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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1916)
THEf OREGON. DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY, --MAY 16, 1918 v.; By: George McManua EE BRINGING UP FATHER Cnwvrlrbted b rniermtfonaT Hm wrte. J twkM fJnlte-1 SUM Pateet Orflaev, 1 . THERE MVtTH'S , HAJNDKERCHlEr RT(jRm T TO HEf ND BE VERT IF IT WA5 A BEER OPENER -17 WOULDN'T HURT YOUR BACK- OH . TH ANtf Vm 1 -1 H! tMVTH -YOU DROPPED TOUR HANOKEP CHIEF - RODGERS TURNED . , WOULDN'T VvANT To MAKE. T YOUR SELF1? LOE iT FORTHF vRi n I'M UBLE. TO BEAK ME BACK Stoopin fWP"E i tv- c- MO CHANCE OF PlCKltV OP ONE IN THtt HOUSE THE LACE OH IT l OVER TjajgTY TEARi OLD: l- THI?- i OVER TO BEAVERS BY C1HDINNATI DIRECTORS - ' i '; - . Star.:Second Baseman Will Return to Portland Team - and to His" Old Position. I IT II - - l B. VAUGHN TO SHORTSTOP rUUt .Tone Will Bend cout Out Tkie Way to Xok Critically at "' ? CHilato May rua Opposition. : ,. : ; Whtti the Tumi, Flay At Salt Lake Portland Bait Lake. m ; At 8m Francisco Lea An- alee v. San Franciaco. m At Lob Angelta Oakland ra. ; Vernon. V. '.; Bill Rodgera, former Beaver aecond baaeman, will again Join the Portland Hub; . according to Information from Cincinnati. A dispatch from the Ohio fltjr aaya the directors of the Cincin nati club held a meeting yesterday and formally turned over Rodgers to Port land. " Judge McCredle. owner of the Beav er, stated last nlsrht thr.t he had not been notified of Rodger's transfer back to Portland, but that ire expected to cet word from the Ohio city today. . Rodgers' release by Cincinnati comes as the result of the regulation reducing the number ef players to 21 men to a teami and in view of the tmrchase bv Cincinnati of Fisher from Los Angeles. Rodgers' release .warf necessary. Rodgers formerly played with Port- ' land and was admitted one of the moat aggressive players in the league Jle was taken by Cleveland in 1916, and later on was taken by the Boston Red ' Sox. which later, last summer turned him over to Cincinnati. f Ha was held by Cincinnati until this sorinar in hopes that his weak arm would gain strength. Should the transfer take place. It means that Vaughn will play-ahort stop and. Rodgers will play second . base and perhaps take the captaincy Of the Beavers. Ward or Hollocher .will be released. . During his career Rodgers was . remarkable success, and was with the team during its pennant winning. Mis acquisition means that the Beavers " will have a stronger Infield. . He is terrific hittar, fast fielder, and in . 114, While with Portland, lead the i league with the highest number of ' stolen bases, about 80. - A ticket was wired Rodgers late las night, at Cincinnati, although no men sage has been received officially by Auxiliary Manager George B. Cellars, who Is in charge while Judge McCredi Ja at the springs. It was hoped Rod gers would reach Salt Lake Saturday so tfhat he could go into Los Angeles with the Beavers and talk over th situation In the Coast league. v- fr I BACK STOOPIN Wi. 5Sfc 1 OVER LIKE. Yffy Iff V IraH P '"'-"III' 1 y Fielder Jones, leader or the flopping St. Louis Americans, Is the first man ager Who will send a scout out to see Louis Guisto, Portland's sensational first baseman, according to informa tion from St. Louis. 'Before the drafting season opens either Scout Charley Barrett or Busi ness Manager Branch Rickey will come to .the coast to pass the critical eye en the big fellow. In fact, the St. Louis club figures that It already has Guisto under its wing and all that is neces sary is to turn over the "polpers." , However, the St. Louis club may flnj Itself mistaken. There are other clubs desiring the big fellow and St. Louis i will have to bid Just as will Cleveland, ' Pittsburg, Detroit and others who are , after him. ' - .