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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1907)
i ' t THE OREGON . DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, yr&PTEMBER 128, 1907. ' -. ' 12 I , A. rERSONAt Ladies: Attention! FREE! CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMISTS I0 twt b deceived hy false dvrtl i , menta. Th original and only , Dr. nary Lane Xdy phylclnn. with the ld sUbllsh x Vadium Medical Institute ana Sanitarium . Th abov CONSULTATION READING For year la stilt at iba old jK.aad. ln' "a " wm b Tr Mow I'onA I FOR ONE WEEK MORE. BRING THT8 AD AND RECEIVE ABSOLUTELY FREE, n of my CONSULTATION READINGS. Lata uprlntndent of Chicago Wo man' Hospital, traata diseases of wo i tnen and children exclusively: ladle reeding immediate assistance will eon - cult their beat Intartata by communicat ing with ma; no fe for tonauitatlon; correspondence absolutely confidential; ' maternity case given special atten tion. Respectable arrangement made for th adoption of infanta. Th flnet equipped sanitarium In tha northwest Office. 158 Aider corner Id," Portland. Or. Phones Main . Home A-I7H. THE V ORIGIN A L AND ONLY DR . MARY LANK . , Formerly with tha X-Rndium Medical ' Institute, haa severed all connection with that inatltution and can now be I .'. round wUh the Dr. Mary Lane Institute ' tTie r aha will be pleseed to aee any f her old patient. Expert treatment given women and rhilriren'a ailments. Maternity caso f iven special attention. Up-to-date ean tarium In connection. No charge for conaultation and correspondence etteo lutely confidential. Address all corre spondence to The Dr. Mary Lane lnatl tute. Medical and Surgical, Incorporated, room a & to 14. Grand theatre bldg., cor. park and Wash, ata. Phone Main 2. f 7 We Cure All diaeaaea of men, women and children both acute and chronic diaeaaea of tha eye, ear. nose, throat and lungs, heart, kidney, bladder, brain and storn- arn catarrh, rheumatiam, goitre, indigna tion, constipation and skin diseases Tiromfttl.v cured. All private and wast Inr diaeaaea nromptlv cured and their effects permanently removed from the system. Consultation free and atrlctly confidential. We guarantee all of our cure. New Torn surgical aieairai Institute, Raleigh bids.. th and Waah Given Free Thla la strlptly a matter of bualneaa on your part, to call at my office and become familiar with my SPIRITUAL and SCIENTIFIC work. A hint to the wise la aufflclent Prof. E. Kblmo Greatest living aatral dead-trance clair voyant of the age; ADVISER OF BUSI NESS AND ALL AFFAIRS OF LIFE: . hrim vnn will mrrv. how to control the one you love, even though mlle away; reunites the aeparated: glvea se cret powers to control othera; no dif ference how close or how far away, you can alwaya obtain your dealred reunite. Telia vou Just now, wnere ana wnon to Invest your money to obtain tha beat possible results. If you are sick, mel ancholy, disheartened or discouraged, imjanr nivrc up IN DESPAIR: come and receive eplrltual advice that will help you to receive HEALTH. WEALTH AND HAPPINESS. I will do all othera advertlaa to do, and a great deal more. Officer Noa 1M. (trend Theatre bldg. 352 1-2 Washington Phone Main 12(7. MONEY TO LOAW MONEY MONEY , MONET -MONEY MONEY MONEY i. MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES npT tin t" tiiiii . a NO MOR TO A OE NO INDOftSER "ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY."' LOWEST RATESEASIESTPAYMENrS A CALL WILL CONVINCK YOU. REMEMBER. IF fOU WORK. WE WILL ACCOMMODATE YOU, WHAT MORE COULD YOU ASKt RAILROAD MEN A SPECIALTY. STATE (SECURITY CO.. N 704 DEKUM BLDG, nmms a a. m to P. M. WED. AND SATURDAY TILL 8 P. M. MONET MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY HfifaKY"7raXOAN" On Imnreved cltv nronert or for bnlld In purpoaea for from i to 10 yeara tlma, with privilege to repay all or part of loan after two yeara. Losna ap proved from plana and money aarancen aa building progreasea; mortgage taken up and repiaeea BANKS. H. STRONG, Financial Agent. 42 Stark st. ON IXlT IrojeFrntTNTfAT aries, Inaurance policies, planoa, fur niture, warehouae receipt, etc.: any de serving peraon msv secure liberal ad vance, repaying bv Mf weekly or monthlv Inatallmenta NEW ERA LOAN A MORTGAGE COM PANY, t08 Ablngton Bldg. Your Fortune Told Free-' UNCLE MEYERS' LOAN OFFICE. 141 Id at., near Aider, entsDiisnea iitv; old and reliable; any amount loaned on watchea, diamonds. Jewelry and aeal aklna. t34 WASHINGTON. ' Nervou and chronic diaeaaea of men. Women ana cniiareili ymrm win" loasl.y matlKi ntlfio methods; electric baths, lady at tendant. 60J 6th at., corner Sherman. THE PORTLAND INSTITUT E La.diea and genuemen, it you are in trouble about the condition of your health, do not fall to conauit me. i can convince you that I can help you by natural method. Conaultation and ex amination free. Dr. Isabella Mnckle. 60V4 Morrison at. Room 10. Phone Main 7ii0 or A-1644. YOUNG SCIENTIFIC MASSEUSE, electrical, alcoholic, medicated and fenulne tub baths. 