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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 22, 1916)
ORDER OF MOOSE IS PLANNING ERECTION OF A NEW . n II I J i A - i IVleetingS Being nelCl tO AM r A m r XAA AAV range ueians Tor $iuu,vuu 'Structure, t lHfiF OWNS LOCATION Tmnrovament of Ground at Hortfcwest Corner of ronrtn, and Taylor -Streets Contemplated. Improvement of tho northwest cor ner of Fourth and Taylor streets by local lodge No. 291 of the Loyal Order of Moose Is reaching definite form. Meetings of th. building committee ar being held from time to time to dis cuss details of the proposed structure. Just how extensive the Improvement and how costly ths building to be erect ed will be determined largely by ths negotiations that may be closed with prospective tenants and the Ideas that the members of the lodge finally agree upon as to the conveniences that tiie lodgerooms themselves should afford. A building to cost $100,000 is being discussed at the present time. The lodge owns 100 feet orr Fourth street and 80 feet fronting on Taylor Street The ground floor will be ar ranged for store purposes, and already i.vira 1 1 1 li fni th anaM. hva hpnn received. Tentative plans and a perspective- have been drawn for a three- tftfv tullrV4nA (ha tmn nnn ..- f Innra nf 'which will be used "exclusively for the purposes of the order. The building committee which has t3i plan under consideration consists of George M. Orton, B. W. Sleeman, .Harry Anderson, A. Shapiro, Dr. Theo dore Fessler,' George R. Punk, Henry E. Reed, C. A. Houghtallng, William Adams, B. E. Youmana and P- L. Proc tor, secretary of the commltee. CKMJfSNT PLANT IS READY I'roduCt of Oswego Will B on Market Soon. Plans for firing the kiln this week, ' at the plant of the Oregon " Portland Cement company's plant at Oswego, .are ueing nwuB, vv ueii una is uone or matting cemeni in worKing oraer. The finished product will then bo placed on the market. The company has a number of trial orders on hand which it will de liver iirst. un account or tne uncer tainty of making deliveries in the be ginning the company has not accepted any large orders or time contracts for Its product. . During the past two weeks the com pany has been Starting- up the differ ent machines, which represent a totali Of 1600 horsepower, . making adjust' ment8, and trying them out. The final operation is the lighting of the kiln. The company has a large force em ployed at the plant and 50 men at CHURCH HOME UNDER WAY ' Now RuiMfag Rises at Webster Avenue and Thirty-third Street. ' . For the use of St. Charles parish 'Of the Roman Catholic diocese of Ore gon, In the Kllllngsworth district, a. : new church borne is being erected at the southeast corner of Webster ave nue and Thirty-third street north. Rev. Father G. Schnelderhorn Is the pastor. The structure calls for concrete basement and foundations with frame superstructure, 40 by 80 feet. The basement will be 10 feet high, to per mit of holding social affairs in it. The auditorium is planned to seat 800 people. It will be heated by steam or hot water. . The plans are being drawn by Houghtallng & Dugan. RESIDENCE" PERMIT ISSUED Mrs. F. E. Thomas to Ruild -Rrlck , RoUdlng Under Way. Mrs. F. E. Thomas, 482 East Fifty third street north, has taken out a permit for the erection of a story and half frame residence at 434 East Fif tieth street north to oost $3250. The Contract has been let to C. A. Stever. Work on ths foundation and basement walls of ths three story brick block to be erected at Eleventh and Bum side streets by I. E. Solomon. th top floor of which will be" used by the Modern Woodmen, was begun today. The tearing down of the wooden structures at the northwest corner of Sixth and Stark street, to make way for the new home of the United States national Danjc was begun on Saturday, Rulldinsr Permits. .jy.- A. Zttnbrlck Repair 1 story dwelling-, 6711 61it t. 8. B., between 57ta and W'h .; builder, tame, $175. tS". A rniMy Rep lr 1 storr frstne dwell- 5,.7..rn1,JlT ;btwn Puik Huchsnin Stf.; builder, F. Gilliam. $160. Nellie M. Tborn Erart 1 afnrv fnma ;se. 746 Montgotnery drlTt, near rat ton road; builder, uu, fjoo. ' r-Jt- W. Shrpa Knct 1 story frame sr. re. T1JE. 2Cth st. N., twtwrea remont aod tUgents drive; ballder. same, $160. Portland Terminal Invest - rv Rn.i story ordinary warhone, 74 IrTlng t., eor- $160- oonaer, . tarrlngton. Moe IL Thomas Erect 1U utory frurae dwcllintr, 434 K. "62d it. N.. between Hau eek and Ttllamoott ata.: bnll.lpr r a Ht., V$250, i waiter Zimmerman Erect 1 story frme :!7wi i ... . Vl?im. "J-o11 k. J?oih Leone K. Johnson Rjna(r 1 fi-.m dwelling. 62 B. 8i.t at. N., between Rl tiyoo and Klickitat t.; bnllder. ama ioo. - Ancient Order of Hlbernlana 1 .tn,. flrdinary hall. 840 Ruanell at., between Cnini ana Koaney area,; nuuaer, if. J. Born. 67.1. . A. strong lie pair 1 atory frame dwelling. 860 Cargo t, between Union and Bodner a-.; builder, A. B. Walker. $300. Win. Duncan Erect 1 atory frama garage, 630 K. BOth at. N., between Stanton and St. klyou trts.; builder, W. J. Dnnlap Jr., $180. I. s. Holomoo Oonatrset fonndatlon for 8 atorr ordinary prlntln ataoo and loda hall. 10 N. lltb at., between fitark and Pnrn.iria lit.; builder. Lock k Danserfleld. 