-Jones Has Wo Option on Club. l' St Louis advices mention that four i playera were turned over to Portland l and In turn McCredie figures he should end Guisto to the Browns. An a mat ter Of fact St. Louis turned Bobby Vaughn and Al Sothoron to Portlan.l. Regardless of what arrangement was made, Jones was given no option on the Portland club. He has, doubtles. options on Vaughn and Sothoron, Just as Cleveland probably has an option on some of the players It turned over to Portland. These do not make an op tlo'u on the club. In fact, the Portland owners have never given an option on the club in return for the use of one or wo players. Oomiskejr Also Wants Xou. Much of the trouble of the other Coast league clubs has been due to this giving of club options and any number of ball players have gone away for a mediocre ball player. Such was the case with Ed Klepfer of the Vernon club and Claude Williams of Salt Lake who went to the Chicago Whfte Sox. Comiskey is very anxious to get Guisto but he would hardly be given an op- tloi on the club in the future, ever though a deal was made, sending the big Malian boy to the Windy City. Anyhow, Scout Barrett of the Browns has started his tour of the minors and his first stop will be in the Western league. Do you remember little Claude W Hams and his "floater" that-fooled so many batters of the Coast league last year? Well, it is tooling a lot or Dig league batters. Including some umpires. Ollie Chill is the latest umpire to be fooled. He was working back of the bat iu a recent game and thought Wil liams was using the emery ball. He topped the contest while he examined the pellet, could find no contusions and bade the man from Salt Lake con tlnue pitching. An old timer rises to remark that the engagement in Portland Just closed by the Beavers was the most disastrous since 1896, when a league was organized in the northwest with Seattle, Victoria, Tacoma and Portland in the circuit. The local club was hit so hard by rain that it went "broke," and Glen&lvin, the manager, it is said, hopped out of town with the receipt after the first Sunday, leaving the players stranded. Among them wa Jack McCarthy, the old Coast leagu umpire, wHo is now In the cafe busi ness in California. When Glenalvin took the run out powder, the league went flooey. However, baseball is on a firmer foundation these days, and while the loss of eight games at home lu the first month hits the pocketbook hard, it will not bankrupt the club nor break up the league. JNCOLN TRIMS WASHINGTON IN DIAMOND JOUST Largest Crowd of Season At tends Game at Vaughn Street Park, WILL BOX SIX ROUNDS WITH OAKS WONDER The Birmingham optional tryout of Fred Derrick, last year's Beaver first baseman, expired yesterday. Since Der rick has been playing regularly, it is presumed that the Birmingham club intends to keep him for the rest of the year. The same kind of an i.gree ment was up on Harry Krause at Omaha, but was dated the first of May and ICxause, therefore, Is a full fledged member of the Western league. Judge end Mrs. McCredie left last night for the judge's new mineral and mud spring I at Wennona, some 40 miles from Kugene on the Natron cutoff. They K". he rbsent two weeks. "Larry" Doyle ; . Captain New York ' National League Club leading hitter of the National League for the season of 1915 - like all who are 1 prominent for brains t r and ability, Larry is a staunch believer in I 1 4W I . , O j iwi iiauis f . i tuckiuunes encourage substitution. Vya f -!. Thb Coca-Cola Co. Mil r : . . Atlanta C. . ,:gJ IS By Walter D. Schade. Recreation park was the scene yes terday of the annual battle de luxe between Lincoln high and Washington high baseball tossers. The game, which in' the past has always been held on Multnomah field, was played on the Pacific Coast grounds because Multno mah field was being used by the gram mar school children, 'rne game was very slow, but the rooting of 700 fans and fannettes helped a lot toward mak ing the game Interesting. Over 400 of the spectators were girls. Just why Is not known; perhaps they wanted to hear Umpire Ed Rankin's beautiful ivric tenor. It was the largest and most enthusiastic crowd that has at tended an