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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1916)
PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, , MAY 21, 1916. PORTLAND HAS SENT LEGION OF PLAYERS 7 TO OTHER CIRCUITS North, East, South and Wes -v-Are Filled With Ex-Beavers land Colts, " ! THIRTEEN ARE IN MAJORS IBM jolusoa, WlA-a-Wak HMT KftT Takn Via Bvra to Klp Wla Anurleu t Bmnaats. ' Thl article could be well headed I T Passing Show," or In a pinch til title might be "Where Away?" It concerns soane former Idols or the Portland ball clubs who are still IbaAfln away at the pill in leagues of I higher and lower classification, ana I Others who are ensconed In the moro I Croatia but. perhaps, just as remunera Itlve business of buying ana selling I thlnrs. i To begin with. In the majors there I are thirteen ex-Beavers, nine of them I playing In Ban Johnson's circuit and I four gracing National league uniforms. Three of them are with trams that -are leading In the -race for the pennants. Oraney and Coveleskle with the Cleve land Napa and Ole Olson with the I Brooklyn Dodgers. ' Here's ttae Soster. . Those Vo the American league arc: IVean Gregg, pitcher, with Boston; Bob IOroom, pitcher, with bt. .Louis; v.ari Mays, pitcher, with Boston; Bill James, pitcher, with Detroit; Roger Pecklfc- Ipaugh, shortstop. New York; Jack IFournier, first baseman. Chicago, ana Harry Hellmann. utility. Detroit. In I the National league, Tom Seaton ; Iwith the Chicago Cubs. Dave Bancroft I with Philadelphia, Bob Harmon wim I Pittsburg and Olson with Brooklyn. .' Drifting southward Into tho southern I Association district, there may be seen Bill Lindsay and Kred Derrick with I the Birmingham club. Ward McDowell Iwlth Mobile, Art Kores with Nashville IChester Chadbourno with Memphis land Gene Krapp with Chattanooga: I Swinging around the Gulf of Mexico into the Texas league, there are Kagin Burch with 8an Antonio and Walter iKuhn With Waco. Jakey Atz, who I clayed with Portland years ago. Is managing tha Fort worth team or mo iTexas league. f Two Oatehers la Association. Jl'Two former Portland catchers. Claude Beery and Mickey T.a Ionge, are members of American Association teams, La Longs being with Ixmisville and Berrr, who hopped the 1914 Beav era for the Federala, with Kansas City. Qeorge Stovall, who played In Port land seasons ago, Is holding down rirnt baa for the Toledo club. In the International league, there is Mike Mitchell, who played with the first championship team Portland haa fni-the Pacific Coast league, 1906. Mitchell is with Newark. Catcher Tom Madden and Charley Fullerton, pitcher, are with Montreal, which Is managed by Dan Howley, who caught for the Beavers several seasons ago. ilaorn Klrrhnr who crowded the la mnted Happy Hogan on thV coaching lines last spring, is with Richmond. ' Western league Za Clogged. No fewer than 14 cx-Portlandcrs are in t the Western league, and If they were gathered together they would make a pretty fair aggregation, to wit: Catchers, "Roaring Bill" Rapps, Wichi ta; Brcen. Des Moines. Pitcher Krause, 'Omaha; Koestner, Wichita 3Uligan. Des Moines. Inflelders: Shields. Denver; Cooney, Sioux City; Butcher, Denver, Butler, Topeka; llet ling, Wichita. Outfielders: Lober and (Carlisle, Lincoln; Krueger, Topeka, land Oeorge Naughton, Sioux City. , Third Baseman Kibble, who was sold Several seasons ago by McCredle to Cleveland, is witn .kvansvuie or trre Central Association, a teammate of Oeorge Tants, who was with Portland in 114. Hock of Them tip Horta. ' Getting nearer home, there is a flock yfx-Portlanders in the Northwestern ague. With Nick Williams' Spokane team, there are Kddie Mensor, Bobby IColtrin, Tommy Murray and Bill Bloom field. Tacoma has Tiny Leon- lird and Carson Bigbee, who was given tryout this spring by the Beavers, jFries, Haworth and Danny Shea are Iwith Great Falls. Dave Hillyard '.s faith Butte and Pat Callahan and Rod iMnrphy with Vancouver. Dalles High School Beats Hood Eiver Hood River. Or.. May 19. The Dallot Mgh school track team won from ..ho Hood River hlarh school team Friday at Hood River by a score of 70 to u0, as ollows: SO yard Wilson. The Dalle i, first; Cbhn, The Dalles, second. ? 