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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1916)
BROWN LEGHORN VIS PRAISE OF THE EXPERT , Government Pouitrvman bays s UU V Ol I II I ItI UUiLljriMC4.ii wJ They Have Well Merited Confidence Received. High praise is- given to the Brown Leghorn for Us hardy nature as well triXUtdlng beauty of feather by George E. Howard, government poultry expert, who prepared the booklet on Standard Varieties of Chickens. , , Regarding this beautiful fowl. How ard saya: -The Brown Leghorns are one of the prettiest of the Leghorn varieties, but they are th most difficult of all to breed to feather. They have merit ed the confidence of poultry lovers for a long time; their hardy constitutions have withstood rough usage, and promiscuous interbreeding has not af fected their characteristics. A Tlxed Variety They are a fixed variety,, and their merits are notloeable from the newly hatched chick to the oldest specimen. ' In mating Brown Leghorns the n.ost successful breeders use a dou ble mating, one pen for each sex. Fine birds, both cockerels and pullets, can be bred from the ame pen by using slightly different types of females. The same male often will breed 'the finest of both exhibition cockerels and pullets, but it Is a rare case to have a female breed ooth sexes of a remark able quality. 'Matin Flan. -'.When two pens are used, at lvie head of the pen mated to produce the cockerels place a fully developed cook With no serious fault, cf standard color, especially strong in comb, lobe, hackle, and saddle, a dm-k undercolor being preferred. To him mate hens of a shade darker than standard with I smalt, evenly serrated, standing combs; a trifle brick color on winra Is no ob jection, as it will give a brighter color on wing bows of the cockerels. Shafting Also Helps. ' " Shafting oh .the bark will also heir) tne, blue k stripe In the saddles. The pullets rained from this pen will be too dark for exhibition, but tl;ey will be a great help in breeding cockerels " the next season. The male' at the head of the pen mated to produce the pullets should be from a pullet strain, and bred directly from an exhibition hen. His color should be a trifle light; 'comb large, but evenly Hcrrated, If thin near the top all' the better; hackle and saddle may be light gray or white; ' wing bows should show more purplo ! than red, as too much red shows signs of being bred from a brick y hen. Hate XJffht Females. To' him mate exhibition females having light brown penciled with dar! brewn on back and wings, all one shade, free from shafting on back or 'brick color on wings TMiese hens 'should have the large comb Ivlnir v.f hut nrm rwi .tmnr'i.n th. heart , so It does not He close to the eye and i face. ' The cockerels raised from this mat ting' are the birds to use for breeding 'females the next year. Ly breeding Brown Leghorns in this manner wa have the distinct lines of blood, which i Biiouia never us cruustu, Pertinent Advice For the Poultry man By O. C. Iamb. ISC O. A. C. Extension I'onury specialist. Feed the little chicks clean, un tainted food. Musty or moldy food Is 1 liable to bring disease and serious ; trouble.." If nrenared chick feed is used, buy . gooa quality. iiu craciteu corn in ino chick reed may te musty tr too oia ind if it has been heated in any wsy If your miller can supply a good grade of cracked corn and cracked wheat, you can make a good efficient home mixture of chick feed. A fhlck ration that Is too concen trated will cause digestive troubles. fturniBU cnuuKii uvui inuiiii;iib iui bui- sisfactory growth. Don't forget that the growing chick 'deeds lust as carefully a balanced ra tion as the laying hen. Ash, grit, , charcoal, succulent green food and an- imal food are Important elements in . the chick's ration. The following ration and method of 'Chick feeding is used successfully at ' the Oregon experiment station, and .is recommended: ' . t Ration for Small Chlokens. " Starting food. Bran mixed crum- bly with soft boiled egg; or bread squeezed dry out of milk. ' Grain mixture. 1 pint cracked wheat, .'1 pint cracked corn. ; Mash mixture. 3 lbs. wheat bran. 1 lb. wheat middlings or shorts. 1 lb. , com meal. Pinch of salt added when mixing. ; First feed time. 24 to 38 hours. - First week. Starting food twice a ;day; grain mixture three time a day "on clean sand; after two or three days, - grain litter; clean water; grit, char- 'coal, cracked bone. In separate dishes; ; green food. One to three weeks. One feed a ''day of moist mash, what chicks will clean up In an hour; grain mixture in Utter two or three times a day; grit, charcoal, cracked bone,, and beef scrap in hoppers; water; green food. Three to six week. Morning feed of moist mash; two feeds of grain mixture; dry middlings in a hopper, If signs of diarrhoea appear; hopper fed beef scrap, water, grit, charcoal, cracked bone, always available; milk 'to drlna; green food. . After Six weeks or on range. Morn " ing meal of moist mash; two feeds of grain mixture; milk (or beef scrap). charcoal, grit, Done, water, oats may 'be added to the grain mixture, if de sired; the proportion of wheat may be increased or decreased as it becomes ' lower or higher in price than, corn. Washington Hens ; j Set Pace in Laying Mountain Grove. Mo., Slay 12. The ' high water mark In eggproduction has ' been reached during either March or v April In sill contests held at this sta ; t1on, and during both March and April - this year, the records have surpassed all previous records. The records for ' the first six months of each contest are as, follows, each hen's average for ' the six months beginning November 1 each year: First contest, 63 eggs; sec ; oiid contest, 88 eggs: third contest. 