41 Raleigh bldg.. th and Washinrton. MANICURING, TUB maaaaga. AIQM 4th ington. LADIES DR. SANDERSON'S BATHS AND at., cor. Waah- ca Savin and Cotton Root Dili are the only ure remedy for delayed periods; by mall II per box. Dr. Pierce, m 1st. A." REINER, PRACTICAL FURRIER; sealskin garment radyed and remod eled; expert fitter; estimate given: low- eat prices: open eventng. S8 Wash lngton. Phone Main 7308. Turkish baths, soo oregonian bldg.) ladle day, gentlemen nlghta Main 1B, DALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE dispaaea. 308 Flledner bldg. Main 7721. SEE THE Prophetess Viola Marshfield. 2H Morrison st., Tha Cosmos, between 8d and 4th. MAY ANDREWS, CARD READER, AT tiB Main St., 26c. Phone Main 7648, MRS. LINDSEY, BUSINESS MEDI UM; clairvoyant, magnetic treatments. 23 N. 6th st., room.. DANCING. WESTERN ACADEMY DANCINQ school, F. S. Carter, prirv; 6 aaslstants, Including lady; class Mon , Thura., Sat. eve.; ladles" class Thura. afternoon; chil dren Sat. afternoon; cor. 2d and Mor PROF. RINGLER DANCING ACADE- my; a select school: class or private lesaona daily. SS8V4 K. Morrison. Phnnn. M6NE1 AtVAN(?E& SAtAfttEb pBo- ple and otner upon ineir own names without security; cheaoest rate, easiest payments; orncea in su principal cuies aava yourself money by getting our terms flrat ' . TOLMAN, Hi Ablngton Bldg. 106 H d at m7neTT75avedTO sALAftlfeb Pt6 pie Just on your own nam; don t borrow until you se m; my yatem Is the best for railroad men, elerka. bookkeepera. streetcar men and another employee; bualneaa strictly confidential F. A. Newton. 611 Buchanan bldg.. 8 Washington MONEY TO LOAN ON CHATTELS. Anything you may need, come In and tell ua about it: everything confidential; courteous treatment; reasonable rates. W. W. SMITH ft CO. 25tt Aldor cor. d. Room 1. Cash "on hand for purchase money, mortgages, bond for deeds or contracts of sale on real eatate, either country or city property. H. r- Nome, Commercial blk.. 2d and Wnshlngton, TYNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND, OREOOK. U ' ' ' , Northwest Corner Third .4 O-.k street. .iiiasi. , i,snerai mnwni suhdim, np'ivra iflktncD Available In AM Cltie of th United Statea and Euroj. Honjkoniy and Manila. Collection Jon Favorabj. Terma - . ''EBR J) Yc-Prldnt RLEA BARNES Aaalatant cashier. ....... W. A, HOLT t ADD eV TFLTOV. RANKERS Portland Or eon. - Established ,J85. . Lt W, M. LADD. C, EL LADD. S. W. LADD. t.,,TT"ot a General linking Buaineaau SAVTN09 BANK DEPARTUSr. Bavlnga book leaned en savings deposits. Interest paid on tiro qepot M CHANTS- NATIONAL BANK Portland, Oregon. . mtAmt 1 f, FRANK WATSON. .President I ." L, DURHA M . . . . . v . Vle-lPrldn t R. W. HOTT., , Cashier GEORGE W. HOYT, ,Altant Caahlef Transaeil , TT,?LNi?-lJ8nlJA1,n.t rm I.-raed Available to All Part of th World. 1 Collection a Specialty. '" II W t)Axnr , . - . . . . . K . . .. Wtlae4. Capltalpald up $4,000,000 fSurplu and undivided proflt 110,158.871 General Banklnr mnA Mnhinn Rualnaea TraneanteA. Interest Ott Tim Poalt. - SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Account may be opened of 111 and up ward Pn.ti.nii n,.i. rt..i..M . rn. TinlMlne. - WM. R. MLACRBA Manager I J.T. BURTCHAELL. . . .Ass t Mtnagw FIRST NATIONAL BANK Portland, Or. Oldest National Bonk on Paolflo Coat CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, lLB0O.000.00. DEPOSim 114,000.000.00 j A J-Mn8. ........ .President I W. Q. ALVORD Assistant Caahler . ..Caahler B. Ft STEVENS. .Second As t Cahlr TRUST COMPANIES. SECJTRITT SAVINGS e TRUST CO.--J68 Morrison Street Portland, Ortgon. TJt1?!ietm f 0""al Banking Buslnesa SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Inter- rCT. 'u Sn urn nn saving Aocounta Act a xrutee ior r''l" r w . wr Ltt,r of Credit Avallabl on ' A II Part of the World, . C F. ADAMBc.: Du.u.., i i. a r vTurtsi virat Vlna-Presldent ...Second Vlce-Pridnt R. C. JUBITZ. ............. .crtary GEO. EL RUSSELL. ...... .Assistant Secretary ;- A. L. MILLS. TrTLf GUARANTEE TRUST COMPANY S40 Waehlngton Street - MORTGAGE IX5ANS ON Portland Real Eatate at Lowest Rat. fivVI9,BV.n7Lnosa President I JNO. K. AITCHISON.. QEORQR H. HILL. . . .Vice-President T. T. BURKHART .Secretary .Treasurer BONDS AND INVESTMENTS. Hit ORRIS BROTRER!) rhamhaa nnnitnarna DnlMln. Municipal. Railroad and Publlo Servtc Corporation Bond. DOWNlNG-Woi'klNS COMPANY1- Eatabllahei l.jiBROKERS. """" STOCKS. BONDS, GRAIN Bought and Sold for Cah nd on Margin. Prlvat Wires. ROOM 4 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. " Phon Main 17. Overbeck & Cooke Company! 1&SL GRAIN, PROVISIONS, COTTDN, STOCKS AND BONDS. WE DO A STRICTLY COMMISSION BUSINESa Contlnuou Marketa by Private Wire. Quick Servloe. N' GRAND CENTRAL STATION TIME CARD. DOO AND HORSE HOSPITAL. DR. C E. BROWN, D. C M. DOGS and horse hospital. 106 N. ta aL (Main 4086). W, M. MILLAR, V.S.. VETEHINARIAN. 