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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1916)
,12..; . . . , v J. ; ' the ' Oregon - Sunday journal. Portland, Sunday morning, may 21, 1916 . ' ' 1 ' 171 (OOBtlB4 JL8T A. MOMENT! FARM 'for RENT, STOCK for SALE. ;, 12000 CASH will handle. Ona of the best dairy ranches Jn the county. 210 acres, exceptionally fine noli, about 176 acres under cultivation, uuio una paMiurrt, fine new wubb, Mr hi modem barn. Kilo, b!r barn ; for young took, fine well and two I running atreams, all kinds of out i rmildlngs. This in a beautiful farm, I Ilea level, on a good road, only a short I distance from car Una and only two miles from Vancouver. Rent IV 0 per i month,' which is very cheap. The per i sons! property for sale included 27 1 fine cows. 26 fine heifers, of Which f several will, be fresh this summer and I fall; B bulla. 4 horses, cream separator, ! gaa engine, grain drill. 2 wagons, har i, neas 2 cultivators, 2 plows. 2 harrows, f milk cans, all small tools, etc. The ; itodi include 60 or 70 acre in uats. 26 i acres clover, 26 acres timothy, 4 acres radY lfiaVe. corn. 12 acres kale and i li acres rrune orchard. Orchard will," more than pay the year's rent. This Is a real money-maker and will sell :o the first-man who sees It. ;om.; eariy. Price. $4003. $3000 cash, balance 2 or 3 years, T per cent. . THOMPSON & SWAN. th and Main ts., Vancouver. Wash. - FARM 8iNAP. - tS acres near Cathlamet, Wash: 11 acre In cultivation; fine orchard In beating; good 6 room house, large barn, balance pasture amd timber; with jjlace goes 6 cows. 2 sown. mare, bug- FOR HAlE -FARMS 'JL.KY, cream separator, and other irnple T inents. Price $2200. $500 cash will .handle. 1 i . 10 acres near Kelso, Waah.. 6 room no use, z Darns, ciose scnooi, goo a rwao, fine orchard and berries, team horses, harnet-s, saddle, cart, -cow, bull, chick ens, farm lmplerments. household goods .nd crop. Price $1900; $1000 cash will handle. 40 acres, same locality, 6 room house, large barn, all outbuildings, 6 cows, 2 steers, team, chickens, farm imple ments, furniture, separator and dairy utensils. Price $1860; $1200 cash -Alll handle. l 4 acres near Gladstone, Oregon City t car; all under cultivation, 60 fruit ! trees- in full bearing, 6 room house, i "barn; a fine place Price only $2250. . ' $269 cash will handle. HOWARD & MA1LLOUX. , $09 Chamber of Commerce. FOR BALE OR TRADE! 160 acres near the coast an.l rail road, plenty of running water, some good timber, some cleared and a lot very easy to clear; small house and " barn, fruit trees, etc. Want close-In acreage to the amount of $4000, or . might exchange for good house in Portland f -ee and clear, j . HO 66 cleared, 7-room house, good .barn, fenced, plenty of water, hearing 'prune orchard, 7'4 mile from good "town In Clarke Co., to exchange for , Portland property; price $8000. 1 bare Other trades. What have you? . ' E. H. WRIGHT. - ; Wchofiel bldg.. Vancouver. Wish. ' ' HOW ABOUT THIS ONE? 82 acre river bottom land, 30 a cul , tlvated; fine 6 room shingled house with water Dined to house and barn. Lota of outbuildings. Fine stream of ! pure water on the" place which could ! -n!iU?hrchUr?dh,f0-rt ttT.'Su?!!: nJ ' "d C-rlln-?tt--P ?C-:l-g0i4 . S?T'i,S;RrJ0J.iini..W:.a.1 1 ZL1-"1...- r" n rr"' . " k' In tmlm- hmi.. mmnl.t.l. frl.h-H . 91 mll. frnm Pn.t linj with An d ' 33 miles from Portland with good R R and wagon road facilities. Prico $4500. RALPH ACKLBY LAND COMPANY. 210 Rothchlld Bldg. - 940-ACRE wheat ranch. 500 in wheat, 800 In cultivation, good building, rood well and gas pumping plant, 16 ' head of fine mures, all kin4 of farm Implements, nrlce .000. cash $6000, Seattle. Value $100. Also 20 acres uri Dai. to suit. 8 per cent. Improved ,uar White Salmon. Wash., in m i - - i Mi 214 HENRY BLDOi SPLENDID EQUIPPED FARM On tank of Willamette river; highly productive soil; 180 acres, 70 now ,-under plow, plenty of fine pasture and $2600 worth of cordwood timber sold tinder contract goes with place: all He- , well to farm; good 6 -room house, mod ern dairy barn with silo, cost I'oOO: 7 rows, 4 heifers, 4 fine horses, 33 hogs, 0 chickens, binder, mower, seed drill, corrugated roller, rake, wagons', rlows; $13,000, terms. D. McChesney, 6 )3 Title A Trust bid. ranch for aale at a bar fain: 42 acres 15 of river bottom, rest bench land: about 30 In cultivation; ,modern, 6 room house, with bath; hot and cold water, piped from aood sorlne: good barn, will accommodate 24 head of stock: mllkhouse. all complete: chicken 1 houses and other outbuildings; 7 cows, automobile or bungalows. $12,000, heifers, bull, calves, chickens, team, J?0.00 mt-, years. Owner, L maehlnery. ail kinds of fruit: $3300: 94 Journal. $1600 cash; rest time. No trade. By owner, "Wash. R. E. Donaldson, Castlerock, i BUY FIVE ACRES and plant part in , loganberries. They thrive In Oregon and can be profitably raised for juice : or for drying. We have cleared oench and bottom lands, one mile to good valley railroad town; finest soil, creek -and springs; good roads; employment; scnooia f ive acres with house. 125 dowfv$10 month: unimproved lands at! leas, '. Let us show you. J. R. Sharp, less, . iet ' 83 8d st. room ta. foriiano. ur. f 46 MILES FROM PORTLAND. i. 4ft acres bench land, nearly level; 2V4 Iqlle to Columbia river and Ry. sta,; on R. F. D.; rural telephone in; fair .; buildings; some tools; two young cows; 2 acres cultivated and 6 acres more nearly cleared; $1750; part down, bal. long time 7: take part trade; what have you? Address, NX-766. Journal. HEY I FARMERS, ATTENTION. HEY! i .Four sections (2560 acres) of fine 'level wheat land wtthin two ml town In Southern Alberta. 800 seres under . cultivation. Will sell on half crop pay intents. Will sell In smaller tracts. :Y" .-; ; CASCADEN & READEN. -s ' Canadian and Oregon" Lands. S$T Ry. Exchange. Main 1499. 1 ALnca ai uregon City; house. baro, spring, water, all in cultivation, aoout J & acres in Dearinir munes- $2250. $760 cash, bal. long time. If vou Tiefd a bosa this is not the place, but -tf you want to work for yours.tlf in vestigate this anap. Tou can sell all "yout product in Oregon City. Mc- . Kenxle & Co., 615 Qerllnger bldg, "Z T BROKEN HIP. ' Has completely disabled me. Must .sacrifice my 80 acre farm stocked an 1 equipped, good buildings. household furniture. 