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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1916)
ft THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. tORXLANP THURSDAY, -MAY. 11. 196. t - 20. HELP WANTED MALE AND : . . , FEMALE I 4 MOLER BARBER COLLEGE inntm tnn and woman to learn the ptli hlli learning; tools fro; i oaiclooa secured: ummtr rata; write "T -cetslegus. 4 N. 2dft. kjHLER Barber school want men Knl Miun I n learn barber trade f ree a week. Poaitiona secured. Fay Df rum learning. in. go at. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE Men and women to learn barber trade free, i tit Madison at. , V f WANTED AGENTS WANTED 4 experienced tea and cof fte solicitors. Call at Crown Tea Co.. Mississippi. , ciOOU live hustlers; an easy ael tntf proposition; liberal commission; quirk aalew, 80 Orand ave. j -i'l ' glTIIATIONSMALE 3 ENERGETIC young single man. with aonia shop experience, wlahea posi tion in machln shop where he can learn trw trade; salary secondary con sideration: can furnish refer ences. a "8. Journal. 'LIVE grocery cler nd gents' furnish a lng gooda man, u years xpeiince. "wall recommended, married. 762 Blair st., TSugene. or. iVUMi't.TKWT anop mechanic i , ChAuf.eurs furnished by Y M. C. fliiffi .ehon! Mntn 70K VBJ l nil A 'WANTED Work by young man; drug " store clerking preferred; referencea. Ph. F. Phone wen, avv. ,-XOUNQ man 20 desires poBitlon, - wholesale business preferred, .ood- Mftwn 1842. . . 'lKACTICAL painter, tlnter and paper ' banger and decorator; -reduced pricea for 80 days. Bel I wood 2 772. 'LOntraCtOl platrlng. brick and rementwork 8 Klnrr w.r n liUiKltlNfi. iarerhanging. tinting,, fl ' i , per room . C. " . . .. lupiih. A. Barnes. 5828. Main 6549. I BOY wants work; delivering preferred. 9b, journal ; 1 EVENING work wanted by man; janl 1 tor or restaurant. J-577. JouinaK ! 8IT LAriONS rfcMALE CAPABLE, reliable Swedish woman, ''hey 8, desires housekeeping position. Lcity. $15 month. 60 V4 B. Killings- worth ave. PLAIN sewing, children's especially, . day or home work, reasonable. Mar- Shall 8827. , JdlDDLE AGED lady wants housekeep Tlng or chamber work. Room 20, 3i4 Tamhlll st. yiLL care tor children by day or . eveninr. Main liH. r;ererern-g. WANTED Work of any kind by the hour. Sellwood 668. BY mlddleaged woman, position as housekeeper. hojijra'bt)j941. WANTED Position as" housekeeper. t Phone Main 3315. AN experienced housekeeper in coun ' try or town. Phone Tabor 5875. DAY work any kind. Tabor 6727. DRESSAiAKING ALL kinds dressmaking, remodeling, designing, reasonable. Also instruc tion at Economy Dressmaking parlor and school. 603 Dekum bid. Main 8702. NURSES if ! ; ELECTRIC treatments; your home preferred; trained nurse; ail tnents. Tabor 2213. :t a" ' i MALE nurse; references given.' L. i Lewis. Broadway 2213. H FURNISHED ROOMS : FURNISHED rooms for young men In ! all parts of the cKy. klso in T. M. C. A. bldg-, especially d'rilrable during the ; summer; fire-proof, telephone In each ! room shower baths, $1.75 to $4.75 per week; Including, full association mem- Mrshlp privilegea, gymnasium, swlm V wing pool, hand-ball court, and many t other club privilegea. Full Informatio 1 at Y. M C. A. bualnesa office or tele phone Main 7165 A-S561. , mmmmm isihtel HTH AND WASHINGTON 8TS. t Strictly modern, light, cool rooms, 1 2 to $4 per week: prlvKo hatha. ) ... BACHELOK 8 HO.'tL '4 Everything new and up to date. ' . For men only. Tenth and Washington . Main 6319 Tenth at Oak. Mod. l wk tto I r. tirlt,-'M f 11.60 WEEK up. clean. J fur, rma.. central. 1 i warm, modern e King. 309 Jef- 'IHREE furnished housekeeping rooms for rent, cheap, good. 376 Yamhill. FURNISHED rooms for gentlemen. 64 North 16th., cor. Davis. FURNISHED ROOMS 70 rmzvATB r-AMXLT. i. SUNNY room in strictly modern, beau : j tlfully furnished home, Williams cars ! 'Or 20 minutes' walk. Nothing so fine - in tha city for $5.60 month. 306 Han- COCK. . TWO furnished rooms. 496 Hall. Light and comfy. $jQ-and $15. Call morn'gs FURNISHED room, clean, near R. S. I -7 canine. 14 month. Phone vv din 3 i .-:'. 1 .- WILL furnish room, $1 week. 314 Main ' ' ROOMS AND BOARD 15 r " ' THE HEREFORD, " ' t , 736 737 HOYT ST. ' X quiet residential hotel American . plan Suttea ftingle rooms. Excellent ' table. Main 3305, A-1722. ROOMS AND HOARD PRIVATE FAMXX.T. 72 WALNUT PARK Modern, quiet home ntnt anrrniinrlinos flirv T t rry m a-r.nd tshla hoard: reasonable. "1099 Gar- field ave. Woodlawn 2026. 1W ANTED Care of 1 or 2 children -under 6 years woman. $12 each. by good motherly Main 4122. VANTED ROOM AND BOARD 31 WANTED By young lady employed, .3 meals good home cooking, m vi cinity 20th and Everett ts.. west side. V-785. Journal. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 8 TVyylEHCD AWD UMTURNISHED, ONE room with kitchenette, complete v ly furnished, steam 'heat, running hot and cold water, phone in every room; 7 blocka from 5th and Morrlaon gts til MP 291 Columbia, st. cor. 6th ONE and 2 room, steam heat, clec- , . trie light, bed linen, cooking gas, 8 month up. Free phone and bath. 445 Columbia. L j i- En suite and single bay windows, free j -'light, phone and bath, $6 to $12 per! month. Mercedes. 20th and Morrison. . DOWNTOWN modern H. K. sifitcn. $15 1 -month up. including heat, light, etc. A, Royal Annex. 350H Morrison M. 4621 - RfJITE of housekeeping rooms, private , entrance: no objection to child over . g. 435 Alder, corner 12th. WO housekeeping rooms, $10 per mo. 5454 Washington, near 16th. ST.A'vi Ante x weelc UP- U1 F,rl n MuTSiFree bath. hot. cold wafr i llOUSEKEEPING rooma. all modern. - : 696 Kooney ave. Kaat 1327. . HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 78 , ruuHUHEB and xmnrwunsxno. PRIYATB FAIAXLY. ' . TWO rooms, 17 month; Urge room. kitchenette. light, linen phone, SS ,. month.- - Close tn. 12 18th. 1. AND 2 large modern H. K. rooms, first .i floor, private entrance. 429 Main. tt' WO nice, clean housekeeping rooma, electricity, phone and bath, 210 per montn. 460 far it si. HINOLiB housekeeping rooms, 5-10 dol iars per month. Free bath and phone. 4o Yamniu, between lzth and isth. ISICELT furnished housekeeping room, comfortable for lady. $1.25. Walking distance. 274 Montgomery, PART of pleaeant home; owner going away. 568 Yamhill. Main 4415. WELL furnlahed H. K. room. $1.2$ - 31,Msin.. , . ',Y,-, f ,. t x - , t . , - ' , f, FOR REXT HOUSES 12 I1IIFIJAYM ISHITD. Phone Mar. 400 A-101. MEIER tk FRANK'S RENTAL BUREAU 7TH FLOOR We have at all times a reliable list of houses, flats, apartments, ajetc.. In II parta or the city. Avail yoursen this FREE aervice. information cheerfully furnished. 'l WO lota, S tottut anaca. 12.60 per month, located on (2d at. 'macad amised) uear Eatacada car. Fred W. li.rmin 7:' fhm of Com FOR RENT large yard. K. 8th at. ?lean 4 room cotage Phone East 29 421 WILL lease nine room residence. Nob Hill, welkins distance, block from I Wah ;-374. Journal ! NKW 8 room bungalow. flreoU-rcf ur nace. $16. 82 E. Franklin hi. 28th. $12 MODERN 4 room cottage, and Randy blvd. East 2301. 19th FURNITURE FOR SALE 32 HOUSES FOR RENT llshed In the Houoehold Good a claaa- FtKMSHLU HOUSKS $25 Modern 6 room bungalow for rent. Hawthorne dlbtrlct IU29 East Harrlwon. FIVE room furnished house, all mod ern, nice yard. 464 Flint st. East 1327. FURNISHED 6 room cottage, also 3 room flat, electric, gaa. water heat er. 725 Clinton. FOR RENT Furnished 5 room bunga low, Hawthorne district. Call owner Main S490. FURNISHED 5 room house on car line, 113 with water, phone. Sell. 681. 164 vgrd. room clean, ) 4th and K neatly Oak. furnished. I 118 FOUR room house, clean good furniture, piano, woodiawn 40J4. APARTMENTS 43 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED s--w-wM-i-i'awaMi iwaaeaws-w w The Knickerbocker Apt. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Attractive 3 room fur. and unfur. modern apt. All new furniture, refer ences. Main 1820. 10th and Harrison st. Walking distance. AWkRTMSWT t"0TOH TIr4TM AMD aUU4Oi Ta. I'urHnni , honf f gullty. cucitort and seryH-e VILLA 8T. CLARA 12th and Taylor Modern, completely lurnlshed apts. Walking liiauncs. References. LINCOLN APARTMENTS. CORNER 4TH AND LINCOLN. 2 room furnished apts., with private bath, phone, electric lights and steam heat. $18 to $23. Main 1377. A-4152. MAD1SJON PARK APTB. Part St.. at Madlaon. I Modern 2, 3 and 4 room furnished i apartments, close In. by week or month. THE DEZENDORF 208 16TH ST. Marahall '231. KTIn. c a i . . . ii ilv m loom lur. anu uniur. apis. also 3 and 4 room fur. apts. mm APARTMENTS E. 7th and Taylor ts., 2 and 3 room apts.: light free, private bath. BALBOA APTS. Large modern 2 and 3 room fur. and unfur., brick bldg.. beat aervice. walk- ing oiB. ; reasonaoie. 4Z9 Harrison; aPTe.. ad and iiall Mod ern brick bldg.. 2 rooms, furnlahed private phone in each apt.. $15 and up. Aiarsnau inat. ftLis nusii; Ai'iB., is. w. cor. Belmont and Grand ave., new modern, 2 and 3 room furnished. Service first-class, Walking tiistance. i tin. stix. t z u Broadway t., 3 and 4 room fur. and unfur. apts.. walking distance: at very reasonable rent; best or service. Main 2606. ROSE FRIEND. 286 Broadway a.; moa ern unfurnlsned apts.; large rooms, best service, walking t"wt Marsh. 