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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 10, 1916)
THE OREGOK 1 DAIIY : JOURNAL. PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY, "MAY 1 10, " 916. 17 HIGH WATER 1 NTERFERS WITH ( THE CATCHING OF SALMON Edited by firman it Cohan OeSUPPLY BRINGS COUNTRY CALVES TO ERE A LOIR PRICE H Front Street Value Lose Advance nt CMit nuccnur torcea witn Heavier Supplies Dressed logs r. Remain in Good Position.- Th uddea aloee In th price of country killed calve gar if curing in aay 10 a akar toot, and a cut of lc a pound ia lb prlc. along the wHolesale way. nclDti of ftlTft were Terr liberal awns tb street during tn laat 24 bear, ana the wears or xne iraa wrre orcnuira. rt nmr anrins in nrerious z nrrars us bleb aa llV4fl2c a pound, wnll. to et f- fftra out during tba day were lie. Quite fair stocks that arrived late TueMar were carried a er because or in. lacs ox oarers at lormer wtlues. In the market fur country killed hose tba trade continue to bow a good tooe. Price are eieaur to rirnx. ror an orrering and ex- tie me Quotation are obtained for oualltr. simI ether dualities are selllna In erooortioo. Kaceints of mutton along tba atreet are ex tremely limited, and oferlng nave been ao scares of lata that rrtre ara not cenerallv established. Owlna! to the scarclte of mut ton, there la a rather good call for a-oata at favorable price. SUGAR IS XICKETj HIGHER ' Aa advance of 6c oar hundred pounds In the freight rata which went Into effect daring tba dar boosted tba nric of all trades of re fined' sugar here an eaual amount. The aew sals for arenulated la S8.45. EGO MARKET IS VERY QUIET ' Market for esca is very milet along the wholesale war. with no general change In Quotation,. while torn of the packers mri till burin- for stoma:, the bulk of the northern business has diraDDeared. GOOSEBERRIES ARE OFFERED Fancy a-oose'b.rrles were beta offered on tba local market durtna- the dav at 10G12Uc a axrana. A email abfnment or noor sturr arrived a few days ago. bat was bard to selL STRAWBERRIES ARE MIXED While California strawberries are quoted firmer and higher at 11.65 aenerallr. the price of Oregons Is lower at $2. Poor duality has generally been shown among the local stock; In fact, offerings to date bare not been as good as the CaUfornlan. Jf-UTHER WOOL STRENGTH rwiuir lucreiw tu iuv tmngw gi uie wool price la shown both along the Atlantic coast and In Eumpa. according to mall advices re ceived during the dav. The only weak snot te in Washington, where ebeeotuen are con tent to accent anr Drlce that buyers will offer. - BRIEF NOTES OF THE TRADE are nnotftil firmer. Cbeeaa market weaker, bnt unchanged In price. caot nutter remains weak at former prices. Hon market at a standstill generally aknz the coast. SHXPPERS' WEATHER NOTICE Weather bureau advises: Protect shipments during the next 48 hours as far north as Se attle against mlolmnm temDeratnres of about 84 drawee: northeast to SDokan. 80 desrees: eontuaast to Boise. 1M degreee: smith to Ash- lend. 80 derrees. Minimum temoarstura at Portlaad toulglit about 80 degree. Kew York. Mar 10. Hurar Oentrlfns-al 16. na. Coffee New York spot No. T Rioa. Na. 4 Han toe. 10 Uc. TKANttfOUTATlOSI San Francisco Los Angeles (; (Without Change Xa Sent) Tba Biff. SIS Claaa, fid Comfortable, fia Elegantly Appointed , f 7 EA.O0HfO STBAlCSsUP ROSE CITY ' - alia Trom Alnsworth 3oek 1 I r. E, May 10. 100 ooldan auiaa oa Columbia. Jtlvar. 1AU Rataa Xncaada Bartot and Maala. Tabl and Sarvloa VaameaUad, Taa.Baa rraaotaoo U Portland B. B. Co.. Third and Washington Streets (with O-W. M, m X. Co.) Tal. Broad. way 48oo. A-eiai. Dalles -Columbia Line -J Ooaratlar Itrs.J. N.Teal and Twin Cities 'OrtlanA tfl TTnno. rnlntnMa Q..I.. lvar polnta. I.v. Portland about avery lour days. on nrroBicATxoir cau tatxob b .-. uuui. an a i iw gia. ATTia r - . n M fVIiTi ITVB 0 Aa a71 1 1 i ar - ii 4 r -rm m -m m ere e r v SAILS DEB.ECT F0 SAN FRANCISCO LOS 'ANGELES SAN DIEGO 0J5.arow 5 11, 8:30 P. ML. Saa Fi-moUoo, fertiud a Los Aagelea Steamship Co. Frank Bollam. AcenU U THI4D STStET. A-4688. Main Wheat Report of trovernment t aus To Find Favor Crop Fisnre Disrerded by Ijead- injr, Trader---8!iarp Advance in Chicago Resalts. NOHTHWSST 0RAIST nECBIPT -Crs- WhHt. R.rl.T. Vr. Oar. Hav. Portland, Wed.. IT 2 3 5 Year ago , 1 1 .... Ren son to ilite n mo iki ith 071 'irsx Year sgo 15.7:0. 1R74 isia ma4 lS2 Tscom Tnes.... 2 1 n esr ago 25 , 1 Heason to data. . e.OW ,Vi 3 2210 Year ago 8,s&2 M .... 03 1W5 eattle. Toe... 8 Year ago 4 1 1 10 Season to date. T.5TO 1252 .... 07 4011 rear sgo 7.5S0 10v4 .... 1179 8411 , CANADIAN CHOP IMALLES. Winnloea. Maa.. Mar 16. An aetimata of the wheat area of Canada ahows a decrease of 14.9 pr eent. Indicating that the American grain trade places little reliance upon the government re port was the shsrp adram-e made early in the session of the Chlrago market for wheat during the day. Much crlllplmn Is oliown In tbe local trade regsrrllng the govern mint's report of tbe Pacific northwest crrp, which 1 said to be estimated far below the actual showing. Private advices rpcalved from tbe various districts not only fall to bear out the gov ernment's report of tbe smallest crop known In years In Oregon, bnt the replica show that better than jn average condition la shown at the moment. Middle west miller are bidding fer small lota of Pacific northwet wheat, but sales are limited because prices are not satisfac tory. Oats and barley markets are quoted very firm at country polnta vltb demand best for oats. Broomhall cabled . from - Liverpool that wbeat was steady witn shippers' offers fewer, but arrivals liberal. Spot, unchanged. Car goes steady, with Manitoba, and winters 3d dearer. Export offers firmly held with an ab sence of Indian offers. Australian la spar ingly offered. Continued unfavorable report, from United Btates ai.d fears of reduced acntnge in Canada la exerting an Influence on sentiment, bnt arrivals keep liberal. Huenot Aires wbeat closed easy with free arrivals. Tonnage fcarce and In urgent de mand and shipments of sll grain are expected to be moderate thia week. Foreign crop summary la favorable. FLOLU Selling price: Patent. $5.20: Wil lamette valley, S4.