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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1916)
THE - OREGON ; SUNDAY.; JOURNAL, V PORTLAND, . SUNDAY MORNING, MAY i 14, 1916. 10 .IE 11 m IMPENDS 'Ml iimri Hun MAY AN E STATUS OF SHIPPING "tish Are Said to. Seek Radi cal Reduction in Transpa cific: Freights, .V' OULD divert vessels atral Steamers Would If ore jUcrtiT Tlslds Effect on Other Uaes XJaeljr Mots Xs Oigantlo. 'ftclfic coast exporters are facing crisis this week, which may mean teh'to Portland and other coast ."I. " . 'Vord cornea from the north that a i, British government Is backing V Canadian Pacific railroad, with i subsidiary steamship line. In an ,'Ort to force down trans-PacIf Ic In" the event of the success of such .movement a large amount of neu rit tonnage would to thrown out of 4 service and naturally seek profit- ! charters In other lines which r the past nix month have been hid ilhd enormous trans-Paclflc profits. It. la the belief here that a large at Of steamers . would become avail It for both grain and lumber busl- out of the Columbia river In the ent the move Is successful. Trans-Paclf Ic rates are at present ouhd 135 a ton. Owing to1 the ab rmllj, movement of munitions be reen thia coast and Vladivostok the ade-doee not balance and a marked ftening of rules from the Orient this count has mi; de Itself felt It'hln the past fortnight. mates Cut la Half. Feeling this, the Canadian Pacific ith the backing, It In said, of the rltlah government has within the .st week signed contracts for de .erlng, freight from thia coast to adlrostok and the Orrent at $17 60. ils business is said to be for fall ndlng. The effect of such rate cutting ?uld not be immediate, for such has en the frf nsy of the allied powers id thelr buyers to move the enor OUS tonnage needed that contracts Lve been let several months in ad inc. However, it In believed that Is bear movement In freights Is innd to effect the. future contracts id that the neutral tonnage Involved ill'.turn to other fields. Grain from Portland will, It Is said, and ISO shillings or $37.60 a ton ir; United Kingdom delivery. With is Panama canal open a steamer can ane tne run to a uritisn port tn a ttle- more than the time required f Vladivostok delivery. With east und Oriental freight slack the nlted Kingdom route holds another Ivantage in offering cargoes back to mertca or to South America, which fset the time difference In the out- 'und cargo. liumber Trade Waits. t lumber to Australia or the Orient ill stand from 130 to 160 shillings ,.3.59 to 140 a thousand feet, for team tonnage and for United Klng m delivery 200 shillings or $60 a lousand. It is holieyed that with py. decline In the general cargo flea. from Puget sound and Vancou ver, the lumber brokers would also cure a welcome foothold. "4 The situation In the north Is fur !er Intensified by the fact that there e in the shipping game several free nces who have steamers chartered n time charter at enormous rates, so (Th In fact.- that any uch marked 'ecline In their rates would force fiehr to throw up these heavy char- Frank Waterhouse and If. P. Os-t-ander - both have fleets of vessels bartered at fabulous rates. Tho Jap tiese steamers comprising the Water 'ouse fleet are mostly taken at 20 Jillllnga per ton a month and up wards. J .. Big Bum Paid. iOstrander Is reported to be paying flOO.OOO per month for the American (learner Honolulu, in order to break ven'on steamers costing so much the 17.E0 rate is impossible for these ex torters, 4; Back" Of Waterhouse Is the Vnion faclflc railroad and the ' situation hay resolve Itself Into a battle be--wreen the two great transcontinental allroads, the Canadian and Union ;aclfio. It Is believed here that the ext'SO days will determine Just to .ht extent this movement will effect he local situation and also Just how hueft Of the .season's grain crop and imber cut will move from PaciHc j-rmlnals. jSOAP KINGS BUY 8TEAMEU Reward, of Alaska Fleet, to lie. ()p- erated by Proctor & Gamble. Seattle. 