47 miles town. 35 miles Pnrr- - land, near school, price $3500 $700 cash.' Will take half of balance in gOOd Clear PrODertV and mnrtmra horlr k for remainder, 10 years 6. M-482, journal, FOR RENT FARMS 14 OWNER must sell stock, tools and lease on 40 acres, north of Van- couver, ciose 10 town ana railroad, 14 i acres cleared, crop in, 2 cows milking, not.her ,r.'"h "?n;., A. heifer, nogs. ll.t.L l-"? "separator and farm tools"" on rrea - route and R. F D rent 'paid trie. ' $400, part cash". Fare 50 cents See 1 this before VVednesday night. Take , Manor stage at stage depot. Vancouver 'Ii a. m., or 4:ao p.m. ask for J. w Noon's place. . 40-A. FARM, 6-room houee, barn and ...outbuildings, on counfcv road, close I f in. 610 Gerlinger bldg. .-le.ACKKS lor rent at Multnomah sta - ttons 15 month. Call Main 4637. GOOD orchard land near Carlton and r free rent. 240 Park. FARM for rent, all equipped. Tabor " $705. Monday. Call 205H Morrison. ;.- FARMS WANTED 38 . RENT QR BUY - WANT to rent pasture, 30 to 60 acres for 1 year, c'.ose to Portland and well fenced. & McLean, 5th and Taylor ets. , WANTED to hear from owner of good farm for sale, "end description and cash price. R. O. LUt, Minneapolis', 'inn : - ... v ANTED 40 to 80 acres near Port- land. rf 4000, ftm payment. L-830, Journal. . ' ... , 88 WANTED By two experienced dairy men, Swiss, a stocked dairy lanch r.neea i -..t n.. Unti.r u. na care Steamer Mlrriorle. foot of Oak st. 1IOME8TKAOS 47 160-Acre Relinquishment 4 miles from town, good soil, lies level, fine water, plenty timber, good lor airaira, acres in crop last year, partlv fenced. Price 1250. GOOD homesteads that join, liea cloe to neighbors. Price $160 each. 411 Henry bids. ' Clarke Co. Relinquishment ISO acres about 8 miles from road, about 2 miles from Dole: rail- fine soil, well watered. 3 room house and. - mall outbuildings: acre In cultiva- inis is some snap. Fred W. I vvi mail 732 Cham, of Com. TIMBER 28 COMB in and let us tell you about the 25.000 mill and eoulDment and hun,-h of fine yellow pine timber that we can se 11 you so that you can make a nice ; bunch of money. About 60.000,000 feet timKov IK..n... tul- in -m ' ih iZ ..M"" . "VL.1?: I iso nun ijLJt i. x ma un this. Chittenden &, Neill 310 Oak St. HAVE 80 acres of timber for sale in southern Oregon, 12 miles from R. R. H mile from county road; worth $2500; will take $1000 cash: cruises over 22.000.0O0, mostly fir. sugar pine and cedar; located east of Medford, near the Crater Lake highway. For particu lars see or write Chas. Hebrard Glen wood, Wash. TIMBER BARGAINS. 120 acres fine fir timber located southern Oregon on R. R. Forced to sacrifice to save other interests. Must have cash. Anply Krebs Logus Co , 110 10th st. DO YOU WANT IT? 7.600.000 feet first class timber, prin cipally Bpruce and ceAar, In Clatsop county. Or., at 60c per M. If so ad dress J-591, Journal. TWO V; sec. yellow fir timber, cruise 15,000.000 ft., Skamania Co., Wash. K-556, Journal. EXCHANGF REAL ESTATE 24 320 ACRES near Corvallls, 200 culti vated, balance pasture, no rocks, running water, fine for dairy; $50 per acre. 320 acres timber i.ear Corvallls. 8,000.000 feet fir; $10 acre; part trad. 160 acres in Benton county. 100 acres cultivated, all buildings, fine soil, two miles to railroad; $50 per acre; part trade. CloBe-ln apartment house for stock ranch; good income here. Anyone wishing to trade had better list with ine. KINNEY. 165t$ 4th st.. room 17. 15 ACRES cultivated at railway sta- . I i 1 1 1 1 . . . 1. . . - "in ' i; o " 1 l"vv " "18 acr" cultivated. $2500. Want no"" equHv. $1600. or Ford. part. . highly improved goSd bulld- mgs. close in. $8500. mortaaee 82500. ?' P- nuue or real i . sarne value. IOT eq U 1 1 y 0 acres improved $2000; want apt. house or cottage. 18 acres timber, $1500; equity $fto "(1 ATKWOOD. 165 hi want lot, 4th. 40 ACRES good unimproved lan'd. Lies level, no rock, in Lewis Co., Wash. Facing Pacific highway. 2 miles to Trout lak. district. Value $1000. Mort gage of M00 on this 20. Will trade these two tiacts for home In Portland i uKmi. th. I til . Kiln. A 1 .1 rtnA r , about the same value. Add. Owner, 543 i vv poster hi. 1000 ACRE Willamette valley ranch. 750 acres good tillable land, 300 In cultivation, 200 more verv easllv cleared, well located, 3 miles from town, well watered, good fences, fair buildings, fine lot of stock and imple- ments. $65,000 for all. Take good in- come property. W lsh todeal with own ers. .eat Brown, to 1 anama bldg. MOUNTAIN RANCH. $3000. 112 acres, 4 room bungalow, other buildings; railroad runs through the place; In Klickitat County, Wash., across 'he road frori a summer re sort. Mortgage $1600; will sell on easy terms or exchange for unincum bered property. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com PORTLAND HEIGHTS. 8 room", strictlv modern z batti rooms, fire- places, furnace, large lot. best view- of city, rivers and mountains, excht for acreage unincumbered lots. 1916 higH I WANT a good Willamette valley farm In exchange a irood mortcaire 40 acres 'irrigated land. 160 raw land. 160 acres timber, several lots and $3000 shares In large lumber company. A little cash or will assume mortgage. S-985, Journal. 6i ACRES, in cultivation, lai build- I ngs, hiock, implements, grain: miles Oregon City. 16 miles Portland, ' for good city property up to $6500 ' clear. Price $8500. R. 7. Box t2. Ore- i iron City. Or. 17Mj ACRES good land, timber alone; bring more than clearina would coat . . no miles from Pnrtl.nrt 2 til- f, Butteville. close on Willamette river. would trade for Portland property. 1194 Mllwaukle st. Phone Sell. 2799. CLEAR timber land for good house of 8 rooms on the car line: assume un to $2000; must be real value. Seattle home for cottage or land here. M N. STRATTON, 284 Oak st. WANT COUNTRY TOWM HriTITT. Exchange 2 . houses, nice lot nil fenced, price $1800. The price of "this property is right and the price of yours must be. See photo at office of Fred W. German Co . 732 Cham. Com. W AVT I-' I I I.oa mntnw 6 or 6 I ton caDacitv. in exchange for tnurlnir ; i car, real estate and some cash. Send full desc-iption and cash price first letter. Address LX-945, Journal. WILL deed substantial equity poitland house and lot, desirably situated, for ranch property not too far in the hills; indebtedness to be assumed $2500. K-925. Journal. IDAHO wheat farm, $5000. Would take suburban home at $2000. Cash $1750, balance in 4 years. J. H. Honig, owner, Cambridge, Idaho. SEVEN room modern house, garaao . and fruit trees or 1 business lot and I rash fn. hnnu In CDa. jii.i. W'oodlawn 2583. . , ,,rr. , . ,. . . i v i y. miira 10 raiiroao, CTOOK I Co.; house, barn and irrigation. What I nave you? 961 tu. 28th st. N. Wood lawn 2583. HAVE Rose City Park district lota. Exchanee for eoori modern hnmu i will assume small amount. 