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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1916)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SATURDAY. " MAY LO, 1916. Ah, make . the .'most . of what we yet may spend. Before we too into the ; dust descend. ;v Omar..' Oh, threats of Hell and hopes, of Paradise. -v., One thing at leant t certain this . life flies. Omar, " V ! MAN IS OF "Hearts and Faces" Work of 4 P. R. Official Who Has . Literary Ambitions. John Murray Gibbon. Heart! and F ). By Jnhn Murray Glbh.m. John I-jine Company, New York and Londoii. $1.36 net. Mr. Gibbon, ,a Canadian whose real work is railroading as an official of the Canadian Pacific railway, has writ ten this romance Just out of the pure love of writing, during his spare mo ments. "Hearts and Faces" Is the story of Geqrge Orange, an artist. It treats of the artistic temperament as it sallies forth into the warmer- world from the ' somewhat unpromising environment of Scotland. Orange is found amid rather com monplace surroundings In the flrt few lines of the novel. There hia character, or at least the foundation Of his character, is being formed, lit riiver escapes from his environment, . bpn.HHA h rarrtAft It ffnrf, w1h him wherever he goes. Orange goes to London in the gr?att quest of success and gradually climbs : the ladder by discouraging and dili gent toil, until a committee waits upon h'lm and offers him a commission to paint a portrait of the king for a fashionable club. Olbbon draws a steady and grim picture of the intrigu ing London society folk wnom he huvivm wen cuuuK.usaua ucvasiunany no pays nis respects to the American "climbers in the smart set. The hero is thrown into this nutat ing, human pot pourrl, and "keeps his skirts clean" up to the great moment ' of his life, when he falls a victim to a Ouslgnlng woman and loses all. Again scotch pluck comes to th rescue, and he goes to Paris, whevo his final ambitions end destinies ard worked out. Children of Hope Have Lively Time Children ef Hop By Stephen Whitman, au thor of "PrdeUnd," 'The Id of Lift-,-' jic. ma tntury Company, New York. II. 40 net. "Children of Hops" having Just com pleted its run as a serial in one of fh leading magaslnea, is ready in book form, for the edification of friends who want the story in more permanent binding, and to make new friends among those who have not read tho entertaining, human tale. MR Whitman's novel tells the story f Aurellus Ooodohlld of Zenasvillc, Ohio, and .his three lovely daughters, Aglala, Euphrosyne and Thalia -the "three graces" who. fcavrn mm, tntn a legacy rff flOv.000, set out to win in Europe the goals of their various am bitions. Aurellus. Inventor, poet, pho tographer, piano tuner, portrait-painter, botanist, chemist, shabby-genteel. ana imperturbably romantic amateur In a hundred fields; Aglala, SO, dream ing of the opera; Euphrosyne, 25, with George Eliot in mind, determined to be a great novelist; and Thalia, 20, filled wun emulation or Kosa Bonheur these are the principal characters. Paris and other parts of the continent, and esDa. daily Florence, form the setting. ., inis attractive and original family meet with rasny adventures in Europe. Singing and painting masters. Denslon keepers, fellow travelers, waiters, im postors, an endless procession of types are attracted by ther charm or their money. Above an, young men, from tha corners of the world, gather about the engaging daughters of Aurellus and make off with them, one bv onj. These and the old world background smuuiiy wrought by the author form the elements of a kaleidoscopic nar rative, romantlo and realistic. Red House Family; ; Is Growing Up The Ktd Hons Children Growing Up, hy mmia m. j-frmajiaa. rum Toiuma or rna ''Little Red Houae Sarlsa." Lothrop, lt Shepard company, Boaton. $1.00 net. Each -book of the favorite "Red House Series." telling " of the elaht lively brothers11 and sisters that found a sew home and a kind stepfather, can ee enjoyed without reading the others, though most of the characters are na turally