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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1907)
EVENINQ, SEPTEMBR 24, 1007. F OREGON LOOKS RD UPON A RECORD YEAR -THE OREGOKT DAILY . JOURNAL, PORTLAND, : TUESDAY UNIVERSITY 0 Ifeyiba MSB Students Pouring in to Tax Capacity . of - Town x i of Eugene. AV:-. FACULTY STANDS PAT ; OX THE REFERENDUM Spirit bf Students Very . High- At tendance More Nearly Represents ' All Section of. State Thau TEyer . Before NeW Bolldlng. T (Soecial fttaostcb to T)i' Io.rmsU University of Oregon, Eufsne,: Bept 14. The University of Oregon opened the first semester yesterday , with the brightest' prospects in its history. The faculty decided to stand behind the school solid during the trouble wttB the referendum, and while not Quite all the additions that were hopeA for nave beea I t , . , v . i ,v 1 1 1 j -rrrVm "ih. m fi fi runs h 1 GROWING 'GIRLS NEED P1ISK PILLS The Tonic Necessary lor Their Proper Development and to . insure a Healthful and Happy Life Read This Statement of an Iowa Woman .Ton PljSororlty Houief,U of 0., Nearlng Completion '"'yn-.Li'l 5SD:; t....A.J "Til 1 : y . .t f-'" llir" ' -vr--J x msw ; -v. fMs eaeeMeseeewx-w'. 4 I enieeeef a. , - - - i i " IftsT-:.' ilJ-Uiife New Library Buildinf, U. et 0. consummated, the efficiency' of the pro fessors who will compose the faculty Is ss great as In any Institution west Of ' the Mississippi. The proof Ilea In the' fact that graduate of the university have received Instructions in all the leading Institutions of the northwest, and In the east besides. The students arrived yesterday and Sunday by hundreds. While registra tion, which txgan today. Is not comukete enough to offer any figures, the fresh- about fCOOO. and the Tau PI sorority house built by a citizen or Eugene ana leased by the sorority and which will be occupied soon. The flnlshln- touches are now being put on the building. The cumpusi also, has been improved wonderfully, though the full develop ment of the plans thnt are being worked out is held back by the recent supreme court decision. There Is evident sn enormous lot of spirit this year, the old students want ing to do everything possible to help old Oregon through the referendum crisis. The faculty have taken for their motto the simple phrHse, "Hard Work," and Intend to make the year the best the 'varsity has ever i.a1. for results. There have been additions to the fac ulty, too, the school of music being especially strong. The outlook for the sttendance In It Is tetter than ever be fore nnd Dean I. M. Olen expects to make It very successful. The Engineering' Department. The good results recently obtained by university engineers ha built up the reputation of the engineering depart ments, and apparently there will t a reat Increase In Its attendance. Stu ents who have not yet graduated, ob tain employment inder the government as the heads or geoaeuc surveys, as government contractors, and In many other important positions. In fact, aft er the engineering student becomes a Junior, he Is frequently tempted Dy nat tering offers that keep him from finish ing and getting his degree. 11 I There Is a form of anaemia, or blood lessness, that often afflicts growing girls, that haa been called the anaemia of development. It requires care and proper attention as neglect may cause a lira of unhappiness .ana surrering. There Is also danger of consumption, especially If a dry. hacking cough la noticed. The disease Is In the blood ani Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are par ticularly well adapted to cure it We have yet to hear of a case In which these blood-making pills have been tried without success. Miss Esther E. Durbln of 21! H Main street, Davenport, Iowa, says: "When I was a school girl I became afflicted with anaemia and grew so waak that I could soarcaly walk. .There was a craving for rtarch and I ate a great deal of It. I was pale and thin, had no ambition and was subject to hysterical attacks. My breath was so short that I would have to sit down and rest on the way up the school steps. X would fall asleep during a recitation In efforts to Keep awake ana at last had to give up going to acnooi. spite or my "Sometimes It seemed If my neari would Jump out of my body. Almost everything I ate hurt my stomach and I had a bladder trouble that caused me to bloat hd puff up. I had two doctors during the two years before I began using Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and at last they told my mother that they could do nothing for me. "Our druggist recommended Dr. Wil liams' Pink Pills and when I had taken them about three weeks I noticed a change for the better. Altogether I used them for about a year and they gave me new Jlfe and health when every other means had failed. I have recommended the pills to many others and sm always glad to do so." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all druggists, or sent, postpaid, on re ceipt of price. 60 cents per box; six boxes for $2.60. by the Dr. Williams Medicine company. Schenectady, N. Y. men class will be very large. The Port land delegation Is very prominent The great influx of students may be Judged when It Is considered that al ready difficulty la being found to sup ply quarters for the new students. Great effort's have been made to meet the emergency, and In two or thryi days It Is likely the situstlon will be relieved. The students are coming from all over the state In a more general fashion than ever before. Eastern Oregon adds a large quota. . Xdnnury Building. One of the chief additions to the uni versity this year 1s the $40,000 library building. It is well arranged and will provide many needed classrooms as well as departments for the Library proper. Other buildings which are a source, of pride to air lovers of the University of Oregon are the girls' club building, the first of a number of small dormitories to be erected on the campus, costing '.Hip (pi FrEu V-" n-- jt iillJ ii. 0 1 iL j , " , '-f o. Girls Clubhouse, U. of BUSINESS COURSE IN R0SEBURO SCHOOLS (Siwdal Dlspttch to The JearaaL Roseburg, Or., Bept. 24.-It Is the In tention of the Roseburg. school board to add a commercial course to the pub lic schools of this city, and to make it possible for students to fit themselves for any kind of work In the business line that they see fit to take up. To this end the board will hold a meeting this week and decide whether the new course shall be added at once or at the beginning of the next school year. Now It Is necessary for students to go to an other town to take a business course, thus making It Impossible for many. This course If added will be the same as Is taught in all the regular business lieges In the state, and will be mod- very respect cnllegei era in Metzger's eyn glasses. II. 142 Wash. f One of the Important Duties of Physicians and the-Well-Inf ormed of the World fa to Xtexn as Vto the ..relative standing and reliability of the leading manufactur ers of 'medicinal, agents, as the most errrment physicians are the most careful as to the uniforJta v quality and perfect purity of remedies prescribed by them, and it is well Known toj'jliysician and the Well-informed generally that the California Fig Syrup Co., by reason of Jts correct methods and perfect equipment and the ethical character of its product has attained to the high standing in scientific and commercial circles which is accorded to successful and reliable houses only, and, therefore, that the name of the Company hat become ' guarantee of the excellence of its remedy. -V -" TOLJTH AND QUALITY appeal to the elUlnformed in every walk of life and are essential to permanent suc cess and creditable standing, therefore we wish to call the attention of all who would enjoy good health, wjth its blessings, to the fact that it involves the question of right living with all the term implies. With proper knowledge of what is best each hour of recreation, of enjoyment, of contemplation and of effort may be made to contribute tq that end and the use of medicines dispensed with generally to great advantage, but as in many instances a simple, wholesome remedy may be invaluable if taken at the proper time, the, California Fig Syrup Co. feels that it is alike important to present truthfully the subject and to supply the one perfect laxative remedy which has won the approval of physicians and the world-wide acceptance of the Well-Informed because of the excellence of the combination, known to all, and the original method of manufac ture, which is known to the California Fig Syrup Co. only. This valuable remedy has been long and favorably known under the name of $vruD of Fijra and has attained to world-wide acceptance as the most excellent of family laxatives, and as ita pure laxative principles, obtained from Senna, are well known to physicians and the WeU-intormea or tne woria to oe tne Desx 01 naiurai laxatives, we have adopted the more elaborate name of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna astnore fully descriptive of .the remedy, but doubtlessly it will always be called for by the shorter name of Sjrrup of Figs and to get its beneficial effects always note, when purchasing, the full name of. the Company California Fig Syrup Co.