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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1914)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING,, OCTOBER 29., 1914. 8 THE JOURNAL AN TDEPKTENT NEWSPAPER. C ft. JACKSON 1 uMlh(l arorr cventac eit Sunday) asd . trr Bandar morning at Th Jnwnal Build in;. Broadway and Yamhill ta.. Portland. Of. , fcmwtd at tne pnntoft at Portlasd. Vf.. tat frananlanloQ tbrouitb ba aialla aa aacond ' rlaaa matter. . TKLJa'tlOSKR Mnln 711: HtrtD. A-fl061.AU departmcata reached by then number. Ten tha operator what lPTMtniU yon want. HiJKlUN AJAKVT1S1NG HttPKKHKNTATlVIJ .'.. henjfn A Kant nor Co.. Brnnawtck BKJC-. KiS fifth Are.. New Yr. 1218 Popl a ia' Bid.. Cblao. ii ' V Muiwcriiiuua n-iw. hr wall r iaa la U Csltid States Mexico! DAILY. , to rear One aaaotk. ..... SUNDAY. Oaa rear J..V I One nwmth DAtL AND SUNDAY. : ' Oae rear 47.50 I On awmtb -0J A SOBER THOUGHT FOR SERIOUS PEOPLE T 3f Ortc to destroy Is murder by the law, And gibbets " keep the lifted hand tnawe; To murder thousands take a specious name, Wir'n glorious art, and gives Immortal fame. Young. THE" TIMBKR EXPKJtT E iVEN Dr. 'Withycombe recog nizes that Mr. Booth is an authority on timber. Tn his fatuous llillsboro speech, Dr. Wlthycombe said: Oh, my fHendn. thinkjof our for est weulth; one ntxth of tall the tim ber In the United .States Hh here, but j Senator Booth In to speak. He will I tell you all about that. These are, indeed, statesmanlike times. .HERE is an explanation that those who are guiding Dr. Withy- come and his campaign owe to the people ol this state. Why did they refuse yesterday to give out information on where their candidate was to speak? Why did they give evasive replies at the Wlthycombe headquarters to all inquiries about ; any future appointments of Dr. Wlthycombe for public addresses. Why, very early after his nomination, am tney aavise ur. wuny combe to avoid discussion of state issues, and . why has Dr. Withy combe almost steadily obeyed them? Why have these managing persons refused to take the people of Oregon into their confidence, and why has their candidate stead ily refused to take the people of ttiis state into his confidence? They are asking the people to commission.. Dr. Wlthycombe to go to the state capital and administer the public affairs of this great commonwealth. It is a position of crucial importance, vitally af fecting the vast public business and ' complex relations of the state and its people. It is a position as head of a great state corpora tion, which ..expends yearly many millions of public money, a position which stands as the one barrier between the people and legislative extravagance and which should be a bulwark against those who make raids on the public treasury and pile up taxes. In view of all this, thoughtful men must seriously ask themselves these questions: V Why are his managing persons unwilling .to trust Dr. Withy combe to go out uncensored and discuss public questions before the people? Since his own sponsors are afraid of what Dr. Withycombe may do as a candidate now. what confidence can serious people have in him as a possible head of the state government? How can they ask that the great office of governor and the ad ministration of big public affairs in this state be committed without question, without information and without guarantees, to unseen managing men and to a non-committal candidate? BITTKAYING BUSINESS HEAV1 bror bn.i 'EAVY. losses have been brought upon evey Portland jiness house toy the per sistent cry of "hard times" by the Oregonian, its political sat rellites and its candidates. For purely political purposes, this fake cry has been voiced in editorials, cartoons, newspaper ar ticles and letters from politicians for many months. You cannot ding doing calamity into the ears of men aggressively and long without inspiring timid Ouls with apprehension. You cannot keep up a "hard times" cry for months without filling a lot of people with fear. man cost of Europe's war. Can the world survive if its picked men are destroyed at such a "rate? Till RTY - FIVE YEARS I T IS almost impossible to realize that it was only thirty-five years ago that Edison perfected the electric light. During that time a new world has been created, yet the use of electricity is in its in fancy and Edison is still busy with his contributions to human ad vancement. It was Edison who perfected the electric railroad in America though a German inventor operated an electric car in Berlin simultaneous ly with Edison's first successful experiment in this country. It was Edison who caught the human speech with the phonograph to perpetuate it for generations after the speaker is dead. In the motion picture Edison has made it possible to reproduce animated life upon the screen and ships away from the Interoceanic waterway, vessels have passed through in increasing numbers un til business vas temporarily sus pended by the landslide. Up to Oc tober 1, 100 vessels had used the canal. The canal's utility has been es tablished. As an Instance in the saving of money Washington re ports the case of four Norwegian whalers, that had been operating in Magdalena bay on the west coast of Mexico. They had secured oil val ued at $100,000, and. when their officers sent them home through the canal it was estimated they would reach Norway about four months earlier than by the longer route around South America. This will save the owners between $25, 000 and $30,000 in actual expenses of travel after paying tolls to the amount of $4000. The European war has hampered the canal's usefulness because