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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1907)
THE OREGON . DAILY-, JOURNALS - PORTLAND. SATURDAY". EVENING, SEPTEMBER 28, 1907. 11 r r FURNISHED ROOMS FOR JIE$T . APARTMENTS - UNFURNISHED. .and 4 room In new building, steam , nfi ina noi WWt adults. . 40t Jfl. Rurnsht at i ' SICKLY U ft Kt'i b H E b It66M8, groitnd floor. 141 Yamhill, .between j mi ini) van ONfcj LARGE FRONT ROCm. VOR TWO or mora; running water, pnone, gas, "in. an wain. THE GRAND. 46 N. lb" fl'f.HOOMS , 11.16 par wa THti RiCllELlEU. 53 U K. 4tH 8t Elegantly furnished; ataam haat and vaius. 10 ROOM IN PRIVATE FAMILY ' aultabla for two girls; will furnish ror Housekeeping ir uesiroa; Ran. bath, phone. 64 K. Taylor, corner It th at. Phone East 2238. NEWLY FlJRNlSHED ROOMS, 12.00 and up. 202 2d at. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, II EAT, nam, gen. 430 jerrerson. FOR RUM HOUSEKEEPING FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPIN aultea, 2 to 1 rooma, rant $10 to 1 East 4251. 240 K. 16th at. THE MITCHELL HOUSEKEEPING and tranntant rooma, reasonable, 7th - and Flandern ata. WEEK UP LARGE, CLEAN furnished housekeeping rooma. laun dry and bath. 114 Sherman st, oth, Portland. i.2t wiifck u"p-CLean FmNIekEb housekeeping rooma, pari or. Dstn, laundry, furnace heat. yard. 201 tt Stan ton at. u car. LITTLE LI NERSTw ANTS. COST ANll found, for aala, to let. etc. In Th Journal coat only 1 cant a word: 1 worda or leaa, 16 cent each Insertion. Phones Main 7171. Home A-1230, HOUSEKEEPING " R&OMd, 41 , Hi at; moaern. FURNISHED" ALSO 166 N. ROOMS aK'D housekeeping rooma for rent 10th at PLEASANT UNFURNISHED HOUSE keeDlnr rooma. women only.- on car line. 1 mile from courthouae. Phone Main 292. between 10 and 11 t. in LARGE FRONT SUITE. WELL FUR nisnea. 107 H id. OWENS APARTMENTS 230 Vt RUS- aell street Two apartmenta of two rooma each. Alao single rooma. UNFURNISHED 4 OR 6 keeping rooma Pactfio 2464. I as. t fir H 0 Vt t 47 Columbia st. HOU8E- gas, F6ft RENT TWO LARGE UNFUR- nlahed housekeeping rooma, cheap, in quire 682 6th at. FOUR NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE keeping rooma. good location. 392 Jefferson at., corner 10th. LARGE. LIGHT FURNISHED HOUSE keeping rooma: running water. Alder. 60314 UNFURNISHED ROOMS. LITTLE LINERS. WANTS. LOST AND round, for aale, to let, etc., in Trie Journal coat only 1 cent a word; 15 worda or leaa, it cents eacn insertion. Phonea Main 7173. Home A-3230. ROOMS AND BOARD. OSBORN HOTEL, CORNER GRAND ave. and K. Aah; furnlahed rooma, sin gle or en suits, with or without board. East 6619. LITTLE LINERS. WANTS, LOST AND found, for sale, to let, etc.. In The Journal coat only 1 cent a word; 15 worda or less, 16 cfnts each Insertion. Phones Main 717S, Home A-8230. THE COLONADE. ROOM AND BOARD, nil latest Couch. conveniences. 19th and HYLAND, 490 MORRISON. MAIN 1925. Furnished rooms with bath and steam heat. THE DEXTER. FURNISHED ROOMS, corner 12th and Washington, entrance on 12th. for rent houses Van horn transfer furniture and pianos moved, stored or shipped. Phone Main Hit. ; WE RENT ANli SELL PIANOS. 8HER- man, Clay ft Co. LITTLE LINERS. WANTS. LOST AND found. SJsr nale. to let. etc.. in The Journal cost only 1 cent a word; 15 worda Or less, 15 rents each Insertion. Phones Main 7173, Home A-3230 RESORTS CASTLE KDEL BRAU . (Twelve-Mile ' House) -Most unique and beat Mad house In the weetj kitchen supplied from -our farm a; first-class goods; Fort land prices. Fred T. MerrllT originator. UGS WELL SPRINGS RESORT. "OPEN,' 3 miles from Drain. Or., on 8. P. R. R. BUSINESS C1L1XCES THE COAST REALTY CO. I 12(14 Morrlaon St.. The leading real estate and business brokers. Main 1566; A 4160. A few pedals: m io.iiuu incomes property paying ii per cent - i78 tuye j -room nouse ana lot 1260 handles 6-room modern house. 1200 buva emDlovment aaenoy aver- . .j.. . .. . - aging sib oauy. nooming nouse ti rooma; ii.iuw. 3600 handlea ll rooma. 36,000 handlea 16 rooma; choice. nuu ouya is rooms; money maaer. 100 furniture l-room flat 66, furniture and l-room houaa. 450, cigar stand; must sell. 600. half Interest restaurant: salary $160 per month as cashier., grocery; file aatiy. 13,000, 63 acres improved; terra. Other olaoes. all prices. Some choice chlckena and small dairy proposition. (splendid timber ciaima ana norae- teada for location. COAST REALTY CO.. tliV, Morrison St. Main 1668; A 4160. LIVE. ENERGETIC MAN WITH $1,000 to $2,000 may secure an active Inter- eat In our eatabllehed manufacturing bualness. which carries with it a sal aried official Dosltion: the demand for our output Is unlimited and the net prof ile Deuer man iuo per cent on every thing we manufacture; to the man with business ability who la looking for a fu ture this la an opportunity which Is pre sented only once In a lifetime; thorough Investigation afforded the man who means business and is qualified to take the position. Call room 226, Lumber Exchange hi rig. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE LOTSlf 00 EACH? EAST TAMy'LI , between 14th and 16th. ' L.J , 1 lot 50x100, $700, E. 26th it and Bel mont. , - - i - 100x100 Improved. 23d and East Yamhill.- : - -room- houaa, modem. East Taylor and 39th. ' M l l-room house for rent, HtB and E. Taylor. R. CORNELL A CO., .... 0 BJ. Yamhill. -Phone East ItM ST. Property. i(.6oo; J-R66H modern cottage; larga lot, elosa Inj easy terms; no agents.. Fnona . Ownar( Main 6067. "i KEW 6-R66V HdUfiES.' 2 BLOCKS from Vernon earllna. $1,800; terms, Miller, 63H Washington St., roorrt 12. 