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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1907)
THE ' OREGON DAILY . JOURNAU . PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENING, . AUGUST V 26, ' 1007.' Popular Wants Popular Wants Popular Wants Popular Wants Popular Wants Popular Wants Popular Wants San francisco Office Oregon Journal 789 Markct,St, bet. 3d 4th iumwiiMHti a mo mm- ... ICBIRIOXI BBCBZTBO. , Oregonlana when Ih Ban Francisco M faive thlr mall sent car of Toe oumu iaci ARTHUR I riSH. noprosentatlvo. NEW TODAY. NEW TODAY. $0,500 Swell residence on Halsey St., near 21st, fine neighborhood $3,500 Modern residence, 50x100 'feet, East 28th St., near East Ankeny $2,000 B-room cottage, 100x100 feet, Brooklyn St., near East 21st. $2,800 . 7-room residence, corner lot, Beech St. and Albina Ave.; this is a snap. $3,500 6-room modern residence, near East 81st and 28th Sts. $7,000 8-room modern residence, on picturesque Willamette Heights. $7,000 10-room modern residence on 4th St, 50x100 feet ; a snap. 20 Choice Lots In Irvington district, $550 to $800 each; easy terms. Don't go miles beyond and pay as much money. See us for details. Over 400 Feet Frontage On S. P. Ry., East Side, a block and a fraction. This ii not filled ground, yet quite central and a great snap at the price asked; nothing like it left $32,500. Save That Rent And Buy a Lot for MARIUAGE LICENSES IN RAILWAY ADDITION, Montavilla Improved Streets, 5c Carfare Easy Terms $10 Down, $5 Per Month William H. Bevler, Canton, Oregon, 14; Sarah Malone, 43. William M. Nichols. 227H Morrlaoil street. 24; TMIe Krlund. 24. LOST SMALL RED CORAL BEAUTY pin. valued as keepsake. Reward. Mm. Swart, 661 Broadway, Fast 6684. Wedding Cards. W. O. smith Co.. Washington bldg., corner 4th and Wssh-Ing-ton . Wedding cards the beat. 100 for $6. Alvln 8. Hawk. 141 ?d at. Tonaeth A Co.. florists, for flowere of 11 kinds. 133 9th at. HELP WANTED MALE Clarke Bros.. Florists Fine flower and floral designs. 289 Morrlaon at. Kull dress suits for rent, all alae Unique Tailoring Co.. 309 Stark It RIIITIIS Come out and see these lots. Take Montavilla Car. Get off at Hibbard St., corner of Villa, or call at office. lambcrt-Whitmcr Co. Real Estate Department. 107 Sherlock Bldf, Cor. 34 and Oak Bta. : ' 11-Acre Suburban Farm !At Lents. All of fine improve ments, stock and implements in cluded 97,000. Investigate . this one. Lambert-Whitmcr Company 107 Sherlock Bldg. 4M East Alder St. A MONEY MAKER FOR YOU , $40,000 Will buy a quarter . block on west side, near Steel bridge ; splendid buy. 925,000 A frame hotel build- . ing, costing $10,000, on 50x100 "feet of ground, on track, wil make fine warehouse location rentine well. 950,000 Takes a fine 8-story brick building renting for $300 per month. Come and see us about it. 92,500 A very fine 14-room flat, new and well located. 911,000 A store building with rooms above; rent $115 per month. 99,000 A nice 14-room flat, - moaern, renting lor $yu per month. 910,000 A fine corner lot on East Yamhill and Sixth sts., with two dwellings on it; good location ior lactory. 915,000 A whole block, well located, in South Portland, renting for over 8 per cent and is bound to advance in price. iWe have several smaller homes well located that we are offer ing for little money. COME AND SEE US Warehouse Site $18,000 A QUARTER BLOCK ON TRACK. THE BEST BARGAIN IN WARE HOUSE DISTRICT The Tide Guarantee & Trust Co. cob. mcom awd wajikhtotoh. NEAIL Aug. 20. to Mr. and Mra. Peter Neall, 846 Stn at., a won. VARITZ Aug. 22, to Mr. and Mra. Jo seph VarlU, 678 Raleigh, a daughter. BAILEY Aug. 12. to Mr. and Mra. Charles A. Bailey, 417 Vi Union ave.. a daughter. 6EILER Aug 2, to Mr. and Mra. Ran rtnlnh RMr 895 E. 16th St. N.. didirliter. (MONTGOMERY Aug, 23, to Mr. and HUB. lu muiiin"iuvi;, ... v gomery at., a aaugnter. MATHEhON Aug. 24. to Mr. and Mra. Walter B. i.'atheson, Montavilla, a dauahter. JOYCE Aug. 22. to Mr. and Mra. Wil liam F. Joyce, Llnnton, Or, a Sligh ter. WENDELL Aug. 7. to Mr. and Mra. Joe C. Wendell, 889 E. Burnalde at., a aon. POVEY Aug. 7 to Mr. and Mra. Ed ward Povev. 674 E. Main at, a aon, HANSEN Aug. 1. to Mr. and Mra Charles E Hansen, 367 Marguerite ave, a aaugnter Stave Bolt Colters -Wanted $1.50 per cord, timber yel low flr, apply JR. 306 Stearns fcldg., Portland, Oregon. WANTED SALESMEN; MANY MAKE $100 to 1160 per month; soma even more; atock clean, grown on reserva tion, far from old orchards; cash ad vanced weekly; choice of territory. Ad dress Washington Nursery Co., Top penlsh, Washington. , Union Hotel II N. SIXTH ST.. PORTLAND, OR. Free employment to all: boarders' ratea $1.60 per week; room, 2 60 and up: spe cial monthly ratea given. Anderson, proprietor. Wide awake, energetic meH wanted on good aalary and commis sion for city and traveling. References required. 