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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1910)
13 THE , OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING, FEBkUARY 2. 1910. -J T" 1 -. y i POMD "SPOOK" GOESTO ENGLAND? posed to that nobody could get near the dresser or tha table, tha ahost became I sulky a,nd refused to manifest. Thla morning a" Star representative saw Mr. and Mrs. Cupid, who ars'so frightened : that they ' hava removed many of their" foods and chattels from tha house, and refuse to return.. They ara lodging, with a kindly ielghbof. Tha neighbors up and down tha atreet are all In eUt of excitement over tha FRENCHMAN LIKES DIRECT PRIMARY Strange Case Similar to-One 2 SSiES- "1 Affecting Local Lad Is Re ported in Sheffield. Charles Oster Here Studying Oregon Method of Hold ing Elections. Charlet. Oster, . noted barrister of primary. ,, - , i . , . v "Franca la not yet ready for tha at rect . primary, or tha modern .election awa now operating in tha' United States," said Mr. Oater today. "Never theless, wherever I have been ! have Plebaiaa "Spook. "It started Its physical manifesta tions iam days ago. and la a plebeian ; 'spook aelactlng for tta habitat and acena of operations not a picturesque auggeatlon that the Cuplda hava been victimized by a silly and too obvious practical Joke. Tha floor of the kitchen waa thla morning atrewn with broken crockery, Mr. Cunld told our repreaentatlva that ham rhrtat Ytasf Yisantt 11 n a itm ripanbg In Sheffield, Torkshtrs, England, Ugaln laat night. Mr. Cupid and an- rhyalcal manifestations almllar to thoaa other.' drawn hither by tha fascination I Farla, France, and author of worka on attributed to 11-year-old Ernest Harps I of tha unknown, went laat night Into I American election lawa and legislation, of Portland hava terrified tha natives. th kitchen where all tha manifests-1 j Portland atudylng tha working! Tha Torkahlra Telegraph and Btar for "on" urrta. " P' a oow on of th direct ' primary, , Initiative and Monday, January 10. received by Charles t'A ' ' " referendum and recall. When ha re Jonea of Portland, aaya: ' I hllnr but inotilaltlve. Mr.Cunld re- turns to Parle, In May, Mr. Oater lo- -Moat of the Inhabitants of Candow J pieced tha bottle on tha dresser, ButltMids wr,t book on tba direct . . . 1 a 1 -11...- I. . a,AKKA.iAM 4 I M J . I- . .J I u . U 1 I n . f . . a. .. " 9 ' 4. - r th time being tha budget, tariff reform thla time tha spiteful ghost amaahed It and Mr, King Farlow. The fear of thai "While Mr. .Cupid waa relating thla ghnat Ilea heavy on their aoula. It la an lateat Incident a crowd of open mouthed Invialhle groat at any rate, one that I onlooker, who wre assembled about does lta work In tha dark and It poa-lthe open doorway,-commented In awe- aeftsea tha vindictive, deatructtva ln-atrlcken accents on tha . myatery,' and I ..,. th. AiTmrt Yrimrv In ra.t favor atlnct that distinguishes ao many of lta the cynical smile of tha skeptical . ra- . Dredlct, lu eventual adoDtlon In 1 uva am duAia twt 4 n a at 1 as tr intti fan itna - - -. . - - - -Com. lata.' aald Mr. Cunld. 'and - Convention System la larl. mu enn hava tha house to yourself aa "But at thav present tlma, tha con long aa you- like." , Ivention system, auch aa It worked dur- Mrnest Haras aaltated Portland and " tha administration of President I...- .1 - - . 