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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1916)
'THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING. MAY 21, ,191B. 13 EXCHANGEREAL ESTATE 24 (Oontlnnd Exchanges 10 acres, all In 6-yr.-old commercial arte ties apples, in bearing, mt;, $600, for houM tnd lot in Portland. Will as sums to $1500. i, - 800 acres, Adams Co.. Wash., wheat land, 130 in crop, rood building and water. Will exchange for Portland property and assume If property war rant.. . , 1600 aerea Missouri land, eome cul .ttvated, alt fenced, hogtlght, at $15 per -acre. - W4U Uke good clear western property at actual values. so acres, clear Michigan land, partly - Improved set buildings. Will take malt ranch or Portland house and lot . 200 fcfcre dairy ranch, Tillamook Co., for acreage or Portland property. ...Chittenden & Neill "'' 810 Oak st. ? 1W ACRES, good house, barn, apple t- house, tool house, spring water piped 't to house and barn, gasoline power pray, team and all Implements, 22 - acres 7 and 8-year-old, 14 acres 4-year-old Spits., Newtowns and Oravenstein -apples 11 miles south of Hood River. . 2f,00d. Will take 20 to 40 acres near Portland as part payment. 2000 boxes or appies last. year. a. j, jrarmer, tvi ftocK ,,x.xcnange, I Want Modern Home ?lear half acre and 4 room plas tered house and clear acreage to ex change for one. Will assume up to tlOOO. Bruce Ooddard. B02 Couch bldg. ""(OWNER of good home in nearby col" '. lege town desires to exchange for a rlne home tn Irvlngton or Laurelhurst. Will pay difference. Address Dept C, P. O. box El, Oregon City, Or. WANT wheat land for this bottom , farm. 105 acres. Price $12,600., mtg. ,$5000. Will assume on good stuff. Woild take a business for equity. W. " ' Trades of Every Kind Ooddard s office. 602 Couch bldg.. . headquarters for trades of every kind. Meet me there, I'll match you. -tW ANTED Stock ranch to $100,000, v -.-for Portland Income property. V. -j Wanted Irrigated land for good farm j,v-l 60 acres, in Clarke county. t Wanted someone who wants to sell store to writ ua Wanted mdae. for fine 10 sore home in food town In Willamette valley. Wanted city property for 80 acre farm in Clarke county. Wanted buvee for 20 acre hom on Pacific hlahway in Clarke countv. onlv $3000, $1000 cash, balance 6 years at ( per cent. Wanted home near Portland or in .Portland, tor fine rruit ranch near Grand junction, Colo. Atkinson & Nichols, til Main st, Vancouver, wmh, Make the Lot Pay Our rent department can leaae the modest home we'll build for you on your lot. Requires little cash, and the rent will take care of the balance. Oregon Home Builders Oliver K. Jeffery. Pres. 1380 Northwestern Bank Bldg. ,WE have a cash buyer for 40 to 60 acre farm. A cash buyer for 60 to 100 acre farm. Several clear income ? properties for farms. Some choice arms for city property. See us or wrus at once. ST. CHARLES LAND CO Bt, Charles Hotel, Front and Morrison ;WANTED Lot, have party wanting - 401 in nancocx or nrosflway addi- wvu, ir r trnwgon scnooi. , wood pargain ib soia. its. w.) DORR Ii nasiAHEY & oo., Z32 Chamber of Com - merce. 4 WanTed Laur'elh" urst home from owner, good nouse and good view. Will give clear lot and monev or aa- aume some. 1924 V Oil. or, b will buy for cash, three or four , aonuine oargaina in larra or city property. ST. CHARLES LAND CO.. St. Charles Hotel, Front and Morrison. WANTED 5 or 6 room house In city, t .Will give in exchange 10 acres about 14 miles south on Oregon Electric line Value $3000. Blanc hard & Clemuon. "702-3 felling bldg. . WILL buy lor cash o or 6 room house north of Quimby and east oft-'tith st vunn uicn, 'Jnion ave. N. Phone E. .477$. 'WANT house, beach cottage or im proved acreage, for good equity in Urge T room house, 100x100 lovely gar den and good district. Woodlawn 1454. WANTED To buy one acre land Partly cleared, near rarlin. tn it,r not over 30 minutes' ride. Cash pur chase. Address D-590. Journal. BET. PORTLAND AND OSWEGO." Client wanti not lpu th.n i p Price must be right. Fred W. German qv i r (jnnm. or com. I VANTED 5 room bungalow, will give uivov ui awn ia payment. 1-93. Journal. . , WE WILL SELL OR LOAN MONEY ON YOUR LOT. - J. C CORBtN CO.. LEWIS BLDG. 'WANTED 60x100 Jot between Everett and Clay, near 13th sc, suitable for Church. K-6S7. Journal 'JVVA , NT property in Bayooean, Or. U- 70, Journal. MONEY TO LOAN 27 REAL ESTATE Oa Improved real estate or for build ing purposes; very flexible contracts; no commissions. COLUMBIA L.IFE A TRUST CO. wj elevens Dldg. ,WOULD like to make TAW lnans rr l?a- w make low rate. Money 5,,?.vav&llabl' L.. Archer. 404 Northwestern Rank ' ,u PORTLAND PROPERTY6r VaLLEY t ... , , aiua 1AAISU. M&kft low rn t ti rtiA .,,,,1,,, H. L ARCHER. 404 Northwestern Bk. ; U1I LOANS, 6. 6Vi AND 7 FARM LOANS. 1. ANY AMOUNT. : t OEO. E. WAGGONER & CO.. 805 Yeon bldg. nave money to loan on Mhldenc . and improved farm property, 4 or 5 i"'-.'""1' payment option. J'rovl dent Trust comoanv. 21s Hnim LSUlLDlNO- loans on city and suburban , vroDerty: monev advanced n wnrii jrogresse W O. Beck, $15 Falling aaviOi will OIVI, 200. $600, $1000 EASY terms, mort ,, ages bought. Evans & Co., 206 Oer linger bldg. .4100,000 ON mortagages, city or farm jrwrrvy, ire insurance. McKensie Co.,, Oerlinger bldg.. 2d and Alder. CASH paid lor mortagages. notes Ann. tracts, mortgage loans; reasonable rates. r. n. t-ff wis, n utwii Dlog. MONEY TO LOAN in amounts of $160 ib eovuu on oiiy property, a. Ii 1111 eriinger ning. .00 $300 $600 $700 $6000 . nana ror immeuiaie loans. BOJD REALTY (!0. I.RWIH m.nn MONEY to loan Jon. Improved property, j. ranaijjt, y PtocK fcixenange, Smlth-Waaoner Co . Htaek V.TFh.n.. . vv, AU AiV SV 1U WAJ. to loan on improved city, tarm . jiroiierty. r. o. King, 314 Hpaldlng Hiw,. ..' fiww ur 10 aauuu to loan on city or Hi. . 1 j apor Jioo, $350, $6oo. fioo" I12O0," liifij: T.