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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1914)
if THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, OCTOBER. 29, 1914. 9 TOWN TOPICS (302d DAT OP 1914 ) A31LSEMENTJ I Curtain 2:1B BTer Say Die." HEtUU Broadway at Taylor, and 8:13. Nat (loodwln In " Katurria mjitina BK.K Kruadway and Sixth. Cortalna 2:20 and 8:2u. Matlne Sunday. Wedneaday and Saturday. Baker Plajara in "Boagbt and Paid tor." BAKEU Ulerenth and Morrison. Curtain 2:20 and 8:20: Matloeea Sunday, Wedsea day and Saturday. Baker 1'layera, H: 2, Id "Mother." s FAXTAUKd Broadway at Alder. Vaudeville. Curtaloa 2:30. 7:.t0 amd 9:10. 1EW EMPBESS Broadway at Yamhill. VTlllf. Contlououa I 'M to 5:30, 6:30 to 11 week da) a. Cu'iitlauoua 1 to 11 Sun da) . LY kit Fourth at Stark. Curtain 2:30, 7:80 and 8:10. KeatlDC & Flood Mualcal Com edy Company In "Tine Follies of Parla." 'COLUMBIA sixth, between Waablngton and htark atreeta. Motion pictures. 11 a. m. to 11 p. m. PKOPLE.S West Park at Alder atreeta. Mo tion picture. ll:U0 a. m. to 11:80 p. B. eTAlt VVaabliiEtun at Park. alotlon. pictures, 11 a. ni. to 11 p. m. CLOBB Washington at. .Eleventh. Motloa plc tura. 12 m. to 11 p., m. alAJiCMTlC Wacnlngton at Park. Motion plc turra. 11 a. ui. to 11 p. m. SUN8KT Washington at Broadway. Motion pkiurea. 11 a. tu. to 11 p. m. AUTMUSELII Fifth and Taylor. Hours to 6 week dayi, 2 to 3 Suiiiluya; tree alter uoona if Tuesday, Tburadar, Friday, Saturday and (Sunday. rublic Library Meetings. All October meetlaga ar Ires and open to ice public. October 81 Democratic stats commute. - October 29 and 3. lncluslTe, 0 a. m. to 5 ' b. m.. except r riday, October itO. momlnr aea- ion only. .State Umventioa Oregon Congress ( Molnera. the Alblna Consumers' league was or ganized at a meeting held in the Al blna Branch Library yesterday after noon. The meeting: was attended by customers of the Albina public market. I The following .officers were elected: IT. L. Adams, president; Mrs. A. K. Seller, first vice president; Mrs. All phin, second vice president; Mrs. J. S. Anunsen, third vice president; Mrs. J. F. Irving, secretary; Henry Ericson, treasurer. The Albina Business Men's association from now on ceases to have an interest in the management of the public market, but the members as in dividuals continue as members of the new league. Today's Events. Mannfacturera' and Land Products t Armory, October 2 to Norember 14, Snow Coming Events. Jefferson blab plays Portland Academy at football. Multnomah Cteld. October 30. Utility Board luncheon at tba Benson Octo- . cor . Oregon CI Tie league luncheon at Multnomah hotel, October 31. OpeulnK concert of Symphony orchestra, No vember J Election day. NoTemiber 3. Itotary club lunrheon at Hotel Benson, No vember 3. Ad club luncheon at hotel Portland Novem ber 4. Transportation club luncheon at Hotel Mult nomah, .November t). Abraoison Was In right. Instead of being attacked and robbed by two men, as he reported to the police last night, C, A. Abramson admitted this morning he had a fight. Abramson is second mate on the steamer Urania. He was picked up in the south end and taken to the emergency hospital, where he was kept till this morning. His reason for telling the robbery story was to protect the friend. Joseph Yoacum reported two men attacked him at Fourteenth and Irving streets last evening and took $5 from him. They disappeared in the railway yards. Success." " Mr. Vlnlng is In Oregon on a visit to his, mother at Ashland. His reputation as an eliminator of waste and leaks In business is national. He is advisor to. many of the large New York firms and has been successful in reducing the loss and increasing the efficiency in many business institu tions. He pointed out the leaks that often lead to financial failure and gen erally outlined his plan to protect the business treasury. He expects to re turn to New York in the next few days. streets, the weapon accidentally dis charged, Thomas Grooms explained In the municipal court this morning. Two motorcycle officers were called to the room and arrested the man: -after In vestigating the shot. The case was set for hearing Friday morning. Deputy Assessor Xs