the conflict has been a handicap on commerce. But in view of the cir cumstances the United States had ample reason for satisfaction over the showing so far made by the canal. Even a landslide has not proved a serious handicap. A FEW SMILES PERTINENT COMMENT ANC NEWS IN BRIEF The district attorney at a dinner In New York told a story about honesty. "Tbr was a man," he said, "who ap plied tor a position In a dry goods house. J His appearance) SMALL CHANGE Did you ever see a sensible love let ter 1 The unattainable is what most of us wasn't prepossess- aeslre- In, and references ! . .mniiHM Aft- , A w,se mar takes no chances on a were demanded. Ait cnance acquaintance, er some hesitation, j , , he gave the, name of Sometimes a girl begins to flirt be a driver In the i fore she is out of the cradle. turns employ. mis orner, uo thought, would vouch for him. A The average man knows as much clerk sought out the driver and asked , about war maps as women do about him if the applicant was honest, j politics. "Honest V the driver said. "Why. his , u ' honesty's been proved again and agaim beS? tnerdTnarif To my certain knowledge, he's been ; nione - arrested nine times for stealing, and j ' every time he was acquitted." It's almost as easv for her to keep j a secret as It is for her to see the "How do you like your new home?" j point of a Joke a friend asked a man who had re- o ,,,, . t i a inati iru Ilia.II IS willing io pope as an "angel," his wife will enact all i the other parts in the show. into BLAKE'S DRUM of Oregon. Never has Lincoln Re publicanism been so misrepresented. Lincoln said "God loves the common people because he .made so many of them." But here is Mr. Booth, who wouldn't vote for a direct primary through which "common people" could nominate their own candidates. Here is Dr. Withycombe, who thinks an as sembly is needed to advise the "common people" who to nominate Here is Mr. McArthur, who wanted to make it a crime for any legis lator to agree to vote for the com mon people's choice for senator. And here is Mr. Huston, and Mr Geer, and Mr." McCamant, and Mr Moser, and all the other reaction aries, big and little. There is not a Lincoln Repub lican in Oregon who is under the slightest obligation to follow such a leadership. T WASTED VOTES Nnhndv known how manv hun dreds of thousands or dollars "in ; to transport tne Denoiaer to me the business volume of Portland uttermost parts of earth, have been deliberately sacrificed j UP to tne very nour wnen Ed' by political fakers. Nobody knows ! son produced the electric lamp, how many workers have either lost October 21, 1879. scientists and en thelr positions or had their wages i gineers insisted that he was trying cut as a result of the hard times ! to achieve the impossible. humbug. ! Among tne trinutes pain uison Every department Store, every j by the" scientific world in the ob dertfirtBw'nt store head! and every I servance of the thirty-fifth anni department store clerk or employe ' versary of the electric light was has been betrayed. Every small that of Dr. .Steinmetz, a wizard of business and every clrlrk in every electricity himself, who said that small business has beejh sacrificed, j while it is true Edison never went Every day laborer, every water- ! to college he knows more about front worker and every family has ; subjects taught in colleges than been hurt by this deliberate as- most college men. Ho is essen . sault on th. business life and i tialI' a practical man. business conditions of Portland. It might be said that no man A great streaming banner across has ever lived who has influenced a public street sobs ut a bogus ; the people of his day in so many allegation of evil days. Even the ! practical ways, no man will ever standpat candidates appear in the i leave such gifts to posterity. public print as foremost Bobbers in the humbug, and all iTor the pur pose of boosting themselves into office. These candidates are de liberately pulling down the city ' and the state, deliberately harming 'tVtaft 1 1 f r nrr A i i I rt a rt nil 4-Va pie for the petty end of landin2 Philanthropy and her wise counsel themselves in a public job. hd on ,thff eence of a long Ther l not wi hrt nr ! and useful life, will be missed, but a clerk, or a dock worker, or a T P MRS.. SELLING EACEFUL as her life was the passing of Mrs. Caroline Sell ing yesterday. In many a circle her kindly presence, her Stenographer or a day laborer or anybody else but should hold these candidates and their backers re sponsible for their wanton assaults the sweetness of the memory she has left will linger and the influ ence of her kind and loving acts will flow on. ' To her, life , yielded much because she cave much to life. On business and for the great loss I She was indeed a "mother In Isreal." of business and wages this miser HERE is no three-cornered fight in the contest for gov ernor. Every poll taken shows that the contest is be tween C. J. Smith and Dr. Withy combe, and that no other candi date is even in hailing distance There is no use to throw votes I away. Either C. J. Smith will be elected governor, or Dr. Withycombe will be elected governor. With the election only four days away, no power on earth can change the unchangeable fact that the next governor of this state will be one or the other of these two men. Progressive government in thia state is on trial for its life. It is no time for any voter who believes in progress and modern govern ment to waste a vote. It is a time when every such voter should take a stand for his own defense. Dr Withycombe, as proven by his own utterances, is a strong