(K; local atralght. (l.Oi'Q 6.00; bakers' local. $4.0(3B.20- Montana aprlnic wheat. $H. 10; exports. $4.50(24.70; whole v-beat. $U.Cfi: grabam. 13.40; rye flour, S.V95 per barrel. HAY Murine price: Willamette yaMey tim othy fancy. $20-; eaal-rn Oregon-Idaho fancy timothy, $Jl.'i; alfalfa. 2l22; vetch and oat. $18; clover, $16. GRAIN SACKS 1016 nominal No. 1 Calcut ta, 13V&Q13HC in carlota; leaa amounts are higher. , MILI-STUFFS 8elllng price, carload lots, bran $2:1; shorts, $13. Ml. KOLI.KD OATS $0. 7 per barrel. V HULLED BARLEY $81.80(932.50 per ton. Bhurply higher prices at Chicago forced a more bullish Rentlment In the local wheat trad during the flay. On the Po-tland Mer ctanta exchange May wbeat bids were lQ2c advanced above Tuesday. May oats bids were off 35c a ton, while barley showed an advance of 50c a ton. Merchants exchange May prices: WHEAT. Wednesday Tues. Mun. BUI. Ak. Bid Bluectem -lot Ki7 103 103 Forty fold .4 HH P2 l3 Club !! 07 01 P2 Bed fife P.t 1S 2 VI Red Russian 9.1 W 92 92 OATH Feed 287.1 . -750 2700 2725 BARLKY Feed 2700 IfltOO 26S0 2000 MIUTIFFS Bran 2275 2.'io0 227.1 2400 Shorts ,.1330 j50 2528 2700 Future were quoted: WUJCAT Bid. Ak. June blnestem 104 107H Juna forty fold... M W Juno chib H Oh June TA fife 93 1 Juue Russian U3 M7 - FBKl OATS June 2075 2750 FEIU BARLEY Juna 2000 210 M1LL8TUFFS Jone bran 2-10O 2400 Juno iKrU 2573 2700 New York Cotton Market. .Tannery February Mar elk .. May July Angus t September OctoOer . . IKerniber Open. lltgh. Low. Close. la4 IXM vm i:7J i:u3 1.172 1355 la.Vt 12t) i:tl4 12M 12M .... l.'ion 1310 12o 120H .... 1321 1:C9 1311 1305 1310 1.115 1310 1310 1321 1 8U IMS 133SI lXw ;j:il 1331 THAN SIHJHT ATION 1 if aj 1 " aj agi 11 si lgJM1ii .rii liiml i LOO" .50 Portland $20.00"! f. 10 aim San Francisco $17, (30 Hours) Totiriat, S15.00 and tUSO, Third Olaaa, Sa MEALS AND BBK'iH INCLUDED. S. S. Great Northern e Liner with t?ie speed of an Kxpresa Train. Steamer Kxureaa leaves North Bank Ststlon A. M. 4IAY 9. 13. 18. S3. 97. From San Francisco May 6, 11. 18, 20, 15, 80. Sailing; Tuesdays, Thursdays. Saturdays, beginning: June 1. TICKET OrFIOB. STB AND BTABK. Phones Broadway 920. A-C671, American-Hawaiian Steamship Co All sailings between U. S. Atlantic and U. S. Pacific ports are canceled until further notice. 0. D. Kennedy. Agt.. S70 Stark St. Portland. PRiCE OF SALMON IS EXPECTED TO AT 1915 OPEN QUOTATION Leaders of the Trade ay They Ex pect to Bill Initial Shipments at Old Quotations Ran in Willam ette and Columbia Small. Via " NEWEST AND MOST LUXURIOUS SERVICE TO ALASECA S.S. "Prince Rupert" andS-S. "Pjrince George" StU Twin Scraw. Oa Burners ALL OUTSIDE TWO - BERTH ROOMS Leave Seattle Every Monday la o'Clock Mianight lral:i r II I I Victoria, V.ncouTf 1 "axi, tt xnSci, .uneau ano and Princa Rup.rt, B. C.Y Kagway, Connecting Witn Wnite x ,"t ,' For I Pass and Yukon Railway. . ' . ; ' Staamar. Connact at PRINCE RUPERT with GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY For Prince George; Edmonton, Winnipeg, St Paul, Chicago, Detroit, Buffalo, Toronto, Montreal, j , . Boston, New York and all ffcinst east via . ? CANADIAN ROCKIES Electric-Lighted Standard and Tourist Sleepers, Dining and Observation t ' '' - " ,1 ' Parlrtr Car City Ticket Office, 116 Third St. DORSEV B. SNUTK, C. P. A T. A. , Phona IRsrshail 1979 J. H. BURG13, C, A. P. D, Wbije formal announcement of the official opening price for Columbia river spring pack ralmoa will not be made for several' daya. li la now practically assured that the price will open the tame as la 1915, despite the higher cost oX raw atateriala for tba park, ss well as an advance for the fish itself. Leaders -of the canned salmon iudustry sa- that while triey have not made any all if. menu of new pack fish to date because of the very small catches, they will bill out initial shipments at lsst year's value. Tula mentis that If the price Is named higher than a year ago the canners billing at last j ear's quotations will lose the amount of tba advance, while on the other band, tbey will be compelled to rebate the purchases any amount' that the market may drop. This, therefore, leaves tbe situation sub stantially the same ss a year ago, so fsr as the price is concerned. Orders for new psck Chinook are comnia forward rather freely on I lie baals of prices to be named at tbe open ing. "The catch of salmon la very small, both. In the Columbia and Willamette rivers," say Hobert 8. Farrell of Everdlng A Karrell. owners of the Pillar Bock Packing company. "The present ideas of tbe trade are for open ing prices the same as a year ago." JOBBING PRICES OP PORTLAND Three prices ar those at which wholesalers sell to retailers, except ts otherwise stater". Dairy Froduo. BUTTER Prints, extras. 