304 Rail- ; way Exchange. MODERN 6 room cottar rlear. fine I location, built-in conveniences, honk. burret. Dutch kitchen, for im- Pved farm or acreage. M-861. Journal. OWNER will take lot or smaller bouse k. M ftrst Payment on modern room I J"0"8 WUn sleeping porch, corner lot. """i. p anmny it. GOOD city property to exchange for I acreage, or larms to 95000. N. I. Farnsworth. 267 V, Oak st j GROCERS Have good city property or acreage to exchange for grocery. N. I. Farnsworth, 267 M, Oak st. ACREAGE. Estacada car. value $3000. for city property Can divide In two j prwpgruen. rv-OBI. journal. COOS BAY lots for city or suburban property; -will assume. 0-969, Journal. FIVE acres on the Sound, no incum brance. Want small home In the city. ror particulars address Q-964, journal, FIVE room house and $1000 cash for room house east slope Mt. Tabor. Owner only. Phone East 6737. STORE BUILDING, clear, some cash, - ? trade for modern home. Owner, Sellwood S17. SEATTLE lota exchange for Portland. j. Buor d 13 a. WANT hotel or apartment house " for ' property Main iU9 - FARMS. WANTED RENT OR BUr (Continued) EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 Lueddemann Co.'s Exchanges City and Farm Property, 80 acres, close to Portland, 4 mile to town; 85 acres cultivated, very rich soil, balance open pasture with some timber, abundance of fine water; fair house, large new barn. 1 horse, 1 cow, 1 brood sow and some machinery. Price I vuiy ftuuu. w an in reiueme up iv $5000; balance can eUnd, Fine home in Piedmont district, mod ern; large lot. Price 18000; clear. Trade for farm in Tualatin valley to $10,000. Farm near Newberg. $15,000 and other property, $13,000, clear. Trade part Or all for farm near Eugene. f,JO acres P?r independence, l su m fu!"v"on' "c.?00??"t,,1 .5"' ture: good house, barn and all neces sary buildings; dairy cows, other stock and full equipment; a fine going place. Price $20,000; will take smaller place. $12,000 to $14,000, and balance can stand. Apartment house, good west aide lo f""J .rve t iTooo clty Property $20,000. 1450 acres, eastern Waaliington. 850 in cultivation, good buildings, abundant water. 300 head Duroc hogs. 10 nurses, full equipment. Price $53,000. Trade for Portland property. Lueddemann Company. 613 Chamber of Commerce. FURNISHED hotel In small town, $4000. Consider other good property to $3200. Can put in other property and make trade to $8000. Portland Income property. $3r, 500. Consider good vacant prop erty in city to $25,000. Income property. Portland, $85,000. Want a good, well im proved and stocked valley farm to $60,000. 1060 asfere Sherman counly wheat ranch, $27,500; 600 in wheat, stock and machinnry. good-'well, fair buildings, school across road. Consider- good val ley ranch to $20,000. L, K, Moore 317 Board of Trade bldg. R mimg Houses Business Opportunities A Diversified List of Business Opportunities Is Continually Offered in These Columns oo ROOMING HOUSES 53 MI ST SELL THIS WEEK. 15 rooms, well furnished, fine west side location, large yard, roses and shade trees; modern, electric, gaa. fur nace well arranged; always makes monev; beautiful -living rooms. Owner forced to sell this week, and will al most give awav for quick sale, vv ortn $700. Mv price, $385; some terms, or make cash offer. Act quick, you bar gain hunters. Call 88 10th. near Stark. Greatest Sacrifice in City lfi 2- and 3-rooin apartments, hot and cold water; corner location; few min utes' walk from P. O.; low rent; $350 will handle, balance easy terms. See HALL. 512-13 Panama bldg. 65-Room Apt,, $1600 40 furnished. Good location. 2 and 3 room aDartmenls. cneap rent, eieam heat Small payment down. This cost . . ... 1 I . . O A Hriln $4000 lasi. year, uigiej, " bldg. Transient House 20 rooms, brick building, all on one floor, rent $30; well furnished: location where rooms are always rented. Price today for all $250, half cash. bee Peters, lb in. bth st. .. FOR SALE Rooming house, 17 rooms, brick building, rooms newly painted, mostly outside rooms. partly fur nished, toilet bath, electric Jlghts. Rent $20. Only exclusive rooming house in McMlnnville. Price $85.00. 409 3rd St., McMlnnville. Or. ; Big Snap for Some One. II H. K. rooms, good furniture; money niaker; White Temple dist.; rent $20; for $275. See HALL 512-13 Panama bldg. Heart of City 24 rooms, all on one floor, dandy lo cation, cheap rent; am leaving city, ao will give awav for $230; easy terms. See Peters. 15 N. 5th st. ;;0 ROOMS. MODERN, $760. Brick, rent $75, full, steady and transient. Guaranteed money-maker. Terms. Positive bargain. Bruce God dard. 502 Couch bldg. APARTMENT SNAP. r2.m0 j,.' heat hot TjJ . !'?, e"1 f A tlh l 322 Henry bldg. 9 ROOMS, furniture for sale; clean and "'.": IV "c,..B":u"" '"' " ta" un,CM. im vs iiiunuy and mean business. 11 North 9th .. corner of Oak. 20 Rooms, Rent $20 Downtown transient, and steady roomers: Last chance. $145, terms. Call 88 10th. near Stark. l'OR sale or rent: Furnished rooming house, 24 rooms, centrally located on main business street. Astoria. Or. D. I H Welch, Astoria. Or. I 19 ROOMS $300. TERMS. $5. well furnished, central: Rent ! furniture cost $800. Goddard, 502 Couch bldg. ROOMING HOUSE OWNERS. NOTICE! The quickest way to sell out is to list It with wide awake hustlers at 502 Couch bldg. 12 ROOMS, TRANSIENT. BEAUTIFUL. Down town brick, rent $25. fine fur niture, $450. Goddard, 502 Couch bldg. SMALL rooming house, small amount down. Good furniture. $150. Best lo cation. Ftee rent and $10. Good for man and wife. X-634. Journal. T0 Rooms, $T50, Snap Nice, clean. God d ard. 502 Couch bldg. 14 ROOMS, all H. K in good location. Best bargain for cash. No agents. Main 4885. LEAVING CITY. Will sell 24 rooms, business district. Your own price for cash. Owner. T-768. Journal. 39 ROOM house for sale. $850. Good renting and good tenants. Call and look it over. 192 Vg Grand cor. Taylor. BY - owner, 18 rooms furnished for housekeeping, cash and terms. 408 ' Jeff ergon at- near lltn. OR SALE or Trade 28 room apt. house for city property. Will assume i or nay tbe difference. L-900. Journal. , WE HAVE a very good lot and house, close In, for a good rooming houat. mcnenzie v-Q-, did uerunger niag. 9 ROOM house cheap, rooms rented. 16 14th st. Main 9508. BY owner, 14 housekeeping rooms, close in. Marshall 2594. 13 ROOMS, all housekeeping. Sell t rad e. Easy terms. Mar. 246 1. or on t Ant hmm rlrtaa In W.a Side; a money maker. Main 1068. