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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL), . PORTLAND) MONDAY EVENING " AUGUST 28,' , 1007. . J Alsdnlifldy Every Article m file liise is Starply leli si PURINQ THE CLEAN-OUT OF THE PRESENT STOCKS O P Sales of Special Interest to Housekeepers On This Weelc PORTLAND'S NEWEST and BEST DEPARTMENT STORE v , . sw sk r FROM 2ND TO 3RD.JJ CNTIBE BLOCK ON YAMHILL The Same Goods fJ Hundreds of Extra Special Bargains Throughout the Store Go Unmentioned Today for Lack of Space in Which to Tell Their Story Prove J!?,, "Reorganization Sale" by Comparison! 1 Xr1 retlljr "P0" ' more merchandise tomorrow if founding purchasers will shop around a 0Zilt before coming here. There't a difference in toreeand in stores bargain. We want you to tuuy reauae tne importance of this exact fact Lait week we aold thousands of dollars more In merchandise than in the opening days of any of the former big tales at the store. It's a good store that keeps growing; that holds so nearly all the friends it makes and keeps on winning more. No store, under ordinary circumstances and conditions could afford nor would they deem it ad visableto sacrifice on absolutely every article in the store at this season. But reorganisation, with new aims, new policies, and new plans, make it imperative with us to dispose of all present atocks without delay, no matter what the present loss. So bargains here are bigger and more plentiful tnan at any other Portland store. Examples of the values brought about by the "Reorganisation bale are printed here. Compare them please with those of other stores. Magnificent Ostrich Feathers THAT SHOE SALE'S ffi TOWN AGOG Every tonsue is talking of the bargains. This remarkable sale of footwear is booked for continuation the coming week. The great "Reorganization Sale" now on at the Golden Eagle has been the theme on every tongue for tne past weea. ine values have been and are phenomenal. Many changes for the better have taken place and others are being planned. Among the important changes is that of having secured a new and EXPERT SHOE BUYER AND DEPARTMENT MANAGER one of the best known and most experienced shoe men on the coast, in fact, a man who has few super iors in shoe lore in America. He has been very busy since his advent among us rearranging and segregating the shoe stocks. Pair by pair he has gone through the great convention of footwear in our shoe stores and he's kept up a running fire of criticism. Too many of some too few of others, and well to make a long story short, he wants to close out the "whole business" and buy a full new stock. That's "reorganisation" with a vengeance. We're .going to give him his way and clean out the entire present stock regardless of cost or loss. The reductions our new shoe department manager has put upon the shoes are without precedent in the history of shoe selling in Port land. The bargains are unparelleled. A few examples of the marvelous bar gains are told below; WOMEN'S $3.00 AND $3.50 SHOES AND OXFORDS, f 1.35. 6,000 Pairs Women's Shoes and Oxfords, in patent colt, patent kid, gun metal calf, chocolate vici kid, Russian call and black vici kid, light and heavy aolea, new atyle tips, toes and heels; values at $3.00 and $3.50; M or special, pair M.J) MEN'S $340, $4.00 AND $5.00 SHOES, f 1.98. 