reactionary. C. J. Smith, by his public rec ord and by his fight in this cam paign, is a proven progressive who will resist public extravagance and resist with all the power of his office any attempt to turn the po litical life of this state backward ine two candidates present a clean-cut and straight-out issue One of them will win. No other candidate has the faintest chance. Every vote thrown for any other candidate will be wasted. It will be a vote deliberately thrown away ALK of German preparations to send an expeditionary force to the shores of England re calls the drum of Admiral Drake who was in command of the English fleet that destroyed the famous Spanish armada. The drum s said to rest in Buckland Abbey, possession of a descendant of Drake's brother. There is a curious superstition surrounding this drum. It is ex pressed in the doggerel of Henry Newbolt as follows: Take my drum to England, hang it by the shore. Strike It when your powder's run ning low; If the Dons eight Devon, I'll quit the port of heaven And drum them up the channel as we drummed them long ago." When the Dutch sought to wrest the supremacy of the seas from England the drum was struck ac cording to the tradition and Drake's spirit was reincarnated in Blake. Again when Napoleon threatened the English coast with his guards and England's fate rested on her navy the beating of the drum brought Nelson. ft able calamity sobbing has brought on. f Newspapers and candidates! and politicians who do such things should be rebuked by a stinging defeat, so there will- e an end of these business betrayals. THE COST IN MUX THE CONVENTION BRIGADE ESTIMATES are being made of the cost in men of Europe's war. The expert f the Kreutz Zeitung, Berlin, places the losses of the allies at 750,000 men killed,1, wounded and missing. A New York expert, basing his com putation on the British official re port to October 9, says the total losses of the French, English, Rus sians and Belgians have reached 6.50,000. There is substantial agreement between these experts, and in the absence of definite figures it Is probably safe to fix the total at 700,000. No expert has estimated M' R. HUSTON wants to elect Mr. Booth, Dr. Withycombe and Mr. McArthur. Mr. McCamant wants tc elect Mr. Booth, Dr. Withycombr and Mr. McArthur. Mr. Geer wants to elect Mr. Booth, Dr. Withycombe and Mr. McArthur. There is not an old reactionary war horse in Oregon 'but wants tc elect Mr. Booth, Dr. Withycombe and Mr. McArthur. There' isn't an old general of conventionism but Is pawing the ground and shouting for the elec tion of Mr. Booth, Dr. Withycombe and Mr. McArthur. Why not? Mr. Booth's vote in the 6tate senate killed the original direct primary. Mr. Booth's vote in the senate was cast, not for the people's choice, but against the people's choice for senator. He is the German and Austrian losses, a reactionary. He is Mr. Geer'e but it is presumed that these two kind of politician and Mr.' Geer r countries have suffered in propor tion to the allies, if the kaiser has 2,250.000 men in the two the atres of war, it Is probable his losses have reached 450,000. If Austria's losses are only half that number, the total would be 675,000. " Exact figures are not necessary to prove the terrible cost in men which: Europe's conflict is exacting. It is not proved but it is probable that the six nations have lost ap proximately 1,375,000 men killed, wounded and missing. How. long will the war last? Will the losses In the next, period of less than two months approxi mate the losses already suffered? It is estimated that almost 5,000, OjOO men have been actually en gaged in the conflict. At least as many more are available, and losses in the field wjll be supplied from their ranks. These estimates may be inac curate; but they are not futile. They. ;give .some Idea of the hu- journeyed down to Arizona to tell the Arizonans that the Oregon sys tem is rotten. Dr. Withypombe is a reactionary. He says "this nation made a grea mistake when it defeated that great .statesman Tart." He calls the Oregon, system "our new-fan gled government" and charges it, instead of the legislature, with thf responsibility for high state taxes He says the direct primary "costs too much" and Bays we ought to nave "an assembly to eliminate candidates," and he joins an as sembly movement every time he gets a chance. Mr. McArthur is a reactionary: He was one of the brigadiers of the 1913 legislative machine. He championed a bill to make It a crime for a legislator to agree to vote for the people's choice for senator Never were three candidates and the campaign fugelmen more out lot Uue with the real Republican THEIR LETTER I N CAMPAIGNING for Dr. Withy combe his backers should spare the Oregon Agricultural Col lege. That Institution has al ways been signally free from poll tics. There should be no attempt by former'students or anybody else to crpitalize it now as a vote get ter for any man. No institution does more splen did work.