610OO. ' Northweat Steel Co, Oonstract footlagi for eztenilon of abon foot of Sheridan at., between nivoar ana n nil lamatt river; bnllder, same, Northwmit Steel Oo. OtMiatrnrt footlnir. tor I blaekaiiiltli aW, foot of fiherldan St., between aiooay ana 'Willamette river: builder. a me. '- .Tteal Eatato Transfers. C. E. Thomas to Noah Thomas. XL 9. B. 2, Clemson add .6 10 1 10 1 600 IJ. M. Artnnr tt Co. to Edward A. King. u. a, o. o, sruiDi aaa. to jsait fort land Burton Brown to K. tt Clifford. L. 1, . B. 88, tract "A," Council Crest Park ltue D. Bild to Mary J. B. Freeman .1 6, , B. 4. Midway . Mary J. K. rreetnaa te Blanche Steps- eoeoo, u 6, o, J. 4, Town of Midway .Belgian Destroys German Aeroplane H Romsr May . JJ. , (L N. 8.) - Tb Belgian official report yesterday says that a Belgian aviator brought down a German aeroplne. j Ths machine fell into ths sea. :v ' .: BUILDING Frisco Submits New Organization Plan' Voting Tract to SCansgs Affairs of Company for Z1t Tsars Again 2Pro poted, Jefferson City, - Mo., May 22. U P.) The second plan for a reorgani zation of the.Bt. Louis A San Fran cisco Railroad company has been sub mitted to the state public servloe com m'ttea to tne state public servloe com mission and a hearing upon lta par tIculrs w,n lven here MaT 31- In one Important particular It Is similar to the old plan rejected by the commission, in that It provides for a voting trust to manage the affairs of the reorganized company for a periods of five years, and gives, this trust ahaolute control over the property. The Dlan largely on this account. ! It was contended that it wouldr be in violation i$f the constitution of Mlssourl to grant such -authority, as tuat Instrument expressly nrohibits ' i lie creditors taking control of a rail- way from the stockholders. The amount of proposed new capital i reduced from $319,000,000 proposed In the old plan to $249,618,318 with a I provision tnai aaaiuonai securities , may be issued on authority granted by the commission. TRAIN CRASHES INTO AUTO CARRYING BAND BOYS, KILLING THRE One Other Member of a San Francisco Boys' Associa tion Is Expected to Die. San Francisco, May 22. (P. N. S.) Three boys, members of the Columbia Park Boys' club of San Francisco, were killed Sunday and two others were injured, one probably fatally, when the machine In which they were returning to San Francisco was struck by the Sunset limited at the Southern Paclfij crossing near Redwood City. The machine was ground to pieces I and the boys were thrown In all dl- rectlons. The three were killed ln- tstantly. Tho dead are: Milton Brown, San Francisco; Harold Hook and William The Injured: Julius Do Bare, skull ' fractured, right eye torn out; Andrew Pierce, slightly hurt. The accident occurred at the Welles ley park crossing on tho outskirts of town. The crossing is a bad one. The" road Is 'torn up and the trim sharp. The machine was not going fast but for some reason that has not been explained, the driver did not Bee that the gates were down for the approach ing trains. The watchman at the crossing had ust lowered the gates when the ma- chine came around the curve and crashed through the gates directly on the track. The engine struck the automobile load a second later. There was no time for warning or turning- back. Aeced Man Cast His First Vote for Polk California Claims Prestige of Having Oldwt Voter in Country; Kan Was ' Born in 1820. Redding. Cal.. May 22. While Vari- ous towns of lie state are claiming tho "oldest voter," no one has yet come up rz1 Reding3 to the record now Charles Wells, patient in the county W 111 VI. J hospital for five years, and resident of j Shasta county for 20 years, was born in 182.0. He states he cast his first vote for a president for Polk in 1844. 'Wells studied law under Lincoln, and was elected Judge In Omaha In the early '60s. AH other alleged "oldest voters" are "young ones" compared to Wells. Judge Champion Driver Is Now French Aviator Paris. Mav 22. (I. N. S.) Georee Bolllot, the 9hamplon automobile rac-1 lng driver, is now second lieutenant In the aviation corps. News reached here today of an aerial battle in which, slnsle handed, ne fought five German aeroplanes. He was forced to alight, wounded, behind the German lines. War Curios Good Sellers. London, May 22. (I. N. S.) Fash ionable west end shops are doing big business In mounted war trophies. Shell-cases are mounted as dinner gongs. They also serve as supporters for table lamps and a single one may be used as a flower stand. Then you see shell heads used as a letter weight, or match stand, while the base is readily converted into, an Inkstand. Mauser cartridges are "also mounted as letter holders. A particularly ingen ious novelty is a grenade fitted with a brace of candlesticks and a match holder between them. These souven irs cost from $2.50 to $50. Mlsslnjr Rronze Group Found. Dubuque, Iowa, May 22. (U. P.) After a search of 70 years, a bronze group by Francisco Girardln, "The Rape the property of Mrs Oliver P. Shlras. widow of the late Federal Judge Shl ras, one whose relatives brought It from Francs years ago. Ths Metropolitan Art Museum of New York Is after it, and also the French government, but It will not be sold until appraised by experts. Meet for First Time. Danville, 111., May 22. Mrs. Josie O'Neill of Crawfordsville, Ind., ans Mrs. T. W. McCoy of this city, me. for the first time In their lives, al though they are half-sisters and-have lived within 40 miles of each other for 50 years. Will Commercialize Battlegrounds. Paris. May 22. (I. N. S.) , Paris financiers are perfecting a plan to "corner" ths battlefields of the west at the end of the war" and making their fortune out of charges to -tour lets for permission to inspect tb.e scenes of big fights. Denies German Assertion. . LondAi, May z2 (L K.