207 Couch bldg; U. S. GOVERNMENT SERVICE MEN wanted at once to nullify for fall examinations. Call today. Information free. West Coaat schools, 216 Oregon- lan piog. upen tonight. MALE AND FEMALE HELP." WANTED HOPPICKER8 FOR MT yard at Brooks, Or.: pay 6O0 per box. Will be at Bt Charles hotel, August SS till September 1- Homer Gouley FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING, imp PtfKERfl Ml CORBETT 8T- phone. Pacific 1116; good hopk, stacks II UH J. IIP ... . "' J." STENOGRAPHERS. BOTH MALE AND female, good positions open wnn 1 wh firms; no charge. Underwood Type writer Co., 68 8th st CAPABLE POfllfiONS FOR TTpkn salesman an3 saleslady; permanent and arood salary. 203 Fltedner bldg. Hop Tickers wanted, pay 600 box and furnish fruits und vegetaoies, transportation to and from R. R. free; good spring water, pleasant camp ground. Call at 880 Front st., 27th and 28th. Leave Portlund Sept 1st. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. YOUNG MAN WANTS POSITION AS draftsman In architect s or civu en gineer's office; good at lettering and tracing. B-108, Journal. THREE NEWLY FURNISHED HOUSE keeping rooms for man and wife;, no cnuaren. m. ir. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms; gas stove, bain, xeiepnone Main 1081. 276 N. 12th at. liOUSEKEEPl'Nti ROOMS; LOWEST rates; electric lights and phone in ciuaea. iuih water st. FURNISHED hOOMd F6ft H6.UW keeping, - in suites of two, suite. 681 . Hood st. Phones 1422, A4422. r racinc NEATLY keeping rooms. FURNISHED HOU8B- 481 W. Park st. UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT NICE UNFURNJSHED housekeeping rooms. Inquire i4 8th. ROOMS AND BOARD. WANTED LABOR FOR 40 OR MORE Greeks. A6209. Call at 48 N. 4th or phone SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE EXPERIENCED FRAME MAKER AND bench hand. Portland Sash A Door Co., E. Taylor and Union ave. MEN AND BOYS WANTED. TO learn Dlumblna-. Dlaaterlns-. bricklay ing. Day and night classes. Free cat. Positions secured. No book learning. Coyne Trade School, 230-240 8th St., an mrancisco and New York. 8POENE Aug. II, to Mr. and Mrs Paul Schoene, 863 Brooklyn, a aon. J IF YOU HAVE SMALL AMOUNT OK ! monv vein rn ma W a frnm 11 (I to i3ft DEATHS 23. Toy Foy. Chinese, aged 07 years, HZ ft 2a si. WEATHER REPORT The pressure Is rising over this fore cast district and the high area over western Oregon and Washington la be coming more pronounced. Clear skies prevail thla morning east of the Cas cades, but the weather continues cloudy west of the range. Light rainfall oc curred during the night at Portland and North Head. The disturbance overlying this vicinity on Saturday has now reached North Dakota on its eastward course. Light to moderate rains over the lower Missouri and upper Missis sippi valleys have resulted from this movement. The pressure is low over southeastern California, and threatening weather prevails from the south Pacific coast northeastward to Colorado In con sequence. Light rains have fallen over Ariiona, New Mexico aand Colorado, with thunderstorms reported from Phoenix and Flagstaff. Fair weather prevails over the entire northeastern portion of the country In consequence of the high area overlying that portion I of the country. The Indications point 10 rair weainer over mis aiscrict to night and Tuesday, with warmer j weather over western Oregon Tuesday. Temp. FOY Aug. diabetes. HERMAN Aug. 24, Frieda Herman, aged 8 years and months, (12 front st.; rheumatism. TAYLOR Avg- 23, Mrs. Sarah E. Tay lor, aged 67 years, S months and 23 days. 23 Ebey St.; cardiac dropsy. VANTINE Aug. 23. Mrs. Caroline Cos grove Vantlne, aged 60 years. 6 months and days, 801 Hood St.; cancer. ROEHR Aug. 23, Harold N. Roehr, aged 10 years. 7 months and 14 days. 804 E. 3 2d St.: tumor. WEMPLE Aug. 28. Charles B. Wemple Jr.. axed I vears. 8 months and 8 daya. Myrtle Park; enteritis. CARDINELL Aug. 22. Charles Cardl- nell. aged 84 years. 9 months and I days, 46 12th at; cnrclnoma. dally. Particulars near Alder. room 2, 146 6th, WANTED BENCH HANDS; ALSO men to run rip saws. Oregon Fur nlture Mfg. Co., Macadam road. FUNERAL NOTICES. BATCH ELLER Katheiine Edith. In fant daughter of Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Batcheller, aged 11 months, 26 days. Funeral services Tuesday afternoon at Z:30 ociock from residence. No. 14 E. 15th st. N. Services private. WANTED SLACK BARREL COOPER. Apply Western Cooperage, room 306, Stearns bldg., opposite postofflce. CLERKS FOR RAILWAY MAIL DI vtslon to qualify at once; must be at least 6 ft 8 In. In height; several letter carriers and clerks for Portland. Call to day, Pacific States school. McKay bldg. WANTED COMPETENT OFFICE man to take charge of large dairy and creamery; some money required; city. Aggress ita, j ournai. ALL KINDS OF PLAIN SEWING done, comforters made and repaired, mending and repairing gents' clothing a specialty. Phone Main 1074. 