'Wash.. May 13. (P. N. 8.) roctor A Gamb)e, Cincinnati manu-u-turers, have purchased the Seattle i eel freighter Seward. Confirmation f tbe sale was announced this after oon by R.' W. Baxter, executive head f-the Alaska Steamship company wnersvof the Seward. Mr. Baxter in iu1tng his announcement slmrly ated that the Seward had been sold e did not disclose the name of the urcnasera. The deal, a cash one, was closed nally; today In New York. It Is under wood the purchase price was $700,000 r ine vessel, wnicn is at present ndert a one-year charter to M. H. racey & Co. of New York, or at ieast -as under, charter to that concern ntn the consummation of the sale, racey & Co., it was announced, will ct as managing agents for the eward. . The Seward Is now loading wheat at ie. "West Seattle elevators for Call ornla and South America. She will ike 2100 tons of wheat there and bout 500,000 feet of lumber also from ihi port and complete her cargo with imber,' at Belllngham, sailing from flatter port, for call May 16. YACHT BEING PREPARED FOR CRUISE w , iIIMI ' im" ' 'in 'n '' "" I L r j 1 ". 2 p I -' " 1 1 v Z - r A 1 f $ ' l i I -r--wia 111 ,rlfrHs a l It. 1, ' LMIIu TQht l.'lnlfiA Being made ready for a summer of enjoyable cruising on the Willamette and Columbia rivers. Dr. Robert C. Ellis' yacht Kloiwe Is at the Oregon dry dock. The vessel was lifted from the water, her hull cleaned and painted and now her engines are being made ready. The Eloise is the yacht which was driven from New York city to Portland and has the distinction of being the smallest vesesl through the Panama canal since that water way was opened to use. $39,000 to stage the fight at Hudson. Wis. .Under the agreement; bids' for the fight will close July 1. If WUlard is unable to break, away - from his circus engagement by Labor day. It is provided the fight shall occur not later than Thanksgiving day. California Team Makes Clean Sweep San Francisco, May 13. (I. N. 8..) The University of California baseball team made a clean sweep of its series with the Oregon Agricultural nine by taking the third and final game, 9 to 0, thia afternoon on California field. The Blue and Gold clearly asserted its class over the boys from the north land in all their games. Harold Dimock. star pitcher of the California-Stanford series, heaved today's vame and had ! the Aggies at his mercy throughout. J holding them to three weak hits, while j his team mates found Pitcher Dewltt j for 14 bingles. Score: ' R. H. E. California 9 14 4 Oregon 0 3 4 Batteries: Dimock anl Glmbal; De wltt and Weller. Aged Woman Decorated. Leipzig, May 13. (I. N. S.) The local war relief committee reports that Mrs. Johanna Hetterer, about 90 years of age, has collected 8500 for the widows and orphans of soldiers. She starts out at 8 o'clock every morning to solicit aid from house to house, and generally four to five hours dally. The King of Saxony has decorated her with the gold medal for merit. EFFORT TO RETAIN A LINE OF BARGES TO ALASKA UP TO MILLS Chamber of Commerce to En list Lumbermen in Trade Fight, It Is Announced, far afield for coal this preparedness. supplies. Hence Higher Wage Asked. San Francisco, May I:;. (P. N. S.) The bay and river steamboat men's union is asking for nn advance of $5 per month for all men employed on bay and river craft. A conference was held today with representatives of the various companies operating boats on the bay and river. No settlement has yet been reached. There will be an other conference on Monday. Enterprise Is Late. San Francisco, May 13. The Matson steamer Enterprise arrived this after noon from