-r-plainly printed on the front of every package, whether ybu simply call for Syrup of Figs or Qy the,full name Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna as Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna is the one laxative remedy manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. and the, same heretofore "known by the name Syrup of Figs which has given sat isfaction to millions. The genuine is for sale by all leading druggists throughout the United States in original packages of one size only, the regular price of which is fifty; cents per bottle.;, . , u . Every bcltle is sold tinder the general guarantee of the Company, filed with the Secretary of vAriculture, at Washington, D. C, that the remedy is not adulterated or misbranded within the meaning of . the Food and Drugs Act, June 30th, 1906. CALIFORNIA FitLSYRUP CO. HEAVY PRODUCTION BY DRYLAND FARMING Wheat Crops on Bench Land of Montana Enormous Thought Worthless. (United Preu Lcmd Wire.) Helena, Mont., Sept. 24. It remained for Iowa and Oklahoma farmers to show the way as regards wheat raising In Montana with the result that land which five years ago was considered worthless except for grazing. today commands from 12(1 to $26, and Is yeld lng from 40 to 60 bushels of wheat an acre. The wheat is graded as No. 1 hard northern, and is bringing from 85 to 7 cents a bushel. These lands are what are known as "bench," that Is. they are neither In the valleys nor on the mountains. Too high for irrigation, they had been used for grazing purposes, when Oklahoma and Iowa formers, emigrating to thl state, set the example In Gallatin county, and It has quickly spread to Fergus, Madison, Chouteau and other counties. The process Is known ss dry land farming becauseof the fact that no water Is availed of save the natural rainfall. Madison county which three vears ago raised no dryland wheat thia year produced 40,000 bushels, whlta Fergus and Gallatin will raise several hundred thousand bushels each. The freight rate to Minneapolis will permit of a net price of from 80 to 85 cents to the farmer. One Gallatin county farmer raised 4.000 bushels on 80 acres this year, and he declares that with Im proved and more scientific methods in vogue in this state, that record Will ba eclipsed easily. Rye Is also raised In this method, and an excellent livestock feed thus fur nished. One of the features of the state fair, which begins In Helena on September 30, will be the division of dryland farming, and It promises to be one of the features of the exposition. Five years ago the announcement that crops could have been raised without ir rigation except In the valleys would have been ridiculed, yet from present appearances, the dryland crops are go ing to give the Irrigated product a very close race for supremacy In the near future. VAST IMPROVEMENT IN KELSO SCHOOLS (Bpaclsl Dispatch to Ths Joorntl.) Kelso, Wash.. Sept. 24. The Kelso public schools have now settled down in regular work with a heavy enroll ment, 296 being In the grades and the high school. The new 1 10,000 addition to the Washington building has relieved tne congestion of last year and now all the grades with the exception of the first primary are In the one build ing. An assistant has been added In the jilgh school and through the efforts of superintendent Suits a $200 labora tory fund was raised and Kelrfbinow has the best equipped laboratory in the county. The teaching force for this year Is composed of Misses Jenkins, Seeley, Daubney, Ambrose, Vail, Win ston, Mrs. Radby and Superintendent Suits. STEAMSHIP OFFICIAL RESIGNS FRISCO JOB Loulsrffle; Ky. San Francisco, CaL U.S.A. ' London, England. New York, N. iT. -f sr -m (Pacific Coait Press Leased Wire.) San Francisco, Sept. 24. W. E. Pierce, local manager for the Paclflo Coast Steamship company, has resigned his position, with the Intention, It is said, of entering a new line of business Im mediately after the first of next month. J. C. Ford, vice-president and general manager of the Pacific Coast company, hare