76 W. Park t. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. OSBORN HOTEL, CORNER GRAND ave. and E. Ash; furnished rooms, sin gle or. en suite, with or without board. East 6619. young Lady Wishes b6ard and room In private family. Reasonable. A-102, Journal. WANTED BY TRAVELING MAN room in private family with privilege of boarding when state price. G-108 In town; journal. close In; FOR RENT HOUSES HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE FOR MEN. it N. 2d st Phone Main 183. PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 206 4 Morrison at.... Phone Paclflo 339 27 N. 2d at Phone Paclflo 1300 RED CROSS EMPLOYMENT CO. Logging camp and farm help a spe cialty. 20 N. 2d st Phone Main 6Zf. We pay all telexraDh chances ACME EM P. CO.. FARMERS' AND loggers' helD especially. 34 and 2 V4 N. 2d, 230 Burnslde; Main 6437 WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT HOUSES, COT tages, flats, stores, offices, rooming houses, etc. Landlords will do well to call on PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. Phone Ex. 72. B. E. Cor. Id and Oak. WANTED A PLUMBER; STEADY work for a sober man. C-101, Journal. WANTED A FIRST-CLAS8 MACHINE man to work on doors. Oregon Plan nig Mills, 10th and Vaughn. WANTED LOT SELLERS; GOOD commission to rustlers; also men for valley towns: call or write me. L. A. Patterson, room 11, 268 Stark st. UNDERTAKERS DUNNING. M'ENTEE A GILBAUGH. undertakers and embalmers: modern In every detail. Seventh and Pine. Main 410. lunar assistant. AND Main stations. Max. Alln. Preclp. Cincinnati. Ohio... 78 68 0 Denver, Colo 86 66 .12 Kansas City, Mo... 82 70 0 Los Angeles, Cal.. 78 60 0 Omaha. Neb 80 68 .T Phoenix, Arls 102 78 T. Pittsburg, Pa 74 64 0 Portland. Or 68 66 .05 St. Louis, Mo 80 64 0 St. Paul, Minn. ... 74 60 .36 San Francisco, Cal. 64 64 0 Washington, P. C. . 78 66 0 ERICSON UNDERTAKING CO, embalming. 409 Alder st 1138. Lady assistant MAX M. BMITH. FLORIST. 160 6TH st, opposite Meier k Frank'a. Main 7216. j. P. FINLEY A SONS. 3D AND MADI son sts. Office of county coroner. Phone Main 9. JL 5 HEM3TOCK. FUNERAL bl rector. East 13th and Umatilla. Phone Bell wood 71. Lady assistant ZELLER-BYRNES CO.. FUNERAL DI rectors. embalmers, 278 Ruasell. East 1088. Lady assistant. EDWARD HOLM AN. UNDERTAKER. 220 Id st. CEMETERIES RIVER VIEW SINGLE GRAVES, $10: family lots. 10x16, for $100, and upwards, according to slse; the only cemetery In Portland which perpetually maintains and cares for lots. For Information, apply to W. R. Mackenzie, Worcester block. W. M. Ladd, president WANTED BOY OVER 16 YEARS OF age to learn aome trade. 271 1st TWO GOOD CARPENTERS' MFN chanlcs, two good carpenters' helper. Apply W. H. Gordon, 498 E. 17th st after 7 p. m., or Esmond Hotel noons. ONE MAN AND ONE BOY WANTED In shipping department; experienced people preferred. Edwarda A Co., 191 1st st. WANTED BOYS, HAVE YOU A HOUSE TO RENTT WE will rent It for you. Commonwealth Trust company, 6th and Ankeny; phones Main 394; A-2465. WANTED AGENTS. WE WANT 20 LADIES TO INTRO duce some new goods, perfumes, eta Plnmmer Drug Co.. 3d ana Madison. GOOD helpers for Journeymen. J. FXirnace Co., 265 2nd st. SEWER AGENTS WANTED CAN YOU SELL goods? If so we need you; complete outfit free; cash weekly. Write for choice of territory. Capital City Nur sery company, Salem, Or. 8TRONG C. Bayer day. Albina. DIGGERS. $2.76. 9 HOURS Michigan ave. and Fremont st.. HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED YOUNG LADIES TO PRB pare for commercial telegraph posi tions; good wages when competent. Ore gon College, 405 Commonwealth bldg. COMPETENT AGENTS, MALE OR FEMALE, TO sell household article; sells on sight; used In every family; good profit. 72 Front st. TI' . K'TI,"n T A TW A r I7.VTTC tlC', rapldyielllng article; desired by every . r i i 1 1 jo? w'Kiittn; kimmj cutnmiBnion. .si I if E. Ash, upstairs; 9 to 11 a. m., and 2 to 6 p. m. FIVE ACRES. HOU8B. BARN, chard, berries, well, chicken house, east side suburb, near Montavilla, $13 month. Smaller place, g. 7-room house, west side, $20. 4 room new lower flat, $16. Part or all of cottage, furnished or unfurnished. Apply 364 north 26th, Willamette Heights. Cars to 26th turn south half block. VAN HORN TRANSFER FURNITURE and pianos moved, stored or shipped. Phone Main 1618. SIX-ROOM COTTAGE, 6 ROOMS TO rent; part furnished, modern; phone and water free; porcelain bath, gas or wood stove; 3 blocks from Fifth st car. 865 Lincoln st. WE RENT AND SELL PIANOa BHER man. Clay & Co. FOR RENT 10-ROOM HOUSE. 