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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1917)
- " - , THE OREGON DAJLY JOURNAL. PORT LAND. SATURDAY DECEMBER 1,22. 1 1917. 8 FEDERAL GOVERNMENT TAKES SIDES WITH THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY LUMBERMEN FORES I, SERVICE IS TAKING PART IN LIMBER CASE Strong Brief Filed iri Case Be fore Interstate Commerce Commission for Lower Rates. GOVERNMENT IS AFFECTED 3y Reason of Restriction Placed on Federal Timber Holdings, Value of Forests Is Lessened. -. The department of agriculture, for the i forest service, has filed with the Interstate- commerce commission a strong brief upholding the contentions of the Willamette Valley Lumbermen's . asso- ' ctation In Its complaint against' the Southern Pacific company and the . northern lines, charging discrimination in freight rate against lumber mills In the- Willamette valley. In Its brief, counsel for the Willamette , Valley Lumbermen's association points Out that members of the association are shut out of important markets for their, products by reason of the fact that the railroads . refuse to place the Wil- ' lamette valley shippers in the coast group for rate-making purposes, which would give them the Portland rate. . By reason of this fact they state that the, mills involved are denied an oppor tunity to market their output in Mon tana. Wyoming, Nebraska, the Dakotas, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan, and also in Manitoba and Saskatchewan. Canada, To this territory, from Mis V soula and Shelby, Mont., they seek the ' establishment of rates on the Portland baslsT At present shipments take the , local rate to Portland, plus the coast .group rate of 40 cents beyond, giving mills in the coast group such an advant age as to shut out the Willamette valley mills. '-;- Owns Mneh Timber The reason for this, according. to com- plalnants, is that there are ho Joint through rates through Portland via the Southern Pacific and the Great North ern; Northern Pacific and Chicago, Mil waukee & St. Paul roads. The local rates to Portland from Willamette val ley mills range from 4 to 13 cents per 100 pounds. A Primarily the forest service's interest fn the proceeding lies in the fact that within the national forest areas in the ' :. Willamette valley are approximately 47,500.000,000 feet. b. m., of standing . timber, "besides many billions of feet on '-i lands covered by the forfeited Oregon - & California grant, partly within and partly without national forests in the same watershed. ' Continuing on this point, the brief ays: " 111 Washington west of the summit of , the Cascades and in the Columbia river watershed west of the same tine, all hav trig the coast rates, the estimated stand la 67,500,000,000 reet. The amount or - timber 'sold by the forest service in the former are from 1913 to 1917, inclusive, Is 193.000.000 feet, and In the latter area, 28,000.000 feet, i Of the 193,000,000 feet, 163,000,000 .feet was in one sale. .I; pregoa Is Held Back , Practically ..all of the timber in the Willamette river watershed la tributary to the Southern Pacific lines and sub ject to the rates which the complainants have attacked. The forest service has no particular interest in the parties and their complaint, but is extremely desir ous of securing for the territory Involved the same privileges with respect to rates on lumber which are accoraed the re maining territory west of the summit of the Cascade mountains. - While Oregon has more standing tim ber than any other state in the, union. It has never ranked better than fourth In the order of lumber production. Washington,'-with much less timber,' has pro duced approximately between two and three ' times - as much lumber. This marked discrepancy ft lumber produc tion is a logical result of the difference in transportation facilities and rates of the two states. It is apparent .from the above state ment of facts that the rates -which the Willamette valley mills have been com pelled by defendans to pay have retarded the development not only of privately owned timber, but also, that . belonging to the United