from Seattle, and a guest at the Fairmont, confirmed this news last night. He said Pierce had requested that his resignation take effect on Octo ber first. Ford says that he Is unde cided as to who will succeed him. VANCOUVER ADVERTISEMENTS. Announcement. . I have been so fortunate as to secure the services of Dr. C. H. Law of Detroit, Michigan, to give a post-graduate course In higher optics and prims, and for the purpose of demonstrating his methods he will examine and advise free of charge all eases of eye trouble present ing themselves between now and Wed nesday evening. I would urge all those who Jiave been unable heretofore to get relief from eye strain to avail them selves of this rare opportunity, v W. R. COBB, ; 113 Sixth St., Vancouver. Vnr 'Sale Wood at 44.80 and up. aa-l llvered to any part of the city. Phone I Fashionable-STew Silks and Bress Goods Dependable Qualities in Strikingly Handsome Designs All recent arrivals carrying the tone and character that emphasizes the season's leading weaves. The best efforts of the men who man the loomi of the greatest textile mills in the world are to be seen here. We have never given more time and thought to these departments and the result is most convincingly shown in the vast range of patterns and satisfactory arrays of new fall and winter fabrics in all the new shadings. Every pattern reveals the high art of modern weaving and coloring ; and there are hundreds and hundreds of patterns to choose from. Here Are a Few of the Kinds and Prices n AN UNSURPASSED ASSORTMENT OF THE MOST POPULAR WEAVES IN THE NEWEST SHADES OP .BLUE, BROWN, RED, ETC. The Best Values in the City at the Following: Low Prices New Broadcloth from fl.OOtof2.00 New Ocean Serges from 60 to f 1.50 New Heavy Cheviots from 60 tofl.TB New Plain Panamas from 60 to f 1.75 New Woo! Taffetas from 75 to f 1.60 New Novelty Serges from 75 to f 1.35 New French Poplins from 75 to f 1.65 New French Henriettas from. .50 to f 1.25 New Herringbone Cheviots from f 1 to f 1.50 New Black Goods f&r 81.23 and $1.30 vals. VUJ Our great stock of Black Dress Goods is now most complete, showing all the popular new weaves and fabrics for fall and winter. To morrow we offer choice of 25 bolts Voiles, Henriettas, Serges, Panamas, Armures, Moh rlclaines, Novelty Batistes, Poplins and Wool Taffetas; all regular $1.25 and $1.50 values, at the extremely low price, per QKp yard 17 JC New French Woistings at 50c, 75c, 85c and $1.00 30-inch Silk and Wool Novelty Plaids, in all the new colorings, new shadow plaids, broker? plaids, dice checks and ombre plaids, the most opular taDrics tor tau ana winter waists. hey must be seen to be appreciated. 65c New Frenoh Chollies AT KO Full 30-inch new French Challiea, strictly all pure wool, navy, tan and red ground with neat dots, in all the best colors, war ranted to wash; extra good quality at this price. Chamois Taffetas 75c and 85c grades Chamois Taffetas, one of the most stylish and serviceable silks of the season, warranted to launder nicely, will not cut or split; over fifty shades to choose fromj sold everywhera at 5c and 85c a yard. Specially priced for this sale at DuC Handsome New Silks PLAIDS t PLAIDS I PLAIDS! We have first call for correct fall dressers. We have jut received a gfeat shipment of hundreds of yards in bright, rich colorings. New Ombre and Scotch Plaids in all the latest color schemes, embracing the new shades of brown, blue, green, red, etc.; a magnificent assort ment; real works of art, that are a revelation to Portland shoppers. The best values in the city at 75, &5, fl.OO, fl.25, fl.SO New Persian Silks at $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 New Persian Silks in taffeta and louisine weaves; the very choicest patterns to be found in the Northwest. Nothing short of a trjp to the store can give you an idea of their beauty. Values that cannot be duplicated in the city. ETew Fall Footwear Every desirable style ; all the best and most popular leathers, with sizes and widths and shapes to fit any foot, at prices you will find at Roberts Bros. only. Women's Shoes, Begrular $2.00 Grades at Three Specials Women's Hand-Made Shoes, Best $3.00 and $3.50 Grades at $2.37 EVERY PAIR CAREFULLY FITTED AND GUARANTEED. A great sale tomorrow women's hand-made Shoes, in button,( lace and blucher, made of gunmetal calf, demi' glaze, patent colt and vici kid; new fall styles and shapes, in -all sizes; widths