465 6th st. corner Jackson. U-ROOM HOUSE COMPLETELY FUR- nlohed. walking distance, rent $32; price f 325. Call room 614 Buchanan bldg. BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SALE A BAKERY IN ASTORIA! owner called to California, only real son for selling; pries $760. and stock at Journal rsain. Aaarss U-llO, FOR SALE GROCERY! bnUm Viii Phone'Va'So? SI,.""" miMJ'n FOR BALE ROOMING UdUtiUi: MIMA rooms, nicely furnished, all full , Ing well. AddIt J78 n. Vk H rV t'LWa. WASHINGTON; LtiiMWtr?' many buildings under way, hundred visiting town to inve.t rv.V' zr.?l? Office on ground. Go vis, d R A J to Rufus. Or., and ferry, city 0ffl j. j. Roid a Co.. 26 ottlc CLIFFS. WASHINGTON, LAUKdlJEfT visiting town tS"i.r rCV'""0'?" Office on ground. Go via O R. a Jj to Ru'ua. Or., , and ferry, city of f lei" J. J. Reld Co.. 266 Stark at . IF YOU HAVE 11,000 TO INVEST T can ahow how to make f for l in a short time. This I a square deal in wot a lot scheme. F-108. JoumalL Pyi.aROSERY, STORE, CLfeArJ ut9i: '. location and trade finis aln; don't fall to reply. Jf-109, Jour cliffs. Washington. Launched". many buildings under way, hundreds VISItIng tOWn to Inva.t TVin't ml,. It Office on ground. Go via O. R. ft N. to Rufus, Or,, and ferry. City offlc J. J. Reld A CO.. (66 HtarV mt eis 6WAh STAND. BUlLblN't stock and fixture Rent, $$.roonth. E. Morrison. Owner. Rss Hni half or Wh6Le Interest restaurant and Ann ins i Washington St.. Vancouver. Wash.: Busi ness well established; big stock of only; first-class goods; best of location. Sick ness of one partner the reason for selling. S5 FOR RENT FLATS JUBT COMPLETED MODERN FLATS of 7, 6 and 4 rooms; walking distance, 200 feet south of 23d and Washington sts., Green ave.. Cedar H11L FLAT, $10 S-ROOM FURNISHED close In, fine view. 633 7h st. East 1667. Phone FOR RENT 3-ROOM LOWER FLAT. 637 Montgomery St.. 18.60. water ln- cluded. Inquire 490 Mill st. FOR RENT FARMS. FOR RENT. EASY TERMS 10 ACRES, house, barn, well, etc.; 16 minutes walk to car. B. E. Crosby, Lents. WANTED GOOD AGENTS, NO PED- lers; new article, loo per cent pront See Wilson this evening after 7, New Occidental, 160 1st. room 812. AGENTS WANTED, MEN OR WOMEN; $10 to $100 week. Room 215 Com- merclal bldg., city. WANTED FINANCIAL. housework. 2717. GIRL FOR 233 N. 24th. GENERAL Phone Main $3,000. 3 YEARS, 6 PER CENT, FAC tory, YamhlU county, worth $8,000. Address 327 Marguerite st, Montavilla. CHAMBERMAID AT THE NEW Grand Central hotel, 3d and Flanders. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. . presl ROSE CITY SINGLE GRAVES. $10 family lots, $26 to $76. Superintend ent st cemetery, corner of Fremont st and Cully road. Phone Tabor 206. For full Information apply to Frank Schlegel. 602 Commercial blk. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST CO. Cor. Second and Washington Sts. S. L. N. Gilman Realty Co. 41! Wish. Street Between I Oth and 1 1th , " Important sale of choice HOME STEAL PROPERTIES, placed In our hands to close trusteeship. For sale upon BAST TERMS and ta parcels to suit buyers. . PORTLAND PROPERTY Very choice HOMESTEAD PROP JERTr with grand view, being 170 feet ; upon the line of BANCROFT AVENUE nd 180 feet upon the line of ILLINOIS STREET, South Portland; will sub divide. Also lots . 6, ( and 7, block "N,"' TABOR HEIGHTS, each 100x135 feet, fronting nY ROYAL - AVENUE; will sell in pieces 60x136 If desired, at , the low rrle of $48r located Just right, 600 FEET FROM MORRISON STREET CAB. We will sell these properties at very reasonable prices on terms, i For jrticu4sjra.inouire at our of see. 411 Washington street s v a UJf. GILMAK. sfanager. 1,260 808 376 3.000 400 600 2,400 100 1.000 1,600 600 Frederick W. and Minna M. Rells to John T. Curran, lots 2, 3, block 8, Central Albina, W. D.. .$ Holt C. and Fannie B. WUson to Peter Norlne, lot 9, block 17, Kenllworth. W. D Flrland company to Emma Hay wood, lots 13. 14, block 6, Fir land, 8. W. D S. W. and Elizabeth D. King to J. C. Olds, lots 7, 8. block 4, Ken worthy'B addition, Q. C. D T. M. Welsh to Joseph Presley Spencer, lot 3, block 18, M. Pat tons addition to Albina, W. D. . George and Elizabeth C. Good to Alois Bohl, lot 8, block 8, Good wood, W. D Thomas Dillon to Samuel Boehl, lots t, 6, block 111, Stephens addition, W. D S- C. and Hattie E. Priestly to R. C. and D. Priestly, lot 7, block 3, Foxchase addition, W. D. . . . Warren J. and Ida B. Burden to Leander Lewis, lots 16, 16, 17, 18, block 2, Hunters addition W. D Christ. and Marie Malaer to John Newlanda et al.. lots 10, 11. 12. block 16, Bertha; also lots 1, 2, bldck 16; lots 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. 11. block 17. Bertha. W. D Security Abstract A Trust com pany to w. H. Ross, lots 8. 