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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1916)
,THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, .PORTLAND, SUNDAY: MORNING UAYk2 1916." HOSE SHOW; TO SET " ; NB7 HIGH MARK AT MADAME COATES DRESSMAKING CLASSES WILL MEET HEREAFTER A T 2:30 R." M SEVENTH FLOOR: BOOKS FOR GRADUATION FREE REFRIGERATOR JUST RECEIVED FROM VOGUE The very latest white hat models, an unusual com bining of Leghorn and Hatter's Plush. Large hats and semi -dress hats entirely "different" from anything you've seen. They're the smartest for mid-summer wear. Come in and see them. ltllllaery hop, rourth rioor ave you entered tha School Girl Days, cloth. $1.25. School Memories, cloth. Tbe Girl Graduate, cloth, J1.50. blue leather $2.54. My Commencement, cloth $1.80. ' ; t -I contest to win a fiandsome $50 Bohn Syphon Refrigerator free1? Rales are very simple. See the: refrigerator here and learn full particulars of contest tomorrow. xta noox, rif ta tT 11.50. The QjiaLnV Stork op Poktlamd Bookstore, Basamsmt Balcony f Thb Quality storb o Poatlamd V . Many.; New Varieties Never - v Before Seen Here WilUBe t(pn Display This Year, SPECIMENS ARE NAMED A Festival of Bargains That BeMns Here Tomorrow! I XxUWtioa Will 8a Bald on tha ixth , rioor of to Hals rraak i.' SnUOlnn Opaaa Juaa 7. I ':, Msmbers of the Portland Rose ao f cietjr Is looking forward to the an- ; nual exhibition this year, a feature of I tr first two days of the tenth annual I Ituae festival, June 7 and 8. V 'Tha exhibition- will be held on the Uth floor of the' Meier & Frank atore t and the doors will open to the public the afternoon of June 7, at 2 p. m. .The store will remain open until 10 p. m. to give people an opportunity to View tbe beautiful flowers. J una 8 the show will be open from , f a, in. until 10 p. m. and Judging will ' bo carried on the two days of the ex ' lilbitUm. The Rose Festival queea And .her maids of honor are to view the ex i fatbits as well aa directors of the ' fiesta. V To Show Hew Tarletiea. Many new varieties of tha rose t never before seen ' in Fortlard will be displayed this year. Roses have been imported from the . gardens of European Rosarlana and the flowers will be on display at the cdmlng show. . Among the new varieties to be seen this year with a description of rosea ' la detail follows: . ; G. Amedee Hammond An all sea- 'aon's superb rose. The color is cad mium or deep ttpricot egg yolk, shad ing off to fawn, or delicate buff, 'blooms large, full, perfectly formed, opening well In all weathers, and car rued on erect stems. Very floriferous "and yery fragrant. Growth robust and - erect with charming ovate, waxy cedar green citron mid-ribbon foliage. Oorgeou strong, vigorous free branching growth, handsome dark olive green foliage. Flowers large, full and exquisitely formed, produced in end- less profusion on stiff, erect stems. , .Deep orange vellow, and heavily veined "With reddish copper. Its color is unique and .very beautiful. It Is a bed ; ding rose of perfect habit and in florescence, una an exhibition rose of ; ' the first magnitude. Mrs. Bertie J. "Walker Strong, ( Vigorous, upright branching growth, ! attaining, a uniform height of about two feet; foliage abundant and very .healthy; flowers large, very full and , Of perfectly symmetrical form, freely . and abundantly produced right throughout the season. Very, distinct. : i clear, bright cerise pink, a shade of color quite novel and unlike that of any other known rose. The color is even and dense throughout the flower, - and does not fade with age. A rose of the highest merit, exceedingly at tractive in color and habit of growth; a fine Karden rose of "sDlendld bedding: Properties: a Rood exhibition rose. 1 Mrs. Hugh Dickson A grand rose U for any purpose: delightful perfume; carrying its large, handsome flowers ! In great freedom. The petals are large and of excellent substance, and the flowers of superb build, with high Minted center and beautiful outline ' Deep cream with heavy suffusion of orange and apricot. ' Red Lrctter Dav An exeeedin- " beautiful Mini-double rose, of infinite I grace and charm. Its velvety, brilliant, h- , glowing scarlet crimson buds and ful r " ly opened cactus-like flowers never , fade, as the reflex of the petals Is ( satiny crimson scarlet, colorings de it void of blue or magheta. Its refined, Vigorous, erect growth, with dark. aage, glaucous green foliage is fes- tooned with dellghtTul blooms through l . out tha entire flowering season. i ? H. V. Machln A daxzlingly, globular (.