-S.) Replying to German claims . that' the kaiser now has over 100 Zeppelins at his disposal. Lord Montagu of Beaulled today said Germany, has-- only? 6. airshlps.of which 80 are available for attacks on England, ' -i-w:-- -f PROSECUTION HOLDS LETTER ORPET Gave It to Friend to Mai on Wednesday, Though He Wrote It Day Before, Waukegan, 111, May 22. (L N. S.) State's Attorney Dady has In bis pos- session the letter William Orpit had a frtena mall to Marian Lambert from W1. ., t,. .,.. ,,, thn 1 Madison, Wis., at the hour he kept the . fatal trjet with her In Helms woods. ! This note, which contained only news f 8i interest as from a boy to a ? ' girl friend, will be produced at the trial to show that Orpet framed an alibi not -iv to keeo the knowldire of his visit to Lake Forestfrom nts par ents, but the prosecuting attorneys will contend, to deceive the girl's parents and the authorities. Orpet win have to explain to the satisfaction of the farmer Jury why he had a letter mailed to Marian at the time he was with her. Sated Letters Ahead. "Orpet wrote a letter to his fathe' and one to Miss Lambert on Monday night, February 7," Mr. Dady said to day. "He put the date of Tuesday, the eighth, on ech of them, and asked his college chum. Otto Peterson, to mail them Wednesday morning. "If, as he says, his only -purpose In keeping the appointment with the girl was to tell her he no longer wished to have anything Xp do with her, why did he take such geat care in having that letter mailed at the very time ne was with her?" It also will be shown that he rumpled the bed covers in his room In Madison, to make It appear he slept there Tues day night, February 8, the night he later admlttedhe spent In Lake Forest. State to Zm 100 Witnesses., The prosecution will present a mass of other evidence and the testimony of nearly 100 witnesses to show that this carefully arranged alibi was. part of the plot by the university student to rid himself of Miss Lambert. Attorneys for both sides expressed the opinion today that the remaining eight Jurors to try Orpet will be ob tained before the week ends. Win 1 1 Rpi ryyi tqcj "KTfk1"0 1TJ.C11X kJUlZiLLL Oo IIULCJ Ready to Be Cabled Protest Against Blockade Xs -Jropped In Order to Add Pores to Argument On Question of Malls. Washington, May 22. (L N. 8.) The note of protest against Interfer ence by the allies with United States mails will be forwarded to Ambassador Page Tuesday or Wednesday. It will L-be held for cabinet consideration be fore it Is cabled to London. It was learned today that the protest which was prepared last week and was ready to go Tuesday has been material- ly revised. The original Intention was ! iack" aains 'inference "with the "ture 18 dro"ed In , In explanation of this it was'pointed out in official circles today that the argument would lose force il ! it were i not confined to a question to which j tjiere could be practically no answer ; but a surrender. Housekeeper Seeks . atl W I fortion oi Lstate ; Los AnKeles, Cal., May 22. (P. N. S.) Litigation threatened today 'n the settling of the estate of Lester B. French, Los Angeles and Pasadena capitalist. Mrs. R. Noble of San Fran cisco, sister of the deceased, and her ' daughter, Mrs. Ida M. Glenier, a.' so of San Francisco, are said to have denied that French was engaged tj marry be fore he died. Miss Sylvia Ekberg, French's house keeper, who shortly after her employ er's death announced that she was to have married him, has retained attor neys, she declared today. Carnegie Medals to i Verona Boy Scouts Youngsters Performed Acta of Hero ism Sarins; Austrian . Air Kaid on City of Verona Zast aTovsmbex. Rome. May 22. (I. N. S.) Medals have been awarded to two Boy Scouts . . commission for acts of heroism dur- lng an Austrian air raid on that city November last, it Is officially stated today. Action was taken at a meeting in this city last night. Pharmaceutical League Meets. V 1 ZZK ' The American Medico-Pharmaceutical lanfnl will linlfl lta nln.tAanfh annifol .i 'Z r,.i.r ' i ' J,, " u SENT GIRLTHROUGH FRIEND " -"" o 4 c, r luley s txra, Montgomery at bth. United States will attend. Ths address Friends- Invited. Bcrvleee at the grave prWate. of welcome will be delivered by Dr. riTCH May 22, at the residence, 4210 SU Enoch Mather of Mount Clemens, Mich. ty-thtrd street S. E.. Catherine Fitch, "Pharmai-v and tho T aw" nnd "Thr. "C1 68 yr widow of Uie late George W. tarmacy ana tne Law and Phar- an moth ot h,,, rred 'ji, macy In 1916-16 will be the topics of ana .a ntcli, and Mr. Jesse Swain. Ke- discusslon. A number of Important pa- mains at Dunning fc McKntee'a parlor. Notice pers will be read by prominent medical meiu Police Say Poker Was Game. flnwos n f TV aaaf o rA DatvAlman XI a w 0 . . .. .. . lter ana Davis climbed to ths roof or n Artlnlnlnfr hiilldina- an1 nw Vialf an k . . 7r.".;. tators of a coker earn In the rear " " - - - - k - - e ih. Ohnwh nnnl holl a E11U Wll. V4 Wil- Hams avenue, early yesterday mom, i v. i .i chnre-aa with conducting the B-ame and charged witn conaucting tne game ana Thomas Jones. A. Bloke and Joe Hart were arrested as players, uaras ana chips were seised as evidence. Thei defendants will be tried in ths muni' cipal court Wednesday. Beantlfnl adnlt ptoss or broadcloth eaaket. Ktialmlng, outside boa. aearaav two antoa ana aerriers ror.. .......... FnneraU If desired for $20. $40, $60. Higher priced fnnir ala ia proportion. We artMofaetTjr eeaketa. ' Lady eaaiatant. fieanUfnlfuneral ebapeb ""-"4 FUNERALS M1LLHK tx TKACEY ; independent Fnncral Dtreetora, ' Waantngton at EUa SUtbet. 