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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1917)
THE OREGON. DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. FRIDAY. DECEMBER .21. -1917. DEATH RATE OF INFANTS IN THIS CITY INCREASES J Well Known Children's Special-i-'. ist Asserts It Is, Greatest Since Pure Mill Xrusade Began. - jtflLK PURITY NOT SO HIGH --(v'v'' seaw-en"eener "? ' J, Change ? for Wowe Coincident 1 3 With . Decrease of " Inspection ! . Efficiency, 'Says Dr. Hall. public spirited citizens moat condemn any measure which curtails the lnspee tlon of milk In the city ot Portland. IX th facta available are trut, tola Is .In evitable if a skilled veterinarian la to b ' discharged and a pharmacist. not trained In testing- dairy cows for tuber culosis.' Is to supplant him. It would be as ridiculous aa to discharge a physi cian from tha army and axpset a phar macist to ba responsible for tha health of our soldiers. said Dr. Cotton, "Only threa veterinarians are now In- spectinc our dairy cowa, and tha num ber la not enough. - If there are to be only two and a pharmacist the public health wilt be endangered. The city needs more -veterinarians for this work aitd a curtailment Of the present stan la to be condemned. h '-:;:.. . i That deaths axnonf babies less than '2 years of age in Portland are increas- ' f tag at an alarming rate and have been more numerous during- the - past three t months than at any time alnce tha 5' jhire milk crusader began in ltot.rwaa asserted yesterday by Dr. Robert O. Hall, well known children's specialist. " 4 That there has " been t the same tttme a marked decrease m the efflcJ- tency of milk Inspection under the ad- ' ministration of ' Commissioner jonn xuu : Mann - was further asserted by Dr. 1 Hall, who for years has been active in 'behalf of a pure milk supply. Dr. Hall hailed with pleasure the ln- - j formation that public protest baa air s'. varenuT csnsea uimminiDDw to dispense with the services of 1. Ben ' I nlnghoff, . a person without quaiif k- ;tions for the post, whom he had ap , pointed In place of Dr. William Miller, . I an efficient licensed veterinarian who had been engaged in making tests of f dairy cows for tuberculosis a task which Benninghof f would have beea 1 1 barred by law from' performing because ne waa not a veterinarian. , t - Hope Tor mere .Discretion ' it Dr. HalL Dr. Ralph Matson. special 1st In tha treatment of tuberculosis, 2- and Dr.'T. Homer Coffen, chairman of h the public health bureau of the city club, unite in the hope that Commis sioner .Mann -will use greater discretion in his appointment of a successor to Bennlnghoff. "It has seemed to me during the last autumn, particularly, that our milk in spectlon was slipping backward," said Dr. HalL "The number of deaths due to aeute dysentery among Infants has Y increased alarmingly. Some of the ba bles under my observation were ill but V day and a half before they died. .Nothing could be done for them. Their r trouble waa traceable to Impure milk. . "I know what has been done in Port land in the cause of pure milk. I know that the milk supplied in this city before Tha Journal inaugurated the pure milk 2 crusade in 1909 waa filthy;' I know that I aa the qualitir of the milk became better. the number of deaths among children ; V )ua than - r.f r AmmmmA : Hot Leading at "We Were - V v ug not noiains; in. position oi I leadership in the purity of our milk sup ply which was reached aa Jthe reward oi years oi worn ana aerotea error t. ( nmrniMlnnm 'Mann hki !ha 4 handicap the milk Inspection division 1 with the appointment of unqualified men, particularly a man who, without 4 , 1, C AC I DEA OF RUSSIA . REJECTED BY BERLIN AT START, RUMOR Terms, as Outlined "by Neutrals, Not at Ml Acceptable to Allies, Is the View of Diplomats. PUBLICATION PREMATURE? (Coatt Tmm Pic W) from Vienna 'stated today. They will eeta commission of Russians. Stockholm, Dec 21. U. P. The Bol shevik! are prepared to hold a "rump" convention to replace the constituent as sembly, where they are a minority, ac cording to word from Petrograd today, s The Swedish Maximalist leader, w. Hoglund. wired here today the substance of an interview which he had with -M. Uritaky, a prominent Bolshevik! In Petrograd. - - Uritaky, he saw. denied that tne nnai result 'Of -the 'Russian constituent aa- Romblv elections had become known. He rfclared the- assembly would hrvpened within ftvesor six days ana