2ttc; prime firsts, 27c, firsts. 2oWc; cubes, extras, prime firsts. 2&c; firsts. 24f24e per lb.; dairy, lSXyZOc. BfjTTKKKAT Portland delivery Ao. 1 sour cream, 27c; No. 2, 2ic. EGO'S SeUing price by dealer unsettled, delivery exta: Selected fresh. 21 (ti 22 Vic Jos.; case count, buying price; Airegon ranch, II He" LIVE POCLTK1C Hels, heavy, Plymouth Rock. 18c; ordinary chickens, 17c lb.; atags, lie; broilers, SU35c lb.; turkeys, lK2;c; dressed, fancy, 2tfcf27c; culls, 1720c; pig eons, Sl.Ou&l.iiO: winabs. SI 20 dozeu: geese. live, 10311c; Pekla ducks, old, 10c lb.; young snu neavy. lie; Indian Kunners, He per in. CIlEtSii Selling, price: Fresh Oregon fsncy full cream twins and triplets, 18c per lb.; Young America, 19e. Price tu jobbers: Flats, 16c; Young America, 17c, f, o. b. : cream brick, 22&24c; llmberger, 2324c; Wisconsin wheel. JHfttUtte; blvck Cwiaa. Hoc. Fruita and Vegetables. , FRESH FKU1TS Oranges, fancy favel, I2.(K)li.iJ5; banuuss, 3c lb.; lemons, Jli.uCW 4.2o box; grapefruit, Florida, $4.50(5.25 cane; pineapples. 5Vbtoc per lb.; peara, fl.!HK02.X. HKRR1K3 liUawberriea. Florin, fLOS; Ore gou, S2.U0. ' AppLEb ical, uOc 1.50 per box. accord ing to quality. ONIONS No.- 1. $1.75 per cental; No. 2, $1. 25(1.50; association selling price, carload. $1.50 f. o. b. couutry points; garlic, YUSic; new onion. $1.7o2.o0 crate. I'OTATotS Selling price: Local, $1.25 1.60; buying price, $1.00(tl.l3 per cental; new California, 'iQ-Mv; aweets, $3.00. VEULTABLKS lurulpa, Uc doaen bunches; beeta( Hoc per do sec bunches; carrots, doc per dosen buncnes; pansnipa. .ou sack; caonage. i25 fer cut.; green onions, 25c dosen bunches; peppers, Florida, 23c dosen; besd lettuce. California. $2.23 per crate: celery. Florida. $3.50; cauliflower, local $1.0021. 1J per dosen; irremn arucnoxea, toc; aspara gus, local, 004ftf0c dozen bnuches; hot house cucumbers, gl.004j1.5O dosen; tomatoes, Florida. $4.()0; egg plant, 2Vc lb.; sprouts. uc, spinach. $1.UU -per box; rhubarb. I4i2c ner lb.:oeaa. oftjtoc ID. Heats, Flah and Provisions. DRESSED MEAfS Selling price: Country killed fancy bogs, ll'u'llc; poor. 810c lb.; futcy veals, 11c; ordLuary. lOc; goats. '&&$c lb.; spring Ismbs, J7c lb.: mutton. 10c lb. HAMS, UACO.N, ETC. llama, luf 2aic lb.; breukfast bactiq, 174iJOc lb.; boiled hams, hoc lb.; picnic, 13; cottage roll, 13Vac; Ore gon exports. l.".rtltJVsc per lb. OYSTERS Oljmpls, per gallon. $3; canned esataru. 50c cau, $a.3o ilozen- eastern in shell, $1.83 per iUO; rn- clam. 12Vc dceu; east ern oysters, per gallon, solid pack, $3. FISH llreed flounders, 7c; Chinook al n.ou, lie; perch, 74U8C per lb.; lobsters, 5c; liver snielt, be; aalmon trout, 12 Vac lb: halibut, U12c; torn cod, 7c; black bay. 7c lb.; ahad. dressed, 7c lb. f CRAUfcV-Large. $1.73: medinm, $1.25 doaen. l.AKl Heroes, kettle rendered. 14Vc; standard, 14c. Groceries. SUGAR Cube, .; podered. $8.85: frnit or berry, $8.45; bet, $8.25; dry granulated, IS. 40, I) yellow, $7.85. (Above (luotalioua are HO (lays net cash.) HONEY New, $S.25ft3.50 per case. RICK Japan atyile. No. 2. 4c; New Or leens, head, 5J. Uir; blue rose. 3 Vic. SALT Chaise, hsif grounds, 100, $10.50 per ton; N. ail .30; table dsiry, 50s, $10.00; 101W, $li;.f0; bales. $2.25; lump rock, $20 per ton. UKANS Small white. $8.23; large white, $.10; pink. t).2i; liuias, $5.75; bayou, $tf5; red, $ti.&0. Hope. Wool and Hide. HOPS Nominal .buying price, 1913 crop choice, 11c lb.; prime, loc; medium to prime, 7faWc lb. WOOL Nominal. 1910 clip: Willamette val ley coarae Colatuild. 33c; medium Shropshire, 3132c; fine, UUJlc; eastern Oregon, 18ft 30c. HIDES Salted hides (23 pound and np), 16c; sailed stags (io lbs. snd up), 12c; salted kip (15 lbs. to 25 lbs.), 17c: salted calf (up te 15 lbs. X 22c; green hides (23 lbs. and np). Mc; green Blags (30 lbs. and up), 10c; green kip (15 lbs. to 25 Ua.), 17c; green calf (up to 15 lba.), 22c; dry flint hides, 28o; dry flint cult' (up to 7 Ibs.X, aoc; dry salt hides, 43c; dry horsehides, each, 7oc10; salt horse bides, each, $2,0013.00: horsehair, 28c ( dry long wool pelts, 20c'; dry short wool pelts, 10c; dry sheep sbearling9, each, 10&25c; salted sheep shearlings, esch, lAig(25r?; coarse valley wool, at market vtalue; medium valley wool at market value: mohair, 4ftSj4ac; Mo. 1 tal low, 8c; No. 2 tallow, 7c; No. 1 grease, 6c; dry goats, long hair, 18c; dry goats, shear lings, each, liif2(jic; salted long wool Delta, April, $1.5U2.50. TALLOW No. 1, Sc; No. 2. 7c; grease. 7a. CHlTTkM OR CASCARA BAitK Buying prices, per car ioi, sc; less man car lota, 4C, J1UUAIH I'JIO. aigiOC ID. Paiau and Oila. COAL OIL Water white, in drums and Iron barrels. 10c. I.INSELU OIL Kaw, bhl., B2c gRllon; ket tle bulled, bbl.. Use; raw, case, 97c; boiled case, kfttc al-: lota of 25U gallons, lc less. TC Rl'E.NTlN K Tanks, u7c; cases, 74c gal lon. WHITK LEAD Ton lots, 10ic lb.; BOO lb. lots, 11c; less lots, ill Vic per lb. OIL MEAL Carload lot. $44; less than Cat lots, $35.50. OASOLINB Basis price 19e pet gallon. Lane Crops Suffer. Eugene, Or., May 10. Snow appeared on the liilla adjacent to Eugene Tues day for the first time since the heavy snowstorm durtag the first "part ot March. Farmers say fruit crops are suffering- and many will be compelled to replace early field corn which is rotting In the rround because Of In sufficient warmth to germinate grains. Cold rain has prevailed for four days and tne precipitation has been ezces sive. Great Strength a Feature of Swine Trade in the Yards Top Quality Absent, But Former Values Are Continued Small Runs of Mutton. I PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RUN Hogs. Cattle. Calves. Wednesday mesoay Monday Saturday Friday Thursday . . . . . Week ago Year ago Two years ago. . Three year ago 451 380 8,420 J 77 522 346 349 26 18 415 48 1S7 476 8 19 192 189 401 14 1 5 19 3 8heep. 217 663 . 