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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1907)
1 s y- THE OREGON jDAILY JOURNAU . PORTLAND.1 SATURDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 21.' 1007. - It I i LIU U I i js" m g Popular Wants Popular Wants Popular Wants Popular Wants Popular Wanifj Popular Wants Popular Wants FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. UTTLE LINER8. WANTB. LOST AND found, for sale, to let, etc. In The journal coat only 1 cent a woro; is word or lean. IS rents each insertion. Phones Main 1173.- Hum A-8210. faALL AND B aLLROOMN w WItU wodtm convenience Phone Main llt. RESORTS CASTLE EDEL BRAU (Twelve-Mile Hous) -Most unlqu ana Mat roa houaa In the weat; kitchen supplied from our farma; first-clase good a; Port land prices, rrtd I. Marrui, originator. BfcSWELL strings resort, open. 1 miles from Drain. Or., on a. v. k. k. BUSINESS CHANCES TUB COAST REALTY CO.. . ,aina real A-416. Special bargains )$$H Morrison at., tha leading r tata and bualneaa brokera Matt ee- n 1461, noo hnva 7 -mom house: tarma 1700 cssb. balance 110- par month, buya l-roora houaa. lot 100x100. $260 cash, balanca $20 par n?JntB room modern houaa; price 11,180. . 1200 eaah, . balanca $20 (pt month, (-room; price $1.2(0. . ' , ' " , . 1360 buya amall houaa and large Jot. a Diocica rrom car: an caao. - i Several hundred mora at a-Lpiloaa. m S. HVing- rooma, $ block a of our junea. r $1.000 Confectionary $1,000. 1800 eaah. burs Voomlng-houae close in. 14 rooma, glwaye TuU;. rooma bring from $3.60 to $T aoh. (SCO buya 8 rooma, extra food, 800 buya 12 room; rent $40, leaae. li.ouu ouya as rooma, mo(i.j-inaor. $2,600 buya 20 rooma; muat aall; beat money-maker in city. ...... $1,(00 buy lntereat In beat real es tate bualneaa In city. We have any number ot. rooming- nouses rrom $z&o up. . ... $$00. half eaah. buys splendid em nlnvmant m vanrv $3,000 buya grocery. $185 dally; will sell half Interest at Inventory. . $2(0 Half lntereat in real estate ox tier. natahllahed all veers. $360 Confectionery, $ Hvlng-rooma; otners. all prlcea $1.000 Grocery. $40 dally, at Invoice. 1460 cigar atore, inventory, isuv; othara all nrlcea. Those timber claims are going; bet- tar get one before tney are iu gone; guaranteed aa representea or no cnargo. THE COAST REALTY CO., mH Morrison St Main 1661. A -4160, BUSINESS CHANCES CLIFF8, WILL BEAT ALL RECORDS as a . ouaineas point; roads eeeic us from 4 points of compass; everything coming our way; how about youT WelL learn; aee me In my Portland office, 14 Stark St.. Wodneaday and Thursday. J. J. Reld, Cliffe, Waah: 1'6R flALK BaR1aIn: JTroo- hoteL furnlaned. 14001 muat be aold at once: lease, r neap rent, call at 33 Yt Grand ave. Phone B-16t8. FOR SALE BAROAltf if-ROOM" ging-nouse. cneap rant, ., Call it Grand ave. FOR SALE DELICATESSEN AND home bakery; muat sell. B-Z8, Journal. MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS and bonda bought and aold. Corre epoadence Invited. H. W. Donahue Co.. 112 Buchanan bldg. Phone Main 7361. BARGAIN FOR A FEW DATS I MUal sell furniture and flxturea of Bpr Ins field hotel, with leaae on building; good location and paying bualneaa; good ?rlva'.e reaaon for Belling. Addreaa box 76, Springfield. Or, for prlcea and par ticulars. COME IN AND SEE US IF TOU want rooming-houses, restaurants, ho tela, grocery atores, meat markets, real estate, bualneaa chances, lnvaatmenta , Western Realty Company, Room -HO, Buchanan bldg., 286 H Washington at Ton Sale a profitable sTn burban drug bualneaa established over 16 years; a took, flxturea, building and lot sll so; be Independent, or will sell business and leaae building; no commis sion; only those meaning business nsed wrUe. H-606, Journal. long leass, $$76. Phone B-t8. Oregon trust 'V h1V1n6s bank! will open. I must raise money: would sell certificate, $1,400; reasonabls; make oner. w-3i, journal. AM UP-T6-DATB CONFetMnerIT store, doing good business; must sell on account of slckneaa For particu lars call Portland Real Batata Agency, 261 Stark at . NK WgTA PER WILL BEXE CAPA- 1.1. a.-- I ..... I . I. .. . ehanlcal or editorial end; fine plant and neia. AO areaa k-mi, journal. GROCERY "STORE ON TlTB EAST aide, doing about $66 a day; all good accounts; good, clean stocky sell at In voice, about $2,300; will bear thorough Investigation. F-21, Journal. FOR SALE EXCELLENT HARNESS bualneaa; muat aell because of deatji ef proprietor. Call or address Mrs. W. Blair, 111 F.sst th st., ysncouver, Wsah, $300 BUYS LIGHT CASH BUSINESS on Washington st averairtnt $6 to $9 daily; no. exparlence needed. Particu lars from my exclusive agents, Tbs Coast Realty Co., I2V Morrison st. REST AUlUf AND LuTf&t COUN tar.on Wsshlngton st; lpnae; rood place for two partners; $1,000. N-27, Journal. . FOUR-HOREPOWER FOR SALE REAL ESTATE LOT FOR SALE! ON 38TH AND PRE8- cott sts., for $176, $100 cash an a month. Call 673 Gantenbeln ave. NEW S-ROOM MOUSE. FROM OWN er; best of car service, $1,600. 10 B 48th st. J HcnryleTownsciid 21$ STARK ST.. ROOM 13. City real estate, timber, farms, or chards. Portland Investors Co., Preferred Stock. XH Doonell & Co. REAL K8TATE. ut. 1 tt Stark a. ANTHONY HAROT, LINNT6N, OR-, residence and buslnsss lota water front and factory sites; farms and Um ber lands. WOOD SAW. Inquire Lowangardt. 