Mappy-Deputy County Assessor C. W. Jones is a proud father, being presented yester day with a fine daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Jones reside at 639 East 67 th street. north. Belief Corps Perfects Plans, The regular meeting of Lincoln-Garfield Women's Relief Corps No. 19 will be held in the courthouse Friday, Nov. ;'6th, at 2:30 p. m. Several department officers are expected to be present, including the department inspector, who will inspect this corps. In the evening the ladles will serve a 6 o'clock dinner to Portland corps. All members of Lincoln-Garfield post and corps are cordially invited. After the dinner a short program consisting of music and recitations will be rendered. The Taxpayers and Wage Earners' Xigue, in publishing a list of 600 names of its membership roll, includ ing the names of men, women and concerns opposed to statewide prohibi tion, included the firm name of Town send and Van Schoonhoven, as a firm. Through error, Mr. Townsend signed the name of the firm, but wishes to make it plain that he really should have, signed it A. A. Town- send, but does not deny that he signed .the membership roll. This statement is made in order to make the record straight and to in nowise impose on the public that mis representation has been made. (Paid advertisement fcy the Taxpayers' and wage Earners League, 432 Morgan Bldg., EL C. Allen, secretary.) Adv. Dry Peet. Shoes rebuilt and made waterproof. rubbers unnecessary. When repairs are necessary try our system. Shoemakers, 161 W. Park. near Morrison. (Adv.);er Trips. Steamer Georgian Do Astoria, dally except Monday. Wuauluglon street dock. Palles City, to Tbie Dalles and Cascade Locks, dally except Hnuday, Aider atreet dock. rU earner Stuie of Washington to The Dalles dnUj axeept Tburaday. Taylor street dock. i ' Port Information Supplied. Information regard! eg this port may bo ob- talned from tbe 1'oruund Chamber of Com 1 merer. til) Filth atreei. Telephone Main 993 or A-12U3. Fire and Police. Tire department Main 770O, A-1823. Police department iluln 7181. A-6751. 1 Today's Forecast. ".Portland and vlclutty: Rain tonight and Trlday; aoutbeaaterly nvlnda. Oregon and Washington : Tonight rain west, fair eaat portion; Prlsday rain', southeasterly wlnda. Idaho: Fair tonight: and Friday. Civil Service Examinations. The United States civil service commission announces the following non-assembled examinations: Nov. "17, litho graphic transferrer, male, for the bu reau of printing and engraving, Wash ington, D. C, salary $4 per diem; Dec 1, engineering Inspector, oil and gas. male, for the department of the In terior, for service in Oklahoma, sal ary $2160 to $3300 per annum. Com plete Information and application blanks may be obtained from T. V. Hutchin8, local secretary, ipostof flee building, Portland. Companies rile Articles. - : Articles of incorporation of the Sunny Brook Land company, capitalized at $50,000, filed yesterday with County Clerk Coffey by S. C. Dooley. E. B. McFar land and A. Field. Articles of the Lincoln Coal company, capitalized at $5000, were filed by H. P. Campbell. H. P. Heninger and A. R. Strachan. Articles of the Albany Amusement company, capitalized at $5000, were filed by J. W. Maloney, MacCormac Snow and George B. Guthrie. Hsn's Pants. Men, buy your trou sers or Jimmy Dunn, tie saves you money. Priced at z.60. ?3 ana jj.oo. Oregonlan bldg., 3d floor. (Aov.) P. 8 Chase Bead Deputy District Attorney Deich yesterday received word that Fremont R. Chase, formerly employed in ' the city water office. died at Oakland early yesterday morn ing. Chase was a member of Compa ny A, second regiment, Oregon vol unteers, during the Spanish-American war, and saw service in the Philip pines. Chase was also a member of Scout Young Camp No. 2. Falling health the last few months required his removal a few days ago to the home of his mother in Oakland.-the trip being made on the steamer Beav. er. A widow survives. Burial will be at Oakland. . Weather Conditions. The barometer is relatively blgr over tbe plains state snd relatively low In tbe Pa cific states and over the lake riglon. No rain has fallen in the t'nlted States In the lat 24 hours except u Minau amount In the lake region. It la warmer In the Atlantic ststes and tbe temperatures on -the Pacific lope are above normal. The conditions are favomhle for rain in Oregon and Washington within the next 24 to 30 hours. Fair : weather will continue in Idaho. 