100 yards Wilson, The Dalles, fiist; Hale, Hood River, second; Conn, The alles, third. , Shotput Steers, The Dalles, first; ..afferty. Hood River, second; Vonder Ahe, Hood River, third. Javelin teers, The Dalles, first: Isom, The alles, second; Howard, Hood River, hlrd. 120 yards Wilson, The Dalles, first; iale. Hood River, second. Mile Carnlne, Hood River, flrsi; egnal. Hood River, second. Half Carnlne, Hood Ri.ver, first; b'pauldlng. Hood River, second. 220 hurdles Wilson, The Dalles, prat; Hale, Hood River, second; Sla kens. Hood River, third. 120 hurdles Wilson, The Dalles, first; Breed, Hood River, second; Nick- Uen, Hood River, third. High Jump Steers, Th Dalles, first; Breed, Hood River, secend. Discus Steers, The Dalles, first; 8om. The Dalles, second; Vonder Ahe, lood River, third. The relay race was won by The Dalles. The Hood River baseball team de eated The Dalles by a score of 7 to i, a an exciting gamer , I Jim Coffey has passed up the match vitoCarl Morria at .Tulsa. Okla.r May 0 because he could not get In shape time. - i i - -v" ; ? Olds, Wortman & Kind SoU Portland . Agents for Richardson's High-Grado . Linens ' v Principal Agrate, For Horn Journal Patterns and Publications, 'Olds. Wortman & King Mail Orders Given' Carefal Attention . of Expert Shoppers . Don't Fail to Visit Th. Pit" in Our Basement Store. Olds, Wortman & King ti "Sonfce-HJp95 Saifle Mai(fflytoW(sair Apparel First Clearance of Women's Wool Suits, Evening Gowns, Dresses and Coats Second Floor . . . r : 1 ' ' ' Magazine Days Monday -Tuesday "Wednesday All Women's Wool Suits Reduced FASHION SALONS, SECOND FLOOR Beginning; Monday morning, we offer our entire stJck of Women's Wool Suits at sharp reductions in prices. This is an annual event that never fails to bring quick response, for the well known quality and style of OWK garments make them always much in demand. AU the season's most approved styles are 'represented belted, semi-tailored and novelty styles also suits especially designed for sports wear. The materials include gabardines, serges, cheviots, whipcords, poplins, flannels, etc. Black, navy, tan, green and other wanted colors also checks, stripes, plaids and mixtures. Latest full skirts and coats. Many attractive mod els for large women, also for little women. Every Wool Suit Reducedl Six Special Groups of Suits in This Sale -LOT L Suits Worth to $25.00 $13.98 -LOT 2. Suits Worth to $27,50 $15.98 -LOT 3- Suits Worth to $35.00 $17.85 -LOT 4- Suits Worth to $37.50 $23.49 -LOT 5. Suits Worth to $48.50 $29.79 -LOT 6. Woiaii Kill Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods Pacific Phone) Marshall 4800 Home Phone A-6231 New Issues of "Sperry" Magazines now ready for distribution. Interesting stories, fashion notes, etc. Get your Free Copy before they are all gone. Near S. & H. Stamp Booth, First Floor. Take Luncheon In Our Beautiful m Tea Room Bread, Rolls and Pastry made in our own Model Bakery. A pleasant, restful place to dine with your friends. Luncheon 11:30 to 2:30, Afternoon Tea 2:30-4:30. Reasonable prices. T Manicuring and Hair Dressing -Latest sanitary equipment and skilled operators. Com plete line Hair Goods S w i t c h es, Transformations, Combs and Brushes, Orna ments, etc. Special attention given to match orders. Comb ings made up to order. . 