20th asd Sfsf) West Sldef - ; ;. . Mala 2091. A-TS83. . - :. , ' . , --.i v. : . Alleged Anarchist Plots Disclosed Donald Toss aOserve. "Witness la Cap ias Trial la Jbos Angeles, JJeolares j Kocxerelier was aaarxea. Seattle, Wash.. May 22. (U. P.) In a statement Issued hers by Donald Vose Meserve, employed by a detective agency and a witness In the David Caplan and Matthew Schmidt trials at Los Angeles in connection with the Times explosion, new disclosures of aN leged anarchist plots were made today. These included a plot to .kill John D. Rockefeller by dropping a bomb from an aeroplane on -his home at Tarrytown and another to blow up ths Tombs prison at New Tork. He also gave new llghf on the Csolgos assassi ns lion of President McKlnley. and as serted that It was the same anarchist roup . cn piacea ins oomo tnat caused $200,000 damage to ths St. Pat- rick.B cathedral In New York in 1914, and another bomb which wrecked the Bronx courthouse. NEW TODAY EDWARD HOLMAN CO. SSTABItlZEO 187T. RELIABLE UNDERTAKERS ABB FUNERAL DIRECTORS LADY ASSISTANT . -TKZKO AJTS SAXJCOB 8TKXSTS. BXAXir 807. A-1B11. 6 Choice Jboans or 10,000 and VP On Improved Bnslntss Property (ox fox Improvement Purposes). 3. P. UPSOOMB. 843 Stark Stress. MORTGAGE LOANS $300 Upwards at 6-7-8 Oregon Investment li Mortgage Oo. Offices 302-4. 170 3d St. FARM LOANS Mortgage Company for America Boom 22. Alnsworth Bid. Phone Main en 41 Portland. Or. Fearey Brothers, Inc. COLLECTORS 806 Defcna Bids' .t Portland. Or. Ctty and Fans Ft-asai-Mas la Any Aiaeuat at Carraat aattta. Hartmaa tt Xaomeaan. Uaaaar. Cerof-r of . eunn n Stark t- AUCTION SALES TOMORROW AT the Baker Auction House, 166-168 Park St.. furniture, cut Jfla5" 'y Bale at 10 a. m. At the LIJJ kj. xn- anjl Pine ets. Sale will be continued at i:u p. tn. tloneers. Geo. Baker & Co, auc- MEETING NOTICES 41 CANTON Portland, No. 1, P. M.. I. O. O. F. All chevaliers are requested to meet at the East Side Undertaking iiki tun, ijaai diai.ii tuiu aiqc. bla., Wednesday, May 24, at 1:45 p. m.. In full drees uniform, to attend the fu neral of Chevalier L. G. Re y nolo a. F. P. H. MILLS. R. OSVOLD. Captain. Clerk. MOUNT HOOD LODGE, No.KUkuit oungaiow - use completed; 157, A F. & A. M. Stated 850 East 67th north; o large rooms; communication tomorrow2800 Want lot in Portland or Ore (Tuesday) evening at 8; an City, or light auto as part pay examination of Master Ma- nient- X-539, Journal . sons will be held. Viators welcome. Order W. M. -ED C DICK Sec. EMBLEM jewelry a specialty, buttons, pins, charms. Jaeger Bros.. 131-8 6th. BUSINESS CARDS IA n Cr.:U X. Pa wedding ana ing cards. Third floor Morgan Bldg. Lii-cp-sa suits sold or rented, low prices, latest styles, sll sizes; we buy dress suits. Bare'Vs Misfit Cloth Store. 61 3d. DRKSS suits for rent, ail vises, unique Tailoring Co., 309 Stark st. Vital Statistic jnarriages.Blrtbs. Iteatbs. DEATHS AND FUNERALS 75 uvtlivti lu this city. Ma; 21, at the family realdence, 22 Eaat Sixtieth at., Emily F. Dwler, aged 72 years 6 man t ha and 21 days. Wife of T. E. Dwler and mother of Miss E. B. Dwler, Charles W. of Cottage Grove, Or.; ! Thoa. B. Dwler of Vascoaver, Wash.; George I f a fS Mala. altal Aa.1 n aj Aa TJ..IaB " aiater of Mrs. J. B. OougiU of Albany. Or! ; The funeral service will be ?eilL " 'laDor M. a, caorca at ii a. in. tomorrow (Tuesday ), May 23. Friends Invited. Inter ment Ixme fir cemetery. UN HOUTEN At Shoemaker, N. M.. May 16. Bffle J. Van Houten belored wife of J r. Van Houten. daughter of the late CartwrlgUt aDd Mra. W. H. Moaer of Port- Urnd and mother of M. A;' and Richard C. Van ttouten of KhoemAkar. V. M 'rh. fn- neral aerTlces will be held Tuedav. Mar 23. at .2:80 p. m., at the residence establishment orranerai later j 6FETTH May 20. Mlaa OdfeUa Florence Speth, aaea 10 years 11 montna aara. uue bad made her borne for tne paat year with tbe family of Frank L. Smitli of SmltbsAlre, Scap. poose. Or. Bemaias are at Holman's funeral - atnnonnenment of fnnf.r.1 I. fi fa . . ... . . M,, la ' . OVKBXilA In this city. May 19. at 655 ttaat : SeTenteentH. Mra, Catherine Orerlm. aged 65 i years, rnenas mviiea to actena ranarai mtt. ia whwi win tut wow at Haimn't fmum! I ttarlnra at 110 a. Tn . tnmnmnv f TnaaHavl I parlora. at 10:30 a. m.. tomorrow (Tuesday). i May 23. interment Kiverriew cemetery. uKivKHin Tina nrr aibw vi mr ni. i.ta ! residence, 853 B. 12tb St. N., Benjamin V. ( WeTer hu.baod of Liixle Weaver and father . of Mra. C. L. Boss. Notlca of funeral here- i after. LEARktONTH In this city. May 21. Jamea Leansontli, aged 68 yeara. The remalna are at the residence establishment of J. P. FlnKy tt Bon. 'Montgomery at 6th. MAK'ilN. fc cu. florists. ! Wash. Main 269. A-1.69. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. CLAluUif ditOa.. uorisis. x2 Morrisoa . Kt. Main or A-1806. Fine flowers sod floral designs. No brancn stores. TONSiaXii FLORAL CO., 66 Wasn net. tn ana fn, Main tie;, a-ijsz. Glisan st. Mar. 4 3 ? it. A-1484. MAIM . 6116; wreaths, pillows. $$ up. Sprays $1 up. Chappells.347 Morrison Max , M. tiMITH. ftorist. 141V tn .u - . FUNERAL DIRECTORS liamiltuii neral services. Tabor-4S1I. OtCACQ undertaking Co. Main 4161 OlLVrOA-232L Cor. $d and Clay. I FUNERAL DIRECTORS ( Oon tinned) - Years of Experience Knables Tnlsyirirm xo Give YOU , - Perfect Service This modern establishment, with tie conveniences, includ ing a secluded "driveway. In sures abauiuie privacy, caus. lag In no way departure trum an stabushed policy of moderate prices. lutprinca wmnaa Attendant. j. P. Rnley & Son Ths Progressive FUNERAL DliUCCTORS. Montgomery at Fifth. M-jdn . A-tS9. Undertaker, tiast llui and Haw thorne. E. 7 81, H-183S. Lady awslstant. F. S. Dunning; inc. East Side -Funeral Directors, 414 R. Alder St. Phone East 62. B-2MS. Dunning St McEnteeMTdrn8? every 'detail. Broadway and Pine eta. Mroadway u, a-j. J-Jtay tuwwi. Jk. LI. nJbNVVUUllllI CO. Two Kstablifchments. Tabor 6267; 6802 Kid sU Lents. Tabor 685: 6th st. and Foster roao.. Armtii. viir.i.KR. A. TRACEY. independent ru neral directors, trices ww as tin itiO. Wash, at Ella. AL Z6l. A-788. Waller C. Ken worthy 1B?2-1534 K, 13th. Sellwood-1. B-11H. , R. Zellar CO.&V idy attendant. Uay and nignt werviee. 1CS5 Belmont at 84t'i l,adv a Men-Jan t. run v i ii Bieiuciscn. uiNu. i'ni LnlUoU.'