Image provided by: University of Oregon Libraries; Eugene, OR
About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1907) THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, - PORTLAND, MONDAY5' EVENING, "V SEPTEMBER 5 2,1:1907. '7 TRIBUTE PAID WIFE OF STEVE. ADAMS Clarence Darrow Goes Into Ecstasies Oyer Splen did Characteristics Found in Wotoan Who is Life v Partner of Notorious Miner. GLOWING t-df...-j-W . -.Lrl. , trpri.;-f-f- V-- W "V- One woman'a tribute to another "wat pronounced at the Portland hotel- Sat urday night by Mra. Clarence 8. Dar row, wife of the famous attorney who defended Haywood In hi trial for the assassination of Ex-Governor Steuneu- berr. Her Dralae of Mrs. Annie Adams, wife of the notorious Steve Adams, was without etlnt and concerned the aplctt did characteristics found by Mrs. Par- row in the little woman who won tho respect and admiration of Idaho which extended even to the attorneys who H found Mrs. Adams, a true type of the miner's wife," said Mrs. uarrow. "Unapproaohable to strangers, she nuieklv - warms ' In "friendship as she learns to trust an acquaintance. When I at last knew her learned the strong wom&jH y lnatincts that belong- to ner, Itwnha a lovable, sensible, decent, nch woman, who Is sacrificing evervthlne- worldly for her husband and the western Federation of Miners, he Seemed Suspicions. "When I first met Mrs. Adams, I did not -like her. She seemed suspicious of me and afraid to say anything about herself, her husband, or the federation. In fact, she almost absolutely refused to talk for fear she might say some thing that would hurt Steve Adams' case. Another thing about her was her drn She waa attired In an old blaek skirt and shabby hat that made. her appearance anything dui attractive. "The next time I saw her a complete transformation had taken place. She was dressed In the neatest tailor-made suit I saw in Idaho. Then ahe told me about it. Friends had gone to her and said that her appearance might hurt Steve's can and urged her to get new clothes. She Is living on the money furnished by the federation and la as economical as a person can be and live. Instead of taking the money they of fered her and buying an expensive dress, she asked for $10 with which to buy cloth and made that stunning tailor-made suit herself, from a pattern she boagat. . . . . "From that time on air wsi Tnange She never appeared In any clothing but added to her personal appearance. When she went to Boise, Mrs. Adams wasnea tnthH fnp nthar neocle to make her 11 v Ing, although the federation wanted to give her money all the time. But she ' In not that kind of a woman. She Is honest with herself and with Everybody nine. Her good common sense carried her through many trials in which her courage never faltered. "Just at the close of her husband's trial, she received a telegram from her Bister stating that her mother was dy ing and her presence was imperative Immediately. - There she was, worrying and anxious over her husband's fate and waltln for the verdict which iuuai nis iirs ni death she must ero ts Vir wntMm kkA . , . f wm ........... m UVWVUWU. DU oteve in the jail, ba good-bye wit all the affection Tet she knew bade, him IM SI f MIS wiie nas ror her husband and left to nor cioines lo go to her mother. Bne was the only one in the bouse who ccepiea tne matter philosophically. Others about her were in tears, but she realized her duty and faced it bravely. Just as she was finished with her pack ing another telegram came announcing an improvement In her mother's condi tion ana ner presence would not be necessary. All Are Hounded by Sleuths. "Then woman-like she gave way. Tou iimhk inese acts or mis ooor. lr- norant woman were matter of fact and commonplace. They were, but to one who haa never lived in the midst of the miner a lot a true aoDreclatlnn nf whit iney nave to contend with can never oe reacnea. ine miners, tneir wives and even