- - " ' -:ntrn- cons .840.000 OR I.Ussi vTxnPnsTVPrns $0 4th Bt-' Bosrd of Trade Bldg;t bTF3 vis-r-Small loans, installment loans Cellars-Murton Co. Rot r... y,a.. MORTGAGE loans, to 7ft. Oregon . inv. ft Mortgage Co., 170 3d St. MQRTOAGE LOAsVt i and LoulJ r Salomon & Oo.. 300 Oak at . (ik WONfcIC to loan.' 4 to 8i. W. M. Seit. Co. '116 Snaldlna- bl ldg kni TO 1 loan at 8 on good city pro "r. 7 P"' U-977. Journal l'. PRl VATB'money, to loan at 8. t R. l.sBox 80.. Oregon, City, Or, ' 27 OUR installment plan is the best and surest memoo or paying a loan. 132.26 per month for 36 months, or $21,24 for 60 months, or 115.17 for 66 months nav tmmi loans and Interest. Other amounts m proportion. We loan on improved city property Or for buildin nurnnuc VIH? VO'S LOAN ASSN. 242 Stark St. PortlinH 0.nn CITY AND FARM LOANS, 3 to S years at lowest rates, depending on Kind and location of property and mar" gin of security. MOVTWT.V T"V O T- , T T IXTjmTnn T -V Tk-a on .Portland homes 6. no commission. " rj ur.fUBii uua at i cent per day insures tha safetv nt vnur na pe" and other valuables. UNIOm SAFE DEPOSIT & 1 RUST CO, 284 sr. I HAVE $500 to $5000 to loan private ly. n Worcester mag, MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES SALARIES 11HATTKI.K Money to loan to salaried nennle aril others on furniture, pianos, motor cycles, automobiles, diamonds, etc at legal rates, with easy terms of pay ment; no delay. Licensed by state. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. INC.. 311 Dekum Bide. . diamond's" boqgnt and aold. Main fawa.S IX1AN8 WANTED 30 1800. 3 to 6 years, 7. on 160 acres wheat land In E. Wash. All in culti vation. Value $3200. References. No commission. M-947. Journal. WANT $1000 from private party, 3 years, 8, on good suburban secur ity of I30OO. Address owner. Y-942, Journal. WANTED $800, $1000 and $1100, 8. on suburban residences, private parties, no commission. Call Sletten or Masterson. Main 3517. A-7340. WANT $10,000 to $12,000 on choice val ley farm, value $36,000. Private money preferred. Jean Bollore. 412 Stock Ex. bldg. $1200 MORTGAGE. 8, for Bale prop erty worth $R000; Insured fo- face of mortgage; discount 12. Quigley. 202 Wilcox bldg. WANT $800 from private party to complete building, no commission; ampie security. N-76I, Journs). $275 LOAN wanted from private party, good real estate security. 1300 Camp bell. WANT $1000 loan on 6 room modern house; no commission. L-949. Jour nal. $276 FOR 1 year on lot on heights. Value $1000. Will pay $25 expenses. Y-590, Journal. v LOAN $2000 on A-l Income bearing stock, value six times amount of loan wanted. L-941, Journal. - WANTED $1800. Ample security, Farm property. Will pav 8. Ad dreB K-554. Journal. WANTED $2200. First Ilea on farm worth four times amount asketl. G 963. Journal. WAN'TKD Loan of $1000, 8. on im proved 10 acres near Pleasant Home. No agents. 401 Lewis bldg. $800, 3 YR8 8, on modern house, yal ue $2200 Prefer to deal with private party. X-5SS, Journal. WANTED $200 loan, good security. Give phone. M-188. Journal. WANTED $800 and $1000. Claude cole. 800 Henry bldg. WANTED from private party, $3000 on good farm property. 1.-923, Journal. WANT $900 on my residence this week. Main 1940. 430 Worcester bldg. FINANCIAL Bl WILL sell farm mortgage, $2800, 8, l'.b years to run; no discount or com mission. Call on Joseph C. Gibson, 306 uernnger bldg. or Tabor 1998. 1st and 2d mortgages purchased; also sellers' interest in contracts. Or. and Wash. H. E. Noble, Lumbermens bid. I WANT to borrow $1250; can furnish ample security: if you have monev. we can do business. L-943, Jourrol. CHATTEL MORTGAGES PUB t-MAWKU. iwgi'lHE 311 Dekum bid. ;600 1st mtg. Will discount $50. 961. Journal. HELP WANTED MALE WANTED. SOLICITORS. Women and men. exclusive terrltor. ies all over Oregon and Washington, can easily make $10 to $15 per day. Sells at sight. Call or write 604 Rail way Exchange bldg.. Portland. Or DELIVERY boys with wheels wanted. Must be 16 or over. Ttn 1 1 v iiinn.n. for bicycle repairs. Good pay, from $7 to $15 per week. Fine chance for ad vancement and to learn good trade Apply Western Union Telegraph Co, ou U.J1U UKR BIS, WHITE SALMON strawberry picking season opens up May 25. A large number of pickers and packers wanted. Should have your own camping outfit. Apply to Fruit Growers' anion. White Salmon. Wash. WANTED Reliable man to sell our attractive old line health and acci dent policies. Portland and vicinity. Fine compensation and chance for rapid advancement. 1. C. Cunningham. c fin r , .ii DO you want a position for life, wltn big pay. short hours and sure ad vancement? Then work for Uncle Sam My free illustrated book DK 38 tells how to get an appointment. Earl Hop kins. Washington. D. C. NO STRIKE. Honest, sober men every. , where for firemen, brakemen, bag gagemen. $120 monthly; promotion, ex perience unnecessary. 729 Railway Puresu. East St. Louis. 111. 6Ai.ts.vibA wanted; almost every telephone user buys one to three; stlls for $3; profit 100 per cent; send for particulars. Tappan Co., Box 247, Portland, Or. A PROMINENT real estate concern of this city desires the services of a youfig man who owns a car. For par ticulars and appointment address M 438, Journal. WANTED Middle aged man to play piano in out or town tneatre; no ob Jertions to nonunion man. U-978, Journal. WANTED, midd.e aged man to do cnores ana gardening, good home and small wages; call room 809 Rothchlld bldg., Monday between 11 and 12 a. m. FIRST CLASS solicitors wanted; good money for right party. Cali g-le Monday. American Decorating Co., 84 Broadway. WANTED A bright young man to act as salesman and to 00 collect ing; must be alive and clean cut; small salary to start. Y-594. Journal. BOl'S wanted witn wheels and motor cycles, must be over 16 years of age. steady work, good pay, chance for ad vancement. L. A. Mollenhoiir, 263 OaK. WANTED Young man of good habits, about 22 yrs., for office work. Ad dresj giving experience, references, etc. Z-S72, Journal. WANTED A man to care for invalid gentleman and help with garden In country, good home, small wages. In- quire at 121 Portland blvd WANTED First class salesman with auto to visit grocery trade. Salary and commission. X-640, Journal. v WANTED A young married man to handle delivery route in city. Cash oonas required. B-y6, journal. WANTED Man with 3 to 6 ton motor truck. Call today. Z p. m., 690 Bid well ave. WANTED Man for table mfa.. one handy with machinery preferred Ap ply 999 wuiiams ave. WANTED House moved. Call Mar shall 1335. WANTED Man for creamery. Z-(9, Journal. EMPLOYMENT department Y. V.. A WANTED men to cut cordwood. quire 249 Second St. 8. IT- RESPONSIBLE boy to do ohores on - farm; small wages. JX-688. Journat, HAti to help clean house for romi and board. 284 Main t W4.NTET---4 wooJ split tela. 149 GiDhS st. Phone Mala-(025. MONEX TO IXJAlf HEAL ESTATE -(Continued) HELP WANTED MALE (Oontlaned) PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. 