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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1907)
i '' THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING. SEPTEMBER 14, 1907. 11 , PRISON' REFORMERS IN CONVENTION AT CHICAGO Prominent lien to Address the Congress and Leaders in Study of Criminal Law and Prison Admin- istration VWill Be Heard From. V ' . ilBpwW Wpetfll Tee JoereaL) Cbleagp, .Sept,' ,4, Chicago will be 4, ' fllM with prison worker today. The "l" occasion la the annual congreas of the , National - Prison association of tha : United States, which convened thla 7;; . Cherlea X Bonaparte, attorney-general '-at 'tha United States, will turn for tha 'moment from Jailing millionaires and "bustlng" trusts to give an addraaa on "Punishment and Pardon" before tha Mfiimit. It mav well Da mat na win ''plead for leniency In tha treatment of .imprisoned inagnatea arpsr may nave - eervea Brownces vi mniuauii J Two atata govarnora will bo on hand with addreeeee. uovarnor unariea ' DanMB of Illlnola and Governor J. " '"Frank Hanly of Indiana. Mayor Buase ' of Chicago gives aa addraaa of welcome. "Other well known speakare will be Mra. - ;Maud Balllngton Booth, Bishop Samuel Fallows and tha Ker. Dr. John Baloom -' 'Shaw. ., - Students of Crime. ".The leaders In tha study of crlmtnal ' Haw and In prlaon admlniatratlon will ' be heard from. Among thoae are Judge v . Frank B. Koby of Indiana, Judge Julian .W.. Mack of Illinois, Hon. Arthur N. s8eer,of Illmol. Z.;rV Brockaway and ' Joaepi F. Scott of .New York, Major R. ; --"W. McClaughry. Fort Leavenworth. : 'Kansas, Dr. Frederick Howard Winea of ' 'South Carolina, Dr. J. T. Gllmour of - Canada, Henry Wolfer of Mlnneeota. Among tboaa prominent In preventive Work on tha program are Dr. Charles. R. iHemdaraon and Dr. H. It Hart of Chl- ' .'cago. Homer Folks, New York, J. A. LUrA-ct X)hlj.and Yf, H, .Whit taker .'of Indiana. The NatfonaT Frlaort SSSO- elation la a great semi-official organlsa tlon whose sneraberahlpcovera the North , American continent. Every aUte, three branches of tha United Btatea govern "' ) rnent tha Dominion of Canada and Ita 'provinces and a large number of cities f vtaa appointed official .delegates to the, ..Thnt subordinate organisations, thai Prison Frleon prlaon Warden' association; Physicians' assoclatlun and Chaplains' association meat In connec tion with this. The condltlona and needs of America In the field of penol ogy in the wldeat sense will be consid ered. The discussions will cover a wide range of subjects. These Include crim inal law and lta enforcement: the appre hension and Identification of prlsonera, police, cause of crime, , child aavlng work, prisons and prison administration, convict labor, probation, parole and final dlacharge of prisoners, employment for and supervision of released prisoners. The opening aeaalon will be held on this evening, when Oovernor De neen will speak and Hon. K. J. Murphy, preaident of the association, will deliver his addreas. Wham Organised. The National Prlaon association waa organlied at Cincinnati in 1870 and was framed a charter by the state of New ork in 1171. Among the doaen or more incorporatora were Horatio Seymour, Theodore W. Dwlght, Amoa Plllsbury, Rutnerford B. Hayes, Conrad Baker, Charles F. Coffin, James G. Blaine, Enoch C. Wlnea, Theodore Roosevelt. Morris K. Jessup and Frank B. Sanborn. Rutherford B. lisyes served aa president of the association from the time ho waa rovernor of Ohio until hla desth. fol owlng which General R. Brlnkerhoff of Ohio waa president for several years Amoa W. Butler, seneral secretary of the association, says: "No county or tate in the union la satisfied with Ita method of confining and carina for prlsonera. with the wonderful advancement in the oast 60 Tears In almost everv line of human effort therelhaa been compara tively iitue progress in orisons. The J8.M- system of America 4e ike reproach of Christendom. "Only by a camps I an