their children are hounded bv aleutha and detectives to get something even one little word, that will helo in the prosecution and conviction of members of the federation. Their very steps are ouggea ana iney are waicnea IIKe wild animals that roam the forests and plains. "Is It any wonder they have become silent, morose and suspicious to the rest or the, world? Thav have twuin libeled criminals. They have been characterised and classed as undesirable citizens because they refuse to talk to these sleuths and detectives who are eager to twist and turn their words Into Incriminating sentences that they may make a favorable report to the men who are emdovlnr them. It la the business or the detectives to do this. mat meir jobs msv last aa ions: oa noe- sibie. And the miners And their fam ilies, steeped In ignorance, but whole some and good In the main, with lov able family relations, must suffer the results or their libelous occupation. 'Mrs. Annie Adams never lost her courage, her womanliness, her gentility, or her common sense, and when ahe waa placed ot the- witness stand t14 a !-, niraignuorwara story mat carried the keenest cross-examination of the most skillful lawyers In Idaho. She was able te do it because she spoke the truth.' because she was honest and because she loved her husband, for whom shu would put her neck In the noose, if It were to save his life and vindicate the federation." Mrs. narrow came to Portland Satur- aay to meet Mr. Darrow yesterday. She received a telegram however from Mr. Darrow dated at Spokane asking her to meet mm in tne Washington city and urn i or opoaane last nignt to join him. ' r ; Cj ilW Ssiwe a Tidy Sum i isaF-hBLv-1 : - - -e-r 1 JKl $p BRITISH TRADE UNION IS CONGRESS OPENED Amendment to Factory Acts Being Discussed By Or ganized Labor. (Josrnsl Special Berries.) Bath, England. Sept. 2. All of the Itaple topics Interesting organized la bor and several new subjects are in cluded in the program for the fortieth British'' Trade Union congress which be gan here today. Among the resolutions to be submit ted are a number dealing with amend ments to the factory acts for the bene rit of various trades. On behalf of the NationalKederation of Blast Furnace Men a resolution will be proposed pro testing against the class prejudice dis played and anti-democratic policy, pur rued by the educational authorities, and demanding that the highest and most tfflcient form of secondary education be free and available to all children capable of taking advantage of it. The congress will be asked to as- ert Its a; i unlversa, sents. Din cncM mill 100CMDI c ULL fILII HOOLIll AT SEA GIRT TODAY Thirty-Two Trophies are Of fered In Different Events Scheduled. A stirring special sale of our artistic Oriental Floor Coverings in large and small sizes. Small and medium sized Rugs, or very large ones that will carpet a good sized room. This assortment contains some of the finest gems of the weavers' art, creations that the deft workers of the realms Of the Shah and Sultan toiled over sometimes for years. Rugs that are rare triumphs of artistic blendings of several colors of pleasing con trasts and of masterly skill in the weaving of intricate designs. An assortment that will appeal to the rug connoisseur with irresistible force. They are ornaments to any home. It is a double in vestment to buy an oriental rug for it is increasing in value while you are getting the use of it and have the satisfaction of owning it. The collection contains some of the finest specimens of Kirmenshahs, Sarouks, Tabriz, Bokharas, Khivas, Beloochistans, Doghestans, Shiryans, Mos souls, Kazaks, Bergamos, Anatolias and Kiskillens. Make this your opportunity, for our entire stock of oriental Rugs are reduced in price. We mention here a few sample reductions: VALUES . . $n.oo m.5o $50.00 VALUES $21.00 VALUES $100.00 VALUES, $t8.00 $86.00 $35.00 VALUES $150.00 VALUES $30.00 $126.00 find All Intermediate