Civil Service Examination. T h e United States civil service commission announces open competitive examina tions on January 8' for ceramic engi neer, - scientific assistant in publio health and glove inspector in the quar termaster corps. Salaries range from $1200 to $2700 per year. Further infor mation can be obtained from M. K. Wlgton, Postof flee building, Portland. Colsmbia Elver Blghway Stage Two round trips, Multnomah Falls to Port land dally. Leave Multnomah Falls 7:30 a. m. and 1:10 p. m. ; leave St. Charles hotel, Portland. 10 a. m. and 4 p. m. Saturday and Sunday- evening, leave Multnomah Falls 6 .30 p. m. and Port land 11 p. m. (Adv.) MeKee - Under Knife, E D. McKee, clerk of -the federal court in Portland from 1895 to 1908, who has been con fined in his room at the Seward hotel for a few weeks, was taken to St. Vin cents hospital Tuesday where he under went an operation. Hospital reports this morning were that his condition is improving. Snaday Evealag Osea Fornm. "The State Council of Defense" will be the subject Of an address by Bruce Dennis, this Sunday, 7 :45 p. nu. Unitarian chapel. Broadway between Tamhlll and Taylor. Solo, Mrs. Hathaway. , Public welcome. Adv. , Testaments for Soldiers The soldiers at American Lake will receive 2000 New Testaments at Christmas through the efforts of the Knights of Columbus, headed by Archbishop Christie. The order was placed Friday. J British Bed Cross Soelety Sale of remainder of articles left over at the British section of bazaar, Saturday evening, K. P. ball. Eleventh and Alder. Proceeds go to baxaar fund.. All inter ested invited to attend. Adv. Steamer Jessie Bsrktas for Camas, Washougal and way landings dally, ex cept Sunday; leaves Washington street dock at a p. m. , (Adv.) Steamer Iralda for St. Helens and Rainier, daily at 2:10 p. n, foot of Al der street ; Sunday, St. Helens only,,! :3 p. m. ; , (Adv.) All night dance and turkey supper at Gresham- Christmas eve, December 24. Bus returning to Portland. (Adv.) Hotel Moore, Seaside." Or., open for the holidays. Rates,, $3 and $3.60 per day, American plan. Adv. Bible Sale. 150 new Bibles at 40 per cent discount. Hy land Book Store. 170 Firth street. . - . (Adv.) : BeMiag tke Jeweler Diamonds other things. 145 H Alder. Main 1692. Ad. Beve (AihesMr-Bsses) The newest table delight. Serve it Xmas. - x (Adv.) Beve Anheser.Baeh should be on your dinner uw Xroaaiv ; , (Adv.) neve ; (aaeser-BacB) tout , gro cer will deliver you a case. (Adr.) -. warning Lukewarm Bevo is not palatable. Serve cold. . , (Adv.) Staples the Jeweler, open nights. Adv, At noon the official gauge on the Mor rison street bridge read 1S.7, represent ing a fall of a foot since S o'clock. Since 8 o'clock Friday morning there has been a fall in the river here of half a foot even, the stage this morning being 18.8 feet. All indications are for a steady fall, according to T. Francis Drake, forecaster at the weather bu reau. One sure sign, he said, is In the weather forecast, which predicts fair tonight and Sunday, with colder weather tonight. Colder weather, if anything. will check the flow of water out of the mountains. With this development, the prediction that these will be no fur ther rise in the river at this time is made positive. Another sign Is the fact that all points up the valley reported substantial drops this morning, although at every place there was rain. At only one place in the inland empire was a rise reported. This was Lewlaton, which had .22 of an Inch of rain and recorded a rise in the river there -of .8 of a foot. Umatilla, having .18 of an Inch of rain, reports a fall in the river of half a foot. Eugene had .18 of an Inch of rain. The river there fell one foot. At Al bany there was .26 of an Inch of rain and there was a fall in the river or z.9 feet. There was .20 of an inch of rain at Salem and a drop of 4-8 feet. Oregon City had a drop of .7 of an inch with .78 of an inch of rain. At Portland tno rainfall was .48 of an inch. All of these readings are for the 24 hours ending at 8 o'clock this morning. The only evidence of the flood at Port land now, .worthy of special note, is the fact that some of the lower docks are still under water. With the river go ing down a few Inches more, however, most of the docks will be fully re covered. The water never reached some of the higher docks. Railroader, Wounded, Pulls Rock From Rail Co rr alii a Mas Strikes Osstraetloa ea Track, Is Hsried From Speeder. Bat Crawls Back to Track. Henry Eammer. 