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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 3, 1910)
joui: T ronTLAUD, Sunday no:;::i:;G, july 1 ID, iLuii rihllii Lil! dJ HtEir 10 GITY One of Most Important Deals of Week Is Purchase of. 40 ' Acre; Prune Orchard by Ira ! LU id III bUiniiuil i iff s HO ri ", i--' A larger area If farm acreaf adja. ent to Portland and in tha Immediate Pqrtland dlstHcta' changed hands last week, than ha bsea-reported, for many wades .past; 7:. ir:ti: Ona of tha most Important of these transactions was tha jstirchaaa by Ira U Bay of what is said to be tha finest prune orchard iti Clarke county, Wash ington. Tha property comprises 40 mores of full bearing Italian prunes. ' It form ally, belonged to General John M." Ba con, who sold it to M Ray for $24,000. or 6QO' an acre, , This is the last of large amount of prune acreage located near, Vancouver and owned by General Baeon. Most of his holdings there he aoqulred a number of years ago, when land was cheap, and in disposing of his proftartlea at the present prices ha has realised a handsome fortune on his investments.4.-' ., '. . ...... .V. ; . - - Through tba agency of J. H. Shields Peter Kleeman : of , Vancouver, Wash., hM purohased from E. P. Mitchell a (t acra farm located in the TwaWtln valley, 14 miles southwest of Portland. Tha consideration involved was 110,000. - Slghest IPrtoa M.'US':m . Over 160,000 worth of farm lands in the,; Damascus country in Clackamas county . has changed , hands during the passfaw days. Jhe largest single sale was mat ot tne us acre farm of A. Bandrickson which was purchased by A. B. S11U of Portland... Mr. Ellla paid IJ,000 for, the farm, which, is about 127 an acre. Tha new owner will sub dlvlda tha tract Into smaller holdings and later on put it on tha market. This la tha highest price ever paid for land In tha Damascus district. Other sales reported In that paction was a 0 acre farm belonrtnar; to O. Chandlar which was taken over by Port. na investors lor Tha 81 acre farm belonrlnr to John Da Young was purchased by J, W. Shat tuck for $8000. Tha Boring farm, one f tha beat known and richest tracts of agricultural land in the violnlty of Da mascus, was. soia at the rate of 1160 an acre. .i.v.,.. - Thomas A. Barlow ef Victoria. . C. has purchased, tha Foster farm located near MeMjnnvllla in yamhill eounty This holding comprises g acres, nearly all under cultivation. .It was sold for sii,oo. is nnaerstood that Mr. ar. low, will retain tha property as a ner - manent Investment, . .... , '" ; 114,000 fog Traet r F. W, Totgler, tha well known real state man, has purchased . tha J. J. Meteler farm comprising 140 acres lo cated in tha foothills of tha ChehaJem mountains. Mr. Torgler paid 1100 an acre for tha property or 114,000 for tha Activity Continues In Spite of h Marked Decrease in. Volume of Permits; Parochial Resi dence Among Authorized. H. K 6'tJlesV president ot realty - ' r!" company, ' , . Tha Cooperative Realty company is tha name selected by 1 several - wall known professional and' business man who have recently embarked in tha real aetata business and whose offices will be In. tha new Railway Exchange build lng. H. A. Stiles, who has long been connected with the Columbia Trust eom pany, Is tha president of the new or ganisation B. S. Wood, until Teoently with tha Diamond Match company; C A. lAmorenx, af tha law Jim of iJamo reux 4b Height: O. C. Graves, a local realty operator, and John B." Havlland, an experienced timber cruiser,, together with Mr. Stiles, make up th officers ana airecfors or we new eompapy, ., VETHERBE RAKES IN - v.;.iipjiDfir ilUh him sin rarain In spite of a marked dullness In the volume of building permits issued last weeki June's toUl was well up toward me recoro in Building construction. However, the number of permits issued during, the week authorizing new resi dences snowed no perceptible decline when compared with the totals for the previous "weeks , n tha month. v Among the mora Important develop ments of 'i the week in tha residence building Una was tha continued activity of T. O. Anderson, the house builder, as waa snown py his applying for vet- (mis iot uv .mw awiuini to cost isooo each and to be. erected on iUast Forty-fifth street, between Bandy road and Haneock atreeta. Mr. Anderson is one of tha most extensive speculative builders now operating in Portland. Hla --ttons have been largely confined to the high prloed dfntrtct, between Irvlng; ton and Rosa City i'ark. rermlts were lasued last week au thorizing the erection of filx handsome homes, valued at. from $4000 to $7000. The finest of thene structures will be erected by Helen J. Tomelson on Love Joy street, between Slarcia street and Cornell road: It is to be a two story bulldlrg and will cost approximately 7000, .: Another residence permit Issued lat week provides for the expenditure by 8. T. Pariah of $7000. in building a home on East jEleventh street, between Oak and I'lne. It ia to be a two