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 20 ONLY confectionery In live town of 1800. established 16 years. Owner wishes to retire. Sacrifice for cash, or will trade for property not requiring attention, box i, wooaoum. ur. WANTED A live dealer to handle good trade. Address Edward Buscb, Oregon City. or., ttox ip. RESTAURANT doing good business, cheap. Glisan. - CORNER cash grocery. $10 rent; will invoice.. 70S union ave. main u, HEAT MARKET, as .going concern,! ... . - . - " (spienaia xovauun, . Amuv ' EXCHANGE i-REAL ESTATE 24 TRADE 90 acre stock ranch, close t Portland, for clear Portland house; no commission. Welgel, 366 V4 N. 14th st, city. . SUBSTANTIAL equity In good Port laud home and exchange for unim proved, unincumbered county property. Phone Tabor 47. FOR SALE or trade. 10 acres Improved, building, stock, close to electric S miles fro n city limits. J. F. Mageits, Clackamas, Or.. R. 1. WILL consider small clear bouae to $1800, balance long time, for my large Piedmont Home. 1204 Commer cial st WANTED Exchange Portland $3001 residence (cost value), clear, for eaatern-city property; must leave, ac count death. Frank. 109 N. 6tn st. WANTED A 6 rm. house in exchange for 6 improved lota with small house. S. L. Hanson, 1056 E. S4th at. N. J 60 ACRES, 4 miles Lexington, Or., $3000 for house and lot or Irrigated land. IT-silg. Journal. EQUITY of $1100 In new, modern 6 room bungalow, to trade for lots, acreage or auto. Price $3000. Tab. 6447. lil ACRES garden land near Miaroa, Florida: 40 acres irrigated near Pecas. Texas. Box 434. Sllverton. Or. HAVE you some clear lota for $2000 equity in dandy Hawthorne district ttingalow? wo agents, j-aas, journal EXCHANGE $1000 equity in house at St. John hns for anything I can use. What have you? ? East 4622. 500 SHARES Black Butte mining ntock to sell or exchange. Tabor 2719. 226 Yamhill. , NEW bungalow or other property to trade for apartments. Owner only. Y-589, Journal. , STRICTLY modern 7 rooms, steam heated, garage, fruit treea, roses, cor. lot, for acreage. K-632. Journal. FIRST mortgage, $460, well secured. Exchange for lot No agents. Z-571, Journal. 6 ROOM home, Santa Rosa, Cal.. for Portland property. Smith, 661 Ev erett. Main 3043. b-6 ROOM bungalow, close to car. Give phone. Z-387. Journal. . RANCH or acreage, improved or un improved, close In, far out. Z-391, J'l. WANTED Close in poultry ranch for good land. E-945, Journal. WHAT have you to trade for clear lots? Q-232, Journal. WILL exchange a paying business for a city home. U-972. Journal. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SO (Continued) OWING to other business, we are going to dispose of our Investment busi ness as follows: One stock ranch, well located, of 280 acres. Improved. One stock ranch of 710 acres, im proved. One-half interest In 160 acres, partly improved. 40 acres in city of Baker, platted and improved. Personal property to the amount of $1200. consisting of livestock, office equipment; a good clientage, and making money; we can show you the cash values. Price J25.000. one-half cash, terms on balance if wanted; no trades con sidered. Write MEYERS INVESTMENT CO.. Inc. Baker. Or. GOT 'EM ALL SKINNED. Best confectiopery, cigar, soft drink and news stand emporium in Portland; neat and nifty; old established busi ness; all new furnishings and build ings; best location; big money maker. All we want you to do is to investi gate this. Badley. 621 Yeon. A RELIABLE manufacturer want general sales manager to establish office and manage salesmen. Liberal contract. $300 to $700 capital neces sary. Money making possibilities un limited. Will pay expenses to Chicago if you are man we want. Secretary. 1012 Republic bldg. Chicago. SODA plant for sale, located, in city of 12.000. Well established business. Fully equipped. latest machinery com plete. Auto track. Exclusive bottlers right for "Hires" and Coca Cola. Own er wishes to retire. Write Gray Mc- i ean ar ercy. r-oruana. ur. ATTRACTIVE grocery store, cor. lo cation; good paying concern; clear, fresh stock; 2 large living rms. In rear; rnt $20 month. Will sell at Invoice. Suit young couple; inveatiate. No real estate or agents. 720 Mllwaukle, st. Store Owrfejs I have a lady who has city property, first mortgages and cash for one not to exceed $1000. Phone Broadway 402, Monday. BARBER WANTED. Finest opening in the west for bar ber in dandy mining town. Roomitrg house in connection; $300 per mpnth clear profit and $1200 buys it. Badley, 621 Yeon bldg. CIGAR and confectionery store must be sold on account of owner's de cease. Handle ice cream and soda water. Stock and fixtures invoice $1400; will sell for $900. Address Mrs. C. E. Robinson, Sutherlln, Or. WANTED IDEAS Write for list of inventions wanted by manufacturers and prices offered for invention. Our 4 books sent free. Patents advertised free. Victor J. Evans & Co., 614 Ninth, Washington, D. C. BUSINESS man with $5000 to $10,000 in manufacturing and retail business, no liabilities; must .have cash to han dle the increasing business; best op portunity In northwest. S-984, Journal. FOR SALE Grocery and confection ery store on the west side. Corner location. Will sell for cash or trade for real estate. Price $2000 E-924 Journal. CONFEC and ice cream parlor, doing good business; living rooms; low rent. See this. MILLERSHIP, 431 Cham, of Com. DAIRY business, qpmplete equipment, 300 qt. route, 26 cows, clearing $309 per mo. See this. MILLERSHIP. 431 Cham, of Com. MOVING PICTURE THEATRE. GOOD LOCATION. COMPLETE JSUUiP- MENT, $600: $300 DOWN, BALANCE EASY TERMS. APPLY 66 BRDWY. HARDWARE About $8000; very Drofitable. but must sell on account of other business; will invoice. Owner, S-976. Journal. . . WILL take $300 for cleaning- shop raylna sioo per mo.; consiaer moicy- cycle or roadster. J. R. Fitzgerald, Salem. Or. WE WILL TEACH YOU MOVING PICTURE OPERATING, HjffL,X YOU FEATURE FILMS FOR ROAD SHOWS. 66 BROADWAY. MILLINERY store for sale In small town, splendid summer trade; $100 vill swing sale. Box 2. Seaside. Or. WILL trade" $5000 interest In good . manufacturing business for good farm same value. Q-962. Jonrnal, ROOMING house and peol room, near large shops, docks and railroad yard. Trade for livestock or good lot. M. 8781. BLACKSMITH shop, stock and tools, good location. J. H. Albertson, Sll verton, Or. - FOR SALE On acct; of sickness gar age and machine shop, complete do- ing good business. u-9. journal. PACIFIC BAKERY for rent, fully equipped. 340 Front at. Low rent. Near auditorium. i WANTED An A-NO-1 promoter, cap able of handling a large proposition. Z-986. Journal. " ; . DON'T WORRY. T "We can trade, sell or buy anything; MILLERSHIP.' 