1410 33.D0 k'b.H weK, i room apt., pnvaiw bath. Harrison Court, 6th and Har rison; walking distance. l it Hi ihasualk, ao jn. 2Utn near Washington, close in; 3 and 4 rooms both phones. Get our summer rates. rz.!iiau Aria.. tii70, concrete bldg. 2 and 3 rooms; hot and cold water, oatns. phone, steam heat 312 up. 3 ROOM furnished apartments: serm rate bath and phone: East side; good location: 317, Tabor 6065. D-1035. TUDOR ARMS Apts., 18th and Coucn Piione A-1644, Main 2559; new brick oing. : z. a. rooms, modern apts. iiie, 1 i 1 LiAfiLj ArAKTMENTiS 2 rm apartments with kitchenette, rea sonable rent. 490 Morrison. Dl EL apts.. 790 East Ankeny, modern, completely furn. apts.; large, light, sunny, clean. E. lights, stm. ht. E. Ih08. MAGNOLIA APTS.. E. 3d and Belmont. Modern 1 and 2 room apts., $1.5u per week ub Sleeping rooms. East 212. NoKoMiS apts. 665 Marshall at. Mod ern, 1 rivate bath and dressing r om; summer rates. WESTFAL, 410 6th st. 3 room apt., private bath and phone, modern brick, $5 week and up. Walking distance. CAMAR, 704 Lovejoy 2 and 3 room apte.. $15. $20. $27 50 Marshall 2917 PinrMnno i Court. 401 10th, 110 modern to $2T v 1 1 1 vi 1 1 1 ict u I 1 apartments. AMERICAN and Marlborough, mod. 4, . 6 rm. apts. Mar. 3360. M. 7516. A-2676 ! LUXOR APTS 324 13th st. Main 8102 Furn. and unfur. 2, 3. 4 room apts ' -3 room apartment, E. 46th St. nice yard. Is CLARK Apts.. 2 rm. fur.; disappearing beds, phone, lights, heat free: 313 up FOR RESTT FLATS 13 $25 LOWER flat. 6 rooms, near Taylor. East 2301. 208 14th, MUTT AND JEFF .T, JEW, COOK AT THAT SPOT 064 rAr VMlTDRJA. 1- GOTT C6T Y T " 13 tCoatlant - MODERN 7 room flat, $1. Cornell st.. off lid and Washington. Main 44, : FURNISH Dl FLATS SO 4 ROOM, mahogany fur., fireplace, hardwood i floors, close In. refer ences; $1. 844 Kenton at- WELL furnlahed 6 room flat, furnao and fireplace, gas and electric fea tures, rererem-es. Marsnau CLEAN, heated furnished i room up stalre flaf. T2 N. 23d st. Mar. 7. STORES AND OFFICES 11 BRICK warehouse In South Portland for rent, trackage, light and airy. On paved street; reasonable. Journal PtihMhtr.w fn HroMdwev and Temh,ll. WANTED TO ItyNT 7 VANTED?rrent irm furnished houae for year, west side east of tOfh: references. T-668. Journal. HORSES, VEHICLES. ETC lg OR horses and eniciea. dogs and household pets and poultry, read the ads under these respective headings. The Journal leada all other medium in fhiwe I'iassfflcations HANDSOME young bay family horse. weight about 1150 lbs., almost new buckboard and harness; must be sold at once; buyer must guarantee a good home I0'.'f K. Yamhill st. GOOD farm team, heavy harness, one big mare 7 years old; 1 small horse, at your own price. Call 799 Michigan. Take Mississippi car to Falling. COLUMBIA stables, 302 Front. Good rigs ami sadd?e horses for hire. Main 3030. DEAD horses and animals hauled away free. Call Wood lawn 20. Portland Rendering Co. GOOD, sound, true team. 2400 lbs.. 3 Inch farm wagon and harness. SI 75. RHleih st. stables. 16th and Raleigh. W A:Tfc.L One Phone Wdln. good :09. top buggy. DEAD HORSES and cattle taken free. Tabor 4203. LIVESTOCK 5 FIVE extra good fresh cows 3 to 5 tears. grace uuernseys ana jerseys. 4 to 4 gals, extra rich milk. Sell cheap or trade for beef cows. 1130 Macadam st. South Portland car, end of line, 1 block south, 1 east. 3 FRESHr Jersey cows giving 4 gal. milk per day; extra good for family cows; also 2 Durhams and 1 Holstein, fresh good dairy cows. 793 East Main st., near 24th st. HOLSTEIN in good condition, cheap for cash: terms to responsible party. C C. Andrews, house at Vineyard sta- tlon. Oregon City car. FOR SALlfi Fre&h cow with calf, 1U miles east Concord station. Oregon City line. William Oetken. FRESH, young large Jersey. 4i gal. cow, test .2. bi fc.. wasnington. TWO fine-Jersey cows for sale. 1200 8. Ivanhoe st.. St. Johns. S. J. Gray. POULTRY AND PIGEONS 37 CHICKS, Wrhite Leghorns now ready, big hatches, large chicks, quality A-l, bred for high egg production, hatched by 'Master incubator, easy to raise Master Hatchery, 415 Jessup st.. Portland. Or. woooiawn car or pnon.j wood lawn 344. f WHITE Leghorn baby cnicks from nroved heavy laying stock: May de livery, $8 per 100; we guarantee safe arrival. The Pioneer Hatchery. Peta- luma. Cal. HOMING pigeons for sale or trade for bantam chickens. bZi a.. Monawa. Colutnhja 437. BARRED Rock Wdln. 2397. eggs, incubator lota DOGS. BIRDS, PETS. ETC. 40 THOROUGHBRED Irish setter pups. bred from a hunting strain of dogs eligible to registration in American Field. 5120 E. 45th. cor. 62d ave. Take Woodstock car. PEDIGREED ENGLISH bull dog. 16 months old, 1 female pointer and 1 male pointer, sell cheap if taken at once. 244 Washington gt. Mrs. Lee. ALTOMOiilLES-ACCESSORfES 44 FINE ELECTRIC CAR. Battery :ln A-l condition, new motor; a bargain at $250. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO.. 21st and Washington sts. LAHERCQ Mfg. & repairs. 