of education cnn this be removed. The Increasing Inter. est and the forward steps recently taken (in some states thcv in notable) is largely the reault of the efforta of the National Prlaon aaaociatlon. Ita recent growth and Increasing support speaks well for the future." TM PLANT OVER Tl J STOCKHOLDERS Home Thone Will Begin Paying Dividends With in Next Sixty Days. PORTLAND AND TACOMA CONSTRUCTION ENDED Installation of Required Numbfr of Phones In Three Coast CiUeg Will B Finished Inside of Next Two Months. FUNERAL OF ENGINEER nrin tiiio ACTCDiinnn utiLLU inio ariLniiuuii Eemains of, Frank F. Gilham Buried in Riverview. yxx1 :'Gemeteiy.' - Th' funeral of Frank F. Gil nam was held, from the. chapel of Flnley & Son ".- o'clock thla afternoon. It waa largely attended by railway men with ' whom V1 deceased waa associated for many-years interment waa i ma family lot at Rtverview cemetery. Frank F. GUham was bdrn on tha 0 ,; jry-'i iiMwirtSfc.vtoifcAMi JA.a;i iiiJiiBmmdmiwii sa. ASTORIA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE COMPLAINS Asks Railroad Commission to Regulate Alleged Discrimination. Nursing Mothers and , i - Orer-burdened TTomen In til Btatloni of Ufa, whose vigor and vitality mar have bean' ndermlnd and broken-down by over -work, exacting social duties, the too frequent bearing of children, or other eaBaea, will Dnd in Dr. Pleroe'i Favorite Prescription the most Dotent. invigorating restorative strength giver ever devised for tbelr special bene fit. Nuralngmothers wniflnd It especlsl ly valuable l sustaining lijelr strength and promotlnsxn abundant Daurishment for the child. txpWtant vidchers toa win nod it prlcelesstsWtrjpxphte the svstem for baby's com in and rehdtelnR the ordeal comparatively painless. JLi pt?it!gunft hfirr7 'P "IT ttci or condltlua pLtheTemale ayytem. IWitcato. ufvoul,' weak women, who suffer from frequent headaches, dsck ache, dragglng-down distress low down in me atxiomen, or irom painiui or irri-i-nlar monthly periods, gnawing or dis tressed sensation in stomach, dizzy i faint spells, see imaginary specks or spots floating before eyes, have disagreeable, pelvic catarrhal drain, prolapsus, ante version or retro-version or other dlsplace- menta of womanly organs from weakness of part will, whether they experience many or only a few of the above symp toms, nna renei ana a permanent cum ;y using faithfully and fairly perslstontly Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. This world-famed specific for woman'i weaknesses and peculiar aumenis is a Sure glyceric extract of the choicest na ve, medicinal roots without a drop of alcohol in its make-up. All Its Ingredi ents printed in plain English on Its bottle wrapper and attested under oath. Dr. Pierce thus invites the fullest Investiga tion of his f Tmula knowing that It will be found to contain only the best agents known to the most advanced medical science of all the different schools of prac tice for the cure of woman's peculiar weaknesses and ailments. If you want to know more about thp composition and professional endorse ment of the "Favorite Prescription " send postal card request to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., for his res booklet treat ing of same. You can't -fford to accept as a substl tute for this remedy of known enmpotition a secret nostrum of unknown compost Hon. Don" -'- it Francisco. Astoria and , .;,'..: J " L: " I ,ali. hiv, ,w Mmn. niimtn bv birth. Is the present neau nst Astoria in favor of , c"""rl?. .vc t,, , k. . .w Zu.T., . " V ! of the order, having been elected juat a Whyte wrote Gen- ' J "I JJ' Z nS.'; In excSI of 2 14 centa 7 w 11 be hesTrd i year ago In .accession to the la e R. V. Bcnwerln of the lino " k ..h.ui. i bv thusuoreme court at Raleiah on ! Father Martin. At tne time oi ms AstorU receive better "", ,h " Vt,:. nri Is election Father Werns was rector oi Mr. Schwerinjhaa not had lh Vtae ca?e of 25 00S s will be of more than or- the Gregorian university here. He has to reply, althouah the let- Ec.lly J?.1 i -,'.1 i .L-Uin.r in..r. i nniitir. Tuhmv th devoted himself principally to canon - AUM Growth of the system within the next I people of Oklahoma and' Indian ferrl- law, and 1. conaidered on. of the great- few vars tory w 1 vote to accept or reject tne , est living uinunu fc "k,"j ki ha niMr an th Iew years. ........ ... .. -,m Thd Um ti ar remarkable body Frank F. Gilham. : Kewton GUham donation land claim near Mount Tabor. April 9, 1860, being 47 ' years of age. He waa the son of Gap . tain Newton Gilham, one of the early pioneers of thla aectlon. At an. early j of operating fishtraps belonging to the (Special Dfcptteh to Tbe Joans!.) Aatorla, Or., Sept. 14. During the consideration recently by the chamber of commerce of tha discrimination of the O, R, A vN. steamer, running be tween - San Portland acal Portland, Manager eral Manager asking that treatment, the courtesy ter was written Manaa-er Whvti following communication to the Oregon state railroad commission regarding the matter: The Astoria chamber of commerce dealrea to lay before you a complaint as follows: The said .San Franclaco A Portland Steamship company, which illea between Astoria, Portland and an Portland fore pay. any losses that may occur from shipwreck en route to shippers from Portland to San Francisco. But said San Franclaco A Portland fi team an Id company doea not insure rareoea hipped to and from Aatorla to San Franclaco. and in caae of shin wreck As toria shippers must incur the total loss or Insure their cargoes through Indi vidual policies. The members of the chamber of commerce hold thla to be a discrimination, and respectfully sub mit this to your honorable body for ad justment." - . ASTORIAKS FINED FOR OPERATING FISHTRAPS Within tO days the plant of the Home Telephone company here In Portland and those at Bellingham and Tacoma will be ready to be turned over to the stockholders In the respective local cor- poratlona by tbe contracting builders and underwrite. From that time on the properties will be In position to pay S per cent on their bond Issues, 4 per cent In dividends on their stock issues and provide for the operating expensee and the sinking fund which Is to be maintained for the purpose of taking up the bonda as they mature JO yeara from thla time. . Thla la the opinion and atatement of William Mi-ad of Ioa Angelea one of the heavy stockholders In the National Securities company of Los Angelea, mhih .nmnratlnn underwrote the bonds for the Portland. Tacoma and Belling ham plants. "The construction work on the Port land and the Tacoma plant, will be completed and everything In readiness to turn over to the stockholders within 0 davs," said Mr. Mead yesterday. "The Hellngham plant la practically ready to turn over at the preaant time. All of the construction work, the Con duit laying and work of that eort haa long since been done at all the plants, and all that now remains la for the contract number of phonea to be cut In. "Th honda of the three plants were underwritten hv tke National Securities company ef Los Angeles and tbe work of conatructlon was done by the Empire Electric Construction company. These two companies have practically com pleted their tasks and will have done so entirely within 0 daya. "According to the terms of the con tract the contracting company waa to build the plants in the three cltlea and turn them over with 9,000 telephones connected up and in good working order In Portland, 6,000 In Tacoma and 1,000 In Bellingham. In Portland there are now some 6,000 telephones In operation, while there are orders waiting for a total of 15,000 Instruments. The con tracting company will connect up the 9.000 Instruments, however, after which it will turn the plant over to the Port land stockholders. "In Tacoma about 1. 