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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1916)
3 . s EWS EVENTS TH ..-!.:;' ;r'-:. . . ' ' " . ' ' ' ' . ' ' - ' ' ' N , , ' ' i , linn I Til l . I T ' i ""' f ' Tk Y' '::' I N ---vttiffifon'ZZ: lvi ul ; '' ' ' 1 ?n V I'll I v W-L ' " f i:t?S'C'4 V: i -" iLiA' - - l r-l-.' HI w3pSM HIUfe--..-. s JJ) vtr.ur'.;jjii -g Principal News Events of Week Condensed for the Con- W?U M' Q M ?f W I VWV 5- veniencee of the Reader Who Would Refresh His Ifc VSf ?M rSA TM l --life - A. Memory on Current Affairs, it i I2?U t -fef N VI MA if , - r European War. ROW) Queen Helena and Prin - cwmi Jolanda and Mafalda had ft narfow escape from death Mon day wben Austrian aviators attacked two trains near Venice. , London Testimony Intended to shew that the money necessary to finance .the recent Irish revolt cam from tits United States was offered I nere inursaay, wren we commission, ; recently appointed to inquire Into the i orlfln end to place responsibility for i the uprising, met for the first time. Lord Hardinge, former viceroy of ; India, presided. .London - Foreign Minister Sir Ed i ward Orey told the house of commons : Thursday afternoon that he had been Informed that the Vatican made repre sentations to Germany, 'requesting ; abandonment of submarine warfare, i Berlin -Three French attacks in the ' region of Hill 304 have been repulsed, it' was officially stated Thursday. ; , Xibndon The French steamer Mlra has' been sunk. i .Copenhagen A German torpedo ' beat has been sunk by a German mine off Fnlsterbo, Sweden, acording to the OBerllngske Tldende's Malmo corres pondent. All but one man of the crew was saved. ) Tondon The German steamer Kolga, Bianca and Hera have been ! submarined off Landsort, acording to dispatches to Lloyds. Xoadon Jeremiah C. Lynch, of New ! Yerk. an American, hd been court- martlaled on charges of complicity in I the revolt at Dublin and found guilty. SUfelisv After ' spending several days in Dublin, Premier Asqutth left j 'Monday for Belfast to confer . with prominent . men in the north. Oopennafoih A Zeppelin airship, I badly damaged, passed the island of Fed) May 12 and was settling slow ly toward the water when she dis appeared in a fog bank, according to the skipper of a Danish vessel which arrived hero Monday. VetrogTdGrand Duke Nicholas has captured 87,000 Turks and a vast supply of munitions, according to of ficial announcement here Wednesday. His army continues to advance steadily; London Sir Roger Casement and Daniel J. Bailey, who underwent a preliminary examination in the Bow . street police court here on charge ef high treason in connection with the recent ' Irish, Teyolt, were ordered held Wednesday tor trial in a higher COUrlV.f::-!.''-.- -U, A y-'-, -I JjondonThe British monitor M-SO has been sunk. Admiral Derobeck re ported ' to the admiralty. Wednesday. TlennvFurther . progress ' against the Italians was claimed in an official statement issued from the war office lb ere Wednesday The prisoners-taken In two days now total 6200 men and I f JfV ITI 1 I v V"'t 141 officer.. I"' IVTV. UV 'VVf Ml X i l London. The British admiralty an nounced Wednesday that British de stroyers and monitors on Tuesday forced a number of German destroy ers cruising off the Belgian coast to flee to port. Tonaon Lulgl Martini Mancinl, an American cltlsen, was drowned, and two other Americans saved when the ' Dutch steamer Batavler was sunk, ac cording to dispatcher received at the American embassy Wednesday. Berlin A note asserting that 11 persons, including three women, per ished when the Austrian passenger liner Dubrovnik wa8 destroyed by a submarine in the Adriatic May 9, was handed to ministers of neutral powers by the Austrian government Wednes day. London A dispatch from Milan to Lloyds News says that the two chief secret bases of Austro-Hungarlan sub marines In the southern Mediterran ean sea have been definitely destroyed as a sequel to the Italian occupation of Marsa, Moreza and Porto Bardla between Cyrenalca and Egypt. yetrogTeA Developing a swift of fensive, the Russians smashed across the Persian frontier southwest of Lake Urumlah, within 80 miles of the main Turkish lines of communication north of Bagdad, Mondays dispatches declared. Berlins-Several French attacks against Hill 304 have been heavily re pulsed, it was ornclally announced Tuesday." Northwest