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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1916)
' THE OREGON' . SUNDAY" UOURNaC'PORTLAND, SUNDAY' .MORNING,MAY ; 21,-1918. 7 BRIEF INFORMATION (142D DAT 07 WW.) ONE YEAR AGO At Home. Mlnlatar ot tha Episcopal rburck in Orrgoo ' will be lvn panaloaa whca they r 8 ysr Id, a ralt of tb adoption of a canon at tb aDaoal convention. Plana (or tb couaolMatlon of tb First and Third Cnlted Prttbyterlaa cborcbea bav prac tically bean computed. Tba precinct 37 election riM will go to a Jury In -Judge Oatena' ooort Uila afternoon. Albln U. Clark, wbo waa choir ma o of tba tat alert ton board, la accuaed of altering 126 bal loU In tbla precinct. Abroad. Bracnae, N. T. After deliberating owwt of tba nlgbt. the Jury which hard the, evidence In tba William Berne. .V),000 lib! aolt agalnat Colonel Hoosevelt got Into a tangle, whan tba ballot atood 11 to 1, In favor of Bedding. Cel. Mount I.aimen ia aendlng forth a rWer of mud. whlrh ( bnrylng farina 4 to ft feet deep. Resident are fleeing from tbelr home. Carta Resumption of the Alllee1 offensive In Weet Flanders waa reported, and the French gained ground. Peking Klofs- agalnat Japaneae bav been returned at Hankow. Chlnete wrecked everal MvponrM bualneaa bnuaea, and tba Mlkado'a aitbjecta are In a atate of terror. AMUSEMENTS COLUMBIA With, between Washington and Stark. Motion picture. "Not M..' Bister" (Triangle-Ince), featuring Beaale Barrtwale. ' Mia Bitter fill" (Keyatone), It a. m. to 11 p. m. JUBK Washington at Eleventh. Motion pic ture. VaudeTlTle. Change of program dally. 11 a. m. to 11 p. m. HIPPODROMB .Orpbenro) Broadway at Yamhill Vaudeville. Feature, trained ba boon. Motion picture, "Who's Guilty?" (Path), featuring Anua Nlllaon. 1 p. m. to 11 p. m. LY RIO Fourth and Stark. Mimical ronwdf. Albambra Opera company In 'Tba Northern er;" IMW, 7:30 and 9:10 p. m. MAJESTltJ Waahington at Park. Motion pic tiirea. "Battle of iiearta" (Kox). featuring . William Farnum. ;omedv. Oregon Journal Patbe Newa Weekly. Official film" of clill dren'a Mhv festival at Multnomah field. OAK8 PARK On Oregon City carllne (Depot Klrat and Alder) Outdoor and Indoor amusements, vaudeville, 10 a. m. to 11 p. m. PA NTAiiEtt Broadway at Alder. Vaudeville. Feature, Junior Revue of 191. Contlnuoua from 2:1. Bundaya. STRAND Park at Stark. Vaudeville, reature, novelty playlet, Barkbart Kdwarde "The rlp Hounde." Motion picture. "A Son of the Immortala" (Bluebird l. featuring J. Warren Kerrigan. 1 p. m. to 11 p. m. PEOPLES Alder at Park Motion pletnrea. "The Kend Ulrl" (Famous PUyeraPara mouot) featuring Haael Dawn. Oaumont Newa weekly. 11 a. in. to 11 p. m. T. D. Broadway at Stark Motion picture', "(ilorla'a Romance" (Klelne) featuring Blllla Burke. "Halvatlon Joan," featuring Kdna May. II a. m. to 11 p. ra. ART Mt'HBt'M fifth and Taylor. Hour 8 to 6 week dya; 2 to 5 Mundaya. Fre after noona of Tueeday, Tburaday, Friday, Satur day and Sunday. Coming Events. Rotary club luncheon May 23, at noon. Laymen'a "Dollar Dinner." May a, at Ore gon botel. Ad club luncheon at noon. May 24. brltlau eociaiy ill nwmia auiplr day Way 24. 8 p. m. Progreaslve llualneaa Men'a club tnncbeoa May 25, at noon, Oregon boteL Realty board luncbeuo. Chamber et Com. icarca, at dwid, May 26. "Go to Bcbool Day" May M. EUa' flag Day, Jane 14. Third regiment. O. N. G. encampm u July -14. Grand Chapter, Order ef Baalera Star, at Mxaonlc Temple. June ft. Oregon Aaaoclation of Presidential Poetmaa. tera' aunual meeting, Portlaud. June 0, 7, S. Baalarn Star auuuul euumiujurauuu, imperial total. June ft, 7, ft. Dedication of Columbia Blver highway. June I. Roa featlval Jane 7, ft and ft. Pacific riaberlea Society annual tfooveoUoa. Portland, Juue u, 10. 