4,000 Pairs Men's "White House" Shoes, also other famous makes, high or low cut, button, Blucher and lace styles, hand-turned or welt soles, in patent kid, patent colt, gunmetal calf, black vici kid and chocolate kid; Cl HO values at $340, $4.00 and $5.00; special, pair pi.?0 MEN'S $3.50, $4.00 AND $5.00 SHOES, f 1.98. Another line of Men's Shoes, in patent colt, box calf, gunmetal calf and vici kid; Blucher, lace and congress styles, with good hand-made oak M AO soles; valuea at $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00; special pi.70 Ostrich Plumes are "the thing" for the fall and winter, so saya Dame Fashion, and we offer here an opportunity for all to follow her dictates at very slight ex pense compared with what it would or dinarily cost A special, almost incred ible purchase, from one of the best man ufacturers of Ostrich Plumes in the world, admits our making prices that are absolutely astonishing. We offer a collection which embraces every kind of Ostrich Plume made. We ask the at tention especially of the milliners about town to this sale. Well save you money on Ostrich Plumes, for instance well sell tomorrow: $5.00 Ostrich Tips, Aq Or at 0O,LO $1.50 Ostrich Tips, nn at QIC $2.00 Ostrich Tips, nn at Hac $10.00 Ostrich Tips, Qij Black, white and beautiful colorings. WE'RE BOMBARDING THE TOWN THE WAR IS ON ! WE'RE AFTER THE BIG TRUSTS And well have the acalo of the combine with their "gentlemen's agreement" dangling iron our belt before the winter rains are over. If every carpet and rug buyer will visit this store before they purchase floor coverings.'- well absolutely guarantee to save them 25 per cent on their rugs, linoleums and carpets, and well agree to break. up that infamous ring who are bound by their gentlemen a agreement to keep up carpet prices and, incidentally, comoel every housewife in town to oav the highest nrices asked on the coast for house furnishings. Shoo around. you'll find the same prices everywhere on the same floor coverings, excepting here. That's "ring rule. We're not in the ring; our prices are at least a fourth less than any other store asks. Help us to smash the carpet trust, and thereby help yourself to save in fitting up your home. Here's a sample of the Golden Eagle's Carpet prices; In beautiful floral and oriental designs and medallion oat-" terns. Generous, splendid choosing, handsome floor cover. the prices in two. Read: Rpd fnnrain Art 3n.i5.rpe uws. Aaaja uiti iui wjmui w lng,nd we cut M JO Art Souarea, size 6x9, an $8.00 value, o no )iL0 special at t. $i70 1 12 Art Squares, size 9x12, a $9.75 value, gjj Art Sauares. size 6x9. a $5.00 value. special at Art Squares, size 7x9, a $6.00 value, special at BEDDING BARGAINS SAVINGS WORTH WHILE $1.75 COTTON BLANKETS, $1.29 Extra size white cotton Blankets, regular value $1.75; special, 2Q $2.00 COMFORTS, f 1.49 Good size fancy covered Comforters, dark and light, clean cotton filled; regular val ue $2.00; special, ja each $1.49 $1.25 FEATHER PILLOWS. 98 Extra heavy fancy tick covered Pil lows, filled with good, clean goose and turkey feathers, mixed weight; reg ular value $1.25; spe- 98c 89c BLANKETS, 59 Good size gray and tan colored Blankets; reg ular 89c; special at, per 59c GLASS and CHINA WARE SAVE IN THE SALE Here's a sale can fit out the tablea in every home in Portland. We'd like for them all to be represented here tomorrow. Will you come or send some one from your home to see these bargains tomorrow? Thin blown Table Tumblers, 9-oz. capac ity, perfect clear glass, thin and delicate as a wafer, decorated in handsome engravings, three different styles to choose from. One a lace border, another a wreath of clusters of grapes, the other an artistic floral design. Regular values $1.00 per dozen; special, OA at, per set of six aC Limit six to a customer. CUSPIDORS Tinted Cuspidors, good serviceable ones, large size. Regular 35c 1A value; special l"C GLASS FRUIT AND SALAD BOWLS Fancy cut glass patterns, fancy crimped edge; good 15c values; special at, each ; JjC H0USEFURNISB1NGS A QUARTET OF STIRRING VALUES $3.00 LACE CURTAINS, fl.79 Nottingham Lace Curtains, point drap ery pattern, 3 yards long, 34 inches wide; regular value $3.00; 7Q special, the pair plf 7 $2.00 BED SPREADS, fl.49 Full size white Bed Spreads, Marseilles pat tern: regular value $2.00: dt an special, each wl47 50c WINDOW SHADES. 29 6-fooi Opaque Window Shades; regular value 50c; special each.. C $1.50 COUCH COVERS. 