States. HKk Timber Overripe -Much of the timber within the national forests of this valley Is mature and over ripe, and any unjust restriction in the way of rates on the . part of the transportation facilities if continued will cause great loss to that part of the government-owned timber which is mature and over ripe. In these times when Immense quanti ties of lumber are needed for a vigorous prosecution of the war it is alt the more necessary and rlfxht that any unjust or discriminatory rate on lumber, as well as other products, be removed In order that each section may do Us utmost to fur nish the government with such classes and amounts of lumber and other neces sities as may be desired in furtherance of an early and complete victory. Large timbers are particularly necessary. On account of the handicap from the rates complained of the mills of the complain ant which are of sufficient sue xor me manufacture of timbers of the size de sired are prevented from furnishing ma terial to wooden shifyaras sucn as those at Duluth, Minn., and Superior, Wis. Fatsre It Discounted It is not contended that the granting of - complainant's petition will provide a complete remedy for the originating ter ritory Involved, but taken tn conjunction with the proper readjustment of freight rates into other territories where Wil lamette valley is being discriminated against and the natural decrease of supply of timber in other sections now serving a common market, will draw to Oregon its fair share of the lumber in dustry and enable the United States and Oregon to secure an Increased in come from its timber holdings and en able that state to take its proper place as the largest lumber-producing state In the union. VOOL DEALERS TALK ABOUT GOVERNMEMT: TAKING THE BUSINESS Boston Says Trade Is "Up in the Air" Regarding Possibility' of Federal Control. PORTLAND'S GREATEST INDUSTRY IS SHIPBUILDING Is the government going to take over control of the ' wool business? This Is the question which' has perplexed 'tfe local trade, says the Boston Globe, dur ing the past 'few days, or to be exact. since a meeting of the trade to consider the report of a committee on ways and means to help the government in the matter of wool supplies, It was an nounced that the committee on wool sup ply of the National Council of Defense had resigned. Since no explanation accompanied the announcement and- there are now gov ernment regulations with regard to ex porting gold and Importers, as well as exporters, are obliged to have licenses, not to mention the fact that the gov ernment has not only -bought much wool in domestic markets, but has made the arrangements, for the big shipments to come to this country from Australia, not a tew aeaiers Deneve mat me aays of private venture In wool are numbered at least for the duration of the war. Actually the trade, is "way up In the air" on this matter srnd there is no way of telling In advance whether their worst fears wJll be fulfilled or not. The un settlement that used to prevail in the old days when there was a danger of a downward revision of the wool and woolen schedules of the tariff seems tame compared with that which exists at present. There is no question of the Inclination of the wool dealers to work with the government ; they are prepared to a man to do all within reason to help the government, even to the point of doing business at a fixed margin of profit. The great fear is that private business in wool may be suspended, as it was In England, for the duration of the war. M View of one of many shipyards oa Columbia rirrr as big wooden craft Is about Gilford PtnUa Photo to take her first dip. . Exploit Casscl's Invention A company called the Electro Agri cultural Joint Stock company has been founded, having as its object the ex ploitation of HJ. Cassel's invention. Mr Cassel has, after many years of expert- mentlng, succeeded in solving the prob lem of transferring electric power to self propeleld motor plows and other farming machinery. Experiments will be made at one of the company's fac tories at Alfsjo, Sweden. Boats Could Help in Transportation The Importance of waterway and high way