33 Park at. Don't Mlaa bearing the Wonderful "TELEGRAHONE" At Rooma 408 and 404, Oregontan Bldg. Free! Free! Free! Frank Q'RelH, State Agent $300 BUYS 14 ROOMS HOL'SEKEEP tng and boarding; all full: no agent, Main $14$. P. O. box 617. 20 per cent guaranteed. - FOR SALEREAL ESTATE NEW HOUSES FOR SALE .AT LESS than coat to build; flmirea of'covt pro duced; 6 rooma, reception hall, and bath- trlo flxturea, cement cellar floor, cement wash tubs, wood lift, best plumbing with nickel pipes, special hand rubbed finish In hall, parlor and dining-room; doubls boarded houses with re-enforced frames. Is'. 1 material and workman ship; E. 16th St, between Halsey and Weidler sts., on Irvlngton car line, one block and a half from Broadway car. Store phone East 92. Store 320 E. Mor rison st Residence phone East 728. C. L. Boss. FlllcyPark Lots $$0 and ud: 26 mouthlr: I lota. $ monthly; a treat a graded, water mains aid, t-cent fare. t and 6-room cottaces for sale: easy term a - ROOM 427 LUMBER EXCHANGE BUILDING. 2d and Stark at. Phone Main 1864. ii.SOO NEW BUNGALOW; MODERN1; I blocka south Hawthorne on 43d, $300 cash, $20 month. Dr. Dsrllng. 4 L6TS AND A HOUSE. lJNlVERSltV Park, for 8000. John Kanno. 1401 Flake. TWO NEW MODERN -K66i- C6f- tagea. now all ready to move Into: one $1,100 and one 31.200: come aulck. Inquire of owner, Joe Nash, at Millard sre.. Mount Scott car line. Alic one 6-room house, not quite fin ished, $1,000. Alsc one 6 -sere tract, $1,600. Also iota on easy terms. FOR SALE FARMS Choice Hom& 1$ acraa, all 'A No. 1 soil, part rich river bottom land; (0 acres cultivated, 10 acres fine timber, balance In pasture, nice house) and good frame barn, all out buildings, fine fruits and berriee, beau tiful rock bottom stream of water flows through farm, nice aprlng water, land all nearly level, fronts on main high way, 1 mile to a growing; railroad town In Willamette valley where you have stores, mill. bank, graded schoola. col lege and churches; a very dealrablo home; will take Portland property aa FOR SALE LIVESTOCK A THOROUGHBRED JERSEY BULL, 3 yeara old, also a fullhlooded Guam aey yearling for aale by J. A. Zlmmer, rou to 1, Mllwauklo, Or. FOR BALE CHEAP, THREE FRE81I cows. Kaater's Place, lnta. LITTLE LINERS. WANTS. LOST AND found, for aale, to let, etc., In Thn Journal coat only 1 cent a word; 16 worda or las, 15 rents each Insertion. Phones Msln 7173, Home A-8230. TTvTTTRESir COW PART JERflfiT: part pay. ill ENKLB A HARRISON, 317 Ablngton bldg. Bi1 6VNer new1 moderM. t-kodM1 and 8-room houaea, Holladay Park ad dition. Lota for aale. Phone Eaat 3482. R. B. Rice, 690 Wasco st wiLL sell My new" I-r66m C6f t tage for $1,860; $360 eaah; $20 pei montn; worth much mora 117 Mar guerette at, Montavllla - Country Home, Close In Gentleman rolng Into bualneaa away from Portland oftera hla beautiful little country home near the city for aale for two week ' 8 acrea ground, part cleared, best of soil, with K acre beaver; aprlng and brook; $1,000 worth of wood; house new. rooms; barn and fowl pens; on county road; rural delivery and close to eiectrio itne, rew minutea out; an ex ceptionally choice proposition for eome- body to make an everlaatlngly beautiful and profitable home near town; $4,600; term a HENKLE A HARRISON, 217 Ablngton bldg. 9 E. 80th. corner Waahlngton. Eaat TijRtfE" JERSEY1 COWS fVr 6a.k also one 8-year-old Perclieron filly, full blood. 637 Jeffcraon. Phone Main 7168. L O. Ralaton, owner. ROUS KM, VEHICLES, HARNESS. BANKS. 2 Choice Acres For Sale- Right en carllne; bettt of soil; spring branch across back end; fronts on hlgh wsy; will pay for Itself In short time In celery, onions, cauliflower and choice garden truok; close to city; near Berke ley; $600 ner a-re. HENKLE & HARRISON. 217 Ablngton bldg. MT. HOOD VIEW LOTS. W. W. CAR; terms; sacrifice; settling partnership Stout, 616 Commercial blk. DON'T YOW THINK 10 ACRES ON the edge or Klamath Falls, which haa the natural advantage of Denver, Spo kane and Salt Lake City combined, of frra a sure rosd to prosperity? We have ine inaL irritated py tne government UKtAiUM Kh.AL.TI TRUST UO. 601 Fenton bldg. 84 th St. CLIFFS, THE NEW TOWN; YOU oan't afford to let it psss; working on yards and roundhouse; $160,000 im provements going In; 26 houses and many bualneaa houses; the cream Is thick and all we ask is, see for your--)f. 8e me at my Portland office, Wednesday nnd Thursday. 266 Stark at. J. J. Reld. Cliffs, Waah. FOR SALE IN THE BEST TOWN IN the Willamette valley, an up-to-date general market; everything clean and first class and drawing tbe best trade; cash only talks. If you want to Invest a small sum where push and energy . will bring large returns, then commu nicate. This is not something for noth ing, but a cold business proposition. Address Market, The Journal. BLACKSMITH SHOP. 16x4. ON LOT 26x16(1. for sale or ren River, Or. Write or see W. owner, at St- Johns. Or. GROCERY STORE DOING 31,600 PER month: will sell at invoice or leaae stork and flxturea Inquire J41 Sher- lock bldg. GROCERY. SOME HARDWARE. GOOD it In Hood . E. Oodsey, TEN PER CENT NET. For $1,800 eaah I will sell a new 6-room house, well located, close In, bringing a net Income of 10 per cent on guaranteed B-years l-ae, ana prop erty will Increase a great deal in value. House cost nearly that. GEO. W. FRANKLIN, P. O. box 86S. SACRIFICE; GOING AWAY; $600; 5 room cottage; 1 acre of land, fruit. berries, henhouse; 20 mlnutea' walk to carllne; near Oregon City. J-21, Journal. FOR SALE 5 - ROOM COTTAGE; bath, gas. electric lights, fireplace; $2,760; terms; furniture also for sale. 386 E. 84th at. BE WISE. INVEST IN A HOME. $1,000 ( rooms, 753 E. 8th. H.r.OO 5 rooms, 755 E. 8th.