3000 guarant'd springs In stock. prlceB reduced. 34 N. 15th st. AUTO AND GARAGE. $290. 5 pass. Studebaker. 20 h. p. top, wind shield. Warner speedometer, new Urea, fine condition, easy and cheap to run. Portable garage. Tabor 3040. TRUCK SELDEN. 1 ton, like new. cost $225.1. for $950 Terms if desrred. OAKLAND AUTO CO., 16th and Alder. FIERCE-ARROW CHASSIS. with stake delivery body; makes' a dandy 1 ton truck; a bargain. 363 Oregon st. Kact 1912 25 II. P. model 3o Bulck roadster to trade for diamond: nothing less than IV kt. will be considered; value of car $350. Q-9K6, Journal. USED motors, parts, tires, accessories. less than half price of original coat. Auto Wrecking Co.. 271 Front. Main 1939. 1916 OVERLAND, 5 pass., model "83.", first elaes condition, 2 extra tires. 363 E, Oregon St. East 7222. 1911 Overland, good condition good tires all round; J195 cash. Call 304 Hovt st after 6 P. M. USED CAR MARKET. West Park and Stark. 1910 Cadillac, 1913 Overland. 1912 Marmon. Snaps. GET OUR PRICES ON PAINTING. BROADWAY AUTO PAINTING CO.. 31 Broadway North, near Burnslde. FOR USED CARS VISIT Covey Motor Car Co., Main 6244 21st and .Washington. SPEED bug, sell for cash or exchange for light 5 pass. 325 Washington St. It Might Have Worked Vj Vfti 1 AtC tACWH Chow 0? ) V0O ARC IACWN6- 5TirAENT FOB RENT FLATS cr y X. aaaaasa AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 44 OptfedlL eveby;u8ed ra have from roadster to seven- passenger has been couipletely overhauled and repainted and new tires equipped. Your chance to get a gooff car at the lowest pries and terms. H, L, feats Auto Co, Broadway at Burnslde Phone Broadway 5363 Gasoline 18c Per Gallon. CADILLAC. 1911 . $450 S passenger.. 575 OVERLAND. 1916. OVERLAND. 1914. electric starter and lights 475 MICHIGAN. 1914, electric starter and lights SoO WARREN. 1913. electric lighted.. 400 MAXWELL. 1913 350 Bulmage-Manley Auto Co. 46-48 20th St., near Washington. Marshall 1699. A-1299. TME iLHiiSSilLE BROADWAY AND COUCH. BARGAINS IN USED CARS STUDEBAKER Six. series 17, Uae new. exceptional bargain at $1050. PACKARD, 7 passenger, excellent con dition. 1916 body, only $1000. COLE 40, good mechanical condition, newly painted, electric lights, snap, $500. OTTO Special 5 passenger, to anyone wanting a high grade lightweight car this is an exceptional oppor- tunity. $450 OVERLAND, 1912, roadster, first class condition $250 STUDEBAKER. 4, 1914, touring car. overhauled, repainted, new top ....$475 OVERLAND "33." 1914, touring car. electric starter and lights.. 42o Oregon Motor Car Co. STUDEBAKER DISTRIBUTORS. Park and Davis Sts PARAGES $30 and up. Portable hou ses, chicken houses, wood sheds, etc. M 1 1 1 m a d e Con structlon Co. Main 1167. 544 Hood st. Sundays and evenings, Woodlawn 3615. OVERLAND, electric starter and lights $425 Studebaker 6 cyl., late model 7 10 Ford touring 250 Mitchell, 7 pass. 6 cyl 325 Studebaker, E. M. F. chassis 175 Terms if desired, OAKLAND AUTO CO., Main 414. 16th and Alder. EVER-READY 1 ton truck; attachm't. $360; tru'k comp. $775. Mfar in Prt THAYER-SHAVER-GULLEY MACHINE CO. 193 East Water St. Phone East 7437. I WILL SELL a 1914 Reo, Just like new for $550, cn easy terms. Call Mr, Hemphill. Broadway 887. OUR USED CAR LIST INCLUDES 1915 Overland. Six. Pierce-Arrow 36, also "48" 7-pass. Haynes, late model. Dodge touring car. Hudson roadster. White roadster. Many others. Prices right. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO.. Main 6244. WILL TRADE A HIGH CLASS 7-PASSENGER CAR WITH ELECTRIC LIGHTS AND STARTER FOR LIGHT CAR. NORTHWEST AUTO COMPANY. Broadway and Couch Sts. BEK our stock of -ford delivery bodies, also auto wheels, our own make; guaran teed. Carl Peterson, 121 Grand ave. north. rst 1433. FOR SALE. A number of light cars at your own price and terms. NORTHWEST AUTO COMPANY, 331 Couch St. Near Broadway. DOUBLE tread, puncture proof tires made from your old ones. Bring them in. Oregon Vulcanizing Co., Waah. at 18th. Burnslde at Broadway. (335 Burnslde.) Let Ua Solve lour spring Trouble. Guaranteed wasminotom carriage. Springs. cor. Union and Bel mont. E. 1305. IF it's scrap rubber or metals and you want the highest price, phone J. Leve, 186 Columbia.- Main 6198. MONEY loaned on automobiles used cars bought and sold. 605 Alder. ELECTRIC coupe, fine 325 Washington st. shape. $100. 4 TON Studebaker auto express, good tires; will trade for Ford. East 7039. in 1616? but Not in 1916 s - ft..'3P g a. ee, w nose 'rA.AOR.Tt- 500U M. SHOULD NDU MO0P- pyy rtLe.OK.rTIISfj, HIS TR.I ce4"re.rN lAv. o Si ' , ' - " v" I r . I . t Caevghfcr. . 