of Vaux an other French charge was hurled back. Paris. General Marchand has been killed at the front T Paris Lieutenant Nevarre, France's 21-year-old air hero, has dropped a second manifesto behind the German lines, challenging Lieutenant Immel man, the famous "hawk" of Germany, to an air duel for the championship of the world." London.Copenhagen reports, said Tuesday that the Germans were' pre paring to launoh a sea and land Cam paign against Riga. National Capital. WASHXsTOTOJT The house naval committee Thursday adopted the big navy program for tiie year. At the same time It went on record .as favoring universal disarma ment. Th committee's program provides for an expenditure of $186,000,000 for fleet construction. The number of ships recommended by Secretary Dan iels was increased in almost every class. . .... ' . The committee knocked nut floor. tary Daniels' five year building pro gram. It agreed on the construction of battle cruisers advocated, by a the THE OREGON E WORLD 1 Looking down Fifth avenue, Ntv York, from Twenty-sixth street, at a section of the great preparedness parade May 13, In which 1,10,000 people participated, a The Curtiss N-S type of 98 horsepower aeroplane, fonr of which have been purchased by the United States for use in Mexico. 3 Colonel A. C. Macomb, of the Fourteenth cavalry, who is second in command of the second punitive expedition into Mexico that recently set out from Marathon, Texas. 4 Coleman DuPont of Delaware, who aspires to the Republican nomination for the presidency. 5 Colonel W. F. Stone, the veteran sergeant-alarms of the Republican national convention, directing work of putting the Chicago Coliseum in shape for the convention. 6 Mrs. William A. Slater of New York and Washington, whose wealth is estimated at $20,000,000, shining her boots after a day's routine in the preparedness camp for women at Washington. 7 Thomas A. Edison, Hudson Maxim and W. L. Saunders, member of the Naval Advisory Board, who took part in the preparedness parade in New York May 13. 8 Irish rebels who guarded the roof of "Liberty Hall" in Dublin during the recent rebellion. 0 Great piles of supplies assembled in Snlonlkl for use of the allies. secretary. The committee also voted In favor of building 20 submarines. Washington The house Thursday agreed to take up the bill, providing ior a settlement of the Oregon-California land grant cases, on Wednes day. Washington Germany. through Ambassador Von Bernstorff, today in structed all German consuls to ad monish Germans in their district to observe American laws scrupulously in an effort to end alleged violations of America's neutrality. Washington Carrying 600 addition al United States marines to Santo Domingo to enforce order there, the gunboat Panther has sailed from Port Au Prince, by order of Rear Admiral Caperton. , Washington The senate Monday afternoon rejected the nomination of George B. Ruble to be a member of the federal trade commission by a vote of 41 to 36. Washington General Hugh Scott, chief of staff of the United States army, accompanied by General Wea ver of the coast artillery, and his aides, returned to his office in the war department Monday from the Mexican border. The cabinet ad journed Tuesday without taking defi nite action on the Mexican situation as set forth In Major General Scott's report of his conferences with Gen eral ObTegon. . Washington. Colonel John Blddle, engineer corps, United States army, stationed at Baltimore, was designated Wednesday by Secretary or War Baker as the new commandant . of the West Point Military academy. Colonel Bld dle succeeds Colonel P. Townsley, who was ineligible for reappointment. The appointment is effective about July 1. Washington. Disposition of ap pointment of-Louis D. JJrandeis as as sociate justice of th United States supreme court wUi bs voted upon by SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, OVER SNAPPED BY N EWS PHOTOGRAPH ERS the senate Judiciary committee next Wednesday. Washington. The conference re port on the military bill was ac cepted by the senate Wednesday aft ernoon by a viva voce vote. Washington. A resolution calling upon Secretary of State Lansing to get information from consular agents in Ireland of the safety of Americans living in the sone of the recent Irish rebellion was introduced in the senate Wednesday by United States Senator John W. Kern. The resolution was referred