1 EDWARD A. REALS. District Forecaster. Maxamas' Sunday Trip. The Ma- zamas for their Sunday tramp will go to Cottrell, on the Bull Run Electric line, leaving First and Alder streets at 8:45 Sunday morning. They will then walk southerly over the bluff road to Sandy, and thence to Boring. The walk will be of about 11 miles. The original schedule of leaving at 7:45 has been changed to the later hour because of a change in train service. The re turn to the city will be made at 6:40 p. m. Observations. STATIONS. Temperature. - t. .E Baker, Or. Boise. IdHbo . Boston, Jlass i Chicago, 111 Jenver, Colo Luluth. Miuu i. Eureka, Cal Fresno. Cal ,. , Oalveston. Texaa ',. Havre, Mont. Jacksonville. Flu. Kamloops, tl. C. Kansas City. Mo. lwlBton, Idaho Los Angeles, Cal. . Marshfleld, Or . New Orloans. La. . . New York, V Y . . 4. Korth Head, Wash North Yukuuii, Wash.,. Oklahoma, Okla. . . ... Phoenix,' ' Ariz Portland. Or , F.ed Bluff. CaL Itoseburg. Or fibcraraeiito. t'sl. . . fit. Loul. M Halt Lake. L tab ..I u Francisco L tva-ttle, Wsh ; Kltka, AIhsWm ; Spokane, WbbIi j Taniuia, Wituh. . . . , 'iatmiKb Di d.. Washj V sides, Aliihka . . i Walla ' Walla. Wisili ' Washington, D. Cj Wtnneinucca, Ncv. : 2-? s 3 1i c fi ts 5a 4 I ti4 44 4(1 44 40 38 .4 tw HI) 21 T6 38 40 38 es so V2 42 64 4D 42 ON t.S M fi2 5rt 4 1 4S fiS .' ix) 0 48 -m; 42 38 iO 54 02 (14 48 541 81 tt t0 M 88 68 62 5() 7J C8 CM 2 im 78 611 82 H2 68 7(1 ftO 52 60 (12 &ii 62 71 38 42 44 42 38 3ti r4 (HI fl 24 54 38 40 38 68 50 6J 40 34 40 40 54 5S 56 52 4K 58 50 4'.: 38 4(3 20 44 38 8 ( 8 11 8 00 4 4 4 4 8 4 12 4 6 0 6 6 6 4 6 8 2 O 4 8 14 8 4 4 2 8 4 14 4 4 4 4 a m 3 L 33 College Extension.! The first lec ture in the Reed college extension course XIX "Supreme Achievements in European Literature," will be given tomorrow night, in room B of the j central library, &y Dr. Kelley Rees, j professor of Greek and Latin. .His I topic will be "The Origin of the Hom eric roems. rne neeu college normal class in physical education will meet tomorrow evening in the college gym nasium at 8 o'clock. - Drawing Oaxnes Wast Stop. So great has the complaint become to the police and city attorney about drawing games in cigar stands and candy stores that Assistant City Attorney Stadter this morning issued a formal complaint against the Golden State Gum & Nov elty company for putting out the games, charging the operation of a gambling device. InsteaJd of prosecut ing the individual dealer, the assistant city attorney plans to stop the use of the cards by arresting the concern placing the cards in the stores. Incorporation Artloles Piled. Arti cles of incorporation of the North western Mortgage company, capital ized at $100,000, were filed this morn ing with County Clerk Coffey try Stan ley Myers, G. Misch and W. E. Bond ATticles of the Camthoi company, man ufacturlng chemist concern, capitalized at $50,000, were filed by W. Waugh, W. H. waugh and W. C. Schaefer. Jury Awards 9950 Damages. H. B Hamilton was yesterday awarded $950 damages by a jury In Circuit Judge Harris" court against the North Pa clfic Steamship company for injuries received while employed on one of the company's boats. The Oregon State Board of Dental Examiners vrtll hold the semi-annual examination in Portland, Or. on No v ember 30, 1914. Applicants will reg ister at the N. P. Dental college at p. m. on above date. H. H. Olinger, Secretary. (Adv.) Friday Special; $2 wine, $1 gal $1.50 wine, 76c gal.; Kentucky whis key. reg. $4.50, $3.50 gal.; regular $3.50 $2.50 gal.; reg. $3 whiskey, $2.10 Penny Bros., 379 East Morrison st East 287, B-2426. Free delivery. (Adv.) Charles XTettle Arrested. Charles Nettle was arrested yesterday on a charge of contributing to the delin quency of a young girl. He " will be given a hearing in the district court. Divorce Decree Granted. Pearl Lin coln was granted a divorce from Clem ent Lincoln by Circuit Judge Gatens this morning. Cruelty was alleged. Sues Por $30,000 