11 ..VC. , liUTOMOIULES - ACCESSOILIES 44 (Ooattamsd) Used Auto Snaps LIBERAL, TERMS GIVEN. :16 MITCHELL, 7 passenger. cylinder, used very little. J 91 4 MITCHELL, 6 passenger. 6 cylinder, nearly new. 1914 IMEPERIAL. 6 pass.. 4 cyl. 1912 MITCHELL. 6 passenger. 6 cyl inder. Overhauled, and painted. Above cars have electric starter and lights. 1912 MITCHELL, 2 pass.. cyL 1912 CASE. '6 pass.. 4 cyL 1912 MAXWELL. 5 pass . 4 cyl. 1912 VELIE. 2 pass.. 4 cyl. 1911 STODDARD. 6 pasa.. cyL Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Cp. E. 1st and E. Morrison sis. East 7272. B-1216. AUTOMOBILES .WANTED 7H WILL trade my $900 equity In 20 acre farm for 1916 Dodge car; will give an even trade if car is in good condi tion, a bargain. Write W. L. DavU, Sherwood, Or. W 1 LL pa ay highest cash prices ior H. O. Peck Garage. 1063 Haw- b ords thorne Phone WANTED A bug in good running con dition. State price and terms. J. n. Portland hotel. WANT 4 trucks 10 haul wood, $1.75 and $2 per cord. Call Sell wood 233 7 after 6 p. m. WANTED Good 1913 or 1914 road ster; will pay-cash. X-768. Journal. WANT automobile: have vacant lots to trade or sell. N-371. Journal. WANTED Private garage near East 11th and Hancock. Pohne E. 2794. WOULD like to buv 1914 or 15 Ford of private party. X-77 2, Journal. " CASH for Ford: not over $300. Quick deal. Main 58S7. AUTOS FOR HIRE 52 GENTLEMAN owning Cadillac desires party of three toemotor to San Fran cisco. Los Angeles or San Diego. Ex perienced chauffeur and acquainted with best scenic routes. Address J. A. H.. U-290, Journal. CAREFUL driver, reasonable rate. Ford. Woodlawn 3293. MOTORCYCLES BICT(ESS5 WANTED Best twin Indian motorcy cle that $75 cash will buy: Jos. Bino, Shelburn. Or. Bicycles & motorcycles bought & sold. R. H. Blocker. 276 Taylor, cor. 4th st 1914 2 speed electric equipped Indian, $150. 630 K. 8th st. 8. Sellw. 956. LA LACHES AND HOATS 4 FOU SALE on Coos Bay, Or., steamet Powers, especially adapted for tow ing; 124 feet ove.r all by 24 foot beam; excellent condition, fully equippeu with electric lights, steam steering gear, search lights, etc., plenty of power. Communicate with Coos Bay Lumber Co.. Syndicate Building. Oak land. Cal. EV1NKUDE rowboat and canoe mo tors, rowboats, canoes, motorboats f- - our beautiful motor boat and en gin? for $143.00. Evlnrude Motor Co Moved to 211 Morrison et. HOUSEBOAT. attractive. modern. complete, beautifully finished inter ior. 32 Willamette Moorage. Sell. 194. T. UANIKlSUiN Boat Shop, 1 1. Nebraska. Building, repairs, uest work, low price. PIANOS, ORGANS ANI AlXEICAL INSTRUMENTS 44 WE WILL CLOSE OUT TOMORROW 1 $35 Phonograph at $10.00 2 345 PhonoeraDhs at 36.00 1 $40 Phononraph at $6.00 1 35 Disc Talking Machine at... 7.o? 1 $100 Disc Cabinet at $55.0') 1 $35 Phonograph $10.00 PCHWAN PIANO CO., Ill Fourth St. BEFORE purchasing see our Specials In Used Piano Bargains. New t?o pianos mc pianos mod'ately prlcd FISCHER. Shonninger. Haddorf. An drew Kohler and other pianos and player pianos, terms to suit your con venience, mail me a card and I will call. A. J. Dorand. agent, locattd at wholesale house of Kohler & Chase, 9th and Hoyt sts., Portland, or. $::. $65. $95. $110 ana $145 cash se cures old and new models. Chicker lng, Haines Bros., Heinze, Hallet & Da vis and Knabe pianos closed out at once by Security Storage Co., 109 4th HAVE your piano tuned, repaired, refln Ished by professional men. Satlsfac t.on guaranteed. Portland Piano Tuning, Rev. & Mtg. Co.. 246 Hawthorne. E. 1072 MAHOGANY upright piano almost new. cheao. or will trade for Vic trola. Evenings Tabor 2962. or S-961, Journal. UPRIGHT piano, standard make, very - reasonable; wun terms to respon slble party. 643 Oregon hotel. $46 CASH buys small Boudoir uprl tomorrow at Security Storage 109 4th st. fib CASH secures Sau mahoaany pianola player at Security storage t:o.. 109 4tn st. FREE uae of piano or player piano 2hi years. See display adv.. or Schwan Piano C. Ill 4th st. 350 Granhonola. fumed oak finish, and 15 records. $28 cash. W-996. Jour nal TYPEWRITERS 77 WE save you from 60 to 75 on all makes of typewriters. Send for our Illustrated folder; retail ccpartment WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO. 321 Washington et. TYPEWRITERS for rent. 3 months for 15 and ud: 6 months' rental applied on purchase price. Remington Type writer - CO.. croaaway OLIVER typewriter, practically new $100 machine for $35 cash. 216 N Ivanhoe st., St. Johns. NEW rebuilt, rates. P. D. C. 2d hand, rentals, cut Co.. 231 Stark. M. 140 rucoowl : ("Our DAMNED f rVOQoifc.y a re,tv rouT5 nror; j VJR0 ft II X f . - ' I m SsV I 'A w k I n I wmtm SPest i i 'n i wi'l-KY a I 1 I at am W 7 A ' T af I -ox, spot! .i -"i W I' L3T--Vfl HOUSEHOLD GOODS for SALE 63 FURNITURE of room house for sale reasonable. 