000 Instruments out of the 6,000 contracted have been Installed, while at Bellingham practic- 1 1 1 1 tV. -..a I Vataa kaa 4na I "VHhln 60 3.3 continued Mr ! The semi-annual ae.slon of the Mex Mead, "the Empire Electric Construe- I lean congress will be opened Monday tton company will turn the Portland evening with the reading of the message of Preeldent Dias. The appeal in the case of the state of JEWS FORECAST OF COMING WEEK . . ' ' ' i ' : ' gSMaSBgBSBJL . ,',11 , , .BgBggge-BaMSgggSg , .1 ; , ;- .'V", -v'..., ' ;' . ' f OF THE HOUR, dlcuasjd with arnetnJi In hundrwdsi of horrtM, and deallnff with tHss future material walfarM of thouaanda of younff pssople, portal n to school matttra. What oour-s sshall be taken 7 What -Wilt be the bast In the end? LET US REASON TOGETHER We may be able to help you solve the important aueatlon under consideration. These ire facts ours is a growing institution. ' We occupy 2 floors 65 by 100 feet, and have a $20,000 equipment All schoolrooms are Urge, well ventilated, perfectly lighted, warm and comfort able. Our building is new, plumbing Is modern, general conveniences are first-class in all re spects. Our faculty is composed of bookkeepers, stenographers, lawyers and others who have practiced what they teach, know business requirements, and instruct accordingly. Supervision of the work of students is close, their progress rapid and substantial. Reports are mailed to parents at intervals of two weeks. This is an incentive to regular and punctual attendance, earnest application to study, and correct deportment. It also conveys valuable information, parents, and enables them to cooperate with us to impart business-like habits to young people. ITS LEADfNO CHARACTERISTIC The dominant feature of the Portland Business College is quality of instruction. No school in America outranks it in this respect. Reputation for thorough work brings us mtny more calls for office help than we can meet A position is certain for each student as soon as competent WE TEACH THE FOLLOWING BRANCHES Spellin. Grammar, Writing Arithmetic, Correspondence. Commercial Law, Bookkeeping, Banking, Busi ness Forms. Business Practice. Corporation Accountir Office Work, Shorthand, Typewriting, -ness rorm , Copying, Manifolding. Mimeographing, Legal Form.. CALL, TELEPHONE OR WRITE Office open from 8:30 until 6 o'clock, and at any hour In the evening by appointment. PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE THB SCHOOL OF. QUALITY" TILPORD BUIL.DINO, TENTH AND MORRISON 8TREBT8 A. P. ARMSTRONG. LL. B.. Principal PHOINtJSi MAIN BG4 and A 1377 Interstate Commerce Com mission Begins Session at Chicago Next Monday. (United Press Issued Wire.) Washington, D. C, Sept. 14. The ln tsrstate commerce commission will meet in Chicago Monday to take testimony in several Important rate cases. plant over to the local stockholders. A I meeting or inese win oe neia una orii cers elected and bosrd of directors BLACK POPE PLANS VISIT TO AMERICA Successor to Father Martin Will Cross Ocean to See the Jesuits Here. (United Prssi Lessed Wlra.) Rome, Sept 14 Practloal confirma tion haa been received of the rumor that the "Black Pope," as the general of tha Jesuit order is called, will soon pay a viit in the houses of bia order in Francis Aavier wern. SAVINGS BANK or THE ,:' h. ft? V,: Tr,..nrt T.,m .7J mlt the two territories as the state of of men. The internal reguiauonaoixne ns iniham romnanta- ari verv aood Oklahoma, and at the same time will I society are very similar loinoaeu securltlea As ioon aa the properties vote for state officer, and membera or army in Mm. are turned over to the stockholders they : congress. i k snn in .he world collected In will be in running order and In such On the same day there will be char-! about 15 600 In the world coliectea in h,n. that thv wfll he ranahl nf av- r elections, involving principally ine , to yruvu.. . rr" ing tne b per cen 4 t Vrov'Z T forinhe I quesl in of nome rule and thS regul vlnciala. Every official except the gen nPtr0dWldrfdrann th. ? ? public utilities in Chicago. Min-! eral. who, I. elected for