Hllo about a day late. The nelay was due to a terrific northwester Into which the steamer ran when she was forced to heave to for about 12 hours. The Enterprise brought 56,000 bags of sugar. Siuslaw Bay Good. Florence, Or., May 13. The schooner Ahwaneda arrived from Portland at 4 p. ni. Captain Jenken's report on the bar given a depth of 18 feet at low water, the best ever obtained. Honolulan Due Back. Port Townsend, Wash., May 13. (P. N. S.) Returning from Vladivostok, the steamer Honolulan is expected to reach Puget sound Monday. She Is bringing a big cargo of general freight from the orient which will be discharged at Tacoma. The Honolulan will make another voyage to Vladivos tok, her cargo having already been as sembled at Tacoma. NEWS OF THE PORT Departure! My 13. Bear, American tpamr, Captain Nopanrter, iifteengera and freight for San Francisco anrl jo Angeles, San Francisco & l'ortlauil Steam ship company; -Jreat Northern. Amerlcun learner. Captain .igrnan, passengers and freight for San Francisco. Great Northern Pa cific Steamxhlp company: Northland, Ameri can Btramer. Captain iwidgp, lumner-and paa ngra for San Francisco, I'arr-Mci'onulek DtcaoiBhlp company. Marine Almanac. Weather at Elver's Mouth. North Head. May 1;;. Omdttion of the mouth of th rlrr at 5 p. m-, anotb; wind, northwest, -0 milt; weather, clar. Bun and Tides, May 15. Bun rises 4.-TI a. in. Sun sets 7:36 p. m. Tides at Astoria. High water. lsrr water. 11 3 a. in.. . fert. B :W a. m., 0.1 foot. 11:00 p. m., U.3 fed. n :tti p. m., 2.H feci. j Dally Blver Readings. R A. M 1 20th Meridian Time. San Francisco: 1 a. m.. W. FI. Murphy, for Yvet Coast vli Port Angeles: 4::0 a. m . I nlted States tug I.. Iloacoe, towing liargea l.twrenre and B. Mid 11. No. 2. for auchor ge. H- a. in.. British straairr Jack T. Lio ltiura. for Victoria. Kan Francisco. May 1.1. Arrlyet Jim But lei. Port Townsend. 4:'U.") p. m.; Newlmrg. Angeles. (1:05 p. as.; Temple K. lK'rr, 1jo Angvlea. 0:4IS p. m. ; Col. E. I.. Drake, Se attle, 7:2U p. in.: Barge 91. Seattle. 7:U0 p. in.; BrltiHh barge Simla. Vancouver. 7:10 Ji. m.; tug Dnnutlesn. Vancouver, 7:10 p. m. ; Mandalsy. Crescent City. 12:30 t. m.: Ade line Smith. Coos Hay. 3:40 a. m.: Marshfleld. Albion, 4:13 a. m. : Oleum. Los Angeles. 5:4." a. m.: Admiral Schley. Seattle. 0:15 a. in.: Prentiss, Eureka. ti:SO a. m.; Santa Barbara. Columbia river. 6:4o a. m.: Willamette. As toria. 7:15 a. iu.: Harvsrd, Los Angeles. 9:35 . m. ; Coaster, Coos Bay. 1 a. ni.; NeKt. Balboa. 10:43 a. m.; Klamath. 11:50 a. in., from Uuaymas; San Jacinto, Ilueiieme. 1 m.; Enterprise. Hilo, 12:00 p. in.; Beaver, lx Angeles, 3:35 p. m. Sklled Santa HI La. Valparaiso. S.45 a. m. : Argyll. San Diego, 4:13 a. m.; Yacht It una. Ijos Angeles. 8:0 a. m.: Solano (Jrays Har bor. 11:15 a. in.; President. Victoria. 12:.'i.'i p. w.; Willamette, Ixx Angeles. 12 noon; Sun fa Barbara. Lou Angeles, 12:45 p. m.; Car los. Ijw Angeles, 1 p. an.; Mandnlay. I.ot Angeles, 1:30 p. m.J, O. C. I.ludauer. Urays Harbor. .1 p. no.: Harvard. Loa Angeles. 4:10 p. m.; Homer, Hueneme, 4:35 p. m.; Jacop I.r.ekenbuch. New York. 8:40 p. nv; F. A. Kllbum. Eureka and Portland. 5:50 p. m.; San Jacinto. Grays Harbor, 0:OS p. m.; Brit ish steamer Azov, l'aita. 7 p. m. : Daisy l'titnam. Grays Harbor, 7:40 p. in.; rinatllla, Vfiitouver. 7:35 p. m.; Brunswick. Portland, 7:0 d. in.: Necaulcum. Astoria. 8:10 p. m. San Diego, May 13. Sailed Harvard. San FraM-lnco. Nanalnin. May 13. Culon Bay Arrived British steamer Iilon. from Vancouver. Point Argullla. Cal.. May 13. Passed U. S. S. Nansban for San D'.ego, 5:18 p. in. Senta Rita, fur Sau Pedro, 103 miles soulu San Francisco. 