431 Cham. Com. POOL hall, doing good business; must sell; snap. - - --tj- MILLERSHIP. 431 Tham. of Com. M.. o. - a aa t r. . 1 . AM LEAVING ' and will , sacrifice pool room and soft drink place. Call aiiemooaa, cumsiaa ' EXCHANGEREAL ESTATE 24 EXCHANGE REAI ESTATE 24 Ootlaaed ;- , COoBttawed . ' . : TO EXcilANGE$1600r stock tnrone WANT CLEAR PORTLAND HOMtf for of the best lumber companies rn tbe 40 acres, 2 mi. from R R, toao, 15 coast for an up-to-date ear; prefer ml. N. W. of Albany. 26 cleared, 15 old Cadillac Will consider any first class slash;: modern house, new barn, cnick- ctr. R-787, Journal. , en houses and parka for 2500 c'M 'kens mnT . ,, . t.n small' tenement house, some alfalfa r JJXZZZZJZJP&lXVL -Sfffh and olover, cattle, brood sows. pigs, fl fdJJ.n,Tprovd n.d ln.l2.m?A horses, all farm machinery; $5800; iX? AAAvn1;13? will take clear Portland home. $5000 c"" liS Jdn! W- B- K9at value. Bee Mr, Rohrbough. 269 Stark, at Box 38. Beaverton. Or. 1HARTMAN A THOMPSON Sctarkf rrU waahd. 1JiJ?rt.?a1Cii0i CK'OD CITy Property and choice close ciarke Co.. Wash.; will take $1000 n . -iohanaa for aood enaaodce'rvVeotr,aut0o,? tnll' X? fa 40 " SoVVnd mit live WANT cloae-m busineas property up 8AMUEL DOAK. to $20,000 in exchange for strictly 122 Northwestern Bank Bldg. commercial orchard at Hood River, r,. , ; A ,. free from Incumbrance: price $16,000. WILT take lots. University Park or GODDARD A WIBDRICK, 248 Stark st. other good district, for good House mm,, ti,nn . . . , equity, about $2600, basis disinterested UZ,Ll, V.n iSS114 appraisement, roomy, pleasantly nitu- manufactuiing firm, owning their aiid nr.ur Klir nrk nd rr Mlaht con- Portia8 r?vniiataZ$rV&r rnAtSiM. Forthuid property. No agents. X-637, g-991r Journal. ! i'tTpV ? w 5 .,.. 1, WANTED Suburban property adia- 'H.i'.nnT?.- inA wri ct to Portland or Oregon City, for vi liana ?A ,.?iU i 1. 40 'rm adjacent to Eugene. Land 5 ?uS5Ci9mn UBdr cultivation, new aet of im- 2 Mnntivifi- ,2' eluUy Box provements. Good terms on any dif- Z88, Montaviiia. ference. Bam Rugh Realty Co., 32 8th WANT farm. 40 to 60 acres, WUlam- ave E-. Eugene, or. wrtMfVr' J"' in?mbr?twS WE HAVE A WHEAT RANCH, also ffIX6Af Sm. in 1 a other tf01 California and Waah- fWnnARn witoripk 541 stark st ,nton to change for Portland prop- OODDARD & WIEDRICK. 248 Btarlc st. erty ar chleken ranch wtthin 20 mllea DAIRY RANCH WANTED . of city. Call at room 62 Hotel Hood, for 2 modem Portland rented houses, Monday or Tuesday. 10 a.m. mTT0R mortI tw frt 626 ACRES of fine wheat land in Gll- en? vtTn kS ' "a Co. to exch. for city property 607 Yeon pldK or good clear land in Willamette val- CALIFORNIA-OREOON ley; $26 jer a. See Mr. Rohrbougb, Properties of all kinds and sizes for 269 Stark, at interchange. See Or write us. HARTMAN THOMPSON U. S. MORTGAGE & INV. C'. EXCHANGE 360 acre stock ranch. 607 Yeo.n bld- I with outrange, X mglas county. Will TO TRADE $1650 home for acreage, consider modern bungalow or stock Inquire Kimball's store. 5th ave. of mdae. and some cash, asrfirst pay- and 72nd st. S. E. ; Mt. Scott car to ment. Balance time. Price $25 per Tremont Sta. then 6 blocks S. to acre. Owner, Box 117. Yoncalla. Or. 5th ave. NICELY Improved, highly cultivated 10 ACRES unimproved land free from small farm, Douglas county, on htgh- incumbrance to trade as first pay- way and railroad., right at station to rr.ent on a modern house. P-948. exchange for modern Portland reai- Journal. dence, $5600. Clear for clear. Owners, WANTED, a 5 room house in exchange P-7281, Journal. for six Improved lots with small FOR SALE or exchange, acreage im- house. S. L. Hanson, 1056 E. 34th st., proved and unimproved near city N.. owner. - and ears. Consider good city property TWO modern four-room houses and as part, or would assume on good lots, clear, cash value $3200; want farm.; Owner. No agents. T-765, Jour land (clear) to same value. Claude nal. Cole, 300 Henry bldg. ' A sfl,ndid buy For sale or trade. 60 A... 20 cultivated. Good team, 2 cows, 26 M. saw mill in thie famous south barn, house and all farming tools, central pine belt of southern Oregon. Trade for house in city. $4500. $1200 10 yearsr clip In sight. Terms on part, mtg. 2104 Hassalo. What have you? D-581, Journal. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 20 ( Continued) BAKERY for sale, in a good valley town of 1000, a good location and a good territory to draw from, only one in town and can be had for a little money, as I want to go east; just the place for a good baker with little cap ital. Call or address Jerry P. Shea, Mt. Angel, Or. COUNTRY store for sale, doing nice business and can be increased. Fine proposition for man and wife. Good farming section, on main roads to Mt. Hood, a few miles east of Gresham. Cheap rent. Will Invoice about $2000, part terms. Inquire Bank of Gresham, Gresham. Or. HOTEL 15 rooms and lots for sale, price $1500: $500 down, balance on time. All furnished. A good chance for some one. Will rent by the rent er buying the furniture, $300 and $15 per month rent. Only hotel In town. A. J. McCann. Dayton, Or. . FIRST-CLASS confectionery in good county seat town. Guarantee a paying business. Take auto as part pay. Have many other good stores in the city and country towns, some real bargains. Come in and talk it over. Neal Brown, 209 Panama bldg. RIDGEFIELD hotel. Wash., 2 lota. barn for sale. 22 rooms furnished, modern improvements; good business. My equity $2500. Mortgage $800. S. W. Ricketts, owner, 464 Millers ave., Portr land. EXCHANGE od established general merchandise store in live Willam ette valley town, value $11,000, for Portland residence property. Particu lars in first letter or no attention. XK 642, Journal. WILL sell my equity in an up-to-date flour mill located in a fine wheat belt in eastern Washington for less than half its value. Waterptfwer. You must act at once if you want a bar gain. X-588. Journal. Grocery Store Snap Dandy west side location. Invoice $1000. $650 buys. Hurry if you want a snap. Qulgley. 