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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1916)
1o 4 KXaiAJfCG--IlEAL ESTATE - I-'--;' (Oontlnnsl ' - VANTEI--8uburban property adja cent to Portland or Oregon City, tor 4 0 acre farm adjacent to Eugene. Land Kit under cultivation, new set oC im provements. Good terms on any dif ference. Sam Rugh Realty Co 22 Stfe ve. K., Eugene, ir, xJiCHANOK 350 acre stock, ranch, with -outrange, X -niglas county. Will consider modern bungalow or toe It of mdse. and aome cash, a first pay ment. - Balance time. Price 525 per ore. Owner, Box 117, Yoncalla, Or. A 8PL&NDID buy For sale or trade. 25 M, saw mill In the frnnoui aoutb central pin belt of southern Oregon. io years7 clip In night. Term on part. wnat nave you? u-aai, journal. iW ACKKvS. all improved, near city limit, lOo fare, t room house, price $1600; will take clear city lota for part Call 605 titock Exchange bids. Main 915. TO LXCHANGE $1600 stock in one of the beat lumber companies rv the roast for an up-to-date car; prefer Cadillac. Will consider any first class car. R-787, Journal. . 10 ACRE Improved arm in Alberta, especially adapted for stock raising, tv trade for property in Oregon, L-f-3. Journal. ISO ACRES, 4 miles Lexington, Or.. $'3000 for house and lot Or Irrigated lnd. ' TJ-9. Journal. WANKIJ CJose In poultry ranch for ' wood land. K-945, .Innrrm. WANTED REAL ESTATE 31 WANTED laurel hurst home from owner, good house and good view, Mailt give clear lot and money or as tern some. , , A. N. BRARLK, f . ; J924 .. ojisan St. WiLL buy lor cash 5 or 6 room house, ' north or Qulmby and cast of 26th at John Pick, 649 Union ave. N. Phone K. 4772, room bungalow, will glv-j clpne in acreage in payment. L-&3i. Journal. ' WE WILL SELL OR!tAN MONKY ON YOUR LOT. iC. CORBIN CO.. LKWT8 ROOMING HOI'MKH 5:1 FUR SALE Rooming house, 17 .ooms, brick building, rooms newly painted, mostly outside rooms, partly fur nished, toilets, bath, electric 'IghtH. Rent $20. Only exclusive rooming bouse in McMinnvllIe. rice ISO. 00. 408 ira St., McMlnnvllle. Or. I OR sale or rent: Furnished rooming house, 24 rooms, centrally located on main business street, Astoria, or. L. ji. yveicn, Astoria, or. li ROOMS, all housekeeping. Kale or trade,' easy terms, i'hone Marshall S451. ilY owner. 18 rooms furnished for ' housekeeping, cash and terms. 40 Jefferson at., near 11th BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 20 HOTEL, 15 rooms and lota tor sale, price $1500; $500 down, balance on time.' All furnished. A good chance for some one. Will rent by the rent er buying the furniture, $300 and $15 per month rent. Only hotel In town. A. J. McCann. Dayton, Or. 1 HAVE one of the best suburban frocery stores In the -city, but want Ittle change, and like a good gro ceryman to buy the stock and rent the building; will put in a butcher shop in connection If ho wishes. R- 7i)8, Journal. KXCHANGE old established general merchandise store In live Willam ette valley tewn, value fll.Ooo, for Portland residence property. Particu lars in firat letter or bo attention. XK- 642, Journal. A HMALL cas n grocery store, with half acre of ground in garden, email fruits, a good house, barn, chicken house, all for $2800. terms, no trade. I'hone 7-J or write William C. Nenmiot, .Mil wauKle, or. FOR BALK liakery doing good busi ness, if sold Immediately will sac rifice, full equipment up to date, $o0i), terms; disagreement of partners. Ad dress -Houlton Bakery, Houlton, Or. MEAT market, doing good business, in 'connection with lirst class grocery, for or might consider renting to responsible party. Call owner. Tabor CiPER. ICED FRUIT DRINKS and V BUTTERMILK. ' Space to let, Ideal lor above or other purposes; market block, Yamhill st. Apply L-927, Journal. FOR BALK Cheap, pool room and cigar stand doing fine busineiN, good location, cheap rent. Ownw has other business. 3 0 1 Union ava. N. XJEHT millinery store In town; hus band railroad man and transferred east Will sell at sacrifice. F-5SS. Jour nal. COZY bakery and jcrocer.v, ibs Wil liams ave., doing nood business; leaving town on account o sickness. Kast 2900. BUtSlI.LTSSlS CAKW Rose City Printing Co.. tniro st.. cor layior. groceries, lunches, con fectionery, - furnished living rooms Pell wood 2013. OLD established cli-anlnn and pressing , - business; tailoring in connection, pacrtflce. L-9G1. Journal. 11NE stamps, hinges, albums, eio., 8 . . a, m.-6 p. in. Columbia tjiamp Co.. 94 North 16th st. Main 76SO. BLACKSMITH Hhop lor nule, lully equipped; electric power. Henry Chi, Aioany, or. i'OR quick sale, well established lailis' and gent's tailoring business. .M-yiJ, Jotirnal. A-l business for cash, bicycles, inoto,--cycles, sporting good. etc. J-byo Journal. i'OR BALE One saw mill and 0,000, 000 feet of timber. Address Dupay Lumber Co., Butte Falls, ore. CORNER cash grocery. $10 rent; will invoice, vos t.nion sve. Main 7070. AiKAT MARKET, as going concern. splendid location. l4'. lamhill. BUSINESS OI'POItTUMTIliS WANTED 08 KXPERIKNCED bustiiens man Ueslres an association witfi established con cern of merit; Would onsider lnvest uienfc under satisfactory conditions. F 695, Journal. ? MERCHANDISE WANTED Improved wtieat lands, close to good town, or timber to trade for merchan dise." from 1000 to 110.000. llox 7, Madras, Or. MONEV TO LOAN - REAL ESTATE 27 OUR Installment plan is the best and surest method of paying a loan. 32.2 per month for 30 "months, or .21.24 ro 60 months, of J15.17 for 80 months pays a $1000 loans and interest. Other amounts In proportion. Wo loan on improved city property Or for building purpose. EQUITABLE SVG'S Sr LOAN ASSN. JJUILDiNO loans on city and suburban . property; money advanced as work progresses. W. Q. Reck, 31u Failing mug. iuain diu $100,000 ON mortagages, city or farm property, fire insurance. McKenzis Xr-Co Gerlinger bldg., 2d and Alder. CASH Paid for mortagages, notes, con ' tracts, mortgage loans; reasonable rates, r . ji. i.ewiw. 4 iewis Qlng JIONEY TO 'WAN in amounts of $100 to iaQOft on city property. A. 11. HPii. nin tferitnger riog. ..iQXEY to loan on improved city, farm property.' tr. c. King, 314 Spalding. 