377 B. 2d st-. near Lin coln. $16 Iron bed. $3 iron coil spring, both 1. v.b K. Main. Hawtnome car FURNISHINGS of 4 rooms to highest bidder. Apt. 112. 725V4 Powell. FOR HALE Furniture of 8 room flat, all good. 26 H N. 10th st. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 (BUUffl-W BARS We are cleaning out our big stock of second hand sewing machines. AH D)ru; nnaranteed Main 1846 349 Morrison st. MicHlNkh at all makes sold for less. . No agents employed, aaacmne reni m1 tl Mr ma A-3626 M.94J1. Sawing Machine Emporium. 1 $0 Id iL, near Taylor. rented. juaeciric motor mmu Electric Motors Rnniht mnA rented and re paired. Walker Electric Works. 413 Burnslde. cor. 10th. Broadway or A-5674. "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS,-' "Type writers" an t "Household Gooda" are separate classifications. All adver tlsement of these goods are published under thel respective classifications. Look them over. 10 DROPHEAD Sineer be wm a ma chines, complete with attaenments. m good order. SI 7.50 while t.iev last, East 2359, B-3307. E. R. Steen. 152 Grand ave., near Belmont. WANTED To fit your eyes so that you get all that's coming to you out of life; nrices very reasonable. '"Im the Jeweler. ..l lU.uDUILt,, motorcycles, launches or boats are separate classifications. large listing can be found under these different classifications. $5:; E W 1 N G MACHINES. all kinds, all makea. guaranteed. 9 Morrison st Main 1845. MACHINERY bought, sold, repaired and exchanged. Northwest Lead & Mach. Co.. 311 Front st. Main 6492. HERRICK ice chest for sale, practi cally new, i0 lbs. capacity; price rea sonable. 207 Morrison. Main 6830. WAYNE gasoline pumps and oil stor age tanks. E. ti. Kueppeu, Agu. i 1st Main 1221. PHONOGRAPHS. 36; records 6c. Phonograph Record Exchange. 128 1st, near Alder. Main 4495. $12.50 DROPHEAD sewing machine. with attachments. call lbz urana ave. FOR SALE English perambulator in good condition; used only snort time. $10. Phone Tabor 2761. 264 E. 52d St. TENT and fly, 10 by 12, for sale cheap. 1042 K. 15th St. CHILD'S iron bed and mattress, good condition $4. Wdln. 831 COMPLETE Edison; outfit for sale or trade. 128 1st et., near Aider. SWAP COLUMN S3 $49 CANVAS glove dies anj block. complete: Dig money maae. ivnui ave you Box 56. Rainier, Or. WILL exchange dining room table. rocker or other turmture ior iruna. Tabor 377. Call 4118 63d St.. 8. E. 7ANTED MISCELLANEOUS .1 PHONE Sellwood 1549 when you want to sell your furniture. We come at rinca and nav vou in casn. 11. rt. Beater. 286 Grand ave. south or Haw thorne. WANTED Second hand furniture ranges and stoves. Best prices paid. Morgan Furniture Co.. 390 ht Mor rison st. Phone East 223t. WANTED The ,.ople of Portland to know I pay th highest cash prices for household gooas. rrompi aiienuon. East 6707. N. M Seator.143 Russell st. HIGHEST cash prices for diamonds, old gold, silver, platinum, watches. Kodaks, jewelry or ail kinds. J. uoiuen, 167 1st at. NO!".CE TO MOVERS. Wanted Stoves, rockers, dressers, rugs, couches, chairs, tables, etc. We Pav the price. N. W. Furn. Ex. E. 636. CASH for household goods, stoves, ranges merchandise, 1000 things to trade. N. Y. Bargain House, 128 1st, near Alder. CASH for SHOTGUNS, RIFLES, or trade something useful. 12S 1st, near Alder. Main 4496. W:E buy phonographs and records, also player piano music. 128 1st. Main 4495, near Alder. WANTED Floor case, computing scales, store and office furniture. 128 1st. near Alder. Main 449.. WILL PAY CASH FOR . SECOND-HAND HOUSEHOLD GOODS. PHONE MAIN 3332. A-2567. CASH for old gold, silver, platinum and high grade ore. H. M. Pickering, mfe. ieweler 218 Orearonlan bldg. $1 YOUR watch repaired, no matter how badly broken. $1; all work guar an t eed. Howard Jewelry Co-. 93 H 6th. WANTED Second hand gasoline tank and pump, small or large. Phone East 4428. Maxwell. 2D HAND clothing buyer, J. Meyer, tailor, pays more for clothing, shoes. Call Marshall 1229. 229 Madison st. WE pay the highest prices for second hand furniture. Call East 7777. WILL pay cash for portable garage. Woodlawn 4674. Alaska Bag Junk Co. pays best prices, all kinds junk Main 4686. 235 Front. LOST AXD FOUNU 21 LOST Topaz; brooch Tuesday after noon in downtown district. If found please call Main 2097. LOST Pair eyeglasses in case on 60th st., near Belmont; return to Engine House, 1697 E. Stark. LOST A told signet bar pin valued keepsake. Reward. Wdln. 2961 mm W u ) 5J (Copyrtgiit 1016, by H. 0. nber.l ITrade-Mark Reg. D. A. Pateot Office , . I- t n LOST AND FOUND 21 ' (QoBtlnnedl ; - FOLLOWING articles were found In cars of the Portland Railway. Light & Power Co.. and owners thereof may cham same at the 1st and Alder at. station. Marshall 6100. A-61S1. May 9 12 Dkts.. 1 ahti, 14 iimknllia Ingle gloves. milk cans, 1 do. egg, nooks. 