lit and can Franclaco, Insures all cargoea from s " ""1 il ' ,,mi-. ,1. -..L-iJ- neanolia and Grand Rapids. land to San Francisco, and there- I ""T"' "Vl" K'r l.iT... .V.V 1 New Jersey Democrats will ' are Mr. Ollham decided to become civil engineer and when 19 went out In charge of a party. For more than ten years he waa assistant to Chief Engi- neer Kennedy of the O. R. 4 N. cora . pany. Ha. had charge of the building of tha Uiearwater line at tne time tne O. H. & N. and Northern Pacific were at swords points and It waa largely due to Mr. Gilham a ability that the O. R. & N. triumphed over the Northern. When the Morris brothers purchased hs old Oregon City electric line and decided to build up the Clackamaa river - h. waa retained to lay It out and take Jcharge of ita-construction. Later he i laid out and planned the Oaks, the famous resort on the Willamette river. ? PincS tha consolidation of the trolley line -under the management of the Port : land'Kallway, Light & Power company he was chief engineer of the O. W. P. division of the company. Mr. Ollham leave a wife and a ' daughter. Mrs. C. Os Gibson, both of .Portland, also three brothers and three sisters aa follows: C. F. Gilham of Walla WaUa, Washington; Milo GUham, Battle Ground, Washington; Newton Gilham, Hillsdale, Oregon; Mrs. Ella 8hne. Mount Tabor; Mrs. C. W. Gay, Mount Tabor, and Mrs. W. W. Skinner, Satam, O re got i-':' " V" Gratlfylng gains in membership were "reported by the officers of the Vermont Stats Federation of Labor at the an nual convention of the organization held recently in Burlington. (Bpedtl Dispatch to The Journal.) Aatorla, Sept 14. The trials of John Moeback on three bills, charging him with fishing during tha closed seaaon, and of Knuta Nllson on two bills on similar charges were held In tha justice court yesieraay. juoepaca waa accused Columbia River Packers' association. while NHaon was accused of operating fiahtrapa belonging to Nllson & Mc Gowan. All the traps In question are located on Tenas Illlhee Island, and ac cording to the testimony submitted at the trial were not only fishing, but alao had fish in them at 9 o'clock on the morning of September 10, about three hour, before the fall fishing season opened. No evidence waa submitted by the .defense, excepting It waa claimed the ownership of the traps had not been shown, and the defendants were fined ISO and oosta on eaoh of the five counts. Notice of appeal to the circuit court waa given by tha defense. School Shoes. That wear and fit well at Rosenthal's. WASHINGTON PROPERTY INCREASES IN VALUE : onlv be deposed tor soma moral. per meet : sonal trror (such a thing has not po- . "X ,Z VX. ' I Tuesday to name candidates for gover- I curred in the 400 years or ua exisv- inklngfunrt T for the I remption of the ! "L?"d "I" "A? JV,d e.R,8i ' tnSTj' now and B B bonds' V the.; mr.,7 30'year. from ! P-bHc-n .UU convention will be held The general of the socletv l.oneot Tccordin to Mr Mead the delav In ' Th taking of testimony In the gov- working world. Every member Of tha Accoratng to Mr. Mean tne aeiay in , grlnc. ,h. sjt.HaH nn .i.iv mv writ in complaint or for will be resumed in M.w York . advice to tne very rtv ''"'i.-' tVtA tf tti n 1 d f 1 n r nf tha .v.t. m u at all three places has been due to the slow- I PI?manJ been received. The telephone instru ments and cables, and in fact all the appliances, have been held back In de livery because the factories were over loaded with orders though there la a permanent ataff of week ' secretaries, tha general la auppoaea to Mr. Me.d left yesterday for the east on a business trip. He came to Port- business connected land to attend to with the transfer of the local from the contractora to holders. lant the stock- EXERCISES IN MEMORY OF OHIO'S FOUNDERS fBDaclal . DiHMtch to Ha Journal. Chehalis. Wash., Sept. 14. The total 1 took four cowa and one bull. aasessment of Lewis countv. as equal ised by the county board, is 19.628, 826. an