451 45 250 194 120 455 78 365 ....S9.109.25 .... 8.90ae.05 8.3Ca8.73 8.004JS-23 8.75 8.25QS.40 8.50r8.73 7.50ii8.00 6.0047.00 7.50 7.257.8S 7.5007.75 7.007.23 5.604C6.00 a.uiKHiO.w 2.00(2.75 8.00 7.007.M Chicago Produce Market. Chicago. May 8.-MI. N. S.) Butter poor, egg steady. Butter Receipt, 9700 tub. Creamery ex tras. 2S&; extra firsts, 27i?28c: firsts, 27ft27V,c; second, aefcVae; Trirriea extra. 28Vtc; firsts, 27c; . seconds. 26fi2Sc: pack ing stock, 24 24 He. Eg Receipts, 113.900 ease. First. 80 Vi ktSlc: ordinary firsu, 19$jl9iev miaoiUane ous lot. 192ia4e;' extras, 23g24c. Oregon Apples in South. Ban Francisco, Mb? 9. (P. N. 8. ) Apples. California, Nawtowm Pippins, 4 tier. $14J 1:15; do.. 4 tier. T5ti83c: do.. SiA iter. !?. other vsrletJes, T3e$1.00 per box. Ore" 1 ur iso nrauugim: vvinesap, l.B0ia2 25; Newtown Plplas, facQl.OO for chetoa and SUSS for fancy and $1.0X1.75 for extra fancy. San Frantteco Hop Market.- Ban Pranctoco. - JHay 9. Bops. 1913 crop basis per - pound, prices la growers, Santa. mto valley, I0i8c Soaoma ad liendoctno. The' market for nors la .bewtna considerable strength and while no sales have been made. I at Aorin rvrtianu since Monday at tee ex treme top of $8.2082, tiiere U do change In general condition and suitable quality won id still bring the former top quotation. Triers waa a fair run of swine in tb yards over night and during the morning the trend of tbe trade was favorable. General hog market: Choice light weights moou ugnt weignts Medium weights Rough and heavy Cattle Continue Strong Market for cattle continue strong' at North Portland, although there was nothing in sight during ths day to test extreme top quotations. The only arrival overnight were from Wll Ismette valley point and of only fair quality. Mo Chang shown in general value. General cattle market rang: Choice pulp-fed steers , $S.S0(g9.1B looice grain-fed (tear Ordinary gram-fed steers Choice bay-fed ateer Uood steers Ordinary to common steers , Choice cows ., Ordinary to common cow Choice heifers Ordinary heifer , Choice bulls. . . . : Good to fair bulls , Ordinary to common boll Best light calves , Gosxl calve , mors v auey mutton. There was another small supply of mutton and laatb reported in the North Portland yard overnight. Trend of the auirket con tinue aggressively strong with former prices still being quoted by the general trade. General shorn mutton and lamb range: Select spring lambs $10.0010.2n Best yearlings 8.00 8.73 Good to common wethers 7.50b 7.75 Best ewes 7.00 Good to common ewes 6.50 Wednesday Livestock Shippers, Hogs J, W. Brown. Polk, 1 load; William Block, 1 load; 3. K. Parrlsh, Marlon, 1 load. Sheep Earl Wood, Marlon, 1 load. Mixed a tuff F. B. Decker. Marion, 1 load hogs and sheep; Armadale Bros., Lane, 1 losd cattle, hogs and sheep. Wednesday Horning Bales. SPRING LAMBS. . No. Ave. Lba. PriCa. $10.00 10.00 10.00 8.00 6. SO S900 8.50 8.00 8.00 8.00 7.50 $8.00 7.50 $3.00 0.25 6.50 8.25 8.90 $5.25 $9.05 905 8.05 8.05 7.50 7.50 0.10 9.05 7.30 55 lambs 40 10 lamb , 70 6 lambs 52 6 lnmhs 48 3 lambs 73 YEARLINGS. 74 yearling 72 6 yearlings 77 20 yearlings 70 IX yearlings 94 13 yearlings 79 1 yearling 110 WETHERS. 5 wethers 140 1 wether 110 EWES. 80 ewes 131 L. ewe '.'i6 6 ewea 120 5 ewes US 26 ewes 83 BULLS. 1 fcull 1170 E ATTRA BEANS CUNG II IS POTATO OF SOUTH Acreage in Tubers Is Curtailed Be - cause of Extreme Price Offered for Bean Contracts- Local Grow- ers Hold Too Long. . Tery small shipment of potatoes are again reported to Callforniaby tbe local trade. Bering prices In the Willamette valley ur lng tbe day ware generally around $1.0031.15 per cental, according to quality. Tbe latter wa the extreme prioe offered and then only for exceptional lota. California's takings gjof potatoes here are the lightest ever known at this season of tbe year; in fact, all daring the crop year ttere ba been a very slow trade witn th exception of limited spurts. Seed demand from the sooth is practically nominal. Latest advice from th leading potato sections ot the wroth again indicate the fact that the growersot potatoes are abandoning that industry to take up the growth of beans for which contract are be ing offered at extreme values. Advices state that the former potato growers see much mora profit in the growing of ieana thia season, therefore are sot planting potatoes as-extensively aa in former seasons. When the demand tor potatoes waa fairly good from California early in th season, Oregon grower refuted to sel because some of them were advised by local publications that the price would go to a't least $3 a cental. While the local growers were hold ing Idaho was shipping everything in sight and i now practically cleaned up. Another re.aon why local stocks have not been cleaned np Is that local wholesaler dis criminated against the Oregon product this eeaeon in favor of tbe cheaper priced and Lqoality Yakima tock. While the Yakima stock was of 'larger size than the Oregon, it showed poor keeping quality on account of dry rot. '65 hogs 90 hogs 2 hogs 2 bogs 4 hogs ' 4 bogs 2 hog. 5 hogs 12 hogs HOGS. 181 17a 395 343 132 135 220 280 140 AMERICAN LIVESTOCK PRICES . Denver Eogs $9.60. Denver, May 10. Cattle 400. steady. Bee ? leers, $7.75(33.75; cows and heifers, $.008 .75; stockers and feeders, $7.00S-S0; calves, $10.00 4f 12. 