1 . w - MkIJar.kiim'In tha ITnftaA Atntea im In An country manalon. redolent of tha my- pchlcai influancea auppoaed to ba araUon. Our alecUon ' lawa ara crude tery of eenturlea. but a working man a by hlm. WM, alleged to bava nd yet not too crude. Wa alect by r.!i ZZZ ? W .n Vf h.rrVfM cauaed furniture, brlo-a-brao and crock, roeana of two ballota If. on tha flrat latd part of tha eaat end of Sheffield. t . mtu.t , lh- hom(, ot him ballot none of tha candldatea hava tha election is neia anq who had tha largeat at tha flrat election. Togemer wiin aira. uupia. wires mui nesed the cavortlnM of tha furniture, ara voted on. In caaa of a tie. tha children, ana two nrotnera-in-iaw. Ben. .t. u . .....i- .v,. .,... inMr nMKi r.nniM ir.i.inn. . . . . . .. W11SI1 vujr woilfc iruiaiuv tuv huuh i - . - . jamin ana ueorga iAipia. nava peen aia-1 . in th. T.nilara uauallv held two weeks anart. 1 I ,. I I -.. ' , mrKU B, m vi bi riciini mci-1 .. o.r.i avs later Ernest Harnal "Unaer tne convention . ayatem now dents by which, by a steady aura prog- WM uken i0 . th. Valley hotel te be I In operation, everything la cut and dried " " "" with hla mother, Mrs. Annla Harpa. tha Derora xne elections, soma sort of a thlnga in tha houae hava bean complete- housekeeper.' There, on aeveral occa- primary under tha convention aystem, y5.",?tIu w . alona. tha ohalra and tables danced and or-aaaembly plan, la being tried out, "All tha happenings hava been In the .k,. but ao far has been a farce, auch as car. ei na rainieai iiicaer irom a I nui In phirn nf I la your old convention ayatem - . -. . 1 a iivu asaswD n , r"- m vi - w wax isper appear, ana tne supernatural j x,ieB Qjibert. and for more than Campaigning Different. ...niwm. vunait mi 1110 iniuni. rMTij 1 . .4, rlnaelv Watched. NOthlne I n 1. An . r .1.V vT. C- V'-""''''1'3" occurred during tne uma no was un- fr0m electioneering In tha United In tha kitchen by the famllr upstalra. dfr the phydclan'a care. 8everal daya Btatea. Public meetlnge aem not to and on Investigation two platea and a aftr beiB taken back to tha Valley chan th, mind ef tha massea TJie bread loaf wara found on tba floor. On Uti however, and while tha boy. hlaUi. .ni., kmiii w. J... ji . 1 " .C -" - motner ana aeverai omrr. wro -Mins that is no sign they will vota for them. """" V , -"?m ".' " luncheon, a lemon pie suaaniy roue in .-The best method to gain votes'ln " inn ir, nua .m.u ..v. - 1 rTance is ny personal, inaiviaual so- f(.uii aruuuu nu nai 11 niratu was i anace or time, ana tnen leu dbck to ins 1 iiMt.tinn rnirin. nn. t " "" 1 taoie. rouuiyiin sonaiiy viaitea 1600 persona In a period On Thursday nigh V. when Mr. pie silverware and crockery rolled from of, three weeka.- French hoaplUlity Ciplda mother and elater and brother i off the table and pandemonium reigned lnrn m.u, th... "y m. nomini Dui nn tn rmrai iurmir v" w tha candidate. One candidate of whom uumyinsi! Yirro xiraro, oui 1115 DHllwetKI) nominjf ouv 01 nw uiuiili iimij knew Visited 2500 VOterS In nigni wnen neianoors went in to prove I occurrea in tne preeanca 01 wm-yuuin. 1 months. or disprove tnese nappeninga, orna- iata pan or ina east ena or Bnetrieia. , D0 t , tn- boma ot ballot none of tha grindpsrenta. at Sixteenth and Mar- majority, a aacond ,f-uy."ln tt CnP- Zhau-.treeta. for a period of mora than tha two candldatea !1:m."W!!rwt'h?' Four hours. About 100 peraona wit- number, of vote, a six I ments were flung off the dresser and amaahed, a basin cantered acroas (lie room, narrowly mlantng a human head; a plate waa crashed and a woman fainted. Barrel nies Back. "When on top of thla, a beep barrel humped down the cellar steps, one at a time, rattled : ominously and flew up, contrary to all known phyalcal lawa, to the top of tbe etepa again, of lta own accord, tha only thing left to do was, of course, to call In those omniscient per sona, the police. A large number of people, gathered outside the - house, when, on Saturday night, several mem bers of the .Attercllffe police force, COMMERCIAL CLUB ' COMMITTESS FOR YEAR " registration is compulsory In . - I 8.500.000 voted at the last el 'In Franca a much larger per cent of people vote than in tha United States. Out of 10,800,000 registered voters- Franco election. T...M.n Twvwlth - of h rnmm.r. auaing mat percentage to ran la tha fact clal club haa announced tha appointment tnat nav atandlng array of 00. of the following atandlng commlttteee 00. mtn' " f whom ara registered to aerve for the ensuing year: out are not allowed to vote." . r.s.rHnn rininnei eirinnv oht. I Mr. Oster will leave for San Fran- man; W. J. Hoffman, vice-chairman, aa- f ?huI?Al- b5t.wlU "rn to Port- sioted by the board of dlrectora. land In March, before going back to Memberahip Roger B. Slnnott, chair- Krftnc r Prtlelpata In tha apring cam man; Oeorga Lawrence, vice-chairman; F. S. Weat, E. B. Piper. I J. Went worth. Auditing L. J. Wentworth, chair man; F. II .lianaon, vice-chairman; C, C. Colt, T. W. B. London, Oeorga W. patgn. He Is A gueat at the Hotel Ore gon. fearinar nauaht. entered with other nel sons, and then a 'number of plates I simons. amaahed, . a table turned over on Its 1 Library and Property George W. Bitle and a walking atlck walked. But J Simons, chairman: T. B. Wilcox. J. C. when the persons In the room were dia- Ainaworth, F. J. Fuller. R. B. Sinnott. Eapo Negotiates at Merrill. Merrill. Or.. Fob. 2. 1L P. Hoey. 'as-I slstant engineer, and W. - 8. Worden. right-of-way agent, met with tha cham ber of commerce to discuss the construe-1 lion of the proposed Southern Pacific Automobile Contest Ends Feb. 10th You can help your little friend secure one of those handsome motor cars without cost to yourself. Make your purchases at these stores this week and next VOTES with ' every purchase. REDUCED PRICES in aU departments WHEN YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD IT'S SO Third and Oak . First and Yamhill: Kj First and Morrison m I J f 1 If ..v I 1 '.V. & I . m . mm m.i v line through Merrill A survey' was made a year ago, when Merrill 'offered a free depot -alta and right-of-way for elx nUlea to the north-toward Klamath Falls.'. Y V ; . ; Two suryeys were made, one running to Klamath Falla and tha other to Mid land. Mr. Worden anggested that Meri rill provide rlghta-of-wuy half the dla- tanca to either point, and tha chamber named a'commlttee to begin' work ae curlng tho desired atrlpa of, land. - Captain 'MarNhall Vislta Newport, (Special Dliuitrb to Tk. Jour nil.) ' Kewiort. Or., Feb. 5. Captain John Marshall of Portland waa In the city yesterday. Captain Marshall ia one ot the) ownera ' of tha ateamer Newport, which plies dally between Newport and Yaqulna. Captain Marshall la na of the oldest ateamboat men on tha north west coast, .'. ' 3 Mlloa f Pip at Newport. Newport,' Or Feb. 2. About three miles of pipe haa been laid on the line of tha Newport waterworks, nl la DroKreislngU It la expert.-d t . a .ftl U alila fn . nniiTinrTPri wiu us naav v vntnn i mountain water by June 1. , CDtDB CAUSE HEADACHE t-AXATIVK t)HOM Quinine. th worM 1 Cold and Gilj rml, w""2 ' al1 lull O.uio. Vok t .liiture M. W. Ur. Concert Daily by M. Q F. Ladies' Orchestra, Seventh Floor Restaurant, 1 1 to 2 ;30Tcke Lunch Hen Agents Warnei1 Corsets, Perrin and Trefousse Cloves, Nulife Shoulder Braces. Fay Stockings, etc.,vctct At the iGimtllsr':. Frauk Store tl)iggmgXhIt?, Ddds and Efldo Thursday BargoinG ) Kcrch,fClcanup25cVal.l2c DigginR Out' women' and children's Handkerchiefs. Great cleanup of Kerchiefs, fine hemstitched, embroid ered and lace edges; large assortment patterns;, "1 O-,' rrg."25c valued, .special Digging Out price, each Xds 1 Oc and 15c Kerchiefs at 6c Great cleanup' on soiled and mussed , Swiss and linen Handkerchiefs;, regular . 