transportation to the Northwest is given added emphasis by an experience of Samuel HD1. November 26 a shipment of 1187 pounds of vegetables and fruit was made by rail from Mary Mil, Waah., to Seattle, and the shipment had not yet arrived at Seattle December 9. Mr. Hill makes no com plaint, saying that doubtless all the rail equipment is being used in government service, but intimated that a regularly established boat line down the Columbia river to Vancouver and a good hard sur faced road from - Vancouver to Seattle would facilitate prompt shipment. In famine times, the present situation would be extremely inconvenient, says Mr.. Hill. Two Swedish engineers have invented an electric machine for cleaning boilers that works somewhat like a drill. BRQCCQL I GROWERS SEE GOOD CHANCE TO MAKE CASH' SALES Roseburg Farmer Gets Encour aging Letter From Dealer in San Francisco. A prominent broccoli grower of Ros4 burg has received a communication from one of the largest produce firms In San Francisco, which carries in It considera ble encouragement for those growers who ""hope to establish a market for broccoli for cash f. o. b- Instead of hip ping on consignment as has been done heretofore, says the Roseburg Review. The letter from the California firm states that they will gladly send a rep resentative to Roseburg with the idea of buying the crop on a cash f. o. b. basis, provided the growers will make a price that will permit them to handle the product at a reasonable profit. The letter further states that In ease this firm should buy the broccoli, that they will send their own packing crew to do that part of the work, and thus insure a standard pack of the different grades. According to statements contained In the communication, this company had the Idea that the broccoli crop In Doug las county was a failure for this season, and surprise was expressed that this season's output would approximate 60 carloads. This letter Is the first reply that has been received In answer to a number of Inquiries sent out by the growers to as certain If cash buyers could b Inter ested In the broccoli crop of this county for this season. Others are expected, and upon their receipt a meeting of growers will tit called to put all the In formation thus obtained before the grow ers. O.-C. Land Exchange Measure Approved Washington. Dec 52. WASHING TON BUREAU OF THE JOURNAL) The house public land committee has authorised Chairman Ferris to report his bill for consolidation of timber land of the Oregon A Canrornla grant by ex change for private land of equal value. FOREST DEPARTItt T MAKES ITS REPOR 4 j ' - - a close to the coot of operation. The pros 1 en. DBUl OOSX Bl BDOUl .OOU.OW. AJk Increase equal to that of the last fiscal year "would doss the gap." ; . Graves Kew la Fresco t The forester. Heary 8. Graves, la new serving with the American Expeditionary forces In Fyutos. with a commission as lieutenant colonel. la . connection with the forest work for the supply of the needs c our overseas troops aad those of trfe allies. ."Upon the rupture of diplomatic re lations with Oennany. says the report. -in rorest service began to plan for meeting the responsibilities which. If war followed. It should assume." Among these were emergency assistance In the protection of public works and transpor tation, lines and the gathering of mili tary reconnaissance Information valuable to the war department. Wood and other forest prodocts have almost innumerable uses in modern war fare. It is pointed out. Never before has the demand for exact knowledge been so urgent. "In the work relating to forest utilisation aad forest products, the resources of the service have been employed to the limit of their capacity sines tne war began In rendering a slstaace to the war and navy depart ments, tne emergency fleet corporation various committees of the Council of National Defense, and manufacturers of war orders. The peace time program has been largely discontinued. 