1000 UP to $.'(00 to loan on city or farm , property. Tabor 400. r.'O, $350, $600. $900, $1200. $1800. 5Tn Krefl w, wrman t'o.. 73' t'tiam. cony $40,000 OXtESS. KARRINGTON. a 4th et, ; Board of Trade Hldg. : :K us Small loans, installment loana Cellafa-Murton Co.; 825 Yeon bid;;. K.00 $1000 7. See me. Ward, 407 tpaminy niig. RTGAGB loans, 514 to 7ci. Oregon lnv. & Mortgage Co., 170 3d st. 1 RTGAGE LOANS, 6 and 7. Lui Salomon & t;o., 30ti oaK st.. near fcth . ..SKY to Joan, to' 8. V. 11. SeRs Co aiO paldln bid:.' , 7 : x i; "27 (Con tinned) CITY AND FARM. LOANS, 8 to 5 years at lowest rates, depending on kind and location of property and mar" gin of security. -MONTHLY INSTALLMENT LOANS on Portland homes t. no commission. A SAFE DEPOSIT BOX at 1 cent per day insures the safety of your pa- Sers and other valuables. UNIOM AKE DEPOSIT & TRUST CO., 284 OAK HT. PORTLAND PROPERTY OR VALLEtf FARM LOANS. Make - low rates fin good security. II. L. ARCHER, 404 Northwestern Bk. Bid. WW have money to loan on reaidenc and Improved farm property, a or 5 years, partial payment option. I'rovl dent Trust company, 212 Selling bldg. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES 67 8ALARIE8 CHATTELS. Money to loan to salaried neoole an.1 others on furniture, pianos, motor-' cycles, automobiles, diamonds, etc., at legal rates with easy terms of pay-1 ment; no delay. Licensed by state. PORTLAND LdAN COMPANY. INC., ill ueicum ttiag DIAMONDS bougnand sold. Main IOANS WANTED 30 $800, 3 to 0 years, 7, on 160 acres wheat land in E. Wash. All In culti vation. Value $3200. References. No commission. M-947. Journal. WANTED from private party, $3000 on good farm property. 1-923. Journal. FINANCIAL CHATTEL M o R T U A O E d PUR CHASED. FNQCJHK 311 Dekum bid. 1st and 2d mortgages purchased; also sellers' interest in contracts. Or. and Wash. H. E. Noble. Lumbermens bldg. HELP WANTED MALE WANTED To interview several prat appearing young men to ravel through the west In a touring car and sell m.-ifcazlnes. None but hauliers need apply. See district manager, Portland Hotel, room 607. between 6 and 7:30 p. m. WHITE SALMON strawberry picking season opens up May 25. A larg number of pickers and packers wanted. fc'hould have your own camping outfit. Apply to Fruit Osowers union. White Salmon. Wash YOUNG man. 18 to 20. beginner whole sale house, opportunity. Uive ref erence and phono number. Al-959, Journal. V ANTED Middle aged man to play piano la out of town theatre; no ob jections to nonunion man. U-9i8, journal. ROYS wanted witn wheels and niotor cycles. must be over 10 years of age. steady work, good pay, chance for ad vancement. 1,. A. Moiieniiour, !). oaK. EMPLOYMENT department WANTED men to cut cordwood. In- quire 249 Second st. S. HELP WANTED MISC. 4 Y. M. C. A. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL Day and night classes; training in repairing, driving and machine work. Including forge, lathe, shaper. drill press, etc.; time unlimited. Secure pass at Educational office Y. M. C. A. olrtg., to lnepect our shops and meth ods. COMPETENT CHAUFFEURS AND MECHANICS SUPPLIED. Tul tlon fee includes MEMBERSHIP IN . M. C. A. and its EMPLOYMENT DE PARTMENT, use of 60-ft. swlmmln pool, shower baths, gymnasium. ft $10 TO $15 earned weekly addrjssing mail circulars spare time; coriplete Instructions, 10c. Address Theodore I,. Llnd, Vancouver, Wash. OREGON A Li TO SCHOOL. 429-431 BELMONT ST. Your work helps pay tuition. Stu dents earn board, room. $76 MONTH. Government jobs. Men, women wanted. List of position free. Franklin Institute, Dept. i49-0, Rochester. N. Y. WANTED Names men, wishing to become Portland mail carriers. Com mence 7 month. OX-932. Journal. UNCALLED for tailor made suits, $6 50 up Tavlor the Tailor 2894 Burnsiri"!. HELP WANTED FEMALE '2 NOTICE. WANTED. Blight, keen girl for general houRe work, easy work, comiortabls room good place for right party. Apply In person at 9-' E Broadway, between 12:30 and 2. WANTEL An elderly wommi for light" housework on farm In central Oregon; $". a month and good Lome. Please address answer, DX-57.. Jour nal. EXI'EIUENCED billor who thorodghly understands Remington mat nine with W'ahl adding attachment. Answei. X r,S, Journal. W OMAN for general housework, Chris tian Scientist preferred. L-934. Journal. WANTED, ladles to patch sack American Bottle Supply Co., 31j Front st., corner of Clay. WANTED To go to the country, .in experienced first class cook. Phone East ll'l.i WANTED Competent woman to fuke charge of bread, etc.. in Home bak ery HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE tl MODE R BARBER COLLEGE wants men and women to learn th trade; paid while learning; tools free, positions secured; summer rates; write for catalogue. 48 N 2d st. WANTED, competent and responsible. person to tak charge roominr house, 24 rooms, Astoria. State wages. D. H. Welch. Astoria. Or. MOHLEH Barber school wants me,i and women to learn barber trade free In 8 weeks. Positions secured. Pay while learning 3K N. 2d st. OREGON BARBER CODLEGE Men and women to learn barber trade free. ?:ta Madison st. WANTED AGENTS ATTENTION We will pay $U!c0 re . ward if our Home Butter Merger falls to merge one pint of milk into one pound of butter in two minutes, sweeter than creamery butter. Demon strators and general agents wanted. Salary or commission. Write tor il lustrated circulars and addre? its of 1000 users. Wonderful invention. FAMILY BUTTER MERGER COM PANY, Washington. D. C. WANTED Agents in all sectuins for our full assortment of clean, relia ble nursery stock; demand is increas ing. Attractive terms.' OREGON NURSERY COMPANY. Orenco. Or. GOOD live hustlers; an easy selling proposition: liberal commission; nnlck sales. SO Grand ave. SITUATIONS MALE 3 ENERGETIC married man wishes of fice position; experienced cashier, bookkeeper, credits and general office work- A-l references furnished. JT 9S9. Journal. YOUNG man wants position where he tan make expenses while learning auto Tepair and vulcanizing business. J D. Stewart. 