48 years old, an em ploye of the Southern Pacific, saved a train from possible derailment Thursday night, and as a -result 9 In the Good Samaritan hospital with a dislocated shoulder, severe scalp wounds and fractured leg. Eammer, whose home is in Co rv all is, was going home on speeder when his light car hit a rook that had fallen on the track. The speeder was derailed and Eammer was hurled upon the right-of-way. Reallxlng-lhat it he left the rock on the track a train might strike it and be derailed, with possible death and In Jury to the passengers, Eammer crawled back to the . rails, and in spite of his para dragged the rock clear of the track. Section hands discovered him later and sent him to Portland for hospital treatment. LAUD FRAUDERS ARE SENTENCED AFTER ONE PLEADS FOR ANOTHER W. H. Hallowell Gets' 13 Months on,"ls!and"j W. F. Lick ; Guest of County. Sentence was passed by Judge Bean in federal court yesterday - upon W. F. Hallowell of Seattle and W. F. XJck of Helena, Mont, convicted of using the mails to defraud In the Canadian con spiracy case.' in which the Oregon-Cali fornia, railroad land grant was involved. Hallowell was sentenced to IS months in the federal prison on McNeils island and Lick to three months in the county Jail at Portland. An unexpected and dramatic feature of the sesaloa was . the plea, made by Hallowell to behalf of Lick. , Hallowell urged that, the entire blame and. if pos sible, the entire punishment be placed entirely on himself. He wanted to tes tify that Lick, being a man without edu cation or knowledge of law, had taken orders from him and obeyed them with out any thought of wrong doing. ' Judge T. J. Cleeton, representing Lick. llkeawlse -advanced this plea, with the addition that as Lick's three sons and two sons-in-law had ail enlisted Jn their nation's army, the entire support ot their families devolved oa thla one man. United States Attorney Clarence I. Reames laid special stress on tha fact that never in the history of these cases had any effort been made by any of the defendents in this or former trials to find out from government officials If the lands were open to entry. Judge Bean, in pronouncing sentence, d in all of these cases he was divided between a sense of duty and sympathy for the families of the convicted men. but felt that the latter fact must not interfere with his obligation. 150 WOODEN SHIPS IN 1918 OREGON'S AIM to get ships and to get them as ralckly as poealble. 'Delays could be obviated if the chairman of the board could deal officially with a central shipbuilders or- gsnixanon. . . Profits Kew Seeeafary Xt is' no longer, he added, a question of personal proQta. it is a cueation of winning the war. and the nauon'a needs for shipping must be met. On the other hand, be U confident that the -shipping board will bo longer permit Itself to be bound by red tape, but will - give . the builders the support they need, and will permit none to loee. . - ," "The'procTam ot the afctpptag board." said Mr. Plgott. "calls for . 000.000 tons during the coming year. 1 believe II possible to produce, one-third to one half of that tonnage on the Pacific coast.' , Mr. Plgott said that it Is highly de sirable to divide the shipping dtsUHct now embracing both Oregon and Pugot sound and to create a separate district for the Columbia, .Willamette and Ore gon coast. This, be said, should be presided over by a business man, not a technician, able to deal with prob lems as they arise. He Is convinced that the government will help finance rneritorlua concerns engaged In work for the government. A quest ton as to whether the shipping board ; wants hulls or finished ships aroee, . and the discussion brought out the desirability of local faculties for manufacture of engines, boilers and other metal equipment of wood ship. Statistics Are rresested -Arthur C. Callaa presented a table showing the operations of various ship building concerns in this