--$1,5505 rooma, 766 E. 6th. 31.850 6 roomi, Mallory snd Mason. $1,400 4 block South Portland. All new and modern, owner, 208 4th. Tcl Mnln 390 or Pacific 2126. LOTS 100x290 ALL IN CULTIVA t Ion. close to 10-room school at Lents; extra narRaln $400; terms; 6c fare. O. R Addlton, Lents, Or. H. P. PALMER. M. VAN1 ALSTINE. PALMER-VAN ALSTINE CO., REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE. 22 2 Falling Bldg. . Main 6661. A-2653. BEAUTIFUL, MODERN CLIFFS WILL GIVE FREE SITE FOR good hotel. For Information write J. J. Reld. Cliffs, Wash. 4-ROOM HOUSE FOR SALE; SMALL lot; near Mt Tabor car; $600 cash, balance $20 per month. Inquire 150 En at 88d St.. south. location. cheaD rent: R-22, Journal. small' capital. Legitimate Business Chances The Amci Mercantile Agency (estab lished 1896) furnishes free Information on opportunities In mercantile or manu facturing lines, city or country. THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY. ZU4-Z0fr AQlngton Hid g. GROCERY STORE AND 8 LOT8 FOR aale at W. Portland, cheap. Address O. W. proctor. W. Portland. Or. $260 AND A GOOD HUSTLER CAN ecru re hslf interest in building and real estate business; one with some ax perlence preferred. R-2 3. Journal. $2,600---A GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR .the right party; half Interest in gro cery; well established; best business corner in city, on west slda S-23, Journal. FOR SALE HOUSE AND LOT ON Halsey near 28th, by owner. 849 Hal sey st. A SNAP BY OWNER, $1,100. 6-ROOM house with gas; good woodshed. 1 block from carllne, close In. 750 Taggart st Phone Sellwood 217. CALL ON MILLER FOR HOrSE bulldlng; residence lots on easv terms. 358 Washington St., room 12. Park ave. for sale at $3,500. HOUSE ON $2,800; worth ACREAGE. From one To live acres near 6a car line, at very reasonable prices. Good Farm (4 acres, all good aoll, all fonced and croas-fenced; 44 acrea, cultivated; good orchard, aome full bearing; walnut trtcH, loaded with nuts; good 7-room house, barn and outbuildings; running stream of water; 3 cowa, 3 hellera. 4 hoga, bind er, mower, rake and other farm tools; 10 seres In potatoea; 20 tons hay in barn; nicely located at atatlon on elec tric, car line, 10 mtlea out, nice, level roada; a good farm, well located and where values are steadily Increasing. HENKLE HARRISON, 217 Ablngton bldg. Stock Farm 320 acres, improved stock farm, on Taqulna river, Lincoln county, Oregon; 1 mile from R. R. station, 50 goats, 50 sheep, 20 head cattle, poultry, 20 tons hay, eta; might take some trade. Prlcp of land $10 per acre; stock will be aold reasonable; a good stock farm, cheap. HENKLE & HARRISON, 217 Ablngton bldg. HORSES AND BUGGIES FOR RENT by day, week and month; special rataa to bualneaa houses, (th and Hawthorne East 73. HARNESS AND SADDLERY. KELLER Harness Co.. 49 N. 4th at. YOUNO HAY MARE. GOOD ROAD eter. elthnr saddle or buggy. 90 E 46th st. LITTLE LINERS. WANTS, LOST AND found, for sale, to let, etc., In The Journal cost only 1 cent a word; 16 words or less, 15 cents each Insertion. Phones Main 7173, Home A-3230. FOR HALE YOU NO TEAM. WEIGHT 2,700; hsrness snd wagon uaed 3 months, ('nil 460 Union ave. N. Team of work horses for sale: price, $200: call at once at A. J. Murphy's stables. No. 41 Gold smith st. GOING EAST, MUST SELL AT ONCE. good driving rig, $100; good team of pomca with harness, $80: good saddle and bridle, 2 good secondhand buggies and cow. 836 E. 28th St., W. W. car t oKe n 1 1 worth curve. FOR" "HALE- A MATCHED PAIR OF buy horses, Clydes; well broken, kind and gentle, sound nnd true; 6 and 7 years, that weigh 2,800; alao two alnaie horses. Call at the Farmera' atable. on Front, between Clay and Columbia; In qulre for John Callln. TEAM FOR HALE; $176 1 BLACK horse, wetgha 1,460 pounds; 1 hay horse, welgha, 1,150. Inquire at E. Clin ton and 26th sts., brickyard; and 1 single harness and road wagon, $16; take! W.-W. car. FOR SALE GOOD TEAM; PRICE $185. UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND, ORJCOOK. . Northwest Corner Third aei Ok Bt. '.';,, ki L Transsets - Oonerel Banking Buslnesa DRAFTS ISSTTTCp AvaflsWe M -All Cltlee of the United States and Europe, Honjkonc aad Manila, Collection made on Favorable Tarma. Irealdent J. c. A INS WORTH I Cashier R- "Vi'.r., E Vice-President R LEA BARNES Asslstsnt cashlsr. ....... W, A. UWi4 Asalatant Cashier A. M. W..IQHT ' ' j- LADD TILTON. BANKERS Portland, Oregon. i?a?1!"JJ!J!?.,,fc' W. M. LADD. C E. LADD. 3. W- ADO. e Transact a Gsneral Banking Bualneaa SAVINGS BANK PfJ1???.! fsvlna-e books Issued on savings deposits. Interest paid on time deposits. ME$CItlNTS' NATIONAL BANK Portland. Oregon . m ' J- FRANK WATSON. .President R. L. DURHAM T1?!.. H. W. HOTT Caahler OEOROE W. HOYT. .AaaletalU Caaoleg T . 8. C. CATCHING. .. .Second Assistant Csshlef ,.,4 iranaaeta a General Banking Business. Drafts and Letters of Credit issued Avallabla to AH Parta of the World. Collectlona a Specialty. THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA Eetabllshed 1344. Head Offleo, San ."'''ff Capital paid up $4,000,000 Serplua and undivided P'o,10'16I,' General Banking and Exchanna Business Transacted. latere, on Tune) Depoalta. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Accounts msy be opened of $10 S , wsrd. Portlsnd Branch Chamber of Commerce Building. M. R. M ACREA Manager J. T. BURTCHAELL. . . . Aaa't Manage FIRST NATIONAL BANK Portland. OrToideat National Beak on PaclflO Coaal CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $1,800,000.00. DEPOSITS, $14.000.00 ' t' tJ" ""'T-" Prealdent I W. C ALVORD Assistant iJ J. W. NEWKIRK Cashier I B. F. STEVENS. .Second Ass't c,t,U TRUST COMPANIES. SECTJRITT SAVINGS TRUST CO.164 Morrison SJtreet Portland, Orsg T""cts a Oeneral Banking Buslnesa SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Int gon. nter. est allowed on Time and Savlnga Aonounta Acta aa Truatee for Katatea, n wVir.f"1 Letters of Credit Available on AH Parte or tne . - a TK P,A,a Prealdent I L. A. LEWIS First Vlca-Present '- MILLS. , . Pecond V1ce-Prsldant R. C. JUBITZ Secretary GEO. E RUSSELL Assistant Secretary ' ' , TITLE OTTARANTEE A TRUST COMPANY 140 Washington Street ,'' ; MORTGAGE IOANS ON Portland Real Eatate at Loweat Rates. . 1 f I aa lM-iekf A K mwm m Li vn I anaal t e t e STt-Tr' n-I52RBTTRN nOSS Proaldent I JNO. E. AITCHTSON. GEORGE II. H!LI Vlee-Prealdent T T. BURKHART... BONDS AND INVESTMENTS. M ORRIS BROTHERS, Chamber of Commerce Building. Municipal, Railroad snd Publlo Service Corporation Bonda, TXOWNING-HOPKINS COifpANf Eatabllahed 1882 BROKERS. If STOCKS. BONDS. GRAIN Bousht and Sold for Cash and On Margin, Private Wire ROOM 4 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Phone Main It. Call at 918 Height ave. Inwn 1166. Tel. wood- Farm Bargain 60 acrea good land, part Improved; good 6-room house, barn, orchard, run ning stream and well water; fronts on good road; good community! conveni ent to school, near Washougul, Wash., and Columbia river; snap; only $1,300. HENKLE & HARRISON. 217 Ablngton bids. Small Farm 8 acres. all lies nice, all first-class land and cultivated; houso. barn, out houses, good wnter, fruit, berries; on good road 10 miles out and near mo hew carllne; a nice little home, only 31,300. HENKLE ft HARRISON, 217 Ablngton lildg FOR SALE HORSE, BUGGY AND harness; horse sound; weight 950 or 1,000, $125. 1061 E. Salmon, or phore Tabor 64x. Ml SICAL INSTRUMENTS VICTOR TALKINO MACHINE8 AND records; Stein way (snd other) planoa Sherman. Clay Co.. 6th and Morrison sta.. opp. poatoffloe. LITTLE LINERS. WANTS, LOST AND found, far aale, to let, etc.. In The Journal cost only 1 cent a word; 15 words or less, 15 cents each Insertion. Phones Main 7173, Home A-3230. A SWEET-TONED ORGAN, CHEAP. N. Crlderman, K. 45th and Salmon. VOll SALE AND EXCHANGE 100x100. 4 HOUSES. 3 6-ROOM. 1 7-roorn; will sell all or separate; one block of car: good interest on the Invest- ment; part cash. Phone ,aat aotl One acre, with a beautiful 6-room house., large burn, horse and buggy; all for $3,000, half cash. A. WILTSHIRE, 407 Ablngton Bldg. WILL EXCHANGE 5-ROOM HOUSE and 2 lots for 160-acre farm and pay difference; must be good soil and not less than 140 acres tillable land. C. 8. A mold & Co., 36 Hi Morrison st. HERE IS WHERE YOU GET SNAPS. CLIFFS, WILL BEAT ALL RECORDS as a business point; roads seek us from 4 points of compass; everything coming our way; how about your Well, learn about it; see me in my Portland office, 266 Stark St., Wednesday and Thursday. J. J. Reld. Cliffs, Wash. CLIFFS WILL OIVE FREE SITE FOR good hotel. For information write J. !t FOR SALE EXCELLENT SAWMILL proposition, one half mile from Ya colt; 1,000,000 feet $1 per thousand. Address O. J. A., Vancouver, Wssh. FOR SALE CONFECTIONERY AND ice cream parlor; established trade; will sell cheap; will pay you to investi gate. Call 113 Base Line road, Monta- yllla. Phone Tabor 160. $225 TAKES BATING CIGAR AND confectionery store; well stocked. Splendid fixtures, are alone worth the price; groceries in connection would do well; no opposition; rooms; rent $18. 918 Williams ave.; take U car. FC-ft saLe Very Cheap, small stock tinware, granite ware and glass ware. Prall Mercantile Co., St. Johns. Telephone Woodlawn 630. $300 BUYS SMALL ROOMING HOUSE $100 CASH BALANCE MONTHLY, buys one acre In fruit near carllne. See Thomas P. Thornton. 319 Chamber or commerce 6-room cottage, all In sood repair newly painted, good plumbing, on good street, good neighborhood; lot 41x130, and not fur from carllne. This is cer tainly a bargain at $1,100; terms to suit purchaser. Another' bargain. 6-room cottare. I finely finished, lot 90x110. some fruit trees; this is a good chance to secure a dandy home for one half Its present vslue; price $1,400; $200 cash; balance, $100 per year at 6 per cent. HOME LAND CO., 145H 1st st. $10 PER MONTH BUYS HALF ACRE near carllne, water mains laid. See Thomas P. Thornton. 319 Chamber of Commerce. LOT, 60x125, SELLWOOD ST., NEAR Union ave.; swell resideace district; $860; terms easy. Box 330. HANCOCK STREET ADDITION LOTS 60x100, streets 'graded, cement walks and curbs and Bull Run water all In cluded in purchase price. Thompson & Ogden, 848 Mississippi ave., or see the man in the office on the premises at Sandy road and O. R. & N. crossing. Phone Woodlawn 202. THINK OF ITI Only $400 for 6 acres of good land. 8 miles out and only 1 miles from railroad station. D. F. LE FEVRE, Room 10, 142 ft 2d st FOR SALE FARMS BEAUTIFUL LOT CHEAP. $450, at WAVERLEIGH; owner leav ing Portland, will sell one of the finest view lots on this beautiful tract; install ment plan If necessary. See H. W. Lemcke Co., 6th and Washington sts. H. Hlgiey, room near P. O.: rent $26. S3. 