predicted the likelihood of the democratic parties therein splitting with tne lert or noi snevtkt wing. Hack Depends on Army Th Bolshevlkl. it waa asserted, would then form an assembly of their own. in conjunction with the Trotaky-Inlne nnr. Uritaky waa quoted aa aecianng ui Bolshevlkl might not even appear in the assembly, on , account of their ml- noritv. '"- Tha srovernment waa understood to oe discussing -anew the question or aiasoiv- Ing the whole assembly. The situation is very compucaiea Hoelund wired. "It la impossible to foretell tha outcome. Much depends unon tha attitude of the garrison and the proletariat or petrograo. ney can force an open conflict between the as- aemblr and the Bolshevlkl. Only a few Cadet depuues nave Been arrested, he added. The Bolshevlkl gen era! peaoe endeavors, he held, depended on the attitude of the central powers. The Stockholm Social Demokraten to day declared it waa "definitely Informed" from Germany of the strong growtn oi an anti-separate peace movement there. Germ aa Socialists Object The Russian -Germ an endeavors to this end. the newspaper asserted, cannot succeed without the support of the en tente Socialists and the laboiitea, and "it was absurd to think that the latter would support the Bolshevlkl, when the real Social lata of Russia accused tnem of being traitors and destroyers of the Russian revolution.". The Social Demokraten jolnetl with the Vienna A r belter Zeltung and Ldep- zlaer Volks VZeltung in urging an lm mediate Stockholm conference under the auspices of the International Socialist bureau. American Minister Morris waa In formed today that a Bolshevlkl decree prohibits the carrying out of Russia of all antl-Bolshevuu newspapers. Czar May Leave Russia Petroarrad Dec 19, via . London. Dec ERMA C PEACE SCHEME DOOMED Officials Believe - publicity ; Al ready Given Plan .Will Hurt Hun Progress With Russians. Washington, Dec II. I- N. 8.) Ger many's Christmas peace drive, long- ex pected, is new on. dlDlomata bar be lieve.' : - . . -; " -' Availing herself of whatever tempor ary military advantagea she now poa- and relying on the separata peace negotiations with Russia to give tha movement . an added impetus, aha la staging another effort to make a. favor able peace before the strength of Amer ica la thrown in the balance against her. Circulation here of unofficial reports from neutral , sources concerning the character of the terms tha kaiser will offer created widespread., interest In of- floial and diplomatio quarters. At the same time it waa authoritatively stated that these terms have not been laid for mally or Informally before the United States government. Officials Dislike Teae As reported, tha state department found little in them aa basis for nego tiations. The fact that they so patently proposed to settle all accounts at the expense of Russia caused several high officials to question their authenticity Though the propoeale euggested. it was stated, are decidedly favorable to Ger many, publication of them la likely to embarrass seriously the negotiations now In progress between the central powers ftnd Russia. Briefly, they propose to restore Bel gium with money paid by Great Britain for Germany's African colonies; leave the question of Alsace-Lorraine to a vote of the inhabitants 'of these provinces, modify the original aspirations of the Berlin-to-Bagdad scheme at the expense of a German suzerainty over the richest provinces of Russia around theBalt!c and Black Seas, and then leave all the large fundamental questions of future peace to the deliberations of the peace conference. Ifew Cob filet Feared "In other words," aa one high official put It, "the Prussian government, with holding any preliminary assurances aa to disarmament or other matters of vital interest, but seeing- to It that aha ac quires some ot the richest granaries of Europe, would make a peace If those are her terms that would give her splendid opportunities to prepare for another world conflict.' If these are tha derman terms, this official added, they are well worth the surrender, of the Berlln-to-Bagdad scheme. In any event, he indicated, the uau x i auuisuu nj. nun PJot Is Discovered San. Francisco, Das. JL U. P. Flra In an apartment bouse on Waller street today endangered tha Uvea of a dosen Persons and led to the discovery of one of tha most remarkable arson plots In local police history. Louis J. Helblng wa arrested, charged with arson. T- Xa tha basement