territory, and after it was checked over by the ship builders present. It was as follows: Medf ord Man Amuok; : Slashes at Stranger John W. Keeee Gee la Search ef XJaeef t aad Attacks HentesoUcr CWhe Demise Bl Keesest. ' . John W.' Reece. . an employe ef the Hammond Lumber cornpewy at Medf ord. went in search ef booee on the East Side Friday night and got into the home of Julian Mariano aiJ72H East Third street. When Mariano protested that be had no liquor and tried to put the ues ford man out. Reece drew a knife aad slashed Mariano a couple of times ever the heed. He then fled, aad forced his way tnto a house at $89 East Third street, where the police, summoned by Mariano, found him. Motorcycle Patrolmen Freiburg and Nelson covered Reece with -their guns until he dropped his knife, and then took him to headquarters, where be was booked tor assault with a dangerous i weapon aad held la $1000 baJL German DreamTTear An End, Says Bishop The dream ot world conquest Is about over and "soon the boys la live rab will take it out and bury It. and It will never be resurrected.' declared Matthew Simpson Hughes, resident bishop ef Oregon for the - Methodist Episcopal church, in an address at a meeting at the Auditorium. Friday night. The heartily Indorsed the movetnent. IT also read a message from .Brigadier Oeoeral Irons., commanding at Cairn Lewis, which expreeeed sympathy with. the project, . Contributions to the cause were accepted. YICTROLAS RECORDS loaat Shipbuilding eoapan . . . . Co)mba Enginrta, Works. Coee Bar Bhlpevudinc ceases nr. roaagaaoa cossaaa (Om tinned fVosa Par Or) COUNTY COURT NEWS Charles Colley alleges . damages by reason of faulty drainage in road con struction and filling adjoining his prop erty In Primrose Acres In the south west part of the city at the intersection of Balrd lane and Primrose avenue, and thinks that $2000 would be the right sum. He has asked the county com missioners to set a time to hear his presentation. ' The county board" has been advised by the Oregon Insurance Rating bureau that as the cost of building all forms ot housing structures naa advanced 8$ per cent, the county can increase the amount - of Insurance carried on its buildings if desired. . a Wells Gilbert has informed the coun ty commissioners by letter that he Is likely to file a suit for damages caused to his ..residence, contents and grounds at Rlverwood because the county in Its road construction did not provide for the nroper relief of Elk creek in its at tempts to "reach the Willamette river last Wednesday. He calls attention to other alleged faulty drainage con struction inthat vicinity. School district No. 1 has leased from Multnomah county.. IS rooms in the courthouse at a rental of $2100 a year. , . . . Sanderson ' Reed intimates tl-at the roadmaster'a office ia trifling with him in promising to restore conditions at his place on the Llnnton roan snown as Wlldwood Springs, i He wants im mediate i action and alleges dangerous conditions on the road because of neg lect to comply with agreements made. Twenty Janitors of the courthouse and county buildings have respectfully pe titioned for an Increase in pay from $78 a: month to $82.50. A watchman and an elevator operator Join with them. General high cost of living is alleged to be responsible for-, the request. ' . - Stake Veae Sieaev gara it area ' ' The anaaef roe vaj - tor war as rings 1 er Ofleatca is leas to tba Cad ted Statea so. eramest to be rrpeid vHS Interest eta Jaaoan 1, 1B28. Buy them at The Journal bnataeas office..-. ., ' British experts have estimated the world's production of copper last year 'Bed' Kupert- Waives His lamination Clyde O. Rupert, known familiarly as "Red." charged with stealing $2400 in Liberty bonds from the Northwestern Katlonal bank;. where he was employed as a guard, appeared with his attorneys before United States- Commissioner Drake yesterday and waived prelim inary hearing. He was bound over to the federal grand Jury and placed under $25,000 bonds. On Inability to post ball he is being held in the county JalL His at torneys are Joseph V Haney. Assistant United States Attorney Rankin repre sents the government. sarily dependent On the amount of timber the camps and mills