202 Wilcox bldg. A SMALL casn grocery store, witu half acre of ground In garden, small fruits, a good nouse, barn, chicken house, all for $2800. terms, no trade. Phone 27-J or write Willtam C. Schmidt. Milwaukie, Or. HAVE a fully equipped launch build ing plant on the coast for sale at a bargain. Good opening for a first class boat builder. Terms on part. Come in and get particulars. Neal Brown, 209 Panama bldg. OPPORTUNITY for energetic man who knows something about farm produce, etc. Before you invest one dollar owner will show you can clear $200 a month. Call room 329 Mor- gan bldg. FOR SALE Bakery doing good busi ness, if sold immediately will sac rifice, full equipment up to date, $500, terms; disagreement of partners. Ad dress Houlton Bakery, Houlton. Or. CASH grocery for sale, cheap; this includes the store building with 4 living rooms and a large lot and a good growing trade. Call room 329 Morgan bldg. PARTNER wanted" to help in store. also some outside work; can clear $100 month and a very small invest ment is required. Call room 329 Mor- gan blag- SMALL cash business: sells bakery goods, etc., and you clear $3 a day; nice place for a lady and small in vestment required. Call room 329 Mor- gan bldg. MEAT market, doing good business. In connection with first class grocery, ftor sale or might consider renting to responsible party. Call owner. Tabor 384. B-242'. GOOD CONFECTIONERY STORE IN A GOOD TOWN. JUST THE PLACE wrT? VOUNG COUPLE. TERMS PART CASH. WANT TO LEAVE TOWN. PX- 950, JOURNAL. CIDER, iCED FRUIT DRINKS and BUTTERMILK. Space to let, ideal for above or other purposes; market block, Yamhill st Applv L-927. Journal. Store Owners, Take Notice HERE'S A BUYER Newcomer has cash and some clear city lots and wants a business. 502 Couch bldg. EQUITY $1070 in $1900 lot. basement and foundation, opposite Central park, Ladd addition, trade for automo. bile. K-562. Journal. SHINGLE mill, capacity 36,000 per day, $1860. Would take auto as first pay ment. Bal. 8, one year. Address DX- 686 Journal. BEST paying grocery and delicatessen in City. ee ll loua y . nuino uarsam If sold Monday. 410 Montgomery. ffl05w lie $175 Light groceries, lunches, con fectionery, i furnished living rooms. Sellwood 201S. OLD established cleaning and pressing business; tailoring in connection; sacrifice. L-951. Journal. VINE stamps, hinges, albums, eta., g a. m.-6 p. m. Columbia Stamp Co.. 84 North 16th st. Main 768. BLACKSMITH shop . for . sale, fully equipped: electric power. Henry UhL Albany. Or.- - . ' A-l business for cash, bicycles, motor-'-: cycles, -. sporting , good, -tc J-590, Journal. : - .---'-,"-:. w---'-V;'"' :'-;?ki BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 20 (Continued) WANTED A capable man to take over best apartment nouse proposition on the coast. Portland has nothing like this. A remarkable opportunity. Re quires $10;000 and aggressive indi viduality. Uee us personally about this. Oregon Home Builders Oliver K. Jefferv. Pre 1330 Northwestern Bank Bld Confectionary, Cigars, Soft DRINKS. WAITING ROOM, ICE CREAM PARLOR. PRICE $750. RENT $20. SNAP. Takes In from $12 to $35 Brr day. will clear $150 month and up to $80 One (of the best stores In Portland. Guaranteed money maker. BRtlCB GODDARD. 602 Conch frrag. FOR SALE Restaurant and lunch counter doing good business, at less than cost Neat, clean place. Living rooms In rear. Rent $20. Price about $200. Death In family. Parties going east. Address or call S. D. Sprague. Caatlerock, Wash. Notice to Buyers I have some real bargains and money makers in grocery stores and rooming houses; prices and terms to suit. See HALL, 612-13 Panama bldg. PATEN 'rc" bought and sold. High grade advertising novelties wanted. Have inquiries from eastern manufacturers for patented devices for household use. Also special articles. I will sell your patent for you. Address 601 Pittock block. Portland. Or. Grocery Bargain Grocery and delicatessen. living rooms; cash business, new stock, fix tures sacrificed; fine location See HALL, 612-13 Panama bldg. Best Proposition in Portland Noon lunch, confectionery, ice cream living room. bath, lifetime earn. , do- -358. mg large business, cheap rent. P journal. PARTNER wanted to help in automo- oie ousiness. can l depend on hired help,; owner will guarantee good prof its to energetic man and a small in vestment required. Call room 329 Mor gan bldg. FOR SALE. OWNER Til. heat cot. .... j jeweler shop in the city; diamond saw and drills and fasit machines Doing $200 a month. Some terms.' X-535, Journal. CONFECTIONERY, ice cream parlor, cigar, tobacco, magazine and peri odical store, all cash business estab lished 3 years; transfer point, for sale by owner. Some terms; no trade, j East 684. j VARIETY store, no debts. $800 stock, $100 fixtures, cheap rent, can live In rear. Sell at 65c on the dollar. Must change. X-591. Journal. GEN. MDSE. store in farming dist., P. O. In store 'only store) Good business, about $3800. $2000 wil' handle. N-757. Journal" WANT partner with few hundred dol lars to manufacture novelty that la In great demand. Orders ahead. N 760, Journal. WK HAVE SEVERAL SPLENDID BTJYS IN MOVING PICTURE THE ATRES THROUGHOUT THE NORTH WEST FROM $600 TJP. 293 OAK ST. SA LE OR TRADE; Here's your chance. Ought to make $5 day. See It. 610 GerWnger bldg. MEAT market, fully equipped at your own price. Nice business, in god lo cation. Monday. East 481. MAKE MONEY DURING THE SUM MER MONTHS, COMPLETE OUT- F1TS. SERVICE FILM CO. 393 OAK WANTED Party with few hundred dollars and services. Investigate. E- 950. Journal. FOR SALE, Mt interest in good paying (garage and repair shop; too much wort for one man. M-966, Journal. GOOD paying rarage now full for sale cheap or will reat or trade. This is a monev maker X-K92 To,,.l " WANT partner in good paying busi ness with small amount required, money secured. 642 Washington. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED 68 280 rAC. farm, Improved and irrigated, at Weiser, Idaho, for stock of mer chandise, up to $20,000. Also other property for merchandise. CASCADEN & READEN. 207 Ry. Exchange. MERCHANDISE WANTED. Improved wheat lands, close to good town, or timber to trade for merchan dise, from $1000 to $10,000. Box 7, Madras. Or. WANTED Stock of general merchan dise, about $16,000, in city over 2009 population; positively no agents. P. O. Box: 95. WANT grocery or dry goods busineas; will exchange my bungalow; no in cumbrance; can offer good trad to x x a, T I WANT grocery; must be anap, either cash or exenange. w, v Lewis, 723 Cham, of Com. - " ' " ' WILL pay cash for picture show In I western 'Ore. or Wash. D-692, Jou rnal. WANT a good movie, CASH, giye price ; and. location, . M-965, Journal. j EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 4Qonttaaed EXCHAKflKM rF MERIT. 2800 acre wheat firm. IK 00 In cultr- vation, . running water, fenced anl cross-fenced, two sets of buildlngr. wurehouse on place; some in grain un- or tease, nut can give possession: price $75,000; trade for income to $60,000. 