14th and Johnson sts. U .8. Government Employment Office cooperating. WILL WANT SEVERAL HUNDRED MEN THE FIRST OF THE WEEK. SEE US FOR A JOB. Delivery hoys. Boys for local factory. Office boy, about 16, references. Farm hands. Milkers. Hop yard laborers. 20 section men. 6 section men on coast, $1.76. 26 machinists, out-of-town, open shop, $ tq $3.75. 60 logging road laborers, top pay. Lumber yard laborers, various local ities. Lumber scaler. Ail-around sawmill men. Jobs every where; wages the best Cord wood cutters. T?- . . i . . v. nil.. SA.ni1lnavl.n IX BERRY PICKERS Will start shipping out berry pickers and packers iuee AtLV ran us 600 more men. women and children for the work. Be sure and register Monday if you want to get in on tne rirsi assignments. THE LARGEST EMPLOYERS OF LA BOR IN THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST GET MEN FROM THIS OFFICE. THERE ARE ALWAYS JOBS TO BE HAD AND YOU DON'T HAVE TO BUY THEM. NO FEES ARE CHARGED. Main 3565 A-5624. HELP WANTED MISC. 4ft Y. M C. A. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL Day and night classes; training in repairing, driving- and machine work. Including forge, lathe, ahaper, drill press, etc.; time unlimited. Secure pass at Educational office Y. M. C. A bldg- to inspect our shops and meth ods. COMPETENT CHAUFFEURS AND MECHANICS SUPPLIED. TuJ tlon fee includes MEMBERSHIP IN 1 M. C A. and Its EMPLOYMENT DE PARTMENT, use of 60-ft swimming pool, shower baths, gymnasium, etc. SALESMEN to sell the famous Myers line of Leather Goods. Memorandum Books and Diaries, Metal Signs, exclu sive copyrighted Art Calendars, and the most complete line of specialties ever offered. We pay a straight salary or a commission or a drawing account to men or experience, we nave tne repu tation of beln the most progressive tiouge In the Advertising Specialty business. THE ELWOOD MXJtRS CO., Springfield, Ohio. ANY Intelligent person, either sex, of good education and business aulllty; must be able to handle correspondence and write a rood business letter. An opportunity to start a small but profit able mall order business in your own horns or office: rood for $100 a week when established; can be managed in spare time, evenings, or a a side line at first; grows rapidly. Send for par ticulars. Heacock Co.. 875 Heaoock bldg.. Lockpoft, N. Y. WAniTiJD 5000 housewives to use wizard clothes washing compound. Guaranteed nothing injurious. win make your clothes spotlessly clean in 16 minutes absolutely without rubbing or washboards. Saves labor and wash day drudgery. Package sufficient for 5 family washings. 16 cents prepaid. Western Specialty Co., 860 Alder su, Portland GOVERNMENT positions pay $800 to $1800 a year, with short hours, vaca tions, steady worn, no smites or iay offs. Let our Civil Service Expert, for mer Government Examiner, prepare you for Postoffice, Railway Mall, Customs and other positions. Write today for free booklet. B-87, with list of posi tions. Patterson Civil Service School, Rochester, N. Y. SALESMEN WANTED Experience un necessary, easy work, big pay. Write portunities" to earn from $100 to $a0J a month while you learn. Address neai est office. Dept. 313, NATIONAL SALESMEN'S TRAINING ASSOC1A TION. Chlcaao. New York. San Fran cisco. OVER 15,000 men and women wanted this year for U. S. government life ions. 166 to si5u montn. vacations, No layoffs. Short hours. "Pull'VUn necessary. Write immediately for free list of positions now obtainable. Franklin Institute, Dept. 850-0, Rochester, N. Y. SALESMAN Vacancy 1st, experl- enceo. Any line to sen general trade. Pacific territory. Unexcelled specialty proposition. New. Commis slon contract. $35 weekly for expenses. continental Jewelry Co.. 14S-Z1 Contl nental bldg., Cleveland, O. COMPETENT SALESMEN OR MER CHANTS preferred by well rated Cleveland concern to sell merchants greatest specialty of the day; $300 to $600 per month; commissions paid weekly; state experience. W. J. Smith Station C. Cleveland, Ohio. SALESMAN Capable specialty man for Oregon; staple line on NEW and exceptional terms; vacancy now attractive commission contract; $35 weekly for expenses. Miles F. Bixler Co., 227-21 Carlln bldg.. Cleveland. O LADIES A fascinating home bus! . ness; tinting postcards, pictures, etc.. spare time; 112 per 100; no can vasslng: samples 10c: particulars free Artint 501 L. 130 Manhtn, st.. New York. WE want the name of every ambitious woman; we show them. In 8 simple lessons now to earn money at home. No agency work. Write for free partic ulars, r. m. iroos, nn j&i. hu Jonns, nan Jose, si. USE your spare time to build up n mail order business of your own. We helD you start for a share in nrofits. 27 opportunities. Particulars free. Op portunltles Exchange, Buffalo, N. Y. WOMEN wanted Full time, salary $lo, selling Guaranteed Hosiery to wear 9 f r an t-iriiir anirA tlma- rtafmanant experience unnecessary. Wearproof Hosiery, mornstown, pa. OPPORTUNITY YOUR CHANCE TO LEARN MOVING PICTURK OPER ATING, WE TEACH YOU RIGHT; NIGHT COURSE JUST STARTING. 66 BROADWAY. A BRAND new top notch advertising specialty, a corxin good seller. IjId eral commission. Sells all size towns Look us up then write. C. E. ERICK SON & COMPANY, Des Moines, Iowa. I WILL pay any honest man np to $60 monthly for part of spare time. No canvassing. No capital. Write today Voorhles. Desk 161. Omaha. Neb. WE WILL TEACH YOU MOVING! TJir"TT'T? c nofniTriMd ormoi v YOU FEATURE FILMS FOR ROAD SHOWS. 66 BROADWAY. FIVE bright, capable ladies to travel demonstrate and sell dealers. $6 to $50 per week. Railroad fare paid. Good ncn omg co., Dept. nio, omana. ivcp. MISS MATTINOLEY'S .8CHOO BHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING day and evening sessions. 269 14th. Mam S893; is per month. EARN good money writing names and aaaresses. spare time, no canvass ing. Particulars for stamp. O. C mitn. uittie rock. Ark. WANTED Person to color art pic tures at homes asv work: bo axnerl ence: good tiay; sample free. Wheeler co.. 337 Madison, cnicago, PHOTOPLAY IDEAS AND STORIES WANTED by 48 companies; $5-$600 paid; exp. unnecessary; details free. Producers league. 206, Ht. Louis. EARN $26 weekly, snare time, writin for newspapers, magazines; exp. un necessary; details free. Press Syndl cate, i4. at. uouis, mo $10 TO $16 earned weekly addrssln mall circulars spare time; complete instructions, . lOo Address Theodore L. Llnd, Vancouver, Wash. OREGON AUTO 6CHOOL. 