26 N. 8th at Office 127 Flanders. Phone Main 7840. CARNEY'S VETERINARY H08PITAL for horaea and dogs, lit Gllsan aL Phon Main 1484. LIT'I'LE LINjCKS. WANTS. LOST AND found, for sal, to let, etc., in The Journal cost only l cent a worn; it words or loss. IK cents each Insertion. Phones Main 7178. H o me A-82.10. BON'T BORROW MONEY ON SALARY until vou see Hutton Credit Co. 12 Dekum bldg. M ONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. chattel mortgagee or personal se curity; notes bought C W. Pallett 8U4 r entonDiag. DON'T WORRY $10 TO $100 LOANED salaried people, with or without se curity. Crescent Loan Co," 42$ Mo hawk bldg ART. A. BERGER'S ART STUDIO, 844 H Wash. t High grade oil painting in Hndacapes and portrait made to order. EDUCATIONAL BEHNKE-WALKER BUSINESS COL LEGE, Elk' Building. Portland, Oregon. Chartler ahorthand and Bliss book keeping a taught in the Behnke-Walker will lead you to success. Facts 787 calls for help and placed 311 since Aug. 1, 1808. Will place you when compe tent Enroll now. ATTORNEYS. FIGGOTT, FINCH 4k BIGGER, ATTOR ' neya at law, 4 Mulkey bldg., corner Id and Morrison sts. INTERSTATE ADJUSTMENT CO.. A. J. Chrlatopherson, pres.; law, collections, reports. 414 Buchanan bldg. Main 8180. ROSE CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE 148 5th at., near postofflce; central lo cation; Pitman shorthand; expert gradu ates; low tuition; day and night school; new puplla dally. W. W. Williams, M. B., Prin. SEND YOUR BOY TO HILL MILITARY academy. Portland. C. aiogue. Write for cat- OREGON EXPERT COLLEGE. COM mon wealth bldg., 6th and Ankeny sts., telegraphy, typewriting, Spanish, Eng llsh, penmansnlp; day and evenings. WILL LOAN $3,000. 6 PER CENT, ON real estate. Farrlngton, $1$ Fenton bldg. QTflCK LOANS ON ALL 8ECKRITIES. 8. W. King, 45 Washington bldg. Main 6100; MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS of security. William HoU. room . Washington Dldg. MONEY TO LOAN IN $500 TO $J.0OO. Oiarleson ft Co., Commercial. Phone Pacific 1196. A LOANF&R THE ASKING SALARY or chattel. The Loan Co, 410 Dekum bldg. MORTGAGES WANTED. INSIDU OR suburban; charges right. w. 8. Ward. Alisky bldg. Main 7326. LEAVING PORTLXnD. Shasta Expresa . A Cottage Grove Passenger California Expresa ' San Francisco Exprett ... WEST SIDE. Corvalll Passenger 7:00 a. Sheridan Passenger 4:10 p. Forest Grove Passenger ...11:00 a. Forest Grove Passenger ... 5:20 p. 8:15 a. 4:15 p. 7:45 p. 11:80 p. oouwiern acme ARRIVING PORTLAND. Oregon Express 7:SI a-m m. m. m. m. m. m. m. ii'ur rove i-aasenger. ,ll:so a. m. onasia uxprea t:30 p. m Portland Expresa 11:80 p. m. WEST SIDE. Corvalll Pasaenger 5:55 p. m Sheridan Passenger .....10:20 a. nv Forest Grove Pasaenger ... 8:00 a. m. Forest Grove Passenger ... :Q p. m. Northern Pacific. Tacoma and Seattle Exp.... 8:30 a. m. North Coast ft Chicago Llm. 3:00 p. m. Puget Sound Limited 4:30 p. m. Overland Express 11:48 p. m. North Coast Limited Portland Expreaa ... Overjand Express .... Puget Sound Limited Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company. Local Passenger 8:00 a. m. Chicago-Portland Special .. 8:80 a. m. Spokane Flyer 7:00 p. m. Kan. City ft Chi. Exp 7:40 p. m. .... T:00 a. m .... 4:15 p. m. . . . . 8:15 p. m. ....10:68 p. m. Spokane Flyer... 3:00 a. m. CU. Kan. City ft Port. Ex.. 1:45 a. m. Chicago-Portland Special .. 8:20 p. to. Local Paasenger 5:48 p. m. Astoria & Colombia River. Aatorla and Seaside Exp.. . . Astoria A Seaside Express. 8:00 a. m. 6:00 p. m. Aatorla ft Port. Passenger. 12:15 p. in. Portland Expresa io:qq p. rn. Fads and Faahlnns. By Floreno Fairbank. EW YORK. Sept 38. A Uk braid covered with tiny goutach but tons r I on of . the trimming noveltle of th eaon. Th molr effect 1 seen in both silks and velvet. A atin atrip combined with a much narrower taffeta, trip which I moire, I a new fabric New belt buckle are In French gilt silver, mother-of-pearl. Soma are of dull corrugated ailver and other are fat : with rhl nest ones. Volt d o l a llt,tl newer than all wool or silk voile. A pretty novelty in this I whit jyolle d coi striped With ; black chenille ranging; from halrlin o ar-lnch-wid atrip. Whether plain or, a triced, thla 1 an attractive material. '; The.ven-elghths sleeve will be seem on the atrlctly tailored milts, that Is, reaching to -wrifltbone. . Costume sleeves are three-quarter length, and th late novelty aleevea come well over the hand In a point A almple model for a little suit la mad with a two-piece clrculur skirt, th front earn being cut on the bla to give extra fullness. The coat la invariably made long and single-breasted, and fitted td the rigur. A very dainty wrist-bag. round in shape, with a gold chain haa across th bottom a row of pear-shaped amethyst set In gold caps. A coat without pocket 1 no longer raanionaoie. Hmaii ana large onea are found Inside and outside the coat and are trimmed with button to make them conspicuous. A lovely sash ribbon 18 inches wlda had a dark background to th center, where there were roses in pale pastel Shades. Another of white background naa pink roses and a Doraer of narrow aatin. ROOFLVG. $4,000 OH SMALLER HUMS TO LOAN on improved city property. W-33, Journal. MUSICAL. ASSAYERS. TO INTRODUCE CANFIELD'S SCIEN tlfic musical table, the new German method of teaching the rudiments of music, will Instruct 100 people at a reduced price of $3, a saving of $50 to the pupil. 