interscholastic game this season. The final score was 9 to 7 in favor of Coach Borleske's tossers. Washington high started the scoring by getting two runs each in the first, second and third innings and one In the fourth. Lincoln was not able to solve Thompson's curves until the fourth In ning, when they .squeezed one run across. The fifth inning was a disastrous one for Thompson. Carter, the first man up, was an Infield out. Llnd was safe on Peterson's error. Knudson singled through third and in the hurry to get Llnd at second the ball was thrown to the left field bleacher fence. Lin 1 scored and Knudson took third. Parks singled to short, scoring Knudson. Parks then stole second, while Thomp son was walking Jennings. This was enoug-h for Thompson and Williams went In the box. He started out by walking Lillard, and filling the bases. but Holt was easy prey and struck out. In the meantime Parks was out at third. In the seventh Lincoln put across one more and in the eighth on a com bination of one hit and some errors the cardinals gathered in four more and won the game. , Steele started the game, but was not in his proper form and was replaced by Knudson in the third inning. Knud son was the star of the afternoon and in the five and a half innings that he pitched struck out 13 andllowed but two clean hits. Score: Lincoln 0 0 2 2 0 1 4 03 Hits 1 0 0 2 0 1 1 0 5 Washington 2223 O0OO 0 I Hits 2 2 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 7 RUns Williams. Peterson, Thomp son. Shearer steiger. Snodgrass, BlacK, Stevens. Knudson 3. Lind 2, Parks. Holt. Fordyce. Hit Dy pitcner rarKs. Bases on balls Off Thompson 4, ort Williams 2, off Steele 1, orr jvnuason Struck out By Thompson b, py w ui- lanis 4, ry pieeie j, uy ruuubuu io. Umpire Ed Rankin. Athletes of Country At Cambridge 25-26 Cambridge. Mass., May 16. (U. P. The athletic class of the country will perform here May 25 and 26, when the forty-first annual meet of the Inter collegiate Association of Amateur Ath letes of America held in Harvard stadium. This was made clear today, when announcement was made that more than 1200 trackmen had been entered In the various events. Stanford and California in the far west are Included In the list of 24 iini versitles that will send men. Yale has 124 men entered. Stanford Team Is Off. Palo Alto, Cal., May 16. (IT. P.) Thirteen crak men. who will carry the colors of Stanford in the dual meet at Ann Arbor and at the big 1. C. A. A. A A. meet at- Cambridge, left here, for the east today. The Cardinal student body escorted the athletes to the station and gave them a rousing sendoff. The list of performers includes Mur ray, Kirksey, Aupperle, Wilson. SchneU, Norton. Caughey, Lachmund, SissonJ Lynn, Wilcox-Dievendorf f and House. "Doc" Reynolds, the Stanford trainer, accompanied the team. SPEEDWAY MAY HEAR THUMP OF HORSES' HOOFS Saturday Matinees Are Con templated for Summer by Local Turfmen. Joe Benjamin, holder of the Pa. eific Coast featherweight cham pionship, who boxes Lee Johnson of Oakland, Cal., tomorrow night at the Rose City Athletic club. NORTHWEST LEAGUE i . i ' A series of summer matinees is ln prospect at the Rose City Park speed way, in which Oregon horsemen will work out their thoroughbreds for the entertainment of the public and lor the benefit of the training it will give. Most of the horsemen in this section plan to campaign their nags over the northwest fair circuit, and training has been in progress for a couple of weeks. Twenty-six horses were counted at the hie oval Sunday, and within two weeks there will be at least 40 in course of preparation. It it uolieved tha.t the public would patronize the sport If given the chance, and the mat inee idea was suggested for each Sat urday afternoon. The small admis sion that will be charged will help In paying expenses. The J. J. Kadderly etable is already at the track, and G. K. and Tom Ho warth have been engaged for several days in working out. O. J. Brown of Rockwoodi farm has moved his string over, and