288V 3d St. MilLiNerY fit ORE. NEW. IN CENTER of business district, for $400 If taken this week. Owner called eaat K-22, Journal. v GROCERY STORE rooms; good corner AND LiviNO a waoii irnufl rani. $10. Will pay you to Investigate, as sickness compels owner to leave citv. Q-23. Journal. 68-ROOMS IN GOOD BRICK BUILD ing. Rent $1(6, with two years' lease. Price only $3,600 for quick sale. 225 6th st. ' CONFECTIONERY, CIGAR STORE. No. 110 N. 6th st $226. OR BEST IMMEDIATE CASH OF fer takes paying cigar, confectionery Store. Aiaicnea nxiures, snowcases (combination), 4 counters, 2 shelves, scales, dishes, candy jars, etc.; new stock; no opposition; rent. $18, store and rooms. 918 Williams ave. Take U car. IF YOU HAVE A LITTLE MONEY TO use strictly on the q-t. address B-24, Journal. BUCHTEL. & KERNS MAKE A SPE clalty of east side realty, rentala loans, etc. 862 E, Morrison st BUILDING FOR SALE, CORNER 13TH and Marshall. Inquire Magner. 4-CHAIR BARBERSHOP FOR SALE, cheap. If sold at once. 64 4th st O. P. Potts & Co. REAL ESTATE. Large and small tracts of land, bouses and. lots for sale, rent or trade. Phone Tabor 628, one door west of postoffice, Montavllla, Or. CONFECTIONERY AND VAHTRTT store in town or o.oou near Portland; cheap rent, good living-rooms- will In voice goods at actual value; will reduce stock if necessary; will exchange for small farm of $1,600 value. This la a good chance for some one. I invite you to investigate, . This la a real bargain. H-22 Journal, CLIFFS, THE ' NEW TOWN; YOU can't afford to let U. pass; .working on yarae ana raunanouse; jtu,uuu im provements going In; 38 houses and many business houses; the cream is thick and all we ask Is,. see for your self. See me at my. Portland office, Wednesday and Thursday. 266 Stark st. J. J. Reld. Cliffs, Wash. BUST THE WOOD TRUSTCHEAPER wood; now ready for - buslnesa Co operative Wood Co. Ca.Il 819 Ablngton Bldg.'- . . v ' FOR ..SALE HALF itNTEREST IN A $3,200 6rROOM MODERN HOUSE. 60x 100, corner; rents for $18. Owner, J. D. Kelly, Flrland. 7-ROOM HOUSES AND LOT. $1,076. near two car lines. Phone Woodlawn 142. FOR SALE 8 ACRES NEAR CXS line; good soil; $2,000; terms. Ad dress C-22, Journal. 2 LOTS ON NORTHRUP ST. NEAR 26th st., $2,800 and $3,100; fashion able district; also about 2 lots 23d and Washington; price $16,000; elegant for first-class apartments? easy terms. L. A. Patterson, room 11. 268 Northrtlp st. FOR SALE NICE COZY COTTAGE; price $1,800; 7-room house, very nice, with or without furniture. I have sev eral good buys. If you want a home. pnone wooaiawn igz. $1,600 A NICE HOUSE FOR SALE, 28 Villa sve., Montavllla. . Address owner route 2, Box 87, Lents. Or. FOR SALE; REAL ESTATE. . Acre and Half Acre Tracts. We make a specialty of acre-tracts with water mains laid and payments of only $10 eaah and $10 per month; a much better purchase for a home or Investment than lota A. C. Churchill, ixu sc. FARMS. 2H acres on Oregon City line, nicely improved, price $2,a00. 3 acres adjoining Sellwood. Improved, price $3,000. terms to suit. 10 acres. Beavcrton, fine improve ments, price $2,700. 16 acres, Hood River fruit land, cleared, 2 miles from town, $3,300. 20 acres 3 miles west of City park, partly improved, price $8,500. 20 acres cultivated, O. W. P. Trout dale extension, near Fairview, $226 per acre. 40 acres, 8 miles east of Portland, Section Line road, cultivated, $260 per acre. 40 acres, near Clackamas station, fine improvements', all for $7,600. 58 acres, mostly cultivated, near Ore gon City, good Improvements, $4,500. cleared, all good land, l,UUU. 120 acres fine land on creek, Clacka mas county, near Oregon City, $2,100. 140 acres, 90 acrea cultivated, near Hlllsboro, $80 per acre, will divide. 400 acres on Clackamas river, good house, barn, orchard. 80 acres cultivated, 3.000,000 feet saw timber, 90 acres cord wood, price $12,000; suitable t,erms ar ranged. COMMONWEALTH TRUST CO., 6 tn and AiiKeny. Farm Bargain READ THIS OVER CAREFULLY. 626 acres, all fenced and cross- fenced; all ood soil, no stones or cravei; 40u acres lies nice to cultivate; 140 acres cultivated; 160 acres more can do put into cultivation at small expense; balance of land In pasture and oak timber; 12,000 cords of oak wood at very low estimate; house, barn, out buildings; fruit nnd berries; watered by excellent springs, beautifully located In the Willamette valley, 4 miles from a prosperous county seut town, 1 mile from railroad shipping point. H mile to achool; haa K. F. D. and telephone. You can pay for this farm out of tho timber and have one of the best all- round farms in tbe valley left for your profit Will take nome other good prop erty as part pay. Frlce 20 per acre. It lies well to subdivide. HENKLE & HARRISON. 217 Ablngton Bldg. 106H Third St.. Portland, Or. LITTLE LINERS, WANTS, L08T AND found, for sale, to let, etc, In The Journal cost only 1 cent a word; 16 words or leas. 15 cents each Inaertlon. Phones Mnln 7173. Home A-3280 10 ACRES, GOOD SOIL; 2 MILES from Beaverton, on county road $700. 10 acres, quarter mile from Beaverton. near Salem line; all garden land. In cul tivation; house, barn and orchard $2,600; terms. 18 acres, 1 mile from Beaverton; 8 acres cleared, balance easy to clear; house, barn, chicken-house and other buildings; lets of fruit $2,700; terms. Have long list of good buys. C. ii. FRY, Beaverton. 