2,000-$600 cash, balance easy. Good -room house, corner,, close In, Upper Alblna. H. A. plttlnger. 7 Oantenbeln ave., corner Fargo at.; Phone East 1446. lioxido m65erN " l-ROOM cottaob!. 1 block trom cariina; . price ,ouu; 2100 cash: balance $20 a month. L. 1L Freeland I-and Co. OWNER'"' MUST SELL HIS BEAU- Hful 6-room reaidencei new, modern and very convenient; gas and electric light; larga grounds. 70x126; all kinds or rruit, names ana nowsrs; viu in very cheap; terms. Inquire 162 Fre raont, or phone Woodiawn to. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE :U'r $250 " For lot 60x100. 10 minutes from center of the city: I blocks from carline; will furnish title Insurance; terms $5 down nd It per month. r $550 Without doubt one of the best buys In Multnomah: 2 blocks from 2 carllnes, a tores, school, eta.; lot 60x100; east front; street graded; sewer and side walk. Call at once and secure this bargain. FOR SALE PAR&IS. WORTH INVESTIGATING. tO acres. 60 In cultivation. 45 to B0 tons vetch and oat hay In barn, good 7-rooni house, new barn; good ram 11 orchard, fine water. 1 springs and wel 12 head of good oows, S hogs, chickens SACRIFICE! SALE-Mt. H66b vllSW lots 3178 to 3190; terms aown so cer month: water mains taia vooa top car. BtOMt en uommfraiai pik ra s Legitimate Business Chances The Amea Mercantile Agenev (eHtab llahed 13961 furnlstrea free Information on opportunities In mercantile or manu facturing lines, city or country. 11E AM Ea MlCKtAKlll.!1. auc.-muj. 204-205 Ablngton Hldg. INING AND mDUSTRlAL STOCKS and bonds bought and solo, corre spondence Invited. H. W. Donahue A Co.. 611 Buchanan bldg. Phone Main 7353. For sale a profitable su: burban drug business established over It years; stock, fixtures, Dunaing ana lot all go; be Independent, or will aell bualness and leaae building; no commla- sion; only those meaning Dusinesa neea write. H-508, journal AkaATN(oxi6(i. WTTH 7-ROOM plastered house, fmlt trees, etc., on finest atreet in Lents: close to school. church, car, etc.; a fina home, on easy terms, nee owner ei iz ratwioomi ave.. near 41st St. Filley Park Cheap pleaaant homes for working people; no high-priced special Improve ments forced upon you: lots $110 and up. $5 monthly payments; 2 lots $3 monthly; 6 and 6-room cottages for sale on easy terms. Room 427 Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark eta., port- land Or. Phone Main (. Henry A. OH MS STARK ST.. ROOM 11. City real eata'e. timber, farms, chard a. Portland Investors Co., Preferred, Stock; CLIFFS WILL GIVE FREE SITE FOR good hotel. For Information write J. Reld, Cliffs, Wash. CLIFFS. THE NEW TOWN; YOU can't afford to let it Daae: working On yarda and roundhouae; $160,000 im provements going In; it houses and many business nouses; me cream is thick and all we aak Is, see for your- lf. See me at my Portland office, Wednesday and Thursday. 266 Stark t. J. J. Reld, Cliffs, wash. CLIFFS,' WILL BRAT ALL RECORDS as a business point; roaaa anox uh from 4 points of compass: everything coming our way;.how about youT Well, earn about It; afte me in my t'ortiann office, 266 Stark St.. Wednesday and Thursday. J. J. Reld. CUffa. Wash. EWSPAFER WILL SELL CAPA- ble party half Interest, either me- hnnleal or editorial end; fine plant and field. AddreHB K-602, Journal. OUR-HORiiEPOWER WOOD SAW. Inquire Iowengardt, 33 Park St. OR RENT SMALL BAKERY, GOOD oven: rent $6; would aell atore if de- Ired. MH Hood St. COOS BAY INVESTMENTS ARE THE surest and best on the COAST and 1 have the best propositions. Call ana Investigate. Geo. J. Schaefer, 317 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE HALF INTEREST IN A first-class restaurant, new; a cood , ... r n i , r MHinBsw propowmpn. n-- , journal. C. Ft Donnell & Co. T ANTHONY residence REAL ESTATE. Room 11. 213 Stark St. LINNTON.. OR-. HARDY. ind bualness lots, water front and factory aitea; farms and tlm- CTTFfs; THE NEW1 TOWN; YOU can't afford to let It pass; working on yarda and roundhouae; $10,000 Im provements going in; it houses And many business houses;- the crera Is thick and all we ask Is, see. for your self. Hee me at my Portland office, Wednesday and Thursday. 166 Stark St. J. J. Reld. Cliffs, Wash. BE WISH INVEST IN A HOME. $1,000 4 rooms, 763 E. 8th. 31,590 5 rooms, 756 E. 8th. $1,BS0 6 rooms, -76 K. 6th. Jl.Rr.O 5 rooms, Mallory and Mason. $1,40014 block South Portland. All new and modern, owner, 20$ 4th. Tel Main 3990 or Paclflo 2125. FOR SALE A FINE GROCERY tore doing 126 a day cash business good location, nice new atock; buy It for 112.000; owner going east; no agents. 30, journal. 1.600 BUYS RESTAURANT WELL worth 32,600; fine location; low rent d lease. 225 Mh st. 6-ROOM HOUSE. ONE BLOCK FROM car, 3-mlnute service, $18. Phone East 3541. HOUSE AND STABLE FOR TEAM. $7 per month. Phone Main 6683. 6-KOOM, NEW. FURNISHED HOUSE. with modern porcelain plumbing, nice lot 60x90. 100 feet to car; bargain for $2,000; on easy terms; party leaving city. 434 Marguerite, Montaviua 3-ROOM piano; 261 Alder. COTTAGE". B. S. Cook, FURNISHED $12 per month, . Main 963. 8-ROOM IN IRVINGTON. $30; FLOW era, shrubbery, etc.: good tenant de sired. Phone Main 199., or call 43 N. -ath at. FOR 6 ALE CONFECTIONERY, CT gars, Joe cream parlor and grocery; reasonable if taken at once. Call on owner, 402 E. Morrison. Phone E. 4289. Partner" wanted a man witR ability and about $3,600 to take ac tive interest In an established bualness. Will bear strictest Investigation and show very liberal profits. P-30, Journal. 