80 acres, all in cultivation and In crop; good 10 room house with phone; uarn ana otner buildlnas: ran tlv orchard; 14 cows. 6 head of voung . t-nr.lT K knra.D 9 1- 1 n.ower, rake. disc, plows, harrows ana all small tools; cream separator; lo- J cated In Willamette valloy. one mile irora siauon on ine s. r.; iiigh school i and cnurcnes; win exchange for cleir city property, purchaser to assume $5000. Call on Jos. C. Gibson. 306 Ger llnger bldg. FOR exchange; client with a good $3000 mortgage; other securities to amount of $3000; unincumbered lots, 2 well located houses, rented. Total values. $15,350. Incumbrance only $2600. Want clear smalf farm, suburban acreage or one piece of city property. INSIDE PROPERTY DEALERS, Ground Moor. Henry Bldg. WELL-LOCATED SMALL FARM. 30 acres, Yamhill county, right In the edge of town; electric lights and city water available, telephone in house; 8 blocks to high school and elec trie depot; 28 acre now in crop, 3 acres open pasture, living water, fam ily orchard, 7-room house, good barn, ?;ood young team, 3 cows, chickens and arm machinery; cash price $5609; will accept Portland home as part payment. D. McCHESNEY, Title & Truet bldg. 15 ROOM apartment with all fine furniture and a lease, in one of tbe best locations in the city, walking dis tance, everything up-to-date, with good heating plant; located on the west side. Will sell at a bargain, for cash, and might take good house and lot. Party is going away. I have something good; no Junk. Write 401 E. 60th st. N.. or phone Tabor 6805. Mrs. Q. C. Etchlson. Call Sunday. $56 PER MONTH FOR YOU. 40-acre dairy ranch; monthly cream check $56; 28 mi. from Portland, near Nrth Plains; 30 a. cultivated, 20 a. red clover, 10 a. good pasture, all till able, 5-rm. house, barn 38x5, well stocked: $5600. Take part in clear Portland property; must have at least $1500 cash: assume $1000. 6, state loan. See Mr. Rohrbough, 69 H'ark, at HARTMAN & THOMPSON 80 ACRES, best soil. in cultivation, balance pasture and timber: lasting running water, good house with mod ern conveniences; especially well slocked and equipped: located on good road near station; reasonably close t'n Portland and for exchange for close-in acreage or good, clean city property. SAMUEL DOAK. 1202 Northwestern Rank Bldg WANT CITY LOTS. 212 acre farm, good buildings, run ning water, 1 mile station, 4 miles Corvallls. 130 acres cultivated. Will take any good acreage in city limits and assume if necessary. NEILAN ft PARKHILL, 308 Stork Exch. Bldg. 60 ACRES. BANKS. OREGON. Part cleared, good building", .'mple- menia; a inues j rum Riauun; koou place: some hogs and chickens: price $3000: no mortgage on this; wan: free and clear house. What have you' Jacob Haas. Dekum bldg 67-ACRE FARM NEAR ORE. CITY. About in cul., bal. good pasture, easy cleared. 10 acres fruit, fair build ings, 11 cows and heifers, one horse, hay, grain and farm imp. Price $8E00, $3000 mtg.: would assume Knrne on rood city property. S. P. Osborn, 610 McKay Mdg.; Main 6229. It's Up to You We can deliver the goods. Our trad ing department gets results. 6 deals consummated this week. We trade any thing anywhere. Get in line. Write or call Qulgley Realty Co., 202 Wilcox bid. STOCK AND WHEAT RANCHES with or without equipment and stock; exclusive list of first-class properties; any size, many of them personally in spected by us. U. S. MORTGAGES A INV. CO.. 607 Yeon bldg. WANT modern residence in exchange for 16 acres close to Salem: 9 acres In full bearing orchard of apples and pears; no buildings; no Incumbrance; price $4000. GODDARD A WTEDRTCK. 243 Stark st. 19 ACRES, well Improved in every way. near good station: not far from Portland. Price $6500; trade for Port land residence. SAMUEL DOAK. 1202 Northwestern Bank Bldg. WILL TRADE. WHAT HAVE YOU Nice 4-room rnodeVV housi, "Woodstock. oo0j R-room mode-m. Clarks station. Swell 7 room modern. Waverlelgh Hts. ! If you ha- e property anywhere. j BETTER SEE GAGE, 243 FIFTH ST Land Wanted Improved and unimproved for city property, all kinds, sizes and prices; v. - i ..I . e A-A T2 V ITaIIv "Vi".ul" "l'V.. " I i i.l om. mil a. ! 20 ACRES; 6 ac onion land, house, i barn, chicken house; miles from i Vancouver, Wash.; in exchange for a good modern house, Kenton district. Call Mr. Brashem, 202 Wilcox bldg. Main 3517. HAVE a well Improved 11-acre home, 3 miles from good town, not far from Portland. $2000; would take gro cery or general stock up to 1200, country town preferred. Neal Brown, 209 Panama bldg. CONCRETE garage, 50x100 feet, on the main business street In Tillamook, Or. lot 62x106. rented $25 a month. Price $3500. Trade for farm land, pre ferably In Southern Oregon. Ralph Ackley Ivtnd Co., 210 Rothchlld bldg. STORE building and residence 01 same lot for land. 6-room cottage for tinlmprovel land, Portland nropertv for buslnes. K W EN. 312 Panama bldg. For Trade or Rent Bargain. Have good houses In various locations. Good modern places, which will be Rented Reasonable. BETTER SEE GAGE, 248 Fl FTH ST. I MUST dispose of my modern 4 room bungalow, on R. C. car. restricted district, take best cash offer for my $1150 equity or what have you to trade? Call 88 10th, near Stark. Trade for Store Have- some clear property and cash for grocery atore. What have yw Qulgley, 202 Wilcox bldg. ! 40 ACRES near North Plains, value 3000, fair trulldlng and other Im provements; am wanting house, and I BETTER SEE CAGE, 243 5 3 .. , . ' : FOR trades of all kinds se will assume. FIFTH ST, FOR trades of all kinds see me heat farms, dairy rarms, acreage, city property. If you have anything to trade, let's match them up. Neal Brown, 208 Panama bldg., 31-Atder WANT modern bungalow on improved street- Will trade unincumbered home and pay cash difference or as sume your mortgage. Neal Brown, 209 Panama Didg. 42 ACRES with 7 room house, hot and cold water, outbuildings, some stock and Implements; want house and lot to $0,ooo, nai. mortgage, long time; by owner. K-655, Journal. SvROOM modern house, with acre, fine shrubbery and one of the finest homes on east aide, by owner- want homes on east aide, oy owner farm to $12,000. N-765, Journal. 6 ROOM bungalow. 3 yearn old, 60x106 lot, clear trade for acreage in Wash. Co. no to about $2000, A. J. Farmer, 407 Stock Kxcn. 40 OR 80 ACRES near PortlanJ, unirt- curobered, for city residence prop ... ijj.... awpmaw ei4 orri.a Oil. " UUt r rt va w fl U ave.. or r-iai, journal. WHO ha modern 4 or 6-room house , and lot for $1000 cash? Address Apt. No.