2H ACRES ON CAR LINE; GOOD county road, 20 minutes from city; 6-room house (new), outbuildings; will sell or trade for house and lots. A. C. GRge, 424 Lumber Exchange, 1 to 4 p. m. FREE GOVERNMENT LANDS IN Lake county; we can locate you right; also farms, ranches, timber and fruit lands; choice valley lands. Irrigation not required. $7.60 to $10 per acre- business openlnga Drenkel & Paine, Lakevlew, Or. WANTED TO EXCHANGE FOR REAL estate, manufacturing proposition now In successful operation and on paying basis, clearing $34 per day. Will pay you to investigate. D-22, Journal. V A NTETjTO-TRAbE CITY PROP erty for acaeage near Portland. The Curtlss Co., 309 Ablngton bldg. AT8EASI1.")E, FINE 6-ROOM FUR nlslied house with fireplace, for Port land property; value $1,300. B-20, Jour nal. KO R SALE OR TRADE FOH SMALL farm. 6-room house, basement, corner lot on car line; business street; a fine home. 1681 E. 13th. VALUABLE STOCK IN rORTLAND Incorporation; will exchange for fur niture of 3. 4 or 6-room flat D-21, Journal. Overfccck & Ccoke Company! &ffi&S32SU GRAIN, PROVISIONS, COTTON, STOCKS AND BONDS. WE DO A STRICTLY COMMISSION BU8INE8a t 1 Continuous Markets by Private Wlra Quick Servlca - - GRAND CENTRAL STATION TIME CARD. LEAVING PORTLAND. Southern Pacific Shasta Express t:l$ a. m. Cottage Grove Passenger . 4:15 p. m. California Express 7:45 p. m. San Francisco Express ....11:20 p. m. WEST SIDE. Corvallls Psssenger 7:00 a. m. Sheridan Passenger 4:10 p. m. Forest Grove Paaeenger ...11:00 a. ra. Forest Grove Passenger ... 5:20 p. m. ARRIVING PORTLAND, Oregon Express T:2$ a. nv. Cottage Grove Passenger. .11:80 a. m Shasta Express 7:30 p. nw Portland Express 11:80 p. tn. WEST SIDE. Corvallls Passenger t:6S p. m , Sheridan Paasenger 10:34) a. m Forest Grove Pasaenger ... 8:00 a. ra, Forest Grove Psssenger ... t:60 p. tn Northern Pacific. Tseoma and Seattle Exp ... 8:80 a m. North Coast St Chicago Llm. 2:00 p. m. Puget Sound Limited 4:30 p. m. Overlsnd Express 11:45 p. m. North Coast IJmlted ..... T:00 a. m. Portland Exprsss 4:11 p. nv. Overland Expreas 1:15 p. m, Puget Bourn! Limited 10:56 p. mv 1 1 ' Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company. Local Paasenger 8:00 a ra. Chicago-Portland Special .. 6:30 a ra. Spokane Flyer 7:00 p. m. Kan. City A Chi. Exp 7:40 p. m. Spokane Flyer 8:00 a. m. Chi.. Kan. City & Port. Ex.. 9:46 a. m. Chicago-Portland Special .. 8:20 p. m. IQf-al Passenger 1:48 p. m. Astoria & Columbia River. Astoria and Seaside Exp. . . , Astoria A Seaside Express. 8:00 a. m. 6:00 p. m. Astoria A Port Passenger. 1 3 il 5 p,-m Portland Express 10:00 p. tn. PERSONAL WHO WIt,i EXCHANGE $3,000 worth of real estate In or near Port land and 31.600 cash for a 28-room popular hotel In live country townTi He Thomason & Bailey, 223 Chamber of Commerce. TOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FREE FOR EVERYBODY RING UP Main 4290 or call 213 Front st We buy and sell furniture, clothing or any old thing. HGLDEN'8 RHEUMATIC CURE SURE cure for rheumatism. Sold by all druggists. SHOW CASES AND FIXTURES, NEW and second-hsnd. J as. T. Marshall Mfg. Co., 289 Couch st FOR SALE ONE HOTEL RANGE. Inquire 271 1st st CLEAN. WASHED RAOS FOR WIPING purposes. The Overall Laundry and Supply Co., phone Sellwood 86. Ladles. Attention Do not be deceived by false advertise menta The original and only Dr. Mary Lane Lady physician, with the old established X Radium Medical institute anu Sanitarium For years Is still at the old stand. Dr. Mary Lane Late superintendent of Chicago Wo men s Hospital, treats aiseasea oi wo men and children exclualvely ; ladles needing immediate assistance will con. suit their best Interests by communlcat Ing with me; no fee for consultation correaoondence absolutely confidential maternity cases given special atten tion. Respectable arrangements made ror the adoption or inrants. ine unosi equipped sanitarium in the northwest Office. 263 Alder, corner 8d. Portland. Or. Phones Main Z7s. Home a-i. PERSONAL The Dr. Mary Lane Institute Diseases of women and children oi specialty. Suffering women will do well to consult me. Consultation free. Correspondence solicited. Rooms 5' t? 14. Grand theatre bldg. Phone Main 39 2 8. T.AI-iT-S DR SANDERSON'S CO Savin and Cotton Root Pills are the only sure remedy for delayed periods by mall $2 per box. Dr. Pierce, 181 1st A RV t PRACTICAL, FURRIER: sealskin garments redyed and remod eled; expert niter; estimates given; iuw eat r rices: ooen evenings. 663 Wash ington. Phone Main 7308 HOME SEEKERS ATTENTION 160 acres; 46 well cleared; 12 acres slashed and burned; large orchard; all kinds fruits; large house, barn out houses; fine water; near school; good out range; a fine borne; price $3,600; terms given. Write or call J. S. Hunt Ington. Kelso, Wash. FOR SALE -A THREE-ROOM HOUSE ana corner ioi duo uiuck irom canine, $850. D. E. Huffman, owner. 21 Anna gt. ' Montavllla, Or. 8-ROOM HOUSE, FULL LOT, FINE home for sale or rent 888 Grand ave. north. ' first-class j restaurant . J- journal, ; - $760. R-27, "B1TULITHIC BELMONT." Build your home on the "Bltullthic Boulevard" of the east side. Lota are advancing in price every day. A tew bargains left V. PAGE HARRIS. Healey Bldg. Grand and B. Morrison. $1,900 FOR A STRICTLY MODERN 5 room bungalow, fitted for gas, elec tricity, ftrst class Dtumfita'ft' concrete basement and concrete walk around r all new and finest finish; a real snap for $1,900; only 1 block of Union ave. In Highland. Home Land Co.. 146 1st st J-ROOM HOUSE AND LOT, COR. 86TH and Clinton, for $6flO If taken this week. $200 CASH, BALANCE $15 MONTH, for (-room plastered house; large lot, near car. Phone Tabor 570. - - - t 8-ROOM, $$,500 RESIDENCE; SPLEN did location, for only $3,000; part on time, ; Owier, 411 Florence t - SPECIAL FARM BARGAINS. 