7-ROOM HOUSE. WITH BATH; DE alrable location; walking dlatanoe; "L car. 386 Larrahee et.. East 3093. 6-ROOM COTTAGE, 6S7 BORTHW'ICK st. Inquire 138 Washington st. FURNISHED ROUSES. LITTLE LINERS, WANTS, LOST AND found, for sale, to let, etc.. In The journal cost only 1 cent a word; It words or less, 15 cents each insertion. Phones Main 7173. Home A-3230. FOR RENT FLATS LITTLE LINERS, WANTS. LOST AND round, ror saie, to ie etc.. in xne journal coat only i cent a wora; lk worda or less, 16 centa each insertion. Phones Main 7173. Home A-3230. 6-ROOM MODERN FLATS. 848 H and 854 Corbett at., 112.60 per month. L. e. Thompson a co., uzbso HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE LITTLE LINERS. WANTS, LOST AND found, for sale, to let, etc., In The journal cost only 1 cent a word; 15 words or less 16 cents each Insertion. Phones Main 7178. Home A-8230. MJnMTURA Tor sALe; House for . r, -vr .... rent, po j. rm . FURNITURE FOR SALE IN" A SIX room cottage, close In. 321 3d st. FURNITURE ELEGANTLY FUR- nlshed flat for sale or rent. 204 Park. FOR RENT FARMS LITTLE LINERS. WANTS. LOST AND found, ror aaie, to let, etc., in ine Journal cost only 1 cent a word; 16 words or less, 16 cents each Insertion. Phones Main 7173. Home A-3230. FOR RENT DAIRY FARM ONE MILS from Oregon city court nouso, fur nished or unfurnished. Phone East 8789. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES FOR RENT TWO GROUND FLOOR offices. Front and Ankeny sts. Apply R. T. Cox. Telephone Main 421. A" NICE OFFlCg SUITE "FffR RENt." Madison bldg.. 3d and Madison sts. OFFICES FOR RENT IN THE WOR cester and Hamilton bldgs., at mod erate rate. Apply to Robert Strong, 114 Worcester bldg. LITTLE LINERS. WANTS. LOST AND found, for sale, to let eto., In The Journal cost only 1 cent a word; 15 words or less, 15 cents each Insertion. phones Main 7173. Home A-3230. STORA6& ROOM FOR RENT; CLOSE In; reasonable rent See Dement & King. 142 Madison. Main 6201. THREE-STORY BLDG. WITH BOILER and engine. Apply 147 N. th st FIRST-CLASS STORE IN NEW BUILD Jng. fine front and reasonable rent 409 East Burnwlde st. Cesirable OFFICE T'f6R '"'RENT. ' newly completed, front, of elevator, heated and Janitor sevica free, 420 Commerclal-feldg.-- -.y . v.. - FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. HALL AND BALLROOM. NEXT WITH modern conveniences. Phone Main 1361. FOR SALE STOCK OF MERCHAN dlse and fixtures at Invoice; stock con sists of lsdles' and gents' furnishings, shoes, mllltnerv and grooerles: invoice about $8,000; located in eastern Waeh- Inyton. N-3Q. Journal. GROCERY CLOSE IN; NONE BET ter: good business. Sickness cause of selling. M-31, Journal. LOTS 100x290 ALL IN CULTIVA tlon, close to 10-room school at Lenta; extra bargain $400; terms: 6o far. O. R AcMlton, Lents, Or. H. P. PALMER. M. VAN AL8TINE. PALMER-VAN AL8TINE CO., REAL ESTATE. INSURANCE. 223 Falling Bldg. Main 6661. A-26B1. BEAUTIFUL LOT CHEAP. 2450. at WAVERLEIGH: owner leav ing Portland, will sell one of the finest view lots on this beautiful tract; lnatail ment plan If necessary. See H. W. Lemcke Co., 6th and Washington sts. FOR SALE; REAL ESTATE. Acre and Half Acre Tracts. We make a specialty of acre-tracts with water mains laid and payments of only $10 cash and $10 per month: a much better purchase for a home or Investment than lots. A. C. Churchill. 110 3d et. LOOK ME UP. 5 to 8-room, new modern houses. $500.00 to $4000.00: terms, $250.00 cash balance as rent, locations good in all parts of the city. A. 8. Draper, 843 H waHhlngton st.. rooms 3 and 4. cor. 7th. CENTRAL OHF.GdTTTIMBER WHEAT and Irrigated land for sale cheap- good deals. For Information call on or address Van Tassel & Davis. Madras, Crook county, Oregon FOR SALE 240 ACRES OF GOOD land at a sacrifice; a bargain if taken at once' good mill location, fir, cedar and hardwood; well located; terms: Van couver Real Estate company, 708 wash- Ington st., Vancouver, wean. Corner 100x100 In Central Alblna; lays as fine as a fiddle; must be seen to be appreciated. $475 For a corner lot on Skid more st; terms ou aown ana tiu per month. $,00 Fins lot on Alblna ave ; east front; on canine. $&G0 Very small payment down, long time on Daia.nce, proviaing ouyer win Duna at once, will secure a beautiful lot In Clifford add. on Mississippi ave. THOMPSON A OGDEN. 848 Mlsalselppl Ave. 3. f.'pfluger c Co., Realty Agents, northeast corner 2d and Morrison sts.. Are offering a few good bargains, t acres, I miles from city. 6-room house, good orchasd. chicken house, barn, all fenced; $1,800. 1 acre In town of Mllwaukte. Clack amas county, close to carline, $650. A (-room nouse on s run lots, rine bearing fruit trees, barn, chicken-house. City water and cistern. 10 minutes from 6c carline, $2,600. Several good new houses on lots 60x90, In Montavllla. on the Installment lan, into cash down, balance from 115 r $!0 monthly; price from $1,600 to 2.000. uooa l-rwm nousa in .nonn irvinx on: lot 60x100, some fine fruit trees. $1,000. 3 .full lota 60x100 each and 2 frac tional lots at street intersection. In Sellwood. all for $760. I fine lota in Point View addition. St. Jcfhns, $400. Only hotel in thrlvlna- suburb of Port land, 30 furnished rooms, electric light. monthly rent 125, price 60U. J4 fine lots 60x100 each. E. 14th and Division sts. adjoining Lathi's addition, $900 to $1,000. illy ell. near milk route, $ miles from railroad nation; owner must aell; pries cut to $4,000; on good terms.. 