7, 8, block 102, Rose City Park, 8. W. D Charles F. and Mary Haynes to C. G. and Cora Jamfeson, land In section 1, township 1 north, range 1 west. In line between D. 8. Southmayd D. L. C. and James John D. L. C, 160.6 feet south 43 degrees 80 minutes east from west corner of said D. S. Southmayd D. L. C, W. D ,.. 12,000 Bertha M. and O. W. Hosford to G. K. Howitt. lots 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, block 9, Tabor Villa Annex, W. D J. W. and Daisy Spill er to J. F. Howitt, lot 18. biocx 8, Mount Tabor Villa Annex, W. D Clara B..and C. W. Evans to OHn F. Ford, west 60 feet of lota 17, 18, block 68, Sunnyslde ad dition, W. D C. and Alice H. Alnsworth to Mlna Wohlfell, lots 14, 16, block 4. Oakhurst subdivision, W. D Ida I. Carter to Jacob and Hattie Wrage, lot 1 and west 12 feet of lot 2. Mock 68, Sunnyslde Third addition. W. D William, James and Martha Elii- Deth Moore to Joseph Mat schiner, east 40 39-48 feet of lot 7. block 212, Couch addition. W. D Herman Metzger et al. to Fred C. Snyder, lot 3, block 8, Reser voir Park. W. D Albert Soalinger et al. to B. A. rearing, lots 36. , Melrose, W. D. 1.100 John R. and Eda M. James to John U. Wanner, parts of lots J 10 and 11. block 2 Rallsburv Hill. W. D A. R. Morgan et aL to E. 8. Bru baker and L. 8. Normandln, undivided two thirds of lot 1. Mount Tabor Commercial block W. D. FO" ABSTRACTS, TITLE INSUR " 1 mortrage loans, call on Pacific Title ft Trust Co.. 204-6-6-T Falling bldg. get your Insurance Aifb ab- etraete to real estate from the Title Guarantee A Trust Co, 240 Washington St cor. Id- Phone Main 2823. MEETING NOTICES. HARMONY LODGE, NO. 12. A. F. ft A. M.-.Stated communication this MMon day) evening at 7:30 o'clock. Work in the M. M. degree. Visitors are cordially Invited. W. M. DB LIN. Sec. CAMP, M. W. A. EVERGREEN meets Wednesday evening, bldg.. 3d and Morrison sts. 6,468 Alisky M. W. A. OREGON GRAPE CAMP NO. 6,976. Mondays. 17th and Marshall. Visitors welcome. BUSINESS NOTICES INVENTIONS BOUGHT AND SOLD. Covenant Contract Co.. 427 Flledner bldg. Main 2891. L. C. HENRICHSEN CO., JEWELERS, and opticians, 284 Washington st NEW FICTION LIBRARY, lSl 10TH st; books loaned at 3 cents the day. SHELLY CO., 14TH AND FLANDERS; flour, feed. hay. grain. Phones A-1611, Pacific 611. NOTICES. E60 1,600 000 400 1.060 8,000 ISO 1,000 800 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE state of Oregon, for Multnomah coun ty. In the matter of the application of fercival u. Hogg to change his name to Percival D. Hoaar. Puhlle notice la hereby given that on Aug. 6, 1907, the said percival v. Hogg duly filed In the county court of said county and state an application to change his present surname, Hogg, to another and differ ent surname, to-wlt: Hoag. All persons are hereby notified of said Intended change of name, and are hereby request ed to offer and show cause. If any they ave, why said name should not be so changed and the relief prayed for In said application granted. Published by order of the county court of Multnomah coun ty, Oregon, duly made and entered Au gust 26. 1907. LIONEL R. WEBSTER, County Judge. A GOOL, RELIABLE GIRL FOR GEN era! housework: xood home, with 3 in family; part of laundry sent out; good wages. 870 Garfield ave. Call Wood lawn 338. GIRLS WANTED GOOD WAGES FOR competent help; steady employment; fortiana raper riox company, zoa uax BUSINESS WOMAN WITH STRONG personality, good health and selling powers required. One who can leave the city preferred. N-462, Journal. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR general housework. Phone East 1693. 181 E. 16th. LADIKS. IF YOU CAN SELL GOODS' will pay best wages you ever earned. caJi at zosriieaner bldg. WE WILL BUY YOUR HOUSEHOLD goods and guarantee best prices. Call, phone or write. 8. J. A L. Rubensteln, 176 Front st, opposite National hotel. Pacific 1401. CASH FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS. SAV- age ft Pennell. 346-847 1st st Paclflo 360. Phone WE PAY MORE FOR FURNITURE. PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS. Main 6666. 211 1st st. LADY SOLICITOR FOR PORTLAND School of Music; cash commissions; at least $6 a day. Mr. Kennedy, care Reed-French Co., 6th and Burhsiasr GIRLS WANTED APPLY STANDARD factory No. 2, Grand ave, and East rayior st WANTED GIRLS TO MAKE FITZ Well shirts and Boss of All overalls at 76 1st st. MATURE WOMAN AS ASSISTANT TO take management Sept 1. Apply at once. Address K.-413, Journal. WANTED YOUNG LADIES" TO learn telephone operating; good salary short hours, pay while learning, luncheon served free of charge and lounging and rest rooms In connection. Apply chief operator. Telephone building, Weet Park and Alder sts. IF YOU WANT TO BELL, SEE US. Second Hand Palace. Highest prices paid for second-hand goods. 