338 Monroe st. MARRIED man with family wished position as teamster. acquainted with city, delivery preterred. 1238 E. mh st. N. YOUNG man would like position as chauffeur :n private family, careful driver and willing to work around the house. K-546, Journal. IF you have paintisg or kalsomining to do, call Broadway 1634. and save money. COMPETENT shop mechanics and chauffeurs furnished by T- M. C A. Auto school. Main 70S6, A-65tl. Contractor jpUsfering, P brtcb ' ami cement work. Sj S. Kingery M", 1B8S YOUNG, married mui , wishes inside work, on West Side preferred. - U- journal OLD roofs repaired, moss removed. MONEY. TO LOAN . REAL ESTATE SriTATIONSi-JULE OAR DJ2NER. wanted? For work that will Dlease von ohone Main 6918 or t address C. Hasserles. 266 N. zoth. at- Experience, good tools. , reasonbl en HOUSE painting and tinting, $3 -per rm, c. A. Barnes. Mar. zszs, m. -- , ,i , SITUATIONS FEMA LE 4 j MIDDLE aged lady wants bousekeeo- lng. Take Monuvllla car, S3 E. 79th ; N. Portland. ! COMPETENT young woman, ort'ee ex- penence, wisnes worn ternary o.-: permanent. N-763, Journal. 1 RESPONSIBLE woman would like management of apartment or rooming house: references. Marshall 447. DRESSMAKING 40 DRESSMAKING wanted by day. bor 417. Ta- NUItsES 00 EXPERIENCKD nurse open for nerv ous cases or Invalid; doctor's refer ence Phone Sellwood 2024. COMPETENT and efficient nurse, kind and capable of handling any case. Phone Tabor 6427. EXPERIENCED nurse; confinement. Invalid or Infant. Sellwood 1584. PRACTICAL nurse: best of references. Phone Marshall 447. FURNISHED ROOMS 9 FURNISHED rooc.s for young men in ail parts of the cl.y, also in Y. M, C. A. bldg., especially do'ilraWe during the summer; fire-proof, telephone in each room shower baths, $1.75 to $4.75 per week,' including full association mem bership privileges, gymnasium, swim ming pool, hand-ball court, and many other club privileges. Full informatic at Y. M C. A. business office or tele phone Main 7065 A-6561. WHITE SALMON strawberry picking season opens up May 25. A largn j number of pickers and packers wanted. ! Should have your own camping outfit, j Apply to Fruit Growers' union. White i Salmon. Wash. 20TH AND WASHINGTON STS. Strictly modern, light, cool rooms. $2 to $4 per week: private baths. $2 ThE GARLAND $3 Week. Week. MODERN BRICK; outside rooms; respectable; hot water. 25 Trinity st-, cor. Washington, bet. ltfth ana 20th. BACHELOR'S HOTEL Everything new and up to date. For men only. Tenth and Wn s-h i n gton. Main 6319. iiTEL OMMliE 5.Vlo ern, fireproof, respectable. $3 week us THE BEV-ERLY Clean, homelike, fur nished rooms, reasonable, centrally located. 185 Park-Yamhill. " $1.60 WEEK up, clean, warm, modem fur. rms.. central. The King, 30!) Jef. NICELY furnished room, $1 to 4. The Garnet, cor. 12th and Washington. FL'RNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY MODERN 2 large trciit bedrooms, tac- j ' lnir north, cool, light and airy, elec- 1 trie lights, phone, bath in family with j MONTGOMERY APT ft"., 3d and Mont no children. Nob Hill district, very gomery. Modern brick building, all hnmalllia a ,1 A rtilra II V lr,,-ntft Phftnn i st 1 r s i rl FnrnichnH 'i..w nriirnl. Main 7336. " j HAVE large, sunny, front room for 2 j ?f st service; close in, summer rates gentlemen, 2 beds, single front "P- Main 9ttb. PLEASANT rooms, walking distance 4S N. 21st st. LARGE light family. 24S front room N. Oth. in private , NEATLY famished enclosed slf-epin porch very reaso n a hie. East 3 874. 15 ROOMS AND HOARD THE llEKEtOKU 336 737 HO YT ST. A quiet residential hotel American plan Suites Single rooms,. Excellent table. Main 3305. A-1722. ROOM and board lor young woman, $3 per week; laundry, library and sew ing privileges- walking Ui&tance. I'hone East 4732 ROOMS .VXD HOARD PEIVATE FAMILY NOB HILL, near Washington St., light, .sunny room In modern home, suitable for 1 or 2: best home cook ing; all home privileges; reasonable. Main 5H43. $4.."0 WEEK, outside rooms, bath. home cooked meals dally. 1!S4 Main st FURNISHED room, oatn, garage, hlk. to I.add ave. Fast 442. lit JO .M and board lor school children. HOUSEKEEPING IiOOlS a TUBNISHED AND UNrURNISHED tJ.N'i; room with kitchenette, coinp'.ete My furnished, steam heat, running Kbt and told water, phone in every room; 7 blocks from 5th and Morri8on sts., jl:? up. 2 1 1 Columbia st., cor. 5th. LARGE coiner ruom; steam U:-at, elec tric lights, bed linen, cooking gas. free phone, bath, week. 445 Co lumhia. THE FRANCES Furnished, steam Furnished cle or ii ii T :i ,: i(; v?' pj W. Park. cor. Mor- rison. r; : ; ; : 1 Eli suite and single bay windows, free . lit:ht phune and ha'h, la to 1. per Mercedes. 2')lh and Morrison. month. DOWNTOWN moncin il. K 5 U H OS, $ 1 month up. Including heat, light, et Royal Annex. 350'i Mornsvn M 4521 TWO housekeeping rooms. $10 per month. 545 Washington St., near 16th Gem Apts, Free bath, hot, cold water. IIOl'KEKEEI'INf. ll(K)MS 73 FURUISHED AND UHrURNTSHED PRIVATE FAMILY 3 ROOM suite, modern, electric light, $12.50 per month; also 2 room suiK $10. Ijtrse Jront lawn, tlowers anil i , KOOAI lurnisned apt., modern, ica shrubhery; walking distance. 67 North; onable. oawjers. Apt., HZ N. 10th. 2'lth st. Phone A-2238. HOl'SKKKKPI.Vd rooms in private , home, all modern conveniences, rea- ! sonahle rent, 321 Euwene st. ! $10 THREE furnished H. electricity, bath, phone. Morrison. K i ooms, 6..1 lias: CLEAREST, elieapest h. k. roups in citv. Private entrance. First floor. 429 Main. TWO rooms, newly decorated, electric light, bath, phone, splendid location, light, llf. N. 23d st. Phone Main 77fio. FRONT room, with piano and house keeping rooms. 240 Park st. FOR RENT HOUSES trNFtr&msHED TWO lots, 3 room shack, $2-60 per month, located on 82d fit. .macad amized), near Estacada car. F.ed W. Oerman Co . 712 Cham, of Cnm FOR RENT 6 room cottage, .West Side I centpr Tnnuirn 433 U, Montiromerv ' st. Phone Marshall 3409. - SIX room modern house, oak floors, $16. 