30c Handkerchiefs af 11c Department, Main Floor Sold only in half dozen or dozen lots and not more than one dozen to a customer. Women's fine pure Linen Handkerchiefs, neat block initial, embroidered and dainty hem- lip stitched edge. 20c is the price you ordinarily pay. Special Ht New Chiftons, Wash and Silk Nets In White and Wanted Colors Suits Worth to $62.50 $37.79 I I I 'P" ' Gowns and Dresses Reduced FASHION SALONS, SECOND FLOOR Prudent women will be quick to take advantage of this opportunity to buy gowns and dresses for Rose Festivgl and other occasions at a deep cut from original prices. Exclusive models in taf fetas, silk nets, crepe de chine, Dolly Varden Silks, silk laces, etc. Dainty shades in pinks, greens, rose, blues, rain bow effects; also beautiful gowns of black satins, nets and laces. Latest hoop styles and drape effects, some with puff hips, pointed flounces, etc. Trimmings include silver laces, marabou, jet, etc. Many have deep crush girdles. Soft lacey waists with short sleeves some with straps over shouIderT" Women's $3500 Evening Gowns Special at $26.25 women's $87.50 Evening Gowns Special at $65.63 We are Just in receipt of a new shipment of beautiful Imported Nets and fine Chiffon Cloths. Chiffons are shown in white and leading colors, arid the nets are to be had in white, ecru, pink. 42-inchhiffon Cloth in white and colors, priced, the yard, $1 42-inch Silk Nets In white and colors. Priced at, the yard, $1 NEW SPANISH LUSTER All Over laces thirty-six inch width, for waists. Shown in white pongee and black. Many stores ask 2 for this qual- AQ ity. Priced the yard ipLV NEW VAL. LACES. Beading and beading edges, in round and diamond meshes. Priced at 5 c, 7 c, 10c, 12c and up to 25c yard. $1.25 Wet Top Laces 79c Yd. 10c Fancy Laces at 5c Yd. Main Floor 27-inch new Net "Top Laces in white. Fine soft net and exceptionally pretty pat terns. Usual price 1.25 '7Q yard. Priced special, yard I C New Beading Top Val. Point Laces. Priced, the yard, 25c to 75c Main Floor Extra special offer ing odd pieces Filet Mesh, French and German Val. Laces and English two-thread Vate. Worth to IOC. The yard 5c Sale of Black Velvet Ribbons Main Floor Dressmakers and others having need for velvet ribbons should take advantage of these extremely low prices. All-silk pile. Price 10-yard bolt: No. l width, worth 7c yd. 4c No. 1 y2 width, worth 9c, 6c No. 2 width, worth 124c, 8c No. 3 width, worth 14c, 10c No. 5 width, w'th 19c, 12 He No. 7 width, worth 22 c, 15c No. 9 width, worth 32c, 20c No. 12 width, worth 37e 25c No. 16 width, worth 47c, 30c No. 22 width, worth 57c, 35c -t-No. 40 width, worth 68c, 45c Women's 148.50 flOC QH Gowns, special at only tPtlvl.O I Women's Gowns, special at on 55.00 OK ly P.dO Women's 58.50 Gowns, special at only Women's 62.50 QAC QQ Gowns, special at only PO00 $43.88 Women's Gowns, special at Only Women's 75.00 flpTJ OK Gowns, special at only pOD.D 68.50 Jr- fn Women's $25.00 Spring Coats Special at $16.95 Fashion Salon. Second Floor Continuation Monday and Tuesday of the sale of Women's Coats at 16.95 A splendid range of styles for street, sport or dress wear. Mostly three-quarter-length models. Somt in checks stripes and plaids, others in wanted plain colors. Coats worth up to 25.00. SALE PRICE AT ONLY $16 95' Great Factory Purchase and Sale Men's Ties $1.00-$150 Grades 59c 75c-85c Grades 39c Main Floor Far and away the great est offering in Men's high-grade Neckwear Portland men have ever had the opportunity to share in. Hundreds of our customers have already bought enough of these to last them for months to come. Very latest open end styles in light and dark colors and richest of materials. Stripes, fig ures, checks, floral effects in great variety. LOT 1 Men's Ties of 75c QQ and 85c qualities. P.iced at OIC LOT 2 Men's Ties of 1 fTQ -and 1.50 qualities. Priced at tltC Reduced Prices on Room-Size RUGS Third Floor Discontinued pat terns in high-grade Rugs to be closed out at greatly reduced prices. A splendid opportunity to save on new floor coverings. $35.00 Rug $19.75 Four attractive patterns in high grade Scotch Rugs. Size 9x12 ft. Reversible. Regu- (JJf Q rjf? lar 3 5.00 Rugs PX7.IU $35.00 Rug $28.50 Attractive design in high-grade Chenille Rugs. Size 9 by 12 feet. This is an exceptional value at 3 5. Priced spe- OQ Kf cial tomorrow at tPSO.Ol $37.50 Rug $29.75 Five beautiful patterns in high grade Wilton Rug. Size 9x12 feet. Grades usually selling at 3 7.50. Priced spe- ?OQ cial at only $7. 