to the committee on foreign relations. Washington German. Ambassador von Bernstorff in his memorandum de livered to Secretary Lansing May 12 and made public Tuesday urged that neutral vessels ordered to halt by sabmarines observe International law to the letter to avoid accidental loss of life and property. Washington President Wilson be gan Monday to prepare a very vigor ous message to Great Britain with regard to the seizure of United States mails. The state department is col lecting a mass of figures showing how far the British have gone ' In their seirures. Secretary Lansing declared that the entire subject of confiscated malls was "under consideration." This Was interpreted to mean that he plans a new protest. ' - Mexican Situation WAiffXtfQTOir General. Funston Thursday"" reported that Colonel Sibley had reported a small en gagement between Vllllsta bandits and a detachment under Major Lang horne, resulting la the wounding and capture of tw of ths bandits. Washington The so-called : "gentle man's agreement" between Mexico and the United States will govern the ac tions Of General John J, Pershing, commander of the American expedi tionary forces, and General Trevino, the Carranclsta commander, who is en route to the border with 10,000 troops for patrol duty. The administration Is marking time, awaiting to see whether the de facto government will act In good faith. General Trevlno's efforts to capture Francisco Villa will also be carefully scrutinized. . Columbus. Sf.. M. American troops tmder Lieutenant George Patton killed three Mexicans May 14 when they at tacked the Rubio ranch. There were no American casualties. San Antonio, Tex. J. Deemer and Monro Payne, captured by Mexican bandits during the Glen Springs and Boquillas raids, were rescued by Major Langhorne and his American troopers Tuesday morning near El Pino, 150 miles south of "Marathon. General New. AX.XXA3TC32LXA, La. Twenty masked men early Thursday tarred and feathered Miss Ruth Vann, a former school teacher of the McNary neighborhood, and two companions, M. V. Viverett and E. P. Tucker, men who were found drinking near Bear Wednesday in Miss Vann's home. The woman and the two men were forced to walk five miles to Alexandria after being brutally beaten with ropes and otherwise terribly bruised. rnlladtlrhlft. M'tit Gertrude Tower, daughter of Charlemagne Tower, for mer ambassador to Germany, . died Wednesday afternoon, as the result of injuries sustained in a motor accident May 13. Ottamwa, Xovra. - Enough canned porJc and beans to feed the German army for many days has been seised from 'wholesale houses In this district by United States Marshal N. F. Reed because it does not conform with the pure food act. Baa ITaaolsno Art Smith. American blrdmaa,. to whom millions of axpoaU - MAY 21, 1815. tion .visitors paid tribute, was stoned by an infuriated mob of Japanese at C-aka, Japan, according to cable ad vices received here. He has been in Japan several months giving exhibi tion flights. The ire of the trowd was aroused by Smith's delay in reaching the aerodrome for a flight. Premier Okuma in a letter to Smith expressed his regret at the incident. New Orleans In the fourth street battle of Mafia agents within three days, thrde Italians were killed 'today and two wounded Monday. None of the hundreds of passersby was hit. This was considered miraculous. In previous fights three participants were Killed and 11 wounded. Bedding, Cel.- Stock men arriving from the Mount Lassen region Wed nesday declared that the volcano erupted Monday night, freshly fallen ashea ' covering the snow 10 miles away at daybreak yesterday. Xoatpelier, Vt An overwhelming victory for Charles Evans Hughes was indicated by late returns Wednesday from the presidential preference pri mary.: Roosevelt was polling about half odK Hughes' vote in the counties which reported. Philadelphia Returns from Tues day's primary election show that the contest in the election of delegates to the Republican national convention at Chicago resulted in a split. Governor Martin G. Brumbaugh, heading the ticket opposed to Senator Boies Pen rose, was elected a delegate. -Penrose's delegates carried the western part of the state and a majority of the entire state delegation. San Francisco The attorney gen eral designated United States Attorney Clarence L. Reames of Oregon to handle for the government the trial of Norman