8 !. m. North Ilesd. Wash., May 13. Arrived at Nrahagak river Ship St. Nicholas, ti:30 p. til., May 12. Satin Garter Again Is Trouble Maker Mrs. Whirl Begins to Make Tttnrs, WMrl When She rinds Dainty Evl dence in Mr. Whirl's Pocket, Detroit, May 13. Just a dainty, ruf fled pink satin garter a feminine, fluffy little band of elastic, but a damning bit of evidence was the start of Carlyle J. Whirl's domestic rupture. The earter was found by Mrs. Edna M. Whirl in her husband's coat pocket one night, or rather early one morning, and things began to whirl. CHARIER PRICES BACK TO NORMA WAK E OF DECLINE W, H, Marston Taken at Dis tinct Advance; Steamer I Taking for Local Loading. The Columbia Contract company, aft er finishing the fitting up of four barges for sea-going trade and getting in splendid condition two of Its larg est tugs the Sampson and Biddle has c ommenced to load the first barges at the Inman & Poulson Mill with lum. h.. e nnn noo . ........ .ukj"1"' r r":-K.r;::V,- "V":: to the government o.v. ui v. v. u r inc uaic ivuniuci win- pany for the AVaska Engineering: com mission. It will not take very long for the two tugs and four oarges to deliver the amount of lumber specified in the contracts secured by the Eagle Lumber company. Puget sound interests are eagerly bidding to have the Columbia Contract company 'put its tugs and berges into service up there for trans porting Puget sound lumber to Al aska, and .perhaps other commodities. Portland is thus given a splendid op portunity to de-velop a certain kind of a norinDouna commerce wiinoui any I isaviKation far as can te learned there are no oth er Interests, except the Eagle Lumber company, that have j?one into the field to get enough business to warrant the continuance of the service of this barge line. A - number of local business men who have followed the work of the Columbia Contract company closely since they undertook to transport the lumber named, believe that a move ment should be started to sec if enough freight cannot be originated In this territory to load the barges at capacity for every trip they could make from now until the close of navigation. These men, who have been conferring with the trade and com merce bureau of the Chamber of Commerce on the subject, point out that a number of the Portland mills could join hands to make a most Im proved addition to the Htnounl of lumber that would be taken out of the river this year for tl.o Alaska trade. They also have indicated that quite a large amount of the mod rails that are to be shipped by Mie United States Steel Products, or other Steel interests wnicti are lurnishiug could be put on these open barges; in ract, the suggestion has -been made that thev might be adapted to quite a variety of commodity shipments. Following out the suggestions that have been made, the chamber's repre sentatives are going to get in touch with all concerns that might in any way furnish freight for this line and see if the people who have established the line and those who desire to reach the north through such a service can not be brought together. While the Eagle Lumber company, which has its mills on the Pacific company's line, has the certain rate -conditions that - be earn effective only May 16, the first load, or so ' will be taken front the tide- water mills here. At a later date it is the purpose of the Eagle Lumber company to furnich all the ma terial handled unless extraordinary conditions arise. Assurance has been given the management of the com pany by all the local mills that they would fee very glad to participate in the order and help protect the business. expense to the public whatever; yet, so contract for the lumber, because of Alsace Believed Next Battleground Swiss Military Expert Bailor Oer. mans Xxpeot to Torestall What They Think is Probable r ran oh Offensive. Heme. May 13. Reports arriving here say great movements of German t loops to the Vosgen mountains and rpper Alsace are ls progress. It is st i mated that a new German army of sou.noo has been assembled in front of 'the southern French line. Colonel l.uHler, the Swiss military expert who Is at the German head quarters as a war correspondent, writes to the "Bund:'' "From what 1 have learned I can safely nay that Alsace will be the next great b.