among others who are either on the ground or preparing to move in are: Harry Squires', Fred Woodcock of Forest Orove, George Mlsner, Sim Lindsey of Independence, Banker Schultz of Forest Grove, the Merrill Brothers from Cornelius, and Fred Mer rill of Portland. At Vancouver: R. H. E. Seattle 3 4 0 Vancouver 0 2 1 Batteries Seattle, Schmuta and Cadman; Vancouver, Acostaand Cheek. At Spokane: R. H. E. Great Falls 4 6 I Pnnknn. B 4 2 Batteries Great Falls, Remneas and Shea; Spokans, Lelfer, Webb' and Murray. Tacoma-Butte game postponed, Ta coma team traveling. STANDING OF THE TEAMS Lor.lsTiile Bloeser to Pull Bow. Stanford University, Cal., May 16. (U. P.) Bill Bloeser will pull bow oar for the Stanford crew if It competes In the Poughkeepsle regatta again this year. It was announced that he is eligible and he has resumed training. If the crew goes east it must have more money, and a campaign to raise the necessary funds before June 1 has been started. Bitter Hoot Kid Nauseates. Kenosha, Wis.. May 15. (I. N. S.) Paul Cant May. the Bitter Root Kid, put up one of the most ridiculous ex hibitions of boxing ever seen in any ring here tonight in an attempt to fight Ever Hammer of Chicago. Ref eree Houlihan stopped the joke in the seventh round. Hammer won every round. Joe Plays Last Game. Chicago, May 16. (I. N". S.) Joe Tinker, manager of the Chicago Na tionals, has announced that he has played his last game of professional ball. As a resuTt of Sunday's game with the Giants, Tinker today was sore and lame and is thoroughly convinced that his days as an active ball player are over. , Eddie Mulligan la now holding down shortstop for the Cubs. American Association Won. 17 Minneapolis n I'olumtins 11 Indianapolis 11 Toledo 10 St. Paul 9 Kansas City 8 Milwaukee 6 Western Leagu. Lincoln U Wichita 1.1 Toptka Vi Des Moines Omaha St. Joseph T Denrer 7 Sioux City 7 t Northwestern Leagut Spokane 11 Great Falla Butte 8 ing for three hours difference In time. incidentally, Baker clipped three days, 19 hours and C3 minutes from the old record of 11 days, 7 hou' and 15 minutes, made by himself in anoth er car some years ago. Baktr left Los Angeles at 12:01 Monday morning. May 8, and covered 3471 miles in the wild flight to Xew York, which is at the rate of 36 1-6-mlles an hour, with out deducting any time lost for meals, sleep or supplies. Seattle Vancouver Tacoma . . national Bobby Fisher Sold. Ja)s Angeles, Cal., May 16. (P. N. S.) Bobby Fisher, Angels' shortstop, has been sold to the Cincinnati Na tionals, and will report immediately to Manager Herzog, of the Reds. The announcement of the deal was made by Manager Frank Chance. Details of the deal were not given out. Chip Flattens Sailor Grande. Bridgeport, Conn., May 16 (U. P.) Jeorge Chip knocked out Sailor Grande in the fourteenth round of a gruelling scrap here last night. Yanks Release Cook To Oakland Coasters New York, May IS. fl. N. S.) The ax of the New York American league club has fallen on Pitcher Urban Shocker, who has been released to th Toronto club of the International league, according to announcement to day. Outfielder Luther Cook has beer. released to the Oakland club of th Pacific Coast league. Negotiations are also pending; for the release of Pitcher Piercey and First Baseman Mullen. Mullen Is likely to be sent to Buf faVo, as Pat Donovan Is sadly In need of a first, baseman. Gunner Beat terinsky. Philadelphia, May J. r (U. P.) Newspapermen agreed that Gunboat Smith had shaded Battling Levinsky : Teams in Slugfest. Ridgefield. Wash., May 16. The Pi oneer baseball club won their third straight game when they defeated the Battle Ground nine by a score of 28 to 16 Sunday afternoon at the Pioneer ball park. A genuine slwgfest was in dulged in by both teams. F.rooklj-n Boston .... VI llsdelphla St. Louis . . Chicago .... Cincinnati Pittsburg . . New York Clerland . . Washington New York Poaton Detroit Chicago Fhlladelpma St. Louia ... American ft ... 7 ... T League. Won. ...1.1 ....12 Vi 13 . ... 