171 13th at., corner iamlilil GARVIN CYANIDE EXTRACTION CO. and Montana Assay Office. 186 Mor. rlson t WELLS ft PROEBSTEL, MINING EN glneers. assayers, chemists and sur veyors, 204 ft Washington st. Main 7508. AUTOMOBILES. HOWARD M. COVEY, 'went Plerc Great Arrow, Locomobile, , Cadtllao an J Knox. Temporary location Club Garag. 15th and Alder sts. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. RE A PRIVATE SECRETARY. Holmes Buslnesa college, at Washing ton and 10th sts. Portland. Orea-on. hna raised Its commercial courses to the MANDOLIN, GUITAR utnuHru ui a uuiverony ii aiiiing. i no private secretary course may be had either day or night Do not decide upon a school until you have written for ln formation. Open every day and evening. TIN ROOFINO, GUTTERING, RE pairlng and general Jobbing. J. Los 11, 212 Jefferson st. Pacific 1424. STREET PAVING. WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street paving, sidewalk and croee Ings. 814 Lumber Exchange. THE HARBKR ASPHALT PAVING CO. of Portland. Office 66B Worcester blk. SAFES. . corm BAN J ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. M. J. WALSH CO..' 811 STARiTstT" Electric and Ga Fixture and Supplies. Mantels, Tiling, Grates and Doglrona. PACIFIC! ELECTRIC CO. ENGI neers, contractors, repairers, el ec trio wiring, supplies. 94 1st cor. Stark. Main 59. K. H.Tate. Mgr. WESTERN JO JESSE Parker, virtuoso, late of Illinois Col lege of Music. Tilford bldg.. 10th and Morrison sts. NORMAL COLLEGE OF MUSIC, Z. M. Parvln, Mus. Doc, 36 Russel bldg. Voice cilture. piano, harmony, counterpoint. PORTLAND SAFE CO, SOLE AGENTS for Herrlng-Hall-Marvln safes and Manganese Steel Safe Co. s bank safes 20 second-hand fireproof safes and bank sates, very cheap. He tnem or wru us. 92 7th st. TRANSPORTATION. Large line carried. Lock-outs opened. Jacks, jails, metal furniture. Both phones. J. E. Davis, 66 8d. - PIANO, VIOLIN. CORNET, TROM- bone, clarinet. Professor E. A. Smith, 2S2 12th st. Home A33fi0. LESSONS 60o. PIANO. GUITAR, BAN Jo, mandolin, violin. Mrs. Martin, 43 1st st. Pacific 1068. HOWE, DAVIS A KILHAM, 108-111 ID st Blank books manufactured; agents . for Jones' Improved Loose-Leaf ledger; see th new Eureka leaf, th best on th market BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. S. BIRKENWALD A CO., 304-806 EV , erett st, largest butcher supply house on the coast Write for catalogue. BATCHERS' SUPPLIES ADOLPH A. Dekvm, 181-133 1st st, carries a full line and e ir'.ete assortment at lowest ; market prloei. ELECTRIC WORKS. 4i 6th st Contractors, electric supplies. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DR. LILLEBELLE PATTERSON, SPE- rootors and dynamos; w install light . cialist on nervous, acute and chronlo and power plants. loiseaaea. uince zu nenton mag. rnon MORRISON ELECTRjC CO.-2D1 Bl i c'fl UJ- fi Morrison st Fixturea. wiring, re- I DR. R. B NORTHRUR 416-16-17 DE- pairfng. East 8128 or B-1626 I kum bldg., 8d and Waahlngton sta rouiiv iuain examination irev. FAIRBANKS. MORSE MOTORS AND dynamos. A. C. and D. C. 1st and Stark sts. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. , CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. JOHN A. MELTON, 204 4TH ST. OF fice a;id store fixtures built and re modeled; showcases and counter. Phone Main 1787. E. MELTON OFFICE, STORE FIX- tures; general Jobbing. 67 1st at Phone Main 8190 CARPET CLEANING. 6TAHDARD CARPET CLEANING CO. ' 'Largest plant on coast; Loring and Harding sts.; phone East 280; carpet cleaned, refitted, aewed and laid; steam 'and compressed air process; renovating mattresses and feathers a specialty. JOYCE BROS., PROPRIETORS OFTHB J, Electric Cleaning work; carpet cleaned and laid, both dry and oom- t pnasaed air cleaning; carpet refitting our ' specialty; work guaranteed. Phon Main 2M2 and A-2672 371 Grant st The ione steam carpet clean- . Ing works; carpets cleaned, refitted . and laid; mattresses and feathers ren ovated. 221 E. Slat St. N. Eat 860. PORTLAND WIRE & IRON WORKS 2d and Everett sts. Phone Main 2000. DR. CLYTHIE RAMSEY, J 414 MAC leay bldg. M. 1620- A-4741; res. M7504. PRINTING. GASOLINE ENGINES. Stationary and marine; electric eaulD ments; launches; accessories; wholesalo and retail; engine repairing. Relerson Machinery Co.. 182-4-6 Morrison st SHEFFIELD MARINE ENGINES. ANY ?ropeller. Falrbaj 's. . Morse & Co., and Stark sts. HARDWARE. WINDOW AND- DOOR SCREENS made to order. Portland Hardware Co.. 74 6 th, Mann & Beac rut Are 92 1st st. Both phones. OGILBEE BROS.. PRINTERS CARDS, billheads, etc. Main 1S68. 154 1st. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHERS MISS L. B. MAY. 602 S WETLAND Copying deeds and abstracts spec'lty. FA YE KANDLE, Tbl SHERLOCK bldg. SAFES FOR SALE, LOCKOUTS OPEN ed autos and machinery repaired, oo lumbla Oas Rnsrine At Safe Works. 244 2d. MANGANESE- STEEL BANK SAFES (original) nlre-proof safes, vaul fronts. The Mosler Safe Co., 108 2d st. TRANSFER AND HAULING ' OL8EN-ROE TRANSFER CO.. Henry Roe. W. A. Cleland. F. P. Sheascreen. General transfer and storage; safes, pianos and furniture moved, packed and shipped. 