867 Clinton and 2Sth st. Takt- Richrnofd car. EXCELLENT condition. 6 room house,! East 16th si: rent reasonable. Mr. Johnson. Main 937. $18 VERY desirable 5 room bungalow, ! modern and complete. 1585 Fremont. ' cor. 59th: "R-C" car. Open.) mod- CHEAP. Kood o room bungalow- em, improvements. 7001 60th ave, K. Call Main 7021: MODERN 6 room bungalow, bath, gas and electric lights, large attic. 176 F. 75th N.. 2 blocks 'fronrM-V carline. $9 MONTH Modern a tiim houe, lot 50x100, lSth-Stfaver sts. Sea Yost, 31 Fremont St. Union ave. car. 6 ROOM house, modern and convenient, best oar service. 1072 E. Main sc. cor. 36th wt., or call A-3023. NEAT 6 room cottage. 446 Union ave., N. $lfi.. East 46a.. FOR RENT. 6 room house, ler Et. Kast 1518. 367 Weid- $15 MODERN 5 room bungalow, Pen Instilar park. 144ft Albtna. Mar. 4114. 7 RCOM house, newly - tinted. Belmont, tieliwood 1S9. 670 12 ATTHAtrriVE. new- modern noma 011 1 r . Mt. Tabor, complete in every detail. extra Urge sunny rooms,, magnificent. ; K-.T2dBt1,et.t .nell,hb?fh0Jd-af ? Nothing better In Portland for rent. ' ana renponsioie icnanu itn'i lease desired. $35. Phone Tabor $984 ' LOWER floor. 3 large . rooms, garden ment, stationary tubs and gas, nice ; lawn; $g. 177 Fargo. Woodlawn 9S4. j fit GOOD room house., walking dii- , tance. I-ist 2409: t uu i;ENT New 6 room cottage. No. 1350 Gllsan. Main 842R. FURNITURE FOR SALE HOUSES FOR RENT 33 lisried in the Household Goods class ification when house i not for -rent. FURNISHED HOUSES 38 i BEAUTIFUL 6 room bungalow, rent or .,!.- n,ni..u.i' aimmr nnrph ha ! ment furnace, gas, electricity, garage. bath; room for 1 room upstairs; cost $3600; sell $3000. Owner, Tabor 683L K-536, Journal. -4- FURNISHKD 7 room modern homo, 1233 East Yamhill. $20 to satisfac tory tenant. Key Sunday, 1225 East Yamhill. See Henry C. Prudhomme, 327 Henry bldg. FURNISHED 5 room modern bunga low, with piano;, beautiful home; I block from car; reasonable. Main 5478, Tabor 1S04. ; FOR RENT Furnished 5 room bun galow; everything almost new. Woodlawn 1032. SIX room houi, well furnished: bath, electric lights, etc. Inquire 1352 Burrage st. $14 5 ROOM cottage, furnishei, tiano. 1405 Oneonta. Woodlawn car. Adults.. $1S FOUR room house, clean, good furniture, piano. Woodlawn 4024. APARTMENTS 43 . TOE (MIWEUL f Fifth and Columbia sts. Five minutes' walk to Meier A Frank's store; good surroundings; strictly modern 2 and 3 room furnished apartments, all outside, with French doors and balconies. ATTRACTIVE RATES. PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT. The Knickerbocker Apt. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Attractive 3 room fur. and unfur. modern apt. All new furniture, refer ences. Main 1320. 10th and Harrison st Walking distance. MAKsHALl. APAR'i'MENXc. 624 Marshall st. Take W cars, S cars or 16th st. cars. Beautiful i room furnished apartments. Ail large, outside rooms. Private baths. Heat, water, pnone. janitor service, etc. j THE ALT A MONT. I Fifth and College. I v.iean, cozy, 3 and 4 room furnished apartments, rents reasonable. Heat. water, phone and Janitor service m- rluneu bath, phone and automatic elevator: ! A.J".RTPiF--nP MOTS!. Ti.fOYi-1 MtiS 3UiiH T1 Portlnnd'n huue of duality, comfort and aerrjee HALSEY COURT. 1 Nicely furnished 2 and 3 room apart I ments, $15 and $1S, steam heat, hot water, walking distance. 300 Williams 'ave. Phone East 3273. Ll.NL'OliN AAKXiUSAia. CORNER 4TH AND LINCOLN. 2 room furnished apts., with private bath, phone, electric lights and sleam beet. J18 to J23. Main 1377. A-4152. PENROSE APTS.. and Grand ave., 8 room furnished. Walking distance. N. W. cor. Belmont new modern.. 2 and Service first-class. A1ADISON PARK APIS. Parjt St., at Madison. Modern 2, 3 and 4 room furnished apartments, close-tn. by week or month. THE DKZcNDORF 208 16TM ST. Marshall '2316. Nice 5 room fur. and unfur. apts. also 3 and 4 room fur, apts. -LUZ..K.NE APTsi., 3d and Hail Mod- ' 1 .rn hlrl, -hiIt, 9 fnrilah . . . . . . . , m . M u II 1.1, '.. 11. .J , . private phune m each apt.. (15 tuid up, Marshall 4B37. , i?. rrT.ri ItlKr E. 7ih and Taylor sts., z ana li room apts.; light free, private hath. B ALLOA APIS. Large modern 2 and 3 room fur. and unfur.. brick bldg., iBest service, waik mg dis ; i-easonable 42'. Harrison. '1U1L. SHEFFIELD 2 io Liroauway S., 3 and 4 room lur. and uniur.' apts., walking distance; at very reasonable rent; best or servire. Main -506. RoSENFELD (new), E. 1-lth ana biHik. , lirick, 3 and 4 rooms, tumishtd or : -uniur.; outside rooms, private .phone. bih-L apts.. 7o East Ankcny, mouerTn completely turn, apts.; arte. l.Kh- sunny, clean. E. iiyhis, mm. h:. E. l0a. ill E hAsUALt, Jo N. Jutli near WaKhinat,ii. close in: A ,n,l 4 forns: both phones. Get our summer rates. i-mv i u i ins iica iipu., concrete block, i lu and tli liti2Va tmou ave. N. ! V n l la wn 5 1 2. PENl.saUi-A Afis.. Clliu, concieta bldg. 2 and o rooms, hot and cold water, baths, phone, steam heat tlup. TCDOK AltilS Apts., IS tii jiiiu, Coucu. A-lt-i4. .vittin 25ii; hew bl'icK hldg. : -. 4 rooms, modern apts. la AND modern J room and bath. All outside rooms. The Earl ton, Fnion and nvissfll. East 2334. THE LOIS APTS., fu4 iioyt st. 2. 3 and 4 rooms, light and airy, porches, very desirable; references. au.nolU APTS. E. 3d and Belmont. Modern 1 and i room apts., Jl 5o per n-eek dp sleeping rooms. East 212. UKOiklia apts. bbo iVlarshaii st. Mod ern, , rivate oath and ure;sinK r ora: eiinit.ipr rates. WLbTFAL, 410 6tti st. 3 rooiu apt., private bath and phone, modern brick, $fi week and up. WalKing distance. ROSE FRIEND. 286 Broadway a.; mou ern unfurnished apts.; large rooms, best service walking t"n Marsh 1410 CAMAK, Jl4 Uovejoy apts.. Si a. SO. Xll 50 z and 3 room Marshall 2917. fFOIi RENT HOUSES i OoBUlel, -s: tmiPinoinnoiii Court. 401 10th, $10 modern to $20. - i VjlllVslilliau apartments,- AAiiiRiCAN and Marlborough, mod. 4. o. 6 rm apts. Mar. 3360. M. 7516. A2676. LUXOR APTS. 324 13th st. Main 10a. Furn. and unfur. 2. 3 4 room apts. FOIl RENT FLATS 13 j MOt'EKN upper J room Hat. ltiaVi E. ! 