-$.1293 Belmont at. f WHAT have you to trade for 10 acre - prunes, near . Vancouver, Wash, P 854, Journal. CITY Income property, for small im prored ryacJi, Owner, 6-880, Journal, EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 2 i Oontiand) Farm Trades Hargrove & Sons We can get you a satisfactory t4 change; look these over: M ., Money Making 52 Acres?" Located lust 8 miles frnm tvm ! I limits, and one of the hunt frm tt Oregon; 52 acres, 48 acres cleared, best of l.nd 11(1 fZTH Vl ' him ft ft v 1 nn Ptato house, and lots of out- buildings; dwelling has hot and cold 5fL S?r a"A to buildings. rniwiw-; vw".. I heifers, 3 calves, hogs, chickens, S fine horses, 260 bushels of wheat. cream separator,. 1915 Ford auto,. useu in 111 ii ivuib ia $100 per month alone; all household aooda: r.ron all In: erica 815.000. Take modern home to $7000. Vou can clear $2000 per year on this place. Splendid 193 Acres V 25 miles east on good auto road, I acres, 80 acres cleared, balance line pasture and timber; new 8 room house, fine rail barn, ou tbulldlnasl price $18,000; take clear city to $11,000, I balance assume, $6000, 6 mortgage. ii 18 Acres, Hillsboro This is a fine piece of - land,- all cleared, about mile station. S tnllea east Hillsboro: 18 acres, small house and barn: price $4500; take , clear house $2500, balance assume,- lonig term, iuuu d; mortgage. t4, , 400 Acre Stock Ranch .- Located in best stock country ll Washington, 100 acres in meadow lana, irrigated, Daiance fine pastur and joining best outrange: Drlra tl$. 000; trade for email place well located. 68 Acres, Forest Grove ; r)n vnn n'nnt m trnrA farm rich mnA good buildings, with a fine ftsh stream right at your door7 Read this 6$ acres, 40 cultivated, fine fish stream through place, new 6 room house, new barn, outbuildings, 6 acres bearing prunes. PERSONAL Team, 7 cows, 3 heifers, 60 chickens, 7 hogs, all farm Implements. Good graveled road; 4 miles Forest Grove. Price $9000. Taka (5000 city. We have any slxe tract you want. Hargrove & Sons. 122 N. 6th st. Phone Broadway 43$L 68 ACRES. 1 miles south of Molalla, all fenced, no buildings, about 30 acre, easily cleared, all fine soli, $5100. Mtg. $2300; trade for house ana 19C or grocery store. 28o acres wheat land In Jefferson Co.. to trade for vallev farm. 180 acres in cultivation. 60 acres more can be cultivated and the balance in good Lunch crass pasture, all fenced. 2 miles from town and R. R. Price 86000. mt. 11800. 60 acres burned over land in Yam hill Co., very easily cleared. Only $10 per acre. 640 acres wheat land in Gilliam county. 300 acres in cult., and 180 more can be cu tlvated. 200 acres wheat In and the summer fallow Is all Plowed, small house, fair ham. goocl i " ' w. .,vm .v. , w. ' . -i w i for good vallev farm. Price $2"pef ! acre. D. G. Rogers, 207 Slock Exch well, 4 miles from R. R. sta., trada ZTM ACRE vallev farm. Polk county, Or.: half creek bottom In cultiva tion, well fenced, good improvements; mountain stream, fish. 4 miles to u. ri.. fine property; cash value, including machinery and horses. 136.000. 2621 acre grain and stock ranch, S-t grain lana, extra sou, balance buncn grass, pasture, fine trout stream and i springs, 3 sets common improvements, i all fenced. 3 miles to n. ll. Hiierman : county. Or., with machinery, furniture and stock. JS5.000. ISO acres. Siskiyou county, Cat.. fenced, mostly level, sub-Irrigated, choice soil. 70 acres grain and alfalfa. small house and liarn. 1 4 miles to Montague, R. R. town, $12,000 or trad. any f above on easy terms, lor partic ular JEAN BOLLOSE. 412 Stork Exchange bldg. TO KXCHANOE. 80 acres, 35 acres In cultivation; want house. Dairy ran-h: want city property. Fine anartment site: want ranch. Greenhouse and acreage for nale Of I trade. THOMPSON. 411 Henry bidg. Plion e Ma I n 681. 104 ACRES. S-room house, large barn; 15 mllea I from Portland: one of the heft farms In Oregon: $.1500 worth of dairy cowa and machinery. Will take $10000vln exchange, balance long time, 6 Inter- J. 14 Lum .cr Ex. hid, ' ' " "-. i 38.1 ACRES grain, fruit, or 314 Lumber Ex, niiig., poruana, dairy farm. I 4 miles from Albany, spring watarl piped to bullditigB; want smaller farm, cash, income in Salem or Portland, good terms on balance. Give particn lars in first letter. No agents. R. V, D. 2. Box 135, Albany. Or. 12250.00. New 6-room modern house, built-in features, wash trays, etc., one bloc from Woodmere station. Will take motorcycle as first payment, balance like rent J. C. CORBIN CO.. LEWIS BLtH. Clarke Co. Farm for House 40 or 80 acres, near JjiCentre; Willi trade equity In Portland home. GODDARD. 602 Couch bldg. 1 HAVE dandy room modern house,! Hawthorne district: Caved street: I furnace. Will trade for other house! or land. . 4 i BETTER SEE GAGE, 243 Fifth, at 2 ACRES, all improved near cltyl limits, 10c fare, 6 room house. Prleal $2600; will take clear city lota fori part, can out) biock racnange oiag. I Main 76&. GOOD choice 100X100; close to m: Scott car line, clear; to trad fori nultv in modern bungalow in good I district. Also acreage and few other I lots to trade R-7u. Journal. 10 ACRES fronting on Base Line. 4 miles out, well improved; $6509, part trade. 8ome cash. Hrhe on bal. -y . T..T,fT.., A nf Cj..l Vv.1i 6 IUX)M modern house, lot 100x100:1 fruit, garden, flowers, $2700. What! property have you? Main 7352, Z-668,1 Journal : I EXCHANGE 10 acres in Washington.! . . . . . . 1 . . . near trawroru, iicar mm. rriwi $1000 cash, for lots or auto. Tabor I f 029. $5000.00 Beautiful Irvlngton home, one block! from car. win take irvmgton 101.1 J. C. CORBIN CO.. LEWIS BLDG. 26 ROOM house. 5" room cottage lnl rear; modern; lot 6)xl00; to exchange! for city income property or acreage. Ill' quire at 23 Henry oiag I HAVE 7-acre place, good house,, only! 10 miles from Portland, on Oregon! Electric, near Tlgard; will exchange! for Portland houae, m -', journal, 1 32 ACRES, highly improved, near Au-I rora. clear of incumbrance, for mod. I ern 6 room house, good location. Main I 6120, -0 ACRE Improved farm, Includ stock and equipment: $4600; want I city property, about 83000. 310 Teon.l FOR exchange, 2 lots in Westmort- land as part payarient for modern.! rrum nrviiN Phone E. 77 H I li.ifRE FARM. Linn Co.: boo 1 loca tion; $6000; consider stock of foods! or machine shop. Sellwood 264. A $1000 Kansas mortgage st 6 per can B to trade for cuar 101s. i'nv, ou: nal. IMPROVED, clear farm Stocked trade for grocery or house. Miller snip, ji '..nam, 01 vm. A LOT and furniture to exchanre 2 or 3 room house and lot, - 884 Cal-4 mon at " '. ' t EQTJlTi In nice modern 6 room bun4 gaiow . 10 exenange ror ciear iota en acreage. '- J-697. Journal. - - I FREE and clear lota (or house equiUfai Millernhlp, 431 Cham, -of Com. (Coatlaaad om Sex age)