209 Oak st Phone Main 647 Pacific 1061. Home A-2247. C. O. PICK OFFICE 88 1ST ST., Be tween Star:: and Oak sts.; phone 696. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipping; commodious brick ware house witn separate iron rooms, irront and Clay sts. PENINSULAR EXPRESS ft BAGGAGE Transfer, 247 Alder st. Main 2171. OREGON TRANSFER CO., 184 N. 6TH. Main 60. Heavy Mauling and storage. INDEPENDENT BAGGAGE A TRANS- fer Co. Storage. 824 Stark. Main 407. TOWEL" SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY COMB. brush, soap, $1 per month. Portland Laundry & Towel Supply Co.. 9th and coucn sts. pnone io. TYPEWRITERS. PLUMBERS. FOX A CO. SANITARY PLUMBERS, 231 2d. bet. Main and Salmon. Oregon phone Main 2001. HOTELS. DONNERBERG A RADEMACHER RK moved to No. 303 Burnsid st. THE BELLEVUE. EUROPEAN PLAN. 4th and Salmon. , HOTEL Portland, Am. plan, lit, '$& nay. BELVEDERE. European; 4th and Alder. insurance; COAL AND WOOD. Portland's awdvbt aslabwgod Co., 855 Front st successors to Ful ton Wood Co. Fir, oak, slabwood. coat : Tel. ain ivae. FOR PROMPT DELIVERY OF 6LAB- wood call Main 4876. Oak, ash, fir and coat : Portland Wood & Coal Co.. ' 16th and Savier ts. .7 WESTKIiN FEED & FUEL CHA House and blacksmith coals, coke. ISAAC L. WHITE FIRE INSURANCE. 844 Sherlock bldg. PAINTING AND PAPERING. "pTATDOAIGTvETBETETrM for satisfactory work. 2R6 Yamhill. JAS. McI.N WOOD, EMPLOYERS' LlA billty and individual accident security bonds of all kinds. Phone 47. 802 Mo Kay bldg. JEWELERS J. WOLF, RELIABLE WATCHMAKER. Mainsprings 75c. 665 Wash. Pac. 650. charcoal, kindling. Phone Main 1013. 1 'A'ULEPHONE EAST 7, I F. B. JONES ft CO., 1 LEATHER AND FINDINGS CHARLES L. MASTICK & CO., FRONT and Oak sts., leather am) skins of every description for all purposes; sola and tap cutters: findings. Wood end Coal. ;FOR 181 East Water st PHONE QUICK DELIVERY - Oregon Fuel Co., 384 Alder Mount hood fuel cc wood and coal. 360 Water st. Phone Main 8270. CLEANING AND DYEING. CfjOTHES CLEANED ANlT PRESSHID. '$1 per month. Unique Tailoring Co, 309 Stark t. , iiTlvT tTjrner, dxer carpets dyed a Dcialty. Main 861$. 605 Jefferson st LAND SCRIP. WANTED AND FOR SALE ALL kinds. Including approved foret re serve scrip for surveyed, unsurveyed, timber and prairie government land. H. M. Hamilton. "The Portland. Portland MONUMENTS NEU A KINGSLEY. 368 1ST ST. Portland's leading marble and granite works. PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS, BASS-HUETER PURE PAINT GOES farthest wears longest. HUETER'S Superior Varnishes, established 52 years, wholesale and retail Warehouse, Raleigh and 13th st. Main 7638., "S" car north.. Gooda delivered free. THE OLIVER TYPEWRITER 4AGENCY, phone Main 7962, Raleigh bjdg., Port land, Or. . See th new model No. 5 Oli ver, before buying a typewriter, Oliver typewriters soiq ana remea, NEW AND 2ND HAND. ALL MAKES, rented, . repaired. sold. P. D. C Co., 231 Stark. Tel. U407. WHOLESALE JOBBERS, M. A. GUN8T ft CO., DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS. PORTLAND. OREGON. EVERDING ft FARRELL, PRODUCE and commission merchants, 140 Fropt st. Portland, Or. Phone Main 179. F. E. BEACH & CO., THE PIONEER Paint Co. Window glass and glazing. 185 1st st. Phone 1334. RUBBER STAMPS P. C. STAMP WORKS, 249 ALDER ST. Phone Main 710. Rubber stamps, seals, stencils; baggage, trade checas; brass signs and plates. OREGON FURNITURE MANUFAC turlng Co. Manufacturers of furnl ture for the trade. Portland. Or. WADHAMf & CO., WHOLESALE GRO cers, manufacturers and commission mercha ts. 4th and Oak sts. FURNITURE MANUFACTURING AND special orders. L. Ruvensky's furni ture factory. 807 Front st ALLEN A LEWIS, COMMISSION AND produce merchants. Front and Davis sts., fortiana. or. Low Rtes From the East During September and October tha Great Northern railway will sell colo nist tickets from all eastern points at greauy reaucea rates. Hw Tork to Portland.... Boston to Portland Chicago to Portland ....... St. Paal to Portland . . . . Minneapolis to Portland ( SnlntA to Portland Slona City to Portland. J . Proportionate reduction from other points. Now is the time to send for your irienas. orders for tickets will receive prompt attention. Additional iniormauon on application to It Dick son. (J. f. fc T. A 122 ThlTM mtra. Portland. Or. Phones Main 680, Horn A-zzas. ffSO.OO 833.00 1(25.00 COOS BAY Wkljr Fralght and Passangn Bervlc of th Fin Steamship Breakwater Xv FOSTZiAirS avery Monday, 8:00 if. ai., ixuui uaa-tri soog, lor EMPfRE NORTH BEND AND MARSHFIELD rreignt received Till 4 p. in. on Day rJLUE yrom lortlart it-i... 910.00; Bd-olaas, 97.00, Including bertn M1H JUWMi Inquire Cltv Ticket Offloa ThlrA .- Mooiiiiieiun or vjaK-sireet Dock. FOBTIVAHS AND FTJGET BOVXB norms S.S. "Redondo" Balling from Couch street dock, Port land .for Seattle. Tacoma. ftverot ,, Dcuiiiijm, oepiemper u at e p. m. Connecting at Seattle f n. rnn. Golofninin, St Michael, Chena and Falr- Danks witn steamers Pleiades, Hyades. Lyra, Mackinaw, Ohio. Schubach A Hamilton, Genral Agents. Seattle. . vVash. onxB' l P. uaumgartner, Agent. Portland, Couch street dock. Phones: Main 861; Home A4161. WHOLESALE CROCKERY AND glaasware. Prael. Hegele A Co.. Port- lana, or. ALL ABOVE, ALSO SLUG8. NUMBER Ing machines, check protectors, office stationary. P. D. C. Co., 231 Stark. REAL ESTATE. THOMPSON & . OGDEN REAL . Es tate, insurance, leans. See us before buying. 