12 ...12 ....12 .... 8 League, Won. 10 ....16 ....IS . . . .13 13 12 10 .... Lout. Pet. 7 ' .HM . ! .D.-jO lt .!S24 m 1 .474 14 .1fi4 18 .-W a .fi4 8 .! K .tun) , .o 10 .474 1 1 .iS 12 Am 13 .300 .W7 R .329 H .SOU 1 .474 10 .412 .3T Lnet. Pt. a .es4 a .koo 10 .545 13 .oOO 1 4 .462 V .444 1.1 .441 13 .331 Ist. Tot. .C79 0 .140 12 .f20 13 .T00 14 .4S1 .IB .429 15 .4) 16 .333 X. V. Limit Is Raised. Seattle, Wash., May 16. (P. N. S.) Owners of Northwestern league baseball clubs, by a vote of 4 to 2, have decided to raise the player limit from 13 to 14 men. This will permit the carrying of five pitchers and an extra catcher by each club. Word has been received here from Spokane that "Tiny" Leonard, the mammoth pitcher, has been released. Russ Hall, manager of the Tacoma club, has released Moran, an outfield er, and Rock, a pitcher who waa se cured from San Francisco. F. Chance Will Have Day at San Francisco? San Francisco. r . May 1 f, -d. P.) Frank Chance wus due to appear in San Francisco today lor the first time in a l.os Angelfs uniform ami the bay- side fans designated U ' Kratik Chance day" In his honor. The "Peerless l,eader" planned to perform for a spell on the first sack, his own old stamp ing ground, and show tho bleachers that he still has plenty of "pep." Considerable interest was n roused In this season's first lush between the Heals and the Angels in this city. The Vernon Tigers have just finished their usual task of chasitiK tho Seraphla goat all over the hills and dales Of southern California, hut the San Fran cisco fans are anxious to see. the Chance crew In action just the same. Dillon to Box Jim Flynn. Dewey, Okla., May 16. (U. P.) Jack Dillon and Jim Flynn, the Pueblo rirAman. will box IB rounds here on July 4. Cornell Crew la Placed. Ithaca, N. Y., May 16. ll. N. 8.) The final boating order of the Cornell varsity crew for the Harvard race was announced today, as follows: Bow, Fernow; No. 2. Bird; No. 3. Urower; No. 4, Andrus; No. E, Worn; No. 6, Cushing; No 7, Lund, stroke, Collyer; Coxswain, Chandler. Doctor Says Nuxated Iron Will Increase Strength of Delicate, People 200 in Ten Days Wells Boxes Dundee Tonight Boston, Mass., May 16. (I. N. S.) The "big Hn" boxing season will open here tonight, when Matt Wells, the English boxer, meets Johnny Dundee of New York In a 12 round bout be fore the Armory A, C. It is the first of a series of lightweight contests which will be staged here between the star men In that division. The winner of th! evening's frolic has been prom ised a match with Charlie White of Chicago. Sets Xew Transcontinental Record. New York. May 16. (I. N. S.J -All transcontinental motorcar records were smashed by E. G. Baker In a standarl Cadillac eight cylinder roadster, when he arrived In New York at 2:45 o clock yesterday afternoon from Les An geles, completing the trip in seven days, 11 hours and 52 minutes, allow- ta many lnatancea raraona bar suf fered untold agony for years doctorlni for nervous weakneaa, stomach, liver or kidney or eome other ail ment wbaa their real trouble waa lack of Iron in th blood. Bow to tall. New York. N. X. In a recent discourse Dr. E. Sauer, a well known specialist woo baa studied widely In both tbls country and Europe, said: It you were to make an actual blood test on all people who are ill you would probably be greatly astonished at the exceedingly large number who lack Iron, and who are 111 for no other reason than the lack of iron. The mo ment iron la supplied all their multitude of dangerous symptoms disappear. Without iron the blood at once losea tbe power to change food into living tissue and therefore nothing jrou eat does you any good; you don't get tbe strength out of It- V our food merely passes through your system like corn through a mill with tbe rollers so wide apart that the mill can't grind. A a result of this continuous blood and nere starvation, people become generally weakened, nervous sna ill run flown and frequently develop all sorts of conditions. One la too tbin; anotuer is Duraeneu iu un he.lthr fat: some are so weak they ran bard ly walk; some think they kidney or lrer trouble; have the reputation among car owners of representing more dollar -for -dollar value than you can buy in any other tire. The Cost Is Less than the plain tread styles of many other standard) makes. Added to that is the remarkably liberal Fisk FREE SERVICE in more than 1 00 direct branches. Fisk Tires For Sale By All Dealers The Fisk Rubber Company of N..Y. General Office: Chkopee Fall, Mass. Portland Branch. 