267 Flan- ders. Phone Main 8618. HIGHGEST PRICES PAID FOR ALL kinds of second-hend goods. Union Exchange, 263 Front st. Paclflo 1431. DEFORMITY APPLIANCES MADE TO order. K. B. Karlson ft Co., 261 An- keny st, Main 6260. WANTED FURNITURE AND HOUSE. hold goods of every description bought, sold and exchanged. The $. 233 1st. Main 6874 Home A-2827 TO FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES FOR RENT TWO GROUND FLOOR offices. Front and Ankeny sts. Apply R. T. Cox. Telephone Main 422. A NICE OFFICE SUITE FOR RENT. Madison bldg., 3d and Madison sts. GROCERY SY6RE AND LI VIMS ..100-n,5at a "acmce. Inventory about $1,000. $800 takes It; sickness the cause. Address Q-104, Journal. WANTED PARTNER, LaM FEE: ferrod; must have $100, for legitimate business. Address Q.102, Journal. i have a -r66m 6U iUfif th and Salmon, on leased ground. Rents for $20. WU let go for U60. Dement. 242 Madison. 28-ROOM HOUSED CLOSi IN; RENtf o, iwiM, price si.suu. ztz Mlrilnn IF YOU WANT TO BUf A NiCfiLY, furnished 8-room cottage on Washing ton st, now is your chance; worth $600 will take $400. Main 6202. Home A-1681 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR BALE LOTS AT WOODSTOCK 6 blocks from carllne, with barn: fenced; $600. Inquire at 667 Hood it. e)R SALE. $2,600 IRVINGTON BUN" - gaiow; eweu location; a snap; owner leaving city. 827 19th st. Phone East 6179. BUCHTEL A KERNS MAKE A BPE-: clalty of east side realty. 1 rentals, loans, etc. 862 E. Morrison st C. R. DoDncll & Co. REAL ESTATE. Room 12, 268 Stark st CORNER STORE. 24x44; LARGE front and good show windows; choice location for drugs and jewelry com bined; long lease If desired. Ul Mla nlsslnnl rv. cor irreinont nt.- FOR 8 ALE CONFECTIONERY cigar store. 110 N. 6th st "ANT5 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. HALL AND BALLROOM, NEW WITH modern conveniences. Phone Main 1869. SUMMER RESORTS SHE LB URN HOTEL NICELY FUR nlsced rooms; everything first-class; home cooking. Mrs. T. P. Hoars, Sea rlew. Wash . FINE COTTAGES LOWEST PRICES. $1,000 4 rooms, plenty of fruit $1,600 to 81.900 6-ronm mrwlarn full plumbing, gas and electrlo lights; fiber Blaster; 8-minute car service; all new. ngulre 308 4th. Tel. Main 3990. L 1: PALMER. M. VAN ALStfNk PALMER-V I ALSTINE CO., REAL E 'ATE. INSURANCE. 222 F ..llng Bldg. Mala 6661. A-2662. 9 ACRES. CLOSE IN AND NEAR CAri line; might take part trade. J. W. Rutherford, 617 Commercial bk. ANTHONY HARDY, LINNT6N. OR.". residence and business lots, water front and factory sites; farms and tlro ber lands. . KILLINGS WORTH AVE. T For sale, 4 lots. St Johns car line. Address C-466. Journal. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE FURNITURE FOR SALE OF A COM oletelv furnished 6-room cottage, very conveniently arranged and clean, mod ern, west sde, rents for $21 per month. very reasonable. George J. Bcnaeier, 317 Chamber or commerce. FURNITURE OF 6-ROOM HOUSE; family leaving; rent $16. 637 E. Oak st. between 19th and 20th. ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT. FUR nlture for sale; $360 if taken by Sep tember 1. 208 7th st. FURNITURE; Main A BARGAIN NEW 6-room modern flat; rent $26.00. 3968; A-3339. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF A FIVE $660 FINE CORNER, 60x100;. SMAL& house; Sellwood car. 714 Tacoma are. SMALL TRACTS OF garaen tana, irrigated; $20 per acre JU 141 I up; tt 1st st H. FRUIT AN5 Fr eel and Co.. MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE; BA8E ment; lot 60x100; fine location; price $1,850; terms. L. H. Freeland Co., 141 Vi 6-ROOM HOUSE, .LOT 33x100. 6n E. 9th St., near Clay, $2,600; good buy. See Dement ft King, 242 Madison st LADY WOULD LIKE CHILDREN board and care for; good home, con- hood 6661. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THE RICHELIEU 35 V4 N. 6TH ST. Elegantly furnished; steam heat and baths. GIRLS WANTED OPERATORS TO work on shirts snd overalls. Lessons given to Inexperienced. Apply at Stand ardvfactory No. 2, Grand ave. and East Taylor st. THE CURTIS, CORNER 11TH AND Commercial; over Danclger'a clothing store; good rooms; central location; transient trade solicited. Astoria. Or. THE AVALON HOTEL. FURNISHED rooms, modern throughout Cor. 11th and Washington. HANSEN'8 LADIES' AGENCY, 843 Washington st, corner Seventh, up stairs. Phone Main 2692. Female help wanted. WANTED DISHWASHER FOR taurant. 269 Taylor st RES- LOST AND FOUND. FOUND A PLACE TO HAVE HAIR mattresses renovated and returned same day. 228 Front st Main 474. Portland Curled-Hair Factory. H. Mets ger, proprietor. LOST AUG. 23, GOLD-HEADED UM brella, pearl trimmings, monogram M. R. K. Finder return to Journal office ana receive reward. LOST A LADY'S GOLD WATCH; EN graved on Inside of back of watch "From Pa to Lldle." Liberal reward. Please leave at Journal office. LOST A BAY MARE, WEIGHT 1,000 pounds. Davis. Reward for return to 412 EXPERIENCED LADY MARKER AND sorter who can help In office and on books. Good wages and steady position. Write Wallace Laundry Co., Wallace, Ida. WANTED WAITRESS. APPLY 8WET land's 273 Morrison. WANTED GIRL TO ASSIST IN GEN eral housekeeping for small family. Phone East 2264. HOTEL OAK FIRST-CLASS FUR nlshed rooms, electric light, gas, bath and phones; situated next to City park. 347 Oak St. THE GRAND. 