17th St., near Belmont, $Uf. Marshall j 4317. FIVE unfurnished rooms, up to date. garden, sleeping porch, 15 minutes walk postotfice. East 33i. ROOM upper flat. E. 2oth and Haw- thorhe; references; $23. Woodlawn 1797. $l!s.50 IR V1NGTON, a rooms. oaK floors, large yard, near car. East 8&t. FURNISHER FLATS MODERN, newly furnished 6 room up per corner flat, walking distance, close to school. 16th and E. Alder sts. Main 1728. NICELY furnished 4 room flat. Rent $16. Including furnace heat, water and phone. 614 and 6161a Commer nal st. FOUR rooms, modern. 383 Roes sL, i blocks east end Broadway bridge; low rent. $1 MODERN 4 room, neatly fur nished, good location. East 409. $16 3 ROOMS, lights, water, large yarn, walking distance. Kast 3310. $19 4 ROOM flat, good furniture; to 4, children. 740 Minnesota ave. - J - . . . r ' , 1 1 ; j BRICK warehouse in . South : Portland J. tor rent, trackage, iirht and iinr.f 0n paved street: reasonable. JournaU Publishing Co. Broadway and Yamhill. ixR RENT tftors. good grocery, io- 1 cat100' 19 Williams, nics store room,-. iow Pen qh mfirniMg or evening, no pnone. : pQR RENT MISCELLANEOUS 83 WANTED to rent baby buggy tn good condition, for couple months. East 4 7 ' 6- ' WANTED TO RENT WANTED, by business woman, unfur- ftifihAd eljuaniric rinm wallci.nflr dia- ! tance. Main 8728. WANTED To rent farm with cows, from -3 to 5 'years. Will pay cash rent. C. E. Dou'es, Clatskanle, Or. HORSES, VHICLA ETC. 18 JUST received; a shipment of horses from Grand Ronde valley, eastern Oregon, consisting of some well mated vounz farm chunks and some draft each, and also some light delivery norses. we will sell them with a guar antee. Model Stables, 5th and Davis. FOR horses and venicles, dogs and household pets and poultry, read the ads under these respective headings. The Journal leads all other mediums in these classifications. ONE bay pony, 000, $30; one gray pony, 900. $3b. These are Blick and fat and work under, saddle or otherwise. Also steel tired buggy with set double harness. 233 N. 1.4th st. WILL trade milk cows or young stock for a young work horse ' weighing about 1300 lbs. J. H. Morrow, Route 4. Vancouver, Wash." FOR SALE, fine black team, weight 2300, gentle and fast travelers. Wdln. 6178. I. R. Stergerwald, 42dand uoing. T WO teams, wagons, and harness, for sale or trade for auto truck. Tabor 1855. 54 E. 74th N. COLUMBIA Stables, 302 Front; good rigs and saddle horses for hire. Main 3030. 2 LIGHT deliveries. I.orse and wagon, for sale, reasonable. A-1543, Dioad way 3'J45. DEAD horses and annuals "hauled away irce. Jau woodlawn Renderlne Co. 20. Portland , WANTEiD Horse and .wagon for bak erv oeuvery. N-41. journal. FOR S4LE Team, wagon, harness. ! Phoce Sellwood 1839 or Main 8428. ! Hi, TON camei-haclc wrnrnn fnr sal. Inquire 906 E. 7th st. North. 900 POUND mare, liKht wagon harness, $75. Hellwood 784. and HORiE for general purposes, weight 1150. Wdln. 284H. 920 E. 15th, N. DEAD horses Tabor 4 203. and cattle taken free. LIVESTOCK 3.1 FOR SALE 10 extra fine cows, all rich milkers; route if desired, clear ing $175 per month; or will sell part of cows. Phone Main 331. D-570, Journal. FRESH cows with calves, 2 Holsteins, 6 gal.; Guernseys and Jerseys, 3 to 4 gal. test, 5 to 6;'. very fine family cows, gentle for women. 793 E. Main st. near 24th. YOUNG dairy cows for wile; just fresh. iia. y uiiiACio. ur y, 11 vfrciH 01. Take St. Johns car to Gay st., walk 7 Mocks eonth, west. FOUR fresh cows for sale, 4 to 6 gal ion, will sell or trade lor beef cat tle. 955 Mississippi ave. ONE yearling registered Jersey bull for sale or trt!e for good milk cow. A. Dimbat, Oswejro. Or., R. 1, box 311. CATTLE or sheep wanted for income property. Owner. T-646, Journal. POULTRY AND PIGEONS 7 SEE preceding parre for poultry ads. DOGS, BIRDS, PETS, ETC. 40 SHEPHERD pups, working strain. both parents natural heelers. Ed ward L. Naylor, Forest Grove. Or. I PIGEONS lor sale, Carneaux. Maltese and Londaire's mated hares, 50c and up. Tabor 1855. 54 Pi 74th N. AIREDALE dog. registered. Call Tabor 49S8. A. K. C. AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES At 1314 CADILIJiC. This phaeton model equipped; electric starter, is fullv very Bood every way. tires, in a-i conaition in 1 his is a high grade car that you can Kervice r--i-t-c-v imTAp pap r-i 21st and Washington sts. Main 624 4 PARAGES $30 and up. Portable hou ses, chicken houses, wood sheds, etc. M i 1 1 m a d e Con structlon Co. Alain 1167. 544 Hood st. Sundays and eVenlnyy. Woodlawn 3615; EVER-READY 1 ton truck; attachm't. $JuO; tru K ccmp. $775. MfK in Prt. THAYER-SHAVER-GULLEY MACHINE CO. 193 East Water St. Phone East 7437. our stock of -"ord delivery bodies, also auu wheels, our own make: euaran- j teed. Carl Teterson, 1Z1 Grand ave. north. st 14:t3. DOUBLE ttead. .puncture uproot tires made froni your old ones. Bring them in. Oregon Vulcanizing Co., Wash at' lStn. Burnside "t Broadway. (335 Buinside ) L,et Us bolve lour serine Trouble. juuaranieeu wasminoton Carciiaoi I bprinss. tor. Lnion ana tsei mont. E. 1305. wokim TWO taxicabs, one REO and one FRANKLIN; in fine condition, with new tires, for sale cheap. NORTH WKST ALTO CO., Broadway at Couch. JIfg. & Repairs. 3000 fruarant d spring in mock, prices reduced. 34 N. lith st. USED motors, parts, tires, accessories, less than half price of original cost. Auto Wrecking Co.. 271 Front. Main 1939. NO-GLARE AUTO LENS ESSEf, ED BRUNS CO., 43 1st St., cor. Ash. Broadway 954. FINE 5 passenger car, never been mie - used, have run it yooo; am goins away; must sen; give time. 793 K. price right: rniant Main St., near 24th. BRICK garage, with office or living rooms dandy location, cheap rent. Thompson & Swan, 6th and Main sts., Vancouver, Wash. FOR SALE 1914 Hupmobile, will trade for late model Ford, Main 13S0. i If it's scrap rubber or metals and you want the highest price, phone J. Leve. ISi? Columbia, Main 5198. A 5 PASS. Jackson touring car in good I condition; gooa tires; x&o jr taken within next 10 days. 704 Upshur st. 1914 OVERLAND fully equippe-i, AI J!.i. n . 