17. Annual encampment of Indian war veter ana. In Portlaud, Juua 21. Forty-fourth anuual reunkia of tba Oregon Pioneer aaeucjailou at Maauole Tempi. Juaa U. Reunion of former raeldanta of Douglaa pmuu w ail vm Ma'U ai I iui.uia au m www XL Municipal Park band concerts begin Sunday, Jlllv 2 Battery A leave for training camp at Mow tarey, taj.. July 4. mrA Tn... D.tkl.. . .f , " meeta here July 2S-2B. Conveatlona of atuigbta of Pytbtaa and Pytb i Ian kUaiara wlU tm bai4 la Ptu'tUnd Auguat 1-10. Twenty-third annual outing ot Maaamaa to . Tbree Hlatera, Auarra4 ft-20. lnteratate cunvenilon of real eatat men, to be bald m Portland. July 17. 18. 18. The Journal' Scenic Travel Guide of Portland and Oregon. Columbia River Highway America' moat wonderful aceuic road for veblclea. No grade exceeding & par cent. Uardaurlaca roadway paat waterfall and mouulalna through the heart or the Cascade range. See the Uorge wf tbe Oulumbla, bheppard'a Dell. Crown 1'oiui, Litourellf, Undul Veil, Mlat. Wabkevna. Mult nouiab. Horaetail and other atertaila, Bon neville tlab uauberu-a, Oneonta Uorge, Bea auii park aud Wiueuian Pluuaclea. blast from Portlaud via Baa Line, baudy or section - Line roada. ludlvldual do well to make ar rangement! through a responsible agency. Trip up Columbia river by boat, or oua way " by bust aud return by auto. Council Cleat. uvuriuuking city. 1100 feet hlgb, view unegualed of Columbia and Wil lamette rivers, Tualutln and Willamette val leys; Cascade auU Coast raugra; uow paak , colony ot Cascades (north to vast on clear days, lucludiug Ml. Ralnlor, la.408 feet; Mt. bt. Ualena,' WtlMi feet; Ml. Adams, 12.3t7 feet: Mt. Uuod, l.Z2i reel; ML Jettersou. Iv.iz: Icet. Parka. Waahlngtoo. bead of Waabingroa ' street, r lowers, shrubs and trees; children' ' playgrounds; sou. poiewortby piecee ot sculp ture, "CutnluK of the Whit Mau." by Uer Hian Atkins McNeill. "Sacajawva," Indian vtomau who guldvd Lewis and Clark, by Alice Cooper. Teu miuutea' walk. 1'enlusula, sunken rose gardens, containing more tuan 700 varie ties r playgruunda and model community buuM, ' Alblna aud A In a worth aveuuva. Laurelburat, Kaat Oak and Tblrty-nlutb. Mt. Tabor, bead of Hawthorne aveuue. Maclesy, Cornell road; nature left untouched; primeval forest, wild canyon. forestry Building Lewis and Clark Exposi tion grounds; contalne l.uOu.000 feet of lum ber, museum of forest products. Visitors we' 1 come from 8 a. m. to 6 p. in. ' W" car on . Motrisou atreet. Boulevards Columbia and Willamette, en- - circling peninsula, eacellenl views of bar but. abtpplug and Induatrlea; Terwllliger. aoutb on 8iui; ralruwunt. east or. and bkyllue. west of Council Crest. Columbia River highway, aa above. Publio Institutions. city hall and hletorlrel ; muavuui, Hflh and Madison; county court house, 1'ourth and Salmon; Central library. Tenth -and Yamblll; Art uiuaeuiu, Ktfta. near aauiUlll; cuatoma bouse. Park and Broadway; central postofflce. Klftb and Morrison; Y. M. 0 A;. Sixth and Taylor; Y. W. C A.. Broad' way and Taylor. . Kxblbits Oregon resources, flab' and game, Oregou building. Klftb and Oak; historical TOregou Historical society, 207 Second street; atseum, city ball; lumber industry, forestry building. . Harbor Feature Weat and eaat aide public dock. Jioiur boa i landing, tout ot Stark; boa I houses for river tours; , ablpplng. modern bxldgea, Broadway. Rullruad aud Hawthorne. Panoramic view of city from Willamette. King's and Portland Ireigbta. Council Crest, ait. imw. Vlewi of down-town district. Journal btiild tng, l son building. Northwestern National bank building. Meier At Krauk'a. . Wartby ot Hotloe. tikldmore fountain, nrst and AnkJny. by Olln li. Warner, preaeatad by fttenben tikldiuurs. Tbompeon toon tain, pre aeatad by David P. Tboniusua, plasa block, fourth and Kalmon; Sukllera' monnmnt. Loousdal square, fourth and Taylor. Chinatown, on north fourth and Oecwd atreet. Mottem blgb aud grade school; school gar. du; roe badge. 