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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1907)
1 -. ".:'.t f '4 . i. i- THE" OREGON ' DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBR 84,i 1007. 10 1 jr w . NEWS OF THE SPORTING WORLD sraAL'tiiiiB (JEW III BRACE : UP IDE BEAVERS .; Inspire Confidence in Old : Men and Nearly All Play Better Ball. r T1TBEE GAMES WON BY . BETTER STICK WORK BAKER BILL TO BECOME LAW WITH APPROVAL OF AUTO CLUB The which among Both X-w play-re frit nll at .800 or Over and Johnson Draws Five ' ! Passca In Four Games The Vwk'i Batting RmohIi. An Impddrement , In batting wn the chief factor In Riving the Beaver an , even break with Los Angeles In the baseball series which closed last Sun s'' day.; Though the Beavers lost one game ' in which they outbatted their opponents ' five to one actually making 19 bits to . the Angels' I nevertheless they sue Ceedsd In lugging home three out of the alz contests finished. '., . Much the most notable happening of the past weak, as far as the efficiency of the Portland team Is concerned, v the addition of the two players from the South Atlantic league Tom Raftery .and Ota Johnson. From the moment these jtwo men stepped into the diamond they seemed to orace up tne team won derfully. Confidence was boosted high and nearly everybody played better bail. ' SCake Good la Tine Sty la. - The new men have made good with a -vengeance. In the four games they have aiayea. Kartery batted .b&s and Johnson batted .100. MoCredle was the only regular player to excel them, ana Baker automobile ordinance, hn aroused more discussion local motorlsti thnn anything else that has ever happened, will be made Into n law by the city fathers to morrow, unices the program Is changed. The orillnnnce, while preserving many of Its original features, has been pruned and pared until It has lost nil he features that were objectionable to the members of the Portland Auto club. At Its last meeting the auto club Indorsed the ordinance ns It stands ami passed a vote of thanks to the council for Its courtesy and consideration to ward the club's committee during the pruning and paring process. It Is also announced that the club will do all In Its power to help the city enforce the ordinance. I The ordinance fixes the speed limit down town at 10 miles an hour, foor miles at turns and crossings. Autos may pass standing streetcars on the left aide only. Children under 11 years of age will not be allowed to drive,' and all professional chauffeurs must pass examinations an to ineir ritness. Thev must wear badges In plain view and meir licenses may ne revoked at any lime ror drunkenness, reckless driving or any omer similar cause. The ordinance In Its original form provided that all drivers must stand examinations as to their fitness and prohibited autos from passing stand'ng siren cars on eimer side. line Auto club will urge the counoil to pass an ordinance reaulrlne- all ve nicies o carry lamps at night. ave'goVp'teah Football Prospects Bright in SRite of Injury to Cap tain Pimick. CARABIN WILL BOX ARMORY It CLUB McCredle batted a blue streak toward . the end of the week. Both the new men have had numerous chances in the Infield, but an error la yet to be regis tered against either of them. Johnson is even a more valuable man at the bat than his hlrh percentage Indicates, for be is a great waiter; in bis four 1 games he baa drawn a base on balls five times. . Dm hot made a good record with the bat the two games he played In the field, Byrnes and Mott have come up a little, while Casey has taken a slump. The bat records of the Beavers for the past six games Tuesday's tie game is not counted follow: Bearer Batting Averages. Player. At Bat. Hits. Per noil t ..It .-.17 ...19 ... 4 -Mil ... 