00. Bogs 1200, higher. Top $9.60; balk. $9.45 1.55. Sheep 200. strong. Lamb. $10.40(311.00: ewes, $S. 40S8.75. Chicago Hogs $9.90. Chicago, May 10. (I. N. S.) Hog 22,000, steady. 5e under the opening, which waa nn chenged to Cc above yesterday's average. Bulk $9.6oS9-80; tight, $9.S59.90; mixed, $9.403 9.83; heavy $11.35(39.90; rough, $3.35(39 50; pigs, $7.35(&0.10. Cattle Receipt 12,000. firm. Native beef teers, $7.70Q-85; western steer, $7.0098.83; tocker and feeders, $5.75(j8.o5; cow and heifers. $4.20(39.35; calves, rt. 5095. Sheep Receipt 11.000. strong-. Wether. $7.00(89.50; Umbs, $S.OO12.00. Omaha Eogs $8.80. Omaha, stay 10. (I. N. 8.) Hogs Receipt 9600, strong. Heavy, $.6&9.S0; light. $9.50 29.60-, pigs, $8-00Q9.00; bulk, $9.009.70. Cattia Receipt 2800, higher. Native steers $8.00(29X0; cow and heifers, $0.75(38.23; western (teers, $7.50(39.00; Texas steers, $7.00 8.00; stockers and feeders, $6.76Q9.e5. Sheep Receipts 2200, strong. Yearling, $8.7510.40; wethers, $S.609.50; Ismbs, $10.90 12.00. St Louis Hog $10, St. Louis, May 10. (I. N. St.) Hog Re ceipt 10,000, steady. Pig and lights, $7.50 gy.90; mixed and batchers, $9.f010.00; good heavy, $9.90(10.00. Cattle Receipts 8600, strong. Native beef teers, $7.60a)9.8S ; yearling steers and heif er. $8.50(9 75; cow to Jt5&8.25; stockers and feeders $5.5038.50; southern steers. $3.73 Q8.75; prime southern steers, $5.008.00; cows and heifer. $9.00(g0.5o; native calves, $6.0010.50; prima yearling and heifers, $8.75 sjy.oo. Sheep Receipt 100, strong. Wethers $7.00 8. 60; lambs. $10.00(11.80; clipped lambs. $9.00 9.S5; clipped ewes, $7.50$i8.26; spring lambs $10.OO($l4.OO. Seattle Hog $9.25. Seattle, Wash., May 10. (P. N. S.) Hose Receipts 371, ateady. Prime Hgbta, $3.1.V. 9.25; uiMIum to choice, $9.009.10; smooth heavies. $8.50(6,8.75; rough heavies, $8,003 8.25; pigs, $8.008.75. Cattle Receipts 10, steady. Best steers, $5.5039.00; medium to choree. $8,0048.50; common to medium, $6.S0f$7 .50 ; best cows, $7.O07.50; common to medium cow. $4.00 6.50; bulls, $4.504il6.50; calve. $7. 50(5.8. 50. Sheep Receipts 82, ateady. Lambs $10. 00 '3 11.50; yearlings, $9.009.50; awes, $70SS.OO. Kansas City Hogs $9.95. Kansk City, Mo., My 10. (I. N. 8.) H-g Receipts 11,000. bigner. Bulk SS-tCiJ 9.95; heavy. $9.76T9.87H; packers and butch ers, $0.7O(9.85; light. $95Q.75; pigs, X-.50 09.20. Cattle Receipts 4000, higher. Prime fed steers, $9.45Q9.65; dressed beef steers. $S.O0 (9.25; western steers. $8.0Uj9.40'; stockers and feeders, $7.009.00; bulls, $3.757J50; calves. $6.5010.50. Sheep Receipt 12,000, higher. Lamb $0.60 11.90; yearlings, J.6011.00; wether. $7.50 ftiy.oo; ewe, i.zi(u.uu. Ea5tarrv Barley Slarkets. New York. May 9. (I. N. s.) Barley steady, malting Gtic. Chicago, May 9. (I. -N. S.)-Barley steady, malting, 7283c; feed. 63tf Offc. KafMas City, May . (I. N. S.J Barley 39c. 56c. San Francisco Wool Market. Ban Francisco, May 8. Wool per pound: Hcmboldt and Mendocino. 8 months' growth. 2123e; do..-12 months, 25 28c; middle coun ties, S months' growth, good, 17319c., dk, fair, lSffllTc; Red Blnff and vicinity, 20a23c St. Locia, May U. U. N. 8.) Wool no-changed. Buyers Numerous In Wheat Trading Chicago Market Sharply Higher tn Early Session, With News Very Bullish. Chicago, May 10. (I. N. 8.) It aeemed Ilka everybody we buying wheat at the open ing oX the pit today. There were sellers, too, of course but they were profit takers, and In many Instances thosi who sold earlier tn the day bought on tbe fractional reactions towcrd the close. Price were from V,e to lc np at the open ing, and in the first hoar an enormous amount of trading was recorded, with the bull con trol evidenced by further gains of He to lc. July was the most consistent future, and its gain were steady, and at all times the mar ket seemed firm. Reports lssned-by several of the big h oases and by private agencies were generally In clined to be bullish. Nebraska wbeat wa reported as suffering from drouth and hot wind in Kansas, are eald to be causing eoo sidersble damage. Corn and oats were fractionally higher at the opening, and both grains held a com pan tit ely steady course, supported somewhat by the firmness in wheat. A trading position wa taken by the 'local crowd in both grains, and nothing occurred to Influence independ ent movement either way. ' Range of Chicago prices furnished by Over beck Cook Co., 216-217 Board of Trade building May July Sept. July Sept. May July Sept. May July Sept, May July Sept, May July Sept. Watchful Waiting I In Stock Market New York Trade Is Showing Quiet Tone In View of Possible For. elgn Complicatjona. New York, May 10 (I. V. .) Tb stock .masket today evidenced many complications, both la foreign and domestic affairs. Hi nn certalnry of troop movement along the Mexi can border, press reports of s probable tnvee tlgatkai of coal price and advices concerning tbe alnking of tbe Cymric were tbe principal factors to influence stocks. The Cymric re port Caused considerable selling In the first hour, and the latter influence had a depressing effect Ion such atocka a Reading. Tbe general tendency of tbe room crowd seemed to favor a temporary "watchful wait ing" policy, until the market Is warranted la adopting a more definite course' - The volume of business transacted in the opening hoar was considerably under tbe aver age of the past week. An aggregate of 150, POO (hares were traded la and the score of tbu operation was mora Inclined to favor a few of tba laadaca tnaa to cover tbe list la general. Ofee copper, for instance, were decidedly doll in the first hour, and while Indus trials were less active than they hav been, some of the leading stocks were heavily dealt In. It was evident that the trade la playing a conserva tive gam la the industrials, as these stock ara considered most vulnerable. The market closed strong. Rang of " New ' York prices furnished by Over berk k OBoks Co., 216-217 oBard of Trade bulidtng: FinanceCommerce Industry i; : 1. 