429-431 BELMONT BT Your work helps pay tuition. Stu oenis earn ooaro. room. i Monin, Government lobs. Men, women wanted. List of positions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 849-0, nocnesier, jm. t. maNTIlD Names men, wishing to become Portland wtsll carriers Com- mnre S7 month. OX-MI, Journal. MORE MEN for detectives; experience unnecessary; easy work, big pay. Vrite today. Box 44 8 J. Akron. O. Mww AiOiMFlr" DURTVG THE BVU'. MER MONTHS.rCOMPLETB OUT FITS. SERVICE FILM CO. - 898 OAK. Uncalled for tailor mid suits, $ i . up. Tajrlot the Tailor. 28)i Burnslde. HELP WANTED MISC. , 40 CARPENTER and cement work wanted exchange rent apartment or house. Phone Tabor 1697. - HELP WANTED FEMALE 2 PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. Women's department, city halL Can use 600 more women and chil dren for berry picking, WU1 begin shipping out pickers and packers Tues day. Be sure and register Monday if you want to get in on the first as signments. Marshall 4100. 'W0.' WANTED Lady ledger clerk, accurate I at posting and gtod writer; must also be able to take dictation and oper- ate typewriter. 60 per month to start, with good prospects. Answer own handwriting. P-956, Journal. WHITE SALMON strawberry picking I season opens up May 2c A larg number of pickers and packers wanted. Should have your own camping outrit j w i iuiv wwt.c. i raiiiioii. vtkhii. WANTED An elderly woman for I nam nouseworK on iann in muuw wregon: o a montn anu juuu Please address answer. DX-s., jour-1 i . WANTED Experienced operator io work on shirts and overalls. Appty I Standard Factory No. 2. Grand ave. and East Taylor. GIRL to worn in private family moi n- ings and evenings for room ara board. A good home to right kind of gin, ix xiuiny rim. WANTED Operators as tents an3 I overalls, liotn selling ana single 811 Zd st.. tortianfi. or. needle machine Apply Hirsch Weiss carpenTER work, tinting with. Mure Mfg. Co.. 205 Burnslde. BOQ. r6palr, cheap now. Manny. EXPERIENCED biller who thoroughly understands Reminaton macmna witn Wahl adding attachment. Answer. X- a), journal. COMPETENT girl for general house work and good plain cooKing. xwo In family. Wages $36. References. Call 821 12th street. REFINED girl as nurse for 5-year-old bov. Wases $10 Der month. State 1 age, experience ana reierence. journal. i EXPERIENCED lady stenographer, J out of town; salary $60. Phone Alain 37, Oregon City. L I WANTED ExDerlenced feeders and foldens. Apply in person. Crystal Laundry Co.. 21st and Sandy road. COOK, with city references, by fatn- lly of 4; wages $40. Apply room 908 Electric bide.. Monday morning. "Aftir-u uuiuH player. Apply at Butte iotei tnis afUrnnAn . WOMAN for general housework. Chris- tisn Scientist preferred. L-934, Journal. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 29 ! MOLER BARBER COLLEGE wants men and women to learn the I traae; paia wniie learum, iuuh nco, positions secured; summer rates; write for catalogue. 48 N. 2d st. WANTED, competent and responsible person to take charge rooming house. 24 rooms. Astoria. State wages. P. H. Welch. Astoria, or. . . . , . . , , . t , .. -..1 ,1 I Miuw ov-uwv,. ..-..v. . m 1 - o 1... D.l,l..n. .n,,r.AT Pov I tv hi learnine. 38 N . 2C St. SB 1 MfA fc L V ninlrm ahrtut Inn. 1 Write E. A. Maasrlela, White fcai- mon Wash . r.j i L-nr .... and women to learn oarper iru r o vioHann at WANTED AGENTS . i . . . . r-t . , , ,, . , i i n . m ,.Mi ci. n t ,-'1 t gfi i- 1 1 f rtrl n U t ' I lust add water. Delicious drinks in a PLACE to assist in general house iiirv Pnnular for th home. Dicnios. work by elderly woman. No oblec- - . . . . . , parties, sociais, etc. amau pacaages; carry in Docket. Enormous demand. Agents maaing o u ii a aay. yut- l Lil ist a postal to- day. E. M. Feltman, sales mr.. 4885 "JToa d y German woman 3d st., Cincinnati, O. Tabor 5984. I HAVE ft splendid proposition to make to aerents or canvassers wno are willins to earn $5 a day and over. I pay 600 profit on an article that a.Sd .ls i.lZ?" 5an fi1 T-V. I ,.1nl.V-A,rA- Vaa.s.a s4 4 s4 f 11, X 1 1 J Cf CX. i tiws;i WJ-waxs waadva by' canvassers and I will give exclusive territory to first applicants. Address postoffice drawer 76. Buffalo. N. Y. A FEW experienced, suocessf ul book and magazine salesmen ror our com- pieie iino iuiuuhu iuiuiuid. niiyci specialties, as "Marit i-wain, - -resi- X"1X" -.V T . ' .V:; iubii jrc.jj.c, cn uu. .usjaju, KIT T.i,rrlwi FYftuniro Kldp- MVYifATsT niAvnvm .P.iff rsn' TAILORING Party gowns, altera M1,KiVIV3 S'l "e,em: tions. 489 Montgomery. Main 7434. Ma csmnlnA! nam a rainbnw fir: etand tests; sell at siffht: live agents wanted: profits 850 weekly and up Write quick for sample case offered free. Mexican Diamond importing Co., Box A-21. Ias Cruces. N. Mex WE START you in business, furnish- ing everything; men and women, iu to $200 weekly operating our New Svstem specialty Candy Factories' home anvwhere: no canvassing. Op portunity lifetime; booklet free. Rags- dale Co., iiox z., cast orange, xn. j. AGENTS make 500 per cent profit ellinr Novelty hi en cards. Mer chants buy 10 to 100 on sight. 800 varieties, catalogue iree. ouuivan Co.. 1234 W. Van Buren St.. Chicago, 111. L'SE your spare time to build up a mail order business of your own. We heln vou start for a share in profits 27 opportunities Particulars iree. Opportunities Exchange. Buffalo, N. Y. AGENTS t or tio me ana onice spe- cialtles; great labor savers; big sellers. Write today for our free booklet. The Bayard Supply Co.. uox 17 snnnn wv Wash. TOiniiFBn aitpntton Do von want TEACHERS, attention oo you wanii . in ot-aq u vn i- inr miK n inn? i i ir to Increase your Income during the months? Communicate with E. N. Strong, agency supervisor Ore gon Life, Portland, or. LIVE AGENTS wanted for high grade BDecialtv. Demonstration lnvariamy results In sale. Write for free booklet 1 a Vi I r P,,miiaBan lr.A' Robinson ave.. Ogden, Utah. WANTED Men with established ter- I furn. hatters, to sell my Panama hats. Sideline commissions. Leo Galltzki. 210 W Van Buren St., Chicago, 111. rlwV,.f" 1 . ,'i iLJ START NOW, make $16 to $20 daily mbv. brand new. tremendous de mand, big rieia, tun particulars iree; write today. M. & D. Supply, 1699 Ful ton St., San rancisco, oai. WANTED Agents in all sections for our full assortment of clean., relia ble nursery stock; demand is Increas ing. Attractive terms." OREGON NURSERY COMPANY. Orenco, Or. 100 MOriE making business plana buslnesa builder, 2909 Indiana ave., ChicaKO ill noon live hustlers: an easy sellini proposition; liberal commission; oulck sales. 