5 ...27 ..22 McCredle Raftery Johnson rrubot . Mott ... Groom . . - Byrnes . ponahue Calif f.. Baasey . Casey Klnaeua I ; Hart man 8 Kay i Angel Stars Ifcine Hot. " Los Angeles' star stickers did not shine worth, a cent last week. Cravath, who has led the league most of the time since the first one-third of the season, hit at only .105, while Carlisle, the home-run getter, hit but .182. The record of the Angels, not Including pitchers, for the past series Just closed. t 10 8 2 6 1 5 5 1 6 4 0 0 0 A0& ,884 .258 .300 .287 .263 .200 .288 .217 .200 .185 .182 .000 .000 .00 Amateur Champion Will Not Represent S. A. A. C. Coming Season. (Special Dlapstch to The Journal.) Spokane. Wash., Sept 24. T. G. Cook director of the Armory Athletic asso ciation, announces that Company H club will send a team of two boxers and two wrestlers to the northwest championship meet at Portland and among them will be Frank Carabln of Bpokane, who won the championship for it pound ooxers at the meet In this City. Carabln la In better form today than he was when he won bis honora and when he appears before the Mult nomah club he should give a good ac count of himself. Cook's announcement definitely fixes the policy of the armory organisation as regards amateur athletics. It is to be a factor in northwest athletics. It will compete with all the other cluhs and from the material It has on hand should make a showing. In general the ruling In regard to the athletics of one club competing with another club is that no man is eligible to com pete for two clubs the same year. Un der this ruling this means that when ever Company H enters men in boxing and wrestling against other clubs of the northwest there will be a line or demarcation drawn between the 8 a. A. u. ana company H. There are now many boys who are members of both organisations and under the rul ing, allegiance to one club at the start will require continuance through the season. KELSO IS DEFEATED IN sp GAME II Beavers Bat Pitcher Hull to Bench Final Score is 10 to 3. SPORTING NOTES Local and Otherwise. follows Player. Bernard Kills . . Eager . Dillon . Carlisle Delmas Brashear At Bat ,...-. ....21 .... ....20 ....22 ....22 ....18 : Cravath 19 Hogan 10 Hits. 8 A v. .284 .286 .222 .200 .182 .182 .111 .106 .000 NATIONAL LEAGUE. At Pittsburg- Pittsburg 2; New York, At Cincinnati Cincinnati 11, Boston 9. At ChicagoChlcago 4, Philadelphia 1. At St.- Louis St. Louis S, Brooklyn 1. NOBTHWEST LEAGUE. At Seattle-Seattle, 4; Aberdeen, 8. Dog Show in Vermont. (United Press Lsaaed Wire.) Brattleboro, Vt., Sept 24. The fourth annual dog show of the Valley Fair Kennel club opened here today. Nearlv . all the breeds known to the fancier are ' included among the exhibits, which rep resent many of the prominent kennels : tit the United States and Canada. The Pomeranians. English toy spaniels, Jap anese apanieis, lorasnire terriers and other varieties of cage dogs are espe cially wen represented, judging Degan soon after the opening today and will continue until .the exhibition closes UhurBday afternoon. Members of the Portland Auto club are incensed over an item which ap peared in a local paper insinuating mat Harney Oldfleld's records made here last June were not genuine. The statement was made that whlla In the northwest Oldfleld's manager held the watch and Oldneld broke records, but when they went esst noneat timers held the watches and the speed demon broke no records. Nearly every week during the fiasi tnree montne ine journal has been n receipt of clippings from eastern pa pers showing that Oldfleld had broken one or more records. Similar clippings have also come to the secretary of the auto club. Will Llpman. Maroons Claim Championship. The Holluday Maroons finished the season Sunday by defeating the Kev' stones of North Portland by the score or it to . The game was two- one sided to be interesting, the Keystones ueinK outclassed rrom tne rirst. The Maroons claim the championship of Multnomah and Clackamas counties for the age of 1 years and would like to meet any baseball team In Portland or elsewhere that makes the same claim. ' Call up East 3237 and ask for Wolf. B -. . !!!SBg5Sg8 FREE TO ASTHMA SUFFERERS A Home Cure That Anyone Can Use Without Ikss of Time or Deten tion rrom Business. We want every sufferer from Asthma to writn us today for a free trial of our wonderful New Method for curing ASTnmn we especially oeslre those cases nr long standing which have tried an trie