20 acres Al uncleared land, of which 7 acres la beaver dam; running water the whole year; H mile to graded school, mile to Salem carline, 9 miles to city; $100 per acre. $2,rs A solendld buy In one of the best lit tle enterprising cities In the Willamette river valley. 2H acres of land fronting on Main St.: It Is the best located property on the street, being centrnl. small orchar'l and large garden; the house Is colonhil In style and Is about 60 feet square, 1 - stories in height, has large porches In front and rear, on ground floor are two large living rooms, with a fireplace In each, five bedroom, large mnlng-rooni. kitchen, pantry, cold etorage room, et. on 2d floor, 5 bedroom and plenty of room for storage, the entire house Is In good repair; good well of water unrtVr bark noroh: new two-story barn: this property would make a desirable home or hotel. Otto, Crockett 8c Harkson 13.14 1st Kt. 80 acres, 25 In cultivation, 4-room house with fireplace; good orchard; ,linrn full of hay, spring at house, creek lllIlfUHIl Wli .wn-t , Harness, a cows, pigs ana cniL-nens. u 7ftA ,n . FOR SALE FARMS Washington & Oregon Realty Co. 140 acres 17 miles from Portland, In Clarke county, Washington; fine gravel road to Portland; 1 miles front railroad station on main county road; R. F. D. and telephone;, one mil to a good coun try town; 80 acres In cultivation; 2 acres bearing orchard; fine spring neur house; all level, very best of soil; no rock or gravel; fine location; will divide this place In email traols, 20 to 10 acres; price for whole tract $8,600; will take part In exchange for Portland city prop erty; will give good terms, 10 miles from Van- blows, harrows, all kinds of necessary r "JlZrT,'-.17, r"". ..J farming tools; R. jr. U mall; phone ,ln I Xir9tZntlir. T icU In Washington county; price ta.vvu. suu can stand. Ilea from courthouse,, on fine Was'hlnston. 5 miles from ra!lroa.T and gravel roaa. ana only one m bt landing; all In cultlv vji sraiiaiiji waiiiiifj vmiiviii v"V4 s"wi A REAL SNAP. 87 acres. 86 In cultivation, about 1,000 cords of standing timber, live creek through place, lies well to be cut into acreage, excellent soil, no rook or f ravel, new house 7 rooms, new barn 0x60 (shed attached), chicken-house, etc.. all stock and Implements. Goes at tne low price or Iiao per acre. .- rated 10 m ravel roa and store close by; land adjoining la neia rrom 1200 to per acre. A MONEY MAKER. 66 4 . -res, 28 in cultlvat on. crop all harvested and in barn, fair house a frooT barn, granary and other outbulld nia. 11 vounir cows. 1 heifer. 1 hlch- frrade bull. 1 mars with fins colt 1 torse. 8 calves, 2 young helfera, 1 boar, 2 fine brood sows, 14 shoats, 160 chick ens. 1 cream separator, buckets, palls and pana, all the farming Implements, phone In house on mall route, naif mile to school, 1 M miles to good town snd railroad. Yamhill, county. Prico $$,700; terms: $700 can Stand. cultivation, all level, 60 acres of fine aah and vine maple swale, easily cleared; 4-room house, new barn 30x66; 1 mile to sawmill, on main county road, level I gravel roed to Portland. R. F. D.. near school; give terms; best of soli. $560 6 acres, 4H miles from Van couver, 2 acres In cultivation, all level, on main county road, 4-room house, small stable, fine soil. FOR 8.4 LE LIVE-STOCK LITTLB LINERS. WANTS. LOST AN1 found, fur aale, to let, etc, lr Tin Journal cost only 1 cent a word: 15 words or leas. 15 cents each Insertion. Phones Main 7173, Homo A.-323'l. ' Til REE JER8KY CW'Oll '"gA!:k; also one 8-year-old Percheron filly, full blood. (37 Jefferson. Pbons Mala 7168. I O. Ralston, owner. SALE -40 IKwkT FOR , 'GOATS: Drlce 83 ner head. A. HiiHrmlIIn Rldgefleld, Wash. . - FOR SALE ?HEAP THRKK FRLSH cows. Kaster's Place. Ients. BALE, IN- GENTLE ir75Rsfra VSiT quire 26 H N. 20th st. FOR HALE A OOOD COW; WILL" BW freaH In MitrM.Kvb.. eh.ivtk 1 f three gallons good rich milk; mu'at Mil soon ; 912 E. 14th St. FOR SALE 4 OOOD MILK COWS. one fresh. Mt. 8cott ear, 4) blocks west of Nashville station. T. F. Gould. MI MICAL INSTRUMENTS . 9 $8,00040 acres in Clarke county. atlon and In crop, 6 acrea bearing orchard, variety, 3-room house, good barn, good well, fine spring R. F. D. i of a mile to school, horse and bunny, 2 cows, 2 hogs, 60 chickens, some small tools, all crop and the very best nt black soli; this place Is guaranteed as advertised; Investigate thlB before buying; give terms. 22 H acres. 12 in high state of cultiva tion, balance In stump pasturs, some timber; land all luys level and Is Al soil, a good 6-room house, good well on porch, and a sood brand-new barn. chicken house, etc.; crops Included; price part ran stand; located 14 muss from Portland, 3 miles to R. R. station. Washington county, on main county road; mull and milk route by door. 177 0 0 A GOOD BUSINESS LOT close In on Jersey streut 25x100. Terms. $2,750 A well located two-story frame building on a good 23x100 lot. now renting for 130 per month. The party needs money ninl has cut the price $500 for 30 days. Terms. 11,200 Here la a spiemliu buy. z:,x nlO Jersey street lot. ull street im provements made. Right In the heart of the business district. $425 60x100 reMdenco lot; well lo cated In nice district; one block from car line. $7,60050x100 In very heart of bus- ness district. A fine location. $600 Best rooming-houae in the city. An elegant location; doing good busi ness. Terms. THE WAGONER COMPANY. 109 Burlington st. Scott 3104 20 acres, 9 In cultivation and In ber ries, orchard, potatoes and grass, bal ance In p.tsture and timber, all Al soil. .Small house, barn 28x42, chicken houses, etc ; 1 tam of horses. 