1 aarate 1 nk vent ods-lntr. 1 ralncwjt, 2 purses. 1 lunch, 1 set auto tags. 3 grips, 1 coal bucket, 1 lunch LOST Wednesday nlo-ht a maA and Platinum bur nln with unll diamonds, on Hall street near Twelfth, Or in front Of Swetliuid's or in Sunt- land s candy shop on Morrison street. Reward. Phone Tabor 109 LST.T?n ladl'' lavatory Lipman & V aires, purse containing uiharnl. bank book No. 22649, sum of money, key. etc. Leave at Lipman & Wolfe s lost and fonnd .Ae.pJLfi?-?'Jrd-LOST Physician's emergenrvbag be longing to Dr. O. D. BnD'lne For return of bag with contents suitable reward will be given and no questions asked. Tel. East 3597 or C-1644. LOST In lavatory at the Y. M. C. A.. a watch with Ravfleld emblem fob. Reward. Notify John Belaford. Sandy. Or. SCOTCH collie 6 montha old. left 706 Marshall st. Sunday morning. Re ward. License 3348. LOST Public library, umbrella, silver knob, green silk; keepsake. Kindly return Journal office. LUST A bunch of keys, in the down town district. Finder please call Main 8101. PERSONAL S3 WHY pay big pricea for glasses? 1 can fit your eyes with first quality lenses Vn s gold filled fran.e us low as $1.50. Chas. W, Good man, optometrist, 209 Morrison. Main 2124 FEBVET & HANEBUT, leaduig w.g and toune makers: fineH atock hu man hair gooda; halrdreaalng, manicur ing, face and scaJp treatment, comb ings to order. 147 Broadway. Main 646. CALL MAIN 4169 Portland Pressing club. We clean, sponge, press, dye and repair your clothes. Fancy shoes cleaned, dyed, shlned. Buck Wright, 444 Vj Washington st.; 411 Stark st. ELECTRO-HYDROPATHIC Institute. 276 North 22d st. (Cor. of Overton). Scientific massage. Electric Cabinet Baths. Comfortable rooms. Mar. 2775. TAKARA Hair Tonic, an antiseptic scalp cleanser, hair beautlfler and dandruff remover: price 60c bottle. For sale by Portland Hotel Pharmacy. DON'T use expensive corn remedies. when you get the sure thing Ke moves It" 15c plasters at the Clemen- son Drug Co.. 200 Morrison st. DR. V. G. KETCH UM Women s mala dies and acute diseases of men. Wash. bldr.. 4th and Waah. Rm. 441. Mar. 448 SPIRITUALISM Rev. M. A. Price, cir cles Tues. 2 p. m.: Wed.. Sun. 8 d. m Reading dally. 292 Clay st. Mar. 3960. STORED FREE, cold stor age vaults. Rummelln Fur. Co.. 416-7 Dekum bldg. HAVE your ualr permanently waved. Guaranteed to last. Sanitary Beauty Pa rlora. 400 Dekum. Marshall 1702. NEW life in electric and vibratory treatmenta. Facial, scaln and mant- carlng. 417-20 Northwestern Bank bldg. BALM of Figs, remedy for of women. 604 Davis st. Main 2ZSZ SCIENTIFIC treatment for diseases of scalp. 163 Park' at., room 3. 10 to 7. I niiinr Consultation free. LdWyei 493. 512 Selling bldg Main NOTICES 0 QCARTERMASTEBS office. Portland, Or. Sealed propoaala. In triplicate, will tie re eeled here tintil 11 o'clock a. m., pacific time, May 15. 1916. for furnlahtng at Port land, Or., or other prominent railroad point, 3000 tuna bay. old crop, and 3000 tona nata. old crop, information fornUbed on applica tion. PROPOSALS for Strainer office of quarter niattter general. Wabington. D. C: I'ro- ral will be recelyed here until 2 p. ni.. June ISMfi, for construct lng one steel ateamrr, 171 feet long. Furluer Information on appll raf Ion. 1 WILL not be reaponsible for any bill con tracted by Mra. Miae Koadlck.- L. (1. Fosdick. 1 WILL, not pay any bllla that my wife, Mra. Catherine Faber. rtma. H. Faber. PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY ACCORDION PLEATING accordion. knifk and box plea ti nil; hemstitching, bkaidinu; button bulks, buttons covered, eastern novelty ufq. co.. 85h 6th. b'way 2o00 k STEPHEN Uematitcblog, accordion, aide aod aunburat pleating; I it tona covered; gooda at I'lilf-d. Scalloping. Plttock blk. B'way lnwa. AGATE CUTTERS. Ml-ti. Jrwelera. Diamond bought and aold. W etch repair'-. Mlller'a. i43HWaah. M.1874. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS P. K. KsUKNSUAUH Implement. Tehlcla and general farm auppllea. 214 Front. Portland. ANALYTICAL CHEMIST AND ABBAYEE GlLBr.K'1-UALL CO. O tub biiig. l 4tb at. BLANK BOOK MAKERS CAV18 A HOLUA.N. Inc.. luB 2d at Blank book manufacturer; agenta for Jones In prayed Loose Leaf Ledgera. Hee tbe new Eu reka Leaf. A -Hiss. Main 1VL BUILDING CONTRACTORS Geo. E. ManeasWM CAJOriT WORK CABINET WORK, furniture repairing. Bora 1) J one Jr.. 2H 28d st. Main 3S.12. CARPET CLEANING from okl earpeta, rag ruga, carpet cleaning. Nortb E. sn. B-I20. 18 E. 8th. JuVCE BRO!t. tleitrlc Cleaning Worka Car pets cleaned aod laid; refitting our specialty. Etat 440 B-103. at)4 E. ltth at. nortb. l a.Nl.N6L LA 11 Hug Worka Rag rug anal ear pet weaTing. Iftlg Pat ton a. Wdln. 2H3. CHIROPRACTORS LlU. McMAHON Curable caae, taking tint. Si treatment. flS. Wortb $60. Additional saw office 2QS-2H Mcleay bldg.. 4fb A Wh. Lr. C. 8. Tigard 18 treatment. 