of the building fire men found that three barrels J" of gaso line had been tipped: over. A candle had been attached to a string, which, whan pulled, would tip over, igniting ax- oalslor, thus communicating the flames to the gasoline. On tha second floor of the building- a similar, device had been arranged.". Helblng waa arrested when the string- was found to run to 'his room. Threa men were slightly injured, i Tha apartment house was partly destroyed. Seattle Membership Grows . Seattle. Dec 2L I. N. R) Fifty- eight thousand, 'nine hundred and six dollars is the sum so far subscribed by Seattle In the national Red Cross mem bership drive. A committee of 1000 started out this morning to clean up tha downtown section or the city. PLAN TO KEEP MINES OPERATING APPROVED BY CARDINAL GIBBONS Writes Fuel Administrator Gar field : Concerning Proposal to -Work. During the Holidays. , . "Washington, Dec II. (J. N. 8.V Cardinal Gibbons Wednesday approved Fuel Administrator Garfield's plan to keep coal mines at work during the Christmas holidays to secure k maximum output of coaL ' , I am pleased to say, that I approve ot your suggestion that tha miners per form their ordinary tasks upon holy daya and holidays until the present crisis Is over." Cardtnal Gibbons wrote in a letter to Dr. Garfield. --It will be of Invaluable service td the country and to humanity if they will work regularly and avoid unnecessary loaa of time, for every ton of coal which they place at the disposal of the country's tndustriee, i contributes la large measure - towards the annr tea of the aaUoa In the UtanUe struggle upon which we have entered. -Towards accomplishing thia lauda ble purpose. 1 would kindly suggest that the public planes "selling iwoikkuh drinks might cooperate with the effort of the government by closing; their bars from t o'clock tn the evening until I o'clock the foUowlnx morning. This surely would sot work any hardship apoa the patroaa. On the contrary, it woum benefit them and give them more time to spend with their famUlea, while at tha same time contribute to their greater efficiency. These are daya of sacrifice and 2 feel confident that our men. In the coal regions will not be loss generous of their beet efforts -than others to the country. Us to tha present they have done splen didly and I have no reason to think that they would alow down tn the leas In their part of national aervtco.' Committeeineii Are Opposed to Meeting Washington, Deo II. (WABHTNO TON BUREAU OF THE JOURNAL.) Edward D. Baldwin, acting chairman of the Oregon Republican state central committee, haa received several repUee to his letters to committeemen asking If they favored his eutnlng special raeet- tag to elect e chairman to succeed Sen ator McXary. RepUet are unanimously against it Baldwin says there will be no meeting until the new committee la elected following the spring primary. 0. 0.D.' Woman Now Working, in Seattle Seattle. VVaah, . Dec .11. O. ?. - Police are searching today for a woman who registered yesterday at ' faaMoai able Seattle hotel aa "Mrs. TQilte," or dered $100 worth ot merchandise sent to her , room C O. D, and asked the de livery' boy to wait until her husband came tn and paid the bilL The boy waited 'bat ae- husband appeared. In vestigation showed the woman had dis appeared with the gooda, It ta believed ' "Mrs. Watte" Is the woman who worked a similar echeme tn PorUand . recently, 'obtaining ' furs, dia monds and other valuable merchandise. COMING SUNDAY GET READY. TO SEE e m ei - i i i i i r . .11 1 I u arly a man who. without PetrogTaa ie ".n- United States and. the allies would re- legal right to make tesU ' 1.-(U. P.)-Former Caar Nicholas land JeJt thenJ. llkely M vnr r aa mumim vi of cows for. tuberculosis, takes tha dace bis family are to be permitted to seek haven in some otner country wan nus- sia. I and the salary of a qualified veterin- ,wjiuu dc i vcu uia ciijr eixtcienuy tior a numoer or years in making the tests for tuberculosis. The whole sub 1 jeot of milk inspection is too vitally re- lated to the lives of the babies in Fort r land to be subjected to political Jug- I rung." ' Ho Right to Jaggle ? i Dr.