- Its great growth is proof of its virtues. The last thing in the world that any former stu dent who has had the benefit of its splendid training should do, is to compromise the institution by a state-wide movement to make the college appear as a political asset for anybody's candidacy. THE CONGRESSIONAL FIGHT S" cently moved. the village. "Pretty well." "Have you called on your neighbors yet?" "No," the new comer admitted. "I haven't. But I'm going to if any more of my wood is missing." Two Scotchmen met and exchanged the small talk appropriate to the hour. As they were parting to go supperward Sandy said to Jock: "Jock, mon, I'll go ye a roond on the links in the morrn." "The morrn?" Jock repeated. "Aye mon, the morrn," said Sandy. "I'll go ye a roond on the links in the mqrrn." "Aye; weel." said Jock, "I'll go ye. But I had intended to get marriet in the morrn." lilt ; However, there are times when the i so-called fatal gift of beauty looks as j if it had been purchased at a bargain an iv. When one lives near to nature one has to be one's own janitor, but there are compensations. Culture has not yet discovered any way of carrying the war into the rounn aimension. p i ne troume . with manv or our friends is that it is much easier for OREGON SIDELIGHTS IN EARLIER DYS. By Fred Lockley. The Pendleton post of the Spanish- American War Veterans Is to be re vived. Mayor and Mrs. F. A. French. Of The Dalles, are the parents of twin sons, brn last Monday. Klamath Falls' city hall will soon be completed. The exterior is prac tically tinished and worK on tne in terior is being rushed. a The Condon Globe, in a spirit of neighborly reciprocity, is boosting vigorously the ballot measure that is designed to give Arlington the loca tion of a county high school. a v Woodburn Independent: The tract proposed for. the city park covers nearly nine acres, making the price only a little over $200 an acre. This is certainly reasonable enough in price and far below surrounding values. a Roseburg's council has decreed that trainmen must dump no more hoboes in the city, the penalty being $5 to $25 per hobo. Moreover, in future. i the mayor says, it will take two hours of hobo labor instead of one, to earn a municipal handout. a The Prairie City correspondent of the Baker Herald, writes: "The 6pirit of progress is taking hold in this town; factional strife is rapidly pass ing: old wounds are healing. Every where is optimism. The council caught the fever, ordered new cement side walks and presto! Within a week not a rotten board or for that matter, a board of any kind or a nail or a knot them to put on style than it Is to pay I hole could be seen on the whole for It. I stretch of Main street." Letters From the Peopla about It, it makes my very soul cry out. Why do people have no more regard -for the truth than to publish such things? MRS. L. E. HIATT. WHAT ABOUT THE PHILIPPINES? From the Detroit News. What shall be done with the Phil ippine islands? is now the question in congress. This government, havlng selzed them, to punish Spain, assumed the responsi bility of holding them until the prin ciples of our government could be In stilled into the people, and, as soon as they would be" fitted for self govern ment, to give them their Independence. Immediately a misunderstanding oc curred. The Filipinos maintained that they were entitled to immediate inde pendence and before any formal guar antee could be given them they rose Booth's Election a Calamity. Portland. Oct. 2S. To the Editor of The Journal After listening to the ln revot under Kmilio Agulnaldo and speakers in the V est-Booth debate ana for many months put this government carefully reading the newspaper re- j to mucu trouble and expense by main ports, 1 am convinced that Mr. Booth's j taining an active insurrection through election to the United States senate . out .v.. archlDelago would be nothing 6hort of a national calamity. To elect a timber baron to tha high est legislative body at this time, when Gradually they were subdued and a stable colonial government was estab lished. The policy of this government (has been to admit intelligent and loyal the direct election of senators is being ; Filipinos to participation in that gov tested, would be to invite the criticism ' rmi.t OP tne purpose of assuring of every enemy of popular government. tnem cf our ultimate intentions and at Such blunder could result in iioth'.ns tn sarne time putting their most cap better than having It said that the aWe representatives in positions where people are incapable of selecting bet-,thpy couij re fitted for the responsl- ter men man aiu me Dougaien leg- . bllitles of government. Islatures of old. Elect Mr. Booth, with or without 1 tie in return. Our commerce with the Philippines has grown. It is true, but it has made small advancement in comparison with that of Cuba, to which we gave independence, or with Porto Rico and Hawaii, which are ter ritories of the United States. The population of the Philippines Is sev eral times greater than the combined population of the other Islands named. (Communications sent to Tbe Journal for publication in tUis department should l writ ten on only one side of the paper, should not exceed 300 words la length and must be ao- vompanled Dr tbe name and actilre.-s oi me sender. If the writer does not desire to have Uie name published, be should so state.) is dress suit of federal indictments. nd the feudal press will forthwith point to him as a sample of the peo ple's judgment, and justify Lorimer, Stephenson and Guggenheim by set- ing out the fact that neither of these was haled before the bar on a criminal 'Discussion is the greatest of all reform ers. It rationalises everything it touches, n robs principles of all falae sanctity and throws them back on their reasonableness, n they bare no reasonablentsa, it ruthlessly crushes them out of existence and set up its own conclusions In their stead. wooorow Wilson. cnarge Deiore their elevation to ine ...... j,,,--,.