continued. Tho children are growing up, as children will, and some of them approach the more serious re sponslbllltles of Ufa In this book. 1 . The American Authors' Fund. Margaret Poland's thoughts and time, . Just now, are devoted to the American Authors' Fund for the allied wounded. There has not-yet been tim. sha remarked a day or two ago, to get contributions from the far west, but if they 'come in' in the same proportion as those already received about 40 a day she says the list of literary don ora will swamp the newspapers. RAILROAD FOND WRITING ! , iv V - i i -Awe' rj ih 'is" VwnH ' i J iij' MiflpiajKHftaysoffsaSgi 1j i New Story for Boys By Favorite Author Ic-Bot HnmW Oa By W. Ontrk. .nthor of "Tk Fmrth Down." "T Tblrd Rtrtk." "Tb nor 8rnt of B1ak Eacta Patrol." tc. With tllnatrathm. by TlnrT 8. Wataon. little. Brows a Co., Boatoa. The fourth volume of th Wellworta College Series, Is a etory of winter ports and pastimes, ranging; from con testa on skates and sleds and sklls and snowshoes to the culminating game of Ice-boat polo, as played on a glassy field two mNes in length. The plot centers about the efforts of Penny I Wayne and his friends to promote har mony between two warring colleges ,apparently Intent upon destroying the .athletic conference or league known as the "Big Nine." In the course of the story, a mysterious treasure chest comes to light and plunges it dis coverers and guardians into many ex 1 citing adventures. This finally be ' comes a prize trophy in the three- cornered winter tournament. PUBLIC LIBRARY NOTES From June 1 to September 16, vaca tion prlvillges Ire allowed to cardhold ers at the public libraries. Ten books, not more than four of which may ce fiction, can be drawn on a card stamped uuo ucioOTr i, vufc uuuai uuca m de mand may not be taken on vacation time. No book will bo stamped with vacation stamp unless the reader asks for vacation time when the book la drawn. No book stamped with vacation stamp can be renewed, but vacation books may be returned at any time and other books taken. The vacation use of the card does not Interfere with the regular use. It is merely an extra privilege. An Interesting collection of books helpful to the housekeeper will be found on exhibit in the circulation room. There are books for the begin ner and the epicure, ranging from Mrs. RorerVs "Bread and Bread Making" to complicated concoctions by French and Italian chefs. The following magazines and news papers have been added to the files of the Central library: American Journal of Nursing, City Builder, City of Tole do. Dun's Review (International edi tion), Proceedings of the Engineers' Society of Western Pennsylvania, Pub lic Health Nurses' Quarterly, Reason, Williams' Record, Woman Suffrage Headquarters News Letter, Douglas (Alaska) Island News, and Los AngeUs L'L'nion Nouvelle. Pr. George Schoener will give a lecture Tuesday evening. May 23, at I o'clock. In the St. Johns branch li brary, Charleston and Kellogg atreets, on the "Cultivation of Rosea," bring ing out the following points: The distinction between garden roses and exhibition roses in regard to pruning; how to plant roses in our home gar dens for telling effect; roses In rela tion to other summer flowers; how new varieties of roses originate. IN TfjE NEW MAGAZINES In June Scribner. Herbert Ward, who was one of Stan ley's officers In Africa, and who has made a notable series of sculptures of African types, has been serving at the front In the ambulance service in France. In the June Scribner there are a number of his "War-Time Sketches in France," rapidly made pictures of real scenes. Theyr accompanied by an artlcfe as graphic as the drawings. Germany's Jingo Class. At a moment when America feels it self to be deceived and outraged, when the bulk of opinion is still strongly pacific, it remains to be decided whether our "preparedness" people are exasperated jingoes, stirred to fever by the same sort of green and yellow bug that excited the war spirit in Ger many. Hre Is the Jingoistic class M. Bour don (a French Journalist who investl gated the temper of Germany before the war) found in Germany: "It was composed largely of soldiers, both ac tive and retired; the latter especially . looking with envy and disgust on the i increasing prosperity of the commer- I cial classes, and holding that a 'blood- i letting would be wholesome to purge ' J. McCari Davis, Lincoln Biographer, Has Passed Away x- 0 v. ,.ww, .