848 Mississippi ave. Phon wooaiawn zoz. J. W. loans: room 11 OGILBEE. REAL ESTATE established 1883. 14&H 1st. kWB SPHINX AGENCY, DEALERS IN" real estat and icntala 805 Stark at Main 6164. MACHINERY. CHIROPODISTS. CHIKOPODY AND PEDICTTRINO- Mra, M. D. Hill. Room 330 FUidnrr 'blilg. : Both phones. PATENT PERFECTING CO. INVEN tions perfected; we are builder of otomatlc machinery, dies, models, etc .Manufacture metal specialties, under mtraot. Western office, 266 Stark St. Portland. Or.. E. C Hurlbert. manaaer. DRESSALAKING. JJADAME ANCELES 243 FIFTH, PA HE H. C ALBEE CO. SECOND - hand machinery, sawmills, eta $41 Grand ave. " r - A. J. PAUU 160 1ST ST. A COJd- p ete Itn sawmill machinery: also nglne and bollera - . FOR FARMS OF EVERY DESCRiP- tlon- W. W. Espey. 819 Commercial bldg . W. WOLFSTEIN. DEALER IN REAL estate and rents collected, 110 1st st. SIGNS AND SHOW CARDS. LEWIS-STENGER BARBERS' SUPPLY Co., .Barbers . Supplies, Barbers Fur niture. Bamerr crnairs. 10m a Morrison. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES OF EVERY DESCRIP tion; bank, bar and store fixture made to order, Th Lutke Manufac- turlng Co., Portland. R. H. BIRD8ALL. DESIGNER: AGT. M. Winter Lumber Co. 7 Hamilton bldg. TRANSPORTATION FOSTER A KLEISER SIGNS. We have built up the largest sign business in the city by first-class work and keeping our promises. - Our pric are "right 6to and Everett at. Phon Exchange 66. '61GNS THAT ATTRACT" POR f land Slga Co., W attark. Paclflo 1696.' Ho! For Astoria FastSteamerTelegrapb Dully (except Thursdays). Laaves Aidei stree' j,5ck 7 a m. , Sundays 8 a. aa. 91 ronad trip. nOlIB SstAXat MS. - Colombia River Scenery BcOVnATOB Uim 8TBAJCEX8. Dally service between Portland The Dalles, except Sunday, leaving Portland at 7 a, m., arriving about S . m., carrying freight and passengers. pienaia accommodations for nntm. ua lives loot. r Dock foot of Alder st, Portland: foot or court st. The Dalles. Phone .Maitt For evening wear, long lake mitts, appllqued with narrow lace braid in an all over design are fashionable. They fit the arm snugly, and .come well over tha knuckles, with a fitted piece for the thumb, a velvets are snowrr in fancy weaves and in stripes, plaids, rings and dots. Gray in its various tones is on of th leading colors, and reddish brown is much evidenced. Pastel shades come in the serpent-green, plum and national blue and are all lovely. Fancy braids will b uaed with the sout&chu which Is bo popular. Fibre braids , have returned into favor, and also the old-fashioned serpentine braid-, lng. Coats are fastened in military fashion with frogs, cords and tassels. Dresses of taffeta or liberty entirely handpalnUd, are the late notes of ele in Paris. Garlands of roses are thrown over the sides and front, or a deep band of pansles or violets may or nament the bottom. Very expensive lace are made to trim these hand painted toilettes. Ostrich plumes curled and uncurled are the principal trimmings for the new winter hats. v Lovely effects are shown in the marabout and their pop ularity is increasing. and four tablesnoonfuls of baking pow der. Roll out to on inch thick, using little flour a possible to keep from adhering to the board, cut with a small heart cutter, drop into moking-hot ft) and cook until a rich brown.. Whit hot roll into nut crumb. . ' Harlequin Cup. Into" your sherbet oups or glasses put a layer of hoarsely chopped walnuts, than a layer of cut-up marshmallows, next a layer of fresh or canned strawberries or pineapple, and j lastly j)ll slightly sweetened whipped Icreamvpn top. The nut meat should not be too finely chopper, and tn easiest way to cut up th marshmallows Is by using a pair of sharp scissors dipped often in flour or powdered sugar. One or two cherries on top. of th whipped cream add to th effect and faor. Banana Fritter. Mak a batter with four ounces of flour, a pinch of salt, on ablespoonful of oiled butter and a tea cupful of warm water; stir until per fectly smooth, stand aside for two hours; beat th whites of three egg to a stiff froth, mix thoroughly with th batter. Pel the fruit cut each in half lengthwise, sprinkle with sugar, dip in tha batter and fry in boiling fat; drain on kitchen paper, then arrange on luce' paper; sprinkle with sugar, and erv quickly, ' , A Necklace of Ill-Lucfc. An erle atory is told about a neck- lac which formorly f belonged to th Maharanne of Cooch Behar, India, and which is supposed to bring bad fortune to every ono connected with it - Th hUtory of th necklace of pearl and turquol, which are not usually considered to b unlucky stones--is cer tainly peculiar. While It was in th Maharanne' possession she. was robbed of a quantity of valuable jewelry, and th Maharajah lost some of