3 cows, 3 cslves, ISO chickens, wagon, plow, harrow, cul tivator ami i-m.ill tools; 1U miles from o. W. P. carlln.- and only 10 miles from Portland: firm road all the way. Price, $3,500. Terms. W. W. Espey Room 319 Commercial Bldg. Corner 21 and Washington sts. I'hone Paclflo 1844. $2,400 1(0 acres, 14 miles from Van couver, 2H miles from railroad station, all level, 1,000,000 feet good saw timber, 1.000,000 feet piling: give terms. VICTOR TALKING MACHINES AND' records; Stein way (and other) pianos. Sherman, Clay Co., (th and Morrison sts.. opp. postofflce. LITTLE LINERS, WANTS. LOST AND found, for sale, to let. etc.. fn The Journal cost only 1 cent a word; It worda or less. 16 cents each Insertion. Phone, Main 7173. Home A-8230. HOUSES, VEHICLES, HARNESS. HORSES AND BUGGIES FOR RENT ' by day, week and month; special rates . , to business houses, (th and Haw thorn a ': Eaat 73, , LITTLE LINERS. WANTS, LOBT AND 3 found, for sale, to let, eta.. In The Journal cost only 1 cent a word; II; words or less, 15 cents each Insertion, phones Main 7178. Home A-8230. GENTLE BAY MARE. 32,000 30 acres, 11 miles from Van couver; 20 acres In cultivation, all fenced, all level, on main county road R. F. D.. near school. 2 miles from rail road station, best of black soil; half rash, balance good terms; will exchange for city property. $1,600 20 acres. 11 miles from Van couver, 12 acres In cultivation. 2 acres orchard, somo timber, fine spring near house, old house, good barn, on main county road, 44 mile to school, all fenced, all level, very best of soil, fine location; give terms. $2,860 FOR ONE WEEK ONLY. 7-room. modern house, electric lights bath, concrete basement; owner leavlnx city; easy terms. L. H. Smith & to 07 Ablngton bulg.. or at. jonnw. BARGAIN NEW 6 ROOM HOI'SK from owner; close to Sunnyslde, $1,600. X-33, Journal. FOR SALE FARMS FOR SALE LODGING HOUSE; 3 rooms; centrally located. K-31, Jour nal. FOR SALE A GENERAL MERCHAN dlse store in an old and estabilsned growing mining town, carry $1,000 to ti.zoo stocK, noing n large ntisine actual invoice price; no dead stock; no competition; cash basis; more mines opening; splendid outlook: sickness. Address box 501. Baker City, Or. Don't Miss Hearing the Wonderful "TELEG R A PHONE" At Rooms 403 and 404, Oregonlan Bldg. Free! Free! Free! Frank O'Reilly, State Agent. FOR SALE GOOD PAYING CIGAR store cheap. L-Sl, Journal. FOR SALE BAKERY AT ONCE. 81. Journal. Y- FOR SALE EXCELLENT SAWMILL proposition, one half mile from Ya colt; 1.000,000 feet, II per thousand. Address O. J. A.. Vancouver. Wash. SEE THIS AT ONCE NEW AND modern rooming house, 100x100, close In- 64 rooms, beautifully furnished: only $17,000: easy terms. L. H. Smith 4; Co., 407 Ablngton bldg., or St. Johns. BUSINESS CARDS $176 PER 1,000, IN 5,000 lots. C. B Print Shop, 210 Mad ison. Pacific 1513. COME IN AND SEE US IF YOU want rooming-nouses, restaurants, ho tels, grocery stores, meat markets, real estate, business chances, investments. Western Realty Co.. room 610, Buchanan bldg., 286 Vt Washington st. $2,600 WILL HANDLE INTEREST In an invention (pat. in v. is. ann Can ada) that you can make from $10 to I2K oer dav: every drv-aoods atore will buy one; arrangements for Its manufac ture are completed: two fine models and everything ready for business; this Is worth investigation; win taxe city prop erty. R-33. Journal. FbR'fcULE feUXLL GROCERY AND confectionery store, call 79a Vaughn. Price $550. FOR SALE SMALL FIRST-CLASS restaurant, good location; doing good business. L-S8. Journal. KbOMINd-HrttSES; OVER 0 TO SE- lect from: give us a trial, worinwest em Investment, 199 4th. BEE 661 MORRISON ST FOR POOL hall or 6 tables; zso, at once. FOR SALE BY OWNER. NEW, MOD em 5-room cottage, lawn, concrete basement, first-class plumbing; rooms tinted; $2,150; terms; 1201 Missouri ave., 2 blocks from Piedmont carbarns and school. 100x100, 4 HOUSES, 8 6-ROOM. 1 7-room; will sell all or separate; ona block of car; good interest on the invest ment; part cash. Phone East 3541. CLIFFS, WILL BEAT ALL RECORDS as a business point; roads seek us from 4 points of compass; everything coming our way; how about you 7 Well, learn about it; see me in my Portland office, 266 Stark st., Wednesday and Thursday. J. J. Reld, Cliffs, Wash. $1,400 "BL'YS 8-ROOM COTTAGE ON west side; rents at $16. Inquire 225 6th st. BUCHTEL A KERNS MAKE A SPE clalty of east side realty, rentals. loans, etc. 362 E. Morrison st. $4.350 YOUR CHOICE OF TWO NEW modern seven-room homes; Irvington or Holladay park. Bargains. Terms. C. L. Parrish & Co., Ill Marquam bldg. Both phones. TWO SPECIAL BARGAINS In Roaue river valley fruit lands. 1 396 acres two miles from Medford, good Improvements, spring water. 270 acres under plow, ready to set to fruit, suitably located to divide Into smaller tracts, trice only bo per acre lor a short time. Easy terms. 2 1.408 acres seven miles from Med ford, two miles from Jacksonville. Good improvements, 200 acres under plow, nearly all high grade fruit land, boo acres easy clearing, wood will easily pay for clearing, good springs, a fine mining proposition is also on this ranch, seven miles of ditch, 1,000 feet 14-inch piping. Trice $25,000. For sale by C. H. PIERCE & SON. Medford. Or. 5-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW. BEST of plumbing, concrete basement, elec tric fights, tinted walls, china closet, 100 feet from car. $1,860; $1,000 cash. I'hone Tabor 73Z GOING AWAY. WILL SACRIFICE MY new b-room cottage ror n.aow; xs&o cash; $20 per month. 