1' t, ';K Bankers Protest to President Against Lerying Income Tax on Inter- est Earned by Investments of Aliens in Domestic Bonds- Growth of Chain, Store System. v Desrrintlon ' - WHEAT Open. High. Iw. Close. 115V4 U6 11B '4 316V4A 117 117 1164a 317S 116 117H 118-tt mVsA CORN 75V4 75s 74Vj 74HA 74 75 73X, 74H 73 Va 73 72J, 73 OATS 41 4t 47U 474 43. 41 43 43tf 40 40 14 89 40 PORK 2385 KW3 2300 2385 2365 2370 2352 2363 2325 B LAUD 1202 J2S0 ' 1270 12S0 1207 1297 1 277 1 2SO A 1307 1307 12S7 1292 RIBS 1287 1267 1202 1265 1207 1272, 1257 120 B 1273 1275 1270 1270 B Spring Wheat is Stooling Nicely Following ts a summary of the crop condi tions in Oregon for the week ending May 9. a reported to the local office of the weather bureau by special correspondents: Excellent growing weather prevailed daring th first three days of the week, hat tbe last four were cool and wet, which condition w meat unfavorable ft fruit, especially Italian prunes which have dropped badly. Frost slso did some damage to fro It In the eastern coun ties, especially where the rainfall was less, for in those section freesing tempera tares prevailed on one or more night. Spring wheat ha atooled nicely, and it I making latlsfactory progress, although th season Is from a week to 10 day late. Win ter wheat is not doing so well. The fields are unusually weedy, and In some places wtre worms have done considerable damage. In other sections the fields are somewhat spotted. Corn planting is well advanced and plowing for summer fallow, seeding and early gaMen and potato planting are nearly finished. Pasturage, alfalfa and meadows are gener ally in excellent condition, snd cattle are be ginning to look sleek, after so mnch suffering last winter, owing to the. scarcity of feed. Tbe first rutting of alfalfa will begin in a week or two. The cool, wet weather was severe on newly shorn sheep, but na report of losses were re ceived from our correspondents. A good crop of strawberries is being marketed. Alaska Gold..... Alii Chalmers, c A ills Chalmers, pf. ... American Beet Sugar.. American Can, c Airerloan Oan pf American Car Fdy., e. , American Cot. Oil, e.. American Loco., a.... American Smelter, c. American Smelter, pf. American sugar, c. ... Am. Tel. & Tel American Woolen, c... Anaconda Mining Co.. Atchison, c Atchison, pf Baldwin Loco., c Baltimore 4V Ohio, c... Bethlehem Steel, e Brooklyn Rapid Transit I4iiir. fetroieum, e... Calif. Petroleum, pf . . Onadlan Pacific Central Leather, c. .. Central Leather, pf... Chesapeake ac Ohio. . . Chi. A G. W., e Cht. A G. W., pf Chi., U. A St. P. ... Chi. A N. W., e Chino Copper Colorado V. A I., c... Oousoliidated Gas Corn Products, e Corn Products, pf Crucible Steel, c Crucible Steel pf . . . Ienvr A R. G., c. .. Denver A B. G., pf . . . Distillers Krle, c Erie, 1st pf General Electric General Motors Goodrich Rubber G. Northern, Ore Lands U. Northern, pi GreenetCananea Hid A Leather, e. . . . Hide a Leather, pr.... Ice Securities Illinois Central Industrial Alcohol Inspiration Int. Harvester Interboro, e Interboro, pfd....... Kansas City South., e. Lrcka wanna Steel Lehigh ValUy LouiavHle A Nashvilla. Mexican Petroleum. . . Miami Copper-. M. K. A T., c Ketmeeotte Coppef . . . Missouri Pacific National Lead Nevada Con. - New Haven New York Air Brake. . New York Central Norfolk A W., 0 Northern Pacific Pacific Mall Pennsylvania Ry Pittsburg OoaL C Pittsburg Coal, pfd... Pressed Steel Car, c. . . Pressed Steel Car. pfd. Ray Oooa. Copper Railway Steel Springs. Reading c Reading. lt pfd..:.. Reading. 2d pfd Republic I. A 8., C. .. Republic I. A S.. pfd. Rock Island Shatturk Sears, Roebuck A Co.. Studebaker, c Studebaker. pfd. Slews Sheffield Southern Pacific Southern Ry., Southern Ry., pfd. ... Tenn. Copper Texas Oil Texas Pacifla ....... Third Avenue Union Pacific, e 17. S. IRubber, c 17. S. Rubberr pfd V. S. Steel Co, c U. S. Steel Co., pfd... Utah ' X)pper Virginia Chemical W. U. Telegraph Westlnghouse Electric. Wisconsin veri"" Cigars 1 Open I High I Low I Close 20 T 79 TO 66 " 97 110 84 108 84 88 419 169 58 112 81 13 87 9514 128 1 183 19 79 60 36 109H 1427 76 40 1ZU 60 '56' 148 44 26 a" 127 106 86 414 66 f 6 65 59 183 166 124 112V 23 66 48 100 2J 46 22" '62V, 180 131 10 r5 97 21 62 4 61 1135 W 10 116 8014 21 79 T9 72 66 69 97 118 84 103 85 87 449 169 i5ii u 87 95 128 53 41 183 19 SO 61 86 52 16 427 76 40 120 60 14K 40 28 to" ri27 106 86 4 6S 6 66 17 69 138 !23 112 Z4 66 46' 1W 22 42 89 22 82 180 132 100 65 98 21 45 ffltt 136 55 108 83 116 BO 01 60 Total sales 419,500 ahare 91 60 68 83 108 168 22 Z K3U.I 5311 min4 78 VJ 6M 49 44 26 78 126 104 86 66 5 65 17 68 138 104 til 111. 