1 Portland Kose fatlvai. Jon 7-ft-ft. "beemg Portland," autonaubtle. "beeiug Portland." trollc car. rlrip lurmigb lumber mllla. -Typlral bom sect loci a Portland Belgbta, Nob Hill, Irving ton. Mount Hood Trips North aide: Drive out alutig the Columbia River highway ae above) to Hood River, and tben up through Houd Kiver valley to Mount Hood lodge. 31MJ0 eleva tion, or on to Cloud Cap Inn. tfuOO elevation: eondltlotia Ideal tor mountain; view glorious; oada good. Or. take train to Hood River; t ben re by automobile dally to Cloud Cap Inn. or by Hood River Valley railroad to Parkdal and atagw from there. ; Mouth aid Automobile stag dally from Portland to- Government Camp, Rhododendron Tavern. Tawney's. Welches, Arrah Wanna. Or tak suburban alactrlc train ta Boring sta tion sod stage. ftnburbaa Trips. Via r. IL, U p. Co.: Ball Bun park. 80 mile; Ksiacada park. J4 Bill, fiabltig ami monntaln rrslia: Caaemah park. 1ft mile, overlooking Willamette; Co lombia beaeb. ead Vaaeouvar Una. bathlnrr "Tbe Oaks" park, on Willamette; Vsncow r and Vancouver barracks, Dortbvrsat Bill, tary . keadquaxterai Wuholt Bpringa, n WU- lamett Vallay sou then s WiUamatU tnBa aad Oregoe City, IS mil aoutb. Via ftoothsra Pacific: TaalatlA'aad Zam bUI valley, loop. . Via Oregon eiectrln WlUamett vU7. Ca lm and ITngen. Via O-W. B. V N.-BoonTflI, flab hatehv erlea, picnic ground. Hood River, Oaacada) Ixx-ks. paralleling Coinmbta River highway. Via North Bank road Astoria. Gear hart. Beaaid. beach bstblng. via nvcr ateamer up Wlllamett to Orav K. City and Ralem, np Columbia to Tb lie; down Colombia to Aatorla and moatb of Columbia river terminus Astoe exnaditloa. Salmon canneries, salmon fiablnr, jetties, forta. - aaiae, via Bootnera paeitie. aiodrora and auto stage, or via Orgon Iran or O-W. B. A N Bead, and sato atago. . Cya of JoaopMn. via Soutacra Pacific and tag. Oean rworta: Beaaid. Oearuart. Newport. Tillamook. Marshfleld. Deacbutea canyon and Central Oregoa. via 0-W. R. N. or a.. P. 8. Wallowa valiey. Lake Joaepb and Eagl Can. via O-W. B. N. Pendleton Round-Dp, Hot Springs. Eastara Oregon, via 0-W. B. A- N. Mlacellaneoos: flablng. banting, on ting trips. Rea eaorta Ocean: rlearharr Kaaalita fiaie neacn. new port, cannon Beacb. Bay Ocean, Tillamook. Mountain: Cloud Cap Inn. Gov ernment Camp. Mount Hood Lodge. Rnododea. droo Tavern, Welches. Tawney's. A its Wanna. Tbe Kyrte, Jewett rum. Bpringa: Wilbolt. Bblpberd'a. Hot Lake. Washington. Vaucouver and military poet; Mt. Adams. ML ML Helena, to cava; Long Beacb reaorta. , for further Information, rate and route a Doraey B. Smith, Travel Bureau, lift IMrd, corner Waahlngtoo, or Journal Travel Bureau. Broadway and YambilL TOWN TOPICS HaeokM xamorlal Barrloas. a joint memorial service will bft held by the united Tents and Reviews of the Maccabees Sunday, May 21, at tho Odd Fellows hall, on East Alder and Eaat Sixth streets, at 2 p. m. The memorial address will be mad by the Rev. J l. Corby of the Church of the Good Tidings, the ladles of Reviews No. 7 and No. 17, assisted by the ladies of Hive No. 24, will render the beautiful ceremony of draping; the charter and the music will be In capable hands of the Sunnyslde Methodist church quar teL All Maccabees and their friends and families, and especially those who have met bereavement the past year. are earnestly asked to attend. Mrs. melon Downs Slaa. Mrs. Helen k. uowns, atate oracle of the Royal Neighbor of America, died In Marsh field, Or., May 18. after a lone iUneaa Mra. Downs was 46 years of age, and is survivea Dy a husband and two chil dren, all of Marsh field. For the past year she has been a field deputy of the order, and until her complete break ing down did good work for the fra ternity. She waa known In many parts or me state because of her active in terest in fraternal work. owm Comfort, fit and correct style In your spring suit by having us make it to order. We have the very latest styles and fabrics, and we will make you a suit