10c and ISt values, spe-. I? cial Digging Out Sale price while they last, each Ui' 75c-$ 1 aOO Drape Veils 29c Odds and ends "of Lace Drape and Chiffon Drape Veils with silk embroidered borders, scalloped and OQ plain edges; assorted colors; while they last, ea. aL !7mm Women's 50c Hose3Pra$l; r : t , . j t r.. .ill fath' ioned, silk, finish, extra long legs, fast dye, CI fl all sizes;1 regular 50c values, three pairs fof.VfW Children's 25c Hose 1 8c Pr Boys' and. girls black cotton Cribbed seamless i fose m nf heat rnmhfrf mien varn. fast dve and 10J will wear satisfactdrily, all sizes; 2Sc values, pair Women's 75c Hose 3?c Pr. A special lot of women's staple and fancy Hose, in eluding plain black lisle wilh extra. wide gartered.tops unlit mafrt'teet. and full fashioned imported styles with embroidered and all lace and lace boota, 07 p in all colors; special Digging Out Sale price, pr. O M The Grtat Fifth . . - - - ' " 1 " - ; 1 J fPL.'. L f ' - t "' Li'.' - ""r . 1' ' ' i T'lj.tJ 1 l.... mU AnM,mi4- ' xms tumprcncn5ivc exposition 01 gooa imngs to cat 15 one oi inc greatest evenxa xortiaiiu nouacaccpcta "" upituui ut attending. Fifty exhibits, arranged in. tastefully decorated booths, thousands of free samples and iweet music all day.;-You' know how thoroughly the Meier & Frank Store does things. See what, splendid entertainment and display have been prepared for you here. Come and sample the good things that are entirely free, listen to the music and learn what to buy for your table. THE CURTISS AIRSHIP, RECENTLY, AVIATED SO SUCCESSFULLY IN LOSNGELES. AND OWNED BY MR. WEMME OF THIS CITY, IS ON EXHIBITION IN CONNECTION WITH THE FOOD FAIR FOURTH FLOOR" A NOMINAL ADMISSION OF TEN CENTS WILL BE CHARGED. ALL PROCEEDS TO GO TO BUILDING THE MOUNT HOOD ROAD. DO NOT FAIL TO SEE THE AIRSHIP AND HELP BUILD GOOD ROADS. Thursday's Big Fpigr Specials Tomorrow Only Every Item Presented in This Lot Is a Sensational Value Attend ; : : : : ' : r ; ; One of the Big Four Basement V? , . ; . Sugar Cured Ham I8V2C Pound Tomorrow only, in the basement Grocery section, best sugar cured ham, an especially mild cure, deliciously good; buy all you want for this one day; a rousing special 1 nj for one of the big four at low price of, per pound I One of the Big Fotir First Floor 121&C Ginghams at 6Ac Yard Remnants and short lengths of best Domestic Gingham, in stripes and plaid patterns, a clean up of all remnants at half the regular selling price. Come and supply your 1 needs Thursday at the very low price of only, yard. v4v j One of the Big Four Third Floor $5 White Wool Blankets $3.57 For Thursday only in the third floor Bedding and Blanket section, a lot of fine white wool blankets, full size, fleeced wool, pink or blue borders; regular price $5 fl CF pair,; tomorrow for the big four, at, special. . ffi a.a C One of the Big Four Basement 500 No, 9 Wash Boilers $ I; 19 Tomorrow only for this remarkable special. A lot of 500 tin, copper rim Wash Boilers, No. 9 size; sell regularly at $1.60 each. A stirring special for the big four ft Thursday specials, at low price, of, each. ,4) 1 Edition De Luxe Book Sale Save $4 the PnMishers Prices ; : ; ' ' ' - '. . :. ... "v - . - ,1. - .-....- j . - . . - - This sale is, attracting the attention of every bookloyer in Portland, for this is the first opportunity the better class book trade of Portlanhas ever had of supplying their wants at any price. At such phenomenally small prices as these rare sets are selling, is it any wonder that we're overwhelmed with purchasers? More on the way now, and those who wish to share in these new arrivals had better come to the big store at once and leave their orders. The great book bargains are exhibited on fourth floor. $2 White Petticoats 89c Digging Oat Odd Lots Mnslinwear Women's white cambrk Petticoats,' with lawn top; made lwith wide flounces and trimmed with lace insertions, edgings, clusters of tucks and embroideries. Regular $1.50 and QQ $2.00 values, special for this sale only Oil Framed Pictures at Half Digging Out Odd Lots in This Dept. An exceptional offering on high-class Pictures. Large selection of frames, subjects, sizes and prices. 