78 I eggs; fourth contest, IS eggs; , fifth 'contest, 81- eggs. , - . The pens making the , ten ,hlbst -, records for six months are distributed among the many creeds and varieties. . One point, worthy of note is that aeveni of the fen highest pens belong to what is commonly termed "the all purpose class,! there being , two Rocks, two I Reds, two Wyandotte, and on Orp- I I net on, the other three being Leghorns, I This la a fine showing- for the medium weight birds, as the six montha"Cov 'era the winter season- when ergs are high, and also the principal part of the breeding (season. The pens making the ten highest records for six months are as follows: . . Pen, Eggs. r. c. Rea, Missouri ,...6is Barped Rock,, MissoorJ 691 i mac wrpingions, inaiana os 25 8. C. Whlite Leghorns, Wash. ..67 49 White Wyandottes, Mich. , ...,6S ob b. neat, iowa ....... 658 60 White Wyandottes, Missouri ...541 11 8. C. White Leghorns, Kansas ..530 17 8. C. White Leghorns, Texas ..638 ' Five of the- six pens making the highest record for April are Leghorns. Pens making the five highest records for April art as follows: Pen, Eggs. 38. 8. C. White Leghorns, Missouri . .132 18 S. C. White Leghorns, Ky 131 25 8. C. White Leghorns, Wash. ...130 27 S. C. White Leghorns, Missouri. .127 16 S. C. White Leghorns. La. 125 71 Barred Plymouth -Rocks, Mo. ..125 The hens making the five highest records to date are as follows. Hen. Pen. Eggs. 4. 75 White Rock. Washington. . 14S 3. 25 S. C. White Leghorn. Wash. 139 1, 75 White Rock, Washington. . .137 ., 59 R. C. Red. Missouri 135 5, 6 S. C. White Leghorn, N. J. 133 2, 82 Black Orpington, Ind 132 lUZ Oregons, O. A. C Corvallis 527 White Wyandottes In Lead at Storrs Storrs, Conn., May 12. At the close of the twenty-sixth week the fifth laying competition at Storrs is just half over. Tine .three best pens In each of the principal breeds are as follows: Plymouth 1 Rocks Jules F. Francals (Barred), W. Hampton Beach, L L. 908; Rock Rose farm (Barred). Ka tonah, N. Y. 870; Holliston Hill Poultry titonx (White). Holliston, Mass.. 859. Wyandottes Tom Barron (White), ratforth, England, 1132; Obed G. Knipnt ivviiite), Hriageion, K. l., P. W. Backus (White), Chatham, On- tarlo, 978 Rhode Island Reds A. W. Rumery. Danville, N. H., 941; Pinecrest Or chards, Groton, Mass., 820; Jacob E. Jansen, North Haven, Conn., 912. White Leghorns Wiir Barron. Bar tie. Kn gland. 969; Tom Barron, Cat forth, Kngland, 896; Francals F. Lin coln. Mi. Carmel, Conn., 83k Miscellaneous Oregon Agricultural College (Oregons), Corvallis, Or., 802; J. Colllnson (Black Leghorns), Barn acre, Kngland, 794; A. Schwara. (Black Rhlnelanders), Burlingame, Cal., 785. To Get Fancy Prices. To Recurs a fancy price for eggs. you must be absolutely certain that every eug sold is fresh. Don't leave an egjr In nest for nest egg. You mlrjht accldently get one in gathering and send it to your best customer then goodbye customer. When the breeding season is over sell all the roosters, or it you have a few good ones you wish to keep, pen them up. 'IH;n ou sei a lancy price ror llller"" esasa. wmtn rq in jjreai at mand In hat weather. Clean all eolled " uip ury-wen so they will not shine. Keep all small and Imperfect eggs at home. Fill each layer with eggs of the same slse, they look so much better that way. Pack carefully, so they will reach the customer in poori condition, and abso lutely guarantee every egg to be fresh. You will not have any trouble in get- Read for the Ideas Business Does Not Come to Him Invents Ideas and These are the days when the dealer In real tflfp ia acHva In fettinir irieflM I . v., v, , .i k cause ho gets them. Ideas beget trade activity, and trade activity begets ideas. Business will not come tq the indi vidual these days. He must go after it or create it. Ideas are plentiful, but they musu be sought for; when they are found they must be adapted to your own par- Do not ' be an imitator; you may fail. Kvery day an idea may be gleaned from the news columns of the daily paper. Every day thousands of readers are looking for Ideas. An advance announcement of a new method of financing the purchase of a home was published in The Oregon Members Portland Realty Board UUa U-a nlUBH0UUlkUU Wa INVESTMENTS. Real Estate Loans and Insurance. 404-6 Northwest Bank btdg. FAMOUS RIDQEFIELDSOIL Fertile farms at fair prices. Fenced or unfenced land; small tracts; acreage. H B. APPERSON. RIDOEFIELD. WASH. THE BRONU CO.. inc. REAL ESTATE. J7 Oak St., Lewis bldg. Business and suburban property trib utary to Union avenue a specialty. Main 1748. Campbell, Smith & Co. GENERAL INSURANCE.' REAL ESTATE. 617 Corbett bldg. Both Phones. Cascaden & Reader, 107 RAILWAY EXCHANGE. Farms for sale and exchange In ail western states. Dakota and Minnesota. Canadian lands a specialty. K N. CLAHK to CLAHK. i EASTMORELANDjWESTOVER INDUSTRIAL CENTER. Building and Insurance. , Id fioor Title A Trust bldg "WHEAT iand. well watered. S00 acres last year's crop 40 bu.; 800 acres under cultivation. 