-rose of rlg'mtlc size. Its intensely - black grained, scarlet crimson blooms I ' are carried on rigid flower stalks, on Sturdy erect growth, embellished with Ideal, glaucous foliage, faintly tea- Cerfumed. . Candour Lyonnalse Pure white. sometimes tinted with very pale sul phur-yellow, very large and very full. , elongated bud. ' -Augustus Hartman.i Brilliant ger anlum red flushed with orange, flow era of large size and beautifully formed. The color is very striking ; and the variety is perfectly distinct and hardy. Autumn Tints Coppery red shaded With orange and salmon, medium size flowers produced in great profusion throughout the summer and autumn. An exceedingly attractive bedding and decorative variety of similar coloring to Mad. Edouard Ilerriot. Countess Clanwilliam Delicate ' Peach Dink at the base of the petals. which are flamed and heavily edged -With deep cherry red, a beautirui con trust of color. Very large, full. Edgar M. Burnett Very large, full flowers of f(ne shape and form, with large, flesh petals tinted rose. Scented. f A grand exmouion ana Deaoing variety ' Henri Buchet Pure sulphur yellow very large, of regular form; long elongated buds. Coronation Bright crimson, shaded carlet, splashed with small white utreaksi double, freely produced in , large . trusses, dark glossy green fo- . nuge. Kill Hartmann Old golden yellow large, full, of excellent form, tea- per- .lumea; rionrerous. Mrs. Charles E. Pearson Orange flushed red, apricot, fawn arid yellow; very floriferous, of good habit, sweet ly perfumed. A bedding and exhibi tion variety; rine. U A nilMw l q rnAiri U hit - ... . ..., v. r, - T caslonally comes lemon tinted. Flow- ' ere very large, beautiful form, with every; flower coming perfect shape with high center. : Marie Adelaide Deep orange yel low. . large, perfect form, deliclously perfumed; rine long bud; free ilower ' ing; valuable for forcing. Florence Forrester Clear snow . white with a lemon tinge, as the flow ' ers age they become pure white. The blooms are very large and sweetly scented. Pink Frau Karl Druschkl Just like ' white except color. Golden Trophy Yellow climber of high menu- j .... : i i i i '.Consumer's League " To Meet on Friday ''Healtb Inraraace" will Be Slsonased by James B. Xerr and "William E. -"L' Woodward.'" ' The Consumer's league win hold . meeting for members at the University club Friday, May is, at 12:30 p. m The subject, "Health Insurance," will be discussed by James B. Kerx and wiillam H. woodward. . ' This will be the first discussion of tbe subject except - at Reed college last weeic Toe consumer s league ha . not-as yet committed Itself and the meeting will be for the ouroose of t termlnlng the merits of health insur ance,. Which has already been made an issue ! in. nine states. The plan of health insurance is. to provide that worklngmen, during periods of illness or disability, shall receive, certain com pensation to tide them ovr Into health and strength. , , ; . ' , .- . I $3.50 Casseroles at $1.98 Just Fifty at This Price Here's a bargain you cannot afford to overlook, you housewives who "know values." Because we took all the manufacturer had we secured these Casseroles at a price to warrant our selling them tomorrow at 1.98. Pierced design silver standards, with ball feet. Fitted with genuine Guernsey linings. Seven inches in diameter, 1lA inches high. Fifty on sale at this wonderful reduction. Good $3.50 val ues for $1.98. Silverware Shop, Mala Floor 12'2cGingham8'3c 2500 Yds, on" Sale Mothers, now is the time to lay in a supply for the girls' dresses and boys' wash suits! All .good styles in checks, stripes and plain colors, in 10 to 20-yard lengths. A good 12 Vz value, on sale' tomorrow, beginning at 9 o'clock, yard 8 l-3c. Come early quantities may not last all day. Wash Goods Bhop, Seooad rioor Sandwich Trays at $1.49 80 Regular $2.50 Trays; They're the very newest silverware novelty HAMMERED SHEFFIELD TRAYS you'll see them in all the shops that carry the highest grades of these useful articles. . They're neat, and may be easily kept in prime condition no cracks nor crannies to interfere. 