54 North Broadway Branches inAfpre Than 1 00 Cilia it j nv . -v night, others are sleep epr able; bare dyspepsia. omecin't sleep at oil tired all day; bloodless, bat ail lark physical power ana en durance. In such cases, u is worse ioun 1001 lsbneaa to take stimulating medicines or nar cotic drugs, which only wulp up your tagging vital powers for the moment, maybe at the expense of your life later 00. No matter what any one tells yon, if you sre not strong and well yon owe It to yourself to mike the following test. 8ee bow long you csn work or how far you can walk wllbout becoming tired. Next take two flve-grsln tablets of ordinary nutated lrou three times per day after metis tor two weeks. Tben test your strength again anil see for yourself bow much you have gained. I have seen tiosens or nerv ous run down eopJe who were alllnK all tbe time double. anl 'wn triple their ureiigiu ana endumnre and entirely ! rid of tbelr symp toms of dyspepsia, liver and other troubles in from ten to fourteen days' lime simply bv taking Irou In the proper torui. snd tills, after tbey bad 111 some caws neen aocionug lor, without obtsluluc snv benefit. You can talk as you please abcnji sll the wonders m-mncht hv new remedies, but when you eome down to bard facta there Is nothing like good niri Iron to Diit color in your cueess, aoou eonnd. healthy fleh on your bones. It Is ajae a great nerve and stoniacn airengmener shio. h i,t blood hnlliler In the world. Tbe only trouble was that the old forms of tuorganta Iron ke tincture of Iron, iron acetate, etc.. nftenVrulned people s teeth, unsiet their stom- ...h. anri were not assimilated, snd for the reasons tbey frequently did more barm than good. But wltb the dlscovry of tbe newer forms of organic iron all this has been over come. Nuxated iron, ror eiampie. is iweasani to take, does not Injure me leeih sna is al most Immediately beneficial. NOTE Tbe manufacturers of Nuxated Ir have such unbounded confluence in lla potency that tbey authorise the announcement that tbey will fin-felt flOU.OO to any Charitable lo atl to tlon If they cannot take any man or woman under sixty who Iscks Iron and Increase their strength I'OO per cent or over In four weeks' time, provided they bsve no serious orgsnte trouble. Also tbey will refund your money In any case in wuicu rtuisiea iron ooes not at least double your sirengto in ten aaya ttme. It Is dispensed In this city by Tbe Owl Druar Co. and all other aruggiau. I Xa .. v- tttr Eastern ToursRound-Trip Fares Daily from June 1 via The North Bank Road. Choice of many routes going and returning. Direct or through California, with stopovers in each direction. Direct Via Cal. Atlanta $101.15 $114.25 Boston 110.00 127.50 New York.... 110.70 128.20 Denver 55-00 72.50 Kansas City.. 00.00 77.50 Detroit 83.50 101.00 Direct St. Louie $ 71.20 Memphis 80.00 Waahinfton .. 108.50 Minneapolis .. 60.00 Toronto 92.00 Chicago ..... 72.50 Via Cal. $ 88.10 92.50 126.00 85.75 109.50 90.00 TWO DAILY LIMITED TRAINS THROUGH TO THE EAST "See America Firtt" Means the Glacier and Yellowstone Park Routes TwinPalaces,S.S Northern Pacific and Great Northern 26 Hours at Sea, to San Francisco Sailings May 13, 18, 23, 27, and TUESDAYS, THURS v DAYS, SATURDAYS, Beginning June 1. SAN FRANCISCO NEW ROUND-TRIP FARES $32 $35 aaa Thirty-Day Ticket On sale daily from June 10 Other fares.sched ulcs and details at City Ticket Office 6th and Stark Sts. Phones: . Bwdy. 920, A-G671 Ninety-Day Ticket a ix round bout bar last night. v.