- haus- thev senate. I, nrvinitatK rivil strifo Therefore, if popular government is.. tv, fBiunris to revert to the to survive, it becomes the duty of all which always baffled : Snanlsh control. On the other hand. aMe representa tives of the Filipinos have petitioned The Saloon and Town Boosting. Hood River, Or., Oct. 23. Ti the Editor of The Journal When I was at Santa Ana, Cal., last winter, I saw on a billboard near the depot an in scription boosting for Santa Ana and the country adjacent. It wound up by saying "28 churches and no saloons." While there I wrote the chamber of commerce at San Jose for literature descriptive of Santa. Clara county. The literature gave a specific description of every town in the county. In describ ing towns that had saloons the saloon was 'not mentioned, but where there was no saloon it was always stated "no saloons." Now if saloons are so essen tial to good business and prosperity, why do business men advertise in tkis way? They mention the secret orders. schools and churches, but never men tion the saloon as a- drawing card. When the boosters go out from Port land, do they ever tell the people of tne east or elsewhere how many saloons there are' and what good saloons, as an inducement to immi grants? If not, why not? Reasoning from this, we would con clude that only undesirable citizens will leave when the saloons go. Suppose the Oddfellows were to de cide to establish a state school. Would they prefer a saloon town to one with out a saloon? Would desirable citizens or industries select a wet town in preference to a dry one, other things being equal? The wets make a great ado about eastern speakers ln Oregon to help the drys, but say nothing about the litera ture sent out by the liquor publicity bureau in the east, or of the many sup plied by the eastern liquor interests, They have much to say about blind pigs in dry towns but are silent about Cigarette Annie. But-they realize that the saloon is doomed. W. B. PRUETT. to register disapproval of this high handed attempt to seat a recognised epresentative of predatory wealth in that tribunal which has the last word n legislating for all the people. ROBERT G. DUNCAN. for complete liberty, assured the gov ernment at Washington that law and order would be preserved. They ar- i - IV. 1. ,11 ilntt, rf f Vita e-rtv- Campaign Importations Discussed. rnment nas been fulfilled. The judg- Aiawmnvute, ur., uct. 33. to tne m.n. nf the government at washing- Editor of The Journal W. J. Bishop : ton must decide when the time has OME say the congressional race is between Mr. Flegel and Mr. McArthur. Others say it is between Mr. Flegel and Mr. Lafferty. Few, if any, say it. is between Mr. McArthur and Mr. Lafferty. That is to say, practically all agree that Mr. Flegel, on any reck oning, Is the candidate to go to by those anxious either to defeat Mr. McArthur or Mr. Lafferty. Nor can voters feel safer in a choice than in selecting Mr, Flegel. for he is good material for the place. PANAMA CANAL TRAFFIC ITTLE has been said about traffic through the Panama canal since the opening of that waterway. Recently there was announcement that a landslide had blocked the canal, but - now the fact is known that Colonel Goethals had prepared for just such an emergency. The landslide, while spectacular, was not important. Figures received at Washington show, that despite the European war's influence In driving many The Anti-Prohibitionist Catechism Vancouver, Wash., Oct. 23. To the Editor of The Journal Regarding an anti-prohibition advertisement which recently appeared in The Journal, il lustrated with a large cut, I have something to say. The cut represented a school room, with "Prohibition" as teacher, tied in a chair and catechised by a pupil representing himself as "Oregon." Now if the questioner. would just try as hard to find out something in favor of prohibition as against it he would have no need to ask such questions. Now, as for making claims which we cannpt back, and never tell about our falfures, I answer: We do ' not make any claims which we cannot back, . and we have no failures of which we are ashamed. Now, as for the states named as trying prohibi tion lor so many years and then re jecting it, if such was the case, it was not for the evil prohibition was doing. the homes it was wrecking and the souls it was sending to perdition. .Out of the states named as rejecting pro hibition, I have the written testi monials of the governors of nearly all to the contrary. In the advertise ment it is asked, "why are you trying to make us adopt a law to make men good?" I answer: Why do we have laws to correct any evil, and especi ally the liquor traffic? Simply be cause we see Its terrible effects on every side. In regard to Tennessee, one of our latest victories, trying in vain to float $1,400,000 bonds, I ask, "Well, if you think it was because it was dry, what was - the matter witn Washington when she fell down on $500,000 bonds for the bridge? Now. for that "model state," i Kan sas. And I say "model" with 'pride, for I was born within its borders and spent there all my life except the But one condition has delayed thft bestowal of Independence, and that is the racial and tribal and religious ri valries that abound in the islands. Men who have spent much time In the islands and have formed acquaintance with the different tribes and races have counselled against a premature It may be said that the islands h4v been a frequent embarrassment to the nation that owned them. The Portu guese more than 800 years ago pro tested that Spanish occupation of them was an invasion of their East Indian realm. Spain put an end to the dis put by making conquest of Portugal In 15S0. Then the Chinese rdrates be gan to raid the Philippines. The Dutch disputed possession and harassed Spain. The Moro pirates made con tinual trouble. When