9 4 -inch size, mounted on a good round standard.. At $2.50 these trays would be a good value at $1.49, for tomorrow's 'sale, they're a wonder. 80; only at this underprise tomorrow. Silverware Shop, ICaia rioor 10c Towels at 6V4c 100 Dozen on Sale Hotel and rooming-house keepers, take notice! Here are good quality white huck towels with colored bor ders, size 16x30 'inches. 10c is the regular price tomorrow, as an extra big special in the Linen Shop each 6J4c--buy them by the dozen at 7 5 c. Only' 1200 at this price tomorrow. Come early! - Zlnea ffhop, Second rioor 1CEXEB fc r&JLVX'S rESTTVAi Or BABQAnrs $3.50 Handbags at $1.98 Newest Black and White You'll want one SURE for wear with your new taffeta suit they add just the touch needed. They're NEW patterns and nobby and are shown in four different styles. Made of soft white kid with black trimmings pipings, insets and other novelties. Beautifully slllc lined, fitted with mirror, purse, vanities, etc. Splendid $3.50 bags beginning tomorrow at 9 o'clock on sale here at $1.98. Quantity is limited come as early as you can. Leather Goods Shop, Mala Floor 1 4000 Men's Ties, Price 25c , These are large 5oc shape ties, just received in a huge assortment of excellent quality silks. There are all the new stripes, figures, allover patterns, plaids and broken striped effects to choose from, in a perfect riot of the most fashionable shades. They're rich-looking and serviceable neckties. Our men's furnishings buyer made a most fortunate purchase while in the East and these are' the ties we're sale-marking tomorrow- as an extra 'Very extra offer ing at 25c. Come in and select several you'll be glad you did. Men's Ties New, Smart, 25c ' mob's IMttalsblag-s Shop, Mala rioor $20 to $35 Waists at $15 Models from the same house from which we had such glorious frocks last week! These, too, are most distinc tive and artistic showing little individual touches that are usually found only on Paris-made blouses. Exquisite chiffons, in white, cream, ecru, bisque, soft greens or the brilliant shades so popular this season. Many with a deep, round vestee effect, in various styles. Shantung silks, block printed in quaintly colored de signs. Others that are quite tailored and smart, with little reveres and vest. Pussy willow silks, printed in brillaint colors, and soft crepes combined with fine batiste. Hand-embroidered batistes, with the. finest stitchery in old rose, others trimmed with fine hand-run or real Vat laces. I n d e e d a most extraor dinary c o 1 1 ec tion of elegant mode! blouses made to sell from $20 to $35 or even higher and specially priced t o m o r row at $15. Blouse Shop, ronrtli rioor Note These Prices on WOMEN'S COATS & DRESSES OH O ItA inn rviafc to qii t Oniv P JL v vrvr vvuuj a.vr uvii ua. j The Every One Is Worth Much More A special purchase of 100 of the smartest separate coats for this sale. styles are unusual and materials and workmanship splendid. Fine wool jerseys, durable serges, worsted in checked, striped and plain designs, 'plain poplins and gabardines. They are made in belted and rippling models, some with deep cape collars of contrasting materials, others with tailored touches that make them smart, many have convertible collars com fortable on cool or rainy days. Truly wonderful values these coats are here in all styles and sizes but not many of one kind and espe cially priced tomorrow at $12.50. By coming early you will, of course, have a better selection and more time to chocse. FIFTY SILK DRESSES at $12.85 Pretty little frocks of taffeta, silk crepe and combination of Georgette or crepe with taffeta. Many in clever jacket effects, some with touches of old-fashioned frillings and double headings. Navy, green, rose, gray and tan. Special at $12.85. EIGHTY SILK DRESSES, $18.45 Some very striking frocks in lovely shades of changeable taffeta, some all taffeta, others in combination with Georgette or crepe. Also novelty checks ahd plaids, some made with the bouffant hip, others with pleated or full skirts. All of them uusually smart and wonderfully special values tomorrow at $18.45. Apparel Shop, Fourth Floor: Women's $1.25 Gloves 