-dt leground. The Germans ex pect a French offensive on this Par of the front and they will forestall it as they always do by attacking first. If they succeed In reconquering the narrow strip of A Nat Ian territory that remains In the possession of the French they may make peace offers, because they firmly believe that the allies will then he less determined to fight on than they are now." STATIONS Vens tehee 7 lwlaton t'matllla ... Th Dalle .. F.ugene .... A 1 tinny .... Salem Oiegon City Portland r C C c 40 24 23 40 10 20 20 12 15 27..'. 10.7 15.8 25 . S 0.4 8.0 6.0 8 6 17.5 O I 0.1(0 0.7 0.12 0.4 I 0.00 O.S I O oo o,4 0.4 0.8 0.4 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 COAL CARRIERS ORDERED '---:- ' : vestern Fuel Company Places Oon tract for Three Sailing Ships. i San Francisco. May IS. The West rii Fuel company has signed up with an Hanlon to build a five-masted, ouble-deck auxiliary schooner for the andllng of coal. The lumber for the easel has already arrived in the barge nas. jxelson, and the keel will be laid u few days.) The Western Fuel-corn-any haa an'optlon on Hanlon's yard r fhe construction of two more ves ei of " the sarpe sire and type. . They re ' to v, b used for off-shore coal rrylnj..i ..t , It Is understood that with the short sreef: labor-in Nanalmo and the in reaslng demand for coal In this port, . Western Fuel company must go River Forecast. The Willamette river at Portland will fall steadily for lh next two or tore days. Steamers Due to Arrite. PASSENGEBS AND FREIGHT. Nam. From Data Beaver s. F.. C. R. & E..Mav 1 Northern Pacific... 8. F. ....... Ma v 17 ""CJ L. A. A g. K. . . . .'.May Jl e" - S F. L. A Ma 24 Steumers Due to Depart. Nttne. For Date Northern Pacific s. fr. u i Beaver U a. a "r klar IB B" F- A... May V9 htesmers leaving Portland for San Franrtnco only connect with the steamers Ysle and llar-luri- S,n sndsco Monday. Wednes day, 'tlday and Saturday, for Loa Aocelca and San Diego. ' Vessels in Tort. m- , Berth. Bear Am ss . Alnsworth I ai rier Dove, Am. sch Astoria Lalay. Am. ss Knappton .vuv, a ui. m u , j. LJit CO Inverlogl. Br. bk Irvlna Mayachl Mam, Ja. ss. ...... .Municipal No. 2 At Neighboring Ports. Aatorla, May 13. Sailed at 8 a. m. Brit ish bark lnvergarry. for Aaorea for orders. SailBC at 2:00 p. ni. Oreat Northern, for Han t rancUco Arrived at 2:40 p. m. Gasoline schooner Mlreue. from coast oorts. .ArriTtMi congress, e a W.. from San Francisco; Alameda, 1 p. nj Arollne. l . m.. from Anchorage; Jefferaon. ll..iO p. m... from Skagway: Hawaii Mam, 7 a. ni., from Yokoliama. Sailed Rednndo. 7 t m.; Santa Ana. 10 p. ra., for Alaska. Km-eka. Cal.. May li Arrived. 10:30 a. Iknie; n:S0 Katherlne. from San Fran cisco Sailed 7:30 a. m. Geo. W. Loomi.; l?.Kmol,3U,of Top11, for San Francisco. Sth Bend. Wash.. May 13. Balled Gold en Shore, from Raymond, it 5;30 p. m. n.HdeSn- 7??h ' ,Way 13. ArrtveO DaUy Oadaoy, $p pdro. 7 a. m. Sailed Schooner r earless. King Cyrua, Sydney. a. in atconer, B. C. Msy 13.Arrlved 10:30 a. Frank H. Buck. Port Sau Lai. Salted Iv p,' m-,?riltoh a'esme WaUuna. for Pow Cni5iB.y. m- Brith, "teaawr IxUm. f JRT,hi Wn-J 13. Admiral Dewey, for 8eattle, passed TatoosH 2:43 p. in. . 1 Ixm Anaeles UarUu- . if . Mnltnomah froin Grays Harbor la the sight; Bwdoio, from Enreka, . a.; A. M. gfiSk taSbta rivri0'30 ."