1 O $45.00 Rug $3325 High-grade Wilton Rugs in it tractive design and rich coloring. Size 8:5x10:10. Splendid 45.00 Rugs. Priced spe- ?QQ OC cial at only pOO.0 $45.00 Rug $3550 This is a very neat design and the colors are suitable for almost any room. Size 9x12 feet Regular 45 Rugs'. v Priced gq C (n special at only $dt).Ol IBasemeett Sale Ffimie Silks 65c 6500 Yards S1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 Grades at Yard Sc A NOTEWORTHY COLLECTION o: high-grade Silks, purchased at a big discount, enables us to give the women of this city a phe nomenal bargain in the wanted weaves for dresses, waists, suits, coats, skirts and petticoats. Included in this immense lot are: 2600 yards Black Silks, 24 to 36 inches wide, moire, messaline, Dutchesse and foulards, 1 to 1.50 grades. 900 yards genuine Imported Pongee, 1 quality. 1200 yards 26-inch Messaline Silks in good assort ment of colors. This is the quality usually priced at l. 500 yards 36-inch Black Messaline Silks, 1 grade. 1300 yds. 24 - 26-in. Fancy Silks, 1 to 1.50 grades. THESE SILKS WILL BE ON DISPLAY IN OUR ALDER-ST. WINDOW. Grass Furniture Specials N( for porcr Third Floor suitable 1.50 2.50 -6.50 ew 1916 designs :n or bungalow. Foot Stools now at SI. 29 Foot Stools now at $1.98 Side-Arm Chairs it S4.7S 7.50 Side-Arm Rockers at $6.45 i6.7 5 Side-Arm Chairs at $5.S5 8.00 Side-Arm Chairs at $6.95 9.oo Side-Arm Rockers at $7.95 r8.00 Tables priced now at $7.45 Drapery Specials White Scrim Curtains, QQn worth 1.50, at, the pair OOC French Net Curtains, Qrr ;.5Q grade, special only $1.0 1 Silverware, Cut Glass, Brass Housewares Section Third Floor EXTRA QUALITY SILVER ?LATE articles at special prices. 1.35 Salt r.nd Peppers at $1.08 1.60 Salt and Peppers at $1.28 2.45 Bon Bon Dishes at $1.96 2.75 Spoon Trays now at $2.20 3.50 Spoon Trays. now at $2.80 3.50 Nut Bowls, special, $2.80 4.50 Nut Bowls, special, $3.60 4.00 Fern Dishes now at $3.20 2.25 Crumb Pan, Scrape, $1.80 3.50 Crumb Pan, S.crape, $2.80 4.00 Casserole priced at S3.20 7.50 Casserole priced at $6.00 3.50 Sandwich, Trays at $2.80 4.00 Sandwich, Trays at $3.20 2.00 Sandwich Tray, at $1.60 $9.00 Tea Set, 4 pieces, at $7-20 20.00 Tea Set, 5 pieces, $16.00 $3.45 Sugar, and Creamer $2.76 and Nickelware Under priced Cut Glass Specials 5.00 Sugar and Creamer $4.00 2.00 Bread Trays now at $1.60 4.25 Bread Trays now at $3.40 5.50 Baking Dishes :-ow $4.40 7.75 Baking Dishes now $6.20 75c Child's Cups, each, t 60c 1.85 Child's Cups, each, $1.48 4.00 Flower Pots now at $3.20 6.50 Flower Pots now at $5.20 -Entire -Line Hollow Silverware on sale, at, special low prices. -$5.00 Fruit and Salad Bowls $4 -6vS0 Fruit, Salad Bowls, $4.80 -2.50 Cut Glass Comports at $2 -4.50 Cut Glass Comports $3.60 -4.5o Water Pitchers now $3.60 -$6.00 Water Pitchers now $4.80 -5.25 Sandwich Plates at $4.20 -6.50 Sandwich Plates at $5.20 -3.00 Celery Trays now at $2.40 -5.25 Celery Trays jiow at $4.20 -3.25 Sugar. and Creamer $2.60 Factory Demonstration Third" Floor : Renews the old and preserves that new furniture, linoleum, leather, autos, floor mops, etc., etc. Come. 6.75 Sugar and Creamer $5.40 1.85 Handle Nappie now $1.48 2;5o Handiejfappies -now $2.00 i.50 Cut Glass Vases at $1.20 900 doz. Tumblers, doz $7.20 14 doz. Tumblers, doz. $11.20 20 doz. Goblets, dozen $16.00 kUR ENTIRE STOCK OF CUT GLASS NOW ON SALE AT SPE CIAL REDUCED PRICES. UNUS UAL OPPORTUNITIES TO CHOOSE WEDDING GIFTS AT SUBSTANTIAL Exquisitely BeautltulAre the Many New Silks For Suits, Coats, Waists, Skirts and Costumes now on display in the Silk Store on the Main Floor. It is decidedly to your advantage to see these new ar rivals before you decide what to get for your new Spring outfit. NEW TUB SILKS in a splendid as sortment of weaves and colorings. Very newest striped effects. Priced at $1, $1.25, 2 yard. IMPORTED PONGEE We show all the wanted widths, and weights for dresses, suits, coats, waists and men's shirts. Look o your future needs. Medium weights, priced at 69c to 1.50 yard. Extra heavy weights, priced at 2 to 2.50 yard. WHITE JAP. HABUTAI Silks, 1 TAFFETA SILKS in plain and fancy effects. Wide range of beautiful patterns and colors. 