85c Doeskin, chamois and glace kid gloves all washable, therefore desirable for Summer wear. Such well-liked makes as "Bacmo," "Adler," "Ire land" every pair right out of our regular stocks. Rarely are such makes as these offered at such sharp underpricing. The doeskins are in pure white, the chamois natural color and the glace in an assortment ofr colors and white. All these sale gloves fitted at our shop by experts, $1.25 is our regular price on sale tomorrow morning sharply at 9 o'clock pair 85c None C. O. D. Store Orders Only Olovs Shop, Mais rioor MXXXB r&AJTZ'S TUBTVfAJU OT BABOAIH8 50c EARRINGS for 39c A very, very special offering for the Festival of Bargains these new and fashionable earrings. You may choose pearls, rhinestones set in silver, seed pearls, jet, pearls and jet and a host of smart novelties. A big assortment of the newest styles many of them just in. The regular price and a con servative one is 50c. Tomorrow only, 39c. The quantity is limited at this price. Come early if possible. Jewelry Shop, Main Floor. 35c to 45c APRONS at 29c Children's practical aprons, made of unequaled Amoskeag gingham in neat blue and white checks. Choice of plain box-pgeated or yoked styles. Sizes for girls 2 to 6 years. They're aprons you ordinarily pay from 35c to 45c for. Tomorrow they're 29c. We suggest that you arrange to. be here early, as such an extra big value as these aprons at 29c may mean the selling out of this entire assortment before the store closes. Children's Shop, Second Floor. $2.50 "Dix" Dresses $1.87 A boon to the woman who wants to look fresh and neat around the house. These famous "Dix"' dresses in good quality gingham pink or blue, plaid, checked or striped. With long or short sleeves. Daintily hemstitched or-, gandie collar and cuffs give a pretty finish to the dress. The skirts are full and flaring, and hems deop. In all sizes tomorrow special at $1.87. Come early for best selection. The values are wonderful. $2 Trimmed Bathing Suits $1.39 Styles that are practical for tank or outdoor swimming. Jer sey suits, made with princess slip and trunks attached. Black or navy, neatly trimmed with white bands. Special tomorrow at 1.39. Anticipate your needs tomorrow and save consider ably, in this sale! Extra Special 59c Aprons at 49c Neatly made aprons to.oover the whole dre$s. Ginghams and chambrays, in solid colors or neat checks. Some trimmed with white rick-rack braid, others with pipings. Made with belts and pockets, in two styles, to button over the shoulder or down tne front. This is an opportunity no thrifty woman should miss. These aprons are "specially priced" at 59c. They are extra special values tomorrow at 49C. Be sure to get your share. Third rioor. Sixth trt MEXEB ft rXAJTK'S nSTTVAi Or BAXOAZVB Our $1.25 to $1.75 Tub Dresses For Children Are Reduced te 95c Mothers! Here's a Bargain! There are ginghams, chambrays, percales and linenes in a vast assortment of 'checks, plaids, plain colors and plain or handsome Roman stripes. Six to fourteen - year sizes, made in Russian, French, coatee, belted, regulation waist line and pleated skirt models. New styles, new materials and ali new 1916 merchandise worth $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 choice tomorrow at 95c. Try and arrange to be here ear'v ' CWldren'a Shop. Sacoad rioor Great l2"Price Remnant Tomorrow40 Trunks at $15 The "Neverbreak" Wardrobe A wonderful ' saving tomorrow on the Nationally known "Neverbreak Hundred" Wardrobe Trunk. These are splendid models, having 6 hangers, removable hat trays and laundry bag. Every trunk has , $ lBjjrriT"""' ""fi-) Patented Remov. ko able Garment I Rack which may be lift rk ed out "b o d i 1 y" and hung in a closet. Just 40 tomorrow at $15. Come early! x.nrrar shop, Baaamaai. Our 65c Stamped Aprons, Now at 39c An art needlework special that's a genuine "bargain." Decidedly new and effective aprons, known as "bungalow," made in a simple, pleasing style of one piece of splendid quality white huck toweling. -Stamped for embroidering in very effective designs to be done in darning and solid work in colors. Designs are stamped on pocket, across tbe front and simulated yoke, with picofedge finish around the neck. Aprons completely made, stahjped ready to embroider. An excellent 65c