Spain was drawn Into the seven years' war ln the hope of recovering Gibraltar It was her 111 fortune to lose the Floridas to the United States and Cuba and the Phil ippines to English fleets. The Phil ippines were restored to Spain by the peace treaty. In 1841 the Ilocanos rose in rebellion and insurrections from that time became frequent. s ever talking of imported agitators and imported money on the dry side. Did he ever look into the other side? Will he tell us1 who is Mr. Eppstein, the manager of the wet campaign? Is he arrived, and the Filipinos are impa tient of delay. So far as yet appears, our posses sion of the islands is represented by the man who managed the recent that humorous definition: An Irish Denver contest? Did he come to Ore- dividend. In other words, they have gon to make his home, or only to i cost us dear In expenditures of blooa tell the citizens to vote wet to save ; an(j treasure and have gained us iit- the booze business.' is Lmma uold- i man a citizen or Oregon, that she should tell our people how to vote, j and how to escape the infection inci- Ian trt i tn in nr'i 1 livtTKr fiha at lauat i Is not dry. Is it true that the Brew- ! Jonn .fl- ers' association is furnishing two-I Fro . ,Becr5.taril ?he A,f, ll thirds of the campaign fund? Is it can society lor inriu . - ,,i r,m1 t nnt u ,ietv I which did exactly what its writer only ahat Portland shall continue to hop H would do-it int-ested me send east $9,800,000 yearly for im- "" ported booze? Are imported prohibi- will be Interested also . tionists worse than imported brands ,. 'era?.B Z?Jl,JSJV Z r ' v. ; -i . r r Ortnhr 1 a hom mak- Om " - . . - L ! . , . . I T7Akali The uprising of 1896 continued until the Spaniards were dispossessed by the United States in 1898 and then, finding thit they were not to have immediate liberty, th- natives rose against us with greater unanimity I have Just returned from a trip by auto through old Yamhill. 01 e of Ore gon's pioneer counties. ThJi old Bay iojr. used to be, "Old YamlBU agalriBt the world." Whenever I through Yamhill county, and tha'is quite often,I always think of f : trevellng evangelist, or- "camp meetrsg preach er." as they called them In jthttee days, who was conducting a revlvaf in one of the smaller communities in Yam-. hill county. After dwelling! upon the glories of heaven and the 'Jiorrors of hell, he asked all those w3o wished to go to lieaven to rise. 1 rose but a half dozen or so. He "1 see some have not risen and apparently do ' not wish to go ' to heavenf -Will all who are willing to go ,to fiiell pleas-3 rise. One or two of the un'egenerated arose. Pointing to an old rjay hatred, benevolent looking pioneer he said, "I see you have not ni iseft; at either Invitation. Where do you vant to go to heaven or hell?" The ld pioneer arose and said dlffldentiC "Neither. Old Yamhill is good enotijfa for me." As I rode through t hj; beautiful rolling hills of old Yamhil l couldn't find it In my' heart to blamg him much. The road .winds about file base of the low hills like a tawy. change able silk ribbon or a bucfijkln thong. To the right is the gentlajsiope dj a hillside crowned by a grcjLip of wide spreading and. stately oas. In ths foreground against the vt5d green Of the clover field are Home Cjuroc Jersey Red hogs. Across the ro& is a herd of fawn colored Jersey iheifera as graceful and as beautiful its deer. There is no sound but t!e Soft pur ring of the engine as we'speed over the winding road throughieverX chang ing beauty. Here we pas a farmer at work in his field turning- under the yellow stubble and levying a dark mourning band around f his golden brown field. h As we? reach the summit of one of the rolling hills we paufS for a mo ment. To the eastward Wount Hood rises, spectral and beautiful. Its base is hidden by clouds. Ij seems as though the mountain wasrlsing front a sea of clouds as Aphrodfe rose from the milk-white foajn of tffie sea. Far as the eye can see are fifds of clover or newly plowed fields ihowing the rich brown soil or the feplden brown hue of last year's wheat fields, how in the stubble. No need?., to turn to the musty pages of history 'to read of the field of the Cloth cMRGold where ln bygone days the .Frht:h and the English kings met. for herfc, mile after mile, toward the far horsj6n, stretches a field of gold intersiersed wit!, squares of emerald grefc. On thjt , skyline Is the vivid gret4lof the sky- pointing firs, while beloi. on the hill side Is the green of th? apple trees In the orchard with brjht tpots of color scattered through; the green where red cheeked Spift-nbergs are mellowing in the Ootobefsunahine. Nature is at rest. Al'sfr a summer of growth and fruitioigi nature, has paused before the tranle of winter. With folded liands i-Uiu. jfi ts in the than ever before and civil rule was i f loanlin8 af.ter tn heutilnd tres of not established until July, 1902. The total number 6f United States troops sent to control the islands ap proximated 128,000, and the estimated cost of the war was $170,000,000. -In addition to that cost we paid Spain $20,000,000 for her public improve ments. It cost a large amount of money to settle the dispute" over the friars' lands. The cost of policing the islands has botn ln millions. To sell the Islands to any other- power would violate our pledge and compro mise the national honor. To hold them Is to Invite the Jealousy of Japan and Incur the enmity of the natives. Ap parently the best thing to be done is to bring about a convention of tha powers to guarantee Philippine Inde pendence and then ttlrn over the gov ernment to the pottle of the islands under some such erms as were given to Cuba- SUPPLY BUREAU FOR HOME-MAKERS of booze? f . . j . . . . . . . . .. . 