3f aca Werk far Atrplases Much of the work haa concerned air- crart material. It has included also problems connected with the construc tion of wooden ships and of vehicles. As sistance has been given to hardwood dis tillation plants In order to Increase the production of acetone and other prod ucts needed for munition making. A com mercial demonstration has shown that costs of producing ethyl alcohol from wood waste can be materially reduced. Methods have been developed by which walnut and birch can be klla-dried to a much reduced time with cote para lively little loss. Increase of crop production in and near the forests was stimulated sad the forage resource of the forests was made available for enieraeiny use up to the limit of safety, la the Utter part of the summer a fire season of extreme danger, made worse tn some localities by an anusnal prevalence of rarendiar- tm. was pa d through with relatively small loss of property and with no re ported loss of life." RAILROADS-HOPE TO HANDLE FRUIT CARS IN CAPACITY LOADS California Fruit . Exchange Re ceives Notification as to , Loading Rules. : : WA V WORK Practically Every Form of Use of Forest Products Is Larger Than Ever Before. How the work of the forest service was realigned to meet war conditions Is described in the annual report of the forester, which tn the absence of the head of the service is made by Acting Foreater A. F. Potter. The report also states thati practically every form of use of the forests was greater than ever before, that the receipts again touched a new high level with a total of IMS?.' 021.41, and that the Increase tn receipts over the previous year was SCI1.4S7.70. "When the graalng charge has been advanced to cover the full valoo of the graalng privilege," says the report, "lbs Income from the national forests will be Packers to Regulate First Cost Prices la connection with the plans of the government to regulate prices of fish packers have been advised that no effort would be made to regulate prices from the selling end . exclusively, but that the plan was to ascertain ' the cost price for the raw flah as a basis for start. Selling prices per case, it shown, cannot be fixed with any degree of accuracy before the season closes. as estimates made In advance of the pack and therefore the operating costs are often subjected to radical revision. Estimates based on a large crop in the event of a small one. packers declared. are very different from what would occur if the season was a good one. An effort Is being made by the gov ernment's representative to get a list of all the Items that enter into the cost of production and canning, and. after fixing these definitely, packers will bo willing, in view of war condl tlona, to do business on the pai basis. Of great Importance to the fruft grew- era and farmers of this coast Is the en- ' couraging statement wired from Wash - Ington by. Edward Chambers, chairman of the transportation committee, giving the government's assurance that the railroads will be sbls next year to han- -die peiiahable ahtpmenta closely ap proaching the maximum. The message which was addressed to 1 John Lk Nagle. manager of the California . Fruit Exchange at Los Angeles. Is as follows : "Effective December 1. shippers of. oranges and lemons win be required by food administration regulations to load,, refrigerator car seven boxes wide and" two high the .entire Inside length of the -car. either under ventilation or rafrig- -. erator. "Shippers of vegetables and deciduous fruits are requested to advise the limit of safety to which they may Increase the carload above the minimum, so proper regulations msy also be Issued at once. It is absolutely necessary that everything reasonably poeslble be done to Increase the efficiency of refrigerator cars and the railroad power handling perishable commodities. In order that the present refrigerator car supply may handle perishable traffic for the year Just beginning. "There is little hope of the ear shops ' being able to fill railroad orders for ad ditional refrigerator cars to any extent the coming year, because of being eta ployed en priority government war or der. "Wi fully sppreciate the cooperation the shippers have already given and tn asking them to increase the effort we have in view meesnree necessary to pro vide adeqoats