-.:. . .... .. w -v -: . 5s . J" i i S S !. 0 - ' J. McCan Davis, politician and writer of political histories, is dead at Springfield, axed 48 years. He was associated with Ida M, Tar bell In writing "The Early XJfs of Abra ham. Lincoln." in uoi Mr. Davis was elected clerk 0f the enprarae Court, -nd waa a candidate for congressman i-4 1 at largo m tie 1314 election. Here's Poet Who Gets Inspiration PI , ,,Y- ": " " " 1 1 ,T i -jjK'"4 ! if . vi..' iA-&? la w .v m. i tx f,: M If V? . ..,Av - Iff ; ' t I Iff - n : f& l if ' , .-t 'sVv fa i.v'3e ' isi ' l kJ til vr; f - -f h AJr OSr it Lt 3Pe r and regenerate the social body' a view not confined to Germany and one which has received classical ex pression in Tennyson's 'Maud.' "To this movement belonged also the high officials, the conservative parties, patriots and Journalists, and of course the armament firms, deliberate fo menters of war in Germany, as every where else, in order to put money Into their pockets.- To these must be added 'the intellectual flower of the universities and the schools.'' The New Republic. ' ? The Alibi Don't Care What People It, So Long as They Don't the Truth. VoL 7. SATURDAY EVENING AUB1 Rex Lampman, Ed. and Pub. May 20, 1010. EDITORIAL FOBT-VOBrrUK. As The Alibi goes to press, a large number of unsuccessful-candidates are meditating on the large number of liars there are in the great state of Oregon. Every candidate had enough votea personally pledged to win, and this makes the re sult rather puzzling to many. Up to election the average candidate, either intentionally or otherwise, tells the people a great many things that aren't so. The people ge even by telling him they are going to vote for him. The Alibi, nevertheless, has been quietly supporting a ticket bui e can't tell who all of our candidates were until after the returns are all In. As soon as we know who the winners are. we will be able to announce exactly who we were supporting. The campaign Just closed was remarkable for the num ber of candidates who were absolutely certain that the men they were running arainst were not fit to hold office. The Alibi reserves its opin ions on this matter, as it doesn't want to offend any of its subscribers and have them stop taking the paper, which now has the largest circulation of any Saturday evg publication In this com munity. Nevertheless, p o 1 1 1 i clans are politicians, say we, leav ing our readers to spontane ously draw their own conclus ions as to wh,at we think. 27 TOWN TALES Does anybody know what has become of Bill Ding ley? Mano Zan has a neW Job, although ho hasn't really gone to work, he being now in the real estate business. A. E. Bamickel is the sec retary of the Ellers Musle House. He attached himself to the firm some months ago. Ray 'White, who edits our est contemn the 2-a-wk. Journal, lives out at th end of Kings His car line, and we merely mention this fan so that people will know his paper has an editor. Harry Rico might be known aa the sag ef Fulton park if it wasn't for his first name, There isn't any instance in history of, a man named Har ry being noted as a sage. . - Wet Cavintse is here from Vale, and as usual, is kicking Miss Doris Bishop, who claims a now poetry lurks in har mirror a strange musa that sloops in the re flection of har eyes and must be waked by patient gaxlng. It has no rhyme, sometimes nq rhythm. It is not shattered Into lines. It is photo Pioneer Was Right. Ztaos Mills, conservationist, and au thor of many well-known books on Western America, tells the following story of bow a pioneer settled an old discussion: One day in the mountains of Mon tana, I took refuge with a pioneer. It was a rainy