1 CIO KUUUljr I'Ui cnu v,. uregun ireuuuncu wia.1. me ttiuemuueui. - r - in).n( lottpr A "a , . . ... l. rVia1 nlun nere to ex.pia.jii mat m . .vuua the Rochdale ehould be placed on the ballet- same citizens ,are furnishing the great majority of all money used in the conflict on the dry side. Hav'e they not thd right? Or is personal liberty only for those who wish to use it to the detriment of others and for their Qwn money gain? The contest is imported men and money against the citizens of Oregon; but the chief importations, particular ly of money, are on the side of the wets. It Is the booze interests of the nation against the citizens of Oregon. Oregon wins: 332 X Yes. M. C. SMITHSON. Questions Regarding Liquor. Portland, Oct. 26. To the Editor of The Journal If it Is a good thing for local merchants to have people order wet goods- from foreign dealers, why. wouldn't it be a better thing to pur chase all merchandise from mail order houses? Jesus performed a miracle to sup ply the demand for liquor. Can It be Christian to prohibit a thing that Jesus did? If prohibition is a good thing for religion, why is it that 54 per cent of the people in wet Rhode Island belong to churches, while only 29 per cent of the people in dry Kansas belong to churches? Mohammed, in the Koran, declares that "wine is the abomination of the work of Satan." Jesus performed a miracle in order to supply the demand for wine at the wedding feast. Mo htatnmed was a prohibitionist; Jesus was not. Do you stand with Moham med or Christ? If saloons are the prolific cause of crime, how does it happen that dry Memphis had. In 1912, 64 murders per 100,000 of the population, while wet Chicago had only 9? How does it come that saloonless Atlanta had 39 mur ders per 100,000 of population, and wet Milwaukee 4? WOMAN'S LIBERAL LEAGUE. Ursula Melster, President. is the one used by the wonderruiiy successful English co-operative so ciety. "Nothing will be handled by the bureau which is not tested and found full weight and honest value. "In the matter of household devices a great amount of experimenting and testing has already been done, and the idea is to give the buyers not only prices that don't feed a multitude "of middlemen, but give them also the benefit of testing, investigation, etc., which will reduce the loss in the junk heap. "The department of agriculture, par ticularly O. H.. Benson's bureau, has her summer's worK. Cagnl'y and resl- fully she basks in the fttellow beauty of the Imlian summer. gThlstle down and milkweed seed drift ay toward un known harbors. The shltfn and shim mer of silver is seen wSijere the tiny cables of the busy splfrr run from weed to weed. The feru&l) are a gleam with their filnt.y and fgossamer-like lace work. Here on a iieddi'ning u mach swtngs-.and sings iCrr.eadow lark, pouring his heart out in.Jj'iuid melody. Nature's annual miia(.:le'fs to be seen on all sides, blie has trjajismuted, like some alchemist or bSfie dayh; the green of the sumach u9 maple into gleaming gold or brill&nt crimson. Moses saw the burning bush aflame yet unconsunifd. HereS all overthe hillside the miracle is produepiin the burning flame-like g'tints of the sumach. The maples aij! willows are alike a brave compani of Scottish Highlanders mustered 03k the htllsiU'v j clad ln their plaids of rcl and yellow. From a nearby field cAies the trl dent call of a China pleasant and a ! moment later we - i-atclifa gllrnptt of Its rnjE-tallie reds and Miuh and greens as it risp.s in strong- an. giteady flight Here and there half hidjpen and half revealed among thi- tres is an old fashio'ied house of southern type, the home of some pioneer wjo came from Virginia or Kentucky Mn the early forties. There is a 'syell of cider mingled with the balsRiatlc odor of the evergreens; there iS a gleam of yellow ln the fields w.fjich suggests pumpkin pie and Thanksgiving plenty. in tne Darn yard you set turkey sob- been urging this bureau plan as a means to handlei a great amount of homecraft goods including vegetables, fruits, etc., which the cities -need and the country cannot now market. "We expect to have exhibits from a number of state fairs spilt baskets of the mountains of Tennessee, the home made cane.' syrup of Louisiana, the canned tomatoes of many states, etc. "The bureau will be self sustaining and help to Increase the thrift propa- j biers swelled up over feftcir own lm- ganda." portance, unknowing tgat they will T hAn ! fhlnnirn y neri ment will 1 mm trnrA t h n f f j t o3i -1 m famiiv A . 1 V' , ' V. V . O " r ... - j . . . n .--V. ' ...... 0V . tu M J succeed; If it does, as the secretary told me before I received his letter, the society will extend the work of the bureau to other cities. To curse the middleman whose charges raise the- cost of a bushel of potatoes from 75 cents on the farm to gathering. As your eSe sweeps tha broad acres of old Yamhf(t there come to your mind VjJ. H-. L'radlebaugh's "Nyeena Kloslie Illaheef his song of the Good Country. It Isl. perfect pic ture of the Willamette galley. Bloom of apple and orffiard trees. $2 when it gets into a city kitchen is! Scent of clover andfriifp of bees, futile. He doesn t get ricn, ana ne is t,,j5u'."s o1- Aowg,,H pine. performing a neqessary share of tha S ,7u'l a'la.cW'Bing vine, Z. Ii,. J,,- nn r.,,o- TlnKlin. brook, by wlldfrose traced. worK. ui . Kiver with balm and wlow laced. nnrtoi- our svsiera. nnat t neeu m (it-Ai:. ,rii ri, ni do is to find out about such plans, for