-a!? Sailed Yale, for sian Dieiro a m ' m , Ten Ple E. Dorr, for sJbtTrtviTa t " ,12- Jspsaew steamer HawaU Mara. fro ing; 6 a. m.. Congresa; 6 s. n J.ffemnn from Skagway for Seattle. piT; Tj Alameda, rrom Cordova, foe 8attJ and Tacoma. proceeding aS-,eame Sailed 12:20 a. m. Wlnber, for Belllngheiii fla Udjsmitb; 12:30 a. a,.,' lyenpcct? tor Weather Conditions. Tlie pressure continues high over the north ern and eastern states, altliongb the Houthern Itoeky inonntaln depression has deepened anl evtemled Ita Influence little heyond tli" MIhfIhmIppI river. Weather conditions are sllRhtly unsettled over tlie northern Itockles. Pr'i)ital ion has occurred In Alhorta and Montana and southeaatn ard to the Mississippi river ami lake region, al.o In Florida Thun derstorms were reported from Iowa and east ern Missouri. Tlie weather Is cooler in the eastern basin and southern Itocky monntshi states. North Dakota, eastern South Dakota, Minnesota, southeastern Waahington, south eastern Idaho, the east gnlf states and tie district of Columbia: It is warmer In south western Idaho, northern Nevada, the southern pining states, rentrsl Mississippi valley and northeastward tn the Canadian bounclnry. The conditions are favorable for fair weath er Sunday In western Oregon and western Washington and for partly clnady and occa sionally threatening weather east of the Cas cade mountains. Tenmerature changes will not be important. Wtuds will be mostly northnvsterly. San Francisco, May 15. Australian lumber charters showed renewed strength here tpday following a slight slump which ihad been experienced earlier in trfe week. The schooner W. IT. Marston, owned In Portland, was rechartered at an ad vance of 11 s'hillinKs 3 pence over the rate paid for her for late 1917 loading at a North Paciric port. Other craft also received rates which had been prevalent prior to the slight slump. The charter of the British steamer Photlnia to load lumber on the Co lumbia river under account to the Pa cific Kxport dumber company was also announced. She was taken at private terms for United Kingdom de livery. The following charters are reported tcnooner a. 31. Campbell, to carry lumber from north Pacific to Sydney at 122s 6d, by A. F. Thane & Co (April-July) (1917): schooners Wm li. Smith and Eric, lumber from north Pacific to Sydney, at 120s, by A. F. Thane & Co.; barkentlne A lta, lumber. from north Pacific to Sydney, 105s, Melbourne, Adelaide 115s (re-let) (late 191 1 ); British schooner Coqultlam City, lumber, north Pacific to Sydney 110s, Melbourne, Adelaide 120s (early 1917); schooner Lottie Bennett, lum ber, from north Pacific to Sydney, lOs Hate 1917); schooner Lizzie Vance, lumber, from north Pacific to Sydney, 90s, Melbourne, Adelaide 100s (re-let) (October - November - Derejn- ber); schooner V. H. Marston, lum ber, from north Pacific to Melbouf-ne, 120s (re-let) (early 1917); schooner W. IT. Marston, lumber, from north Pacific to Sydney, 113s 9d, Melbourne, Adelaide 123s 9d (re-let) (late 1917 1; schooner Winslow, lumber, from north Pacific to Sylney. 125s (late 1917) Rchooner W, IT. Talbot and William Bowden, lumber, from north Pacific to Sydney, 120s. option Melbourne and Adelaide. South Africa, Valparaiso (late 1917). Forecasts. -Sunday fair; north- Portland and vicinity westerly wlvls. Oregn snd Washlngtou Sunday fair west : pertly cloudy and is-casionally threatening weather and warmer east portion; light frost east portion iu eirly morning; northwesterly winds. Idaho Sunday partly cloudy and occasion ally threatening weather; warmer; light float In early morning. The Willamette river at Portland will con tinue to fall steadily for the nest two or three days. T. FRANCIS DRAKE. Assistant Forecaster. U. S. Weather Observations. p. m. , Pacific time, I'.tlo. Observations taken at fi May 13, tstloa. Baker Boston Chicago Colfax Denver Dnrath Eureka Galveston . . . Jacksonville . Kansas J!ty. Los Angeles. Marsh field .. Medford Montreal .... Nw Orleans. New York... North Head . . North Yakima Omaha Pendleton Portland Boseburg .... St. Urals Salt Lake.