transportation for fruits aad vegetables during the coming year. A careful survey of the entire trans portation conditions Just made, we be lieve Justifies the conclusion that with maximum cooperation, the railroads will able to handle periahabls traffic wit hoot serious delay. "Wn have now estimated what is likely to happen la the movement of fruits and vegetables next season and while the , rallroade will have a- difficult task to perform, particularly s eastern lines. see no reason for alarm that any thing might happen to seriously inter rupt or prevent the movement of per ishable fruits and vegetables which are considered by the food administration as essential substitutes for condensed foods badly needed for export." Cotton Crop Is Lens The number of bales of cotton ginned from the growth of 117 In the United States prior to November L 1917. wltlt the comparative statistics up to lbs cor responding dates In If It snd 11S. is an nounced by the United States bureau of the censua Counting round aa half bales, the quantity for-the 1U7 pertoa was 7.1M.U4 bales compared wtth MSV SS tn ISIS and 747S.SSS in ltla. PORTLAND MADE ADDING MACHINES SMALL ENOUGH TO BE CARRIED IN ONE'S POCKET llAXLTACTUREKS' DIRECTORY I and 1 ,, 1SS 1 Followlni b an alphabetical directory of all idrartlMra on theM two paces. All aia niana bi4nnn nf tha article, mentioned, and not iral dealer In and Milan of tha cooda and - firm, Thair production will b found tha equal of any to ba bad, and should hat the - attention oi Portland and Oreaon buyers: iArmatroni Machinery Co.. 548 Tbnrmaa at., anutactureri ot ice machinery and retricer. : Sunt plant. i Applacath. C. G. (O. P. Kummelln Son), sianufactorer - oi fur sannenta. 2d and wash. I Auto Top Co., manufacturer of auto tops. Builder of auto, high class garase. lltn- Surnsida ata. , American Bronse aV Brass Works, workers ia Sopper, brass, aluminum, etc. 65B Upshur at. ' Brattoa A Gleie (Portland Machinery Co.), makers ot dras aawa. 62 .Jst st. Ball Manufacturing Co., makers ot women a high olaaa waists, N. E. cor. 4th and Couch. ' Crescent. Chemical Co.. Janitor' supplies. 028 . iintrm er. Cooper. Chaa. military and civil taller. Royal bid., Morrison and Broadway. ' Crystal Sprint Finishing Works, wool batts. mattresses, 185 10th St. Connal Lumber Co., 8am, ready cut nooses, 854 Ankeny at. . . Columbian Carbon Paper Co., man u f acturers Of carbon paper. . Sad and Broadway. - Coast Chemical Co., janitor's supplies. ' C 6th at. Cloaset a Co., coffee roasters, wholesale oof r feaa and teas, 128 12th ut. N. California Plating Works, gold. ilrr and niekel plating. 212 2d at. : ; Carter, I L., manufacturer of hand concrete mixers. 1163 Moore at. Cola Machine Mfg. Co.. manufacturer of brass, copper, steel and iron product. 084 K. 17th St. . v Dunne, Pa rid M., manufacturer of paints. ' lltk it and Sherlock ava. thuabler Rooting Co., makers . of highest : grade roofing paper, a.enton station. Portland. Da Ti-Scott Belting Co.. leather belting mak an. 240-260 Hawthorne are. Doernbecher Mfg. Co., furnltura manufactur- ' em, K. 28th St. and O-W. K. N. tracks. Portland Ualvanising Works. galTanisUkg, S2d St. N. and Heed sU Knarael Bake Oreo, suto and other enamel ing. 004 Bumside at. - Eastern NoTelty Co., 202, 85 H 6th St. .ledies' imp necawear. Foote, D. J.. 264 Front st.. drag saw. Gem Winder Co.. tatting ahmttla winders. Grandma Cookie Co.. wholesale cookie bak eta. 880-884 E. Stark st. - . Green's Economy jar top lifter, sold at stores. glass run - iron worts, lonndry and chin works. 4S4 Belmont at. Independent Cracker Co.. crackers, confeo- Uona, etc, av ju. uana ac Jacobs, Inc., men's shirts to order. 827 H 1X7. .K . . J. J. Kadderly, Eadderly fomae,' ISO 1st at Kent, Tnoa. men a ahirts to order, BIS jeaeieaT mag.. tn ana waan. eta. - Knight Packing Co., pickle, fruit jajces, eider, vinegar, etc. 474 E. Alder st. , KoUe, ir. D. W., improved optics! bom piece, -706 WOcox bldg. Laytoa Coopwag Co.. 327 Water St.. barrel, j kegs, tubs. ' LauteroK H. J. Schwanberg. piano end furni ture polish. 