200 acres bunch " 150 of same can be cultivated. For terms, address V. C. Guernsey. Slarbuck. wasn Hartman & Thompson Corner Fonrtn ana Biarn BOLE AGENTS TOK ROSE CITt PARK " " HOPPES ASP LOTS The Fred A. Jacobs Co. 104 ITH STREET. General Real Estate. Exchanges, Rent als and Insurance. Main 8&9- A-llTt. W T. JORDAN VALLEY ENG. LAND CO. i . v-lvf .lhans iVv Ara . furs laada, efoeh ranchea. irritation profecta iBM to lo.ow acreai. nuu-i "i" JORDAN VAtLET ENG. ft LAND COMPANt. r. D. Jiyn. atr. Main 67. i REAL ESTATE. -118-87 Chamber of Commerce .blflg. ting and holding customers for all you can produce, at several cents abova the market price. , i Water Glass Method ! ri Of Preserving Eggs This is tha season when the "hen Is busy, and those who have a surplus of eggs which they do not wish to sell may preserve them until the slack lay ins season. George A. Olson, chemist for' the state agricultural experiment station at Pullman. Wash., makes the following suggestions as to containers and strength of water-glass solution 1 a recent bulletin on preserving eggs: Below Is given convenient size Jars, whlrh can be Durchased from local dealers: the approximate number of eggs (average sise and volume) they will hold, together with the pints ef water-glass solution that win t re quired to cover tne eggs. No. Eggs. Solution. Container. Will Hold. Pints. Ounces. 1- ralion ...... 40 3 10 2- eallon 80 7 3 3- taUon 120 1" 13 4- gallon 160 14 6 G-gallon 200 18 0 l)-Kallon 400 36 0 The proportions of water-glass to water required for preserving eggs varies. Some have successfully pre served eggs in proportions of one part of water-glass to 20 parts of water; others have used more concentrated solutions. The proportions to be used will de pend largely upon' the length of time desired to keep them preserved. For the shorter periods perhaps the weak er solutions will do, but it is safer to use a proportion of one part of water-glass to 12 parts of water than, say. one with 15 parts of water. The best results, however, have been ob tslned where the eggs have been pre served in a solution containing one pint of water-glass to 9 or 10 pints of water. BREEDER OF BARRED ROCKS FOR 22 YEARS (Continued From Preeedln Page.) the fowls In hoppers throughout the day. Kale provides what Mr. Myers con siders the best green food in winter, and. his birds are constantly supplied with it. Irr'the summer the chicks are run in small colonies of from 6 to 10 hens, each given a runway of about 20x40 feet. This Is kept constantly in grass. There are no bare pens on the Myers place. Ideal Housing Methods. Recently Mr. Myers built an ideal chicken house for his method of breed ing. On either side th colony pens extend out from the house and the in terior is divided into breeding pens, each about 10x12 feet. "The roosts are made in three parts. The dropping board is the detached top of a low table or bench about 8 feet long by 2 feet wide and 18 inches high. Above the board is ttie roost, a pole nailed to tlfe tops of two triangular pieces of board. This roost is readily taken out of the pen and scalded and thus kept free of mites. It sets away from the walls of the house, another ad vantage when seeking freedom from mites. There are windows in tne house on either side and skylights in the roof on the south side give plenty of light for the birds during the winter months, when they are kept penned up and fed Ideas for the Reader Who Waits, But to Him Who Hustles for Business. Journal's real estate department one day last week. That same evening one of the many mousantta of readers of The Daily Journal saw the item. Previous to that tima he had made up his mind 15 a certain course" of action. ! The reeding of the item referred to caused him to change his mind and decide upon immediate action along me line suggested In the item. Before noon the next day he had closed a deal for a lot and arranged ior tne Duilding of a home. ideas are to be found everywhere; make use of them. ' People are looking for Ideas, too; give them the benefit of yours If you have an idea which you have rouna- userui, give your brother realtor tbe benefit of it through the columns oi the newspaper. ofF the MABTON REAL ESTATE COMPANY rWL. S"1"8' manager, Uabton. Wash. Property exchanged, town w iu. j wheat lana. cuesp raw land.' dnder gSrn ment Irrigation project, insurance, reuta, no tary DHDllr. MALL Si VON B0RSTEL ,' BROKERS Beal Estate. Leaaea. Mortsare Loans (JEN PR At I ICBI1 r . 7,r. 04 2nd St.. Lnmber Exchange i.ids. Main 14.TS fA a U a .r . 1. wmm HU nap S3 A B WV H. u n KEAL ESTATE 5 K 0ISf.?I,f;'HlV," tsUfpnila Lands K K Main 1188 Tlsi. K RKil '.(7 xunu-D -AAXtt. " lHm ia ny loeeliU a specialty, 117 Board of Trade bidg. main sssv. i he Oregoh Home Builders Home buildjrs, renters, exchange dept. Loaa Det. and real eatate. ia5S Northwest Bank bids hjo 8. P. OSRITRW 6U2 fcKAlt HLUO. ,uod ;i:;LTitz?vrz.? rrn-w s i H N I - ' "' H. If. fALMEB-JONES CO REAL EST ATM tlUUKKUM o wucox bkig. " T Miffaeoa. forUand. Or. J. G. RAINEY o4 Yeon bids. Marshall 3177. REAL ESTATE AND INVESTM ENTS .THE RUAW.JEAB Ca Beaverton-Reed vlll Acreage. FARM AND CITY PROPERTY. lOa 4th w PorMand, oZ Phona Main 35. A-3S0Q 1 B1CBAKO BBKPARP BEAL ESTATE peelaltilng In Bone Sites 6a West Side North Halo 6. Oftlcea WUlbrlUge " WtlEooa!! TITI-B GUARANTEE AND IB. STRACT COMPANy. . - Abstrsets.' real estau, loanranee. took las after asaeesmeflts and taxes a specialty. k Marshf leld t nd CoquHls City. 6ri ? "HENRY