.M. 6133 A-22SR 44S Morr RT pwrnoc Williams tind t I oyrnes East me. c-isTs. MONXMEXT8 PORTLAND MARBLE WK&, 264-266 4th bU opp. city ball. Main 6664 Fbliin Ven A Sons, for memorials REACH PROPERTY 48 I HAVE a client who desires to ell or exchange two. fine cottages at Sea side. Or. Phone Main 7776. FOR SALE "Fine beach lot. 50xl0 ft Ocean Park. Wash. Owner. 141 E. 84th st.. city. FOR SALE HOUSES 61 HERE is a chance to eet a home from the owner at the right price and or. terms that will meet your condi tions. Six room bouse, near 34th and Haw thorne. Seven room house In Rose City Park ion 4 2d street, near the car. t Six room house. Rose City Park, on 52d et. i Six room modern bungalow, near 23d and Brazee street, Irvington. I Four room house and large lot at ! Kendall station, on the electric line. These are all nice homes and ca- " lions and l am going to sen mem Will make the right price with small ray men t down and reasonable month y payment to ths right parties. If Lyou want a home, phone me. John S. , Beall. Woodlawn 3171. MADRONA fiHSLL 1 New 6 room, 14 story bungalow. wall Kullt with nil madam nfinvpn iences built In, fine view over Willam ette river. Price $2600; terms. Mar shall 3513. OWNER ON HOMESTEAD. Must sell 7 room house, modern, full basement, laundry trays, piped for furnace, corner lot, 65x100, sidewalks, farage. 1 block from car. Price $2100, 300 cash, or auto for equity. Phone Tabor 248S. OUR home furnished; 6 rooms, lot uOx 100; fruit trees, berries, etc.; 3 blocks from Sunnyside car, near Iaurelhurst park. Price reasonable. Phone morn lngs. Tabor 790. No agents. EQUITY in nice modern 6 room bun galow, for sale, cheap. Will take several hundred dollars worth of car penter work in part payment. E-944, Journal. TURN a burden into income, build on your vacant lot. I build and finance. Plans free. N. O. Ecklund, contracting architect, 313Hcnry bldg. Main 6812. FOR sale or rent: 7 room house, besc bargain in city, also. fine auto hous-e for sale. Call evenings. S59 E. 34th N. 7-567, Journal. BUY direct from owner, nice 6 room home, furnished. If you want a bar. gain see this. My price is right. 373 E. 44th st, near Harrison. WILL sacrifice modern home to cloaj estate. Inquire 4S7 E. 33d tt., cor- ner Division St. GOING eaat; no reasonable offer re fused; modern b-room bungalow. E Madison at 4 2d. Tab. 6025. A MODERN, cozy, 6 room bungalow; must be sold; owner moving east. 874 Clackamas. SMALL house, full lot, fruit, chickens, furniture: snap. Terms. S. J. Secor, attorney, 614 Chamber Commerce. 6-room bungalow, will Arleta district. sacrifice for $1150 Call Woodlawn 40. , $1100 equity in $2000 5-room cottage! corner lot. 60x100, for $700. 1328 E.- Stark. Phone Tabor 6183. GOOD 6-room house near Union ave cheap; easy terms. Owner, Wood- lawn 1905. FOR SALE 5 or 6 room modern homes on easy terms. Owner. 91S E 18th st. N. Woodlawn 4196 NEW, modem S hurst -bargain. East 2725 Owner. MUST sell at once, new 5 room bun galow. Telephone Sellwood 1928. FOR SALi: LOTS 10 ltO FT. square with alley, improved" sidewalks and a few fruit trees; cor ner lot; god business and residence district: located in walnut rarit, block from Williams ave. car. Wru sell this lot at a bargain for cash, or will take good acres. Write 401 E. 50th st. N., or phone Tabor 5805. Mrs G- C. Etchison ; FOR SALE, two "choice lots, 60x189 ' v. i ,..Hfi ... ai.Mni each in beautiful res. district of White Salmon, Wash. Very reason- . able. For, quick sale. All kinds of frUit On ttKi ruU -JL1??8 e, V,?1'.0 t . - 200 BEAUTIFTTL lots in Miiwaukie; 6c car fare; light, gas and water; $20 cash and $10 per month. H. G. Stark weather, Rlsley station. Phone Oak Grove 1-X. 60x100 LOT near- Hawthorne ave., st. Javed, sewer in, all assessments d. Small house on property. Will rent for $5 per mo. Price only $850. N. r I. f arnswortn zv ivt uan st. EASY TE'RMS ON Vl. 54 and 4 tracts. 6-cent fare Sightly. Bull Run water, no city . taxes. R. W. Cary, 311 Panama aiqg. LARGE, beautiful view home site. west siae, onty is minutes- rue. cent fare, for S3a0, $10 down and $5 per montn. M. k. iee. ago corbett bid OWNER leaving city must sell i lots, three blocks Mt, Tabor car. Sell- wood 1038. WILSONVILLE lot 6rl26H ft. -blocks from , depot. $126. . S-982, Journal. - v, A GREAT bargain, 170 lots, at Coos pay, uwner, . gjaat jo i a 9 ALAMEDA PARK. cor. 65x100, $550 1 100x100, $925. , Owner, East JJ856.; 57 Buy an Acreage Home Have city conveniences, such as mountain water piped Into your bouse, electric lights, etc., and country benefits; rich solL fine community. 30 minutes out by Big Red Steel Trains. Low f rices, easy payments. Any slss ract. Let us show you. The Shaw-Fear Co. 102 4th st 4 ACRE ORCHARD t0 7 minutes' walk from Sewall Station. Oregon Electric, 1 miles this-side of Hulsboro, orchard 6 years old, assorted berries between rows,' 1200 down, bal ance to suit. Biggest snap fh Oregon. Fred W. German Co.. 738 Cham, of Com. Gibson Half Acres Good solL city water. . close to car line easy terms; will build to suit Pur chaser. Phone Marshall 1635 or Sell wood 4T6 John H" Gibson, owner. K A rX P4 t U U nuul oil all cleared and fence'd; 'good location, i Up-to-date clothing, phonograph or piano in part payment, or will sell cheap for eash. F-693. Journal. CHlCKJiN. FRUIT QARDUN rancnes near Portland. 3. 6. 10 acre tracts. best soil, good roads, near electric, $6i to 8ZU0 por acre, eas land sow xeon oiag.. FOR SALE by owner bouse, lawn, roses, well, young bear lng orchard, berries, garden in. F. Paters, Metzger, ur. FOR SALE M acre and house, near 2 6c carlines. Garden all in. Doultry also, furniture, olear deed, price $1263 casn. N-74S, Journal. ACRE tracts on canine, near city, paved road; 16 cash. $6 per month. 