Prices at the Percentage of Reduction tth ploym In ur mental capacity pproval or the principle or 1 eight-nour day in an em it undue strain upon ine pnysicai ana or tne workers. the object of prevent- il( The dockers' union urge the afflrma tlon of the principles of arbitration and conciliation, both voluntary and com pulsory. In trades disputes. The es tablishment of a labor daily newspaper will be proposed to the congress by tho London society of compositors. t Today's proceedings of the congress were only formal. The mayor of Bath welcomed the delegates and in the after noon the visitors went sightseeing. The serious business of the congress will be gin tomorrow. Union W. C. T. U. Officers. (Special Dlapatcb .to The Journal.) Union, Or., Sept 2. The following of ficers of the w. C. T. U. were elected nt the annual meeting: President, Mrs. attle Wolfe; vice-president, Mrs. Delia ht: corresponding secretary, Mrs. KlttTWTurner; recording secretary, Mrs. Belle Wright; treasurer, Mrs. Hattle Clark. The Union county W. C. T. U. convention will he held at Ia Grande, October 7 and 8. CARTER'S iflVI Journal Special Sesvlee.) Seagirt. N. J., Sept. 2. Scores of riflemen of ability and wide reputation were on hand today at the opening of the seventeenth annual Sea Girt rifle shooting tournament. The tournament is to continue five days, the program consisting as usual of rifle, carbine, revolver and pistol competitions. Al together there are 32 trophies offered, some annual matches and others to be won outright. The principal match Is that for the Dryden trophy, presented by former senator Dryden of New Jersey. There is also the interstate regimental team match, open to the battalions and sep arate organisations of the United States service anq to tne regiments of the na tional guard. Other events on the program are the Company Team match. Company Tyro match. Carbine Team match. Columbia Trophy match. Veteran Organization Team matfch, Gould Rapid Fire Team match. Individual Rapid Fire match. All-Comers' Military match, Hayes match, uenerai is. v. Meany match, New Jersey State Rifle Association Trophy match. Spencer match, Reading match. Hale., match and a Press ana Inspectors' marches. There will also be a number of revolver matches. A new match is one for the Sea Girt championship of 1907 for a medal given by the governor of New Jersey and a number of cash prizes. ALBINA WILL SOOI! HAVE READING ROOM Portland Public Library to Open Branch on Williams Avenue. News of Child's School Shoes 'fritni Maker" Shoes Ml Same Pricts Style 550. Girls' Shoes. Plump kid lace Blucher Shoes, made with extension soles of eastern oak tannage, patent tip, dull calf tops; a very splendid wearer. "Friend Maker." See prices below. Style B550. Girls' plump kid button Shoes, same last and style as 550 only button. "Friend Maker." See prices below. Style 562. Girls' Shoes. Plump kid lace Shoes, with dull calf tops, made with a good heavy sole, but no extension; very neat appearance and good wearer. "Friend Maker." See prices below. Style 500. Girls Shoes. Patent lace Blucher, medium toe; dull calf top; close edge extension soles. Is certainly wonderful value. See prices below. "FRIEND MAKER LINES AND FRIEND MAKER PRICES" Sizes 5 to 8 . . $1A9 , Sizes 11 lo 2 . $2.19 Sizes 8i to 11 . $1.79 Sizes 21 to 7. . $2.69 Boys' Shoes; Our Leaders. For the price this is the best shoe you have ever used. Style 758. Boys' porpoise hide lace Shoes, made with heavy soles, brass quilted "S" style. These are fastened with brass screw nails, passing entirely through the sole and clinch ing to a heavy solid leather ife-R.-.- ir- inner sole. Fitted with peb ble goat top. An excellent shoe. Size. Price. 