story frame structure 'of modern architecture and handsome Interior finish. . W(1U Cost 17000. John Dellar also took out a permit last week for a new $7000 dwelling. The house la to b the regulation two story frame residence and will oooupy a full lot on JNorthrup atreet, between Twenty-fifth and: TwentyTsUth streets. Z. II. Greenough took out a permit last week for- ahandsoma new dwelling which he; plans to build on East Eigh-, tenth street, between Thompson and Brazes. ; It is to be of frame construc tion, two stories high and wilt cost $6000,'- ' ; ' a permit, waa?' taken out' last . week for ' another of I tha many attractive homes which dot all of the north half of tha Ladd addition. The structure Will ba erected by A. C. Emery on Elliot avenue, - between. . Birch and East six teenth streets and will cost $4000. W. L, Brewster haa taken out a per mit authorizing the alteration and repair of hi dwelling located 'on Lovejoy i street, between. Twenty-fourth and Twenty-fifth streets at a cost of $4000. At the cofner- of - East Fourtsenth and . Madison street s, C. . U Tomllnson baa begun tha ereotlon of a four aeries, two story frame flat building. Tba per mlt which v.-au issued last Wednesday authorizes the expenditure of $8000. A jnodern flat is to' be erected by Mrs. tmina.Wlllams' on Seventh street, between liarket and Clay streets at a cost of $5900: The building will be a two story frame- structure and will cost $5000. . CT L. Thayer of 67 Division, took out a permit last week authorizing the build ing of a one Story framo cottage at. the corner of Clinton and Reservoir streets, which, will cost when completed $3000.. ., Hew Parochial Residence. , On Mllwaukle aveune, between Duka and Claybourne strets, O, W. Lauder is preparing to begin the erection of a two story f ramr dwelMngTha permit authorizing its erection at a cast of $2S00 " was Issued last week. " J 1 Berstela A Cohen have begun tha erec tion of a one story frame store build ing at Twenty-second and Thurman streets which will cost spproximately $3000. . Architsot A. H. ; Faber has prepared plans and specifications for a large parochial residence to ba erected for the rector of St " Francis parish m? the lot adjoining the - cathedral On East Eleventh, between East Oak and - Fine streets. ' Tha ground dimensions of ths building are to bs 47 by II feet and it will have a height of JH atorles and contain 18 rooms, - Tha exterior walla will be white magneslta on metal lath, Tha design la of tha Gothic type, similar to that of tha cathedral. Its estimated cost is $7500, . On of tha Prettiest Bungalows. . - What - will be one of the prettiest and most aipenslva , bungalows aver built . in Portland la to ba built by John Veason on a, quarter block at tha corner of Hast Nineteenth and Stanton streets. Tha design-is of the mission type of architecture, omething altogether new in Portland bungalows. It will ba fin ished In aslaoted , fir and Philippine mehoprany. it wf!l cost "between $3000 and $10,000. " It C Bruenlng has commissioned a local architect to get up the design for a two story, 8 room colonial type residence to be erected on Williams ave nue," near Killingswortn. The structure will cost about $4000. . M. Lohmueller is preparing to begin building a 1 story, 1 room residence on Patton roadi Portlaiid Ileighta. The house will ba modern in every particular and will cost $8500 to $4000. Architect and builder, P. A. Carlander is preparing plans for .five handsome residences, which he will build this sum mer In Walnut park. Mr. Carlander re cently aold his. Walnut park residence to 'a. Texas lawyer who will occupy it as s. horns and will aoon begin the ereotlon of another dwelling for his own use, which will be one of the hand somest houses in Walnut park. ' ; ran all f unc ases of 10 -1 - 1 j.r - tlve of the cluft , ; t;. street corners. Boys of the pe!r!imr?i.-J kv? In the habit of tearing duwn committing other pranks aurnvvfr the residents. J'ine conrelfpj th that it would bo betttr to invito the lads of the community to a tlon, show them a good tlm-i and tal'.t things over Openly Instead of censuring them in the usual way. ; The boys re sponded willingly, and. the result, as hoped. Is that the community is now practically free, from the previous an noyances due to the "kid" element. The boys of St Johns have a reputa tloa f or tlng-up-thlngSr and the- bdy of Woodstock are, now endeavoring tq set them a good example. -: . EFFECT ON TOWN BOYS As the result of a sentiment for good behavior, created at a banquet given by A- V. Fine last wK ' tha "young boys of Woodstock are now among ths moat orderly of any in tha city. . Mr. Fine la noted for the great amount of boosting which ha has always dona for cmo Improvements and averythuif else beneficial. ' i The banquet was' given in the Wood stock ball, and all ths lads of tha com munity were invited indiscriminately. One , hundred and twelvs took advan tage of .ihe opportunity to attend the dinner. They averaged