80 Grand ave. AGENT to sell tube extract anl toilet ariicies. v an at ova r. $. SITUATIONS MALE 3 PAINTING, paper hanicinic and tinting. work guaranteed. Cheap. Phone East 2761. PAINTING and papering, kaisomining 1 i ! ' - ' . .. i.bu a room uu up, wwia bum&u - teea. si r,. mn bl MAN wants paintmg. tinting, house- cleaning, any kind of work. Main M92. COMPETENT shop mechanics and chauffeurs furnished by Y. M, C A. Auto school. Main 7065, A-66H1. Contractor ?iuanV. p V W cement worK. s. 8. Kingery. mw, 18S8. BOY 16 years old wants chance to learn hardware and agricultural Im plement business. 8-989. Journal. OLD roofs repaired, moss removed? Sell. 32. , - . HOUSE painting and tinting, $2 per rm Cv A. Barnes. Msr. 2828, M. 6S4. WALL tinting, work second to none. - prices low aa. anyone. Mar 1746, SHINGLE ROid and new shingling done Teasonapiei wooaiawp- zitz. WAR rates on palntln and tlntinr. 1 Tinting $1 room and up. Main iiZZ. SITUATIONS MALE (Continued) CITY OF PORTLAND PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU 14th and Johnson sts. EFFICIENT MEN FOR ALL POSITIONS. Salesmen, office men " clerks, me chanics, farm hands, house men. cooks, mill men, loggers, laborers, etc No fee charged employer or employ. Out of town orders given prompt attention Main 3565. ' A-5624. ENERGETIC married man wishes of fice position; experienced cashleri work; A-l references furnished. F- 989. Journal. PORTLAND man. 35. desires position M aDaTtment house manager or bain,, superintendent, thorough qual- ifJcati0n8i best local references. X-538. JournaL oARnENER wanted? For work that win pieaa yo phone Main 6918 or .,,,, n H-.Brles. .266 N. 20th at Experience. sood tools. reasonable prices, .VrtTTVn man wuntB nnRltion whftr he can make expenses while learning nitn rnnir nnii vuicanizinsr Dusiness. j u. Stewart. 338 Monroe si married man with family wishei position as teamster, acquainted with city, delivery preierred. isis lil ith st. N. y0UNG man would like position as chattffeur :n private family, careful driver and willins; to work around the house. K-546, journal ELDERLY man wants dishwashing, do vegetables or any kind of llgnt work Small wages. Object home. W. Bailey, sell. 2421 SITUATIONS FEMALE CITY OF PORTLAND PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. Women's Department. City nan. No Fee Charged. RolliihU Mrnnptent helix anv line. promptly supplied. Office, clerks, hmiRekeenora. domestic, day workers. wamitrfn'eii. Marsnaii fiuo, -izo. UNINCUMBERED widow would like position as housekeeper, no objection to erown son or small child. State particulars and salary offered. Z-570, .Journal. uLL,L,t,ub mrl wishes position caring for children during summer months, 8jrf?a8!?re "Xdd-TsRXO references. Address RX-790, Journal. WORK Any kind, day or hour. Come r-r. I 9777 fnMnnon or ,:rirnTI" V VV.T.t,h .... - . 0 woman will 1 exchange light emBlovment for rood home and small compensation; in or out of city. M-963. Journal. WIDOW, experienced in the business, wants position as housekeeper in apartment or rooming house. Phone Mar. 1269. MIDDLE aged lady wants housekeep- ing. Take Montavllla car, 22 E. 79tn N. Portland COMPETENT young woman, off'ce ex perience, wlsnes worK temporary or permanent. N-753. Journal. RESPONSIBLE woman would like . nn nAnnAn, ara,-tmjnt rT rnrunini i6tii V- -K-' r.' - bnuse: references. Marsnau. W AIN I fclJ 0 EO US lull lu iiimiiu t. pcmiiwic v, w of children. Tabor 5361. tour i- rjj iauy une uuuBcncc.nB position, or store worn; gooa ret- erences. o-5. journal. x i wx.i..ivj t dren or aauits oy compel -nv e - reacner. uc iesun. 800 E. 6th st n. 6 SMALL family washings and ironing. l U. OU uu4lu,t,. J v. . . - I l . i .4 . . 1" r. I O Taiitti.I i iwn w t-iPE rtaJn laundered 12 years' ex- perlence. Tabor 6983. Mrs. Scott. LA,DY will do good work day or hour. v ". I CURTAINS Hand laundered, first class work. Sell. 232. COLORED woman wants day work. E. 1 7704. WANTED Work of any kind by the nour. oeuwow o DRESSMAKING 40 drbssmaKING Plain skirts, $2.60; i waists, voc; nats trimmed and re- rmodelod. 867 E. 7th St.. N FIRST CLASS dressmakmg. reason- S.MwnrH 28B9. 670 BL I'ltn M. . FASHIONABLE dressnaalcinff. new Ideas, at home or by day. Wdln. 3522. NURSES 60 COMPETENT and efficient nurse, kind and capable of handling any case. Phone Tabor 6427. EXPERIENCED nurse wants case at once- will do light housework in ad dition. Marshall 4982. INVALIDS private home, sleeping porch, trained nurse, city references. Tabor 2213. PRACTICAL nurse; best of references phone Marshall 447. NURSB witn traininf, mental case. I T" i j c n preferred. Tabor 4i67. FURNISHED ROOMS 0 FURNISHED rooms for young men In -ji Darts of the dry. also In Y. M. C. i a. oiag4 especially a';iraoie auring ioi summer; lire-proof, telephone in eacn room, shower baths, 81. 7 to 64.75 per weea, mciuamg iuu association mem bershio privlleices. 'gymnasium, swim pool, hand-ball court, and many . , Fuil lnformatios . . . - - . . . . . at x. At C. A. Dusiness oil ice or tele phone Main 7066 A-6561. 20TH AND WASHINGTON STS. Strictly modern, light, cool rooms, f2 to 4 per weK: privste patns "i?(r" lu" " " T,; month, including electricity, nam ana gas to cooK with. IS. lVtn. 32 TL.rr r a d i am $T Week I UL UrtllLnilU Week. MODERN brick.; outsiae rooms; respectable; hot water. 25 Trinity st , cor. Washington, bet. 19th and 20th. BACHELOR'S HOTEL Everything new and up to data For men only. Tenth and Washington. Main 6?19 BAY CITY HOTEL New manage ment, 183 H 4th. Reduced rates. Sleeping and housekeeping rooms, $1 ?i'eS, LIGHT, clean, pleasant room, plenty heat and hot water at all times, porch, large. yard, very ihomelike. 414 Maritet. KTCE front room and kltchenettjeon bJ - venient to water; free phone1-and i L JJL. v . , . ' front room in apt, near Chester bury Apt., very reasonable. Mar. 633. iui,iVTren irffiNi5&lfiiiiMK .iti. at SIWB Am U)tMuainiuivuiu oaa. moo ern, fireproof, respectable. 33 week up. I . r - l THE BEVERLY Clean, homelike, fur i nished room, reasonsDie, centrally I located. 185 park-Yamnui I si.60 WEEK up, clean, warm, modern fur. rms.. central. The King, 309 Jef. ROYCREST, 17S 12th, suites and sin gle IL K. rooms; use of plana. FURNISHED ROOMS PXXTATZ TAJtttT 70 NICELY furnished II. K. rooms, rea sonable; walking distance. 