various Kinds or inhalers, douche and patent smokes without Lumber and without relief. We know we can cure them. We want to and arc willing to prove It absolutely free of com Many thousands have accepted wi is opportunity ana are now cured mere ,b no reason wny anyone, old or you:i;j, run or poor, snouin continue to suffer from Asthma after reading this marvelous offer. Our method is not merely a temporary '"ii "ui h rure tnat is lounied upon the rlsht principles, a cure that cures py removing the cause. Don't put this off until you have an. , other attack, but sit right down today ior me memoa. it 18 free and we send It with ail charges prepaid. Baseball at Athletic park this after noon, 3 o'clock. Portland against San Francisco. It's the last week of coast league baseball in Portland until next May. The Wabash baseball club, whirh claims the independent championship of Portland, has been matched airnlnst the 01. jonns in-city leaguers and the game will be. pulled off on the St. Johns grounds next Sunday afternoon. It will start at o ciock. The benefit to George Slier in Chi cago last night was probably the most successful arrair or its kind ever held. Dun 01 me ring irom tne Iuu.- vjuar- iers -oi me earm were mere and enoui,.. money was handed over to the old fighter and referee to keep him for the rest of his life. The only drawback to the benefit was the fact that the auth orities would not allow the pulling off vi s iinc ouxing cara wnicn nad been arranged. Evening practice of the Bunker Ilill iooioa.ii eleven win begin tomorrow candidates tor positions are asked to meet at cnerry and Kast First streets, wnicn may be reached by taking the u car. t--, i . . uniy, wno piayed center two years aRu, is uaca irom AianKa, .Pembroke, a 200-pound half-back from the Spo kane Athletic club, is trying out Hnd Carlson, the speedy Astoria Commercial half-back, has signified his willingness to battle for Bunker Hill. Likewise Pete" Brappe the Aotorla-Owanpunpun quarter. Several collegians are ready to don the moleskin for the patriots. Klumpp. Jackson. Kenned v vcnn Byrne, each and all the old-timers ar anvlously awaiting the sound of the whistle. (Special DUptteb to Tbs Joarnai.) Kelso, Wash., 8ept. 24. McCredle and hla Beavers took the Kelso Tigers Into camp yesterday afternoon by a score of 10 to 2. Had there been an eclipse of the sun during the third and fourth innings It would, have been a good game. in tne iniro tne Heavers landed on Hull for a bunch of nice ones and netted three runs. In the fourth the prooes sion continued. Hull was hit at will and his supporters seemed to hava for gotten their kindergarten training and made a glorious spectacle of themselves. Hull said it was his day to the bad and sent in Cheveller to do the twirl ing. Joe was there with the goods and allowed no further scoring, but be fore the balloon had come down the Beavers were credited with six more runs. The next five lnnlnira vera blanks for Portland. Kelso failed to connect with the sphere with any effect until the sev enth, when- "Red" Hearne connected for a three bagger and scored on Miller s sacrifice. Portland presented Kelso with two more runs In the eighth and the slaughter was over. The Tigers evidently had too much ball Sunday when they took two games from the Brewers. Miller played a steady game at backstop and "Red" Hearne at short was the "star." His clean fielding attracted the attention of Manager McCredle who is looking for fume new material. ncore by innings: Kelso 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 rorimno 1 U S 6 0 0 0 0 0 10 MANY FOOTBALL MEN FROM U SCHOOLS w<maa rootball okedols. 4 October 4 Whitman vs; Pen- 4 dleton high school, at Walla 4 Walla, 4 October 11 Whitman vs. Bpo- kane high school, at Walla Walla 4 October 18 Whitman vs. Wll- n lamette university, at 'Walla i Walla. October 28 Whitman vs. Mult nomah Athletic-club, at Walla Walla. November 1 Whitman vs. Whltworth college, at Walla Walla. November 8. Whitman vs. University ot Washington, at Walla Walla. November 18 Whitman vs. University of Idaho, at Moscow. November 18 (Thanksgiving) Whitman vs. Washington State college, at Walla Walla. 