to your measure for 110 down and the balance $5 a month, You never feel paying for your suit this way. Come In tomorrow whether you want to order now or not Unique Tailoring Co.. 309 Stark, beL 6th and tn sts. (Adv.) Can th Orthodox Church Heal SI. ease If she can. why does she not do so? Hear about this Sunday eve nlng at St. Jameir Lutheran church. West Park and Jeffernon streets, 8 o clocic. Morning stiblect: "The Lab oratory Method In Religion." (Adv.) Kiss Ber Is 111 Mia Leone Cass Baer, a well-known newspaper woman. is in at the Ironside sanitarium Twenty-second and Overton streets, where she underwent a minor srurglca.1 operation. At present she la unuV.e to see her friends. Afeemre on Astronomy. Louia E. Jackson will give an outline of astron omy in a lecture at the Central library i ueaaay evening. May 23, at 8 o clock. ine lecture will be In room A. artoamar Jesse EafUii for Camaa. Waahoural and way landings, dally ex cept Sunday. Leaves Washington Street dock it t p. tu (Adv.) Beautiful Sight of Zrls in full bloom at the Mountain View Floral Co. East 72d St.. mile north of Division st. (Adv.) ' Kotel Moore, Saasiae. Or. Winter rates. 12. SO and S3 per day. American plan. By week. speclaL V (Adv.) Xaepar, adlee' Tailor, wishes to an nounce reduction of prices on all or ders. 201 Royal bldg. (Adv.) Forester to lecture, An Illustrated lecture on "The Work of a Forest WON PRIZE IN Si-" ! Madame Bedini, noted equestrienne Madam Bedini, a noted esques trienne. Is coming to Portland on May 29 and SO with tbe John Robineon cir cus. She will bo very well remem bered, no, doubt by many Portland folks, by reason of having ahqwed her at .a if: " ;- ' I ' jr i STAFF OFTHE'ORANGE PEAL, j :yH,? ? v ' ' Kffc , 7' 1 4 , x iZl J t II Seated, left to right Audrey McMeeken, reporter; Gladys Chandler, associate editor; Nelson McDonald, associate editor; Marion Stan ford, editor-in-chief; Arthur Jones, reporter; Dena Fromm, associate editor. Standing, left to right Henry Pish, assistant manager; Clifford Fairfax, reporter; Helen Holbert, associate editor; Irvin Caster, reporter; David Martin, reporter; Helen Lee, assistant manager; Anne Eddy, reporter; Folmer Jensen, assistant manager; Howard Speer, managing editor. Ranger" will be given by Albert Wlea endanger of the United States forest service tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock at the Peninsula branch library. 1587 Peninsula avenue. This lecture will be repeated on Tuesday evening. May 23, at the Vernon branch library, 762 Al berta street. Welat Apta. 69 N. 23d st.. for rent. 5 room apL wlth'prlvate porch, (Adv.) Spend week-end -1 Hotel Abbey, New. port. Oregon's greatest summer resort, Uultnomah Motel Turkish Baths con tinue. Women every afternoon. Oeed Time to Oe. Shlpberd's Hot 6pringa. Caracn, Wash. (Adv.) Portable Ihowers, Tleming, 70 6th. Dr. Haynas, Optician, Morgan bid. Ad. Marks' fiaoe Bale, 243 Wash. (Adv.) ' Pioneer Has His First Bill of Merchandise John Kcataugh, of Oswego, Xado nrst Purchase la Oregon. From Molar Prank la 1875. John McMaugh, a pioneer resident of Oswego, has among his Interesting pos sessions the first bill of merchandise purchased by him after his arrival In Oregon, a bill of groceries and cloth ing purchased from "Meier at Frank, General Merchandise, Beptembei 14, 1875." "I came from Fulton county. Illinois, and bought xny first bill of goods from Meier & Frank and I have been buying from them ever since," said Mr. Mc Maugh wihile displaying the creased and yellow bill to members and friends of the firm yesterday. "This Is my first visit to the new store and It's so big I'm wondering If I will get lost before I get out; don't look much like the little store I bought that first bill of goods in," he concluded. Becoming World Pearl Market. New York. May 20. (I. N. S.) New York Is rapidly becoming the great world pearl market. Before the