can supply. O. M. Clark, speaking for the rollU said an estimate of 141.000,000 feet cf ship timbers, with additional help to be expected from valley mills, is reason able. He predicted that Oregon will build 25 to 23 1-8 per cent more wooden ships than Puget Sound. While the mllie on Puget Sound have greater capacity, be explained, the Oregon logs yield a greater percentage of ship timbers. Orgealsatloa Is 8sggetd . William Plgott, the Seattle business man and shipbuilder, who called the Puget Bound builders together last Sun day night, then wired to Chairman Hur ley a Puget Sound pledge of 400.000 tons of wooden and 400,000 tons of steel ve sels. admitted that Oregon can build more edowon ships than Puket Sound. He said that a local record 8 1-3 per cent greater than Puget Sound may be expected, and he promised to buy Mr, uarit euner a suit or clothes or an automobile if the record is made. H. B. Van Duser of the Inman-Poul- sen mill said It should be possible to organise the milling industry greatly to Increase the output of ship timbers. A large amount of lifoiber for shipbuild ing should come from the Tillamook line, In addition to other dUtrlcts men tioned, he said. Mr. Plggott told how- he had visited a number of the local yards and had been astonished at their clear evidence of ef ficiency" and capacity. He advised the organisation of an Oregon wood ship builders' association to deal direct with the shipping board. Chairman Hurley, he declared. Is possessed of but one idea. The Last 'Minute Our stores will remain onen all iIit Sunday. Select vour clarera. ninoa. dies, smokers' sets, humidors, cigarette cases and the Innumerable other things dear to the smoker's heart, from the mosx complete stocx in the city. Slg Sichel & Co.. two store. 92 Third atrr and 347 Washington, between Broadway anu rars. AdT.1 Sbtpa Tare Side. ...Foot Wood street.. 4 , . .liantoe 3 . . .M.rmhfwkl 4 . . .TUMaaook t ...Nona Portland. .. le V? ,,-prr otkr 'eoaapoa, root BeKo. street. . wiZ - - en pa 07. UMOMt cm. . . . noete blT.K -onh Boad S aieLorbera aoaspaar Astoria S uw aoaapoair MUwankie Jioae Insula ShtoMUine SZ- iTZrL. ' Oeoeso r. Bods-era SbtpSuUdlse eosoa?. 1 '.Astoria. 4 ensams rat rem Bros, eocapaas. ........ . Columbia Ctt 4 'j- ''0uiihsSrcejJpij'! !!!!!!! !Bi21eleeTT II! 4 O. M. Staadtfer eoapan? PorUaod 4 U. M. StacMUIer ooaapaay .............. .Vaaeoarer ., S wT2Z J Oak at... 4 WUeee Bros. aaorai S Represented at the meeting in the Chamber of Commerce were the Amer ican Shipbuilding company of War renton. the Columbia Engineering Works of Llnnton. Feeney A Bremer of Tillamook. International Shipbuild ing company of Columbia City. Kter nan at Kern of Portland. Oceanlo Ship building company of Mtlwaukle. G. M Stand If er " Construction company of Portland and Vancouver, and Supple Ballln. Workers Busy st Eugene Eugene; Or, Dec $1. All indications point to s Red Cross membership of more than 1000 in Lane county, though the teams have not all reported. There is splendid enthusiasm, business men. pastors, teachers and others being out making speaking campaigns. Women In Red Cross uniforms are stationed at the Southern Pacific and Oregon' Elec tric depots, and outgoing and incoming travelers are canvassed unless they wear Red Cross buttons. N.of Wars 3 4 a 4 1 10 s 1 1 s s Nona 4 4 4 t 4 S 4 4 Wars Bids. He. wsr Caa Balid 4 aw No 3 ns !e No aaore Ne saore I 4 Ko V He Ne No Ne meeting was held under the auspices of the American Bible society and was called to promote the campaign for placing Btblr with the soldiers. Oovernor Withy com be presided and f . n v r J A a Christmas en lrees 35c and UP ' (Ooods Delivered) 244 Washington . Near 2d Mala SIM Beat Forget tke Xleales. Christmas ; Suggestions JUonns of Substm ti&l worth from 13, 920 to ISO eaqh.1 If It be a Guitar, Man- ' dolin. Banjo, Ukelele, or other Instrument, you will find what you -want here. Music Rolls, Leath er Music Bap from It to to each. Matte Stands and genuine Leather Cases - for same. t . . . Victrolas In air styles from 20 to I32S. Victor Records and Supplies. , Packard, M h lin. Bond and Ltndeman Pianos, Players - Welte-Mlfnon. ... Piano Benches. Let us help you make your Christmas Joyous with . food music. Terms to Please Yew ' Mall Orders Given Prompt Attention G. F. Johnson Piano (Jo. 14 fttsth wear Alder. Peruana, PACKARD MERLIN BOND PIAKOS Valuable Present For th6 Family I have two 1117 Dodge Brothers' touring cars ; run very little. Tou can hardly tell them from new cars. Will give big discount if bought for Christmas presents. See Mr. Hemp hill. ' COVEY MOTOR CAR CO., Mala 6244. 