SENGSTACKEN., Manager. In s, deep straw litter to, force exer cise and laying. ana pouury jrro is lotaitu in aui orcnara. i nere is no oeiier piace iot raising- show birds.' says Mr. Myers. "Tha tress give them plenty of shade. and you have to have good shade it you want cotor." Feeding Chick. For the first three days chicks may be fed a mixture of equal parts hard boiled eggs and stale bread, or stale bread soaked In milk. When bread and mlli are used, care should be ex ercised to squeeze all milk out of tha bread. From the third or fourth day until the chicks can eat wheat and cracked corn, commercial chtek feed is a good ration. , THIS MORNING'S TELE GRAPHIC REPORTS FROM MECCA. NORTH JUNCTION AND OTHER DESCHUTES POINTS ON OREGON TRUNK SAY: WEATHER CLEAR. CALM. WARM. RIVER CLEARED. PROS PECTS EXCEEDING LY GOOD FOR" TODAY AND SUNDAY. OTHER POINTS REPORT RIVER CLEARER THAN AT ANY PREVIOUS TIME THIS SEASON. BY. CED9T1U I1EISU UE3E Beginning today. May 13, Cen tral Oregon train will leave Fall bridge 12:50 a. m., and will ar rive North Junction, 4:30 and South Junction 5 a. m., Satur days only, to accommodate ang lers going to canyon points. Re turning, train will leave Bend 6:30 p. m. Sundays only, reach ing all canyon points' early in evening. Arriving time Portland, 8:00 a. m., unchanged. Totrlsts sleeping car (berths $1 each way) on train 8,;leavingr Portland 6 p. m. North Bank Limited, leaving Portland 7:10 p. m., connects with Oregon Trunk train at Fallbridge. City Ticket Office 5th & Stark Broadway 920; A-6671 Deschutes River Latest reports Indicate fishing will be the best of season by Sunday. Trout flies out in large numbers and good catches have been made since Wednesday. Deep fishing thus far the most successful. Hood River Water has gone down and cleared. Steelheads. cutthroats and mountain trout plentiful. Salmon eggs and spinners best lures for steelheads; trout rising to beaver kill, llgnt cowdung, blue upright and gray hackle flies. Creeks Bonneville and west not yet In first class condition account high wa ter. Some catches being made and im provement looked for soon. For further information ask the O W., R. R. & N. City Ticket office. Third and Washington. THE - Kmi Tl FISH For trout Is on the line of the Wil lamette Valley Southern R. R. Good trout streams which are reached on this line are Buckner creek. Milk r..A1r Mnlolln nlv.r an4 Rntt fraalr rXll mountain streams. Leave Port land. 1st and Alder, at 9:16 a. m. ana C:4o p. m. Trains Uso leave Oregon City throughout the day. Firat train leaves Oregon City at 7:60 a. m. Where to Get It WTrmra WB9V PAY When yon can get good taslde blockwoou at $3.50 a load; doable load, $0.50. Bog wood Billed with heavy S3.2& a load; $6 for double kwdu , LEWIS rOEL CO., Phones Broadway 2339. A-211. S & H. GREEN TRADING STAMPS. Dry slabwood. Inside wood, fir and oak. Fair prices.- - Honest measure. We deliver any place north,, of Alberta, - cotuisBiA'niaco. Columblablvd. and Delaware -St. PHONE . WOODLAWN ait ks Information glffc SFishermenS mUhl TRAIIt . SERVICE FN IES0&WES ? mm 1 RECOH TfflK Mo I. GL i N. EULLETll SIM DW ill POULTRY AND PIGEONS 3T WHITE LEGHORNS, the famous Mc " Kenna Park strain of pedigreed English Leghorns. Best laying stock In west. Eggs for hatching, 11.60 to 15 per setting; 100 eggs at 17.50. Now booking orders for May chicka- at $12.60 per 100. Yards, Me Kenna ave. and Lombard' st McKenna Park Poul try Farm. 727 Chamber of Commerce. Portland 'Or. - - CHICKS, White Leghorns, now ready, big batches, large chicks, quality A-l, bred fof high egg production, hatched by Master incubators, easy to raise. Master Hatchery. 415 Jessuo st.. Portland, Or. Wooalawn car or phone Woodlawn 4344. WHITE Leghorn baby chicks from . proved heavy laying stock; May de livery. 8 per 100; we guarantee safe arrival. The Pioneer Hatchery. Peta luma. Cal. '" 20 BLACK Minorca hens and rooster, also 12 Salmon Faverells and 1 rooat er at 31 each; also eggs for hatching. Phone Main 4668. " . BARRED ROCK eggs, incubator lots, specialty. Baby chicks. 1447 Mai ory. Woodlawn 1C56. ' BAKRtD Rock eggs, Wdln. 2397 incubator lota. ALISKY BUILDING H. VT. Cor. Third, and Morrison Streets TEWAHTS QF ALISKY BUILDIBTQ DR. J. E. LA VALLEY. DR. D. T. BROWNE. Chiropractic Physicians. Suite 214-15-16. Alisky bldg. Main 6943. MISS DECKER'S PRIVATE BUSI NESS COLLEGE. Shorthand, typewriting, bookkeeping, English branches. PERSONAL AT TENTION. Day and night classes. New Alisky bldg.. 3d and Morrison. NEW TODAY EDWARD HOLMAN CO. BSTABLtmB 1877. RELIABLE UNDERTAKERS aits FUNERAL DIRECTORS LADY ASSISTANT TBXBD AJTD SAUfOIT 8TXESTS. MAIW 507. A-1S11. 6 Choice Xoans of 510,000 and TTP On Improved Business Property (or for Improvement Purposes). J. P. UPSOOMB. 843 Stark Street. 1 On City and Farm Propertin U any onwui at vnrraBt Satta, aaranan a xnompsoa, BaaKara. uoraar ex tount ud Stark St. Fearey Brothers, Inc. COLLECTORS 806 sekum Biasr- Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS $300 Upwards at 6-7-8 Oregon Investment ft Mortgage Co. Offices 208-4, 170 3d-St. FARM LOANS Mortgage- Company for America Boom 82. Ainaworth Bids'. Phone Mti 6841. Portland. Or. MEETING NOTICES EMBLEM Jewelry a specialty, buttons. Pins, charms. Jaeger Bros.. 131-3 6tn. Vita! Statistics marriages. Births, Deaths. MARRIAGE LICENSES Lewis Ferlnjr, Cresweil. Or., legal, and Venlta E. White, 450 East Twelfth street north legal. E. Zimmerman, 594 Maple atreet, legal, and Maty Chapman. 