from AA to EE; all standard makes, such as Val, Dut tonhofer & Sons, the Walk Over, the Princess Louise, the Doris, the Coronet, etc. Shoes that are known the world over and made to sell in the regular way at $3.00 and $3.50. , Specially priced for this sale f2.37 $1.00 Women's Shoei in a half dozen new styles, all sizes, fine vici kid uppers, with light and heavy soles; also kangaroo calf uppers with heavy soles; best $2.00 grades fl.OO Women's Shoes. Best $3.00 Grades at $1.77 At this price you have choice of 21 styles, all new, up-to-date and desirable; made of fine vici kid, with light and heavy soles, high and low shoes in both lace and blucher, cuts; not a pair in the lot. worth less than $3.00. On sale at f t.TT Towels, Toweling and Damask Table Linens Just a word of some very striking values in Towels and Toweling, and housekeepers who de light in charming table linens will benefit by the following special values offered for tomorrow: ; Just a word of some very striking values in Towels and Toweling and Housekeepers who delight in charming table linens will benefit by the following special values offered for Monday and Tuesday's selling BLEACHED DAMASK Full 60 inches wide, comes in a large assortment of new patterns, good wearing quality; exceptional vaiue ai uu V vv low orice. Der yard BLEACHED DAMASK Full 64 inches wide, strictly all linen, new and attractive patterns, splen did quality. Specially priced at, per 7Kn yard 'L BLEACHED DAMASK Full 72 inches wide, guar anteed all linen, great assortment of pretty new de signs to choose from. Our leader at, M Af per yard 22-inch Napkins to match, per dozen f3.60 BLEACHED DAMASK Full 72 inches wide, strictly all linen, comes in a large assortment of handsome new designs, extra fine quality. dt OC Specially priced at, per yard spi.sW 24-inch Napkins to match, per dozen fS.OO 16- INCH TOWELING All linen, extra 1A. good quality at, per yard 1VU 17- INCH CRASH TOWELING All linen, plain white and white with red border; great 12V value at, per yard Isw2v 17- INCH CRASH TOWELING All linen, very absorbent and durable, both plain and twilled weaves, all white and white with red and blue 1 r borders, extra good value at, per yard tOK, 18- INCH CRASH TOWELING-All linen, extra heavy and durable, plain and momie weaves. 1 Q Specially priced at, per yard lOL 10c 16-INCH DAMASK TOWELS Full bleached, ex cellent wearing quality, all white and white with red border, extra good value at this low price, per yard U2C Huck Towels 17x32 inches fl.OO A DOZEN Huck Towels of excellent quality, good large sige, 17x32 inches, made with selvedge edge and finished with fast colored borders. V ; Hack Towels 1 Os 18x36 inches JL2C fl.25 A DOZEN Huck Towels, full half linen, extra good quality, all white, made with selvedge edge, splendid value at this price. ' Huck Towels 20x40 inches f 1.50 A DOZEN Huck Towels of extra good quality, finished with fast colored borders, best value in the city at this price. ' 1 , Huck Towels 19x40 inches f 2.75 A DOZEN f . Linen Huck Towels, 19x40 inches, ail white, finished with hemstitched borders: our leader at this price. 15c 25c Notions and Art Goods c If you are at all interested in securing exceptional values in Notions and Art Goods, the kind Roberts Br. usuallv Hv tret here tomorrow for these: en. eh.r 9CrSneri:it sale. Scissors and Shears. U 1 1 V- V. t ' ' sizes 7, 8, 9, of good steel; splendid value at OCr 50c, specially priced 25c Hair Pins 17c Special sale, box Hair Pins, shell or amber, 1 doxen to box; goods val- "7 ued at 2Sc, specially priced .. A IV 5c Hair Pins 3c Special sale, - wire Harr Pins, packed in neat cabinet; goods valued at 5c, 0 noxiatlv nrtced 1. ............. JV 35c Yarns JOCr-Spedal sale, German Knitting Yarn , tn black ana. gray; gooos vamea a. -we, specially pncea , 20c 1ft Can CnAia1 mmm fa f"1 n H I "f lifts t4 tKlfyKYsr 4VW wvaj iv vyvv vs, " perfumed Soaps, such as Savon Violette, Savon Rose and Fleur-de-lis, packed 3 cakes to , r box; goods valued at 10cf, specially priced,, Ju 35c Pillow Top 25c Special sale; a splendid tine of oriental Tapestry Pillow Tops, very neat head and landscape designs; goods valued . at 35c, ; i J specially pricd.......i .., -' - 75c Pillow Rufflng39e Special salej splendid r I tty scrim Pillow iKuffling, 'all the desired cr.i. ,( , neat patterns; good valued ;at 75c, spe. ' cially priced. ..A'iji;i'5,'t. ....... - w til before ltls all gone.