193 LownsdaJe, near Taylor. LARGE front room, lovely view, nice neighborhood. s&4 E. 18th gt corner Madison. East 234. FURNISHED and unfurlshed rooms cheap. Have work. Tabor 4468 NICE sleeping room for lady1 or gen tleman, iio per mo. i2t bo. iotnt PLEASANT room, walking distance. -;4f ..Jf. IIM ST. - : "' " LARGE pletMiant front-roota. Phone Sellwood 47. . FtJRVISHED ROOMS FXXTATS 7A3HXT Oos tinned ) IV1 T D ET KTT' OlAAann wnvm In rrkd ern home for two working girls or gentlemen, with or without board. Reasonable rate, reference required. Call or address 1342 East 19th st. wesimoreiana. MODERN 2 large trcnt bedrooms, fac- ing north, cool, light and airy, elec tric lights, phone, bath, in family with no children. Nob Hill district, very homelike and centrally located. Phono Msln 7836. NICELY furnished room In private home, close to Washington st., walk ing distance, would furnish table board to desirable tenant. 71 Trinity Place. WANTED, a woman employed to share cozy house with a business womaru low rent, sunny side. Address S-986, journal ALAMEDA PARK Lady has several line rooms tn her new residence in this choice district; will furnish and rent to reliable parties. Woodlawn 1110. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room for gentleman, every convenience, walk ing distance, very reasonable. 160 K. 13th. cor. Belmont MODERN newly furnished room, hot and old running water, suitable for two, walking distance, reasonable. Main 2696. HAVE large, sunny, front room for 2 gentlemen, 2 beds, single front loom, $8: plenty of hot water, phone, elec tric 1rbs. 2RSV. 14th St. iyL,siKAULb tront room, ladies or gentlemen. 712 E. Taylor. Sunnyside car tip 20th. 3 -blocks south. 1 east. ROOMS, with or without board. In widow's -home, 2 blocks Broadway bridge. 408 Benton. LIGHT, well furnished rooms, walk ing distance. 325 12th st. Phone Mar., 4889. NICELY furnished rooms, modern con veniences, very reasonable, central. 404 Clay, near 10th. $10 FURNISHED room tn modern apartment, walking distance, both phones. Marshall 1829. LARGE light front room in private family. 248 N. 20Oi. ROOMH AND BOARD 15 THE HEREFORD. 735 797 HOYT ST. A quiet residential hotel Amorlcan plan Suites Single rooms. Excellent table. Main 8305. A-1722. ' ROOM and board for young woman, $3 per week; laundry, library and sew ing privileges- walking distance. Pnone East 4732. ROOMS AND BOARD 75i PUT ATE PAMTXY NOB HILL, near Washington St.. light, sunny room In modern, home, suitable for 1 or 2; best home cook ing; all home privileges; reasonable. Main 5643. WANTED Two gentlemen to room and board who will appreciate home privileges and home cooking, private family. East 2116. 535 E. Couch st. TWO young men to board and room In a congenial home close in on the east side 20 minutes' walk to postof fice. Call East 7740. VERY desirable modern room with sleeping porch and fireplace, suitable for 2. Board optional, also single room. 470 Columbia. Marshall 6188. ROOM and board in nice home, all privileges; piano, fine porch and yard; reasonable. 335 11th st. Mar. 6464 WANTED Ch i Id ren heme, reasonable. Tabor 1284. to board, good 1176 E. Baimont. FURNISHED room-, batn, garage, I b k. to Ladd ave. East 4842. ROOM and board lor school children. East 4786. ROOM with board, reasonable. East fiume cooaed meals dally. 214 Main st WANTED ROOM AND BOARD 80 WANTED Home and good care for boy 6 years old; state terms and full particulars. 8-988, Journal. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 8 FiTBsrzsKSD ash virrrmvxsxsD ONE room with kitchenette, complete It furnished, steam heat, running not ana - coia water, pnone in every room; 7 blocks from 6th and Morrison sts, S12 up. 291 Columbia st-. cor. 6th LARGE corner room; steam hpjt, elec- tric lights, bed linen, coOKlnc gas, free phone, bath; $3 week. 445 Co lumbia. THE FRANCES Furnished steam heated rooms, sinrle or In suit. 31.75 and up. 162 W. Park, cor. Mor rison. 347 MARKET St., H. K.. large fine room, extra line aitcnen. onvate toilet, back porch, cheap. Phone Mar shall 720. NEWLY furnished 2 room apartment. i t including iignts. pnone. batn Janitor service, steam heat. 187 17th near Tarn hill. THE MAYNARD Convenient, liaht housekeeping rooms, single or dou ble. 125 14th, near Washington. Phone oiarsnau km. En suite and single bay windows, free light, phone and bath. 86 to Slz nr momin. Aierceaes, zutn ana Morrison. DOWNTOWN moaern H. K. suites. 316 month un. Including heat. llsrhL eta. Koysi Annex. B50 Morrison, m. 4631 FOUR furnished H. K. rooms, first floor, all connecting, will rent same unrurnisnea. 693 Johnson st. $1 and up, furnished H. K. rooms, free meat, launary. Dam. pnona. t. 6039. zvi sianron. w-a oar. SLEEPING and housekeeping rooms cneap, ciose in. Z4UH Filth st. The r-ortiand itose, can Kunqay tlbm Anc $1 k "p. 401 First st UVIII i ipiui t T Free bath. hot. cold water LARGE H. K. front room, electrlo ngnt, in per ween, zgz Taylor. CHEAP, IL K. rooms, 22$ l$th st. "none Mar. 3988 EXCHANGE sleeping or housekeeping rooms ror tinting, wain anv. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 73 nr&auus aitd tnmrxzTZBxzo rUTATB fAMILT, ' 610 THREE furnished H. K rooms electricity, bath, phone. (31 East Morrison. LIGHT, cheerful basement, furnished H.K room electricity, laundry, ev- ery convenjence, 8 mo. 1Z3 N. Z3d. PLEASANT H. K. suite to respectable, adults, for company, reasonable. 169 E. Jtn. siNGLE housekeeping room, $1.60; suite with kitchenette. 12.50. 168 18Ch st. . NICE slnsrle H. K. room, llcht. Dhana. cooking gag free. 814 Mill St. Phone Mar. 876. TWO dandy H, K. saltes, two rooms .each. 32 and S3. 427 Montgomery, Main 1634. TWO or more furnished H. K. rooms. Electric lights, gas, water in cottage. very cneap. am Mississippi ave. CLEANEST, cheapest h. k. rooms in eity. private entrance. First floor, 4z Main. 2 HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 110 Oer month. 645 H Washington St., near letn st- TWO rooms, newly decorated, electric II ehC bath, phone, splendid location. light. 116 N. 33d st. Phone Main 7760. TWO, front rooms, complete, 82.50; also fine basement rooms, $2, 274 Mont gomery. rT TT A M eunnv tvn sw.-n 1rvMA w-safaae sswMaa aswasa a wuh vgvw ill all conveniences, H. K. if desired. r.7i wr ween, srx istn. Main iizs S iFURNISHED H. K. rooms, private oat ii. sww neifiiDornoea wsiKing OlStSnce. K. 3333. ICS e. lztn St. 170 N. 16th St., housekeeping suite suitable for two ladies; walking dis tance; price reasonable. 