5&4 Maple St., legal. John A. Lindgren, Mint, Or., legal, and Maria Gabrielson, New Huston hotel, legal. George Dernberger, San t'raneiaeo. Cal., le gal, and (Christine Handn, Imperial hotel, legal. Harry J. Chase, 2SH Jefferaon-at., leal, and Coda I. GUbreath, 170 Thirteenth atreet, legal. W, G, Smith & CoXftZ and cards. rnira rioor Morgan mag. L.cS8 suits sold or rented, lo prices, latest styles, all sizes; we buy dress suits. Bare'l's Misfit Cloth. Store. 61 8d, UKhSS suits for rent, all sizes, unique Tsilorlng Co.. 309 Stark st. BIRTHS M-yi'aJ,i.iMlwfcM,iiw., -L - 1 - 1 ii 1 1 - ROSEBTSON To Mr. and Mrs. John A. E. Robertson, 649 K. Beimout at., May 2, a docghter. TIIORSEN To Mr. and Mrs. Ran Thorsen, 14&S Montana are.. May 1, a son. PALMER To Mr. and Mm. Mocaie M. Palmer, 15tt AlnawOrth ave.. May 5, a daughter. TWEET To Mr. and Mra. V . Nv Tweet. 234 12tli St., May 5, a son. NELSON To Mr. and Mra. B. E. Nelson, 805H Holladay are.. May 7, a dangbterr LOVEJOY To Mr. and Mra. Carroll H Loe- loy, 131 E. Slat at. N ., May 9, a mm. HOFFMAN To Mr. and Mra. Fredrick S. Hoffman, 1109 E. Harrlaon at.. May 8, a daughter. GABBOWE-To Mr. and Mra. A. Garrowe, 1010 S. Willamette bird.. Mar 1. aVon. CONSEK To Mr. and Mra. Lloyd Conaer, 2SQ Buasett St., May 0, a son. JAN1N To Mr. and Mra. Louis A. Janin, . 1109 Glenn ave. N., May 1, a son. PLYMPTON To Mr. and Mra. Frederick E. Flmpton. 322 E. 17th at. N., April 30, a aon. TEACHSEL To Mr. and Mra. Fredrick Trach- sel, 269 E. 63rd sL N., May 6, a sou. GALASH To Mr. and Mrs. Kick B. Calash, V3 n. lorn si., aiay o, a son. UOBLLKR To Mr. and Mra. Martin Moeller 831 E. 9th ft May 5, a dnnghter. IjKATHH AM) f i rV ; KIM AM T M1ZEN Edward Mizen, Patton htme. May 7, 75 yeara. paralysis of heart. MURPHY KllMbetn Murphy, 1213 TlbbeU St., Ma; 10, 51 years, cerebral hemorrhage. EM HIGH Rosa Ecu-ten, Sellwood hospital. May s. VI yearw, wrvTiuH MARTIN fOKUbO CO- ftorlsta, til Wash. Main 269. A-1269. Flowers for- all occasions artistically arranged ri.AKKE HtOd florists, sea? Morrison st. Main or A-1&06.V Fine flowers and floral designs. No branch stores. TONSBTil FLORAL CO.. 2 Wash.. bet. 4th and h. Main tlZ. A-110. 06CAK JWHMDUN FLOKAL CtAw S Glisan st Mar. 4378. A-1484. MAIN 6116; 'wreaths, pillows, $ up. Sprays $1 UP- Chappei MB.M7 womaon MAi. M ciAtl'iH, iiorutt. 141 H em u DEATHS AND FUNERALS 73 Continued SMI ml In this city. May 11. Usuries Barry. more Smith, aged 53 yeans.. Foneral from Holnwo's funeral parlors at 10:30 -. an., Monday, May 16. rheao to .the Portland ere- mctatitim. Take Sclhvrod ear for serf ices " i the yesMtortsw. Krteeds Invited. I HAYS la tuu city, at tola reautoneo, Mr J2, i Charles Hays, aged 69 years. 10 njootha, 23 y- '?Bd.ll,tt9 li.rrS1 aervlera, which will be held at Holman'a ru- ntral 'parlor, at ' p. m., Monday May 15. ntennpot lxme W cemetery. BXKE1) J ease Earl Bneed. G?od Samaritan, Ma . 23 years. seoUcemla from rractiirt. AKHLSTROM Mr. E. O. Aablatrom. 307 . 21t tt.. May 9. 62 jreara, chronic Inter stitial nepbrttia. -HELDT Henry Heldt, Jnrra sanatorhna. May MERtMAK' Mary M. Merlman, Good .SamarU tan. May lO, S4 yeara. rapture of pancreas. COMAX Rutn Martin Ooman. Portlana feur- s-ica! hoanltal. May IP, 47 yeara, eancer. LNLIUL I)lKECTOK8 Years of Experience Enablea This Firm to Give YOU . Perfect Service This modern establishment, -with its conveniences, includ ing a secluded driveway, in sures absolute privacy, caus ing in no way a departure irom art established policy of moderate prices, ilutperienced Woman Attendant. j, P, Finley & Son Tho Progressive FUNERAL DlK-CTORS, Montgomery at Fifth. Main a. A-15. F. S. Dunning, Inc. East Side Funeral Directors. 414 E. Alder st. Phone East 62, B-252a. A. Li. KENWOKXay. CO. Two Estaousnmenis. Tabor 62S7; 680 2d su Lents. Tabor 688; 66th st. and Foster road., Arleta. 1?. L LB Undertaker, bast liiu and Haw thorne. E. 7&1, K-lbJa. Lady assistant, Dumninadt MctnteeJVrTiS every detail, iiroauway and Pine sts. Broadway 40, A-4uba. Lauy assistant. WaltecC. Ken worthy 1632-1634 E. 13th. Sell wood 71. B-112. MiLLEK dt XRACEX. independent tu- neral directors, rrlces low as 40, $ti0. Wash, at Ella. Aa. Ztial. A-7886. A, R. Zellar Co East 108a. C-1088. Lsdy attenoant. Day and night wervlce. CLMPi'i ifu Ru-BiU-ENCE UNL. LnlUoUiiM. 6133 A-23S6. 44 fKLS. 6 Morr. 1C2S Belmont at 34t:i Lady attendant. RT Rwrnoc Williams and Knott. 1 1 oyrnes East ms, c-is4$. Hamilton "East 80th and Glisan. Fu- neral services. Tabor 4318. CV CMCQ Undertaking Co. Main 4162 OiNiL VV r A-2321 Cor 8d and Clay. T MONUMENTS PORTLAND MARBLE WKS.. 264-26$ 4th St.. opp. city hall. Main 8664. Philip Neu fe Sons, for memorials Ublaelsing grani U 2fe7-3ltt 3T COP. MAOI9QN BEACH PROPERTY 48 BEACH house and lot at Lake Lytle. Or. Worth $2000. Photo and plan on exhibition at Journal office. Make me an offer. OX-768. Journal. GEARHART Park, lots 13. 14, blk, i', 1st Add., on Cottage ave. $500 each. Owner. Box 1)3, Fort Canby, Wash. 4 f FOR MALE HOUSES TWO room house. 100x114. sewer in, $850; $100 cash $10 month. 6 room new modern bungalow, $2260; terms. 1 Five room house, good repair, street improved; $1700; terms. GATEWOOD." 