day. At last the' storm was breaking, but the lightning fre quently struck here or there. We were standing in the open door of his house, when suddenly the lightning struck a tree near by. -So terrific was the bolt Ssy About Tell "XTXBTBODT PORTLAND, OIU U. The Alibi Hopes None of Its that these here Portland cigars ain't as good as they sell in his town, where they get most of their cigars from Idaho. Mr and Mrs. A. B. Brown, who live at Rupert,' a suburb of Oak f?fov. werai married Bed Time Tales, for Grown-tTps. THE IMP OF THE PERVERSE. Chas. Allen Reed, aged , lives at Hood River, and his mother had a fine bed of rep tulips this spring, which she told Chas. not to touch. She saw him standing with hia head down, looking for a long time at the tulips. Suddenly on wee hand shot out, grabbed a tulip and yanked it from the bed. Mother went out for an interview with Chaa. "What did I tell you, Charles T" said. she. "I know, mamma, but I Just had to. said Chas. He said he'd never do it again, and they took the tulip in and put it in water. ?'hio story Is different from ho bed time stories for little boys and girls, because this story is true. i T - risandal Strategy. Judson Henning. mayor of Lakewood. wants to know why is it that the banks put their Sunny Jims at the win dows where the money comes in. and cut their cast-iron years one day this wk.,1 wnicn, come to tnina oi it, is quite a long time. Adam Ruppe, who used to live in Pendleton, says he ha no objection to every dog hav ing his day, but what he don't like is for every dog to have hist night in hlaneigh borhood, F. C. Harley rough dia mond lobbyist Of the naval base campaign for Astoria, told the realty board or actions of certain men he hao met. He said. "It is like casting"- then he stopped him self, and added: "Like cast Inar lead upon thefwaters." Jinks Takes in the Show. Jinks McCoWn. one of the Ore. City board of strategy, came tq town Thura and went aad saw the show at 'the Strand, and then went back and told' the boys about it Jinks says preparedness is an right if ' you know what you're preparing for. ' Kit) Seal Varna, A. Toxen Worm was here from N. T. this wit, ana stopped with Geo. Ober at the Portland house..: A. Toxen Worm la not an alias. Lawouces, at wnerv ine money goes ouu We don't know. Jud. You might ask Ed Sense nich at the N. W. Nat'l. WUl Power. T.-Arnsley Botts. the Beaverton bard, waa in to see us on day this wlu and told us that Mrs.- Botts had quite a time getting the garden In this spring on acc't . of the From Mirror graphic descriptive an idea. She sees strange dramas play on the twin stages of her dark brown eyas, and transfers them to paper with her pen. Miss Bishop's mother, a woman of the Sioux tribe, called her Shashawe "Flame Woman." Her father was pioneer. He had her educated in a convent in Franca. She la 22 years old. that the tree appeared to have been suddenly dynamited. That Instance brought to my mind an old discussion of why it , is that .lightning never strikes twice in the same place. So I turned to this old pioneer and said, "Why is it. Jerry, that lightning never strikes twice In the same placer He said. "Gosh, it don't need to." Address Asked For. To inquirer: The address of "Our Hspe" is 80 Second avenue, New Tork city. Price $1.00. VZD8 Or. T S. A-, May 20, 1016. Readers Is This Kind of a Hunter ilcCutcbeon in Chicago Tribune. wet weather. Mr. Botts ha 3 been writing but little poetry lately, as he has been experi menting with psychologic phenomena, he says. He has been practicing developing his will power, and is making progress. For Instance, be says, when he wakes up too early in tho morning. ne is now able to eonoentrat his mind so that he goes right; to sleep again. So XrfMLg, Josh. l Toting Joshua Shanedling. who has been writing items for an afternoon con temp., went to 8. F. this wk. with the idea of going to work on a paper published there jhy the name of the Call. We don't know where Josh : is going from there. Dave Remembered, i Dave Roth, the memory expert, who has been teach ing