his best racing ponies by death snd breakdowns. The advlc of a pundit wa sought. He prescribed a change of ownership and a , voyag across the ea In order to break th apell, and the necklace wa accord ingly given to a lady in England, ay Womana Llf.'7 f A a result th Maharajah ha begun to win race) again and the Maharamnee ha recovered th stolen property, but th tory goes that th present owner of the necklaco ha been the victim of per sistent 111 fortune from the day that It cam into her possession. H Artist Earle and Affinity. Not a myatic, but a madman," Is th wsy Affinity Expert Earl I character ised 6y hla father-in-law. Which re minds us of Oscar Wilds' complaint: It la perfectly monstrous th way peo ple go about nowaday saying things against on, behind one' back, that are absolutely and ntlrely true. Boton Globe. And Mr. Earle, in his Apologia Pro Vita Mea. published recently, declare: Truth 1 an eternal paradox, and forces us to recognise a bewilderment of con tradictory and conflicting clement in every phase of life." Those "elements must include the two barrels of tar and the several pillows of feathers awaiting him at Monro. The prevailing opinion seems to be that the wife has the better of the bar gain, as she got her liberty and a baby in which her husband had at least a legal claim. All that th oul-afflnlty gets is Earle. Phliadeipnia worm American. This young man who shipped his wife and child away as if he were consigning an ordinary load of freight has not a bad face at all. His features are regu lar, his face long and of waxen pallor. His largo, pale-blue eyes, smooth-parted hair and long curly brown beard give him a general resemblance - to th itin erant Messiahs that spring up now snd then, make a few converts and dlsap- irOSTK PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO.'S 8TSAMSKXP8 - Roanoke and Geo. W. Elder Sail for Eureka, San Francisco and Los Angeles direct every Thursday at 8 n. m. Ticket office 132 Third .near Alder. Columbia River Through Line Steamers of the "npff utv-fuw m- leave OAK-STREET DOCK everv Mnn. Wednesday and Friday at FIVE uvvx atx.. igr ail DuinTR nerwaAT, Portland, 4he Dalles and Umatilla. Leave early and see all the, river. Ar rive early. Low rates. Prom n't ' lArv. Ice. Telephone Main 3201. Home, A 3527. Charles Johnson Acquitted. (Special PUpatrb to Th Jotirnal.l Astoria, Or., Sept. 28. The trial of Charles Johnson, charged with asasutft on Lilly Baker. 6 years old . wan enriart In the circuit court veaterdav aftemnnnl by the jury bringing la a verdict of not cupful of flour in which has been sifted ulltv, w 1 - . : 1 on level teaspoonful of grated nutmeg, Many skirts are heavily trimmed with bands, ruffles and straps, which reach to the knees. This is a decided change from the plain, untrlmmed skirts that have so long been In fashion, but it Is generally mor becoming to women than the much trimmed skirt. , The sailor hat of modified shape will be very fashionable for early fall wear. The. brim turns up slightly in front and the only trimming Is a soft ribbon bow the same color us the felt. This bow is more often seen In the back rather than the front and it is growing larger all the time. The boa worn around the neck and the bow of ribbon on the hat must match In color. The bow on a hat of soft Drown reu was a deep cream color mir ror velvet, and the boa was of cream color net, box plaited, edged with che nllle and was about two yards long. One end of the boa was finished witn two brown velvet ribbon ends and a cluster of tea roses mingled with maiden hair fern, and the other end was fin ished with Just the ribbons. .Tailored waists are made in washable fabrics such as pique, madras and even Silk. They afe very plain, the only trimming being buttons covered with self material. Plain or embroidered linen collars are designed to be worn with these waists. Fancv waistcoats are mads of lace and net and are cut exactly like a man's vest. The buttons are very large and elaborate. These waistcoats are to be worn with tailored suits that have the cutaway front arid so display the bodice or vest. S . at Seasonable Recipea. Egglcss Ginger Cake. Npte This fine recipe came from Naw Orleans, the sender of which states: "It came to us from an epicurean housewife long years ago and we, being southerners of the southerners, consider ourselves judges of good eating. It is considered unap proachable by my children and grand children." The recipe follows: Put a pint of good syrup into a deep bowL Stir in sifted flour until the mass be gins to break or to crumble (the exact amount cannot be specified, as different flours vary, but begin with two cups and add until above results obtain). Add two large tablespoons of the best lard (melted after it is measured) and little less than on half 'teaspoon of salt. Next stir In one tablespoon of ginger and one teaspoon of cinnamon, and lastly one and a half cups of boil ing water in which are dissolved three level teaspoons of soda, Bake In a slow, uvn irom o minutes 10 one nour. this cake may be enriched by adding; raisins and