4 All Undergraduates on Last Year's 'Varsity, Except ing: Moullen, Are Back. (Special Dispatch to Tbe JoornaL) Whitman College, Walla Walla, Wash. Sept. 24. Despite the Injury to Cap tain Dlmick, Whitman college will have a strong football team this year. She Is going to make a sharp bid for the championship of the northwest al though she fully realises that there will be some exceptionally good teama to meet A majority of the old veterans of last year's team are still In school and the abundance of new material which has appeared this fall has put smiles all over the face of Coach Bntrd. Oil breath of last year's team has gradu ated and will not be here a rain. His toss at center will be felt keenly, but two or three likely candidates are try ing for the place. Phllbrook. Perlnaer. Soarle. Schmidt Rlgsby and Borleske are all back again and practicing every night. Lyman and Matthews have not yet returned from their summer's work, but are expected back shortly. Among the newsmen, the more prominent 10 far are Brubaker, one of the best quarters last year in the middle west; Cooke, who played on the Portland academy team several years: Belt. Lewis and young Borleske of Spokane, all old high school stars, and numerous others. Many of last year's second tesm men will also be promising first team ma terial this year. Two sets of backs will be possible this year, both eouallv good. The manager, Schmidt, hat arranged a strong schedule. Including games with the leading teams of the northwest. All of them, with the exception of the Uni versity of Idaho, will be played In Walla Walla, a fact which will add not a little to the chances of victory. The team recognizes as one of the hardest games that with the Multnomah Athletic club, which will occur October 26. Last year at Portland the mission aries mado an excellent showing against wie neavy, experienced CIUDmen. onlv OWE GLASS OF WATER IT WAS ALL OFF AND Hayward Docs More Ex plaining Atymt Dan . Kelly's Showing. , (BpecUl Dispatch to The Joorntl.) Eugene,, Or., Bept 24. Trainer Bill Hayward. is back from Jamestown sx plaining how it . was that Pan Kelly made suoh a poor showing in the runs at tne big meet ,V ' .When Dan arrived at Jamestown hi condition was vary good." aaid Hayward today. "The next davvha ran tha him dred In 4-5. All the way we drank llthla water In order to take every cars of Kelly's health, but on Sunday after we arrived our Dottle ran nut. w tnM ine waiter to get another, but avery place. where It was for sale was rln.4 and h went and fllletl It ud with city wntor, s "One glass of that, which Dan drank, and tha hot sultry , weather fixed the sprinter." t In escribing tha weather Hayward' aald mat in the raornlgg one would get up and wring the water out of tha sheets. Kelly Was in that atmosphere ior xv amy ana it is no wonaer 'that he lanea 10 ao mucn. Dan Is now at Pittsburg, but tha last or this month will. If he Is able, enter a big meet at Kansas City under tha auspices of tha Western Athletic asso ciation. After that It la very likely that ha will reenter the University of " aespue an saia to the contrary. SATISFACTION GREETS NEW FRESHMAN RULE (Special Dispatch to The Jonraal.) Stanford University, Cal., Sept 24. Much satisfaction haa been expressed here over tha decision of tha University of California academic senate to allow freshmen to compete In Intercollegiate eventa Thla waa decided UDon after year's trial at Berkeley and the clslon waa that athletic work In tha freshman year does not mean failure in studies to any greater degree than wnen 11 is absent The Stanford dally. "The Dil Pain Alto," will say editorially tonight: "Tha decision which permits the Blue and Gold teams to be representative of tha whole student body instead of the' three upper classes can occasion us nothing but satisfaction here. It removes an uncomfortable feeling of flgntlng with a handicap, and It makes Impossible a repetition of those arguments which were so prevalent at' the close of last athletic season." , FIRST DAY'S RACES AT YAKIMA FAIR ' From i all