Seattle business' men to remember names and num bers, so they won't forget the right drug store, waa here this wk. and didn t fDr- Set to call on The Alibi, ave is wonderful. WeUf Chaa. B. Moores said at the last meeting of the realty board that if he wasn't nom inated he would know that Oregon contained the biggest number of liars of any place on earth. - , ; 1 John Xad an Advantage. John Mann hag tt over the other candidates in ens way,. He did. bis xown print Ing. ; . V- - the windows Implement Sheds Is ; Pamphlet Subject Xocplement Sheja, by Br J. T. Bkblaw. f the Asrtcnltarat' uoucge aOTiry oi ine unirvr tit? ef IUlnoJs. FublUhwl by tba National rronber Maimfafurr' Association,- Chicago, I1L Sent free on reeoMt. Ah attractively covered and lllus- tratjed pamphlet n Implement sheds, written by Praf . K. J. T. Ekblaw of tho (College of Agriculture of tho Uni versity of Illinois, is the first of a series of bulletins on farm buildings being prepared by construction engin eers for the National Lumber Manu facturers' association, the eries of nine in all on various buildings about the farm being so prepared that they cant be bound in a single volume if the -farmer wishes to preserve them for futare building reference. Tfce publication on implement sheds like the others which wUl follow It. goes into the question of how to build buildings for the rarm or sumcient strength and durability to prove in the highest degree economical for - the buiider. Tho author In addition' to his tech nical suggestions, lays down as a gen eral proposition the advisability of painting the farm buildings, for pres ervation against weather, insects, or other destructive agencies, as well as to give the farm a prosperous appear anoe. He says also that an implement shed can be erected in such a manner as to be simple, artistic, and utili tarian. Former Publisher Will Lecture. William W. (Ellsworth, who recently resigned the presidency of The Cen tury company, after 37 years of serv ice with that old publishing house, has accepted an Invitation from a lyceum bureau to deliver, in different parts of the country, a lecture entitled "Piabllshing and Literatura" Mr. Ells worth, beginning his engagement next autumn, will make his lecture a Kin a of personally conducted tour through distinctive American literature as it has been made, with sidelights on the arresting personalities who have made it, and on the complicated publishing machinery by which the creations of the; author are carried from mm to ine reader. g0 ; Senator Root and Carl Hair. Sophie Kerr, author of th recently published novel, "Lovo at Large, sums up her personal views and beliefs as follows: "I am an antl-suffragist. an anti-feminist, a very good cook, and a firm believer in spanking bad chil dren. I believe that life is too short for argument, and too long not to learn the new dances, and if a good fairy would grant me three wishes, I'd wish, first that Senator Ellhu Root might be president ln perpetuo of these United States; second, that there might be time vouchsafed me in each day to do and see all the interesting things I long to do and see; and third, that I had been born with eurly nairl The Dangers of Being Good, Kate Langley Bosher, whose new novel. "People Like That," was pub lishe a. few dava ago. is spending the spring in Philadelphia. "The point of 'People Like That,' " she declares, "is Ins her heroine's discovery that much of tho evil of life, many of its fail ures and misfortunes are not entirely due to the people we condemn, but to the irresponsibility of the condemn ors, that indeed it is food people who largely contributed to the big bunch of bad ones.' " , A Chump and His Candidal Are Soon Parted t Hence, the Switching Just ' Before Election. No. ea. WIRE WHISPERS Improvement Vote. Grants Pass. Or.. May 18. (Alibi Spec.) Harrison Cleve land, who lives on a popcorn ranch near here, has made an improvement in his house. He raised one aide of it so that Mrs. Cleveland can bake custard plea without spilling the custard. 