1 . . . I - n . . ' or terms. 52S K. Stephens. I WILL sell my new 1916 car at a sacrifice. Will give terms. X-030, Journal. ' TON E. M. F. Studebaker delivery truck cheap. Call evenings at 275 Halleck st. Peninsula. FORD roadster, with delivery attach ment or not; A-l condition. 95 EL 28th st. Norths FOR SALE 1912 Buick roadster; ur overhauled; $350 cash. i. Hill, Menlo hotel. I Stark st. GET OUR PRICES -ON PAINTING. BROADWAY AUTO I PAJNTINO CO.. 31 Broadway North, near- Burnside. lis -TON auto truck, will demonstrate, ' $300. also business, G-792. .Journal. STORES AND OFFICES ACTOMOBIIJES-ACCESSORIES 41 rjDnnir mi iirrr rno DrtnunUlO lllf UOL.U urtnO mJDE3AKER Six, series 17. ! PACKARSD, 7 passenger, excellent con- new. exceptional oar gain at dition 1915 hod v onl 11000. COLE 40. rood mechanical condition, newly painted. . electrlo lights, snap, tsoo. OTTO Special S passenger, to anyone wanUng a high grade lightweight car this is an exceptional oppor tunity. $450. THE OLDSMOBILE- BROADWAT AND COTJCH. Large Stock to Select From See them today. All makes, including 2, 5 and 7 passengers, in A-l condition. Prices $300 up. Mitchell, Lews & Staver Co. East First and East Morrison Sts. ' East. 7272. WE have several small cars that have been Just overhauled and are In good oonditloni Will sell cheap. NORTHWEST AUTO COMPANY. f Broadway a.nd Couch. BUICK iS pass., good condition, paint ed and overhauled. Woodlawn 4001. AUTOMOBILES WANTED H WILL trade, 1 new Eastman 18 In. "Clrcukt" Panorama camera: 1 new No 6 Tiurner-Relch lens; 1 new 8xlo Cooke lens, series IV, fitted with! Cooke extension lens; I used 22x20 J. H. Dallmeyer lens, for - light touring car. LX-928, WILL trade good v erv. 2 furnished I good paving confection ery. 2 lurnlshfd living rooms, gar- lie den. chickens, fur second hand "wner. 1453 K, Ollssn HAVE 1400 first. morliing to trade for automobile or r al tit, Address Geo. E. Balslger, It. K. I'. No, 1. Hclc, Or. EQUITY In 7 room house to S1I or trade for aut' mobile. Main $472. Call Walton. , AUTOS FOK HIKE 5'J COLUMBIA HIGHWAY AND hCENIC TRIPS. 7 and S pass. -cars. Reasonable ates. Phone Miain 300f A-3005 FIVE passenger auto, careTul and n- perlenced driver. A. m. to 4 p. Tabor 78. FOR HIRE Hudson tourlna; car. Careful, reliable driver. Main 63ih. CAREFUL driver. Ford. Woodlawn reasonable 3293. MOTORCYCLES-BICYCLES 55 Iil3 EAGLE, fully equipped, good tires, eng. good, $125. Some terms; no trades. Woodl. 1126. CHKAP-1 motorcycle, I cyl. engine, and 1 bicycle. Call 6:30, 785 East 27th st. : Bicycles & motorcycles bought & eold. R. H. Blocker, 276Taylor, cor. 4th st SIDE CAR for sale cheap. 1004 Eaat Clinton st. . WANTED A 6ingle or twin motor cycle !for cash. J-579. Journal. MUST sacrifice 2 cylinder Meta road sterfor $65. 140 E. 32d. VVIVHIMH' rnarhnat find canoe mO tors, rowboats, canoes, niotorboats. ' our beautiful motorvboat and en gine for $145.00. Evinrufle Motor Co, wovea tp zii Morr'son si. ; HOUSEBOAT, modern in every -espe.-t. Hot and cold water, teiepnone. elec tric lights. Will sell at a bargain. No. 19 Ft. oif Crampton st. Sell 26H2. FOR SALE 18 ft. flat bottomed hull, 6 ft. Itocker in bow, built for Evin rude motor. Almost new. $25 cash. T Danielson, ft. Nebraska st. FIVE room boathouse for sale cheap. electric lights. 1064 Macadam, near Hamilton, S Portland. HOUSEBOAT Attractive, modern, ' mmnl.ta' i,rm 32 Willamette , moorage, Sellwood 194, 1 KOR SALE Up to date 5 room housr I "oat, rurnlshed or uniurnisnea $23. I Willamette Moorage, ft. of Crampton. FOR SALE Cozy 2 room houseboat I completely furnished. Phone Sell- wood 271)4 ! T. DANIELSON Boat Shop.l t.NebraskaT i Rni diinir. rpnnlrs uest wnrk low nrlee. PIANOS. ORGANS AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 34 BKKOKK purcnssinc se our Specials la Used Piano Bargains. New pianos mod'atly rri" 4 I TM. AM STAK STS. j::. StiS, tab. $liu and 1145 casn se- I cures old and new models. Chlcker- lnfr. names uros.. nemw, nanei oc ua vls and,' Knabe pianos clos-d out at once by Security Storage Co.. 1J9 4tn. iib CASH buys rtuiail tioudoir uprign tomorrow at Security titorasai Co.. 109 4th st. HAVE ypur piano tuned, repaired, relink Ished by protessionel '-len. Satisfac- tion guaranteed. Portland l'iano Tuning. P.ep & MfK C. 246 Hawthorne. K. 1072. tta CasH secures io0 manogany pianola player at Security storage Co.. lOi 4th st, FREE use of piano or player piano years. See display adv.. or I Schwan Piano C. Ill 4th st TjrPjrRm'Rs WE save yo.i irora oJ to 76 on all makes of typewriters. Send for oar illustrated folder; retail department. W.HOLKSALE TYPEWRITER Co.. ??1 Washington st TYPEWjRITEHS for rent, 3 monuis for tui icut, uiwuuiB iur 6 months' rentai applied price. Remington iyp 6 Broadway $5 and up; on purchase writer Co.. " Broadway NEW. rebuilt. 2d rates iP i '. ro. hand, rentals, cut 2,il Stark. M. 1 407. HOUSEHOLD WK)1)S for SALE r 9 ROOMS, furnUure for sale; clean and gooJ loeation; must be sold next week: don't call unless you have money ' and mean business. 11 North 9th St., corner or oaa. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 10 10 DROPHEAD linger fcewitiK ma Chines, complete with attachments, In good order, $17.50 while tuev 'ast. East 2359, B-3307. E. R. Steeo, 153 Grand ave.. near Belmont. AUTOMOBILE," motorcycles, launches or boats axe separate classifications. A large listing can be found under these different classifications. COMPLaETE assortment of carnival moveltles for sale cheap. 128 is:, near AlHer GOOD baby buggy and wicker nur sery chair $5. Call mornings, 401 Oregon bldg. MACHINERY bougnt, sold, repaired and exchanged. Northwest Lead &, Mach. Co.. 311 Front jt Main 5492. PHONOGRAPHS. fSi records ScT Phonograph Record Exchange. 12' 1st, near Aiaer. isin 4j!. WAYNE gasoline pumps and oil stor age tanks. E. H. RueppelL AgC. 194 1st M:a In 1221. $12.50 DROPHEAD sewing machine, with attachments. Call ISZ Grand LADY'S Beautiful karat diamond ring. Value $130; will take $76. 333 a. ait I . ISO.OOOsft. 