war Indian pearls, which make up the bulk of the supply, were sent to Paris or London and sold there. Few came to New York direct. This Is all changed now. Bombay merchants have sent representatives here who are now disposing of their gems without Eu ropean intermediary. ROSE FIESTA '4 with 'John Robinson's tent shows. local theatre during this Rose Festi val, of 1910, on which occasion she en Joyed the distinction of winning the blue . ribbon prize for the best horse and carriage of faring. In 'the big pa-1 rade., ..,.',.., -. . On to Indiana, All Loyal Hoosiers Big Homecomin', by Hek George Ade Wants You-It's No Fable By JACK LAIT- (Copyright. 116. by 3. Kaeley.) THE only Hyphens on this con tinent who avre not obnoxious to 'the colors are two Indiana-Americans and California-Americana. Of these the first are called Hoosiers and the second Native Sons. This story has nothing to do with Native Sons, who are mentioned here only as a courtesy. But it is to deal with Hoosiers, who will be mentioned without eourtesy by the oversigned, who is probably the only great author In the land who was not born In In diana, except George M. Cohan, A.i-o was not born In Indiana either. Now. the Hoosiers have sent out a call for a Ilome-Coming. It will last from now until next October, "cul minating 1 1 the great state celebration to be held in Indianapolis during the first half of October." All this Is to celebrate the centennial of Indiana's statehood. George Ade is chairman of the works. Kicking all slang aside, some 750,000 native Indiai.iana have beat the state barriers and camped out elsewhere. Brother Ade asks them to flock back home, as many as can, and be in In dianapolis for the blowoff. Indianapolis entertaining 750,000 home-folks would be worth viewing from the Illinois atreet entrance of the Clay pool. But Ade never could see the funny side of things. As an enticement, the only clubman, fable-fancier and millionaire of Brook (Ind.) has compiled a work entitled "An Invitation to You and Your Folks from Jim and Some More of the Home Folks." "Jim," probably means James Whitcomb Riiey. The Hoosiers feature the one-suspender idea of calling each other by abbreviated first names, though it is difficult to think of Charles Warren Fairbanks as "Char lie." Ade has the last say in the book. He captions It "P. S. Please Start." Violating with the nonchalance of a non-Hoosler the copyright of the In diana Historical, oemmission, let us quote George: "The letters that you have read are just a few that I have collected and sent on to you, hoping to inoculate you with homesickness and lure you back to the old stamping ground. I am sure that the spare bedroom and the fried spring chicken are awaiting you at this end of the line." Now, isn't that just too Indiana? Spare bedroom and friend spring chick en! It's a living picture. You can see it, you can feel it, you can emell it. Riley's poem is'catled "The Hoosier in Exile." Here is the final verse: "The Hoosier in Exile? Ah, well. Accept the phrase, but know The Hoosier heart must ever dwell Where orchard blossoms grow The whitest, apples reddest, and. In cornlands, mile on mile. The old homesteads forever stand "The Hoosier in Exile!" Among other contributors of Invita tions In the pamphlet are Governor Ralston, Vice President Marshall, John Hendrick, an Oregon Pioneer, Dies Old Time Resident Had Settled la State la 1863; Engaged In P arming and Mining. John Hendrick, who died at the home of his daughter. Mrs.