6 int. Owner. 617 Cnambir of Com. BARGAIN: 10 acres new 6 room house." outbuildings, close in. lloiniberg, 890 Ross st. SUBURBAN HOMES 79 IVi ACRES river front homesito, west side. Main 5910. FOR SilJLE FARMS BUT FIVE ACRES and plant part in atidreffr'ruKl S? for rSin! We nave cltired Much VnA i.X n f"?,-.boA i?? .on.' and nrlnsa: a-ood roads: iRiDlnftnint: schools. Five acres with house, $26 down, $10 month; unimproved lands at less. Let us show you. J. R. Charp, 83 V4 3d St., room6t7, Portland, Or. HOMESEEKERS. mil AAA eaOVOB of In V es.s 9 vs. ivit ass to onu in 1 Montana. $8 to $25 an acre. 20 to 25 per cent down, balance to suit, 6 per cent. Now is your chance to get goo land cheap. Excursions twice a month at reduced rates. Money for R. R. fare and berth refunded by applying it to the first payment on the land. For further information see Herman Peper, 642 Williams ave. FOR SALE, or trade by owner, at a bargain, 90 acres in KJicKitat Co., near Lyle, with 6 acres of bearing or chard in high class condition, fair im provements plenty of good water, ex cellent iruit, Derry ana airaiia country in a good neighborhood. Fine view of ML Hood and Mt Adams. Will make price and terms right. John fa. Beall, owner, woodlawn 3171. EIGHT acre farm, well improved. 690 feet from highway, near rigara, rest soil in the state. Will consider vacant lot as part first payment, balance tasyA terms, low rate interest, sieittn, iu Wilcox bldg. Main 3517. CHEAP wheat land. Country irnpidly sattlinz ud. Get. in before prices ad vance. Wish to deal with settlers only. Eltopla State bank, Eltopia. Wash. FOR SALE CHEAP My beautiful home blace. two miles out from Van couver. Mrs. G. W. Louden. Route 2, Vancouver, Wash. Phone 31 F 4. TIMBER 28 TWO M sec yellow fir timber, cruise 15,000.000 ft.. Skamania Co., Wash. iv-oop, journal EXCHANGE: REAL ESTATE 24 WANTED Suburban Drooertv adja cent to Portland or Oreeon city, for 40 acre farm adjacent to Eugene. Land all under cultivation, new set of im provements. Good terms on any dif- rerence. Sam Kugn Kealty Co., 22 8th ave. E., Eugene, vjt. 383 ACRES grain, frirrt. or dairy farm. - 4 miles from Albany; spring water piped to buildings; want smaller farm, cash, income In Salem or Portland good terms on balance. Give particu lars in first letter. No agents. R. F. D. 2, Bdgt 135, Albany, Or. FOR SALE or exchange, acreage im proved and unimproved, near city and cars. Consider good city property as part, or would assume on good farm. Owner. No agents. T-765, Jour nal. A SPLENDID buy For sale or trade. 25 M. saw mill In the famous south centra pine belt of southern OeKon, 10 years' clip in sight. Terms on part. What have you? D-S81. Journal. TO TRADE $1650 hme for acreage, Inquire Kimball's Store. 65th SVC and 72nd st. S. E.; Mt. Scott car to Tremont Sta. then 5 blocks S. to 65th ave. 9 1. ArT?lVv2 all . i ni noa !fv limits. 10c rare, b room nouse. prlca $2500; will take clear city lots for part. Call 605 Stock Exchange bldg Main 6765. STORE building and residence on same lot ror lana. 6-room cottage for nnlmprovel land. Portland property for business. KWF.N, 812 Panama bldg SEVEN room modern house, garage and fruit trees or 1 business lot and eash for house In Sellwood district. Woodlawn 2583. WILL exchange vacant lots for good furniture, also good 6 hole wood and coal range for gas. Address Peterson. 430 Salmon st. 40 ACRES 1V4 miles to railroad. Crook Co.; house, barn and Irrigation. What have you? 961 E. 28th st. N. Wood lawn 2583, OWNER will take lot or smaller house as first payment on modern 6 room house with sleeping porch, corner lot. Balance easy terms. 651 E. Ankeny st. GOOD city property to exchange -for acreage, or farms to $5000. N. L . . ''j " GROCERS Have srood city property Mf C.rfwnt?he1Td0.tgr0Cer,y- N. I. Farnsworth, 26. H Oak st. 1CA ifJUO A mil. a I.,lnFtAii ,$3000 for house and lot or irrigated rtnnd U-698. Journal. iCXCHANGB $1000 equity in house' at St. Johns lor anyimng i can use. What have you7 East 4622. acres SEATTLE lots exchange for Portland. Tabor 6136. WANTED Close in poultry ranch for gooa iano. r;-n4o, jom-rat WILL trade a good business for Ford car. Owner, 878 Powell. Sellwd. 2587. WANT hotel or apartment house for property. Z40 park st. FREE and clear lots tor house equities. MillerBhlp, 431 Cham, of Com. WANTED REAL ESTATE WHO has modern "4 or 5-room house and lot for $1000 cash? Address Apt. No. fi. 1293Vi Belmont St.. - WANTED 5 room bungalow, will givo close in acreage in payment. ,L-3-. Journal. - WE WILL SELL OR LOAN MONEY ON YOUR LOT. J. C. rOBWN CO.. LKWIS nLtvx.' WANTED 50x100 lot between Everett and Clay, near 13th st, suitable ton churcn. ' K-527,' Journal. NEAT modern home, $950 cash. Mt,- Bcott car.- owners. 1948. jou rnal . WANT;prop-rty; in Bayocean, Or. U .71. JonrwaL,- ACREAGE WAXTED-REAL ESTATE 31 (Oon tinned) WANTED i or 6 room house in city. Will in atnhinn 10 ir.rH about. 14 miles south on Oregon Electric line.! I Value $3000. Blanchard & Clemson, 702-3 Selling told g. , V ' ? 1 ' ROOMING HOUSES 53 FOR BALE Rooming house, 17 rooms, brtck building rooms newiy paimea. mostly outside rooms, partly fur-1 .ivl omin Fries ss.oo. j Rent $20. Only exclusij PPai'VIifiS-. A- " V9 ara 11.. wcminimmi, a phaiij tn an4 9 ROOMS, furniture for sale, clean and wTerdo'nT caunfes".8 Vou'ha'vTmoSeV and mean business. 11 iNonn tn si... corner of Oak. vno al. nr rant- Wii ml ihl rmmlni! 1 house, z rooms, centrally located ou main business street. Astoria. Or. li. H. Welch, Astoria. Or. BY owner. 18 rooms furnished housekeeping, cash and terms. for 40 Jefferson st., near ntn lOR SALU or Trade 28 room apt. house for city property. Will assume or nay the difference. L-00. Journal. BY owner. 