polnti East to - thjs ' ' lection ' - v.;r;--.;, , y,"fv:C, .V- Do you want to tend East for friends 'or .''" - relatives? If so, 'you can remit any agent of the Northern. Pacific JRaiway to cover, , , the tickets and any amount of cash neces sary to cover the trip, giving name and address of the prospective passenger, and ' J -j-. '" prompt service will $e glv,en. "t , 4 : , For full information call on or address A. D. CHARLTON, A. O. P. A., 233 Morrison Street; Portland, Oregon.. . -.. ., V ," . . . - NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY A N DAY SCHOOL Here is 'the opinion of a prominent business man of Portland, who recently . enrolled hi son with us : a,i7.!lflv,-.,na?,' J" ,virjr "hauatlve animation of all business colleges from tha That should cause you to want To visit this colleee before you decide where the, boy,'or girl shaU go. , Warm TO DeiK B WASHINGTON ft TENTH STS PORTLAND, OftK. . - sum. THtS COUPON. ntornrs ajitkka co , Soom 67, 109 Delaware Ave- - ? affato. Sf. . . Gentlemen: Please mall to. ad Jrcws bWow free, trial of your New Xtrihod for curing Asthma. . .. . . ... . . 9-0' .V If ' 1 ' - i- P ' ........... . ; ' T " ' ' ' ' ' 1 '' J . ... t . , ...,,. According to recent statempnts frnm authoritative sources, America will be represented in the English Derby of jwuh oy at if-ast one other hslri Mr Crocker. Clarence H. Mackay is the one wno intends trying ror the big English raciner event. On last 8n.turri.-iv he. snipped to r.ngiand a bay colt by Med' dler-Imp. Won-by-Waiting, which is in tended to carrv Mr. Mnnknv'a rninr. i ni3 coit is royally bred. He is a half oromer to iwnrtna. a winner In thin country, and Morny, who won a number 01 races in England. The colt is con gned to Ham Darllnr whn nmni ATa t-atrieit and Ualtle Moore for their Derby victories. Mr. Mackay, who owns ine lamous stauion Meddler, has not urai m active racing ror several years, and the reannearance of hfs rnlnr, win be received with much gratification by (Special Dlipatch to Tbe Journal.) Eugene, Or., Sept. J4. Gordon B, Frost, football coach of the University of Oregon, arrived today and will lose no time In lining up the candidates for this year's varsity. Indications are that he will have a likely sound nf Iclckero rrom tne rirst day of practice. All the members of last year's varsitv who aiu noi graduate will oe back with the possible exception of Moullen. The great kicker did not take his examlna tlons last spring and he must make up his conditions before he can do anything in tuoiDaii. Among the academic stars who have shown up are Taylor of H. M. A., Hllde bum of Roseburg, Ferris, formerly of tne wasnington state college, Coleman, the Willamette end. John Kestley, Aus tin Karrlngton, Cal Sweek of Eugene nign. jncoy or i ne Danes is expected In a very few days and a big Ashland man is mm aue to arrive. i nere are also a number of other men in college rho will try for the team and wno have a good chance, but wiry nuve not yet signiried their inten tlon of playing. RESULTS AT LATOXIA. GOOD RACES EXPECTED AT IDAHO STATE FIR (Special Dispatch to Tht Journal.) Boise, . Ida., Sept. 24. Arrangements ior ine state lair to D held here Octo ber 21 to 26 are about all completed and the prospects are that the event this year win eciips anything of the kind ever neid in Boise. Nothing is bt-lng ic" uiiuuhb uy me onicers and direct tors of the fair association to make the fair all that the people of thia stat could hope for. The is peed program will wjioiMBiiy gooa ana 'exhibits rrom Present indications will be the best vec rought out in Idaho. v There .will be, numerous amusement features, far superior-to any ever before seen at the state fair. Some of the best race horses in the northwest are expected here on that nccaainn nnA n, Walla Walla military band will furnish! uimHi uuriiii ine 'rair.. r ji . ia-nm -r.t the best bands in tha wast, reported to contain CO aambara. 