98 Full size Roman stripe Couch Covert, fringe all around. 50 inches wide. 0 feet long: regular value $1.50; special AO each 70C J " ., t . - :- . ggg . I 1 U I I MEANS DEATH TO URJHB&U Quarantine Rules Provide for Fumigation Here of All Coasters. U for HARRIMAN LINER COSTA RICA FIRST ponsible for the new regulation. The fumigation will not only destroy every plague germ that might lurk In the hold of the vessel, but It will also put an end to the existence of every rat now living high and happily within the iron ide of the San Francisco liner. The rat and germ-kllling process will be commenced this afternoon when the cargo has been discharged and when ut. iionn arrives rrom Astoria. Ur, this morninr to cable across the At lantic the depth of water in the channel from Portland to the sea, the query coming all the way from Bergen. Nor way. The answer will be cabled back at once. fhat draft can steamer Vessel Arrived From San Francisco Yesterday Morning, Where Sev eral Oases of Disease Believed to Be Bubonic Plague Exist. The steamer Costa Rica, which ar rived here yesterday morning from San Francisco, will be the first vessel to be fumigated in accordance with the rule Just established for the purpose of pre venting a spread of disease along the coast. A couple of eases diagnosed as bubonic plague which developed at San Francisco about three weeks ago are re- Norwegian steamship owners are sending more vessels here than ever, and they are beginning to look upon thin part of the world as a good field of v. m . . . . .7. i ui'crauuiiD, j. no CHUieKram rfcwivcu "?"? ha. the code sigfca- YenneV of th7 V.7i f "Vr.iVh -in lure - Jc." ad reads as follows: conduct th fumigation, and th nrew I "Bergen, Aug. 24. Harbormaster, of the eraft will than h mIim Intn Portland, Or. W consultation for the removal of the "afely loadr doomed rats. The hatches will be bat- The pilots of the port have Just com tened down tightly when the fumes of pleted a survey of the channel, and some powerful disinfectant are turned when a few shoals have been dusr out on and it is believed that the steamer the channel will easily be navigable by will be free from rats for at least sev- vessels drawing 28 feet, except during eral weeks until a new herd manages low water, although -easels drawing 24 to steal aboard at the wharf her or at and 26 feet can be taken care of most of nan f rancisco. tne time. Tt i n. . ... In years past several deep-draft ves was held up by quarantine restriTo ?EtwiLh here and for that reason the fumiiratlnn freight, and among them was the larg- of every craft arriving from San ran- f" T?orw1?8T,a" tramp steamer anoat. Cisco and other coast ports will be the Henr k Ibsen, registering 2,960 tons watched with considerable Interest. The n5V" ;nerV no ,quiu v. ul rule provides that the fumes be turned Lihtot'Lr'gu 'relghters being on immediately arter the inward cargo I "" " , nas Decn oiscnarged and every craft must be fumigated at least once a WILL SAIL SATURDAY. montn, u maxing port tnat orten. .T.vft ma aiwvm wi many m, m i. n . -r from San Francisco each week the fuml- Steamer Alliance Is Being Over- ratlnsr official will find themnelven pretty busy until the bubonlo plague scare nas Diown over. xno uosta Klca is at Ainsworth wharf. hauled on Dry dock. The steamer Alliance will be ready to resume operations between Portland and Coos pay next Friday, and Saturday night she will sail south for the first time since sne was partly wrecked by the Harriman liner City of Panama NVnurpirljui StA.mshln rWnm r'.hl. cutting Into her stern in a collision at D ...... I the mouth of the Willamette SEEK INFORMATION. for Depth of Channel. CONDENSED REPORT Of The United-States National Bank Submitted to the Comptroller of the Currency at the Close of Business Au gust it, 1907. ASSETS. LIABILITIES. Leans