D. Cook, Franklin P. Bull. W. A. S.v Nicholson, W. B. Degarmo, Sidney L. Sparry, A. J. Reetx, Elmer E. patten and Rlchord Fysh, under in i dlctment for using ths mafia to do fraud in the Oregon land cases. The hearing of the accused men is sched uled for Tuesday, at which time a jury will be drawn in Judge Dooling's court. San Tranclsoo The first national convention by telephone on record wan held Tuesday night, when branches of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers met simultaneously in San PVftnitaA Maw VaU Pn.tAn Tyv. n .. . ...... w ' , X ll'l ! delphla, Chicago and Atlanta, The speeches were transmitted by the cross-continent telephone. Each dele gate in every city had an individual receiver. Boston Driven by a terrific gale, the United States cruiser San Fran cisco, grounded on Nantucket Shoals early Wednesday morning. Wireless dispatches flashed the news here. Af ter a few hours the warship was re leased without damage, according to the radio, i Waoo, Tax. Jesse Washington Young, a negro, who assaulted a white woman recently, was' taken from the court room here at noon Monday while his trial was in progress and burned to death in front of ths city hail. Chicago The Illinois natal league Monday called upon civic and com mercial organisations and hundreds of business and professional men to get behind a Movement for a preparedness demonstration in Chicago similar to the one held in New Tork May 13. Vow Tork "Germany is beaten and the end of the war is near, according to Samuel tua or Portland, Or., son in-law of James J. Hill, on his return from a record seven day trip from Liverpool, London and Havre, to the headquarters of King Albert Of Bel gium and th Dunkirk front. San rranciaeo Testifying in the government's inquiry into ths Roanoke disaster. Quartermaster Elb. one of the survivors, declared he believed tha steamer was overloaded and said ths crew entertained fears for its safety. Part of the cabin, he swore, had been cut away to make room for the cargo of dynamite, wheat and oil. Camden, IT. J. At least 1 persons were killed In an explosion of hexolto at th Gibbstown plant of the Depont Powder company Monday. , Wankegaa William II. Orpet was called to go on trial for his life Mon day for the murder of Marlon Frances Lambert in Helms wooas February . It was the culmination of Lake coun ty's greatest tragedy. The father Of the slain girl, who is a lifelong friend of Orpet's father, expressed his hops that if guilty, Orpet would confess and that a death sentence would not bo passed lintofL w. T. The conference Of the Methodist Episcopal church Will continue to prohibit members . from playing cards, dancing or attending places where there is dancing and card playing. The conference also aaoptea the report of the special committee On federation, submitting a plan for tne consolidation of the Metnodist Episco pal and Methodist Episcopal church south on a mutual basis. Panama The United States gov ernment has demanded the surrender of th arms of the Panama police. The American minister, William B. Price, is waiting for an answer. Saa Jose, Cal. The coroner Tues day gathered evidence for an Inquest into the double murder and suicide which resulted In the deaths of Mrs Louise Hewitt, 87, Fred Harris, 80, and Alfred Hewitt. 45, his half broth er. Ferris killed his mother and half brother, told a litle girl what he had done and advised her to call the police, then went into the house, lay down on a bed and blew out his brains. Snreka, CaL Joseph Mench and Jr. Ricola were killed and two other la borers badly hurt Monday night when two cars of a logging train along the r -i.... rriiinHnra and t -r - - -r ' .. w " - ran down grade. ,,V aalveaton President Cabrera O vmivi w - - . . ....lilt t, n , n if I uiTf uilb : irown beyond control of bis governmen troops. . ' Tm m y sTsiisisi ai ls r lubt nau vuai Jm al 1 have f si1 Tnf V & ilOU TM. in lUfT XI the case of David Capian, aceu isoaa ws w ' w-w a . . -m ... x ft tn k fn, r.nlin'i rnnviofiAn m ws - mv. ' a . mmt t ft h tiftarJl as-air June 15. 2 - Akron Four men. four women an a little girl are dead and 20 were in jured as the result of a building col lapsing here .Monday night. .. S V San rraadsco While the ; Uniorf Iron Works today was trying to react an agreement with rivet-heaters and passers who walked out Monday at (Continued on Pago 11, This Section.. r 4 1'