165 acres, 9miles from Forest Grove, about 2 to Sxmlles from small town; about 80 acres under cultivation, which is nearly all level; running water, good house, large barn, family orcliard, about 60 acres of good timber, span of horses, 6 extra-good milch cows, 10 head of hogs, 60 chickens, 10 tons of hsy, large amount of good oat straw in barn, 600 bushels of oats, nice lot of potatoes, all implements. Price $5,800; good terms. 120 acres adjoining little city of Jefferson, of which 100 acres is level, very best of soil, running water; it is one of the best buys we have on our list; on account of its location it can be cut up in small homes and can be dis posed of for a good profit. Price $9,000; terms. OTTO, CROCKETT & HARKSON. 133 1st St 20 ACRES IN HIGH STATE OF CULTI vatlon, all clear. Not 1 soil, good 8 room bouse, large barn, a fine cellar, family orchard, all fenced, 11 H miles southwest from city, 1 milea from electric line, store and blacksmith shop, $2,850; $500 cash, balance easy terms; 6 per cent C. II. Pfaffle, 203 8d st 20 ACRES. SMALL HOUSE. BARN, 6 acres cleared; horse, wagon, cow, tools, $1,100. R. H. Shearman, R F. D., canpy. Ufr FOR SALE ONE $40 AND ONE $50 Reed-French piano credit certificate. Inquire 999 Belmont St., city. Phone Ea st 406 or B-1406. FOR SALE FURNITURE; SPLENDID assortment of new furniture; used only about 4 months; n8f of It or any piece you want; big discount. Call at 549 Morrison St. MANTLE, BED, LOUNGE, CHAIRS, matting, table, stoves, birds, at 481 E. Morrison st. $ $ $ $ $ i $ $ $ $ 3 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ FOR SALE $10,000 WORTH OF NEW and good new household goods at The Dollar, 232 1st. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ TURKISH BATHS, $00 ORBGONIAN bldg.; ladies days, gentlemen nighta Ma n I3bi. MRS OBROCK. MASSEUSE, CABINET bath, salt glow, cream massage; rei erences. 282 Vi Park. Paciflo 261 1; A-2734. MADAM VASHTI. VAPOR AND TUB baths, massage, chiropody. 201 3d st. 5r. BING CHOONG. IMPORTER CHI nese root medicines; sells Chinese tea, certain cure for all dlseasea 191 2d at. between Yamhill and Taylor. LITTLE LINERS. WANTS. LOST AND found, for sale, to let, etc., in The Journal cost only 1 cent a word; 16 words or less, 15 cents each Insertion. Phones Main 7173, Home A-8230. TIMBER. LOOKING FOR TIMBER? We offer you every advantage through our system of expert examinations which enables you to determine the suit ability of a tract without spending tlmo or money. If our general report indi cates that we have what you want our estimates by two and a half acrea are easily verified. TRY "THK LACEY WAY." JAMES D. LACEY CO., 838 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. 607 Lumber Exchange. Seattle. FOR SALE 400 ACRES OF TIMBER. 6,000.000 feet saw timber and cedar for millions of shingles. Sawmill 15,000 capacity, planer, blacksmith tools chains, etc., all for $7,000; 11 miles of Bonanza, Or., tbe metropolis of the up per irrigation project. More adjoining timber land if wanted. Address Bald Butte sawmill, Bonanxa, Klamath - Co., Or. FOR SALE. 11 acrea of the best bottom and bea verdam land in Oregon; 10 acres cleared, $250 per acre. ) Tract, 400 foot from station of Salem elect rla road; 30 minutes' ride to city. See owner. F. A. MILLER, Lents, Or. R. F. D. No. 1.. Box 812. FARMS. Before buying come and see us. We have anything from one acre to 200- acre tracts; also city property. Oa burn Bros.. 419 McKay bldg. Office phone Paciflo 1941: residence. Scott 40H. . . - FARM IN ALBERTA 160 ACRES, well Improved; fox sale or exchange for Portland . real estate,' or Willamette valley, tar a. Address 0-11, Journal. . r - 1. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD to timber buyers only: we have a few choice tracts lor sale which we own. Have detailed estimates by forties. G. F. Sanbourn tt Co., 401-2-8 Buchanan bldg. C. E. YORK, 227 STARK, MUSIC AND band instruments; expert repairing. FOR SALE POMERANIAN PUPS, also mother dog and doghouse. Call at 79fi Cleveland a e. NAVAJO BLANKETS, PHILIPPINE relics, etc. Beauegard's Ex . 460 Wash. LITTLE LINERS, WANTS, LOST AND found, for sale, to let. etc., in The Journal cost only 1 cent a word; 16 words or less, 15 cents each insertion. phones Main 71 .it. Home A-3230 FOR SALE CHEAP. COUNTER AND Iron railing and door; suitable for of fice; bargain. Apply Potts, Journal of fice; - GROCERS. ATTENTION FOR SALE cheap, computing cheese cutter, Day ton oomputlng scales, Stlmpson scales, all good as new. Prall Mercantile Co., St. Johns. Tel. Woodlawn 630. PIANOS FOR RENT AND SOLD ON Installments. H . ,S I n shelmer. 72 3d St. FOR 3ALE $65 RANGE FOR $25; owner leaving city. Apply before noon. September 23. E. 48th and Sal mon. Phone Tabor 373. SUITS PRESSED WHILE YOU WAIT. 60a Ladles' skirts pressed, 60c Gil bert 108 Sixth st,, next to Quell Phone Main 2088. DR. MARY KRAMER. MIDWIFE; home for patients; treatment for all blood diseases; examination free. 861 Mississippi ave. Esst 6543. GERMAN BOOKS. MAGAZINES, NOV els. etc.; German, English, French, Spanish, Swedish and Italian diction aries; foreign books of all klnda Schmale Co., 229 First st MRS. O. BROCK. GRADUATE MAS seuse; cabinet both, salt glow, alcohol rub, cream maasage; references. 