45 H N. 2D ST. ROOMS for gentlemen, $1.26 per weeK and up. TEE NEWLAND HOUSE GOOD rooms, single and en suite; good, clean beds, electric lights; $1.26 to $3.60 per week. 306 H 1st. Phone Main 7810. FOR RENT A FURNISHED ROOM In private family, suitable for one or two gentlemen. 427 3d st FOR ROOMS RENT. GIRLS WITH TALENT FOR DRAW lng, painting and designing; good po sition to right party. D. MT Averlll A Co., 102 N. 6th st. GIRLS FOR CUTTING AND PASTING. D. M. Averlll & Co., ioz n. 6tn st. HOUSEKEEPER. THREE IN FAMILY. at son Newport Call at Mrs. employment office. Rlchard- MALE AND FEMALE HELP HELP WANTED MALE BAKER WANTED FIRST - CLASS bread baker; night work; Hubbard oven. Easy Job. First-class wages to first-class man. Must be sober; refer ences required. Address: Davis ft Davis, Marsniieia, jr. WANTED 1,000 HOP-PICKERS TO pick 624 acres of hops; big crop; larg est and best equipped hopyard In Ore gon: all on trellis wire; perfect accom modations; grocery store, bakery, butch er shop, barber shop, dancing pavilion, 60x160 feet; telephone, physician, beau tiful camping ground. 8 acres bathing pool, restaurant, provisions sold at Port land . Drlces: we Day $1.10 per 100 pounds. Reduced excursion rates on our special train. For . further particulars apply to Krebs Bros.. 272 Stark St., Portland. Or., on or after August 17. Phone Main 1320. Home A-3163, FURNISHED 809 1st. CLEAN, QUIET HOUSE. ONE OR TWO pleasant front rooms, reasonable. 460 Yamhill. Phone Pacific 346. TWO FURNISHED ROOMS, ALL CON- veniences 188 W. Park st TWO LOVELY, and $10 each. QUIET ROOMS. 845 Harrison. IS FOR RENT NEWLY FURNISHED 4-room cottage. Inquire 648 Hoytst. NICELY FURNISHED SLEEPING apartments for gentleman, cheap. 282 V4 Park. ' room house, complete and In good con ditlon; house for rent; good nelghbor- , warning distance, ooo Hi. uavis st. Phone East 643. BUSINESS CHANCES. ROGUE RIVER APPLE ORCHARD. 10 Acres. Cost of orchard and planting (1907), $2,760. 1908 $3,000 1909 4,000 1910 6,000 1911 6,000 1912 7,000 1913 7.600 Value of Land, 1914 $10,000 Profits from fruit 1913 1,000 Trnftt from fruit. 1914 Rnn Profits from fruit, 1915 6,000 I Profits from fruit. 1916........ 6.000i Profits from fruit, 1917.. 6,000 Value. Value, Value, Value, Value, value IK ACRES IN FRUIT, BERRIES AND grapes; 7-room house with basement, new, not finished; near carllne in city: terms. G-109, Journal. 6-ROOM COTTAG! AND CORNM lot, corner 22d and Taggart, $1,500. Owner on premises. NEW MODERN 6-ROOM HOl)SE. ONHj uiuck irum car line; aoout S0d cash. balance easy terms. A large, strictly modern 4-room cot tage, electric light, gas, wood hoist, laundry In basement, cement floor. About $500 cash, balance easy terms. Northeast cor. Borthwlck and Kllllngi worth. Phone E. 6404. $2.600 8-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. new tinted walls, porcelain bath, etc.: one block from car; full lot. PALMER-VAN ALSTINE CO., 222 Falling Bldg. M 6661. ' A-2662. GOOD 6-ROOM HOUSE. LAWN. FLOW- ers, ten minutes' walk from center of city. $3,200, half cash. See owner, 282 Halsey st E. 1994. NEW. MODERN, UP-TO-DATE 6-ROOM! nouse oy owner, us is. 34tn at. Total value In 10 years...... $28, 500 Original cost 2,750 Gain In 10 years $26,760 $1,000 CASH BALANCE ON EASY TERMS. The above table Is based on existing conditions. For further particulars, address, ROGUE RIVER ORCHARD INVEST MENT COMPANY. Medford, Oregon. VERY DESIRABLE ROOMS FOR GEN tlemen desiring home comforts. Phone Main 7852. CLEAN, NICELYi FURNISHED ROOMS and transient. 96 11th st, cor Stark. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. CABINET MAKER AND BOY WANT- ea. t-au ivo . inn si. YOUNG MAN WITH SOME EXPER- 4a,i. fnr frilft and nnnHrv .ann. nn Hnlarv or shares, reference. H-iris' WANTED BIG, STRONG BOY TO learn DOllshing trade: good wtfna. Apply Tuesday a. m.. Oregon Plating works. 128 Lownsdale. WANTED tiO 1 SALESMEN AND solicitors TOr Dest proposition ever made to both agent and public. Call after 7 P. m., New Occidental hotel, Room Sit. P. Kramer. HELP WANTED AND SUPPLIED. male or female. R. G. Drake, 306 Vi Washington st Pacific 1870. WANTED HOP PICKERS FOR large yards; long season; fine picking; fine camping ground, eta; groceries nt city prices. Apply Andrew Kan A Co., 287 Morrlaon st i WANTED HOPPICKERS; WE . PAY 60c per box; camp shacks free. Will be at the St. Charles hotel August 25 till September 2 to sell round trip tickets to Brooks, Or. P. P. Oouley. grower. WANTED 1,000 HOP PICKERS TO buy 1,000 camp stoves at 97o each. 271 1st st THE MITCHELL HOUSEKEEPING and transient rooms. reasonaDie. 