-.-8. Francisco, Seattle i Spokane Tacoma Tatoosh Isl.. Walla Walla. -A C2 70 Wl 50 54 r2 80 78 S4 A I on i 58 70 58 90 62 53 68 5 67 I 68 70 82 62 74 62 58 P2 56 64 Washington Vl 6H Winnipeg 62 2 IT o .IS 0 .01 .04 O 0 .01 .01 o o o o o 0. 0 o .4 o 0 0. .16 0 0 0 0 O o o o 0 Wind 12 10 20 C 12 20 16 14 22 12 12 6 10 II 4 18 tf 10 4 4 C 4 10 14 18 12 4 12 m 12 ,0c NW W E N XE N SE NE S sw NW sw NW SE SW NW S NK W XW N S NW W N N N NW NE NE Cloudy Clear Cloudy Clear Ita in Kaln Cloudy Clear Rain Cloudy Clear Pt. Cloudy Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Pt .Cloudy Ha In Pt. Cloud' Clear Clear Cloudy Pt. Cloudy Clear Clear Pt. Cloudy tiuir Clear Cloudy Clear Ckmdy . Ijocai Record. ' Portland. ' Or.. Mar IS. Maximum ttnmtri tare. 6S degrees; minimum temperature, 41 dtgrees.. : ' . Klvee reading, 8 a. m., 17 J- feet; change wc. Hours. v.o tool . Total rainfall (5 p. m. to 5 p. m.V, none, xctal rainfall since September 1, 1815, 61. ye laches. Normal rainfall since September 1, 40.95 inches. Excess of rainfall since Sep tember 1. 1915. 10.13 Inches. Total sunshine. 14 boars. 63 minutes: Pas sible sunshine. 14 boars, 63 minutes. ; Barometer .(reduced to sea level) 6 p. a., SDM; , COMMERCIAL LEAGUE Won. Crane 4 Fleischner-Mayer ... 4 Lanjr & Co 4 Flake-McFall 3 N-V. Electric 3 M Seller 2 Blumauer-Frank .... 1 Wadharas & Co 0 Lost. 1 1 Pet. .800 .800 .67 .600 .500 .400 .200 .000 Leftfielder Eddie Dye, of the Crane company team, or the Commercial Baseball league, broke his right leg, near the ankle in yesterday s game with the Fleischner-Mayer team, which was forfeited to the latter team. The accident occurred when Dye was slid ing into third base. The game was for feited in the ninth, with the score 8 to 7, in favor of Fleischner-Mayer team. following: a decision by the umpire on a triple by Hedman, which would have tied the score. Lang & Co. won an easy game from the M. Seller team yesterday, 17 to 9 Score: . R. II. E Tjing 17 16 2 Seller 9 12 : Batteries Johnson, Lynch and Bay Itr; Lapham, Campion and Tooney. - The Northwest Electric team won another contest yesterday, defeating the Blumauer-Frank team, 11 to 5 Roberts, of the winner, made the first hemer of the season. Score: R. H. E N-W. Electric 11 9 I Blumauer-Frank 6 8 P-atterles Holcomb and Ward Bruns and Meyers. In a closely played contest, the Blake-McFall team won from the Wad hams & Co. nine yesterday, 17 to 5.' Score: R. H. E. Wadhams ."6 7 17 Blake-McFall ....17 16 ' Batteries Mathlot and Stuerhof f Fox and Farry. Heavyweights Sign Preliminary Articles Chicago. May 13. (U. P.) Prelim lnary articles for a ten-round fight Labor day between Jess Wlllard, heavyweight champion, and Fred Fulton, the Minnesota giant, the Xight to go to tne mgnest btaoer, were signed here tonight by Tom Jones, WUlard's manager, and Mike Collins, manager of Fulton. Each posted a $2500 forfeit with Tom Andrews, Mil waukee promoter. D. W. Griffith, the moving picture producer, made his debut as a would be prize fight promoter tonight by offering (50,000 .for the fignt-at St. Paul.. . - Jones turned down Collins offer of Rent Your Summer Cottage, Tents or Camping Grounds at Beach and Mountain by Using Small Cost urai Wart These ads reach the greatest number of home people, because the average daily circulation of The Journal in Portland and its trading radius is the largest of any paper. Thoiisairids of People who annually flock from the city dur ing warm weather, already are trying to decide where to spend their vacation. JOURNAL WANT ADS will decide the question for many of them. These ads cost at the low rate of Ceets They cost even less to steady advertisers. Contract rates on application. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation. 1 0 Words for 1 5 ft.