Damages. Mike Miller filed suit this morning against the United Railways company for $20,- 000 damages as the result of Injuries received in a fall from a company cac The county road viewers. Phllo Hol- brook, J. B. Yeon and Dorr E. Keasey, were directed to view proposed changes in road 357 as petitioned for by Warren N. Powell and 13 other freeholders. A petition by elevator operators of the court house for raises of $10 a month was tabled without action. The contract and bond of George Langford for improvement of the ven tilation of the engine and boiler rooms of the court house was approved as revised.' - Fritz Matthias & Co.. of Holbrook. petitioned for $75 Indemnity for three cows slaughtered because of tuber culosis. The hearing of the petition was set for November 5 at 10 o'clock. No action was taken on the bid of the IMendota Fuel company, for fur nishing coal for the Multnomah hos pital and Frazer Detention home as the company failed to comply with requirements. Though County Surveyor Holbrook reported favorably on the completed road from Fairview to the Columbia river the matter of paying the county's share of the cost of improvement was left until Roadmaster Yeon has made his report on the road. The road from Fairview to the Co lumbia river was approved as com pleted and the board ordered a war rant for $4000, the county's share of the cost, drawn in favor of H. C. Campbell In accordance with the agree ment for Improvement of the road. County Auditor S. B. Martin notified Steamer Jetse XarUns for Camas, Washougal and way landings, dally ex cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street dock at 2 p. nr. (Adv.) Ask for Packwood Coal, $6 per ton. It makes the heat. Economy Fuel Co., 31 Grand ave. East 214. B-2343. (Adv.) TTIten, Independent for speaks at noon tomorrow. Yamhill. Governor, Sixth and (Adv.) X. . Pox, optician. Journal bldg. Ad Halloween. Receipt for Two Pumpkin Plea. To the Royal Bakery, either branch. Add one 25 cent piece next Saturday. The result will be two delicious, creamy, meaty pumpkin pies and a de lightful Halloween. Order early. Ad. Right of Way Secured. Eugene, Or., Oct. 29. Right of way for the Willamette Pacific railway through the property of the Point Tearrance Lumber company, on the Siuslaw river, six miles below Ma nleton. was secured yesterday and negotiations are proceeding to a sat isfactory point for the right of way through the rock quarry between Ma pleton and the sawmill. These points have been the only obstacles In the way of completing the grade of the road between Mapleton and Acme, where the road crosses the Siuslaw river In turning southward toward Coos Bay. Use common sense tray Superior coal, $6 ton. Main 154; A-1541. Adv, o (i 0 .12 O 0 O O o 0 0 0 0 o o 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 o o 0 0 .116 o 0 .01 .02 0 0 0 Chapman Lecture Tonight. Dr. Charles H. Chapman will lecture this , evening in library hall on "The New Politics." This timely subject is the fifth of the series on current history, and completes half of the cooirse giv-en. by Dr. Chapman under the auspices of the Oregon Civic league. This meeting Is, like all -of the league's meetings, open to the public, and will be presided over by Mrs. A. C. NewilL Divorce Decree Granted. Circuit Judge McGinn yesterday granted a di vorce to Minnie A. Smith from C. G. Smith on grounds of desertion. Laura M. Hall filed suit for divorce against Joseph S. Hall, charging cruelty. Sues for $10,000 Damages. H. Nel son yesterday sued Brown & McCabe, stevedores, for $10,000 damages, al leged to have been sustained as the result of a fall while employed by the company. Cotterill Will Speak. George F. Cot terill, former mayor of Seattle, will be the principal speaker at a meeting tonight under the auspices of the dis trict lodge of the Scandinavian I. O. G. T., with headquarters here. The meeting will be held at the Swedish tabernacle. Seventeenth and Glisan streets, and will begin at 8:15 o'clock. Mr. Cotterill is head of the National I. O. G. T. of the United States. 