- J. M. Yocum, near Klondike, Or., May 13. was an old resident and pioneer of Oregon, com ing to this state in 1863. He had s: t a number of years before that In the mines of California, and was born in Virginia in 1834. He located on a farm near Ballston and was married to Eliza E. Smith. Later he moved to a farm nearer McMinnville, where bf lived a number of years. After wards he moved to Roseburg, and then to Vancouver. Wash., where he owned his home to the time of his death. His widow and six children survive him as follows: Robert U, John, Rich ard P. and Claude E. Hendrick, Mrs. Nettie E. Hively and Mrs. Mary M. Yocona. A son. George L. Hendrlc' died in Roseburg some years ago. There are 12 grandchildren. Funeral serv ices were held at the home of J. M. Yccom, near Klondike, Rev. Crowder, of the M. E. church, officiating, and interment made in the cemetery at Emigrant Springs. a m Social Workers' Club. The Social Workers' club will hold Its closing dinner and meeting Tues day evening at 6:15 at the Commercial club. Reports will be given as follows: "Confidential Exchange." Jacob Kans ler; "Oregon State Conference of Chari ties and "Corrections." Dr. C. H. Chap man; "National Conference of Chari ties and Corrections,'. Judge John H. Stevenson. The annual election ot of- fleers will take place. Telephone tor ALBANY COLLEGE ANNUAL former Vice President Charles W. Fairbanks, Booth Tarkington, Meredith Nicholson, Gene Stratton Porter, Kin Hubbard, William Dudley Foulke, etc., who get from 7 cents a word In the magazines to 25,000 a year In Wash ington, representing therefor the great classes of Indiana product politicians, poets, playwrights, paragraphera and vice presidents. Vice President Tom Marshall writes to Bill: "You have been able to fool the peo ple of your adopted state, but you can't fool me. They take you to be a staid and sober citizen bowed with the cares of state and society upon your shoul ders. They think your cutaway coat and silk hat mark a great solemnity. But I know better. These are the disguises you use In detecting success 'and arresting It be fore it passes by you. But underneath that pompous and shellbark exterior of yours you are still at heart a Hoosier." Mr. Fairbanks writes: "This is the first opportunity to pull off a centennial." That gives you an idea of the spirit of it. Fairbanks using slang! Gene Stratton Porter, the Rome City (Ind.) Lowell, brings the charms of the home state intimately to the nos trils ofihis wandering cousins, so that they may recognize it and long for home as a Chicagoan grows homesick in Kansas vCity when he gets wind ward of the stockyards. Here is one of his verses: "Come where the polecat's perfuming Mingles with flower-scented air. Come to our swaap in its glory. Its joys invite you there." Hubbard (Abe Martin) puts It thus wise: "Come home an' see all th' new ce ment work, th' new verandas, th' railroad at Helmsburg an the side burns of your early playmates, th' re claimed tablelands an' perpendicular apple farms. Hotel an' njckel the ater accommodations fer all." Nicholson writes: "And if the blood of a good Hoosier is in you, you will not buy a return trip ticket." William Dudley Foulke, the Rich mond (Ind.) Whittier, offers this tes timonial: "The bark upon the sycamore is just as smooth and white. And the moon as soft as ever in the warm, clear summer night." . George B. Lockwood, the Muncle (Ind.) Wordsworth', cries "God bless old Indiana," Including: "God bless old Indiana! And keep her a happy state; Give to her sons of the years to come the spirit that made her great. Deep and serene as her forests, and strong as her mighty trees Such were the old-time Hoosiers: O God, give us men like these, y. All right let 'er have 'em. ' And may they all come home even if the New York publishers starve to death. reservations to Mrs. W. I. Swank, East 148. Monday. Council Consented Quickly. Decatur, III.. May 20. This city's "blue" law went out of existence when the 150 business men marched into a council meeting and demanded its repeal. Council consented. I I SUMMER SCHOOL JUAJI, JTJIiT. ATJGrTJBT WIGHT AJTD SAT SESSIOlTst. EDUCATION AX, BSPABTaaXITT, Young Men's Christian Association FTJXJC OOTTJURSS XZf 1. College Preparatory Subjects, a. Commercial Subjects. 