327 Marguerite at.. Montavllla SEE HERE. MR. RENTER; I HAVE A fine modern home that I must sell and you can make money by buying It. 10 minutes from center of city. 1 block from car, gas. wired for elec tricity modern plumbing and only 12, 250. Terms on half. E. C. Hurlbert, ZKR stark et. $3,600 A MODERN rooms, everything date; look this up; HOUSE OF new and up 34 Keroy 1 to st Thompson ft Ogden. 848 Mississippi ave. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE A BARGAIN NEW FIVE-ROOM BUN g&low cottage, strictly modern, gas and lectrlcitv. large basement, full lot. Terms. Must be sold In a few days, If at all. No agents. Call phons Main 4018 between a. m. ana o p. m. FOR SALE NEW MODERN 7-ROOM bungalow In Sunnyslde- offered for a few days onlyr 18.760. Sneer ft- Co.. 000 h Belmont, rnone rapor jsb Rave" Left aT e. th sf. Pour Vi and live H acres, one block from car and church, aear school; good soil cleared; Bull Run water; easy pay- roons ments. R. Kast 4788 V. iBelford, ownar. A BARGAIN. ' New 4-room cottage., lot 0x100. near carline, $900; discount for cash. In ottlra 657 Zahtta ave.. Midway. MODERN 4-ROOM COTTAGE, WITH bath. $1,560. E. list and Surman, 1 Mocks north f Alberta st. . J-Melicb. FOR SALE BY OWNER. NEW 6-ROOM cottage, price I860. Easy terms. Take Mount Scott car, get off at Arleta sta tion, go north to 83 Holt st. BEAUTIFUL HOME. NEW. MODERN. up to data In every respect: owner is anxious to sell: can make easy terms. Thompson ft Ogden. 848 Mississippi ave. FINE, NEW MODERN HOUSE FOR sale or rent; 1 store, 6 living rooms for aale; 1 house on Willamette boule vard for sale cheap. St. Johns car to Willamette station. H. N. Smith, own er. 1241 Greeley st $500 WILL PUT YOU IN POSSESSION of 10 acrea of splendid land with house, barn and fruit; this place is but one mile from HUlsboro and near tha proposed electric line; this Is a snap, and the terms are easy. Inquire of F. M. Heidel, HUlsboro, or Allen ft Buoy, 611-12 Bwetland bldg. SACRIFICE; GOING AWAY:' $600: 6 room cottage: 1 acre of land, fruit berries, henhouse; 20 minutes' walk to carline; near Oregon City. J-21, Journal. CLIFFS WILL GIVE FREE SITE FOR good hotel. For Information writs J, j. tteid. cnrrs, wash. OREGON FARMS. I have choice lands in different coun ties in Oregon, in tracts of 5 acres to 1,100 acres, and in price from $11 per sere up. Some special bargains In small tracts eight miles from tne city. D. L. LE FEVRE. Room 10. 142H 2d st. HOME SEEKERS' ATTENTION 160 acres; 45 well cleared; 12 acres slashed snd burned; large orchard; all kinds fruits; larga house, barn out houses; fine water; near school; good out range; a fine home; price $3,600; terma given. Writs Or call J. S. Hunt Ington. Kelso, Wash. 10 ACRES. NEARLY ALL BEAVER , dam, Just enough high ground for buildings, eay to dear, close to trans portation and to Portland; price $1,250; easy terms. Inquire F. M. Heidel, HUls boro, or Allen & Buoy, 611-13 Swetland bldg. Special Farm Bargains WAY ABOVE THE ORDINARY 52 acres, nil level, black loam soli, well tern e.i. 4u acres In cultivation, 12 acres of light timber, good well at the house an I four Hprlugs, 2 acres of fruit, 7 -room house. barn 40x60. tool-shed, luxfiu hog anil chicken-house, stone mllk-hous shop and woodsheu; personal property to go with this place, 1 registered Jerxey cows, 1 reentered bull. I spun of horses. 6 or 8 Iiokm. 1 tli' rouKlibred Yorkshire boar. 3 aoxen buff Plymouth Rook chickens, wagon, hack buggy, two nets heavy harness, 1 set double and I set single buggy har ness, mower, rake, seeder, 2 barrows, cultivator. 2 plows, quantity of small tools. XU0-lb. creuni separator, churn for 20 gallons of cream, butter-worker, butter-molds for 30 rolls at a time; cream eanf), palls, etc.; phone In house; It Is 5 miles from railway station; price $6,600; ',1 cash; balance to suit at 6 per cent. 4ii acres. 20 acres In cultivation, enough timber for wood, watered by creeks, family orchard, 4-room house, larKc barn mile to school, personal property, head of cattle, 1 horse, 60 chickens, plows, cultivators. 1 hack, 1 wagon. 1 double. 1 single harness and all small tools; price 3.M100. Otto, Crockett & Harkscn 133H 1st st. $1200 82 seres In Clarke county. Wash.; 2H from railroad station, all level, on main county road, R. F. D.. 4 mile from school; 40 acres of fine ash and vine maple swale, best of soil; half mile to sawmill; give good terma GOOD. YOUNG. used to saddle or harness, roadster. 90 E. 45th St. EXCHANGE NEW HARNESS old Keller Harness Co.. 4 N. (th St. good- folt FINE HAM HI, ETONIAN MARE, ( jrrs., well broken; hugsy, harness. 84 E. 35lh. Phone Kast 3952. $3.000 75 acres, 6 miles from Van couver, all fenced with post. thre wires, all level. 1,000 cords at wood, best of soil, wll exchange for city property. 830 acres 6 miles from Vancouver, Clarke county, Wash ; 75 acres in culti vation, 160 .acres bottom land. 40 acres green timber, several good springs 2 acres bearlnir orchard, small house, fair barn; fine dairy and stock ranch; fine creek, plenty or water; can use gasoline launch to Portland. This Is one of the best buys on I he market, and best of soli. Price only $25 per acre. If you are looking for n dairy stock ranch. In vestigate this before buying. One can have a milk route In Vancouver; only 8 miles from the rlty. One half rash, balance good terms. $2,300 RO acres. 7 miles from Wash ouical, Clarke county. Wash.; 20 acres In cultivation, some green timber, good house nnd barn, good family orchard small rrqrk. good spring, good team, 6 head of cows. 2 nagons (1 heavy, 1 light), mor and rake, all kinds of farm machinery, cream separator: beat of soil. This is a snap; rood terms. 