10. 610-il-Ll Nortbweit bldg. Main I2ts. 00 aL A1TD WOOD. IV. pay ( for eordwoud warn yea eas get . good stde btoekweod at UJW lrna; seoble load 0-60. Boi wood nUed with k-tavy. 13.21 : a load;$ (or tfooble load. Beavr dry elaU . wood M So a load. Broadway aa-ltt. A -SIM. A'i .liBy tlr'.-i? Allwd BisswaeJ1. eoa. te.60 toe op. N.ttonnl roel Co 7 Ft KM!, -f; 01alat5r5h ' S a8 ovUTr4 i WK have Blenty of dry fir Ud oa' ba'iiiX' R-8I4S. (ellwoo1 K.Ik Rm. MkKH rAHK. dry fir. 4 Bloekw'd. 80S Wsfrr at. ft. 14.60 to to -V Main 4ft Ml A-464T. ' OOimtACTO AMD BtrrLDIKt ObKAR HLctKil.- Uaral Cvouaetur. 224 ausrt lorb bldg. ' CREDIT CX0TKIKQ LAUI1C8' aod Mm . ciotbli.s ' 1110. r Mklr ' payt's. K.Y. QotfltHog O. 409 Waablnr'os ntrcATicirj! DAMCIMO. atANCHKs'i'UH ImdcIdc Acatleur. 5Vi its i at., bet. Btark and Oak. Hp' I rates. 4 private leaaoDs t3. mornlnar. " sfterooon. ' awning; alt ' la tut duces fnaraotood; rlaoa Thura., Bat. nlnra. T-S:8n. Rroadwa 21SO. VI U. and Mrs. Ueata e tkboul Laaavoa dally. Clasa Friday eve. 10S i at., betwees WaB. Inatoo an J Stark. Leoaoea Me. Mala tJO. Lk T 1LST da oca steps eullr awiulrati at Kiui ier Daaclns Acadami dally any boor. Ma w. inrnroial Wadnetrta.T Hatardav LA UK.Nb. Dti KhlAU. oriental, nuaaiau. toe. raiurt. Egypt fancy, itm.lan Main Rill. MUSIC SCHOOLS AMD TEACHER . I'HItvl.HOrtN Vlollu Ua.liff; pupil aavrllt, , 2'7 Heldnrr hid. A-41H0 Mrhall 'KUi. 'I. a., some. 00c. LA V SON . U.H t'tiooa Tatxir 2.139. POPULAB. MUSIC PIANO ragtime Uuglil auuuv lu lu to !M lee him, written guarantee of money back If w II; denionatratWm Itid l.n.,klr fra Imnnw Tilling, kayhoard harmony, etc. 601-2 K II era MAt. EYE, EAE. HOSE. UROAT. LtrWOI blecltijil. laoOvralc ti icra. viiaa. lltird kr,.; 8rt A Va V, r. Cayly MTlM-kum hldf FI&E INSURANCE pacific air ai Kit ri it k "1su k a nuTTET only Oregon fire Inaurauce company. FLUTE BUGS AND RAG RU08 FiyifiF Made from old Ingrain. Bruaaela. Aamlnatar. Smyrna carpeta. Rag ruga, all aiaea. Hall et Cars prompt attention, ooklat. WESTERN FLUtr UCO CO. Bl Cnlon Ave. N. Pbonea Eaat 0(116. I"14TS , HATS CLEANED. BLEACHED Ladles', ganta' Panama Lata cleaned. Uesdiad 75c. Strawa. flta, Ulc. Kaufman's, 38$ Waah., or. 4th. 8s aod 4 Bd. Pnona M. T02H LEATHER AMD SHOE flMDIMOl 'lliii HrttMklAN LiA'l'UkH CO. Oldeat firm In nurlbweat. Aganta "Monareh" and "L. A U." ol leather. XHt EraraK at. MATTRESSES OLt uiatlrear uua tealuar brOa ujaiia .otv aanltary tolillug turuia: faatbera renOfsted. voiding M. Co.. 000 Willi. ma. K. 6874. NOMINTOXlCAxINQ BEVERAGES WKIMiAKU ta,dfn auU Auibar Naciar. U va ry WeluUard plant. Mill and aiurnaid ala. Main 72. Pbonea A-IIT3 PRINTERS AND ENGRAVERS Ilifc 1V1 i'tftai-IUU.N M. alANN b2 Hlark t. Broadway 4tl, A-4Qgg RUBBER STAMPS AND SEALS Ainu bieucila, Iraua Check, Braaa Sigaa. PACU1C CUAaT b l AMI' VtOUKH 231 Vtaahtnglon at. Main 710. A-3TI0. SAFETY RAZORS HONED bAtb.1 1 roaoi uarjiiifU, ail kiuiia, U aud 80c per doteu I4oV .ki l near Morrison. SHEET METAL WORKS UKPA1H1NO tlii and grarei ruua. Jacvb 810 tat at. Phoua Main 424. STAMP DEALER B'l AMI'S bougui and aold alter 2 p. in. McKay bldg. Main IUIH, Marahall STV8 TRANSFERS AND STORAGE Oregon I ransfer Co. Eatabllibed IN 70. Tranafer ud I'uiKHiiilng Agent. Storage Frew 'J rackage Office- and dtorag. 47 G St. IStb and Uliaan. Main rt. (!. ALWAl o - PlCa'' TBt litis I lluL.fiKu.jt-. OOODH 8PEC1AL1H1H btorag. Packing. Rhlpplug and Moving. Hora or AuU Vaaa. Special freight ratea to all point a. C O. PICK TUANBrER A MTORAtiB CO. 2d and Pine. Broadway bA. A-1MMI, OLHON-KOK CO. r'urulture auvi era, packera. itoragc; fireproof wirtbouae, 1Mb and lloyt ala. Main 64T. A 2747 MAN UF'ACTlJR JfiRBt-RS WHOLESALERS! . DRY GOODS WHOLESALE L. Dinkelspiel Co. 112 SLarki.k ttfdg, comer ta k PAINT. OIL AND GLASS RAoMUSf-KN CO.. "Uigb Htaodard" paint. ti. K. corner 2d and Taylor. M. 1771. A-SB8I. PLUMBINO SUPPLIES 1'LL'MBINU auppllea, wboleaale prlcae. Stark aiia Co., 212 8d at. Main 707. SANITARY WIPING RAGS L, SHANK CO. rfi.y.WTi WATER SUPPLY SYSTEMS KEWANEK WATER HVKTKMM D. Bpencer. Agent. I0 Weat Park M. WOOD PIPE PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory an of flea near 24tb and York at. Mala 84M. XVTOBJCATXOir OOXTOaT. If you want the name -)f a reliable business houae dealing In any line of merchandise, or information regard lng resorta, hotels, railroada, ateam hlp lines, etc., address Oregon Jour nal Information Bureau. Information desired: . . , . Name Address By "Bud" Fisher HE.UU0; C6NT.AL, CWJQtJ- GROSS rvWl BROS. DVCRS ANDi l-e ma