3. Electrical Engineering. 4. All Qrade Subjects. 5. Conditions made up la Grammar, High School and College Sub jects. 6. Pre-Ziaw aad Pre-Hadical Sub jects. Call at Educational Office or telephone Main 7065. A-6561. DAN MARX JHWXiaEX Vow located 283 Wa4SHINGTON ST. Year 4th. Kothchild Bldg. Blankets. Mattresses and Feathers Renovated Wcol Beta ani atatraaia aay aisa aad viaht Boy airet fresa aaamulaaturei. W da Wool Carding. Crystal Springs FLnisIunf Works SUla 8874. - 135 Teata. Sear AJdex. Shakespeare Masque Will Be Huge Affair r . Tercentenary Celebration Will Culmi nate la Hew Tork May 83 la Pre sentation of "Caliban. The Shakespeare tercentenary eels biratlons in New Tork will reach their culmination on the evening of Tuea day. May 23, when the first presen tation of "Caliban," the Shakespeare masque by Percy Mar Kay e. written for this occasion, will be given under the auspices of Mayor Mitchell ,at the stadium of the College of the City of ew York. The production, employing the serv Ices of several thousand persons, will d given ror five successive nights and preparations are being conducted on a scale which will make it dos. sible for 100,000 spectators to observe ioe spectacle during that period. ine artistic setting of the masque no less than the reconstruction of the stadium, is In the hands of Joseph Urban, associated with whom In the costuming are Robert Edmond Jones and Mrs. John W. Alexander. The stage director Is Richard Ordynskl and the interludes, In which great masses of men, women, boys and girls ane to take part, will be under the direction of Oarnet Holme. Mrs. Rob ert Anderson will direct the dances. The Instrumental music, composed by Arthur Farwell, is to be rendered by an orchestra of 200. Wnile the speaking roles number net more than 30, there will be over 1000 voices in the choral passages and some of the ensembles will em brace between two and three thousand persona The total cost of the produc tion Is estimated at (100,000, which has been subscribed. Card of Thanks. We wish to express appreciation of the kindness and sympathy extended to us by our friends at the death of our wife and mother, also for the beautiful floral pieces. J. F. Neitsel and fam ily. (Adv.) & If B HE BIG MAN, the man with selling talent, the man who looks the part the 100 per cent man, chooses his printer on the same basis that he chooses a salesman. . Printing, as well as the spoken sales 'talk, must measure up to certain ideals, be backed by ap pearance and individuality in order to impress and compel favorable attention create that prestige which sells the goods be it a product, an idea or service. qThat KILHAM QUALITY PRINTING embodies all this is demonstrable to the broad 'gauged man. When he inspeds our printing, engraving, steel die embossing and filing supplies jmanufaduring plant, b' cated on fourth and fifth floors of this building, and sees the ideas typed with full knowledge of the sales producing effe&s desired, he understands. EVERYTHING Kilham Stationery r Printing Company Marshall 6080 A 6548 Osteopaths to Meet In Annual Session Keettar WlU Be Xeld la Fortlaad Jut and 10 j ITtuneroug OUalog Will Be rreeented. The annual meeting of the Oregon Osteopathic association will be held on Friday and Saturday June and 10 at the Morgan building hall. The meeting will be called to order by the president. Dr. H. F. Leonard, after which numerous clinics will be presented. Dr. V. W. Leweaux of Portland will read a paper on "Psychosis' which will be followed by a general discus sion of the subject Dr. C. A. Pengra will conducta question box. On Saturday Dr. D. D. Young will FOR THE BRIDE IT IS TIME TO CHOOSE THE GIFT AND WHAT FIRST COMES THE ENGAGEMENT RING THEN THE "WED-' DING RING THEN THE WEDDING ITSELF ..THEN THE GIFTS. No matter what position In the coming event you occupy you will find choosing easier and better at PORTLAND'S