4610 Woodstock are. Millaaad Comtruotion Co., ready built car - see, etc. 644 Hood St. Montana assay uuice. BROOMS ! Manufactured by Zan Bros.. Inc. SUNSET BROOM WORKS Office 50-52 Front St. Janitor Supplies GREATEST VABICTX IN POHTLAIr tTooc and Linoleum oils. Sweeping Compounds, far- Quia atoac Sltur sod Metal Polish. Liquid totlet Boas. USEFUL INVENTION IS LITTLE YET ACCURATE AS THE LARGER ONES Addachine Manufacturing Co. Says - Many Firms Find . Ma chine Good for Premiums. SIMPLE DEVICE WILL ADD AND SUBTRACT soars Pol lHstnfccUota, Boa; and Crescent Chemical Co. MS Washing-tea Street tfaia 1M4, A-148S Old Autos Made New la appearance by enaaa ling Hoods sad rea der Ilk docte at rectory J. C'WARNOCK Enamel Bak Ova, 444 atureaide at 14th. Mala S4U. A-484. The Addachine, Fred W. Rodolf, In ventor Barrels and Aad All Kinds f Caopa.-ag st Finke Bros. CooperageWorks its Maaisca. sear snag gaara sias it Superior" Mattresses oa earth. They are sues sr aot su massed la. Portland by the United Mattress & Pail Ccs 43T Hancock street. Fheae Bast 876? Bave a rcnorat or mak ore your ajaegt seat mom A. 142 H 2d at. Multnoman Trunk Co., trunks sad bags, suit case. 84 K. Wster at. National Vault Cow eoacrst burial nolta. Tabor 2521. , Oregon Paper Boa Factory, paper boxes, car loo. euui v. Oregon Brass work, copper, brass and - aluminum. 2d and Krerett ata.- . Oregon Door Co, doom, sash, ate. foot Spo- . Oregon Chair Co., ehalra, 11B0 lfn ncuic enw w oraa, pouary flower Dots. 6S7-S0S Sherlock vtm. roruana isnnnut sig. us. xumitur. ami nokterina. 1249-69 road. Paainsuls - Iron Works, foundrymea sad Saa CJunais, AJi oa sracuoru am. Puritan 11 fg. Co. all manner of soft drinks. East 8th and Oak ata. Pendleton Woolen Mills, wools cloth. Indian blanket. Pendleton. Or. . Portland Stor Works, ranees, eookins and Bearingf aterea, ierny at. ana ueiasuts oiTd. Phoenix Iron Wurks. foundrymee. msrhineij. ' kv Hawthorn are. ,- , - Portland Basket- -j Handle Works,, baskets, bandies. 1821 Macadam road.- ' -. k Fettit Feather st Bedding Co.. 'feather kad- cans, manressea, spring, xis lzta a, n. Carter's Concrete Mixer OPE BATED BT HARD n sms's werk aad X. Ik OASEs, rsMK Ir St. OT TJT XMM TXVR INDEPENDENT CRACKER CO. If antrraeturers and Daalera la Cracker, Cakeg, Italian Paste 4Sw30 Xast Savta at. stotlaad, Oa I Kaart isea. Trade Conditions Good All Along Line A real novelty aa well as a most use ful Invention is the cunning little adding; machine manufactured by the Adda- chine Manufacturing company, . whose office is at 522 Northwestern Bank build- I ins;, with E. K. Brown as its manager. The Addachine, as the device is named. was Invented by Fred W. Rodolph, who spent five years In its perfection. And I Francis Cavanaugh, superintendent he made a good Job of it, too, for though I and manager of the Xlehoff Shoe com It is diminutive in else as well as price, pany, 251 Sixteenth street north, just It Is big in usefulness. In its setting the I returned from " an eastern trip, reports Invention is 24x24 Inches, and sells at I trade good all along the line, but no- 60 cents, but just the same It will add I where better than tn his own factory and subtract with absolute accuracy. I Much of this la due to the ahinbuiiriinar and aa speedily aa the hand can operate I industry." and if It were onrv noamtbie It. It la only five-eighths of an Inch I to make known to tha men enrireii tn deep and weighs less than two ounces, so I tha several yarda the real yalue aad cora- n may ae carried around in the pocket u I fort afforded try tha NJehoff shoe, th necessary, it nas no Keys, tapes or. lev-1 workars would deluge tha factory wtth era to pound or pull, or wheels to get out of order. It Is simplicity simplified, and so easily operated that it may be han dled with accuracy and ease by a child. To those slow at figures or bothered in adding or subtracting, the Addachine will be a welcome companion. their orders. The requirements of: this class of workers have been studiously considered 'by Mr. Cavanaugh. and tha men never will know what It meana to enjoy real foot comfort and to .receive real value for their money until they are possessed of Nlehoff footwear. There Ita price is bo low that merchants are I are no