and discount 3,6S1,12.! Capital t 600.000 00 U. 8 bonds to secure cir- Surplus and undivided eulatlon ............. B00.000.00 profits 409,000.69 u.jfl. and other bonds Circulation 487,700.00 .d Pre Dividends unpaid 240.00 yeSnk building 126,000.00 Deposits 7,140,238.69 Money on call In K. T....I 100,000,00 Caan ani due front banks H,94t,790.10 IS.442.790.I0 ' - 8,617.17.t 18,627,179.28. . , Attest Correct: . J. C. AINSWORTH, President river. The Alliance was raised on the drv- Harbormaster Speler was called upon SSpPie"1 yarV and Is beufg thoroughly" overnauiea na paincea. ene wiu oe lowered from the dock next Thursday and taken to Couch street dock to load. Traffic between Portland and Coos Bar Is steadily Increasing and both the Alliance and Breakwater nave Had about all the freight and passenger business tney nave Deen ante to nanaie or late. i ne ureaKwater was put on tne run a few months ago as a result of continued agitation for more frequent service. The Breakwater satis from Oak street dock tonight sistlng of 20,000 cases of canned salmon, was lost and the vessel has broken to pieces. GETS MACHINERY HERE. Steam Schooner Grays Harbor Is Launched at Aberdeen. Aberdeen, Wash., Aug. 26. The new steam schooner Grays Harbor, waa suc cessfully launched Saturday afternoon, Mrs. Charles Johnson of East Heron street breaking the bottle, and christen ing the vessel. After the necessary fin ishing touches have been put on her she will be towed to Portland, where she will receive her machinery at th Wil lamette Iron Works. The Orava Harbor wax hull h h. Lindstrom Shipbuilding company and is 187 feet long, 38 wide and 13 feet deep. She will be used as a lumber rsrrlpr under the command of Captain F. C. Howard. She is owned bv Sudden A Chrlstensen of San Francisco. MARINE INTELLIGENCE RUSHING TO RESCUE. John Currier Survivors Will Soon Be on Cutter. The revenue cutter Mannlnr. which has been dispatched to the island in Nelson lagoon on which the survivors of the wreck of the American bark John Currier are waiting to be rescued will reacn ner destination sometime this week and she Is expected to bring the survivors to Astoria with all nossibla haste. . . There are nearly 800 peonla In the S arty, about three fourths Of them being a panes and Chinese. The John Cur rier was wrecked on an unchartered rock shortly after having left Nusha gak with the pack of the Alaska Fish ermen's association. ,Xne cargo, eon- Regalar Xilners Due to Arrive. Roanoke. San Pedro and way.... Aug. 27 R. I. Inman. San Francisco Aua- 28 Breakwater. Coos Bay Aug. SO City of Panama San Francisco. Aue. Si Redondo, Seattle 8ept. 1 Arabia, orient Sent, l G. W. Elder, San Pedro and way. .Sept 8 Johan Poulsen, San Francisco. .Sept. 3 Alliance, coor nay Sept 6 Costa Rica. San Francisco Sent. Alesia, Opr. as Sept. 16 Nicomedla. orient October 1 Numantta, orient Oct 20 Hegviar miners to Depart. Breakwater. Coos Bay Auar26 Costa Rica, San Francisco Aug 28 Roanoke, San Pedro and way...Atlg. 29 Numantla, orient Aug. 31 Alliance. tjDos uay Auar. 31 R. D. Inman. San Francl.ieo Sent 3 City of Panama, San Francisco .. Se'pt 3 Redondo, Seattle ani way 8opt. 8 v. w. .iaer, oan rearo ana way. wept. 6 Johan Poulsen, San Francisco. . .Sept. 10 Arabia, orient Sept. 15 Aiesia. orient ..Bept. 26 Nicomedla, orient .Oct 10 easels la Port. Tola. Br. ah Elevator dock Dalgonar, Br. sh Columbia No. 2 Bee, Am. sch Willamette I. A 8. Wka Lyra, Am. str .'Astoria Conway Castle, Br. bk Greenwich Siam. Or. sh. .... .Portland Lumber Co. Alliance, Am. str Supple' s yard King Cyrjis, Am. sch. .Standard Box Co, Beulah. Am. sch Astoria Cascades. Am. str Tongue Point vlncennes. Fr. bk Columbia No. 1 North King, Am. tug Astoria Antelope. Am. sch... Churchill, Am. sch.., Yosemite. Am. str. . Breakwater. Am. str. Numantla, Oer. str.. Queen Alexandra, Br. St eHcholas. Am. sh. Alverna, Am. sch