-Ralph Matson, well known speclal ; -1 1st in the treatment of tuberculosis, 1 said: "A pharmacist cannot test dairy - , 1 cowa for tuberculosis. He cannot prop- 1 erly Interpret the reacUona There is a vital relation between bovine tubercu ' -loala and publio health. There are well j established instances where bovine tu- beroulosls has been transmitted to hu man individuals, particularly children, through the medium of milk taken from tubercular cowa CummlnlniMr Mann haa no right to juggle with the milk 1 inspection division. He has no right J to pay his debts by appointments in 4 that division and the people of this ' city will not tolerate his doing so." f , . More Teterinarianswcaded "The City club or any other body of It waa authoritatively stated today that a decree would be Issued Thursday allowing members of the Imperial fam ily, including- those at Tobolsk to "go abroad" in compliance with their request. This action of the Bolshevlkl Is due to insistence of the Germans in the armistice negotiations. The German negotiators, it was stated, had raised the question of disposition of the former members of royalty, at Brest-Litovsk. The Bolshevlkl leaders asked the opinion of the Grand Dukes Kicholaa Nikolaievltch and Paul Alex androvltch, who suggested that all mem bers of the royal family be allowed to leave. The newspaper Vetchemey Vremla asserted that the kaiser had demanded from the Bolshevlkl plenipotentiaries release of the caar and his family from banishment and that the delegates had declared this matter waa one for de cision by the assembly. One report current in the city today was that the imperial family had ac tually been released. embarrass the Teutonic Russian peace parley. ' It haa' been thought In official quar ters tor the past week that the massing of the large German forces on the west ern front might not be so much proof of a military offensive actually to start. aa part of the stage setting to awe the world into the belief that an uncon querable Germany, waa able to dictate a victorious peace. Big TJ. S. Airplane Factory Is Finished Washington. Deo. Ilv L N. R- The naval aircraft factory at the Philadel phia navyyard haa been completed at a cost ot $1,000,000. Secretary Daniels announced today. Two thousand skilled workers are needed Immediately to put the plant In full operation. Skilled machinists of all kinds are required to make and as semble alrplao parts. Trained wood workers also are urgently needed. If , ") . V & : :: ? . ' . 'V, h , ' H ill xvv . ONE OF THE 5000 FEET MARK TWAIN'S IMMORTAL BOY HERO IN PICTURES AT LAST ' For an Hour and a Half Be a Kid Once More TOMOROW at the -, C O L U.MBI A PEOPLES QUALITY OUR POLICY TONIGHT AND TOMORROW 'SBBeeHHeaMVHMSMHBMWMnBevMSBBMeaeoBMeT VMBpaMMMOwMHsmaaSMMBMw I I I I I I I I I I i i I I-- J,"' l'" 11 -" - X . i-' - 9 . Jewel Production Present The Co-Respondent WITH Elaine Hammerstein AUSO: - CURRENT EVENTS i Your neighbor will teU you about it! It's a 100 per cent show. Hurry if you want to see it. art' -an m a , mm vr-: i 1 r f. . .. . asAMeatSi TTHt WAWHORTwfTH MAClTC.THCSTOriGWT MAN mrnt WORLD - u MACI U 0 1 ?5 The Giant Hero of "CAB1RIA" The European Fairbanks The Strongest Man in ThU World "in THE WARRIOR Not a War Picture, But the Greatest 7-Part Comedy - Dramatic Spectacle. You will LAUGH .WEEP CHEER pEOFLES i-i Beg. Next Sunday ; II II 1 ii - II . J I llll I I I I I I I I I I I I j 1B1!1111!!I1!II11111I1I1 Player 1 Piano J850 050 ExeeHeat Mayer" Tiaae. A tttt BtrlcUy k!fk grade Good BUgkUy Used naae..... Bead Vprigkt raekard Vprigkt MekUa TTf right MekUa Grand Welte Xlgaen ruyer... Excellent - values also In Used Pianos and Playera. , TICT&0LA8 AVD BKC0&DS. r . Terma arranged to pleaae yow. V . Gi F. Johnson Piano Co :; 11? StxtH StreeC Bet." Alder aad Merrlaea. - - : In Can Franclsco- HOTEL V Cesra Street. Jest edlJaton Square, From GlSO a Day BrsaktattdOe lancktOe OtaaertlUM . $m niii KeaktastTae atsaerltA Maakpel car Sue direct to doea. Motor " PuiweetigriaipaltrJseaadihisisTa . uniiiiuiiiuiuuiiiinuuiiiiiuiuiniujiinuiniiiMinuiMuinnuiiuininnuHini; "On Christmas Morn" 1 ' The SWEETEST Message I I of All Will Be the CANDY I Choose From Qur Assortment of Special - - v ."' . " - . HolidaJ Novelty Pack- , ? ages and .Boxes c S ' ' THK E .- CHRISTMAS 5 MDCED! n4 OiW E ' HaUay V EARLY 5 u snxenofa E WSl BeFreekly 5 Falesl far . ; ' TCMA3 : . S ; Deirrery ' 5 rmaog suirk .269-71 Morrison St, Near Fourth People are rapidly learning the difference between "motion - picf ' ture theatres" and mo tion - picture theatres that show Paramount and Artcraft pictures and keep these, two trade-marks . . ... o o jrMaaK Lw,asB1jpeneMgeJ niiiiuiiiiiiniiiiiminiiiiiiiiiinniiiiiiiiiiincinninjninniiniinnnitinMiniiiiii.'s V