21st aad Washington Sts. First Presbyterian Church Twelfth aad Aider Streets . BIT. JOKa M. BOT9. 2. 2. 10 SO A. SC. THE ADTKTTT OF CHRIST AND THE BUTT OF THE PRESENT HOUR." TtSt P. X. "THE CHRIST MAS HOPE OP A. WORLD . AT PEACE." Maslcal Pea tares t Orchestra with Great Organ. Slrlsg QaarteU You Don't Have to Watch Us to SEE US GROW We doable oar floor space January 1st. In the meantime we are Loaded With Christa Bargains . i Holton Band Instruments Orpheum Banjos, Gibson, Washburn, Martin Guitars; Mandolins and : Ukuleles, $&0 and up. Complete Stock of Music Seiberling-Lucas Music - 125 Fourth Street TT O I U TOll !C o p V N H E as I i v x. in Co. "THE DECEPTIVE CALL FOR PEACE" Why should Oermany and the Pope sad others be calling for peace now r Rev. Joshua Stansfield, D.D. will preach on the above topic Sua day evening 7:80, Firt M. E. Church HEAft m, lOiSt A. M. nr. Us'sfleU wm preach es ' . "The Great AHrent" A Christmas m sees go to humanity. Heception of members. Special Christmas Music The service flag with thirty er more stars will be unfurled sad presented with appropriate exer-:leee. Specify FAULTLESS . PiBssbtag aasf Keetmg FIXTURES In the construction of roar house or baUdlnf, and you'll eliminate the expense and' worry of repairs and upkeep of. Inferior material. M. L. KLINE 30 years wholesaling Plumb lor, Heating and Stesni Supplies In Portland.. HJiiuniinuiuiuiuiuiiiiiiiuiiniiiiiinuciiiiuiiiiinniiitiniiiiniitiiiiiiinniiiinuf 1 II , as, 87, at Front street ..1V V-l -a. la a . IHSHUIUljr Bl llllll fXVUBJ WISHES TO - krlbs. Oppenhelmer is a young attorney 1 thank aU nuda tor their sympathy I which credit Is given the United States and has been with the Davis Farrell (and '.kindness and beautiful CowersT Ifor 650,0 tons. .. .. , " " . ' r . ' . . ' - r. ; :V'":.. Dr. Edward H. Pence, D. D. AT WESTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Schuyler and East Seventeenth Street Sunday Sermons Moraine; Subjects THE RED CHRISTMAS" 1(K30 o'Clock a-- ' Evening Subject: THE HEROES OF THE FIRST. CHRISTMAS" -7:30 o'CIock . - " . t. "v Ye OREGON GRILLE WE ARE MAKING RESERVATIONS FOR ; , ; , - Cfirtfitmas Burner clu bel- $10 PER PLATE - : . $1X0 PER CHAIR 5 : . ' Deber 2S ; '.,,",. Decesnber 31 k . CDo not . wait until ' the last ; minute .-. to make your reservation as : ycti may be :; disappointed. - As soon as all tables are reserved we will stop the sale of reserva- ' tions, and on New YearSEve no one will be admitted to the 'Grille' without reservation tickets of admission. - ' . SPECIAL TRAIN SERVICE ACCOUNT HOLIDAYS Dec. 24 and Dec. 31 Train 327, now running between Port land and Oswego, will be extended to Newberg on trips leaving Portland Mon day, Dec 24, and Monday, Dec 31, mak ing : usual stops, between Portland . and Oswego. Train leaves Portland City ticket. Office at 1158 P.M arriving Newberg at 12 ;53 A. M." City-Ticket Off icsj, 131 Fourth Street ; Phon'ea i Main 8S00 ; A-6704 - John M Scott Gerieral Pausenf er Agent YlLCASrSCHOOLS tilmuU sQaaitlaKsC - . lawtrVeJ Tl'iisilllss, . " "lel5SL, SSssTaSsssT" far seSaaad fcfsreasd'se sal et er er ' Xsb. w KSattae. tsrasae a, rsrCsted T. BL a a. 1 Reliable Den&try e S I he saer wns r were far 18 essss'se reee teat ree )aes eaa vse .....sue - sen Sets luasss ssTv 1 I fail Ss asarta lee.M..A.H I rsialias gatxasaie .......see I Sines nniate mm I sve sar , fH. H. T. rrrWTOf. Frea. . Osee Xveessee at IS . 1 Boston Painless Dentists 4rb e4 ee S,aeaee St.' I SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES STARK -DAVIS CO. ' ITKOUSalJ! sVSTD SUTTaXJe - VXTflCBKAaV BUTTZUMM . Best material, lowest prices, - Tree estimates given. . - ' . ' SIS SrS St. Saala T7. 44r7. LinmiirniHuiinHiiniiininiiiniiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii l lQCHVAB PRINTinC co U STARK STPZZT - 8 l