160 acres. 9 miles from Washougal, Clarke county: 30 acres in cultivation, all fenced with 3 wires, houso 16x18, barn 35x40. half mile to school. 20 acres seeded, on main county road, fine soli. Pi-Ire only $12 per acre. This Is a snap. The nbove places are all guaranteed as advertised. 2.800-LB. TEAM. WAGON AND HA li nens, almost new: will take $460 OP trade for lot. You can see them Sunday at 4 25 K. Clay. TWO S ECOND-HAJVD BUGGIES. IN good condition. See Fashion Painters, with Fashion Stables, 20th and Wash- Ington. 8-YEAR-OLD CITY BROKE HORSE, $75; 5-year-old pony, ride or drive, $25; single and double harnesa and spring wagon. (40; must sell, leavlp city. 245' Front. " ' FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FREE FOR EVERYBODY RINO UP Main 4290 or call 213 Front st Wa buy snd sell furniture, clothing or any. old thing. , HOLDEN S RHEUMATIC CURE BDHij cure for rheumatism. Sold by aU druggists. SHOW CASKS AND FIXTURES, NEW and second-hand. Jaa. T. Marshall Mrg. Co.. 289 Couch st Foil sale one hotel RANGE,' Inquire 271 1st st. clean, washed rags FOR WIPING purposes. The Overall Laundry and Supply Co.. phone sellwooq a. $t$a$$$$3$$(8$$JtJt$ FOIl'SALE $10,000 WORTH OF NEW and good new household goods at Tha Dollar. :3.' 1st St. $$$!$ $$$ . NAVAJO BLANKETS, PHILIPPINE relics, etc. Heauegard's Ex.. 440 Wash. LITTLE LINERS. WANTS. LOST AND found, for sale, to let, etc.. In Tha Journal cost only 1 cent a word; 16 words or less, 15 cents each insertion. -Phones Main 7173. Home A-3230. PIANOS FOR RENT "AND SOLD Oti Installments. H. Stnehelmer. 72 3d st 14 4 ACRES ON COUNTRY ROAD, near Hillsboro-Salem electric line; un cleared: some swale land, easily cleared; cabin and spring, $1,000 cash. 10 acres garden land near Beaverton and electric line; house, barn, orchard; $2,50(); terms. 20 acres. 3 miles west of Beaverton: 16 acres cleared, balance brush; good orchard, new barn, log house, 80 chick ens, 1 cow, 1 pig, 1 acre potatoes and garden; $2,200. 20 acres. 3 miles west of Beaverton 8 cleared; house, barn and orchard, good spring crop of potatoes and cabbage; $1,700. 10 acres, all chared; good buildings and orchard; $2,160. C. H FRY. Beaverton. Or. Above bargains are but a few of the farms on our list. We have the largest list of farms of any firm In Portland or vicinity. Prices range from $500 to $30,000. Write or call if you are in the market for a farm. IKON BED $2.50, SPRINGS $1.25, MAT tress $1.50. dresser $7.00, mantel bed $5.60. Anstey Bros.. 325 1st. Pae. 1970.- MUSIC AND BAND INSTRUMENTS; expert repairing. C.E.York. 127H Stark; kTTv JKWEI.RY AT A SAVING. 1L Y. Zul. 65 N. 4th St. t MANURE FOR ROSES AND lAWNS delivered, $2.25 per load. Phone Alain 5683. 108 Second st., Portland, Or., And 300 Main at., Vancouver, Wash. Phone Main 2404. FARMS. Before buying come and see us. Wa have anything from one acre to 200 acre tracts; also city property. Os burn Bros.. 419 McKay bldg. Office phone Pacific 1941; residence, Soott 4016. FOR SALE BOY'S BICYCLE, GOOD condition, eoiister brake, $10. Also pair steel roller ball bearing skates. Phone Pacific 2198. mornings. THOROUGHBRED POINTER ' PUPS, 64 months old. 19 E. 12d st Pbona East 3884. A GOOD COOK-STOVE FOR SALE," 779 Thurman st. ANY OFFER TAKEN FOR ONE i9 and one $30 Reed-French piano or or gan certificates. N-33. Journal. FOR SALE CLEANING AND TAILOR shop; good location; price $65. Call at 298 Ru.isell St. GAS WATER HEATER FOR 8ALI3 cheap. 8-33. Journal. - A SNAP A COMPACT TRACT OF 600 ACRES Of excellent land, tributary to Co lumbia river. 3 hours' ride on the boat down the river from Portland, 12 miles from N. W railroad town, two miles from river town, a large stream of water, and railroad goes through the land, on the lower part of the land the river makes a fall of 13 feet, the soil Is very fertile, well ndspted to fruit raising surrounding this land are some very fine farms, that range In value from $.r.0 to 3100 per acre. This land un Im sold in small tracts at a large profit, and In a very short time. For a quick deal we offer It at $12 per acre. COAST I U.MJIUU 1AU lo., 504 Dekum bldg WARM KtiR S A LE 1S mile from wnoer Jones. Snoer, Or. 185 ACRES. H Station. Henry LITTLE LINERS. WANTS. LOST AND found, for sale, to let. etc., in The Journal cost only 1 cent a word; 15 words or less, 15 cents each Insertion. Phonea Main 7173. Home A-3230. 20 ACRES, TERMS; HOUSE, BARN. creek on place, plenty of hay, 600 sacks poatoes on place, carrots, turnips and plenty cabbage; If you want such a place leave word P-31, Journal. No agents TWO REED FRENCH PIANO CERTIF tcates. $60 and $30; will sell both for . $10 - 1S E. 7th st. N.' CHOICli FOX-TERRIER PUPPIES, ' weeks old. Phone Woodiawn 877. ' TWENTY VARIETIES OF STRAW- , berry plants: send for price list Dixon ft Stafford. Oregon City, Or. - - Wanted a place for a 4-year- old boy; state price for keeping,. t,9JU . E. Morrison st -. 1 FARMERS' LAND CO., HKADQUAR ters for acreage and farms, near city investigate. Pacific 204. 203 3d St. DAIRY FARM. CLARK CO.. WASH. 160 acres. 60 improved, 100 fenced; 9-room house, barn 60x80; all necessary outbuildings, 1 team, 2 wsgons. all machinery, 16 catt!i 40 tons hay, 4 acres potatoes. 