166 M 4th. Why Not build And get a home according to your Ideals. I design, build ana finance any building; artistic sketches free. See me before you build. N. O. Eklund, S13 Horirv bids: Main 6812. BARGAIN HUNTERS. T Mon k..ainnoa 'rt am going east:"? room house and Tot! E. 34th and" Belmont, Sunnyslde. Must do it by Tuesday sure. Your pricu takes it; all clear, -pply owner, 70 6th st. Monday FOR SALE 7 room modern house, corner lot, gas range and water heat er, parlor stove, beds, chairs and nu merous other articles go with place; $3&0 cash, mortgage $650. Phone Ta bor 5123. FOR SALE Our home, furnished, rooms, lot 60x100, fruit trees, ber- rlee, etc., located near Laurelhurst Park, 8 blocks from Sunnyslde car. Price reasonable, Phone mornings. lanor t'JU. no asenw. MUisT sell ray $2600 home for $2100; house 1 year old, & rooms, modern. fireplace, tu-il basement lot 60x100. ML Tabor district, excellent view,.cd tl2d st.. near Glisan, I block to car. Phone Broadway 1658. " ' FORCED to. sell my $960 equity for $160. House l years old, cost $3300, has 6 rooms, full basement, Dutch kitchen, breakfast room, built In buf fet, large attic. Piedmont district Mr. Hageman, Broadway 1S6. MUST SELL THIS WEEK. 6 room house and lot. 34th and Bel mont. Sunnyslde; business or apart ment site; make me a cash oner ana take It. 70 6th st. $650 EQUITY-hi a $1250 6 room bun galow for $275 cash. Cement walks In, lot 40x120, with alley; house built 2V4 years. This is a pickup. Call Sell wood !Zii3. GOING east; will sacrifice home, $1066, $400 cash, balance $10 months 6 interest. Flock of chickens and gas range go with place. 15&S K. th st. N. ACRE, new modeam 6 room house, for sale or rent. $1600; will rent for $9 month; ground cleared and nicely fenced. 5c fare to city. Phone Mar shall 3506. SOME BARGAIN One and one fourth acres: 9 blocks Irvlngton clubhouse. $4000; . $2000 can remain. Restricted, f t 0 ti 450. City. -i runt BAiJi a room house, iot o0x50, good barn; has cement floor, water works and electric lights; located at 74 Garfield ave. .- -' $6s9 WILL buy 4 room ceiled bouse ton 60x100. use of 100x100. on 78th and Halsey; easy terms. Phone Broad way 1668 ' - (91504 room nonse, completely fur nished. Bull. Run water, electrie lights. Near carllne and school. M 187, Journal. SNAP room furnished house and lot for sate, w. on an. scoti line, ' L TJndvUl, Milwaukee, Or. Box $04, Route 2. ' FIVE room modern house, nicely fur inished, lot 40x120. 20 ft alley ; fin neighborhood; must sell; a snap; $1260. Come and see it. Tabor 3029. HOUSE 7 rooms, new, cost $4000; lot cost $1600; street improvements $260. Need money; $3250 takes It Terms. 410 Ban way rjxonange. $1776 PRETTY, new, S room bunga low, easy terms. wwiwr,. journal. t iaa linn r-AKW NEW HUNf5AIVV Toak floors, strictly modern. 109 3 FA 25th, N. . '" ' lt)R SALE 4 room house, plastereo, .nrMTivond ave. 1 block Wood stork J ran $860; easy terms. Woodlawn 1060, I kieW bungalow Just completed. 1214 1 . Kodney ave.,,- riedmont . by. owner. Woodlawn -190s. FOR SALE HOUSES t i i (Con tinned) -L'r-, 56 CASH Six room cottage, 120 per month on balance. No tntereat need be paid for- two years. ' Two years lntrnt f r. && bo mm on all Pay- rnents in excess of contract. Price or palace is f'2480. Sold In 191 for $2600. This Is a chance to get aAouse cn easy payments that is not over priced. Hef- rences required. 1233 Northwestern yHn bid. 5 ROOM BUNGAIiOW. 1476. Up against It. I must move. My modern home on 7lst St., near Gllsan st carllne; fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, laundry trays, large porch. Cost me $2450: will sell for 11476. terma. Phona Broadway 16&S. 1 AM COMPELLED to dispose of my nearly new 6 room bungalow, all modern" conveniences, large attic, 1 hlock from Peninsula pari on Missis sippi ave. If you have a little money I will surprise you in price. Would take auto as firat payment. Broad wav 1661. LeaUtIfUL rose city bungalow Six rooms, bath, full basement, ga rage, sleeping porch, furnace, elec, and fas. 60x100 lot; deal with owner, cost 3500, sell $3000. terms. W-689. Journal FOR SALE LOTS 10 FOR SALE The best vacant quarter block in Walnut Park, street im provements all Paid for. This prop erty belongs to a nonresident and must be sold at once. D-977. Journal. $00 BEAUTIFUL, lota in Mllwaukie; bu , xar fare; light, gas and water; $20 cash and $10 per month. H. G. Stark weather. Rlsley station. Phone Oak Grove 1-X. CORNER lot 63x100 on Union ave.. old building on property contains enough fumber for 2 bungalows; price $3100; terms. N. I. Farnsworth. 67' Oak. FOR SALE Two fine 50x100 lots in Woodmere: $600 Tabor 4 562. ACKEAGR LARGE country home sites and acre age. Just outside city. Large sites, $400. Payments $1 down and $1 week. No B-ravel fina noil Bull Run water and sightly. On tract Sundays. Take j Alberta car to Simpson, walk 8 Diccaa east of Kennedy new school to 4 2d. Cary. 311 Panama bldg. Gibson Halt Acres Good soil, city water, close to car line easy terms: will build to suit pur chaser. Phone Marshall 1685 or Sell wood 476. John II. Gibson, owner. 40 ACRE8 $1400. On macadam road, fine soil, only 86 miles from Portland. Can be bought on terms. AKERSON. GOOCH CO.. 605 Stock Exchange bldg, FOR SALE OR TRADE 11A acres cleared. 10 miles from Portland, 1 mile south of Aloha. Or., on Sou. Pac, 4th St. Electric. Address owner, J. A. Johnson. Aloha, Or, CHICKEN, FRUIT GARDEN ranches near Portland, 2, 6, 10 acre tracts, best soil, good 'roads, near electric, $B ta $200 per acre, easy terms. McFar- - Dy ' 160x100 LOl, Heed college district.. and 4 BLOCKS with 3 acres adjoining, 10 acres rood apple land, Hosier Junction City, Or., cheap, terms. U-!distrtct. near -Columbia highway, Total 747, Journal. . I incumbrance $830. Will exchaofe for ACRE tracts on carline, near cltFi bouse equity. Kellwood 1036. ; ' ''- .J1.0 rad: 5,fa"ni Pr nionth. 