spices. - Peach Tabloca Soak one cup of tap ioca in cold water over night. In the morning add one pint of. fresh "water and boil until nearly done, then add one quart of sliced peaches, one cup 'of, sugar ana iub graved rina or one jemon and continue cooking until the fruit is soft. Remove from tha Are, add the juice of the lemon, turn into a mold and chill on ice. Serve with whipped cream. Colonial Maple Cake. Melt two cup fuls of maple sugar and let it become partly cool. Add one cupful of honey. ana one ana one nan cupiuis or nutter milk in which has been dissolved, a level teaspoonful of baking soda. Add a pinch of salt, a scant cupful of butter, two wen-Deaten eggs, nour to make a stiff anon are. spices to suit the taste, one cupful of citron and . one dozen plums Wiatveaj. ureage tn iruit wen with flour, and add it after th sponge has been' thoroughly beaten. Add one cup ful of preserved gooseberries or cur rants; pour two inches deep In a pan j-ned with buttered paper, and bake in a slow oven, ; . Heart Croquettes. Boll three medium sized potatoes, mash and press through a sieve; add butter the size of a butter nut.;." Beat two eggs with one and jone half cupful of sugar and add ' to the potato with erne cupful of milk, four Mr. Earle I tall and -loose-Jointed. His manner is deprecating, his conver sation extremely elusivjs. Just when you think vou are pinning Dim down to some definite statement of gsbat he be lieves in he wriggles away. "Miss Kuttner' he said, "has ex plained the whole situation. She said not call her my affinity originally, buf the word is a good one, and I believe she fulfills its meaning so far as I am con cerned. m . ' "I don't believe that a man has Just ono afnnlty. There are doubtless hun dreds of women in the world who would meet his needs. One man demands mere beauty in his affinity, another re quires simply that she be a good house keeper. Another admires brains in women." "Ana vout No doubt you prefer brains to good housekeeping?" For it is generally understood that Mr. Earle newly found affinity is of the high browed variety. "I like both," he replied. "There is no reason why the same woman shouldn't have both, nor Why a man shouldn't Men should be good house keepers, too,'' he added. "They should have some idea about homemaking as well as women." "And how may a man know his af finity? What reason have you for be lieving that Miss Kuttner Is any more your permanent affinity than Mrs. Earle wasT How do you know you may not want her to give you up a few yea from now to another woman. Just as Mrs. Earle gives you up to her? And why is that not progressive polygamy?" Mr. Earle looked grieved. "Oh, no!" he protested. "I am a monogamist. But I believe persons should Know feach other thoroughly be fore they marry. Mrs. Earle was a French woman, and, of course, you know that means that I never saw her alone or had any knowledge of her real thoughts and real temperament until after we were married. "Mrs. Earle la a Woman of wonderful education. She has far more brains than I have. I never needed an en cyclopaedia while she was in the house. But a woman has to be more than an encyclopaedia 'to meet my Ideal. I was no more successful in meeting Mrs. Earle's Weal. I am pretty well in formed on the matter, and I don't think she will have any difficulty in securing her divorce in France. Till she does I shall wait patiently and work hard at painting. Then by the time she has obtained it mv affairs will have ceased to be a nine days' wonder'to the public and Miss Kuttner and I will be mar ried." -New York World. "Oh, it was awful." , "You poor dear!" Yes: my affinity met mv husband's affinity, thev fell in love and got mar ried, leaving us quite In the lurch. Fawncy!" Philadelphia Bulletin. at x Housewifely Wisdom. The rattlingr of coal being shoveled Into a furnace Is always a source of an noyance to a person who is seriously ill. To prevent thl get a number of large paper bags, fill with coal, using a small fire shovel, and pile them on the cellar floor. When the furnace needs replen ishing lay one or more bags on the fire, and as the bag burns the coal will fall gently Into place without noise. A gift much appreciated by a house wife living in a small apartment where cooking odors are hard to conquer is an atomizer and a bottle of the best lavender water. After airing the rooms thoroughly spray once or twice with the lavender, which is not only refreshing ana ciean out a -real tonjc xor tired nerves,-- : For mixing flour and water use a fork fb make it smooth and free from lumps. - Brooms soaked in hot salt water wear better and do not break. To prevent lamps from smoking, wash the wick thoroughly in warm water with a little soap dissolved in it. Then rinse In clean water and let dry. After it is dry, soak the wick In strong vinegar for f an hur; then dry. , , ' When salad dressing is liable to our die a small pinch of soda dropped in will prevent IP from doing so. . To keep doughnuts from burning, drop a piece of raw potato In the boiling fat, and you will have no trouble with thra.V "