28 65 46 100 22 41 S7 4 21 82 1H0 180 108 03 97 60 184 64 108 R2 116 90 68, 44 111 16 74 26 H 78 126 106 IS 66 3 lib 138 106 123 111 23 56 27 103 44 100 22 41 88 46 S3 107 21 32 180 131 10) 00 97 21 61 45 191 10 60 134 04 108 2 116 79 41 91 59 R5 91 XaYsstmaat Sankars Protest te Frssl dant, Th Inveatmsnt Bankers' Asso ciation ot America has seat a protest to President Wilson over tha adminis tration of ths Income, tax law by the treasury department. Ths point in volved ia the right ot tha Internal revenue collector to deduct ajt income tax from the Interest returns on bonds pf domestic corporations' which are owned by foreigners and the earnings of which have to be transmitted to them. The bankers' association as serts there is no law authorising; such a practice. It is also charged that the attorney general ot tbe United States has addressed an opinion to the secretary of the treasury affirming thia contention. In aplte of this. It Is the intention of the treasury depart ment to enforce the collection ot the tax after July 1. 11L It is further asserted, when asked to give his rea sons for proceeding as be la doing- in this case, that Assistant Secretary of ths" .Treasury Malbern has refused to do so or to give the attorneys for the Investment Hankers' association an op portunity to argue the question with the department. Ths bankers claim that the foreigners bought these bohds at a definite price, and on tbe bssis that they were not subject to the in come tax. Up to the present time na such tax has been collected or has there been any effort to enforce such a collection, it Is claimed. To carry out the plana of the treasury depart ment now. It is asserted, will be to brine; up the question of international right and honesty. Development of Chain Stores, The visit to Portland today of F. W. Wool worth, president of the Woolworth sys tem of chain stores, calls attention to the development of efficiency in mer chandising, as expressed in the growth of the chain store plan. A recent tabu lation of these has not been made, but In October, 1914. there v ere 2788 dif ferent chains controlling 30,549 stores. A few of the leading ones are given: Chains. Stores. Tobacco 2 50 2600 Grocery 600 8000 Five and ten cent 180 2000 Drugs 200 1400 Restaurants . . 100 1400 Pianos 125 1000 Saloons !.... 100 400 Shoe black stands 100 400 Not Included in the above list aret the cooperative drug stores, the stock holding drug stores, and the manufac tures' chains of atores. It Is held by some that the. tendency is to a mon opoly of the merchandising business of the country in the hands of the chain stores, the department stores and the mall order houses. The rapid growth of these Ideas has certainly been a marvel and it Is clear that the end is not yet. New mail ordr houses with enormous capital ar be ing organised every little while. The proposed chain of dry goods stores is about to be launched and an organiza tion of hardware stores has recently been put in operation. The department stor idea is reaching out1 to every community. risking; and Auto Kids Included at Oregon Cltyj President LeRoy M. Walker of Group One of the Oregon Bankers' association, which meets at POTATOES ALONG THE COAST Oregon City on Saturday, earns to the city yesterday and aaid that th local bankers have arranged for as aiitn ride in and about Oregon City in th after noon for the visiting bankers, fishing accommodations for those who want to try their luck at catching salmon, and a trip through the mills of the Crown Willamette Paper company, the HawJey Pulp fit Paper company and the Oregon City Manufacturing company's woolen mills. Mrs. Eva Kmery Dye, the his torian, will be a speaker at the lunch eon and will tell of early Oregon City history. ; ;;;:v- To Urge Keeping of Fersonal-Xx-pense Accounts. A special committee of members of th Portland Association of Credit Men Is starting a campaign for the more general keeping - by in dividuals of personal expense ecQounts. The movement is a part of th national thrift campaign being directed tn Port land by the local chapter of .tb Ameri can Institute of Bank Clerks. At a meeting of the credit men's committee held at the Chamber ot Commerce on Tuesday afternoon sample expense ac count books wore studied. It was de cided to send for a sufficient number of these books, distribute them to th leading business houses with the Sug gestion that theysupply each ot their employes with a copy. Each employer will be asked to urge each employs to keep an itemised account of hla or her personal expenses. It is tha belief of those who are developing the idea that if an individual once gets th habit ot keeping a record of his personal ex penditures so that he knows Just what he apends and how he spends ItJthftt the habit will soon beooms fixed aril have a wholesome effect on the Credit relations and dealings throughout, his entire life, j f:h Canby Wants Kunlolpal Wats Works. The citisens of Canby oni May 19 will vote on issuing 118.000 of bond for the purchase of a municipal Water plant. The project is receiving th support of the local paper. (, Coos County to Tot on 9369,000 Bond Bonds. On May 19 Coos county; will vote on lasiilng $82,000 of highway bonds. The expenditure is to b di vided aa follows: Bandon-Cdrry coun ty line, IM.OOO; Bandon to' Coqulll. J4S.000; Coqullle to Myrtle Point, 148. '000; Coqullle to Marshtleld. 