7 First race. Inaugural Vinndln .i furlongs Colloauy won. Fron ond, Lady Esther third. Second race, five and a half furlongs, selling Shirley Itossmore won. Uncle Tim second, Moscow Belle third. Third race, six furlona-s. nellln Lady Carroll won, Miss Strome second. Uulcllea third. Fourth race, mile handicap Lexollne won, the Minks Second. Monala-nnr third. Fifth race, five and a half furlnno-a purse Plnkola won, Albert Star sec ond. Rebel Queen third. Sixth race, mile and one sixteenth Ouardi won, Scalplock second. Cull third. , being defeated by the score of 9 to 0, and playing hard and consistent ball all the time. They will try very hard to defeat Multnomah this year. The University of Washington will ha another powerful rival. For two years vvnitman and Washington have played tie games, both times at Seattle'. Two years ago the score was 6 to 6 and last year it was 0 to 0. With the ad vantage of a home game this year, the local team is looking for a victory. Regular, faithful practice has been going on since school opened. The ma lorlty of the men have been doing hard manual labor, such as working in lum ber camps or the harvest fields, during mo summer, ana are in excellent phy- Biiai i-uuuiiiun ior ine season. COLTS PROTEST AWARD OF CUP TO SAXEMITES Three ousrtera of a mile. $100, match Taklma horses Cord wood first. Grey Eagle second; time, 1:34. Three quarters of a mile, purae 1100 Populist first, E. C. Ruta aecond, George O third; time. 1:S4H. Three quarters of a mile, purse, $125, selling $200 Jingler first. Trap Shoot er second, Anna jLarannine third; tima. i:i3. On mil mil ISA vaMi r.. tUA selling $200 Capable first,' Black Cloud' second, ieast tnird; time, 1:46. SELECTIONS FOR LATOXIA. - w ELKS' BLDO.. PORTLAND, OREO BEHNK1-WALKER STUDENTS SUCCEED. WHY? S?lTI.tmln,, ,or UM,"" n a, business-like way. Placed 151 pupils Into lucrative positions during last year. Why not enroll in a reputable school that places all of ft graduates a W. BEHJOCE. Free L M. WALKER. Prln. mama TOM OATAXOOITa. (Special Dlapatrb to Tbe Journal.) Forest Grove, Or., Sept. 24. Manager Wlrts and his Colts baseball team ar rived Sunday night from Salem, where mey won two out or the three games tney piayeo, winning rrom Corvallls in the finals and from Woodburn in the preliminaries and losing to Salem In the preliminaries of the state fair se ries. Manager Wirtz is somewhat wrouarht up about the decision of T. B. Kay of ine cupuai city giving tne pennant to the Salem team, when thev did not nlav In the finals at all, which, according to tne agreement, was to have decided which team was entitled to the cup. Sa lem won their game against the Colts, but, argues Manager Wirt, that was a prelim and they should have played n tne rinais arter the colts had done so and won from the Corvallls contin gent. Wirtz has filed a protest with the fair managers. German Balloon Team Sails. (United Press Leased Wire.) Hamburg, 8ept. 24. Among the nas- sengers sailing for New York today on the Kronprlnz Wllhelm are the members of the German team entered for the in ternational balloon races for the James Gordon Bennett cup to be held at 8t. Louis next month. The team is aecom nanied bv Cantaln HUrlehmnilf nf tha Karon corps of the German army. 8an Francisco, Sept. 24. The original bnarxey s telegraph handicap selections Latonia First race. Pleasant View Belle, Firmament, Marcus Aurellus; sec ond race, Docile, Kohnoflow, Moccasin Maid; third race. Soprano, Ben Trovato, Captain Fearson; fourth race. Class Leader, Full of Fun, Pete Vinegar; fifth race, ur. iee, nurrman, judge Treen, Jim Simpson; sixth race, Lexollne, Ha- sei ratcn, warner uriewell. Antoists Discuss Good Roads. (United Press Leaaed Wire.) Springfield, Miss, Sept. 24. An in terestlng convention of automoblllsts and road builders from all the New England states, New Tork, Pennsyl vania and New Jersey, met here today to consider tne subject or good roads and legislation. The convention, which Is to continue two days, was called to gether bv the Snrlnafleld Antomnhlla club. Nearly all cf those present are outspoken In favor of cooperation be tween the police and autoinobillsts for the purpose of observing the sneed law by the drivers. Insect Bites, Stings, Bash. Itoh. "TXB HOUSEHOLD SUBOBOH" Heals. Druggists refund money if DR. POR TER'S ANTISEPTIC HEALING OIL falls. 