8tf to Wt fi.eo 1 to 2 fl.80 2V to Stf .f2.00 FIFTH STREET N STREET Royal Worcester Cor selsFall Styles American Corsets for American women. AnrX that means the best corset made for the best women on earth. Women who can buy the Royal Worcester Corsets have long ago abandoned the idea that it is necessary to buy imported corsets. They well know that every advantage that money and brains can pro duce is embodied in the peerless Royal Worcester. ' The fall models of these world famous corsets are ready in our second floor corset department. Have your fall and winter dresses fitted over the corset you'll wear them over. And see to it RIGHT NOW that you have the corset model for your figure and for this season's gowns. We have them in 10 different styles for all figures-Light msniNGTo SIXTH STREET or neavy bonrags, and priced all the way from 50c to $25. Our fitters will be pleased to demon strate their advantages to you. u i Summer Trips EASTWARD CURE dick Eeadach and reUereall ti ttoablas ineS drat to a bllltma stats of the system, saoh as DiuinM, Naoaaa. Prowiln , IHatma after sating. Pain in the Side, fee. Wail thai moat tainarkable sueoets has boan shown in oarisa: SUCK Ssadaehs. yet Carter's Little Liver Pills at ' quail; valuable in Oonatiptlon, curing and pra vrating tbls annoying complaint, walla theralse correct all disorders of thestomaen,stlmalaia the Bw and regulate the bowels. Sveairtneyeaiy area mm Xeh they weald be almost priceless to those who suffer from this diatraaaing complaint; butforto. natal r their goodness doaa notend bare .and those Who ones try them will And these little piUs valif bis to so many wsts tuatUiey will not be wit Jlagte do without them.. But after ail a to head AH! Is the bans of so many uvea mat nerau wners we make our great boast. Oor pills ours it while outers do not. i Cartar-a tittle limr Pills are very email and very assy to take. One or two pille make a does. They are atriotly vegetable and do not gripe forge, bat by thetf geatftoaettoa. please ell fttt lb!!! ' - urns idsienn o&e txw tost - The Portland public library has se cured a store In the middle of the block occupied by the Emporium Outfitting company on Williams avenue, Alblna, and will open a branch reading; room Just as soon as some repairs and alter ations can be made. This library will be centrally located, in tne middle of the shopping district, within a block and a half of the Williams arenue school. ' The room will be made as attractive as possible, fitted up with tables and chairs for reading; purposes, and will be placed under the care of a trained librarian. A small collection of books will be placed upon the shelves, a full list of bulletins and catalogues Of the library will be kent for reference and dally delivery of books asked for be made from the central library. Those who. are already members of the central library can use their cards at Alblna. . - a Hampton Principal at Pendleton. (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) Pendleton, Or., Sent. 2. A. C. Hamp ton, who was a teacher last year at Moro and who was elected assistant Erinclpal of the high school at The 'alles for this year, has been elected principal of the Pendleton high school. REMAINS OF HERO - Arranarementa for the funeral of Out E. Moore, who. at the sacrifice f his own life saved two young men from death In Lake, Michigan at Chicago Bun day, August 25, have been completed. Word was received this mornlne by the rnother, Mrs. n. X.- MborerwhdTrve at J9" Eurene street, that the O. R. A N. train bearing; the remains of her heroic son was on time and would arrive at !: o'clock this evening. There will be no services m the city. TO; THE NEW ENGLAND STATES, NEW AND EASTERN CANADA TXOXZTS OH aUXB SEPTEMBER 11-13-13, 190? Take advantage of the low Summer tourist fares to Eastern points. For full information and reservations, call on YORK A. D. CHARLTON, A. G. P. 805 Morris on Btrewt, VOBTXAJTO, OXBOOV. A. Northern Pacific Railway IMGI0N XMxrwmaxTU. HEIL1QTHEATRE 14th and Washington Phona Mala I two rmuroBjeuroxs tosat - Labor Day Mat inee 9:15 H Toaifbt, aas. I Tomorrow Wight o)SA JBEBflim This thirteenth annual sqnatio event will be the meet spectacular ever held in the Northwest. SEPTEMBER 2. 