282 Park st. Paciflo 2611. LITTLE LINERS. WANTS. LOST AND found, for sale, to let, etc.. in The Journal cost only 1 cent a word; 15 worda or less. 15 cents each insertion. Phones Main 7173. Home A-3230. THE PORTLAND INSTITUTE HAS engaged the services of Miss English, electropath. Room 10, 350 Morrison st. Phone Main 7320 or A-1644. PHRENOLOGY TROF. DUNCAN., Mc Donald, the old, young phrenologist. Is doing a lively business telling born, sexes how to win success. Moved, to 349 Morrison st. MISS ETHEL WARD'S MANICURING and chiropody parlors, in suite .16, 851 Morrison st. BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALlj diseases. East 4034. (26 E. Belmont. Phone ART A. BERGER'S ART STUDIO, 44 Wash, st High grade oil paintings In landscapes and portraits made to ord r. ATTORNEYS, ; . PI GGOTT." FINCH ; BIOQEATTOr' neys at law. 4 Mulkey bldg- corner 2d and Morrison sts. INTERSTATE ADJUSTMENT CO.. A. J. Chrlstopherson, pres.; law, collections, re port a. 414 Buchanan bldg. Main 8130. r ,t AUTOMOBILES. HOWARD M. COVET, A t Pierce Great Arrow. Loeon tobfles. Cadillac and Knox Temporary location Club Garage. 16th and Alder eta. ASSAYERS. GARVIN CYANIDE EXTRACTION CO, and Montana Assay Office. . 18$ Mor rison st. ' ! WELLS & PROEBSTEL, MINING EN- glneers. assayers, chemists and sur-. iyors. 204 'Washington st. Main 7608. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. . HOWE, DAVIS & KILHAM. 109-111 jo st. Blank books manufactured : agents for Jones' Improved Loose-Leaf ledgers? see the new Eureka leaf, tha beat on th market v CHIROPODISTS. CHIROPODY AND PEDICURING Mrs. M. D. Hill. Room 130 STeldnan bldg. Both phones. ? IRON BED $2.50, SPRINGS $1.25, MAT tress $1 50, dresser $7.50, mantel bed $5.50. Anstey Bros.. 325 1st. Pac. 1970. CARPENTER TOOLS FOR SALE.COM plete set for half price. Call Sunday, 430 7th t- RE ED-FRENCH PIANO CERTIFICATE for $40 and Kilers for $53. to ex change for little girls' bicycle. 405 Morrison st HOLDEN'8 RHEUMATIC CURE Sure cure for rheumatism. Sold by all druggists. YOUNG SCIENTIFIC MASSEUSE, electrical, alcoholic, medicated and genuine tub baths. 41 Raleigh bldg., 6th and Washington. PRIVATE HOSPITAL FOR I'NFORTU nate girls; good care. 8 Mllner bldg. FOR FARM AND TIMBER LAND SEE DIUard Clayton. Roseburg, Or. "WHO WANTS TIM BERT" Several choice timber and homestead claims for loAtion; timber claims will run from $,p,000 to ' 7,000,000 feet. Coast RealtyCo., Maui LliSIL A-4.160. 226 Morrison st. LITTLE LINERS, WANTS, LOST AND found, for sale, to let, -etc.. in The Journal cost only 1 cent a word; 15 words or less, 18 cents each Insertion. Phones Main 71 78. Home A-S230. FOR SALE 620 ACRES OF SPRUCE. nemiock ana ceoar; nne timoer: in Clatsopounty, townships 4 and 6 north, range 10 west, $26 per acre. M-22; Jour nal. - 1 cAtf Locate ycW 6n a.ttmbkh 2 LOTS FOR 8AIJE OR TRADE FOR team and wagon, oaiance casn. 70S Moody st, foot of Mead St. p. m. Call after 5 60-HORSEPOWER ATLAS ENGINE ayd boiler, good as new Inquire Dy er s snop; east em; cr jviaaiaon nrioge. THE PORTLAND INSTITUTE Ladles and gentlemen. If you are In trouble about the condition of your health, do not fall to consult me. I can convince you that I can help you by natural methods. Consultation and ex amination free. Dr. Isabella Mackle, 850 Morrison st Room 10. Phone Main 7820 or A-1644. CllKAP, WHKKLER & WILSON FAM ily machine No. 9, in first-class con dition. not fth st for siile. 13 cows, Income over $200 er month, close in. Phone East 1313 or directions. PERSONAL CHRONIC. NERVOUS AND 8PECIAL diseases of men and women cured by modern sclentifio methods; olectrlt treat- claim: adjoining claims have sold for , ment for dlseasea af tha eroatata: con- $5,000. See me. . 221 Morrison at, (sulfation free. Dr. W. L Howard, Com room I. 1 monwealUt bldg, Ith at, cor. Plnw DON'T BE DULL AND INACTIVE; Sexlne Pills cure all weaknesa; $1 a box, 6 for $6: full guarantee. Address or call J. G. Cleme&aon. druggist. Port land. Or. i . MOLES, WRINKLES. SUPERFLUOUS hair removed. No charge to talk It over. Mra M. D. Hill, room 830 FUed ner bldg. Phone Pacific 135. BrrPniitrL Bail- Nervous and chronic diseases of men, women and children; piles cured pain lessly and promptly; constipation, rheu matism, paralyalay goiter, cured by aci- eatlfio methods; ejeotrlo batne, lady at tendant. 4108 6th at, comer Sherman. MISS ETHEL WARD'S MAIHCURING and Chiropody parlors, la aulte 46. 851 Morrison at - -LADIES! DR, LA FRANCO'S COM J pound ; raaf a; speedy : regulator; 26 cents, druggists or mall; booklet frsa Dr. La Frauoo, I'hnaje!i.hl;, i a. Eleventh' 'Mm SEND Iff-YOUR REAL ES TATE .ANNOUNCEMENTS BEFORE 8 O'CLOCK? TO NIGHT, i 'ifVy T"? The big Sunday'' Journal' is famous for selling real estate. If you want to dispose, of your realty have recourse to the Suri- day Journal and your announce ment will catch the eye of the one who wanta your property, 200,000 EYES "., 1 , FOCUSED ON" JOURNAL ADS EVERY SUNDAY, " I.' ' 1.,. ";..(-'.':' K, . . , ' ' : S,"t.:.'S:V J''': '!,,'"'' 'S' ' Property "offeree? for sale fo .the; JournaJfihs:; ready,, tuycrs...' IT PAYS TO U E IN TH V, x . BEST, ' - THEY ALL R E AD Tl It' , JOURNAL. '