2 by 12. .00 ft. 3 by 12, $4 to $9 per ,1000 ft, 1656 1 th st, N. USED AUTO 8MAP8 TERMS OIVEM FOR SALE mSOLANEOCS 10 .... BARGAINS. i.. C All kinds. All make, f Sewing machines. . e need the room, will sen irom Each Ail Guaranteed Main 1845. machines of ail makes soia. for less. emillfiverl Kta. Jtlachlne rent- i!-31. Sewing Machllne Emporium ion u.l itt n,nr Taylor, Electric . motors sold ' and rented SI .--L-f Brand new caroom anl .,?5?:.ket.,b,1,Ularfi able: with complete ?if,t nd hand Urblea at red used prices; bowling alley and bil liard supplies; easy payments. Cigar store, drug, delicatessen and sola tyPi?!? tti,r" THE RRUNSW1CK- f: 1. 1 .!;. Dr. it CO.. 46-48 Fifth. "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS," f ype" i writers" and "Household aoods" are separate classif itcatlons. All advei - tlsements of these goode'are publishwl I unoer tncir rcSDecllve claasiflcatlniis IHk them over. Electric Motors Bought, sold, rented and re paired. Walker Electric Works. 413 Rurnslde, cor. loth. Broadway or A-6674. WANTED To fit your eyes so that you get all that s coming to you out of life, prices very reasonable. '.'iiPlrs the Jeweler. nJtl'.CKAiJE wood; stove cuts, a.o0 per Iohi1. MMtshall 347E. HW'.W COLUMN 25 WILL M il 6r exchange for laying pul lets, i..;ti of working pigeon. D 88, Jouriiiil. AN electric horn and 3 storage bat teries; a Reed baby carriage. What have yiu? 704 -Upbur sL 425 fxjUlTV in "lot "for $100. Want printing press. Sej3glS. ONE Hit) ami. cue .i;o eg Incubator to trtide. l-:Hm -4 44 1 TJLLAJuuOK i.eji li nt Dijr e, 00 k Move. lots lor used fur Lust 4213 VANTEI MISCELLANEOUS ft PHUNii East iili when you want to sell your furniture. We come at once and pay ou in, M. R. Heater, J(6 jraiU .vu. south of lia, therne A 10 In. or 12 In. enxlrio lathe; must be hollow splnUle and In Kood me chanical condition ami all gears; ap pen ranee secondar y. YX-586, Journal. WANTED (second band furmluTe", ranses and stoves. Best prices paid. Morsau Furniture Co.. 390 East Mor rison st. Phone East 22S8. WaNTLO The fvople of Poriiaua 10 know I pay in highest cash prices -for household goods. Prompt attention. 7 ; East I707. N. M Peator.MJ Russell wt- I HIGllEoT cuiu ynces tor maiuunda, i old gold, silver, piatlxium, watches, ; Kodaks, Jewelry cf U1 kinds. J. Golden, 1m 1st t NO'liCK TO AaOVERS. Wanted fc loves, rccaera, dressers, rugs, couches, chairs, tables., etc. We pav the price. N. W. Furn. Kit. E. 63. HIGHEST PRICES PAID For second hand furniture and house hold goods. 51 V4 N. 3d st, Broadway 119. WILL PA CASH FOR SECOND- HAND HOUSEHOLD GOODS. PHONE MAIN 8332. A-2567 BECOND hand clothing buyer. Meyer, the tailor, pays $5 up for suits; slices bou gh t. M arshall 122 a. 229 Madison. jVVE REPAIR your watch for $1. no matter how badly broken. Bring this ad. Howard Jewelry Co., 93 & 6th st. V'E buy phonographs And records, ait,o player piano music. 12H 1st. Mam 4495, near Alder 4fe WANTED 1'1'ior case, oojlipuuu scales, store and office furniture. 128 1st, near Alder. Main 4485. CASH for old roid. tClvei, piaimum and high Krade ore. H. M, I'ickerinu. mtg. leweler. 21 x Oregontan I'ldg. W A N'T ED Spraying Sellwood Rt29. Outfit. Phone WANTED Small foot power lathe; must be ccurate. X-531, Journal. W E pay the hiKiiest prices lor second hand furniture. Call East 7777. Alaska Bat? & JutiK Co. pays best prices, all kinds 1unk Main 4BS6. 235 Front. WANT Stxl2 carpet or larger. Marshall 38. 95V4 N. 13th. Phono WANTED, furniture Main 1U04. IA7ST AND FOUND 21 FOLLOWING articles were found o,t the cars of the Portland Hallway . I.teht & Power Co., and owners thereof may claim game at tho First unu Alder , streets station. Marshall 5100. A-G13! : i I May IK Three iackaKes, 4 : j boxes, 2 p"ft.Vs',iLlt'f, i "" umbrellas, 1 kodak. 1 grip, 1 ;iackat;e hoards. 4 bundles. 1 saw. 1 pair Indian clubs, t purse. 1 hook. 1 package LuST Lady's wrist watch, engraved "Mrs. Wm. B. Johnson. Nam pa. Idaho": reward. Kindly call Main 2521. or return to 524 Northwestern Bank. bid. SMALL, black card case, conuUnins banker's caxd, K. of "C. card, notes, rard.-s, etc? Finner return to Journal. LOST Black,' months old. part Scotch collie. Please call A-5046. PERSONALS WHY pay glasees? eyes with oig prices tor I can fit your firsts iuality lens: s in a KOI4 IllleU VtoImtsLl-'o5 wSffison. ViVi Uli ; , - KKHVfc'l A. li AN bH U T , lead. .ik 'X and touoe makers; inet stock Hu man hair goods; hairdressing, manicur ing, face and scalp, treatment, oomt lnas to order 147 Rroadwny Main 646 LLtCiKO-H t UKOfAl lllC Irisutuie. 27i North 22d 'st. tCor. of Overton). Scientific massage. Electric Cabinet P.sthw Com for table rooms. Msr 27i. 'A' A KARA Hair Tonic, an antiseptic scalp cleanser, hair beautifler and dandruff remover: pricj 60c oottie. For bv 1'ortland Hotel pharmacy. DON'T use expensive coin reuittliea, when yo get the sure thin a "Re rnoves It" 15c plasters at the tlemen- sen hrnf 20" Morrison wt. STIMULATE, excite the circulation by electrode manipulation; facial scalp treatment. 307 Northwest bldg., blii and Washington. DR V. O. KETCH UM Women mala dies and acute die-cases of men. V, ash. hldg. 4th snd Wash Rm 441. Ma'. 448. SWITCHES mado from combins. Switches remade or darkened. B. F. Pierce, 2ti7 Holladsy. East 274 SPIRITUALISM Rev. M. A. Price, cir cles Tues. I p. m.; Wed.. Sun H p. m Reading daily 2ft'i Clay st. Mnr. 39S0. UTOKKU FKbJi. i.o'.l etr sge vaults. Rummelin Fur Co.. 415-7 Dfknm bide. HAVE your jair permauenuj vml. Guaranteed to last. Sanitary Ltauty Parlor. 400 nrtum Marshall 1792. NEW life in electric and vibratory treatments Facial, scalp and mani curing. 417-20 Northwestern Bank bldar. BALM of Figs, remedy lor '.itf.s of women. ?04.rvt nt. Main itlZ - , eCIENTlKlC treatment for dlfcfasnt tof seal p. l 3 Park st. room 3. 10 to 7, 8CALP treatments and, shampooing, 350 Yamhilt office Nor" 1. MAY lRWINJ facial and scalp treat ments. 