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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1912)
.PORTLAND, OREGON,, SUNDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 4, 1912. EvcrCoroct Fitted By One ol Our Expert Coroctlcrca la Aboolutcly Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction to ttic Wearer Our Corset Dcpartm't la the Largeot Weat of Chicago--Wc Carry the Moot Complete Stoclc of Corsets and Accessories .( ' 1 Tlte ' rsn'ori Center of ttie Jorthwcst-Occupylng Entire City Block: . r - v - X ' 6 ; : MRS. L. A. SELDEN - , Expert Coraetlere.. ; " From the East fMannfaptiirern frif-ift ' Corset Department and meet Mrs. manufacturers of Bon Ton and Roya! .yvorcester. Corsets to conduct a series .'of studies on Corsetry for a period of two weeks. Come to. her ,with;your corset ills, she will diagnose your case just as a doctor.- would. She just loves to talk Corsets. All are invited. Conducted toy-Two For a period of two week, beginning tomorrow, we will hold a series of coract studies in our Corset Salon, on Second Floor, during which Mr. L. A. Belden, an expert corsctiercr will demonstrate and give fittings of the celebrated Boi Ton and Royal Worcester Corsets. ' She will reveal the marvelous figure-moulding possibilities of these world-famous corsets and demonstrate their absolute importance to all fashionable women. Come! ' " Ml"' '"' ". ' . '" ' " ' .11 I.' I I. HI! I H.1MJ I I I I II. I I ! I I - I I i, i ., MM Exhibition Demonstration on Living Models t ? : i ,X ; I I IIM.II Illlll MIMM Itlll v r COP.FCCtt Cofs . Is Essential to Perfect-Fitting Gowns Before ordering your Spring Gowns, Suits and Dresses, you should by all means find a corset that will fit you with perfect comfort without destroying the natural lines of youj figure. . The very foundation of a correctly fitting garment is the Corset. It retains the poise of the body controls the flesh and at the same time, gives freedom of action. The corset furnishes the lines for the tailor or gown maker to work from, and without a perfect fitting Corset no garment can be made to fit correctly. Call and see them. RoyaMtadorseiHemfl Accorded! In one of his recent society articles a famous London newspaper correspondent writes: ; .": ' ; An English. Duchess who is prominent at court is responsible for the following: "The irresistible charm and grace of American women in London is due almost wholly to the superb designs and perfect fitting qualities of their corsets. Since this secret has -. become known, the demand for American corsets is noticeably brisk. This speaks volumes for the superiority of the American made BON TON Corsets, which have an enormous sale in. London and. sll ..over. Europe ' The Woman Who Wonts a High-Class Corset " ''-""'i'.... - , .. .-'-v.: t S ,'. Bon TonrCorsets are madeof various kinds of materiats fromj the plain sheer Imported Batiste to the most gorgeously trimmed Silk Brochets. Alt'are boned with' nbn-rustible, non-breakable Wafoh;h.j Fittings at your home by appointment without extra charge. You are invited to call and examine these' corsets. -V'-i . '; . Iffla . V :CQR8EyT6 MISS HELEN MINOGUE Expert Corsetiero and - Manager of Our Corset Dept The women of Portland need no in troduction to our miss Minogue. one came to us hiarhlv recommended as a Corsetiere and manager after long, experience in the department work and extensive travels in introducing new corset features in the large cities, of America, Australia and New Zei- land Sh trivia to talk Cornet 9. trtrti In Our Auditorium Fourth Floor Next Thursday All women, young and old, are cordially invited to attend this demonstration, showing the various styles of Corsets on the vari ous figures. The corsets will be fitted on living models to clearly illustrate the practicability of every idea advanced by the Cor setieres. Don't miss this demonstration, it's the first of the kind ever held in Portland. Watch papers for further announcements. Internationally Famous and Popular for 50 Years 1 We've Sold Them for 2(5 Years See. Four Windows Today. Morrison: Street See Fong Windows on Morrison St. Today It goes without .saying that- any 'article must 'possess exceptional merit to hold its leadership for half a century and be sold and worn in every