Increase over last year of 11,968,644. Of the cities Chahalis leads in assessed valuation, her total being J602.008. Other towns follow In the order named: Centralis, $580,187; Wlnloc. I12J.76S; Pn Ell, $81,816; Little Falls, $79,897; Toledo, $40,928. (truited Press Leased Wire.) Rutland, Maes., Sept 14. Exercises of more than ordinary interest, together with an historical pageant, were held here today under the auspices of the Rufus Putnam Memorial association to commemorate the events that led up to the founding and settlement of the state of Ohio. Rutland is known historically as the "cradle of Ohio," for here lived General Putnam who planned and matured the Ohio company, wnicn went out into the then wild western country and settled the town of Marietta In 1788. Put nam's old house here still stands, the house from which waa Issued tha call for the convention which led to the or ganisation of the Ohio company, and over the threshold of which the famous old soldier want to lead that company to the great northwest. . Tha house is I now a public memorial, with Its rooms admirably restored ana tinea with a val uable historical collection. Today'a commemoration began thla morning with a representation of the departure of General Putnam and his party for Ohio. Tha party went: with three ox teams, two yokes of oxen to each team, one two-horae carriage and General ' Putnam's saddle horse. They The party Imnnrtflnt "finvantlnna rt IViA will include those of the League of : pasa every reply.. Moreover, he must American Municapilitlea and the Araer- control men, many of whom are more lean Anti-Saloon league at the James-' Srilllant than himself, and tremendoua town exposition, the sovereign grand j fy strong-willed, and In addition ne haa lodge of Odd FellowB at St. Paul, the to conduct the external ralationa of the National Prison Association at Chicago, society. The political influence or the and the trades and labor congress of , "Black Pope" fa a matter of history. Canada at Winnipeg. Abroad there will Another ecclesiastical dignitary who meet the International Dalrv con arresa will nnn aro to the United Btatea is at The Hague, tne international con Kress ror tne btuav ana prevention or Tuberculosis at Vienna, and an interna tional conference of seismologists at The Hague. i r,,. nY.. - ------- .. Larainai ii.ciiu . -----renresent the Vatican at the Euchari.tlc TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST CO. OPEN ON SATURDAYS FROM I A. M- TO 1 P. M. AND ON SATURDAY EVENINGS FROM I TO I O'CLQCK. WE PAY 4 immT On Barings Aceounva, Interest Com pounded Seral-Annually. WE PAY 3fo ON DAILY Balances of Check Acoounta. OFFICERS: J. THORBURN ROSS - - President rncOROE H. HILL - Vice-President T. T, BURKHART - - Treasurer JNO. E. AITCHISON - - Secretary 240-244 Washington Street (Corner Second) PORTLAND, OREGON -: M- : te- " it'll ', !? 'Mi the Bon a Ami , t The Best Scooxiog Soap Made A Seeorinff Soap A MeurPolish A Glut Cleaner V started from the Rufus Putnam house and passed through the village - and back, pausing lor Drier exercises be fore the church. This afternoon a public meeting was held in Town hall, at which President Carroll D. Wright of Clark college pre alded. The principal address was given by Professor James K. Hoamor on the subject of "New England and the West." Hla address was preceded by words of greeting from representatives of the Western aociety of Boston and the Ohio society of New York. ODD FELLOWS GATHER FOR ST. PAUL SESSION (TToIted Press Leased Wire.) St. Taul, Minn., Sept 14. Odd Fel lowa from all parts of the United Btatea, Canada and Mexico gathered here today for the annual communica tion of the sovereign gratia loage, wnicn will be opened Monday. It Is estimated that by the first of the week 1 00,00 1) members of the fraternity will be in the city. For the entertainment of the dele gates already in the city there was an excursion on tbe Mississippi river today to Stillwater, where