3 ROOMS with piano, gas range, $1 per montn. o xamnuu st. riiONT room, with piano and house 240 Park st ONE nlcef rontteona with, kitchenette. 00 14tht, West. : -NEWLY , furnished modem H.: , K. . momti cheap.- 406 W. Park, . '. ttvO basement il, K. rooms. 79 K. 14th HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS 73 ruKHiayro ajts uifuunns PUT ATX r AJKXX.T ConMaedy 3 ROOM suite, modern, electric light, $12.50 per month; also 1 room suite. $10. Large front lawn, flowers and shrubbery; walking distance. 67 North 20th st. , $14 00 Two clean, well furnished housekeeping rooms; also one suite with sleeping porch; electric, heat no phone. At 308 College st. Main 8510 or Marshall 1663. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, single and double, $5 to $12 per month, free bath and phone. 450 Yamhill, between 12th and 13th. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Suite rooms, fine couple or business people. Quiet, fine location, block to car. Inquire 669 Clifton. Reasonable. ONE and 2 rooms, nloely furnished, clean and sunny, gas, bath, phone, lights. Call Sunday and evenings. 306 14th st. TWO well furnished housekeeping, gas range. lights, bath, phone, pri vate entrance, $8 per mo. 871 Mont gomery st. PLEASANT outside suite, 1, 2 rooms, housekeeping, well lighted, reason able, close in, respectable. 188 West Park st. LARGE, pleasant housekeeping rooms. Dam. laundry; gas. yard, porcnes; walking distance; $6 up. 487 East Ankeny. - . VERY large ground floor room, alnn, oeautiiui large yard. $z.oo wk. 8S7 1st. FINE front housekeeping rooms, well ugnted, heated, free cooking gas, $z $2.50. 402 Park at. FURNISHED rooms, H. K. prtvileges; goon location: iignt, pnone, oain, 11 up. ia is. i7tn, cor. Kearney, $1 "WEEK each, sleeping or H. K" rooms; free phone, light, bath, zsz itn St., near Jefferson. LOOK at these if you want 2 nice, ciean rooms, pnone, electricity, oath low rent. 450 Park. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, steam heat, walking distance 3s Market st. HOUSEKEEPING rooms In private home, all modern conveniences, rea- sonaDie rent. 321 Eugene st. FOR RENT HOUSES 12 TJKT'tntXrZBJCXD HOUSES. RENTS GREATLY REDUCED. $8 4 room modern, W-W, now $6. $12.50 5 room, modern. H-A car. t $16 7 room modern. W-S car. $12.50 Other houses, in good locations. Rents greatly reduced. For.further Information BETTER SEE GAGE. 43 6th St. Main 6444, near courthouse, SEE our list. We inspect every house personally ann send you on no wiid Roose chases. Tell us what vou want and we u ten you it we have it ror rent Oregon home Builders Oliver K. Jeffery, Pres. 1$30 Northwestern Bank Bldg. FOR RENT Large, neat, clean house moaern, z acres ground, orcnard. big garden space, flowers, anade trees blocks car. Mt. Boott: poultry houses, bam. Owner going east Very cheap to right party. Healthful and desirable noma xaoor eoss MODERN bungalow, 8 rooms, with bath and lsrse attic electrln llzhts. Bull Run water: good chicken house and runs; three lots on nardsurface road two blocks from Multnomah sta on. on Orason Eleotria. Phone owner. 'labor 6H8. BETTER HOUSES. LOWER RENT If you want to rent any kind of a house sou can find that kind of a house by seeing us at once. Hurry! BJfiTTEB BKBJ UAUE, 843 Fifth st. IRVINGTON 7 ROOMIIOUSE. 320 Best Dart of Irvinaton. 442 E. 19th St., jn., net. xiiiamooa ana inompson. Key at 440. Rent only $2 psr mo w Ii. weum, eon Diog. Main 4913 X12 WILL rent house of 6 rooms modern, near river; yard, flowers, vines, soutn. - come see it. non Sell. 1864. TWO lots, S room shack, $2 iO per montn. located on Bid at. (macad amised), near Eat a cad a car, F.ed W German Co., 738 Cnm. of Com. $18 FOR a 7 room modern house with furnace, newly painted outside and tinted. 690 Clinton near El 16th Frad a. j aeons co., 104 etn st. run kkht BUDuroan boms acre growing garden, berries, oraokens. room cottage. Oregon Electrlo. Mai Svfi. 9-ROOM house. 668 Montgomery Drive all modern conveniences, excellen view. Inquire Lumbermen'e Trust Co, MODERN 6-room house. Sleeping rrcn. excellent condition. Appl E. 7th St.. N. FOUR room modern house for rent garden in and place for chickens; a month. 838 E. 9th st. N. v BIX room modern house, oak floors 816. 867 Clinton and 28th st. Take Richmond car, -h srn 8 ROOM modern house in Pledmon for rent. Union Realty Co.. 104 Union ave. Woodlawn 884. 88 6 room bunsalow. modern, el ec trf city. ras. I block from Mt Scott car Phone Tabor 2483. EXCELLENT condition, 6 room house, East 16th st.: rent reasonable. Mr. Johnson. Main 937. 18 VERY desirable 5 room bungalow, modern and complete. 1585 Fremont. cor. 69th; "R-C" csr. (Open.) CHEAP, good room bungalow, mod ern. Improvements. 7001 60th ave. S. E. Call Mam 7021. FOR RENT Modern house. 7 rooms sleeping porch and flreless cooker. i4 iv tn st. inquire 847 weioier. ROOMS, modern with linoleum. ranae. double floors, chean rent. Sci- entlst preferred. 435 Webster st. $6 PER MO., 3 rooms, nice big ysrd, bet 2 carlines, blocks to each. 949 Mallory ave. 5 ROOM modern bungalow. 430 E. 39th st. cor. Tillamook. Rent $25. rnone Mar. 4&7. 4 ROOM bungalow, $8 neat and at- tractive. i&06 e. Ankeny st. Fred W. Gorman Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. MODERN 6 room bungalow, bath, gas and electric iignts. targe attic, lie F. 76th N 2 blocks from M-V oarllne. $9 MONTH iilodern 6 room hoime, lot 60X100, i3tn-naver . sts. tsee lost, 861 Fremont st. Union ave. car. 6 ROOM house, modern and convenient, best car service. 1072 E. Main st, cor. $6th st or call A-3028. FOR 'RENT Modern 9 room house, 2 batn rooms, close in. line view. 687 Bothwlrk st Woodlawn 2042. TWO good 1 room houses. 818 eaoh inoludtng w water: 6 room cottars, tio Neal Brown, 209 Panama bldg. FIVE room modern cottage, 291 Han cock and Williams ave. Rent $12. Phone East 6797.' FOR RENT-Modern 4 room cottage and garage. Tabor 108. Call 4141 6?nd St., 6. E. NEAT 4 room cottage, $12. 991 Wil- llams ave. Wdln. 1156. FOR RENT Modern 6 room house, $61 East trying, cor, is. i8tn, sis mo. NEAT 6 room cottage. 446 Union ave,, N. $16.. East 462. FOR RENT, room house. 367 Weld ler st East 161$. 7 ROOM house, newly tinted. 670 Belmont. Sellwood 1689 FOR RENT, modern room house. Portland, ma. Main 7i. . MODERN 6-room house, 16 E. 17th at u. pnone js. saws. M"ODERN 6-room house, good con dl tlon, reasonable. 948 K, Ti ayior, 28 NICE 4 -room house. 7th and Klicklut. Key at office 72d st. 8 ROOM modern bouse. 