civilized country on the globe. It has been a pleasure to us to sell them, for they always please. ' v " 'li Women Who Want Moderate-Priced Corsets Will Buy the Royal Worcester " The Royal Worcester Corset is designed to meet every corset requirement of woman. . The prices., range from $1.00 up. Each particular model is an original conception designed upon correct lines, , fashioned from the best materials with painstaking care by skilled work people. They are free from defect, perfect in fit, and everyone is sold with an absolute guarantee of satisfaction to the wearer. afoail INVENTOMY GLEAhl UIP SALES Sofa Pillows In the Drapery Department, third floor. Pillows made of rich Velouro, Tapestries and Heavy Brocade 811k. The short lengths left from drapery and upholstering - contracts. $4.00 to SS.00 grades SI ?9 .00 to $7.00 grades. Odds and Ends and Broken Lines, Remnants and Mill Ends of Every Description Will Be Closed Out This Week at VVonderful Saving Reduct ionsi Remnants Thousands of short lengths of Dress Goods, Silks, LJnens, Cotton Goods, Wash Goods, Laces, ; Embroi deries, Ribbons. Draperies to.- la all parts 'of the store where yard goods are sold and remnants have accumulated you may . realise great savings. This i our Annual Inventory Week and accountants are busy figuring. Every department head it- busy sorting out the odd and ends and short lino. When you read the following item you will have only a faint idea of the thousands upon thousands of great bargains to be found in every section of the mammoth Olds, Wortman & King Store. Watch our advertisements for new items from day to day. Women's Raincoats plain mannish" styles, vith " storm dollars and cuffs, 0 iQ in black, tan or blue clean-up price for tomorrow PvFe'A In the Garment Store, Second Floor, A Clearance of Women's Rubberized and Serge Rain Coats, in 135.09 Wool Coals tX. A Clearance of Women's Wool Coats, in mixtures, with small or large collars, in cape effects, alsp fancy broadcloths A Qff and serges; worth to $35.00, special for this sale at tuJ-fXeat" S35.00 Wool Capes In the ' Garment Store. Second Floor. A clean-up of oads and ends in women s Broadcloth Capes, in light ev&iing shades with 'fancy silk linings. Our C" QK regular stock values to $3S;00, special sale at only wXTCsatl the Garment i??'", S-YTV. "; Store, Second Floor, A" final -elean-up of od4 lines'of Women's Suits in many differ ent styles, materials, colors, etc.. Only one or two CIA Kfl of, kind;,wortli up to $25, special inventory price j).VstV Women's $40 Suils Fine Tailored Suits' in odd lines of Only one or two of a kind, all good seasonable styles,' well made and splendid ma- P" C PA terials; worth to $40.00, clean-up price tomorrow at D AOeillf AVaists,with trimmings of hand embroidery, Val, laces and crjv chet buttons, various styles. 'Only one or two of a QO "I Q kind; worth to $4.00 each Inventory clean-up price ysMeX7 Now for the Final SIM ITniKP l)rp6Gpc - " - Vrr.; C Uanup Sale of .Women's House Dresses of good quality percale and gingham, it) checks and stripes, with high or Dutch necks, long d1 nQ or H ' sleeves ; values to $3.00 clean-up price, each ipJLuOV of heatherbloom or sateen materials, trimmed with tucks and bands, "Klosfit" top or draw strings, black' and col- flH AQ ors; extra good grades, special for this week's cleanup PXe4 Women's $20 Waists in chiffons, silks, nets, lingeries, marquisettes and crepes; beau tifully trimmed and styled right up to the minute. QQ Values up to $20.00 Inventory clean-up price, each POOl Women's $10 Wateto;-w in lingeries, marquisettes, silks! and nets, styled with high necks, leng or short sleeves. Some with ruffled effects, oth- QQ ers with lace and embroidery. Values to $10.00, for P07O $2.75 EmbFoideries irr in embroideries, Swiss and nainsook, in 27-inch flouncings and 22-inch allovers, open and closed effects, daintjr baby 61 OfJ patterns and floral designs; worth to $275, now for vltOl EinbroJidertes of Embroideries, Edges and Insertions in widths to 12 inches, attractive-patterns on cambric, suitable for underwear, etc. Qrt a yard, .special for this clean-up sale Uv Good values to 20c $1 Jewel 'y Novelties sss - in Brooches, Belt Pins, Collar Pins, Hat Pins, etc., in rose gold, oxidized silver- and