3 & 4 Balling lUeea. Land 8 porta, Oraatry Fair, Tlkiag PaoweBtrj. Monemaa will rerive their BKWt aaeieai iitiou in aweet eong ana neroio ueaa 01 Taior. 100.00 in cael priaoa. Tea Tkoaaead Vonragiau il present their world femooe SJENGERFEST AUG. St AMD SEPT. 1 Am Low fetes on all rail and eteemboat lines ASTORIA, OREGON Funeral rites will bs observed at the crematorium tomorrow afternoon at 3 oociraeith a cient Order of United Workmen. The body will be taken to the home on Eu gene street immediately upon Its arrival at the Union depot. EXPOSITION RINK wAwmrQTOw aits itx t. 9 Jolly Weeks 9 Commencing Uonday Zvenlnf SEPTEMBER 2 TO 14 Afternoon and Evening; from lOO to Bi30 p. m. and 70 to 10 80 p. m. POBTLABD 0KOCEJUT mifi PURE rOOD SHOW Slaty Sxhlbits, Costing' Thoasands of DoUara. 900 Fretty Olrls. Musical, educational and entertaining rogram each afternoon and evening, aby shows and contests each, after- General admission ...15o (With 0 roc ex Tickets.) Afternoon lOo evening- 15o Askronr Oroeer for arooenr Ticket. This Is Your Opportunity For seetiring a lot in what many consider the most delight ful homesite in Portland. Here you have An Abundance of Natural Shade A view of the mountains and Columbia river unsurpassed from any other table-land property. Plenty of good Oregon sunshine and air are yours. The Street Grading When completed, will be strictly to city ordinance, and in the next few months the Albert Car Line Will be extended right into the heart of the addition. Rigid Building Restrictions Are attracting the best class of home-builders. Its future is assured it is .an Opportunity for Investment You simply cannot afford to overlook, and the terms and Payments are easy enough to fit the most modest income, ee it tomorrow, secure your lot, take your first step toward independence. F. B. HOLBROOK CO. 250 Stark Street Phone Main 5396. Portland, Oregon U&o STAR .hBdM'on?.alA-.SS. Wee Of Boot. L R. E. FRENCH STOCK CO. PRESENTS "-"Jnmiw- Mii OKB.'? Regular matinee days, Sundays. Tues evening at Reserve days, Thursdays and Saturdays at 1:30 Prices 10c and 10c. Every e 8:16. Prices lOo, 20o and lOo. Prices 10c and 10c. Every seats by both phonea THE aRXlNQ wmx or iipvjjjgjm a, is?. An AU-Star BUI Headed by fAKSa B. . poota AiroatBirATUayoaao. - Special added attraction, AL JOLSON, the Greatest . Monologuist on the Stage. 81x other bis acts. Three ahows daUy at J:S0, 7:S0 and :!. atzcxAJws ajtd rcujraxjra VAJCOTTS Georgia Minstrels Fun Fast and Furious. ' FOrtrLAJs vmzOBS MaUnea. 3 So and ' 60c. Evening;, J6c, ISo, 60c and 7Se. Parade at high noon today. Concert In front of theatre tonight, 7.:I0. Beats now selling at theatre. HeiHg Theatre astajtob iau orzars tosat. Wednesday, Thursday. Friday, Satur day nights, September 4-5-6-7. Special price matinee Saturday. CYRIL, SCOTT In Edward Peple's Delightful COXXBT SBAJCA "The Prince Chap" Evening- Prices Lower floor. 11.60. S4C $1.00; b S5c, S5o. J 6c, t5c. cony, 11.00, 76c, 60e; gallery, Matinee Prices 11.00. 76c, 80c, ' Seat sale at theatre. MARQUAM GRAND (Phone Main .) OPERA SEASON OPENS TONIGHT "TJB OAXXrOXJTXAjrar la Victor Herbert's Masterpiece THE SERENADE J "'Prlcaa-I6e4 80c 76, i- - BAKER THEATRE .ffitf GEO. L. BAKER; Oeri. Manager, , TosUerbt. All Week. Matinee Saturday. sOrXCZAX. XATUrSB TOSAT, &abmr Bar Famous Baker Stock Company in jHenry Arthur Jones'' Comedy, TMI3 LIARS" Evening Prteea, Jlo, SSo, 60e, Matinee, ... lee, zee. i LYRIC TH Botk raoaewt 13ATRE Itaia S5, XemeA-lOSC. iciay, Dept. t. (Mot Say) Week commencing Monday, Sept I. eh.1.1 wttliua TcdaV fJUSBor Pari Allen Stock CfcTrenw ier ie (?(! I. .Waa A Vws aAB-a-XAirc.'' Matinees Tuesday,. Thursday. Haiiirdair and Sunday. ' Prices 10c JjTJ evening at :1. Priees 10. iOa r, . ri nir M ooen 19 a. m. to 10 p. m. Sew Vyrto Btoek Oo, "The Bays ef Hi.- C -A