611 E. Couch. East 7441. $7.00 6 ROOMS, west side, walking distance. Innulre (25 Clay. MODERN C room house, East 13th and Division, pnone) eu. 8&s KENT 8 room house, 460 Larrabee nice viw ot snipping, n,, 3if. FIVE room bungalow, modern, nice yard and garage. Tahor 1636. FOR RENT 7 room modern house, 509 Ross it., near RusaelL fi r FOR RENT HOUSES 1- TOrvxirzsxzs (CeaUauea) " $45 12 rooms. $95 Yamhill st, near 10th. st. i v 1 , $40 rooms. S91 Yamhill St. '. $35 8 rooms, furnished, 830 E. 6th XT $357 rooms. 772 Hoyt u near 23d. $30 9 rooms. 533 Marauerite -ave garage. $25 10 rooms. 144 N 18th stl near Hoyt. '.,... $15 7 rooms, 429 E. Burnslde, near 7th. , . . . $16 5 rooms. 551 Overton at near 16th. -, . $126 rooms. 4S1 R Kth a 'earner Caruthers, near Inman-Poulsen will. 17.&U rooms, 1744 FlskJ st, bU Johns car, large yard. J., tl. P. fAl,UKK.J()NEg t n 404 Wilcox bldg. Main 8699." 7.00 6 rooms and bath, cement base ment and furnace; in good con dition. 0.007 rooms, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors. $22.00 6 room; furnace, fireplace. built-in effects, hardwood floors. $22.50 6 room modern bungalow, beautifully finished, fireplace, built-in conveniences, hardwood floors. . . v -. $26.00 7 rooms and sleeping porch. fireplace, built-in features. $$5.0 8 room beautiful house la Ladd s addition. . " Oregon Home Builders f. Oliver K. Jeffery, Pres. , 1320 Northwestern Bank Bldg, ' POWERS RENTAL BUREAU. ' A lint inr of 700 houses, ants., etc.. many excellent locations. 6 room bungalow in Sunnyside, strictly modern, $20. s room nouse m Laurelhurst, ur nace, hardwood floors, 382.50. - Story and half bungalow, 6 rooms, modern, 16 4 room flat, modern, Williams ave. car line, 312.60. Ail service without cost to you. POWERS FURNITURE CO., Third and Yamhill. Here It is .Tell us the part of ' Portland vou want to live In, how much rent you want to pay and we'll build your home that the rent will nav for. This la worth considering Isn't it? Oregon Home Builders Oliver K. Jeffery. Pres. ' 1830 Northwestern Hank Bldg. ; Phone Mar. 4600 A-slOl. . MEIER ft FRANK'S ' RENTAL BUREAU 7TH FLOOR. We have at all times a rellehl list Of houses, flats, imrtmtnlt. t. ' in sll parts of the city. Avail yourself ot mis v kee service, information cheerfully furnished. 38 J Irvtn-ton 7 room mod.. 626 K 16th N., nr. Brazee; key 1st house K. 8 6 4 room bungalow, 837 83d at. $147 room, 4 82 E. Pine; walking file. jo o room, new flat, 354 tn. ;-. i i room modern. 781 York, 23d car. SEE FRANK L. M'GUjRE, Main 1068 a t k rnnm rnrniahsri i rwi ne-iAn . 1000 HOUSES FOR RENT Here Vou will find a romnlilt list nf the most desirable houses, bungalows ana riais in tne city. ANY DISTRICT; ANY PRICK : Office hours 10 to 12. 1 to 4s80. r EDWARDS CO. Free Rental Bureau, 82 6th, Cor. Oak. MR. AND MRS. HbUSE Hljiif&Tr' See us before you rent a plaot fo live. 6 mln. In our office, under our new system, equals a month of per sonal search. We show you the house you wish to see. Smith-Wagoner Cp., Stock Exchange, 6 ROOM bouse, lot 100x100. bearing fruit trees and berry bushes; house not modern but comfortable. f6. Fine place for garden or chickens. Wood stock car. Corner 48th st and 63d ave. Phone Sell. 20K. 8 ROOMS, all timed, arranged for 2 families. Lot 100x100, All kind fruit, garden, chicken house. 1 block to Wms. ave. cars. $18, Including W ter. Woodlawn 209. 1 ROOM house with abundance of fruit, garden all plowed, with barn if needed. 812. Inquire 1 East 63rd mt. Tahor 1086. -, - ; MODERN 6 room cottage, newly tint ed and painted; no children; very de sirable locality; $16. 436 Prescott, cor.: 7th. Key at 435 Prescott or 987 7th St. ATTRACTIVE 6 room modern house, - choice neighborhood; centrally lo cated. Rent reasonable to right party, 393 11th. 6 ROOM modem house, nice yard, Karaite: 315. including water. 160 Vancouver ave. 661 HOLM AN STREET. 310 6 rooms, modern, Woodlawn, new, Smlth-Wa goner Co.. Stock Exchange. FOR RENT 7 room modern house, fruit trees, rent cheap. 801 E. S2d. Woodstock car. TH REE rooms. ;;;tii .i y and batn for rent. 1107 E. 2m st. N. $6.60. Pl3ne Tabor 1064. - FOR RENT 7 room house and arre. near rarllne. $8 mo. Quigley. 203 Wilcox bldg. -: FOR RENT 6 room modern bungalow, $18 mo. Lovely home. Quigley, 293 Wilcox bldg. ' 4 ROOMS, lot 100x100, $7. Quigley, 202 Wilcox bldg. COTTAGE 1043 E. Alder. $8.60, wired. Fa. SI 4 Oregonlan. Main $8S2. 6 ROOM modern house, newly tinted, etc.; $15. Woodlawn 197. MODERN 7 room house for rent. Call 42 E. 15th st. HOUSES FOR RENT ' 71 mnsno ajtd vxrunxxunxn 716 CORBETT, cor. Hooker, opposite new Felling school, $ room house, furnished or unfurnished, bath, gas, Ruud heater, furnace, fireplace, Jllc yard; $36 per month furnished, Of 620 unfurnished; references exchanged, ln lire Donald woodward, 104 2d near srk, or phone Owner. Knnt 8411.- - FURNITURE FOR SALE HUITHEH FOR RENT 33 ADS. of furniture for sale at nub' iisneu in tne nousenoia uoous ciass Iflcatlon when house Is not fof rent FURNITURE of modern 9 room cor ner house, newly painted, everything In fine condition. Price $260. 82 E, 16th. NICELY furnished 6 room 'flat, cleari and neat. Rent 25. Sell cheap it taken at once. 188H 12th st. -r&-KC3oM house for rent furniture for sale; all in good order, 313 Clay st. 1-X'KNITUKK for sale, cheap; houee ror rent 728 commercial st. - FURNISHED IIOUSCA 86 FOR RENT Completely furnished i room bungalow on Portland tits, from June 15 to Sept. 1. Mar. 1143. FURNISHED house, $1. 6 rooms, large yard, close In. 291 Sacr. mento. near Union; key next dQdf. $14 CLEAN furnished 6 room cottage' 4 blocks Broadway bridge. 438 Roes East 4866. '"- ' FURNISHED 6-room cottage, modern, newiy painted, tinted; garden, utwn; 86. pnone Woodlawn 1233. 6-ROOM house completely furnished, extraordinary: 620. 1287 B. iUh N. Mr. vahi, woooiawn iz. FURNISHED Rose City 6 room bunga low, modern, garden, xzo. Mala 8863 6 ROOM modern house, completely fur- nished, near Laurelhurst $25. East !iL t FOR RENT Cheat 6 room furnished house; 350 E. 37th st.. corner Ste phens. Inquire 861 K. 37th t ' FURNISHED modern 5 room cottsge. cheap, on car. ,voin. n sumaay. 1 1 g FOUR room house, clean, goo" J . furniture, piano. Woodlawn 4024. MODERN 4 and 6 room house. Owner, 1201 N. W. Bank bldg. ' . $12 6 rooms furnished. Tabor "a,e blocks. Tahor 843. , jf ; FURNISHED cotuga closa to river, Geo. Morse Jennings Lodge, Or. ; 7 ROOMS, beautiful furniture, -garage. flowers, corner lot. 481 Oregon Hfftel,- (OoatUned, om Kext race)