9 AU Bight, Vote. Lakeview, Or.. May II. Pete Hardy, w. k. local opti mist, aays it's a long way to Calif., but he's always glad to see folks from Portland. Some folks here call Lair Thompson our most highly polished statesman, and others call him the baldest man in Lake county. Brief Budget From Bend. Bend, Or., May 17. Game Warden Clyde McKay says he always makes them show their licenses on Sand Creek, What's the idea. Clyde? Verne Forbes says that he believes the country is safe, but he can tell better after May 19. Verne expects to da some time at Salem the coming winter. Preparedness. W. A. Holt, ass't cashier of the U. S. Nat'l. took a bottle of milk and went for a picnic on the CoL highway Wed, P. m. Jnrt the Price of One Suit. Ray Barkhurat. w. k. maker of recherche raiment was fined $20 by the esteemed Judge Langguth for speeding this wk. y John Has Troubles. John Cronan can't make the dishwasher up at the Chamber of Commerce work It's a mechanical dishwasher. M! EXTRA!!! j Echoes . of tit Aftermath. The printers got theirs mostly in advance. . The sign painters did their very best or worst Jitney banner parades were a new atrocity in this campaign. m m If some of these nominated persons or some that weren't-couULaequir kingly power, there'd be much pun ishment for es majeste. The man who said nothing, did nothing, thought nothing and predicted nothing is in a first-class condition to say "I told you so." All others should desist Horrible afterthought: The real election comes in Novem ber. . . . . r ,. The r Alibi will give com plete returns next week, if , space will permit , MYSTEftY FICTION IS HIS NEW DEPARTURE ivk . w 'tA i Nevil Monroe Hopkins. A career of unusual versatility and success has been that of Dr. Nevil Monroe Hopkins, whose "Strange Cases of Mason Brant" was reviewed ou this page last week. He has been profes sor of engineering In universities; in charge of design and construction of great power plants at national navy yards; an expert in the office of public roads; in the diplomatlo service abroad, in which capacity ho rescued stranded Americans from all the warring na tions; sociological investl gatorT" living as tramp, day laborer, skilled laborer, and successive stages of economic evo lution, long enough to gather data at first hand; and lately lecturing for the benefit of Belgian and Serbian re lief. Mr. Hopkins' new departure in the field of mystery fiction, in view of his active life, is scarcely cause for comment. NEW BOOKS IN LIBRARY Among the books recently added to the Portland Publlo library are the fol lowing: Oeneral Works. Toung Journalism in California , Biography. Christine, Duchess of Lorraine; Chris tina or uenmarK. by J. c. Addya La ureas Life of Henry Laurens, by D. D. Wallace. VenlzeTos Eleftherlos Venlselos, KIs 1.110 ana worx, Dy c tterornas. Description and Travel. Knock The Tropics; Their Re sources. People and Future Gay, com p. In Praise of Australia, an Antnoiogy in jtrose ana verse. Lethbridge New Russia, From the White Sea to the Siberian Steppe. Pulbrook English Countryside. Saf ronHMlddleton Sailor and Beach comber. PIotiOB. Benson Oakleyltes. Blackwood Extra Day. George Strangers' Wedding. Maher Shepherd of the North. Seton Animal Heroes. Sinclair Belfry. Von Schaick Son of the Otter. Pine Arts, Dlmmlck Our Theatres, Today and Yesterday. Elson Books of Musical Knowledge. French Ives Agricultural Draw ing; and the Design of Farm structures. Him Origins of Art; a Psycholog ical and Sociological Inquiry. Hew to Make Enlargements on Bro mide and Gas Light Papers. Haney & Dumas, Kansas City. Mo My Architect Turner Great Schools of Painting; a First Book of European Art. vXlstory. Bouchler Spain Under the Roman Empire. Crelghton Heroes of European His tory. Jones Fall of Tslngtau. Kipling Fringes of the Fleet Strong Diary of an English Rest- J Eastern ToursRound-Trip Fares Daily from June 1 via The North , Bank Road. Choice of many routes going and returning. Direct or through California, with stopovers in each direction. Direct .9101.18 . 110.00 . 110.70 . 