better or more nerfect shoea n4 getting in the habit of buying Adda- They are renowned for endurance and chines In large quantities and using all tha good qualities belonging to such umuh mm iirenuums, Aiavny newspaper I necessities. - are doing likewise, and in this respect they are about the neatest thing ex tant. It Is mads of bright metal on a hardwood base with natural wood fin ish, wlQ not rust and needs no oil or other isDricanL. it may be used as a game counter and In a solid businsss way may be employed for advertising pur poses. The merchant may have his ad vertisement Imprinted on the margin of tha base and when tha little treasure Is given out to a customer It carries its message to its owner each time used. perhaps for years. It Is not ykely ever to wear out. and win ba used mora and mora aa the operator becomes familiar with it. - As a Christmas gift .the Addachine would ba greatly appreciated. Ita very novelty makes It an educator In figures, aad no half dollar present would be more heartily appreciated. PEOPLE WHO FAIL TO BOOST FOR THE HOME I N DU STRY ARE FO 0 LIS H $18,000,000 Estimated Is Sent Away Annually for Goods Sim ilar to Local Made Articles. By IL S. Ilarcourt Perusal of ths report of the school clerk for the school district embracing Multnomah county discloses the fact that ths school census has been In creased 1701 during the last year. This is indicative, ot course, of a substaatlsl Increase In population, but Justice to the latter phase of the matter will not perm ft speculation to - end with tne knowledge thus afforded, for ths reason that hundreds of shipyard workers ars unmarried men. here from other places and without, families. Tnis increase ot school attendance la very correctly. It Is believed, attributed to the shipbuild ing Industry, and if this be the right surmise it then is svtdent that It means, aa well, material enlargement In the Portland payroll. And U -the payroll be Increased, what Is and will continue to ba tha result? i Say that the cost of clothing, boarding smd educating those 1702 new pupils will average S10O each per year, we find an Increased expenditure of money among thai merchants and professional people. aa'Aoctors. dentists, etc. of 1170.200 per year. And this takes parents or Infants under stx years., nor of servants which may ba employed In any of the new homes. Ths figures refer to school pupils only. Suppoe thesa children, collectively, were the progeny of 900 fathers, making a fraction less than two children to a home, and these 900 worked 100 days each In a year at $2 per day. there Is a payroll from this class only of $710,000 per annum, most of which goes out for such foodstuffs as grocers sell, shoes from ths shoe store and dry goods and clothing from such establishments as swell thesa goods. These dealers and business men get this money, and yet It seems as If the skulls of most of them are so adamant that they cannot be penetrate sufficiently to let a light shine In that will disclose to their reason tha benefits to their bank ac counts derived from larger payrolls, 1 Instead of pounding Into tha minds of , their customers the good results of maintaining local manufacturing lasti-. tutions. they appear so afraid of losing the fractional Image of a fractional dime that they continue to hand out Mac-. Davitt's soap. Trombone's breakfast food, Slambangs candles. Hunchback's j necktie, WUhellum'a half baked shirts and other stuff from Stuffvllle. of small i value but of monumental cost! I Fourteen thousand men. It is said. 1 TTTf V TIMRFQ Rt Tfi to tl2.COO.000! Most of this hugs sum will be spent by ths tollers In Portland, yet theaggregate la less than that paid by our tradesmen to eastern and ether factories for products identical to those produced at home. The only difference is that ths Imported articles are manu factured "somewhere alas and not by our own people. Good authority has estimated that we send out of this city $11. 