'P. M. report of j'riH-.ilIng day. Dog Is Blamed for Accident, Mrs. Carrie -E. Kunz yesterday filed suit for $560 damagesagainst F. W. Lam bert and wife, s the result of an accident caused :by a' dog belonging to the Lambertsj The Lambert bull dog ewas aceustofned to chase moving objects, accordlnig to the complaint; und ran after Mrs. Kunz .17-year-old" eon as he rode bjy on a motorcycle at his work. The ,dog got in the way and the boy was! thrown and injured, so that he lost eilght months of work. He was earning f$17 a week as a de livery boy. His;father is in the asy lum and he was supporting his mother. For that reason she alleges the wages were lost to her. Essays Will Be Bead, There will bo a meeting" tonight at the Men's Resort, Fourth and Burnside, at which the stu dents of the high schools will read essays written for the recent prize contest on "How Oregon Dry Will Af fect Industrial and Economic Condi tions of "the State." These essays have come In from all parts of the state, but students of the Portland schools have volunteered to read them. Injured by Elect rio Traiiu--Oscar Gunther. 850 Corbett street, was hit by an electric train at Fourth and Mill streets last evening and rendered unconscious. The man was taken to the Good Samaritan hospital. Reports this morning are that the Injury is not serious. Gunther is a tailoT. and says he was going home at the time of the accident. . Discharged Pistol in Boom. While cleaning a pistol in his room last even ing at Union avenue and East Everett Minced Ham Sausage ReHochuli&Son Hi-Grade Sausage Makers. 187 Third St., Near Yamhill COUNTY COURT NEWS the board that Its expenditures for 1913 amounted to $11,025.74 and for the first nine months of 1914 to $6. 034.52. Drafts for $114.50 in payment of loss resulting from the ftre on the Hawthorne bridge were ordered turned In to the county treasury. District Attorney Evans. City At torney' La Roche and Insurance Expert W. J. Clemens discussed the matter of insurance of bridges and ferries with the board. They were asked to make recommendations of any necessary changes In county and city insurance that the question of responsibility of each might be properly determined as each has insurance on the structures. Mr. Clemens suggested that It might be advisable to have the ferries ap praised and new forms covering them and their equipment printed, as some insurance companies - are disputing their liability under present forms. A brief setting out the position of the Southern Pacific and Oregon & California Railroad companies regard ing payment of taxes on congressional lands, title to which is now Involved In court action, was presented by Wil liam M. Colvig, tax agent of the com panies, and was referred to District Attorney Evans. The companies are seeking to have payment of taxes on these lands deferred pending deter mination of their rights to the lands in question. between the rollers and bis arm jerked almost cleur of its socket. Dog Attacks School Children. Los Angeles. Oct. 29. Invading a grammar school building while the pu pils were marching through the corrSr- dors today, a dog believed to have been suffering from rabies bit four children and spread terror among a hundred others and their teachers. The injured children were sent to ft their homes for mefcal examination Police are searching for the dog. Men's Rllncoats. your raincoat now. Don't wtt deiusre. I seisfcravenetted over and raincoata at $14.75 that cost you V-ei in a nign-reni, floor store, ftnuny Dunn. Ore bldg.. 3d flodJi (Adv.) , Buy for the coats ould round gonian The finest grained modeling clar In the world corneal from Italy. Pressman's Arm Torn Off. Los Angeles, Oct. 29. His right arm torn off by a press in the plant of the Morning Times, Joseph Silvas, 22, a pressman, was reported today to be near death. Silva's hand was caught GREET THE QUEENS!!! u Pretty girls from festivals of Northwesjjj At Manufacturers' and Land Products Shvw, Tonight Join with Royal Rosarians in celebration of Royalty Day at big Exposition. Watch for parade headed by RosaHar) Band down town at 8 p. m. I Retail grocers at Exposition todays'; 'yj; Fine program by University of Orefja gon. WILLAMETTE VALLEY DAYfpl Don't forget the ; OLD FASHIONED BABY SHOW, SATURDAY More than 500 Babies. .ti Admission 25 cents, children 10 cents. Somcthjflg doing every minute, afternoon and evening. Thousands in attendance daily. Steel-cut, in air-tight tins! Sounds like a 40c coffee, doesn't it? It'is German American Coffee, 30c; 3 lbs. for 85c Students to Olve Party. The stu dents of the Pacific Chlropractio col lege will give a Halloween party at the Common wealth building tomorrow evening. Games) and other entertain ment fitting the! occasion will be the order of the evening. Friends of chiropractic are rlnvited. Albina Consumers' SUeague. With the obpect of making the Albina public market more efficient and successful. 