cutting distributing costs and then give them our support! Drinking Under Dry Conditions. Portland, Oct. 23. To the Editor of The Journal "Whiskey is a nuisance and a curse and we'll vo.te. It out." says W. P. Lawry, and he is. going to do thisby supporting a bill that only pre vents the manufacture of beer in Ore gon and assails' the hop industry, at the same time permitting the free im portation and distribution of liquor from other states. It Is well known J that when men are forced to send past seven years. X Know personally I away for liauor thev crenerallv nnr. what prohibition has done, and wheri I (chase whiskey InsteadT of beer," and read some oX the terrible things said I when they drink the liquor brought Is . . .... . . '., y in this manner they do eo under con ditions that are much worse, both for society and the individual, than is drinking under the license system. The man who, under present condi tions, Is satisfied with a glass of beer or wine with his.meals. If he must eat in a public dining room, under prohi bition cannot obtain what he desires, therefore he -sends away for- a case, and since he must keep it ln his room nine times out of ten it will be a case of whiskey. His friends drop in and instead of a few glasses of beer or wine aroupd a table with the meal, it Is several drinks of whiskey, probably on an empty stomach. The man who will deny that this Is the net result of such a law as- advocated by the drys of Oregon has had mighty little experience of either dry towns or states, and the man who thinks this condition is an improvement over the Dresent method of handling liquor in Oregon is unable to gather anything from the experience of other states. Will some prohibitionist explain why they are to sure that whiskey pur chafed in Oregon has a curse at tached, and why making the purchase in some other state takes off the curse? It would seem .from the pend ing amendment that the prohibition ists only objected to the revenue de rived from licenses and the jobs fur nished men in Oregon breweries and hopflelda, but didn't object to liquor so long" as it was not made in Oregon and did not pay a revenue to the com munity. PAUL TURNER. Same Old Game. From the Medford Mail Tribune. Some time since it was announced that an operation had relieved the Portland Oregonian of -Its vermiform appendix, the Evening Telegram. There has however, appearea imw to tun- nothing to indicate that the Tele gram's course Is not still -dictated by the tall tower. The sole change If change It may be .is that the Telegram Is now out openly for prohibition, instead of sneaklngly for It, as formerly. It seems to be the one subject that the appendix has any convictions upon other than to echo the Oregonlan's re actionary clamor. Even this flop arouses suspicion of sincerity as the paper can thereby reach and influence another class of people for the same old machine program. The Telegram poses for reform and good government It 1s only a pose. It has fought every effort for reform. Tbe Telegram poses as a great mor alist yet has done all ln its power to thwart the efforts of those striving to better conditions. The Telegram pretends to be in favor of law enforcement, yet It did what it could to misrepresent -and belittle Governor West's vigorous crusade for law enforcement TheTelegram pretends to favor the closing of dives, yet it gave Governor West no support in his clean up cam paign. The Telegram pretends to favor good government yet it has supported every machine politician and political crook who sought office and opposed those who came with clean hands tnd honest records. The Telegram, not to break Its.rec erd for inconsistency. Is shouting for prohibition and . supporting; Withy combe, who is the saloon candidate, and opposing Dr. Smith, who stands for law enforcement It is the same old hypocritical gams the Oregonlaa.wet because the sa loons agree to snport its candidate and the Telegram dry to secure prohl- bitioa votes for tbe saloon candidate - V. .. Fairest of lands that Gf3 has made. Far as the gladdened tjve can see. Meadow and brook and igbwerand tree; Miles on miles of emergld sward. Mountains that keep gternal guard; Pillars of flame in thrinortilng sun. r-oiniing a iraraaise io?j ana won; Where sundown sleeps fM lth her ban ners furled, -zi An emerald gem in world. thy ring of the The Ragtime Muse rm the oneration no changes in per sonnel or policies, no Independence, the same old bunco game. Short Cum, I. SURE SffiJT. When Phyllis sought t ttch a man She schemed with Anir Cupid; But, for so keen an elf rib Dan, lie acted rather tstuplSI He tipped his shafts "with Phyllis smiles 5 The victim's heart wi shaken. But still, in spite of alUher wiles. He was not wholly taken. When Martha felt the gfiow subllms, A man for winning suotted. She left her cooking for a Urns And so with jjupid pigtted. With head a-Uit he weighed plan .gi Decided ttten to risk tt. The arrow sped it man! The'd tipped It with biscuit! II. MORE ATROCITIES. They're fighting over -fonder To beat Tom Walker-is master; Much energy they squrthder ' To drub each other paster. So long as they are fighting On their own territory They send their foermsn kitine. And soak themselves in glory. But once outside their -borders They find a peck vf -rouble; With forward marching' orders Their tribulations -dopWe. For cunningly they've fglven Such names to ail thjeir places, - Pronouncing them has Srlrlven. The foe to twisted t arses. - ; - ? ' ; Invaders so roust dally? WThi)e officers pronorijes 'em! . Then the defenders ra$ a Once more, and rounry trounce m. L