QUALITY JEWELRY ESTABLISHMENT. And you will be gladvfor ever after that you made your selec tions here, BECAUSE YOU WISH TO GIVE THINGS OF UNQUE8 TIONED MERIT, THINGS WHICH WILL, BE AN HEIR LOOM FOR THE GENERATIONS TO COME, AND THINGS WHICH WILL STAND AS A TESTI MONIAL OF YOUR GOOD JUDG MENT. To the Groom-to-Be we suggest the following as gifts for the Brlde-to-Be: FOR the engagement, A JAEGER BROS. SPECIAL $100 DIAMOND RING, and for the wedding a Jaeger Seamless Tiffany Wed ding Ring; as well as a gift of Gold Beads, Bar Pins, or the new WRINKLES Raw te afak Skin White and as raeeth a Vlvt. Bow to Ramov ia 15 afloat. Hew t Pravant Trom Coming. Inclose 2c atamo tor partlralara. Satisfaction guaranteed. Free demonatration at oar offlc, 1 to 8 p. m.,8 aecood floor, 3864a Washington street, over Haaelwood; also on ssl 021 Mor gan bide . Address all communlrstlons to office. VEO-FLasTiaUZ AOEKCY Mikk-Karr Toilat Preparations, Patented aad Kt- V. B. Fat. Offioa, Dept. S, Portland, Or. jVfaata Wan tad. Pass Mala 8171 i ilifl Ma FOR THE OFFICE Firth and Oak Street. Portland. Oregon k "A A AAA A AAA A A7 give the osteopathia treatment of . foot; Dr. R. B. Nortbrup will . s , on "Catarrhal Deafness," followed a dJscuslon by Dr. H. X. Dashor. Dr. I H. Howland presents a r on "Etiology and Preventative Tr ment of Cancer;" Dr. W. sW. ,Hov, of Medford will speak on Treatmer Influensa," discussion of which wil led by Dr. E. 8. Walker. Dr. R. B. Walton of Salem will f "Physical Examination svnd Dlagnos Dr. J. IL Styles. "Anesthesia Dur Labor;" and Dr. Gertrude Gates speak on "Innomlnataleslone," wl will be followed by a dlsoussloa by . li. P. Bloxham. l tfvM ' The election of off leers Will t place on Saturday afternoon. , A. Important meeting has been plan r and the clinics will be of more Inter than usual.- J Anyone wishing to take advantage these should make arrangements w Dr. H. F. Leonard. ? ' ' ! FOR THE GROpM WILL IT BE? Brooches, Lavallleres in platinum or gold, or the new platinum, cluster Rings. ' And to the Bride-to-Be we su gest the following as gifts for the Groom-to-Be: A Jaeger Bros. Ring, a Scarf Pin of original design, a Waldemar Chain or Fob, or A JAEGER SPECIAL WATCH. THIS STORE'S SILVERWARE, IN 8INGLB PIECE8 OR SETS, IS THE IDEAL GIFT FROM THE FRIENDS OF THE HAPPY BRIDAL COUPLE. MAKE YOUR SELECTIONS NOW. DELIV ERED ANY TIME AND ANY PLACE YOU SAY. JAEGER BROS. Jewelers, Opticians 131-133 Sixth St., Oreg-onlaa ldV HAVE IT REPAIRED JOUaUTAX.'S XEPAIS SZXSOTOBT Crlreg all the principal plaoes where your Tarlous aeeds oaa be glvea taelr proper attention. Highest quality. Jewelry repairing, diamond setting, waicn repairing. G. Heitkemper CoH For many years head quarters for reliable re pair service. 180 6th BU Yeoa BlaV. HATS- 50c We Clean and Block taats for evo. " woxx OUAXAVTZXS. ' : THE HAT BOX 835 Morrison at Sad. LADIZS' AST) GENTS' PAHAMAf, fl.OO, ana kXPAIkIVO Pianos aad Play. r Piaooa. Piicee rasonabl (ores- pert work. Cor. Sixth Sherman Co. and Momaon SHOE REPAIRING We eaU aad dsliyer. Taos a. Kabaaar Haala, Haa's or Waaaaa'a, Me. assist awiw m, IM LAXOIaV eOLZS. M oooarrmam MOS GO 14 Tonrth U Wear Alder UmbteHa Repaired and Re-Cerered Factory oa tae Prssala xpert work moat reaaeeable prtoaa. Nw rib 26c. Haw cover 75c op. Fbou OS. Mala 3T3. LENNON'S Morrison M., P. O. Opeoalte PIANOS REPAIRED Kepatt Workrnea. Tvrjr Raasonabl Prlo . AH Wert uoarasMM aa Ordered. Graves Music Co. 181 U it, aear Uee rlaoa. . - i - Suits Pressed, 35c Salts FY net! dry classed or eteam elaaewd 11.00. Ft calls aad drllvarl. Valque Tallotiar Oo. us star St., sat. Itk aad etiv Pkaae Broadway Sli. TRUNKS AND CASES REPAIRED By Xxperts . ntzB : 8BUTXST BCala 8774 ' JOBTULjrO tiuBx xra. .. ooH - 81 and Fine KCPAIK XOirCTOkT APPZAKS ZTEaT UKDAT and should be prrvad la every now aa a ready galde. TTU V".W'- Iir j m tttmrn mm imSBMWftW ) .fa. v. .:",rr-:0.