IiOkme, Am. str .Foot of Lincoln .Astoria Linntori Oak street Montgomery str Linnton Astoria .8t Johns Astoria , . Martin's dock Strathness, Br. ae.. Portland Lumber Co. North Star, Am. tug Astoria Americana, Am. sch On way up Gardiner City. Am. bktn Astoria Alice McDonald, Am. sch, Astoria Aurella, Am. ss Vancouver Costa Rica, Am. sh Atnsworth Ii umber Carriers En Bout. Thomas L. Wand. Am. str.San Francisco Coaster, Am. str San Francisco Hugie M. Hummer, Am. sch . . .Guaymas Wasp, Am. str San FranciBco Lettltla, Am. sch San Francisco Berlin, Am. sh Nushagak Wrestler. Am. bktn San Pedro Annie m. Campbell, Am. sch, San Francisco Glendale, Am. sch San Francisco Honolpu. Am. sch Redondo Oliver J. Olson. Am. sch.. San Francisco Mabel Gale. Am. sen San Francisco Andy Mahoney, Am. sch . .San Francisco En Route With Cement and General. Dumourn, nr. an wamDUrg Brenn, Fr. bk Hull Europe, Br. bk Antwerp ieiievive muunos, r r. ok. ..... . londOD Rene Kervller, Fr. sh Hamburg Laennec Fr. sh Swansea Le PUler, Fr. bk London Martha Roux, Fr. bk. Hamburg Mozambique. Br. sh Newcastle. K Samoa, Br. bk Shields Thiers, Fr. sh Newcastle. E Marechael Turrene, Fr. bk Hamburg Ville de Mulhouse, Fr. bk Antwerp Guethary. Fr. bk Antwerp S L'k- Antwerp Tiucn nuuoj, r. mn Antwerp Glenessllh, Br. sh Antwerp Versailles, Fr. bk Leitn General de Boisdeffre. Fr. bk ..London enerai ae iegner t r. DK. Bayard. Fr. bk ' Villa de Dijon, Fr. bk Alic- Marie, Fr. bk Antwerp Kiuffjic ncigamnu, r r. ok Antwern .London , .Antwerp , .Antwerp STRATHNESS ARRIVES. Another Big LumberCarrier Reaches Portland. The large British steamer Strath ness will be in the harbor this evening to load a cargo of lumber for Melbourne, Australia. She arrived at Astoria this morning from Guaymas, under charter to the Amerloan Trading company. The cargo will be furnished by the Portland Lumber company. The British steamer Queen Alexandra which arrrived here Saturday night and went to Linnton to load lumber for the orient under charter to the Pacific Ex port Lumber company, made a fast run from Java to Vanoouver. B. C, cover ing the distance In 34 days. She brought a cargo or sugar and arter discharging it at the refinery at Vancouver came on to this port. The American steamer Lyra, Captain Armstrong, has cleared for La Boca, Panama, wth 2,660,680 feet of lumber, vaiuea at .so1i;m. i no cargo was rur nlshed bv the Portland Lumber com pany. This is the first lumber cargo sent from here to Panama for a long time. ALOXG THE WATERFRONT H. Haekfleld. Or. bk. Arctic Stream. Br. sh Crown of India, Br. bk.. Cornil Bart, Fr. bk Jules Gommcs, Fr. bk... Colonel E. L. Drake. Am. str. t. Linn ton Compear, Am. ca...AJl....Ajitorla Honolulu .Rotterdam . . .Antwerp . . .Antwerp .Rotterdam Coal Ships Bn Sonte. Belen, Fr. bk Newcastle. X Col. de VUlebois Marenll, Fr. bk 'V'i, Newcastle, A. Claverdon, Br. Bh Newcastle, A. Willscott Am. bk Newcastle. A. Port Patrick, Br. sh,,.... Newcastle, A. St Mlrren, Br. sh Newcastle, A. Crlllon. Fr. bk Newcastle. A. Ardencraig, Br. bk Newcastle. A. Eugene Schneider, Fr. bk. Newcastle, A. Buffon. Fr. bk. . . ,. . . . . .Nviti k xiocK, Br. aa. Sydney, A, rteaniu. nr. ss N.w.n. a nignt tempiar, Br. aa.. . Newcastle, A jyinenc, or. air Newcastle, A Henry Vlllard. Am. atr. . . Nnwonstla. a Thordia. Nor. str Morovan. Janan Tramp sjteamare En Bonte. Bra, Ger. as Hakodate. Japan Elsa, Nor. se San Francisco African Monarch. Rr .....Janan Jethou, Nor. ss San Francisco Oil Steamers Sue. - Atlas. A hi. str San Francisco GoL Ei T. Drake, Am. str San Francisco Santa Maria, Am. ss. ...Port Hartford En. Kouta to Load. Orala. Gael Fr. bk Pu get Sound Turgot, Fr. bk...,,.......Pugt Sound The steam schooner Johan Poulsen nas sailed lor san Francisco with a cargo of grain and lumber. Several vessels arrived at Astoria this morning, all of them being engaged In the coasting trade. A three-masted