5S.00 ViaCaL $114.25 127.50 128.20 101.00 -w Atlanta Boston New York.. . Denver .... Kansas City. 60.00 Detroit 83.50 TWO DAILY LIMITED TRAINS THROUGH TO THE EAST - "5e America First" Mean the dlacier and Yellowtton Park Route Twin Palaces, S.S Northern Pacific and Great Northern y 26 Hours at Sea, to San Francisco Sailing May 13, 18, 23, 27, and TUESDAYS, THURS DAYS, SATURDAYS, Beginning June 1. SAN FRANCISCO NEW ROUND-TRIP FARES $32 Thirty-Day Ticket On sale daily BBaa V" h ss3bss" WOMAN BELIES BAD MAN HERC Faith Is Well Fourdecf and Thereon Hangs Tale of Romance, t The rinding ef 7amr Holt. By Graee L, n. Lata, aatW ef "Marcla Schuyler," ete. Il lustration in color by Edwin r.Jtayha. 3. B. Llppt&cott Company, PhiUdalphla. $1.3 net. Mrs. Luts in "Jasper Holt" gives vs a novel that is a force for good. We read ef how Jean Grayson, a delight ful, beautiful, quiet but herolo. gtrU faces death in a train wreck, starva tion in a desert, and finally derision ; from family and friends because she believes and has the courage of her belief In the decency and manliness xt the man who saved her life, the. so called "western desperado" and hero Jasper Holt, It takes tho agonoy of wagon loads of roses, grown by Holt for his lady, a horse race and a holdup to bring this man and Jean Grayson to a realisation of their devotion, such realisation does come, so all is welL Mrs. Luts has a host of follower among those who like clean, healthful fiction, and her new story will doubt less make her still better known. - dent in France During Twenty-two Weeks Of War Time. Vinogradov Russian Problem. ' Waley Re-making of Ohlna. 1 language. '" Ford Exercises In Spanish Composi tion. Lambert Alltagllches; sin Konver- satlona und Lesebuch. " . Tera.fur. Chekhov Plays; Second Series, , ' Gosse French Profiles. Hearn Interpretations of Litera ture. Sv. . Holt ed. Leading English Posts, From Chaucer to drowning. Mason Book of Preferences la Lit erature. Spingarn History of Literary Crit icism in the Renaissance. . Symonda Essays, Speculative' and Suggestive. , Three Modern Plays From the French I The Prince d'Aurec, by Henri Lavedeo; The Pardon, by Jules Lemaltre; The Other Danger, by Maurioe Donnay. Wharton Nocturne, Philosophy ' Addams, Batch & Hamilton Women at The Hague. Healy & Fernald Tests for Prac tical Mental Classification, - -BeUgloa. ' ' - j Kent A Jenks Testing of a Nation's Ideals. Nukarlya Religion of the Samurai. Robinson History of Christian Mis sions. ;' ' Doienoe. 'V?-V- Bernthsen Text Book of Orgaale Chemistry. . . ' ' j Klickmannr ed. Outdoor Pictures. ! Park & Williams Pathogenlo Micro organisms. . Wllllston Water Reptiles of the Past and Present. v - "Sociology. Barnett Practicable Socialism; New Christensen Politics and Crowd-Mor- Cubberley Publlo 8chool Adminis tration. ' - Fonkalsrud & Stevenson The Scandinavian-American. . Hull Monroe Doctrine: National or International? . . . Lee we; a Confession of Faith for the American People During and After War. . r- Milner The Teacher. Ring Problem of the Unemployed, t Roosevelt Fear God and Take Your Own Part Useful Arts. Brown Sclentlflo Nutrition Blmpll- fltraham Massage. Msnual Treat, mint, Remedial Movements. History, Mode of Application and Effects, . Macdonald Spanish-English and English-Spanish Commercial Dictionary. Roebling, firm, wire manufacturers, TrentonWire in Electrical Coiurtruo- tion. -' , iV . Befersnces. American Lumberman Bookkeeping System for a Retail Lumber Business. Boston Public Library Finding List of Fairy Tales and Folk Stories. Gardner A Simonds Practical Sani tation. Gonecourt Renee Mauperin, Hart A Short, comp. List ef Radio Stations of the World. Direct .S 71.20 . 80.00 . 108.50 ViaCaL 88.10 92.50 126.00 85.75 109.50 90.00 St. Louia,. . . Memphis . . . . Washington Minneapolis Toronto 60.00 02.00 72.50 Chicago Ninety-Day Ticket , from June 10 $35 Other fares, sched ules and details at City Ticket Office 5th and Stark Sts. 7 Phones; Bwdy. 820 A-6671 A.- V -. - .. : : 1 1 1 i , . , r , i i i i i i i aaaaaaaaaassaasajaasssssseassaaai saWSSSS I