entertainment was provided for the visitors. Tomorrow services under the auspices of the order will be held in several of the churches of St. Paul. The sovereign grand lodge will be welcomed Monday bv Governor i eents. Johnson and others. The reception in Naw yprk, sole aeenta for the Onlted fcUT lit TT DlfllD VBfHUI VdlUlg NEWSPAPER PLANTS SUBJECT TO LAW (Special DUpatcb to Tba Journal.) Salem, Or., Sept. 14. In answer to an inquiry by Labor Commissioner Hoff, Attorney-General Crawford gave the opinion that newspapers and other printing establishments where motive power Is used, the buildings were liable to the factory Inspection law and would be required to pay tne inspection rees. In riving this opinion the attorney-gen eral quoted the law on the matter, and said that as manual labor waa emmoyed in the printing establlshmenta. as" far as the inspection law Is concerned they in no way differ from other lactones. THROW OUT THE LINE Give Them Help and Many Portland People Will Be Happier. "Throw Out the Life Line" The kidneys need help. They're overworked- can't get poison filtered out of the blood. They're getting worse every minute. Will you help them? Doan's Kidney Pllla have brought thousands of kidney sufferers back from the verge of deapair. Will cure any form of kidney trouble. W. Jenkins of 426 Eaat Mill street, Portland, Oregon, says: "I have no oc caslon to change anything that I Slid three years ago In recommending Doan's Kidney Pills, for since that time other members of our family havs found equally beneficial results in treating kidney complaint Before using Doan's Kidney Pllla I suffered with acute at tacks of backache and a derangement of the action of the kidneys, and dull dragging pains made It difficult for me to attend to my work. Aa the result of using this fine remedy I have been free from kidney complaint and back ache for over three years, and there fore feel great confidence In recora m"Titfng them to others." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, and the Darade on Wednesday afternoon are the principal feetures of the week's program. ' ' - . ' States. Remember the 'rjsjne Doan's end take no other. nrMu at firtaDura next, monui. Cardinal Vincenzo Vannutelll should-juot be confused with his better known and more ambitious brother, Cardinal Sera fino Vannutelll, who is prefect of the rnna-rairallnnnl Council. The tWO brothers are the grandsons of a man who rose from an altogether menial po sition to that of major domo of the flrat Napoleon'e moat beautiful sister. Prin cess Pauline Borghese. She was as free in her gifta and her expenditure aa in her affairs of the heart, and under the clrcumstancea it is not astonishing that her factotum ahould have amassed In her aervlce the large fortunea which hla two grandaons, the two cardinals, enjoy to this day. THE0S0PHISTS MEET AT CHICAGO SUNDAY (United Pim Lid Wire.) Chicago. 111., Sept. 14. Scoree of dele gates are In Chicago for the twentieth annual meeting of the American Section of the Theosophloal society, which ii tn hurin Its ae.HRlcma tomorrow. The vis itors represent almost every state of the union, as well as most parts of the civilized world. The great interest in this year's convention will be the advent nf Mrs. Annie Besant of Adyar, India, the newly eleoted world president of the society. The Theosopbical society, the objects and views of which are more or less familiar to the public, waa organized in New York in 1876 by Maraarte Helen f. Riavatskv and Colonel Henry Steele ui cott. the latter formerly a well-known newspaper man and a veteran of the civil war. Its headquarters are In Adyar, India, and it is represented by active bodies on every continent and in moat of the civilized countwea or tne world, Its lodges are self-governing and the in dividual members are accorded the ut most freedom. Mme. Blavatsky was succeeded in the presidency by Colonel Olcott and on his death early In the present year. Mra. Besant, a