7th and Flanders sts. HOTEL AND ROADHOUSE TO LEASE Old-established, with or without sa loon; furnished; newly remodeled; $85: also 7-room house and orchard. $10; and 4 flats. 18 rooms. $26: all on west side. C. H. Piggott, owner, lawyer, 4, 5 and 6. Mulkey bldg. CHOICE BUILDING LOTS NEAR WA- veriey-woofistocx canine, zist St., for Hme at tow price ana reasonable terms. a. c uage. tzt .LiumDer isxehang A-3US1. NEW 6-ROOM HOUSE. IN WOLLA days addition, close to oar and walk ing distance; for quick sale only $2,260. J. W. Rutherford, 617 Commercial bk.: M. 6120. A SIGHTLY RESIDENCE, LOT 60x100, Bull Run water, cement walks and curbs all paid for, and less than two blocks from carllne, only Is minutes from heart of city. $450, terms. Co lumbia Trust Co.. Couch bldg. SPECIAL DRUGS AND FIXTURES, etc., for sale cheap; will rent build ing to party buying; good opportunity; other business necessitates sale. E. Everest. Cornelius, Or. $350, OR INVENTORY, PART TIME. takes at once established well-paying cash grocery store, rent $16, store and rooms. 702 Williams ave; take "U" car. $1.26 WEEK UP CLEAN. FURNISHED housekeeping-rooms, parlor, bath, laundry, furnace heat, yard. 203 H Stan ton st TJ oar. . 8 WANTED 60 OR 60 HOPPICKERS; irruNl avtn rAn rAm ' stnwa' Ta v CAr er box. J. AE. Schlndler, Salem, Or. (reffon City Transnortatinn dock, foot or xayior st. WANTED 1,000 HOP-PICKERS 5 buy 1,000 camp stoves at 7o each. 171 1st St. FURNISHED HOUSEKE EPING rooms. 229 13th st. $T6l WEEK UP LARGE. CLEAN furnished housekeeping-rooms, laun dry and bath. 184 Sherman st. south. Portland. ' ? i THE HEILER, 280 Mi GRAND . AVE.; first-class furnished housekeeping rooms, electric light and gas; free tele phone and bath. THE NEWCASTLE, 402 2D SfT Furnished housekeeping rooms; also single rooms, reasonable. Main 800. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS BUST THE WOOD TRUST CHEAPER wood; now ready for business. Co operative Wood Co. Call 319 Ablngton Blag. GENERAL. STORE LIVE TOWN 8,000, center of logging camps and saw mills; clean stock, modern fixtures. W. C. Winks. South Bend, Wash. MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS and bonds bought and sold. Corre spondence invited. H. W. Donahue A Co., 612 Buchanan bldg. Phone Main 7353. SIGHTLY CORNER. For sale, 100 feet on Killingsworth ave. Northeast frontage. Address L-4J6, Journal. $10,600 CORNER, GRAND AVE., dNEj of the best buys on Grand ave.; a good Investment. J. J. OEDER, Cor. Grand Ave, and E. Ankeny. $800. HOUSE A Nn 2 T.OT8. On improved st, nice location, In Woodstock; terms. J. J. OEDER, Cor. Grand ave. and E. Ankeny. out; $1,200. LOT 60x100. Near "E-A" carllne, not far sewer, water, gas; It's cheap, ' J. J. UEUUJK, Cor. Grand ave. and E. Ankeny. FOR SALE CHEAP BY 6WNER, HeW'. well-built, finely finished 7-room house, thoroughly modern. 82 K. 28th et-, near BtarK. BETTER THAN RANKING. 8 new cottages, modern, will pay 10 per cent net on Investment. Inoulre Gor don, owner, 208 4th. Phone Main 8990. CASH 10-ROOM HOUSE, LOT Montavilla. (2) for $8 month: part of cottage. front, $16; lower flat, 4 rooms. $16; houses, $s and $20; small farm, with fruit and buildings, 216. Apply 3tiN. 26th. Willamette Heights cars to 26th, turn south half block. - TWO FRONT ROOMS TO RENT FOR light housekeeping with all conven iences; no children. Apply to N. K&l nlgsberg, 184 Caruthers st $650 BUYS ONE OF THE BEST-PAY-lng confectionery and ice cream par lors in Oregon, the only one in one of the best towns. My entire time occu pied with other business, so must sell at a -sacrifice. T. J. Simmons, Myrtle Creek. Or. FE . - i tut my. t". , - Tn ... . r. OACjAny run r cj w uax a lMUbi sell furniture and fixtures of Sprtnas fleld hotel, with lease on building; good location and raying business; good private reason for selling. Address box 176, Springfield, Or., for prices and par tlculars. FOR BALE 300 PIGEONS; PLY mouth Rock: high-grade: 100 runts and crosses; al.x restaurant "Call 496 B. 12th st Phone Sellwood 442. $1,600 0UX1Z5, mock from car, main iu. call 335 Clay. CLIFFS. WASHINGTON, LAUNCHED, many buildings under way, hundreds visiting town to Invest. Don't miss it Office on ground. Go via 0.R. A N. to Rufus, Or., and ferry.. City office J. J. Reld ft Co., 266 Stark st. CLIFFS, WASHINGTON, LAUNCHED, many buildings under way, n visiting town to Invest Don t- iu nuiu., vi ., nuu ion j. vi .j v&wt J. j. Reld ft Co.. zs star st LARGE NEW MODERN BUNGALOW. 4,tuu; saw, au mommy, (New T room colonial- house, $3,000: 1300, 22S montniy. t-nons cbi oio CASH nareas Iffkll It L TERMS OR "FOR i'-ROOM 100; near carllnes; i must - sell at once. Owner, (66 Weldle.