7a Get the Original and Genuine El OR LICK'S MALTED MILK The Food-drink for All Ages. For Infants, Invalids, and Growin g chOdrea PureNutrition, up building the wholebody. kivigoratea the nursing mother and the aged ftfck raflk malted grain, in powder form, quick hatch prepared in a minute. ralceno$ubstitiite.AskforHORLICK'S, Rfof iaAayftmn Trust Divorce Decree Modified. Circuit Judge Gatens yesterday modified a divorce decree granted to R. P. Rea against Hattie Rea in 1909, on grounds of desertion, so that Mrs. Rea will have legal custody of the child. Mrs. Rea has always had actual custody of the child. -Would Eliminate Waste. Irving E. Vlnlng, efficiency engineer and ln structor In business efficiency In sev eral New York Young Men's Christian Associations, epoke at the Portland Y. M. C A. this morning on "Secrets of 1000 Business Cards for $1 A Get-Acquainted Special for 30 days. Good work, good stock. Mention ad. All kinds of commercial printing rea sonable. So sat City Prlntery, 3rd and Taylor. No phone orders. No delivery. PR0HIB1TI0NERS No use in voting prohibition unless you have judges who will enforce the law. Vote 145 X, E. O. Starter for District Judge. (Paid Advertise ment by A. C. Furlong, 1915 Oregon.) Oregon Humane Society 67 Or and Are. HV between Conch and Davis. Phones East 1423, B-2515. OPEN DAT ABTD XTXQKT. Report all cases of cruelty to thl3 office. Lethal chamber for small ani rr3ls. Horse ambulance for sick or disabled animals at a moment's notice. QUESTION Where Will I place my next Grocery order? ANSWER Where I am sure to be satisfied. At "THE STORE OF QUALITY" L. MAYER & CO. "Portland's Exclusive Handlers of Everything' Good to Eat" 148 THIRD STREET A-4432, MAIN 9432 INCLUDE SOME OP THE FOULOWXKG UST Or "NEW GOODS" IN TOUB NEXT OBSES: 1914 Salmon Bellies, lb.. 302.; Salmon Tips, a 2-lb. jar 654 1914 Norway Bloater Mackerel, each 10 and 35 1914 Milchner Herring, four for 254 1914 Bismark Herring, Roll Mopse, tin 354 1914 Spring Smoked Fat Salmon, pound 304 1914 Table Raisins, lb., 204; 5 pounds for; .Sl.OO A SPECIAL EXTRA ANNOUNCEMENT! We have received the first shipment of French Camerbert, in wood, since war was declared. Price, per box 504 This fs a treat. FOB TKXTBSDAT. PRXSAY AND SATURDAY WE OFFER! 20 bars Of Mayer's White Laundry Soap.., 854 Bally Green Dairy Farm Sausage, links. lb. 404; meat, lb-. 354 Louitit Freres French Mustard, reg. 35c Jar for....... 254 New Standard Tomatoes, reg. $1.50 dozen tins for. ... --81.20 Domino .Sugar, 6-lb. boxes, each ........ 6G Mayer's O. P. S. Rye of Bourbon, 7-year-old. per full quart 81.54) IN OUR SANITARY FRUIT AND VEGETABLE DEPARTMENT! Fresh Raspberries dally, 2 boxes for '. 354 Extra Fancy Hood River Apples. Spitzenburg, Jonathan, or Ort leys. per box 81.75. 82. OO and 82.25 A great gift to ydur out-of-town friends. A full variety of Seasonable Fruits and "Vegetables, kept UNDER GLASS AND APPETIZING. '!roar for Quality. On the Great Light 'Way MY CHAD EPPHN FN U OiA l tate Dental Board Show Tool of Dental Tros The Dental Trust is desperate. It sees certain defeat on election day. It presort ing to every known political trick to prevent the passage at the polls of Dentistry Bill 340. J?- I The State Dental Examining Board, the creature of the Trust, always willink: to do the bidding of the Trust, has come out in a public statement to help the Trust fide-step my challenge of $ 10,000. i My challenge still stands. All this board has to do in order to get my $10,000 is to come into. Judge Kavanaugh's court (Dept. 1 of the Circuit Court) on the duit that I have brought, and which is now pending, and produce my examination papers and prove that 1 am not qualified to practice dentistry in this state. They don't have to ac cept my challenge to do this, and I don't have to put up $10,000 with Governor West or any other man to give them a chance to get into court. Wnen a rewaTd is of;:iered for the capture and conviction of a man, the reward is not paid until the man is captured and fouifd, guilty in court. 