8 acres all kinds fruit. Price $5,000. Easy terms. W. J. Cook, 502 Lumber. Exchange bldg., Portland. TIMBER. LOOKING FOR TIMBER T We offer you every advantage through PERSONAL SUGGESTION CURING DI8EASE3 and habits; other practical psychology taught. Lectures free. Woodman Tern- , pie. Sundays 3 and 8 p. m. A. A. Lind say, M. D. Office at Tempi Saturdays ; and Sundays. . PRIVATE H08PITAL FOR TTNFORTU nate girls; good care. 8 MUner bldg. LADIES! DR. LA FRANCO'S COM pound; safe, speedy regulator; 1& cents, druggists or mall; booklet free, Dr. La Franco. Philadelphia. Pa. MADAM VASHTI, VAPOR AND TUB baths, massage, chiropody, 201H 3d st oner yuu v.i y laviuiax. lurouKn m . ,i , . m system of expert examinations j YOUNG MAN WOULD LIKE TO MEET $660 CASH. FINE CORNER 50x100. 8-room eottaga; Sellwood ear. 714 Tacoma ave. f-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. CONCRETE basement electric lights, large closets, best of plumbing, 44 acre, close to oar, ,auu. t cmen. rnone lanor Tl. BEAUTIFUL LOTS IN WOODMERB for $176. Lewis Q. Conant, room 10, 1(8 Stark. - - this is a Snap. New 4-room bunralow. with rweention hall, electrio lights,, good bffsement, only 1 block from cars prlca tt.400: easy t'rrns L. H. Smith ft Co 8t Johns, or 40? Ablngton bldg. . V 1 " FfpJT A TIT il hj AI ad JiJm The Journal is famous for quick and profitable results. The McFarland Investment Co., 301 Swetland building, inserted an advertisement in The Sunday Journal offering 80 acres for sale, and was surprised at the replies, one com ing from Salem, Oregon, dated Sunday, September 22, the, same . day, their advertisement appeared, asking for full particulars about the land. The Journal gives quick, sure aHd profitable results because it reaches the masses and the classes irrespective of creed, nationality or politics. THEY. Alt' READ ; THE ' JOUMAt -I oar which enables you to determine the suit ability of a tract without spending; time or money. If our general report Indi cates that ws have what you want our estimates by two and a half acres are easily verified. TRY "THE LACEY WAY." JAMES D. LACEY A CO., (28 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. 607 Lumber Exchange, Seattle. LITTLE LINERS, WANTS, LOST AND found, for sale, to let, etc.. in The Journal cost only 1 cent a word; 15 words or less, 15 rents each Insertion. Phones Main 7173. Home A-3230. TIMBER.' TIMBER! TIMBER! Choice timber claims, also home steads located near R. R. and river. We will buy or sell timber in any quantity. Bring In your wants. Coal or address, THE COAST REALTY CO.. :i'6V4 Morrison st. We have some choice tracts. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD to timber buyers only; we have a few choice tracts for sale which we own. Have detailed estimates by forties. G. F. Banbourn ft Co..' 401-2 I Buchanan Mdg; TIMBER LAND FOR SALE. 1,2 30,000 feet, Tillamook county on Miami river. Call Woodiawn 134ii. a ladv between tha ages of 25 to 84 who Is matrimonially Inclined. 0-24. Journal. DR. BING CHOONG, IMPORTER CHt-" ness root medicines; sella Chinese tea, certain cure for all dlseasea 111 14 at between Yamhill and Taylor. - StITS PRESSED WHILfeTOO'wAtf.' 50c Ladles' skirts pressed. BOo. Gil bert, 106ft Sixth st, next to QueU, Phone Main 8088. $11.500 FIR TIMBER CLAIM. CRUISE 3.500,000: near Columbia river and north' bank road. C. L. Parrish & Co., Sll Marquam bldg FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE LITTLE LINERS, WANTS, LOST AND found, for sale, to let, eta. In The Journal cost only 1 cent a word; IS words or less, 15 cents each Insertion. Phones Main 7173. Home A-azso. rwfLL Trade $2,000 equity in a fashionable west side lot for a mod ern houso and lot, up to about $4,000 and pay cash difference; located between Hawthorns, Irvington and lotii st. L. A. Patterson, room ll. 268 star st I HAVE 1(0 ACRES GOOD TIMBER IN Lincoln county and an orchard of 14 acres hea Vancouver that 1 will trade. for city property; will give or taka boot W. H- Buoy; (11-11 Bwetland bldg:' EXCHANGE FOR OFFICE" ROOM IN "EXCHANGE collecting rent and taking car building. OSl,' Journal. of OKLA. FARM. 180 ACRES, -ON CJTY or oountry property. ikveuior aw- DR MARY KRAMER. MIDWIFE; home for patients; treatment for all blood diseases: examination free. $61 Mississippi ave. East 5541. ' GERMAN BOOKS, MAGAZINES, NOV-. : els, etc.; German. English. French, Spanish, Swedish and Italian diction aries; foreign books of ail kinds. Hchmale Co.. 389 FiTBt ! ' LITTLE LINERS. WANTS. LOST AND found, for sale, to let ate. In Tha Journal cost only 1 cent a word; U . words or less, IS cents each Insertion, Phones Main 7173. Home A-8210. THE PORTLAND INSTITUTE ' tiki engaged tha services of Miss English, eleclropath. Room 10, 360H Morrison st. .Phone Main 7320 or A-1844. HOLDENS RHEUMATIC CURE Sura our for rheumatism. Bold by alt druggists, - ; DON'T' BE" DUXL AND " iMAfltlVlfct Sexine Pills cure all weakness; It m box, ( for $6; full guarantee. Address or call J, O. Clemeoson, druggist. Port land, Or. MOLES, WRfNiLEfeV"'BUPRFLU'OC3 hair removed. . No charge to talk It ever. Mrs. M. P. Hill, room $30 i'Ued ner bldg. Phons Paclflo 1H. CHRONIC. NERVOUS AND SPKCIAU diseases of men and woman cured by modern sclentido methods; eiectrle treat-: ment for diseases of lbs prostate; con sultation free. Dr.. W. L Howard.. Ctur. mon wealth bldy.. fn st. . ror, ptne. GENTLEMAN, 'WISHER ACQVUSiH anc voiinr widow, htdv having nwn LhOTAe; i lady . with little girl pr.-irr.-!; city, " mm "61. roc ;v-: unxr (.' A I ; .bath salt slow. rr-in inn.,., renceaV V 184 5a Pars. t-.u-.u-t A-2734. BALM 0- I i . - i"V A ! 171 . " m (: 1 1 .-!.-.. i Ml ma I'.t' T Ai :; j !. . .i Uer, rwwni 4, f.nt.i.a ., 2U