value. Specially reduced for this sale tomorrow to 39c. Art Vaadlawork Shop. Sajpaa rioor LB begins here tomorrow and will be held on First Floor Center Aisle Squares. Thousands of short and medium lengths of desir able Vz Wash Goods at This season's goods in splendid colors. Percales, ginghams, Devon shire cloth, cheviots, voiles, mulls, lawns, batiste, 2 to 5-yard lengths. Ribbon Remnants V2 Thousands of remnants wide and narrow plain or fancy moire, taffeta, satin, velvet, grosgrain, velour great accumulation of short lengths of to 3 yards. Silk Remnants at Immense assortment desirable plain silks, checks, stripes, figures and brocaded effects. Lengths suitable for blouses, trimmings and children's .wear. Laces, Embroideries, Chiffons, Net, 25c. Short lengths chiffons and nets, Va to Yi yards, white, a'few colors. Odds and ends shadow, net tops. Barman laces,-40c to 75c values. Piece 25 c. Lace Shop, Main Fir. Regular 35c to 85c Embroidered Flouncings, the Yard at Only 25c i unusually uesirauie eniuruiuercu uuuuunx. aun- able for children's dresses and petticoats. Swiss and cambric foundations, embroidered in large or small designs some with hemstitched edge; 20 to 27-inch widths in the lot. Also athis price neat eyelet design jrtl-overs, 20 inches wide, for guimpes and blouses. - $1-$1.25 Organdie 36-Inch Dress Flouncing, Yard 75c $2-$2.50 Organdie ami Batista 36-40-Inch Flouncing, $1.69. $1.00-$1.50 Net Top and Maline Laces, 69c the Yard A big cleanup of these seasonable laces. White, cream and black net tops and Malines, 12 to 24 inches wide. Many, short lengths that, combined with silk, will make smart blouses. It's well worth looking intothis disposal of l-1.5o laces tomorrow at, yard 69c. Come as early as possible the quantity, of course, is limited and should not last long at this price. X,ace, Xmbroldsry Shop, Main ri'r. Very Newest 35c Nets, Yard Only 24c The very newest and most demand ed "curtain nets just received by ex press. And here they are reduced to 24c while 3 5c is a conservative price. Very dainty new patterns, woven into strong, effective filet mesh sev eral different designs to select from. Especially suitable for the small win dows found in so many of the new homes, which regulation curtains will not fit. Tomorrow you may save exactly lie oa every yard yoir buy worth con sidering, isn't it? white, cream and ecru colorings good patterns and good quality in these curtain nets at 24er Curtain snop, ieventn rioor. J $2 Yard Wide Taffeta Silks Are Reduced to $1.79 a Yard Fully 50 colors in plain yard - wide taf feta silksour splen did $2 quality. Con- sidering the present condition of the silk1 market and the de- sirability of yard- wide taffeta material, a fine value. $2.00 Fancy Taffetas at $1.49. I Ilk Shop. Bacoaa rioor MTTEB fc nuum rXlTXTAX. Or BABOAOU A Message From Our Furniture Gift Shop of Interest to AllVisit This Shop Tomorrow Martha Washington Sewing Ta ble in solid mahogany a product of the famous shops of W. K. Cowan. "Illustrated. Priced $12. Nest of Tables in solid mahogany the very finest workmanship and materials. Made by the Imperial . Furniture Company, of Grand Rap ids. Priced $14.95. - Tip Table in solid mahogany. ' Top 34 inches in diameter. In turned Colonial design. Priced $S65. , - - - - .-Gate-Leg Table, in solid mahogany Perfect in every detail of material, cabinetwork and finish. , Made by one of the ; best furniture makers in Grand Rapids. A special value for this sale at $13.38. . - . . Stools (Crickets) your choice of . twd.igtobd.pittexnsf made of solid mahogany J in turned r Colonial de- signs, j, One as illustrated. Priced $3.75.; ' ;"- . r Tea Wagon of mahogany, in grace ful design. Priced $12. Writing Desk in solid quartered oak. Avery attractive full-size desk, with drawer. Priced $9.35. Tabourette yi solid oak specially priced at 69c. , Console Table and Mirror of solid mahogany in beautiful Jacobean design. Priced $28.50. ' Muffin Stand of solid mahogany. Another - beautiful example from theW K. Cowan Shops. Priced $4.95. These are merely examples of the many beautiful and practical pieces of furniture at moderate prices in our Fur, niture Gift Shop, Ninth Floor! BOY SCOUTS! ATTENTION! JUSZ ARRIVED BOY SCOUTS' 1916 HANDBOOK, 25cBOOK SHOP, BASEMENT BALCONY J V t