1 - ,v'. A :.-$;.rl The time is short between now and election. This board is simply trying to consume time. Che rec ords of the court show that this board has resorted to every dilatory plea that they could find infthe law. 1st 2d. 3d. They filed a motion to strike out different parts of the complaint They filed a motion to make the- complaint more definite. They filed a demurrer to the complaint. All of which are tactics intended to consume time and .prevent the case from coming to trial on its merits.. The board's own attorney told me that he did not intend to let this case come to trial before election day if he could help it. If the Dental Trust and the Dental Board want $10,000 of my money, all they have to do is to come into court and prove that I am not entitled to a license to practice dentistry in Oregon. I am waiting for them. Dr. Olinger, Secretary x)f the Board, writes a letter to the Dental Trust, saying that he did not consider my chal lenge genuine because I had not put up a check for $10,000. My offer to pay $10,000. is just as good as the offer of the Dental Trust, made a few days ago, to pay $100 reward to anyone who would prove that there was a Dental Trust. If it the Dental Trust did not make its offer of $100 in good faith, I certainly did make mine in good faith. And since the Trust has been telling all over the State of Oregon that I am worth a million dollars, certainly I must be gooa for $10,000. This Dental Trust knows that if I ever- get the Dental Examining Board into court, I will show up a rotten condition of affairs, and they dare not come into court before election day. j If the Dental Trust can keep the Dental Board out of court on this issue until after election day, it will be worth ten times $10,000 to the Dental Trust These side-steppers don't intend to produce my papers they dare not do it before election day. They wouldn't do it for $10,000 or any other sum of money. They don't even know how to bluff and bluff good. Vote 340 X Yes and Bust the Dental Trust. Painless Parker DENTIST Sixth and Washington Streets, 1i More Victims of the Tiiust A prominent man of this city writes f$e: ' One of the leading ethical dentists vemored the nerve and crowned a tooth for tfy wife. After some months her jaw began po swell audi became infected. Finally the tcth was extracted, and in the cavity was founr a piece of the instrument used to remove thejierve at least a quarter of an inch long. A cx&wn had been placed on this tooth after breaking off a part of the instrument and left that w'ay. ."When I wanted an affidavit from Ahe den tist .who extracted the tooth as to hat he found, he refused as it was not ethicasl "My own experience, a tooth drilled through to the an thrum; result, a black eye al whole side of face black and swollen. I liadto have the same lanced by a physician. f "The names of these ethical pirate if you want tnem. 13- " What do you think of this case? father1 sent his daughter to a Trust dentist fp. Mult nomah county to have her teeth examined. The dentist advised her to have a fining put in a "tusk," saying that some time tie tooth would have to be taken out. He put a gold filling and told the girl to come bacKin two weeks. When she returned, two weerjes later, the dentist pulled the tooth and changed her for both filling and pulling the too Hi. Can von brat- i? I: Another instance: Wife of a ma&t in the ' eastern part of the state visited a certain den tist, who informed .the lady her wotfc would be $90. The husband called and aked the Trust! te if he (the dentist) thought le was a millionaire. The dentist said there was gome mistake and to have the wife call agn. The work was done for $19. f, r Portland (Paid Advertisement by E. R. Parker, Merchants Trturt Bid-.. Portland, Or.) l ; I f Si' I!' s ilt is II ll it if '4 -