antique" finishes, plain effects and AH stone set novelties; worth to. $1.00, priced for this salel v 65c Fancy Neckwear Inventory Clea n u p of a Very - Large assortment of Women's Fancy Neckwear in side ruffles, jabots, collars, etc., in lace ana lawn materials; excellent values ?cjeacht; Special for this Inventory cleanup sale, only cleanup 6f ,all the latest : styles 4 in evening Scarfs in fringed crepes, crystal dew drops and beautiful Dresden ef- " IQ fectsj worth up to $3. Special cleanup price," only DlftO $1.50-$L75Underw'r main floor, a cleanup of odd lots of real Swiss Ribbed Vests Tights, mercerized or merino, pink, white or sky. (Our fTr best $1.50 and $175 values. .. Clearance price for this' sale l.tlU. At t)ie Knit Under wear Counter, on $1.25 Fine Kid Gloves Gloves in black or colors, one and Inventory Pea n u p of Women's Kid two-clasp, also Chamois ;59c Gloves in the one-clasp. Our regular 'values to $1.25 Special forxthis final cleanup sale your choice, the pai Fine Mended Gloves fr0d?cs. i Women's Kid Gloves, which have been mended, also a lot of children's Kid Gloves; worth up to $1.50 a pair. Special OK, for tomorrow's cleanup sale your choice at, the pair MfJKt 65c Fine Underwear tr'c;r;P of odd lines 'of Women's Vests and Tights, of fine quality cot ton, cream color all neat fitting and good values at 50c OC and 65c a garment. Special cleanup price for this tzle&UL Fine Silk Pellicoals Beautiful new Silk Petticoats of rich taffeta, medium weight, soft finish, with deep flounce and dust ruffle; black, J0 QQ white and all colors. Special for this sale at only Vtvd 18c Velour Flannel a cleanup of good quality Velour Flannels, ioft fleeced quality, in nice patterns for house dresses, kimonos,' etc. Reg- 1Afl ular 18c. grade. Special cleanup price tomorrow, at only XUC In Fine Cotton Goods of broken lines of Cotton snd Silk .Wash (Vn4 yard, for 34c , Also broken lines of real Japanese crepe " Cg materials worth 25c regular. . Special, the yard, at only AOL Sale of W in many, neat patterns; $175 grades for $1.45, and regular $2.00 grades for $1.65. Also 100 Bed Spreads which have been Slightly soiledregular $1.00 grades,' on sale tomorrow OO C Linen Ttablc Clol h s Vn j?c wnen Aisie , v. a -Cleanup Sale of Scalloped, Round Pattern Cloths, slightly mussed, 36-inch $2.50 cloths for-$1.90; size 45-inch $4.00 Cloths, for $2.95; jE QK size 54-inch,' $5 cloths, $3.75, and size 72-inch $8 cloths VOtVu "Aisle of a Cleanup Seolch Ginghams 12Vic Iis In good patterns; 20c quality, special sale, the yard lSf 2000 yards of Bleached Muslin, full 36 inches wide and a 7gi very good quality. Will be specialized for this sale, yard;' In the Men's ' Cor- via 44. au a a ivvl a cleanup of 3000 Men's Handkerchiefs in the fine linen finish ' camonc, wun narrow or wiae nems. uur regular 15c or 2 for 25c grades, special, 3 for 25c or . each at - only C Men's $18.00 Soils i-r , t 7, . .. f on the Firsts Floor a cleanup of odd suits, selected from our .regular stock' of fine clothing, all sizes, neat patterns in brown and gray CO Off mixtures; $15.00 to $16.00 grades, special for this sal1 tPaeOO , - . . . . j Men's $4.00 Panls1" '1- ""'' i w .X. . . neron'Main Floor a sale of Men's Pants, in odd lines, but all sues, good makes, neat patterns; values up to $4.00 a pair, just-what you fl"l ;QK want to piece out the season, special cleanupi'price'.vXilO; f'-?;?i;'.iL-;V':.'v the CAAm t .i 'mm J : . TT J.' oi xaens uatn Kooes, one or two of a kind, all sizes, pretty pat terns, excellent grades. ' These were, left from our (PO QQ best selling lines of $5, $6 and $6.50 grades, special Sft'VO Boys'$1.48 Swealers-- a sale of odd lots of Boys Sweaters, in sizes 22 to 36. in reds, blues, browns. and grays,:button to-the-neck and-toat fJCkW styles; regular $1.48 grades, cleanup price for this sale at I VC Russian and Sailor Blouse ttyles, In good worsteds, tweeds, cas simeres, etc plain colors, in grays and browns, also PQ rrf fancy mixtures, 2J4 to 8 years; $6.50 and $7.50 grades vOi I J Men's Bath Robes Sale of Bed Sheets ? ti the V Uc , . . , . .. ' Section, a Cleanup of good, durable quality' Bed Sheets, size 72x90 inches, 54c, and size 81x90 inches, at 58c, Also 300 dozen extra heavy A bleached sheets for "single beds. Special sale at only