between the BUILDING'S FOUNDATION WILL COST $20,000 The second permit connected with the new Selling office building at Sixth, and Alder streets was issued last Thurs day, authorizing the building of the concrete foundation at a cost of $20, 000. - - 1 Architect It J. Hefty haa awarded tha contrsota for the erection of a four story brick hotel On tha west side of Twelfth street between Stark and Washington. The concrete and brick work will be done by Freeburg brothers, who have also secured the same con tracts on the Whitney-Grey building, which is to be erected on the lot at the southwest corner of Twelfth and Stark atreets, .. . Banff Hot Springs 1 The Canadian pacific makes a rata of $$8, - Portland to Banff and return. Tlcketa good to October $1, with stop overs. A trip worth the while. - , Ths trresnilas shaped .' plat, at- the southeast earner ef Ford and Washing ton atreeta, which was purchased about 0 days' ago by Dr. J. R. .Wetherbee for $18,000, was s purchased yesterday by Oliver K. Jeffery, who paid Pr, Wether bee a profit of . $11,000 on his deal. Mr. Jeffery will at onoa improve tha property with combination three story store pniuung ana apartment house. 000. Representing W. I.. Turner, the owner. Broker J. O. Rountreo haa aold to n eastern Investor the, two atory frame apartment bouse' and $0 by 80 foot lot located at the southeast "corner of Twelfth and Columbia atreeta, for n, ouv, W. J. Murphy of the Olds. Wortman wiv n ... w Bivi Viuo4 U(n IHVJ wtoa for 160 acres located In Klickitat oonn-ty,-on tha lino of tha North Bank road. Tha property formerly belonged to J; JC, Ellis and. was sold for' $5000. Tha aw owner contemplates wetting a large pot tlon of tha tract to apples. r v E. 'J. Daly . rporta tha sale af 10 acres adjoining Council Crest to local Investor at. tha rata of $1000 an ore. The property was transferred through tha Hibemia Savings bank, which acted M trustee. : -.'... : . ' Two sections of wheat land Jn. Sher man county was recently sold through J. O. EIrod for $82.0001 The property was purchased by A.; J. McDaniol of Portland from C. S. Jerard. .The land is all under cultivation and Is ona of tha Tba American Flint i Glass Worfcerr union will hold Its national convention at Toledo, Ohio, on July IL . . choicest wheat growing tracts In eastern Oregon., ' , ....... Through tha aama ageney John Mlk fcalo has sold to Dustan Avery 480 acres of wheat land located in Gilliam county for $18,000. , , i- , EMI Pted ; Gustesrs : . I . Nearly 300 people have bought their home sites at Sagi- , , r naw Heights. : Moof them were rent payers only a short' time ago. They are now paying forborne sites oftheir own " ; v and a number of them have already erected their homes - . , there. . ' - - . -? There is no proposition in. Portland today 'whiich equals - 4 that of Saginaw Heights, Just think ot it. Here is "a prop-'. " erty in one of the most thickly settled suburban communi- T ties of the city which has all of , the conveniences of jm - provements, car service, and stores, churches and public , ' schools. -- . . , - , - - . T: -"""It Is a short rideto town, yet in-the country' and out of ;, the noise and turmoil of the city-. It offers your children - unfimited play ground instead of the streets of the city and is being sold on'such terra that it is within reach of the -j.-. purse of any man who is-ambitious. , It will pay any person ; ' .who wants to-get away from the rent proposition' to-see - mm : $25 Pit ilijot-Up: ; $5 Down, $S a Month Take Mt. Scott car to Lents. Our property office is di-: . rectly opposite the station and our agents will show you the ': tract. VOr call at our downtown office and we will show yoa Saginaw Heights in our automobiles. - -QEOrTrMOOREXOT 517-18 ABINGTON BLDG4 PHONE MAIN 802. SRD ST., BETWEEN WASHINGTON AND STARK. ... r : 11 111 NUUaiL U liSlLJA jD)D)(n iLU rui rui is riot only, the best place to spend all day Sunday and the Fourth but ideal for a perma nent home; Gbwith us Sunday or Monday Bring-the children and a basket of lunch You'll enjoy it. The FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY'S Four Excursion Train3 Leave East Water and East Morrison Streets as-follows: ufimiayo July qp 10 A. M (2) ; 2 p. m 10 A. M; 2 P. You;will have, the best time at ERROL HEIGHTS you ever had If ERROL HEIGHTS appeals to you, and you pare to invest in a home site, we will actually pay you for doing so. On every dollar you pay us on your contract for 3 years, we will pay you 5 interest in cash twice a year. We offer you an attractive double profit. While you are receiving 5 per cent ...V-V your property is doubling. W t mi Upiisil f &m$m& Telephone for Information, J.bIn 6869-A-6267- TIE WM L mc mmM: Larflest Realty Operators on tlie Pacific Coast s '' Succeeding ttie aJacobs-Stlne Co. . Will be glad to take you 'dUtany lane." THE ABOVE OFFER IS THE MOST LIBERAL REAL ESTATE PROPOSITION EVER ADVER TISED IN. THIS PAPER. "IT IS "WELL WORTH YOUR CONSCIENTIOUS CONSIDERATION