14,000; north to Coos Bay, $69,000. t f Th loath After th Way.R. a, Rhett, president tbe People National bank of Charleston, 8. C: ''Prosperity has only been coming alowly to this section of the country. Our textll manufacturers ar now making splen did profits, as ar also our lumbar mills. Our ootton crop and other crop were planted very economically:; last year, and brought a price which baa enabled this section to recover om of th tremendous losses experienced in the drop of cotton whloh ns'ud at the opening of the war. "On the whole, th south Is Just b ginning to sbar In th prosperity of the country, and we feel that it will share In this prosperity to a muoh larger degree after the war ceases. We believe thst foreign trade will consti tute 'a'larger and larger factor ia our commerce, and that it ought to be n couraged as much as possible." ! t : Gems, $1.6001-86: new crop White, 24X2 per lb.; Gamete, $2.25422.75. Onions Per cental, California ex-ice hones, repacked. $1.60; Oregon, repacked, $1.60a l.hO; Australians, g's.7608; Nevada, 1.0J 1.75; new crop yellow Bermuda a, $101.15; crystal white, $1.26 on street. BANK STATEMENTS OP COAST Clearings Mondsy ... Tuesday Wednesday Clearings . Clearings . Clearings Balance Ci earing Balances Portland Banks. This week. $ 2.87S.7S8.94 $ 2.219,511.12 Loe- Angelas Bank Ban XVaaoUe Banks. Taooma Banks, $ Seattle Banks, 1 Tesr ago. i.9i,oi.a 1.4M.ft.M 1,893.081. S4 4,482,611.00 9,932,840.00 817.841.00 49.999.00 104)1.414.00 216.071.00 DAIRY PRODUCE ON THE COAST Baa Frasclse Btarkrt, flan Francisco. May 10.(IJ. P.) Butter Extra, 24c; prune firsts, 22e! firsts. 23c. Eggs Extras, 21c; firsts, 20C pullets, 19 Cheese California fancy. 12e; firsts, 12a. Los Angeles Market, to Angeles. Cel.. Msy 10. (P. M. S ) KaraaCase count. 21c. nutter Freeh extra, 98a. Various Wheat Market. Liverpool Cash wheat nnchanged. London Cargoes oa peerage teadr. Buenos Aires Wheat to le lower. Kansas City Cash wheat la higher. 8t Louis Cask wbeat firm end unchanged. Inspector Asks for Auto or Help. Dr. E. E, Chase, chief meat inspector for the city, wanta an automobll to us In his meat Inspection work. In a letter to the council he says h must have either an automobile or Dior help. II now ha two assistants. Th council took th matter under edvlse-ment. Overbeck & Cooke Co. Stoeka. aoada. Cotton, Orals, Bit, .' Iia.217 Board of Trad BnildtCg. DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO ALL EXCHANGES Sdm bars Chicago Board of Trad,- Correspondenc of Logan at Bryan. Chtcajro. N'vsv York. San Tranoiao Market. San rranelaco. May M. (U. P.) Potatoes .it I'er cental, uenaa, ex-wnarr, ordinary, xix 1.85 per hundred, with Nn. 2 stork 50 60c; do. Sfclmas, $1.40(81.60: Oregon fsncy, $2.00 2.16: Idaho Gems, $2.; Washington Netted THS San Francisco Grain Market. San Francisco, May. 10. Barley calls: May 10. May . Open. Close. Close. May 127B 132A 130 December 134B 136A 134 Spot quotations: Wbest Walla Walla. $1.7001.72: red RusRian. 1.67? 1.7t; turkey red, $1.771.82; bluestem $1 .87 1.90. Barley Peed, $1.35; brewing, $14631.40. Oats White. $1.42 1.4.1. Bran $2324; middiinga $30tg31; abort. 126(327. FACTS 10,000 LIVE HENS WANTED ! 1 7c LB. HO COBTMZSSXOaT DESUOTXB. Checks by return. maiL Don't Inquired , DUIU SI SUCK - THE SAVINAR CD. Every dollar honestly and ln a telligently expended for road II purposes and permanent im II, provements, whieh are properly If and continuously maintained B will yield Inestimable returns. Every dollar spent for .tempo rary patcrung up- 01 oia reads is a tax and a sheer loss. This Is the difference between a tax for roads and an Investment for roads. Th permanency of a road means it is serviceable every day la Ue year without recrard to wind or j weather, time, coat or schedule if hard sur faced with BITUUTHIC I Warren Brothers Company, Journal Bldg.. Portland., Or. Dedication of i the Columbia I Highway Juna V will b a big I - - event . f. i I FIRE, THEFT OR FORGETFULNESS J are -the causes of loss when money is hidden away. Deposited here, such risk is avoided, and 'a small pocket check book makes 2ll funds available for your use at any time. Does safety and con venience appeal to you ? If so, open a checking account with THE DNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK 4 s Third and Qak SU. STATEMENT OF CONDITION The Bank of California National Association SAN FRANCISCO Including its'Branche in Portland, Seattle, Taconaa and Virginia City At Close of Business May 1, 1916. ASSETS Loans and Discounts 135,099,185.11 Bank Premises (San Francisco tnd Branches) 1,179,612.S9 Other Real Estate Customers' Liability under Letters of Credit Sundry Bonds and Stocks United States Bonds to secure Circulation Other United States Bonds . . . Redemption Fund with United States Treasurer Cash and Sight Exchange 484,865.00 5,792,799.31 -S.S27.401.3J 3,000,000.00 ,v 285,000.00 1 50,000.00 21,049,089.27 $72,567,952.98 LIABILITIES Capital Paid in Gold Coin 8,500,000.00 Surplus ancPUndivlded Profits 8,193,579.15 Circulation 2,613,622.50 Letters of Credit 6,097,026.66 Deports 47,162,824.67 , 72,567,9 52.91 PORTLAND BRANCH Corner Third and Stark Streets J. T. BURTCHAELL, Asst. Managtr. ; WA!. A. MACRAE, Manager, j fapitai ana surplus ' $2,000,000.00 . , th ) Market Your Stock Through Seattle Union Stock Yards V . Best Market in Northweit ) J Prices. 15c f.o 25c higher than any other market on the Pacific Coast, because) it is the only yard in: the t United States not controlled by the trust. It is dearly-; taYOUT interest to natronizA fru rnmnotitinn. ;''' ,- "3 ' Karshall 687. 807-309 etark St j " "V T 1.- .