woman of woria renown u a, winei una muiuror, was choaan as the head of the organi zation. ' COMMON CARRIERS' REPORTS COME SLOWLY (Special Dispatch to Tbe Journal.) Salem, Or., Sept. 14. Over 20 oompa- nlea are required to present their an nual reports to the railway commission hafore Sentember IE. and UD to laat alght only three were in. The law pro vi!e a fine of $100 per day for every day each report is iaie, ana snouia many remain behind time long the receipts will go a long way toward reimbursing the state for the cost of the commis sion, A report was received yesterday aft ernoon from the Central Railroad of Oregon, a email company la Union. A synopsis of this report la as follows; Revenue from passenger traffic, $1,- from mills. I101.1T; express, Ihe Portland PORTLAND, OREGON. EUROPEAN PLAN ONLY HEADQUARTERS FOR TOURIST AND COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS. Everything to eat and drink, and It costa no more in tbe Portland Hotel Rathskeller than elsewhere in the olty. Every weekday night from 1:10 to It. sr.. O. QW1IS Kanarea. CAUTOeMTXA aXOTXU. HOTEL JFFRSON TTTBX AJTD GOV OX STRUTS. SAN FRANCISCO rBCXAX BATES New hotel, faces Jefferson Square. Two blocks from Van Neaa ave., the ? resent shopping district. Car lines ranaferrlng all over city, pasa door. Every modern convenience, J B0 rooms single or en suite. 150 private ba'.ha. American and European plana. Prlcee moderate. Omnibus meets all tralna. ST1IWABT BAXKEX 00. BBAtrxrrus raw - Hotel "Key Route Inn" 22nd Street and Broadway OAKLAND Sunny room a private hatha, long-dis tance telephones, compressed air clean ing, large lobby, cafe a la carte with oulsina and aervlce unsurpassed. For rates, etc., addraaa N. S. MULLAN, Manager. Formerly Assistant Manager Palace r:otei. can rrancisca Hotel Hamlin CODT AND UAVENWOKTH ST1 First permanent big hotel down town. Contains 100 beautifully furnished steam heated apartmanta, 40 baths. Private telephone ser vice. Samp I rooms fer commercial travelers. Eddy St ears from ferry pass the door and connect with Srd St. cars from S. P. Depot. Rates from (1.00 up. Phone Private Ex. Franklin 428. San Francisco lf0,ivr - AIVIU VAVV-Air . i?4J.60; extra baggae , and atorasre. 0frfr4HM4444 MAKES tha CKIN LIKE TOU WANT IT DOES IT IN A MOMENT A liquid preparation for Face, Neck, Arms and Hands. It Is neither sticky nor greasy. It's harmless, clean and refreshing. A . 1! iUagllUUa Cannot be detected. Two colors, Pink and White. Use It morning, noon and night, Summer, Winter, Spring, FalL SAMPLE FREE. Lyon Manufacturing Co., 44 S. Fifth St. ' Brooklyn, K. Y, GRAND HOTEL B5 Taylor St.. Near Market SAN FRANCISCO Two blocks from railroad offices, mint, postoffice and city hall. The most r..odern and handsomely fur nished hotel In the city. European plan. Rates $1.50 up. Our 'bus meets all trains. AUO. E. DRUCKER, Mgr. f i rm Hagan's Balm 190.85; total 'passenger" earnings, $3,227.(2: freight earnings, il.H4.i0; other earnings, telephone. . telegraph, etc., IH4.I2; total. earnings, ts2S4.64: operating expenses, il.27; total in come, 12,113.17. . i 1 . i ,i , I I M " - Insure against wear -and tear of fine fabrics tr ustajr oasene soap. , MILITARY AGADEMY PORTLAND ORE. A Boarding and Day School for Toung Men and Boya. Preparation for col leges, U. 8. Military and Naval Academies. Ac credited to Stanford, Berkeley, Cornell, Am herst and all State Uni versities and Agricultural Colleges. Manual train- Inav Rimfneaa nmiria. The principal haa had l fi years experience In Port- t garni. uinnuriaoia qumr . ters. Best environments. Make reservationa now. Far Illustrated catalog and other literature ad drss J. W. HILL. M.D. afriselsal and Proprietor. The Allen Preparatory School Corner K. 12th and Salmon Sta. Fits for eaatern and western colleges and scientific schools. Seventh year be gins September 1, 107, , For catalogues address The Allen Pre- earatorr SchooL ' Telephone East 4SSL ' Office boura. 4 , --h