2 ACRES, all Improved, near -city 6 Int. Owner. 617 Chamber of Com. llmith, 10c fare. 6 room house. Price SELL cheap, close in S or ' 10 acres 12000; will take clear city lots for Part. with 800 cords of wood. Tabor 4787 605 Stock Exchange bldg,i JdaiJl SUBURBAN ACREAGE 7U 44 ACRES WITH HOUSE. On new hard surfaced Base Line road, about 7 miles from city, 6 :50m house, large porch, crood well s rr.B 1 ' a AT Tf . "'"c iu , Bioviuu avavtiuu, win neu tneap ana. iv uu iua, SNAP FOR CHICKEN RANCH OR GARDEN. 1 acre or lens, in city limits, 4 blks. from car. 6c tare. 6 room house. CHICKEN RANCH. Nearly new 6 room house, near Gresham, 1 acre or less, at sacrifice sjtle, easy terms. UMBDENSTOCK & LARSON CO.. uawy. tons. 306 Oak st. FOR SALE FARMS 17 BUY FIVE ACRES and plant part in loganberries. They thrive in Oregon and can be profitably raised for juice or for drying. We have cleared Dench and bottom lands, one mile to good valley railroad town; frhest soil, creek and springs: good roads; employment: schools. Five acres with houte, $25 down, $10 month; unimproved lands at less. Let us show you. J. R. Oharp, S36 8d et., room 657, Portland, Or. FOR SALE 183 acres, Willamette valley. Polk county: rolllne: in cul- I iivauon, except iw acres pasture; buildings, fencing, good family or- ' $ ff'- PteL01? l'L,?il 3 miles to river shlpplntr point: clos ing an estate; rare bargain. For fur ther information, address Dr. S. A. Mu'kuy. Central Point, Or. 12 ACRES. $2600; good house, fair i outbuildings. 7 acres In crop, gar-1 den and small fruits; Vt mile from rnllwav atatlon 2 rhnrnhes. srad and high schools; $1000 down, balance in 10 equal yearly payments at 0 Per cent Writ or call at once. C. M. Rees. Amity. Or. L.AD cit c TTa ,w n I iof?o n?Afr1" rBtlv lmoroved. roll-I inCnchd? aslindTlfor 1 I Pn:fU ihttn or trnatu- will sell rhean for cash or trade for acreage near supplies, 1 block to public school, M Portland or city lots; might take city I block to high; living rooms In resr; lots ss part payment; value $2500, , doing good business. 416 6th st. coi Write owner, Jos. Karch, Alsea, Or. ner Hall. ''"1 OVER 400 acres for $16,000. The own- er of this land, having determined to sell on account of family trouble, is offering it at about half its value; it is located in Benton county witnin Z miles of gooa town; nas suostaniiai buildings and is good soil; $10,000 can run to suit buyer, m-4s, journal. $3000 buys 42 Vi acres (17 acres in cul tivation), house, barn, farming im plements, team, cow and calf, chickens, ducks.. etc.; fine creek, wood enough on place to pay for it; 4 miles from Esta cada; $1500 cash; rent on terms If taken now. FX-742. Journal. 45 ACRES Must foe sold witnm 10 days; no fair offer rejected. For description write or see W. C, Watters, Brush Prairie. ONE of the best $5 acre farms in Clarke Co.. Wash., all cleared, a miles from town. VX-676, Journal. FARM of 240 acres lor sale or rent, with stock, crop and tools. Address LX-921. Journal. FARMS WANTED RENT OR BUV 3 I WANT to rent a farm. 60 to 150 acres; some In cultivation and bal QTtf. arnrut naature: stood barn and house! will pay good rent tor rignt lace. Address lsis ta. join st. -on- nd. Or. WANT, to list medium sised farms ia valley; nave pyecu cuiiura ers. Qatewood. 166 4th. H OM KS1 KA OS RELINQUISHMENl 320 cre. worth SZOVU; UI ijiwy. i-eriy ai 1 fenced with three 13 gauge, barbed wires; located about t miles from Malheur, Or.; 3 of the best mares In the country, 2 of them weigh- 1660 each; the other 1460, fat and fine; house, barn and well, -farming tools, practically all new, one 3i wlda tire wagoh. one 14 In. John Deere pi ow, 6 steel shares.: 1 harrow, l cultivator, wood, posts, axes, saws. . bar, 3 horse blankets, shovels, forks, 0 rolls chicken wire, wagon jack, 26-3 Marl In rifle, 6 Spool new 12 gauge barb wire, 2 dou ble sets of good heavy breeching har and other articles; about 40 acru broke and 28 of it seeded to srainj drilled; zi cnicaens, aooui youns chicks. -The first party that sees Ithl opportunity will aura grab It, Will explain reasons for selling privately. Must sell at once. Come to: Mai neu r and ask at Charles Morfltt'a store to be directed to Charles Nemeth'a place, or i wri te me. Charles : N emetu, Mal heur, orL LAST . chance; get a $10,000 timber ' claim for $oQ. , Leave .Tuesday. wooaiawn -s 1 4T Two Good Relinquishments 160 acres each, timber and meadow. 4 miles from town, good soil; llesiln no rook; in the Deschutes valley. fe photo,. Party who lives there is here , price $250. - ,1 411 HENRY BLDG ; EXC11AAGK -ItKulL KSTAT1C ill 820 ACRES. 800 la cultivation" goti barn, house and outbuildings fair; no rock or gravel; creek and springs. 2 miles to station. The best buy or part trade in the valley at $60 .pet acre. ?. , 215 acres. 90 cultivated. 40 Irt tim ber, running water, fine soil,' new buildings. $80 per acre; two third . . . . i Apartment house in Portland," in come $100 per month; excbange-for stock ranch. 240 acres. 80 slashed. 20 cleared, balance cedar; exchange, $16 per acre. $1600 stock of goods for Portland house. $9000 stock of general merchandluo for income property or farm. ! KINNEY, room 17. 