250.000 a year an average of StO.000 a day to pay for good And articles such ss are produced by tha Industries at our doors, and this mountain ot money never returna No part of It ever gets back, to Oregon. Who Is ths loser by this udlftsreaios to horns Industries aad their welfare T Every merchant, ever tradeemaa, every ! laborer, every boms and man and woman In our city aad thousands throughout ths state. Portland Stove Works MANuracTCRCRS or ' taai oavasa Stoves and Ranges AMX. TOO BXAXX&. are now employed In ths shipyards of this community. At $2 per dsy and 200 ', days work in a year, their wage amounts no account of GENERAL MANUFACTURING Special Tools Designed tnd Built ' SCREW MACHINE WORK Steel Stiraplnrj Gear Cutting Mtchine Shop Work COIN MACHINE MANUFACTURING COMPANY 984 East 17U. St. Sell wood J00 . ,. . Liberty Bonds accepted, at tot In payment for work MINE OPERATORS And ' prospector Vav " been patroguaiag '. tS HONTAKA A&aAT OITlCk for 20 ysan. We are aaaeyars. gold, ailrer aad piathram raflaara; boy high grad erea jewelers' sweepuics, pfeate alTr, nitrates, etc Produce esntal aad jewel era' goat, .. - . aa-sa second TRgrr . wane MarshaM ZTZS , Pacific Stoneware Co.. f Sherlock Ava -- -. 1 ' .v. " VertOaao. Ozwgna. Everything in Pottery. ' i Thayer, Shaver-' Guiley Machine Co. General Machinists and Builders ef "EVER-REaAJDYM TRUCK I , ATTACHMENTS tar all mak ef ear a ' -sm attanhaiesjt v lfe-oa attaosnsan e.e... sVsem attaches aa .. intone Bast 1437. ltt M. Wats St. THE VAUGHAN r ' , Builds and repairs all kinds of machinery, Makes Vauehan's Celebrated DRAG SAWS, produces FINE GREY AND SEMI-STEEL CASTINGS . otm S7XCZAX.TZSS oas nam onnront, nsnoars un vasts . 4 . - IT Ti aUXX O OOaM WOBSL Leonard Schad, Foundry Superintendent. ' Phone East 726 41S UNIVERSAL -TIRE FILLER OTTULLKTEEJ) lll.tM KILZS Is not a liquid, will not flatten. Give mora mileage on tires. Can be changed from one tire to another. - It's a real pleasure to ride without tire trouble. No money until you are satisfied. 441-443 Hawthorne Ave. rOKTIJLSD, OB. uBt by Test" FOR FAM ILY USE!! R-Porter ' Puritan Club Ginger Ala Loganport Cherriport ' Graport Orangeport all of them pure trait flavors, and all v. of them delivered thru your dealer at $1.60 per case of 2 . doz. 12 02U, except Puritan Club Ginger Ale, which is $2.S0 for 2 doz. 15 oz. bot tles, with 70c re - 'funded for the emp .'. ties.- - ASK YOUR DEALER O AUTO MOTION DRAG SAW It I ta last wt4 la tae sascslsas kat-Kr see ALX. STX EL. ei.rt aertf tislil Wk 31 IS. Tnmm tlSS Ss Illf.U k, K aaaav ens as as. ss m v Ctaasawa sseesct ef fl rears war. A eH C wo4 ea M sals-. Ve set taasrSas Sroass. ill fast ea tke lag. aWsd tee T. Rqyer Implement Co., calar 4. SOOTC. tSS-STS Pi ?S1 Lie asweu Cas Ser. Osasa Ummrnr The WANNING" Kerosene-Oil, Gavs-ProtJucing tuirtrr ant aarr T H. W. MANNING Lighting & Supply Co. r "es an at. tNrvl iS. Or. OREGON BRASS WORKi , BRASS FOUNDERS ' AND MACHINISTS ; Branse. Bras. Cswnet'. Ararntasa aaa ' t-ssanssitssa Cast in aa Flniabtac. I- aaa ruuag aaa Daf aad , Brass "-'"nga aad areeaets Sta, lstlaaa, Of oar MTt. l7t i National Vault Co, . - Maasacrerm ml SleW Staisva4 start! V sails, aa - INDIVIDUAL MAUSOLEUM AirtlgM. WaterpeW aad lkewrlaag I Call ( Tsson nt PETTIT FEATHER & BEDDING CO. iu m. irra rr. yosTiaaJra. afaetajara) el aUgar-arraae Qsssf era. rami aaa s areas atattrn. awaa see t. PHOENIX IRON WORKS & foundry roaruivs, ox too gaelasir. Wmmmmtt. tarfclilns nsMafssiis. steilaUag sad gvastarsl isva Wera. Iaaa a Wk sad S tasf repaOr. . W Cwaraatee Krertaiag. PENLNSUU 1101 .VOBJaS FoundeVa. ataahlalsta. fatUrs. maaarav 'aasnaaia' Gray Iran end Semi-Sieel - Caalinga for alt purposes. Transmission snd Special ischinrT. Mill, siariae and Oaay rJ Kepalr Wort weae coil tta 14. at. Jonas, rortiaad. Or. AM. BRONZE AND BRASS WORKS ' cm sruuB rrxxrr . Caste aa kkaoa mt m iUsl tee IsaMT. red sraa. aipeasg mtmL a k as !, aarged. sew eeals-aaMU TJt -a sad Ei 6raaUr mm. tergev capital. wgOiS aAaT rrs for Highest grade - typewriter em yeacu, 4. GARAGE AND MACHINE SHOP;. SMarM aa aase. rwt eWas sriLs ss are rgee SV ard aed Siriata. . wtxxjLMrm OAs twin atacsxn woaaa. M. a. We, oavoosr- Portland Boh 6 LIfg. Co. 9. St. XXZWXU.TaT. XgX. riO lta Street STarta ' sveiai. v pw- wen. ti, xnmm. , ataiMLtag umm eg AX ICoaUnaed oa Msxt Pag)