50-INCH CORDEAUX for coats, skirts and suits. 2.50 yd. NEW SATIN DE CHINE, Satin FrancaKe, Satin Riveria, Inde structible and Pierette Voiles and Crepes in good assortment of colors. New Black Silks, all weaves. very much in demand for Sum mer waists and dainty dresses. 27-inch, priced 60c to 2 yd. 36-inch, priced 1 to 2 yd. WHITE PONGEE SILKS genuine imported qualities for suits, coats, dresses, waists. 27 ins. wide, 1 to $1.50 yd. 36 ins. wide, 1.50 to 2 yd. 4 Opening Display of New WMtte Millinery' $5, $7.50, $10, $15, $18.50 to $25 THE M I LL"1 N E R Y SALONS have been transformed into a bower of white, ushering in the Summer styles in Wom en's White Hats. And never were the modes so bewitching, so appealing as this season I Con sider this a personal invitation to come and see these new arrivals. FINE WHITE MILANS, ITAL IAN LEGHORNS, SWISS MILAN HEMP, JAPANESE HEMP, JAV AS, PANAMAS, FRENCH CREPE and other materials. Laree and medium sailors in various styles, also the smart, close-fitting Hats. Trim mings Include imported novelties, im ported Goura, pastel ribbons, white wings, breasts and other fancies. Mod erately priced 5, 7.50, 8.50, 10, $15 up to $25. MILLINERY SALONS ON SECOND FLOOR. Portland's Most Complete Showing Summer Wash Fabrics Aisle of Cottons Main Floor NEW SPORT STRIPES in all the various colors used for making sport skirts; middies, dresses, suits and coats. Priced at 3 5c, 40c, 50c and 65c yard. NEW POPLINS with rich silky finish. Priced at 35c yd. NEW SERPENTINE Crepes in choice assortment of patterns and colors. These make up into very serviceable dresses for Spring and Summer. Priced 20c yard. ' SPORT STRIPE PIOUES very fashionable for beach and outing wear. All colors, 40c yd NEW JAP CREPES, these are washable and require no iron ing, dainty patterns. 20c yard. NEW RUSSIAN CORDS for skirts and suits. Priced 5oc yd. DRESS LINENS in the want ed widths, colors and weights. Priced at 60c, 65 c, 75 c, 1 yd. JERSEY CREPES for wom en's sport suits and coats. Price 75c yard. NEW PERCALES in stripes and figures. Priced at, yd. 15c. SWISS VOILES with neat embroidered designs in self or contrasting. colors. 29c yard, NEW PRINTED PLISSE. CREPES in assorted patterns, yard 19c NEW DRESS GINGHAMS JUST IN Plaids, stripes, 12 Hie vd. Dainty White Materials Main Floor Nainsooks, Mulls, Swisses, Longclotb, Dimities and a vast assortment of novelty weaves in figured, striped, checks, plaids, etc. Beautiful materials for making of wedding and gradu ation frocks. Now is the time to make your selections while stocks are at their very best. Table Linens and Bath Towels Richardson's table Damask in choice assortment of pat terns,' Full 2 yards Al wide. 1 Priced, yard iJ)XUl Bleached Bath Towels big special shipment just received. Exceptionally good qualities. Priced 1 5c, 20c, 22c, 25c, 50c. New Kid Boots for Women White, Ivory and Gray . Main Floor Women's New High Boots of supe rior quality kid. Popular laced styles with cov ered Louis heels and turn or welt soles. Plain pointed toes. Shown in white, ivoryand gray. .8, 8.50 and 9 pair. Women8 and Misses' Spats $1.50 to $325 Pair Ten-button .Spats in Ivory and gray .colors. Genuine pearl buttons, perfect fitting, and very fashionable. Priced at 3.25 the pair. -White and . Gray Spats, l o-button styles In cloth or kid. Priced 2.25 pr. Black or White Spats in 7-button style very neat.,; Priced at only ine pair. . " iu.. .... .. ... . V- -. ....... ..,h". . i .jr-i: jt S55BS3EB8BBS8B58B5B5SS3BBSSSSiES5 -5 111 I .