14 housekeeping rooms. close 1n. Marshall 2694. RU8INESS OPPORTUNITIES SO BAKERY for sale, in a good valley town or 1 UUU, a gooa location ana a Ital. Call or address Jerry P. Shea. Jit. Angel. Or. i FOR SALE Restaurant and lunch counter doing good business, at less than cost Neat, clean place. Living rooms in rear. Rent $20. Price about $200. Death in family. Parties going east. Address or call S. D. Sprague. Castlerock, Wash. HllTK 15 rooms and lots tor sale, i price $1600; 1500 down, balance on time All furnished. A goou cnance for noma. one. Will rent hv the rent -er buying the furniture, $300 and $15 per month r.ent. Only hotel in town. A. J. McCann. Dayton. Or. CONFECTIONERY. Ice cream uarlor. ritrnr tob& inaaasine and reri- ntlifnl alnrn all rash business, estab- y terms, xorarvl , h. nttl nool. shower bntha. fmnhim. -. i -.v a 1 Taunt to tro aaat: tuat the tin wr tit TTVTTS u,..wi rf,r..aln. 1 acre, fenced. I ri. . nnA Hair. tth iittia ran. J i. ..... ..r..!.!. I ' '..-W AW, ah V ...... . JIin.ll ciruuiniB IUK VflllV. 17llshed 8 years; transfer point, for le by owrrer. soma terms; no 1Taa 111 15 oaa r" n Interest in on. of ths best businesses in the State; wanted a man who could devote his entire time: for further particulars Y-664, Journal MAKE your vacation pay. We have complete line for automobile own ers going to country; you can make 100. Commercial Brokerage Co.. 463 Hawthorne ave. CIDER, ICKlJ KRUIT DRINKS and BUTTERMILK. Space to let, ideal for above or other purposes: market blocK, lamhlll at. ' . a a t 1 Apply L-927, Journal. WOOD yard, best location In Pot Hand, big district, $1000 will handle. K- 66!, Journal. PACIFIC BAKERY for rent, fully equipped. 340 Front t. Low rent. Near auditorium. lr(rhfrh BUSINESS CARDS. tO) lU l) Ro" C1ty Printing Co.. yy Third at., cor Taylor. OLD established cleaning and pressing business; tailoring in connection; sacrifice. L-951. Journal. FINE stamps, hinges, albums, etc.. 8 a. m.-ti p. m. Columbia stamp Jo 94 North 16th st Main 7680. GEN. MDSB. store in farming dlst., P O. in store 'only store). Good business, about $3800. $2000 will handle. N-767. Journal. ness with small amount required, " ..""riV w.rtnn ".-.L ,j riVuV' All'-A 1 ninivr. i, us kuihs y Miuern, .nl.miirl dm v 1 y v a m hill RESTAURANT doing good business, cheap. 462 Glisan Business oproirruNiTiES WANTED AS MERCHANDISE WANTED Improved wheat lands, close ty good town, or timber to trade for merchan dise, from $1000 to $10,000. Box 7. Madras, or. "WILL pay cash for picture show in western Ore. or Wash. D-5S2, Journal. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 27 OUR Installment plan is the best and surest method of paying a loan. $32.26 per month for 36 months, or $21,24 for 60 months, or $15.17 for 96 months pays a $1000 loans and interest. Other amounts In proportion. We loan on improved city property Or for building purposes. EQUITABLE SVGS & LOAN'ASSN, 242 Stark St., Portland. Oregon. CITY AND FARM LOANS. 3 to 6 years at lowest rates, depending on ajiiu unu juuaiiuu ui yiupariy aim uiair Kin of security. MONTHLY INSTALLMENT LOANS on Portland homes 6, no commission. A SAFE DEPOSIT BOX at 1 cent per day insures the safety of your pa pers and otner valuables. ijxs. and IU SAFE DEPOSIT & 'iRUST CO, 284 OAK ST WE have money to loan on residence and Improved farm property, or 6 years. Dartial payment option. I'rovl- dent Trust company, 212 Selling bldg. RITIT.nlKn loana nn ntv and auhurhtn nronertv: money advanced as work property; money advanced as work grogresses. W, O. Beck, $16 Failing ldg. Main-3407. $200. $500. 61000 EASY terms, mort gages bought. Evans & Co., 206 Ger linger bldg. $100,000 ON mortagages, city or farm proierty. fire insurance. McKensie A Co.. Gerllngcr bldy., 2d and Aider. $200-$400-3700-S3500 On hand for immediate loans., BOID REALTY CO., LEWIS BrDG. CASH paid tor mortagages. notes, con tracts, mortgage loans; reasonable rates. F. H. Lewis, 4 Lewis bldg. MONEY TO LOAN in amounts of $100 to $5000 on city property. A. IL Bajl, 801 Gerllnger bldg. MONEY to loan on improved city, farm property. F. C. King, 31 4 Spalding. ftn city or $1000 UP to $uU04 to loan rarm property, 'labor 408, $ioo. $350, $6uo. .you. tizoo, $1800 Fryd W. German Co., 732 Cham. Com. $40,000 OU LESS. FARHINGTON. 80 4th st. Board of Trade Bid SEE us Small loans, installment loan tjeuars-Murton 1.0., 8Z& Yeon bldt.. MORTGAGE loans, 5 "A to 7. Oregon Inv. & Mortgage Co., 170 3d St. huktuauk LUASK. and 7. Lou a Salomon Wo. 300 flak at., near 6fh MONEY to loan. to 8. W. li. Seas Co.. 310 Spalding bltr. a MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES 07 SALARIES CHATTELS Money to loan to salaried people and others on furniture, pianos, motor cycles, automobiles, diamonds, etc., st I PORTLAND LOAN COM PA I 811 Dekum EldrT. I DIAMONDS bougnt and toid. Main 639s LOANS WANTEI1 o WANT years. $1000 tlOOO frnm nrlvnt nartv looo. Aaaress owner. Y-942, !ty of $3000, I JnornaV WANTED $800. $1000 and U10. (i'iT on suburban residences,' orivate parties, no commission. Call S let ten or ,Mawternon. Main 3617. A-7840. FINANCIAL 51 1st and 2d mortgages purchased; slso sellers' Interest In contracts. Or. and Wash. H. K. Noble. Lumbermens bldg. CHATTEL MORTGAGES PUR CHASED, INOTTIRB $11 Dekum bid. HELP WANTED MALE BARBER, steady position for right man; marrieq rreierreq. tjoroett bldg. ;VIPJLO . MttNT department Li., o I WANTED men to cut cordwooVl."' in- Second U a. - -r-.. , :, HEL1 WANTED MALE (Ooatlnned) , WANTK1K KOLIHIT )I!S women and men. exclusive twlter- les all over Oregon and Washington, n easily maxe sio io l per nay. Kail a n ll-lll r"n It n .o CA1 t a i 1 . ay Kxchange bids., Portland. Of. piano