165 4th St. 1 FOR SALIC OJi THAhK Ideal home, ft mile of Hood; River, unincumbered; 12 acres, 4 acres or-1 chard, bearing; balance meadow; fine creek running through it. Good 10 j room modern house, private water sys-t tern, barn and other bldgs.; wagon, f farming implements, etc. Would 'Con sider trade for hay land or would srtw' good terms. C. E. Glase, owner, lluou! River, Or. . FIVE room modern new bungalow,! Irvlngton Park. $2260; vacant lots or house up to $1200, or small payment j down. jS" ,-.. 20 acres all cultivated. It mll,' roruanai vaiue sfuuo; nous or lots, il'UOO. 15 acres, cutlvated. at Hy. station, $2000; 6 room bungalow or small piece value $1:100, balance mortgage, . ,L UAJKWUDU," IB ft Ml 4 th CROOK CO. STOCK RANCH. - . 160 acres irrigated, close to Govt, reserve, raiiKu tor thousands t of cat tle, plenty water, good bldgs.. lmpio- inents. SO head cattle, 10 hogs, tui - keys, chickens, everything for 13.0li; want a little cash, balance in valley property. E. A. Easley. 212 Selling hing. I MATILLA CO. WHEAT RANCH. 820 acres, close to Pendleton, excel lent property, clear of debt, owner ha made money cnouch to retire from this place, is now willing to let you - da likewise; will accept half In good Port land property, balance 6 years -6. Value $40 per acre. E. A. Easley. Sli Selling bldg. I .v- FOR SALE OR TRADE1 1 . 22 aero improved farm at erifloe, near city limits: creek runs through land; near hardsurfaced road and lti carfare; take clear city property? cash as part payment. 428 Lumber Exchange bldg. j. TRADE for auto or piano player or for something useful and some cash, 80 acres tine timber, e room lo house; make fine hunting lodge ' or Mummer home, in Cascades, i Phone Mar. 4737. - 6765. NICE $4600 home to trade for small place in country; my property is clear of encumbrance. Holland & Co., 436 Plttock block. Phone Broadway 1. FOR SALE, rent or exchange ior city property. 4, 0 room modern, noua aim ft aero in uresnam, vaiue aauuu. Box !d04, (irenham, Or. 3 A., clear. 30 min. out. some im provemeiils, $1650, for 10 or more A. further out, same value. 1107 Glenn s ve. N. FO.U R room cottaee. 80x100: 7 robot semi-modern house, 100x100, la goodj repair; exenange ror rooming ot apart ment house. U-291. Journal. 1 $400 EQUITY in improved Idaho acre-1 ago ror Portland lot or acre, Sell wood 1112. ! -' 4t) ACRES land: no debt; want house eoulty. V-lai, Journal' WANTKD ;KAL KSIAtK HI PRIVATE party desires to purchase first mortgage or seller's equity 4a real emaie cuniract. .-ma, journal. W K Wir.I, KRI.T, OR LOAN MONEY ON YOUR LOT?. J. C. CORBIN CO., LEWIS BLDG. ROOMING HOUSKS 53 FOR SALE By the owner, 18 rooms, nicely furnished for housekeeping; email amount casn, terms. 40s Jelter- j 1 w. FURNISHED rooming house, Front st., cheap rent. 712 Chamber Corn mcrj-e. ' LAKOB board and rooming house to exchange for city income property or acrpage. Call 623 Henry bldg. - ' 9 ROOMS, all housekeeping, rent $ii. Marshall 747. ; ; '-:.. '-,' $60 18 rooms, 601 Harrison, Inquire 330 I6tn or phone Mam dpz. 10 ROOM rooming house, furnished, for rent cheap. 492 Clay, . , , nv vvfv:v.nii hr,,- rm- ciose in. Marsnaii z&4. HI KINKS.s Oi l h viilK.-s 'Ztt l.mH'P fnfrv c-nnt ertlonarv aehant ONE billiard, b pool tables, together with stock and fixtures, located in good live town; worth $1300; will take $1000. For particulars write M. M Duke, camas, wasn. BLACKSMITH SHOP, Fully equipped. Electric fwrwer. Best opening in Willamette valley. Plenty of work. A bargain. Writs for particulars. P. McDonald. St. Paul, Or, FOR SALE Meat market, good lively" valley town of 3000. Dally sales, $40. Rent $16. Good reasons fori selling. DX-675, JournaL : . FOR sale or trade, a modern up-to-date Creetons auto. popcorn wagon. For price, terms, etc.. address H, loth and A St.. Corvallis, Or. WANTED Partners with $2000 In! wholesale produce business. Good salary with one-half of profits to right party. X.-969, Journal. 4 $160 BUYS half iiterest In an estab lished wage payiivtf business that is getting better right long. i Hustler can learn'f good trade. . 352 3d. GEN ERAL merchandise store in email town. 12 mtles from Portland; only store In vicinity. Call Marshall 1614. Nn ne-ents. GROCERY Invoice $ZO00; sales, $1600 per month; old established, west side; no agents. G-785. Journal. - ' 260 PROFIT absolutely guaranteed. Best contract on state or county rights ever offered. Jt-7B, journal. OWNED and operated six years now for sale. Enterprise Cleaners, 23d and Northrnp sis. . . BHOH store and repair shop for sale cheap, account of sickness. Watrous, 4Blt WOOdStoca aye. GOOD opening foa ladles' and gents tailor; established business. 2-38$, Journal. .. , . , BEFORE you buy see what I have for your money in stores and hotels. FOR SALE one saw mill ana, 000 feet of timber. Address Dupsy Lumber Co.. Butte Falls. Ore. BARBER SHOP Good two chair shop at a bargain for quick sale. 108 Vi N. 3d st. FINE stamps, hinges, albums, etc. 8 a, m.- p. m. Columbia Stamp Co 64 North 16th st. Main 7680. BUSINESS CARDS. 1 Rose City Printing Co Third st, cor. Taylor. I fct.MBING shep tor sate, will in- 1 ' . ' '" . L..1.. J 1 voice stock. 6X37 roster Koao. YOUNG man, partner real estate. Cai. today. 24i t:oucn st DAIRY for sale, .selling $750 "milk per . month. Address 1316 E. 20th at. '(Coaunned urn, Mxt Fag ' HOMESTEADS (Coatlaaed) -