bark, supposed to be one of the French coal carriers from Australia, la reported outside. The steam schooner Lakme Is at Mar tin's c'ock in North Portland discharg ing cargo, one arnvea yesteraay irora Eureka. The French bark Guethary was char tered this morning to carry a cargo of wneat irom mis port to turope. sne Is now en route to Portland from Ant werp with a cargo of cement ffl&tes to Europe are Arm and, it Is said, growing' unnor every uajr. The steamer Beaver carried n . cursion party down the river yesterday and a few young hoodlums caused con siderable trouble until they were "put out of business" by the officers of th boat A deckhand belonging to the steam Charles R. Spencer caused bis com panions much mental anguish by leav ing his Clothing at the aanamlanlr la. such manner as to Indicate that ha ha, fallen overboard. A search led to his discovery In a downtown' resort. The steamer Breakwater sails from Oak street dock for Coos bay this even" The steamer Bailey Gatiert will so en the Portland-Tha Dalles run naxt Wednesday In place of the chartered steamer Telephone. - - j MARINE NOTES. c . Astoria. schooner Americana. k r.. T. S."" ta?J.A"HiK San rfan: mastea - oarK . a schooner. Arrived auos - jaojuoaaia. Arrived at 10:45 a. m., barkentlrle Gar diner City, from Los Angeles. Arrived at 10:80 a. m., schooner Campeer. front San Francisco. - r , San Francisco, Aug. IS. Arriyad. . steamer George W. Elder, from Port land. .. Astoria. Aug. IB. Arrived down at midnight and sailed at 2:20 p. in., steamer Catinla, for San Franolsoo, Arrived down last night and sailed at 4:ia p. m., steamer Redondo, lor Seat-' tie. Arrived at 9:36 a. m Brttlsh 1 steamer Strathness, from Guaytna.i. Arrived at 10 a. m,. steamer North 1 King, from Alaska. Arrived at 10:30 a. m., schooner Americana, from Los Angeles. Sailed at S p. m., steamer F. H. Leggett with log raft in tow, for San Francisco. Arrived at 6:20 p.. m steamer Elmore, from Tillamook. San Franolsoo, Aug. 26. Arrived, steamers City of Panama and Excelsior. ' from Portland. Sailed last night. steamer tx. u. inman. lor rortiana. Astoria, Aug. 86. Condition at the mouth of the Columbia at I aw m., rough; wind northwest eight miles; weather clear. . ' , Tides at Astoria today High water, 2:28 a. m., 8.7 feet; 3:08 p. m., 8.7 feet; low water, 8:58 a, m.,i 0.1 feet; :2 p. m., 1.2 feet . ' SECEET POLICE AT ANARCHISTS' SESSION (Joarctl Special Sanrlca.) Amsterdam, Aug. 28. Every country of Europe haa aent some of ite moat efficient secret police to Amsterdam to keep an eye on the anarchists who ' gather here this week for their Interna- -tional congress. Though all that con cerns the congress haa been kept a cloae seoret enough has leaked out of the program to cauae the various govern ments and the heads of state to sit up and take notice. . TJia promotion of anarchism among r civilized nationa Is the announced pur POM,S Jn eowrresa, Incidentally, It . la said, (ha ranm,i will ttnirf V.- llg totermlnehy lot who aKall have , the '"honor" of ' aaaaaalnatlrf Ihnur whose death haa been decreed. A pro- . visional iiai or tnose to be executed is ,ai? .t0 drawn up already. Which embraces the namaa f tha aaar , of Busela, the emperor of Germany sad " juub wi naiy ana ijeigiuin. SHOOTER RECEIVES ' C0NGRATUIATI0XS (Special tHepttek te Tht Joormt Olrmnia. Wash.. Au. . Onvrnn Mead was so hlhlypled witji if.e suooess of Sergeant W. A. firr, " pany E, N. Ck W, Is winning t n t ri dent's match at the naul oo( hi.t under the auaplcae et tne ,Miai Rf i association ofrAmJ- ', r, . Ohio, that i""4" gram to Benr! W ''ram f.r. -Bergeanc . , rt I eongraiuiai" p wi-.,i. ant's n-th. The stste.of .. ,. Ohio, President It-lO a, m.. three-Ifngton, eepcill.v the National Cuai i, and :v a three-masted f are proud e' ?2n; , ' 3 at 10 a. jn., schooner KltfiAft. uon Saa lrranclaco.1 - .Trfevsi ...-. 4 .1.