In out of town theatrs: no ot- lect ons to nonunion man. U-87 8. Journal. , fe'j SPECIALTY salesmen wnted..Cil Nortnwe.t hM,t Northwest bldgi 'ittmii.n',; j i. -1 iumumiiTi saieBnien lur etijr worn. Q. -,,.,. aa.. .nd .xr,;rtencp. gfTT commission. L-964, Journal rr"'V, , . once. 1016 E. 21st St. N. Wood- llwn a71. BOYS wanted to work in candy -fac- tory. Apply Henry noli oc - Hon, 1-93 Union ave. nELP WANTED SUSCL 4 0 T. M. C. A. AUTOMOBILB'sCHOOL Day and night classes; training in repairing, driving and machine work. Including forge, lathe, shaper. . drill press, eto.; time unlimited. Secure pass at Educational office Y, M. C. A. bldir.. to inspect our shops and meth ods, SWZf arU,Ayjrll. tion fee Includes MEMBERSHIP IN V. ajl m x.v imiiiv.i c-js m. v, j. urn urn 4riAiii.Hi Instructions, 10c Address Theodore L. Llnd, Vancouver, Wash. OREGON' All-rO flCHOOU v j 429-431 BELMONT ST. j Your work helps pay tuition.' Stu-' oenis earn hoard. room. $76 MONTH. Government lobs Men. women wanted. List of position free. Franklin Institute. Dent. 149-0. Rochester. N. Y. .-. VV ANTtU Names men, wisntnx to wishtns become Portland mull carrier Com1 arriere im i menr- 167 month. OX-93I. Journsl. UNf'Al.i.KI) for tailor suits, $6 60 un. Tnvlor the Tailor 28V. BnfiiW. HELP WANTED FEMALE 2 WHITE SALMON strawberry picking ' season opens up .way i, a. isrpi; number of pickers and packers wanted. Should have your own camping outfit. Apply to Fruit Growers' union. White Pslmon. Wash. ' - EXPERIENCED blller who thoroagh.y understands Reminston machine with Wahl adding attachment. Answer, X-. 687, Journal. y ( WANTED Nurse to care for children i and help with second work. Phone? XTni., 97ifl mftrnln Tm K.tVtf-a Tfl i WANTED An elderly lady to d chamber work for nuBbana'g and sulfa hoard and room. 621 Savjer st. UK LP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 1 g? MOLER BARBER COLLKtK r wants men and women to learn the trade; paid while learning; tools free; positions secured; summer rates; writs for catalogue. 43 N. 2d st. ' . WANTED, competent and resDonslbl person to take charge .rooming house, 24 rooms, Astoria, Stats wages D. TT. Welch, Astoria. Or. MOHLER Barber school wants mea and women to learn barber trade free In 8 weeks. Positions secured, Psy while lenrnlntr 38 N. 2d st. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE 1-Meu and women to learn barber trade free. 283 Madison at. XV ANTKIIW Mi KNTS i: WANTED A Rums in all sections for i .. our full assortment of clean, relia- ble nursery stock: demand Is Inereas 1 lng. Attractive terms." OREGON N, r,o,vny POMPINV Orenco, Or. ..... Bnl.KMIVlHB W 4 MT IV. n For full line of goods that will sell; 100 profit; make $3 to $6 per day; ladles or gentlemen. Commercial Brok Co., 468 Hawthorne v. GOOD live hustlors; an easy selliAtJ -proposition; liberal commission; oulok sales'. 80 Grand sve. AGENT to sell tube 'extract and toilet articles. Call at 602 F 8th fl. SITUATIONS MALU ENERGETIC married man wishes of flee position; experienced cashier, bookkeeper, credits and general office work: A-l references furnished.: F- 989, Journal. ' PAINTING and papering, kalsominlng $1.60 a room and up; work, guaran leed. 897 E. 84th sC - COMPETENT SilOD mac La nice and chauffeurs Auto school. chauffeurs furnished by Y M. C. A. Main 7065, A-6E6L . ContractorPinV. cement work. S. R. Klnsre plumbing, brick - and stery. Mar. 4688. CARPENTER work, tinting with Mure- Pf,jj f 421. 00: repairs cneap now. Manny. PAINTING, good work. naperhanglng. tinting. 86 t Mallory ave. Wooo- lawn 10. f BOY 16 years old wants chaneV to learn hardware and agricultural , jm- nlement business. S-089. Journal. WALL tinting, work second to none, prices low as anyone, war, ins. SITU AT1C )N SF1M ALK4 REFINED woman will exchangs Ugnt employment for good horns and small. compensation; In or out oX city. M-963, Journal. ' MIDDLE aged lady wanta housekeep ing. Take Montavilla car, 2. 13, 79th ft. Portlsnd. ' : COMPETENT youns woman, off'.cs v perience, wishes work temporary of. permanent. N-753, Journal. ' " . LACE curtains laundered 1 2 y-ra' sx perience. Tabor 6933. Mrs. Scott. LADY will do good work day or hour. Call O. Main 3767. - - ' ; CURTAINS liand laundered. first class work. Sell.' 232. : . COLORED woman wants day worts. .JS. 7704. ' WANTED Work of any kind by ths hour. Sellwood 668. DRKSSMAKINQ 40 FIRST CLASS dressmaking, reason able prices. SeUwood 2869. $70 E. iMh st. TAIIXRING Party gowns, altera tions. 489 Montgomery. Main 7434, NURSES 60 COMPETENT and efficient nurse, kind and capable of handling any case Phone Tabor 6427. . EXPERIENCED nurse wants case at dnce- will do light housework in ad dition. Marshall 49z. INVALIDS private home, sleeping; porch, trained nurse, city references.) Tabor 2213. . - : ' NURSE with training, mental cases preferred. Tabor 4767. j FURNISHED ROOMS FURNISHED rooiT.s for young men In all parts of the cf.y. also in T. M. C A. bidg especially d'jslrabls daring th summer; tire-proof, telephone In each, room shower baths, $1.76 to $4.75 per week, including full association, mem bership privileges, gymnasium, swim- ' wins poo. na.u-iJu tvuri, u uuui; Bhon. Main 7365 A-6661. - J t .IN I ' 26TH AND WASHINGTON STS. Strictly modern, light, cool rooms. $2 in 14 ner week: private baths.- BACHELOR S HOTEL . . -t Everything new and up to dat, For men only. Tenth and Washington. . Main. 631. HOTEL (SiSSMteEVod. erny fireproof, respectable. $3 .wek up. TiB BEVERLY ;lean, homelike, fur nisbed rooms, reasonable, -centrally located. 185 Park-Yamhill. ' ' H.60 WEHK up, clean,-warm, modern fur. ftni.i central. The King, $99 Jf. ROYCREST, 176 12th. suites and sin gle j-l XL. rooms; use oi piano.; (ConUnusd on Ssxt Pagej