21 Morrison, room 30. I o,iMrtr Consultation free. LaVVyer 499. Selling hid 1 iain PROFESSIONAL AND! BUSINESS DIRECTORY ACC0KSI0V rLEATIWO ACCOUDION, kfia'K AMI MUX tLk.AH N,t HEMUXlTCHliy. BRAIP1NO; BUTTON BOLES. BUTT0NS COVIHEU. KASTEK9I KOVEL1Y HfO. CO., S5H tTH. B W AT Q tv. STEPHItN UcaaaUUSiDg. aerairdlau. ala ana aunoarat pmu&: niiH ctntM; goeuia siiged. dcsUoplDg. Pltteck blk. B'ws.lOtifl. 4 Morrison. TO 0TE CTJTTEBB.. it-u. Jtrs. Wtr ntmlr'tt. MIHr'. H.tutfiHi ltnt4. j ' al tMpiEKHNra ? ' ' f. K. K.SbklNsUAUh, iiukkuicin ennn frm mipn-i. &t rri AKAITrtCAL CHEMIST AND ASSAYtB 4 in t. BtAMK BOOK MAKERS L'AViS UOLMA.N book uauutacturera; uc-ut. ir J.n.. i- A i"T ""' ,VJ BVitDnio cos-t RAcToRg Geo. E, Mangas CABtKIT W0HK Cabinet WOHti. turouurv n'tMirit,K 1. Jolm Jr.. J2H-J31 ( Mnli, .;' UuIIN CAS.FET CLEANING from rxrl nrf II, . r rug. rrt, clvamnic. Norb K. 9,Vti B 12X11. wt Kng t., IM H. 8th. JU'K H flf tMOS Kleetrlc CU-auinff Wursi r cleitnied ud )I4; refitting uur e- ?- Clull.T. Lkm 440. -liHE. 2114 e. mm t. N. ' K.m.nsi liug Wwrk lias rs au4 car- idc. fanoo wniq. CHIROPRACTORS Mi MoMAliON 1 .'lira ti r a am, lakinff lima. al trealments. (1A Worth S,r0. Addltk-nal Bw offwn ans-gu Maelear hlrtg.. 4th ft W.h. El MAHiitkKT UAVNIK, licensed euiru praetlr iitiynlilnn. uervoun, diMaaea of wiiiirn mui fliUilren. 517-SIH RwfXIand tirt. -, CHIROPRACTORS bf. C. 8. Tlsanl ls tirMtii'itu. iu. lwl-.l-L4 Wor1hwt IiIiIk Muln 72HS COAL AND WOOn. - V, DRY AND GREEN 16 IN. AND, 4 FT. MT'I.TNOM ATI HTI, CO.. M n.'.u: A 2U Will (av U for ito,lJ ivheii ru can ft o1 liliie hlorkwnuii k! s:t.,Mi a Vwtt; dnnble -load .H Itni woimI niiird wllh b-arj, J.-t gj a load; $rt fur duuhle load. Itis flrT aluW woiwl tH.M a load. Hromlnay 2:i;;n. 2Kii NATIONAL Kl!KI. CO. EAST 2041" 7" PlabwiMid $:( cord delivered: liv ttlurk aYiit 1U'k1 aawed t.'l.W) load; rikkI dry w rerfc. iie. !i. A-l dry fir. 4 fi"t i.r mwrd to nrdr, 01 I fcacwtfc flr I "i"S4". dli'vriL K'KKK KA K it, dry rir. 4 ft f4..0 to if 2 Hloekw'd. JH1.1 Witff .1 Main 4f.!t A-4M7 00HTRA0T0K9 HJ MMLIiFftS OSKAK Ul.UliU. ijeueral OnlrMciur at3 Hint loek bide. CREDIT CLOTHING LAUIKS' payt'a. and Mea'n rlutlilUK N Y Oiifflittne Cn inu. or 'kly rrjncATTonAt. hllU. ALK'K TuliI). ti-m-her .if ailing nuf' pulillr aiteakini.'. atrnleiir plava, rfitsr and pr.iduced. Studio 072 KfariH'j. Xel. JUsr. X Khxll Ifi3. . X DANCIWO. 1ANCIIKMTKH iTaiiclnc Ara.ifnif. h6V 6l : at., bet, Ktark aod Onk. Kp'I rai. 4 erlvat lanna 2. tnurnlne. aftpruiwiii. rv'ulof; Sl( ' latwt dairei riirniitwit: r' 'tbura.. Sat. ' vnlnc. 7 !10 Urnndway lien hud M ra. Iath'a Wcli'K,! -l.t..uii daily, f'laaa Fr'dav r. lOfi : .t LKwn Waah Irtrt'in and Stark t a"na , LA UKNlt tlK IIKAI7. Urlrnlal. S..inlll. Tiatm. Kgvut fnnrr. u-1 b n Mnln S'i72. MUgIC BCItOOLB AND TTACWKBS " K. Til lie I.I I lilt N V loliT, .'a7iTer: imidi KeirptK. ' 807 KlPldni"- lilde A ', I fto Mnr-hall l'KK. T. K. boma. flop. I.AVVKON - I' HkHiitj at fvr - riuii Tutnir :i;:i! POPULAR MtrSIO I'lA.M) riellni- Unt il . n ., in- In In to i'O lea anna, wrlttrn ciMi'initee nf iih.iii'T harfc If W full; d mniiM i :i i nm ami lumidi i fn-p Imnro Tiding lievhaitl l.arti....iv pic r.i.l v Kllera hide.' EYE. EAR. NOEK -'H MOAT I.IINIH fcpei'lii '1st Mmli riiip iinrea t,i,nirs rlt i i-il l)r F. V. faaeday, M7 I Umn Iddr .'d WVh FIHEINSURANCE ' PAC.TrU) HTATliS FIHK l NS l"; II A Ni;K '.U only OreiT'iin fire Inanrioir-t pomnnnv FLUFF HUGS AND RAO HUOS aw mm . Made from old lnitrnln, itrupHula. Axmttitav. .. fmyrna arta. Khic rufca. nil Mali or. Cera irumit ntipnllon. .Kklit. - WKS'I KHN I l.t'l'K 1110 CO. R1 Tnlon Ayp. N. I'inn. Kiiat f.Stl. B t471 HATS CLEANED. BLEACHED Luillea'. f'jul' L'hiimiua nl. ciHiictl. l,.KArlt'i 7.'jc. Strawa, fils. ,iic Kaufitian'a. '2ii Wb.. nr. 4lh. and 4i Hil I'tinn- M LAWN M0WKH GHINDINO LXi'EUT luwuuiou.r Krlndpra. losu, f,ih rifiilinif : li Bill ."MJ. , lural bora LEATHI R AND rHOK IINDINO 'I in: uulima& i.i. a riiLit ru. Oldvrt firm in cnriliiiwi. Atruli "Monarpfc" an-1 "I.. M " ! Ii'iiilni :t'ai tni'M "t. MATTHESSiB Ui,i uialtreKBea ulid li'uliiei i urn inalff lot aaiiliar tnldiuu lormi; fimlnrt renovated. . Foldlnif M " . .Vhi Wtlllama. K. 74. . WON-lKTOXiCAiIJ.0 UtVERAGES W LlMiAliU ti -idi'U aUil AiuLiur Naelar, Ufa- r Wriuuaid pis ut. mtu and j M"'n nAir: duroalda at a. A 1171 FAIXTINO AMD DEUOATIIIO liloil C1JL6S UUI.K at r uaouabia lirlwa. IttHiKS. l'AJNTI.It hKM'ON. IV.IIn. 44ia PRIMTE.KS A ND 1. NO RA V KSS Tlit IV I-U ..---J oil . il. 8K2 Wtark 1. IHiihOi-. uy 4ii. A KUBHEK g T A MF8 AMP HKA1.S ki. bU M. Uli. Ir.iOB ClicCk. 111 aB ftilM. PAtlUC COAi blAill' HIBUS 2,'H Vi f!ilrili.ii at. I! Till, A '11 10. BArtTY RAZ0H8 HONED feAli.11 ciuh bbarjiviiva; nil biuil. aMil HOo pr d'it-u, H5 ill i .. ner M"Tl'. BHEtX MtTAL W0KK8 Ktl'AlUIM. 6D !! l llu and jjmvi'i I'ii", ll.,n.e .Minn HU. Jll'ui. iM.l, IHADSUKi AMI biOaAGE Oiegon I ransier Co. Ealahlhhi'd JX70. Tranafer I -irwoi iJlus Agauta, s Sturatft Frea 'Iruckajre, Offlc and Storage, 474 U.laaa fit. ISth and Ull.iin, Main 0i. A-1l ALWAYS - I'VUK" Tlfli ilhST lunn.;i.ju.l OudH.S i-FI-.i IAl.lMS anna, )'ackli. Flll'l'liiil anil M.ijlug. Ilra ur Aut Vaua. bietixl freifiit ralfa lr, nil ik.Iiiii. t. O I'K K TUaVXSt'KH MOltAllli CO. 2rt ami I'lne. Hrnailwjy OKH. H 1WW tl 1. .-UiK THANKU 6. tiui-biiura m-S era, puckera. aturuK'': (1-f'l.ruvf w a rcbuvaa ,r'',',''L2,'llLJ!!i?l'iLSl-.'VlJu 22tl' MANUFACTURERS""! J0BBERSHP.LESALEB5l DRY GOODS WlIOtrBAI.E L. Dinkelspiel Co. rl'i PAINT, OIL, SND GLASS UAoll,iSK.N at "Mlxb Mu N K. orrier 2l mil layl.n M .In ra' ' tiiau I , TI A HM PLUJIBIHO 8CFPI.IEH 1LLMU1.NU (.ill.a. w Paip rt. . .-A n. Main .n 8ANITAKY WIIMN' HAOB L SHANK CO. 1 i.i i i hum: min 1 WATIB BUPFtY I 'i STEMS kKUA.NKfc A I tli iltl'tsu D. Kpen.r, Aeiii i.ri l'r . M. WOOD PIPE POH'ttANU Vixw Pi I'K t r'aetory o4 fflre nar 2 ttb and Wk ala. Mala S4a0, , X3TTOKM ATIOU COWOV. If you want the name of a re'labls biiKlneH hous dealing in any line of mercharu'lni, or Intoi inatlon regard lng resorts, hotels, railroadu, stt-am-aihip linea, tc., sdlrHH Oregon Jour Iiai Information Bureau. Information dtuiied: Name. , ... Address.,... ............ 4J t ! ! ' V f i ' S .1 f 1 k ; '.:L'. M. I tVy