25c. TEACHERS ASSIGNED AT CONDON SCHOOLS L Military academy PORTLAND ORE. A Boarding and Day School for Young Man and coys. - .Preparation for col leges, u. ts. Military and . nsvai Acaasmies. ac A er1tt1 Ia H,MAt Berkeley, Cornell, Am- nerst ano ail state uni versities and Agricultural Colleges. Manual train ing. Business course. The principal haa had It rears experience In Port land. Comfortable quar ters. Best envtronmenta. Wake reservations now. For illustrated catalog and other literature ad drass J. W. BILL, H.D.. Principal and Proprietor. Portland Academy STbietaantJi Tear Opens September IS. Fits boys and girls for eastern and weatarn colleares. uvar. tarn KiiHlr1 graduates admitted to college. A board ing hail ror gins, with comforts and care of home. An athletic field . and thoroughly equipped . gymnasium. A large corp or competent and expert r enced teachers. Elementary grades, both primary and grammar, under tha same management Catalogue sent on application, 1 B usiiiesscollegL "THE SCHOOL OF QUALITY" Trxrou vnxsnra, tzbtx amt ' " KOBBUOSr. ' A. 9. ABMSTBOJTO, U. B., PBHTCXPAZu Ours is a large and growing Institu tion. Wa occupy two floors 65x100 feet. and have a $20,000 equipment Reputa tion for thorough work brings more Calls for holp 'than we can meet posi tion certain for each atudent when competent All modern methoda of bookkeeping taught. Chartler is our shorthand easy, rapid, legible. Students admitted at any time. Catalogue, busl- rree. call. ness forms and penwork pnona or write today. raphy BAXUtOAO AWO OOmrxBCZAL -rtasaa,roflUbla roalttoaa. ACTTtAZ, KAtsT LtVB PBAOTIOB OH BUST :WIB FOB ADYABCED Mora oalls for Wradnatea tuan w. ... Laupplr. Good pesttlons at big wages aa soon as eompetoab Day and evening eta'fw: PaHocna and particulars ql awUa. ;;..,-.; OREGCN COLLEGE OF TELEGRAPHY Oojamoawaaltk Bid, 9th and Ankeny, (Special D1patcn to Tbe JonrnaL) Condon, Or., Sept. 24. School opened at Condon with a good attendance and the outlook Is bright for a good school year. The assignment or teachers la as follows: Naw building J. C. Sturglll.. princi pal, mathematics and science; Miss Ir win, assistant principal, English. Latin and history; Miss Brehaut, eighth grade; miss . nersnner, seventn and sixth grades; Miss Simmons, sixth and fifth grades. Church Duiiding Miss smith, third and fourth grades. Old building Mrs. G. T. McArthur. second grade; hiss Kanney, rirst grade. BLOOD POISON M tbe worst disease oa earth, ret tbe ,aalmrt to eore WHEN IOU KNOW WHAT TO 1)0. Many hare pimples, spots on tbe kin. sores la tbe month, alcers, falling nair, none pains, ca tarrh, and don't knnw it is BLOOD POISON. Bend to DR. BROWN. 635 Arch St., Philadelphia Penn., for BBOWN'S BLOOD CURE. 12.00 per bottle) lasts one month. Bold In Portland only by Woodward. Clarke A Co. Columbia University University Part Station, Portland, Or. Catholic Boarding and Day School for young men md boya Situated on a high plataau' skirting tha Willamette rlyefi and overlooking the panoramio city, of Portland; a veritable health re-aort-. for students. , Egtenslva play grounds, and the largeat gymnasium In the northwest Collegiate, Preparatory and Commer cial Courses. Catalogue sent on applica tion,. tkV; ' REty. JibiJEPIFOALLAGHER, C. 8. C. ' ' 1- : President CXOOZi OFBBT8 BBPTSHBEB 10. i I (C ! 1M The Gospel of True Temperance j If . hm ' ' IS A MILD STIMULANT versus A STRONG IOTOilCANT. - :- J ! kfl Guaranteed V4.JX (Ordinarily, Beer is Just What Yon Want.) ' n N-J ) , j Under the . , JL " ' r I J Serlai No. 6768. - LrAu L)o ' VD . ' ' ' I J ' I ' . C' W&M' ' $8$! iESSil Is abiwlutely FTire iind Healthful. Is FoDy Agedj which means No Biliousness. oroughly Stei ', - ' W '''PrSSuki which means No Germs. SHOULD BE IN EVEEY HOME. THE STANDAED TABLE BB OF AMERICA. Iff I TASSS Tho American Brewing Company, St. Louis, U.C.A. ! "i H i--M mStM ROTHCHILD BROTHERS, Distributors, ; - - ; 20 end 26 North First Street, Portland." . 2JZ?T? l DmWed 0tA mt tb9 brewery In MLlSSSkl & ' ' - fia.V.iUti. . ' : - ' ... i . "v. - i" Ik " i 4 Ff ' .'