'Tis a seldom found opportunity to add to your home at small cost. ' Remember that these Pictures never were marked high and now they are offered at.... HALF PRICE Some of them are slightly. damaged, but the defects in any case are hard to discern. Water- colors, hand-colored gravures, pastels, engrav-' ings, carbons, etc. Regular prices run 1 from 50c to $20 Digging Out Sale price ' Valentin's Icto $5 Each Remembrances for St. Valentine's Day should be purchased early, then you're surer of a full choice. Many are buying riow and those who attend to the matter promptly while stocks are. full have wide selec tions. For sale 'on 4th f floor, lc to f5 "Fix-It Cement 15c Favorite vase or piece of fine:china broken? Don't mind. Mend it with ."(Fixit. pement." Hot water bag leak? Mend that with "Fix-it,"- too. Sticks tight. See the ' demonstra tion on first -. floor. Flxlt t Iot Water Bag and .Rubber cement, with patches . ,. .25 Plxlt Chlnnand Crock ery Cement 15di 25 Women's. White Petticoats,1 regular- fl" JQl ly worth $275 to $3.00, special at DlaUi $3.50 and $4.00. values, now on sale at.-, . $2,-59 $5.00 and $6.50 values, no w-on sale at... $3.39 Women's and misses' Drawers, of cambr' nainsook or crossbar, neatly made and yf Q trimmed; regular 75c values, special at tIvL Digging Out Women's Underwear Regular $1.00 Values at Only 59c I 1.00 1 TAX 8. I 59c 73c 53c 93c 43c 33 c 21c Sale Short Lengths Carpets SAVINGS Take advantage 'of these very low prices and bring in your room measurements Look through the patterns in this Jot and 'see if there isn't one that you'd like. Not many , yards pf ? some pat terns, but;, all. great, bargains. Come early for , first choice. Wool-mixed Pants and Vests, In white or gray; $1 and $1.50 garments, special price, ea. Women's Silk and Wool Tights, cream color, sizes 4, 5 and 6; $2.00 values, special, the pair Women's Union Suits, low neck, sleeveless, lace-trimmed, white lisle; $1 values, sale price Women's Vests and Pants, flat wool gar- ments, extra size, natural or white; $1.50 vals. Children's mixed, Wool Union Suits, Oneita style; sizes 10 to 14, cream color; $1 values Children's black Cotton Pants and Tights, knee or ankle length, broken sizes; 75c values Women's fleece-lined Vests, extra sizes only, in cream color; regular 50c garments, special Digging Ou: Men's Furnishings Regular gl.75 Dress Gloves S1.15, Men's Dress Gloves, in tan cape, M..& F.' Spe cial and Perrin's Imported P. Ki Kid ; also Eng lish tan' cape, hand sewed, - The regular values , Vun from $1.50 to $2.00 -the pair,A f' all sizes, special for tomorrow, pairla ID Men's Neckwearour entire lihcat great re- dictions, for the Digging Out and Inventory -sale. Select any of the grades and save money. Sweater Coats, .for- men, women ' and chilv xlrenf7 all sizes, ; styles and prices, at very low; prices ' for ; tomorrow,' while they last. Great reductions on our entire line of, men's and boys' Underwear. , Choose i them now, :! -.:' . . ' S ".:. .,.:.:. 1 'i' "" -' All Winter . Millinery ; at Va Price DiggHng-puijJl -0urinterrHats-'snd : trhingi r alP.Valfir former prices. r; Patterns Hats worth $15.00 to $70.00 each, or thfe lowest priced hats' all on sale ati.;; :;..iVV,v... HALF PRICE II! $1 .1 5-i7